'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); class ParseContext { constructor() { this.constants = new Map(); this.aliases = new Map(); this.structs = new Map(); } } /** * @class Node * @category AST * Base class for AST nodes parsed from a WGSL shader. */ class Node { constructor() { } get isAstNode() { return true; } get astNodeType() { return ""; } evaluate(context) { throw new Error("Cannot evaluate node"); } evaluateString(context) { return this.evaluate(context).toString(); } search(callback) { } searchBlock(block, callback) { if (block) { callback(_BlockStart.instance); for (const node of block) { if (node instanceof Array) { this.searchBlock(node, callback); } else { node.search(callback); } } callback(_BlockEnd.instance); } } } // For internal use only class _BlockStart extends Node { } _BlockStart.instance = new _BlockStart(); // For internal use only class _BlockEnd extends Node { } _BlockEnd.instance = new _BlockEnd(); /** * @class Statement * @extends Node * @category AST */ class Statement extends Node { constructor() { super(); } } /** * @class Function * @extends Statement * @category AST */ class Function extends Statement { constructor(name, args, returnType, body, startLine, endLine) { super(); this.calls = new Set(); this.name = name; this.args = args; this.returnType = returnType; this.body = body; this.startLine = startLine; this.endLine = endLine; } get astNodeType() { return "function"; } search(callback) { this.searchBlock(this.body, callback); } } /** * @class StaticAssert * @extends Statement * @category AST */ class StaticAssert extends Statement { constructor(expression) { super(); this.expression = expression; } get astNodeType() { return "staticAssert"; } search(callback) { this.expression.search(callback); } } /** * @class While * @extends Statement * @category AST */ class While extends Statement { constructor(condition, body) { super(); this.condition = condition; this.body = body; } get astNodeType() { return "while"; } search(callback) { this.condition.search(callback); this.searchBlock(this.body, callback); } } /** * @class Continuing * @extends Statement * @category AST */ class Continuing extends Statement { constructor(body) { super(); this.body = body; } get astNodeType() { return "continuing"; } search(callback) { this.searchBlock(this.body, callback); } } /** * @class For * @extends Statement * @category AST */ class For extends Statement { constructor(init, condition, increment, body) { super(); this.init = init; this.condition = condition; this.increment = increment; this.body = body; } get astNodeType() { return "for"; } search(callback) { var _a, _b, _c; (_a = this.init) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.search(callback); (_b = this.condition) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.search(callback); (_c = this.increment) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.search(callback); this.searchBlock(this.body, callback); } } /** * @class Var * @extends Statement * @category AST */ class Var extends Statement { constructor(name, type, storage, access, value) { super(); this.name = name; this.type = type; this.storage = storage; this.access = access; this.value = value; } get astNodeType() { return "var"; } search(callback) { var _a; callback(this); (_a = this.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.search(callback); } } /** * @class Override * @extends Statement * @category AST */ class Override extends Statement { constructor(name, type, value) { super(); this.name = name; this.type = type; this.value = value; } get astNodeType() { return "override"; } search(callback) { var _a; (_a = this.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.search(callback); } } /** * @class Let * @extends Statement * @category AST */ class Let extends Statement { constructor(name, type, storage, access, value) { super(); this.name = name; this.type = type; this.storage = storage; this.access = access; this.value = value; } get astNodeType() { return "let"; } search(callback) { var _a; callback(this); (_a = this.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.search(callback); } } /** * @class Const * @extends Statement * @category AST */ class Const extends Statement { constructor(name, type, storage, access, value) { super(); this.name = name; this.type = type; this.storage = storage; this.access = access; this.value = value; } get astNodeType() { return "const"; } evaluate(context) { return this.value.evaluate(context); } search(callback) { var _a; callback(this); (_a = this.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.search(callback); } } exports.IncrementOperator = void 0; (function (IncrementOperator) { IncrementOperator["increment"] = "++"; IncrementOperator["decrement"] = "--"; })(exports.IncrementOperator || (exports.IncrementOperator = {})); (function (IncrementOperator) { function parse(val) { const key = val; if (key == "parse") throw new Error("Invalid value for IncrementOperator"); return IncrementOperator[key]; } IncrementOperator.parse = parse; })(exports.IncrementOperator || (exports.IncrementOperator = {})); /** * @class Increment * @extends Statement * @category AST */ class Increment extends Statement { constructor(operator, variable) { super(); this.operator = operator; this.variable = variable; } get astNodeType() { return "increment"; } search(callback) { this.variable.search(callback); } } exports.AssignOperator = void 0; (function (AssignOperator) { AssignOperator["assign"] = "="; AssignOperator["addAssign"] = "+="; AssignOperator["subtractAssin"] = "-="; AssignOperator["multiplyAssign"] = "*="; AssignOperator["divideAssign"] = "/="; AssignOperator["moduloAssign"] = "%="; AssignOperator["andAssign"] = "&="; AssignOperator["orAssign"] = "|="; AssignOperator["xorAssign"] = "^="; AssignOperator["shiftLeftAssign"] = "<<="; AssignOperator["shiftRightAssign"] = ">>="; })(exports.AssignOperator || (exports.AssignOperator = {})); (function (AssignOperator) { function parse(val) { const key = val; if (key == "parse") { throw new Error("Invalid value for AssignOperator"); } //return AssignOperator[key]; return key; } AssignOperator.parse = parse; })(exports.AssignOperator || (exports.AssignOperator = {})); /** * @class Assign * @extends Statement * @category AST */ class Assign extends Statement { constructor(operator, variable, value) { super(); this.operator = operator; this.variable = variable; this.value = value; } get astNodeType() { return "assign"; } search(callback) { this.variable.search(callback); this.value.search(callback); } } /** * @class Call * @extends Statement * @category AST */ class Call extends Statement { constructor(name, args) { super(); this.name = name; this.args = args; } get astNodeType() { return "call"; } search(callback) { for (const node of this.args) { node.search(callback); } callback(this); } } /** * @class Loop * @extends Statement * @category AST */ class Loop extends Statement { constructor(body, continuing) { super(); this.body = body; this.continuing = continuing; } get astNodeType() { return "loop"; } } /** * @class Switch * @extends Statement * @category AST */ class Switch extends Statement { constructor(condition, body) { super(); this.condition = condition; this.body = body; } get astNodeType() { return "body"; } } /** * @class If * @extends Statement * @category AST */ class If extends Statement { constructor(condition, body, elseif, _else) { super(); this.condition = condition; this.body = body; this.elseif = elseif; this.else = _else; } get astNodeType() { return "if"; } search(callback) { this.condition.search(callback); this.searchBlock(this.body, callback); this.searchBlock(this.elseif, callback); this.searchBlock(this.else, callback); } } /** * @class Return * @extends Statement * @category AST */ class Return extends Statement { constructor(value) { super(); this.value = value; } get astNodeType() { return "return"; } search(callback) { var _a; (_a = this.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.search(callback); } } /** * @class Enable * @extends Statement * @category AST */ class Enable extends Statement { constructor(name) { super(); this.name = name; } get astNodeType() { return "enable"; } } /** * @class Requires * @extends Statement * @category AST */ class Requires extends Statement { constructor(extensions) { super(); this.extensions = extensions; } get astNodeType() { return "requires"; } } /** * @class Diagnostic * @extends Statement * @category AST */ class Diagnostic extends Statement { constructor(severity, rule) { super(); this.severity = severity; this.rule = rule; } get astNodeType() { return "diagnostic"; } } /** * @class Alias * @extends Statement * @category AST */ class Alias extends Statement { constructor(name, type) { super(); this.name = name; this.type = type; } get astNodeType() { return "alias"; } } /** * @class Discard * @extends Statement * @category AST */ class Discard extends Statement { constructor() { super(); } get astNodeType() { return "discard"; } } /** * @class Break * @extends Statement * @category AST */ class Break extends Statement { constructor() { super(); } get astNodeType() { return "break"; } } /** * @class Continue * @extends Statement * @category AST */ class Continue extends Statement { constructor() { super(); } get astNodeType() { return "continue"; } } /** * @class Type * @extends Statement * @category AST */ class Type extends Statement { constructor(name) { super(); this.name = name; } get astNodeType() { return "type"; } get isStruct() { return false; } get isArray() { return false; } } /** * @class StructType * @extends Type * @category AST */ class Struct extends Type { constructor(name, members, startLine, endLine) { super(name); this.members = members; this.startLine = startLine; this.endLine = endLine; } get astNodeType() { return "struct"; } get isStruct() { return true; } /// Return the index of the member with the given name, or -1 if not found. getMemberIndex(name) { for (let i = 0; i < this.members.length; i++) { if (this.members[i].name == name) return i; } return -1; } } /** * @class TemplateType * @extends Type * @category AST */ class TemplateType extends Type { constructor(name, format, access) { super(name); this.format = format; this.access = access; } get astNodeType() { return "template"; } } /** * @class PointerType * @extends Type * @category AST */ class PointerType extends Type { constructor(name, storage, type, access) { super(name); this.storage = storage; this.type = type; this.access = access; } get astNodeType() { return "pointer"; } } /** * @class ArrayType * @extends Type * @category AST */ class ArrayType extends Type { constructor(name, attributes, format, count) { super(name); this.attributes = attributes; this.format = format; this.count = count; } get astNodeType() { return "array"; } get isArray() { return true; } } /** * @class SamplerType * @extends Type * @category AST */ class SamplerType extends Type { constructor(name, format, access) { super(name); this.format = format; this.access = access; } get astNodeType() { return "sampler"; } } /** * @class Expression * @extends Node * @category AST */ class Expression extends Node { constructor() { super(); } } /** * @class StringExpr * @extends Expression * @category AST */ class StringExpr extends Expression { constructor(value) { super(); this.value = value; } get astNodeType() { return "stringExpr"; } toString() { return this.value; } evaluateString() { return this.value; } } /** * @class CreateExpr * @extends Expression * @category AST */ class CreateExpr extends Expression { constructor(type, args) { super(); this.type = type; this.args = args; } get astNodeType() { return "createExpr"; } search(callback) { callback(this); if (this.args) { for (const node of this.args) { node.search(callback); } } } evaluate(context) { return this.args[0].evaluate(context); } } /** * @class CallExpr * @extends Expression * @category AST */ class CallExpr extends Expression { constructor(name, args) { super(); this.name = name; this.args = args; } get astNodeType() { return "callExpr"; } evaluate(context) { switch (this.name) { case "abs": return Math.abs(this.args[0].evaluate(context)); case "acos": return Math.acos(this.args[0].evaluate(context)); case "acosh": return Math.acosh(this.args[0].evaluate(context)); case "asin": return Math.asin(this.args[0].evaluate(context)); case "asinh": return Math.asinh(this.args[0].evaluate(context)); case "atan": return Math.atan(this.args[0].evaluate(context)); case "atan2": return Math.atan2(this.args[0].evaluate(context), this.args[1].evaluate(context)); case "atanh": return Math.atanh(this.args[0].evaluate(context)); case "ceil": return Math.ceil(this.args[0].evaluate(context)); case "clamp": return Math.min(Math.max(this.args[0].evaluate(context), this.args[1].evaluate(context)), this.args[2].evaluate(context)); case "cos": return Math.cos(this.args[0].evaluate(context)); //case "cross": //TODO: (x[i] * y[j] - x[j] * y[i]) case "degrees": return (this.args[0].evaluate(context) * 180) / Math.PI; //case "determinant": //TODO implement case "distance": return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this.args[0].evaluate(context) - this.args[1].evaluate(context), 2)); case "dot": //TODO: (x[i] * y[i]) case "exp": return Math.exp(this.args[0].evaluate(context)); case "exp2": return Math.pow(2, this.args[0].evaluate(context)); //case "extractBits": //TODO: implement //case "firstLeadingBit": //TODO: implement case "floor": return Math.floor(this.args[0].evaluate(context)); case "fma": return (this.args[0].evaluate(context) * this.args[1].evaluate(context) + this.args[2].evaluate(context)); case "fract": return (this.args[0].evaluate(context) - Math.floor(this.args[0].evaluate(context))); //case "frexp": //TODO: implement case "inverseSqrt": return 1 / Math.sqrt(this.args[0].evaluate(context)); //case "length": //TODO: implement case "log": return Math.log(this.args[0].evaluate(context)); case "log2": return Math.log2(this.args[0].evaluate(context)); case "max": return Math.max(this.args[0].evaluate(context), this.args[1].evaluate(context)); case "min": return Math.min(this.args[0].evaluate(context), this.args[1].evaluate(context)); case "mix": return (this.args[0].evaluate(context) * (1 - this.args[2].evaluate(context)) + this.args[1].evaluate(context) * this.args[2].evaluate(context)); case "modf": return (this.args[0].evaluate(context) - Math.floor(this.args[0].evaluate(context))); case "pow": return Math.pow(this.args[0].evaluate(context), this.args[1].evaluate(context)); case "radians": return (this.args[0].evaluate(context) * Math.PI) / 180; case "round": return Math.round(this.args[0].evaluate(context)); case "sign": return Math.sign(this.args[0].evaluate(context)); case "sin": return Math.sin(this.args[0].evaluate(context)); case "sinh": return Math.sinh(this.args[0].evaluate(context)); case "saturate": return Math.min(Math.max(this.args[0].evaluate(context), 0), 1); case "smoothstep": return (this.args[0].evaluate(context) * this.args[0].evaluate(context) * (3 - 2 * this.args[0].evaluate(context))); case "sqrt": return Math.sqrt(this.args[0].evaluate(context)); case "step": return this.args[0].evaluate(context) < this.args[1].evaluate(context) ? 0 : 1; case "tan": return Math.tan(this.args[0].evaluate(context)); case "tanh": return Math.tanh(this.args[0].evaluate(context)); case "trunc": return Math.trunc(this.args[0].evaluate(context)); default: throw new Error("Non const function: " + this.name); } } search(callback) { for (const node of this.args) { node.search(callback); } callback(this); } } /** * @class VariableExpr * @extends Expression * @category AST */ class VariableExpr extends Expression { constructor(name) { super(); this.name = name; } get astNodeType() { return "varExpr"; } search(callback) { callback(this); if (this.postfix) { this.postfix.search(callback); } } evaluate(context) { const constant = context.constants.get(this.name); if (!constant) { throw new Error("Cannot evaluate node"); } return constant.evaluate(context); } } /** * @class ConstExpr * @extends Expression * @category AST */ class ConstExpr extends Expression { constructor(name, initializer) { super(); this.name = name; this.initializer = initializer; } get astNodeType() { return "constExpr"; } evaluate(context) { var _a, _b; if (this.initializer instanceof CreateExpr) { // This is a struct constant const property = (_a = this.postfix) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.evaluateString(context); const type = (_b = this.initializer.type) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.name; const struct = context.structs.get(type); const memberIndex = struct === null || struct === void 0 ? void 0 : struct.getMemberIndex(property); if (memberIndex !== undefined && memberIndex != -1) { const value = this.initializer.args[memberIndex].evaluate(context); return value; } else { return this.initializer.evaluate(context); } } return this.initializer.evaluate(context); } search(callback) { this.initializer.search(callback); } } /** * @class LiteralExpr * @extends Expression * @category AST */ class LiteralExpr extends Expression { constructor(value) { super(); this.value = value; } get astNodeType() { return "literalExpr"; } evaluate() { return this.value; } } /** * @class BitcastExpr * @extends Expression * @category AST */ class BitcastExpr extends Expression { constructor(type, value) { super(); this.type = type; this.value = value; } get astNodeType() { return "bitcastExpr"; } search(callback) { this.value.search(callback); } } /** * @class TypecastExpr * @extends Expression * @category AST */ class TypecastExpr extends Expression { constructor(type, args) { super(); this.type = type; this.args = args; } get astNodeType() { return "typecastExpr"; } evaluate(context) { return this.args[0].evaluate(context); } search(callback) { this.searchBlock(this.args, callback); } } /** * @class GroupingExpr * @extends Expression * @category AST */ class GroupingExpr extends Expression { constructor(contents) { super(); this.contents = contents; } get astNodeType() { return "groupExpr"; } evaluate(context) { return this.contents[0].evaluate(context); } search(callback) { this.searchBlock(this.contents, callback); } } /** * @class ArrayIndex * @extends Expression * @category AST */ class ArrayIndex extends Expression { constructor(index) { super(); this.index = index; } search(callback) { this.index.search(callback); } } /** * @class Operator * @extends Expression * @category AST */ class Operator extends Expression { constructor() { super(); } } /** * @class UnaryOperator * @extends Operator * @category AST * @property {string} operator +, -, !, ~ */ class UnaryOperator extends Operator { constructor(operator, right) { super(); this.operator = operator; this.right = right; } get astNodeType() { return "unaryOp"; } evaluate(context) { switch (this.operator) { case "+": return this.right.evaluate(context); case "-": return -this.right.evaluate(context); case "!": return this.right.evaluate(context) ? 0 : 1; case "~": return ~this.right.evaluate(context); default: throw new Error("Unknown unary operator: " + this.operator); } } search(callback) { this.right.search(callback); } } /** * @class BinaryOperator * @extends Operator * @category AST * @property {string} operator +, -, *, /, %, ==, !=, <, >, <=, >=, &&, || */ class BinaryOperator extends Operator { constructor(operator, left, right) { super(); this.operator = operator; this.left = left; this.right = right; } get astNodeType() { return "binaryOp"; } evaluate(context) { switch (this.operator) { case "+": return this.left.evaluate(context) + this.right.evaluate(context); case "-": return this.left.evaluate(context) - this.right.evaluate(context); case "*": return this.left.evaluate(context) * this.right.evaluate(context); case "/": return this.left.evaluate(context) / this.right.evaluate(context); case "%": return this.left.evaluate(context) % this.right.evaluate(context); case "==": return this.left.evaluate(context) == this.right.evaluate(context) ? 1 : 0; case "!=": return this.left.evaluate(context) != this.right.evaluate(context) ? 1 : 0; case "<": return this.left.evaluate(context) < this.right.evaluate(context) ? 1 : 0; case ">": return this.left.evaluate(context) > this.right.evaluate(context) ? 1 : 0; case "<=": return this.left.evaluate(context) <= this.right.evaluate(context) ? 1 : 0; case ">=": return this.left.evaluate(context) >= this.right.evaluate(context) ? 1 : 0; case "&&": return this.left.evaluate(context) && this.right.evaluate(context) ? 1 : 0; case "||": return this.left.evaluate(context) || this.right.evaluate(context) ? 1 : 0; default: throw new Error(`Unknown operator ${this.operator}`); } } search(callback) { this.left.search(callback); this.right.search(callback); } } /** * @class SwitchCase * @extends Node * @category AST */ class SwitchCase extends Node { constructor() { super(); } } /** * @class Case * @extends SwitchCase * @category AST */ class Case extends SwitchCase { constructor(selector, body) { super(); this.selector = selector; this.body = body; } get astNodeType() { return "case"; } search(callback) { this.searchBlock(this.body, callback); } } /** * @class Default * @extends SwitchCase * @category AST */ class Default extends SwitchCase { constructor(body) { super(); this.body = body; } get astNodeType() { return "default"; } search(callback) { this.searchBlock(this.body, callback); } } /** * @class Argument * @extends Node * @category AST */ class Argument extends Node { constructor(name, type, attributes) { super(); this.name = name; this.type = type; this.attributes = attributes; } get astNodeType() { return "argument"; } } /** * @class ElseIf * @extends Node * @category AST */ class ElseIf extends Node { constructor(condition, body) { super(); this.condition = condition; this.body = body; } get astNodeType() { return "elseif"; } search(callback) { this.condition.search(callback); this.searchBlock(this.body, callback); } } /** * @class Member * @extends Node * @category AST */ class Member extends Node { constructor(name, type, attributes) { super(); this.name = name; this.type = type; this.attributes = attributes; } get astNodeType() { return "member"; } } /** * @class Attribute * @extends Node * @category AST */ class Attribute extends Node { constructor(name, value) { super(); this.name = name; this.value = value; } get astNodeType() { return "attribute"; } } var _a; exports.TokenClass = void 0; (function (TokenClass) { TokenClass[TokenClass["token"] = 0] = "token"; TokenClass[TokenClass["keyword"] = 1] = "keyword"; TokenClass[TokenClass["reserved"] = 2] = "reserved"; })(exports.TokenClass || (exports.TokenClass = {})); class TokenType { constructor(name, type, rule) { this.name = name; this.type = type; this.rule = rule; } toString() { return this.name; } } /// Catalog of defined token types, keywords, and reserved words. class TokenTypes { } _a = TokenTypes; TokenTypes.none = new TokenType("", exports.TokenClass.reserved, ""); TokenTypes.eof = new TokenType("EOF", exports.TokenClass.token, ""); TokenTypes.reserved = { asm: new TokenType("asm", exports.TokenClass.reserved, "asm"), bf16: new TokenType("bf16", exports.TokenClass.reserved, "bf16"), do: new TokenType("do", exports.TokenClass.reserved, "do"), enum: new TokenType("enum", exports.TokenClass.reserved, "enum"), f16: new TokenType("f16", exports.TokenClass.reserved, "f16"), f64: new TokenType("f64", exports.TokenClass.reserved, "f64"), handle: new TokenType("handle", exports.TokenClass.reserved, "handle"), i8: new TokenType("i8", exports.TokenClass.reserved, "i8"), i16: new TokenType("i16", exports.TokenClass.reserved, "i16"), i64: new TokenType("i64", exports.TokenClass.reserved, "i64"), mat: new TokenType("mat", exports.TokenClass.reserved, "mat"), premerge: new TokenType("premerge", exports.TokenClass.reserved, "premerge"), regardless: new TokenType("regardless", exports.TokenClass.reserved, "regardless"), typedef: new TokenType("typedef", exports.TokenClass.reserved, "typedef"), u8: new TokenType("u8", exports.TokenClass.reserved, "u8"), u16: new TokenType("u16", exports.TokenClass.reserved, "u16"), u64: new TokenType("u64", exports.TokenClass.reserved, "u64"), unless: new TokenType("unless", exports.TokenClass.reserved, "unless"), using: new TokenType("using", exports.TokenClass.reserved, "using"), vec: new TokenType("vec", exports.TokenClass.reserved, "vec"), void: new TokenType("void", exports.TokenClass.reserved, "void"), }; TokenTypes.keywords = { array: new TokenType("array", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "array"), atomic: new TokenType("atomic", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "atomic"), bool: new TokenType("bool", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "bool"), f32: new TokenType("f32", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "f32"), i32: new TokenType("i32", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "i32"), mat2x2: new TokenType("mat2x2", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "mat2x2"), mat2x3: new TokenType("mat2x3", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "mat2x3"), mat2x4: new TokenType("mat2x4", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "mat2x4"), mat3x2: new TokenType("mat3x2", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "mat3x2"), mat3x3: new TokenType("mat3x3", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "mat3x3"), mat3x4: new TokenType("mat3x4", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "mat3x4"), mat4x2: new TokenType("mat4x2", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "mat4x2"), mat4x3: new TokenType("mat4x3", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "mat4x3"), mat4x4: new TokenType("mat4x4", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "mat4x4"), ptr: new TokenType("ptr", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "ptr"), sampler: new TokenType("sampler", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "sampler"), sampler_comparison: new TokenType("sampler_comparison", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "sampler_comparison"), struct: new TokenType("struct", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "struct"), texture_1d: new TokenType("texture_1d", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "texture_1d"), texture_2d: new TokenType("texture_2d", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "texture_2d"), texture_2d_array: new TokenType("texture_2d_array", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "texture_2d_array"), texture_3d: new TokenType("texture_3d", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "texture_3d"), texture_cube: new TokenType("texture_cube", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "texture_cube"), texture_cube_array: new TokenType("texture_cube_array", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "texture_cube_array"), texture_multisampled_2d: new TokenType("texture_multisampled_2d", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "texture_multisampled_2d"), texture_storage_1d: new TokenType("texture_storage_1d", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "texture_storage_1d"), texture_storage_2d: new TokenType("texture_storage_2d", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "texture_storage_2d"), texture_storage_2d_array: new TokenType("texture_storage_2d_array", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "texture_storage_2d_array"), texture_storage_3d: new TokenType("texture_storage_3d", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "texture_storage_3d"), texture_depth_2d: new TokenType("texture_depth_2d", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "texture_depth_2d"), texture_depth_2d_array: new TokenType("texture_depth_2d_array", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "texture_depth_2d_array"), texture_depth_cube: new TokenType("texture_depth_cube", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "texture_depth_cube"), texture_depth_cube_array: new TokenType("texture_depth_cube_array", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "texture_depth_cube_array"), texture_depth_multisampled_2d: new TokenType("texture_depth_multisampled_2d", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "texture_depth_multisampled_2d"), texture_external: new TokenType("texture_external", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "texture_external"), u32: new TokenType("u32", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "u32"), vec2: new TokenType("vec2", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "vec2"), vec3: new TokenType("vec3", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "vec3"), vec4: new TokenType("vec4", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "vec4"), bitcast: new TokenType("bitcast", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "bitcast"), block: new TokenType("block", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "block"), break: new TokenType("break", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "break"), case: new TokenType("case", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "case"), continue: new TokenType("continue", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "continue"), continuing: new TokenType("continuing", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "continuing"), default: new TokenType("default", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "default"), diagnostic: new TokenType("diagnostic", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "diagnostic"), discard: new TokenType("discard", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "discard"), else: new TokenType("else", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "else"), enable: new TokenType("enable", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "enable"), fallthrough: new TokenType("fallthrough", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "fallthrough"), false: new TokenType("false", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "false"), fn: new TokenType("fn", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "fn"), for: new TokenType("for", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "for"), function: new TokenType("function", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "function"), if: new TokenType("if", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "if"), let: new TokenType("let", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "let"), const: new TokenType("const", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "const"), loop: new TokenType("loop", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "loop"), while: new TokenType("while", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "while"), private: new TokenType("private", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "private"), read: new TokenType("read", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "read"), read_write: new TokenType("read_write", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "read_write"), return: new TokenType("return", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "return"), requires: new TokenType("requires", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "requires"), storage: new TokenType("storage", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "storage"), switch: new TokenType("switch", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "switch"), true: new TokenType("true", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "true"), alias: new TokenType("alias", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "alias"), type: new TokenType("type", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "type"), uniform: new TokenType("uniform", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "uniform"), var: new TokenType("var", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "var"), override: new TokenType("override", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "override"), workgroup: new TokenType("workgroup", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "workgroup"), write: new TokenType("write", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "write"), r8unorm: new TokenType("r8unorm", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "r8unorm"), r8snorm: new TokenType("r8snorm", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "r8snorm"), r8uint: new TokenType("r8uint", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "r8uint"), r8sint: new TokenType("r8sint", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "r8sint"), r16uint: new TokenType("r16uint", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "r16uint"), r16sint: new TokenType("r16sint", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "r16sint"), r16float: new TokenType("r16float", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "r16float"), rg8unorm: new TokenType("rg8unorm", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "rg8unorm"), rg8snorm: new TokenType("rg8snorm", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "rg8snorm"), rg8uint: new TokenType("rg8uint", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "rg8uint"), rg8sint: new TokenType("rg8sint", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "rg8sint"), r32uint: new TokenType("r32uint", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "r32uint"), r32sint: new TokenType("r32sint", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "r32sint"), r32float: new TokenType("r32float", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "r32float"), rg16uint: new TokenType("rg16uint", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "rg16uint"), rg16sint: new TokenType("rg16sint", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "rg16sint"), rg16float: new TokenType("rg16float", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "rg16float"), rgba8unorm: new TokenType("rgba8unorm", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "rgba8unorm"), rgba8unorm_srgb: new TokenType("rgba8unorm_srgb", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "rgba8unorm_srgb"), rgba8snorm: new TokenType("rgba8snorm", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "rgba8snorm"), rgba8uint: new TokenType("rgba8uint", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "rgba8uint"), rgba8sint: new TokenType("rgba8sint", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "rgba8sint"), bgra8unorm: new TokenType("bgra8unorm", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "bgra8unorm"), bgra8unorm_srgb: new TokenType("bgra8unorm_srgb", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "bgra8unorm_srgb"), rgb10a2unorm: new TokenType("rgb10a2unorm", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "rgb10a2unorm"), rg11b10float: new TokenType("rg11b10float", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "rg11b10float"), rg32uint: new TokenType("rg32uint", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "rg32uint"), rg32sint: new TokenType("rg32sint", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "rg32sint"), rg32float: new TokenType("rg32float", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "rg32float"), rgba16uint: new TokenType("rgba16uint", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "rgba16uint"), rgba16sint: new TokenType("rgba16sint", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "rgba16sint"), rgba16float: new TokenType("rgba16float", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "rgba16float"), rgba32uint: new TokenType("rgba32uint", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "rgba32uint"), rgba32sint: new TokenType("rgba32sint", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "rgba32sint"), rgba32float: new TokenType("rgba32float", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "rgba32float"), static_assert: new TokenType("static_assert", exports.TokenClass.keyword, "static_assert"), // WGSL grammar has a few keywords that have different token names than the strings they // represent. Aliasing them here. /*int32: new TokenType("i32", TokenClass.keyword, "i32"), uint32: new TokenType("u32", TokenClass.keyword, "u32"), float32: new TokenType("f32", TokenClass.keyword, "f32"), pointer: new TokenType("ptr", TokenClass.keyword, "ptr"),*/ }; TokenTypes.tokens = { decimal_float_literal: new TokenType("decimal_float_literal", exports.TokenClass.token, /((-?[0-9]*\.[0-9]+|-?[0-9]+\.[0-9]*)((e|E)(\+|-)?[0-9]+)?f?)|(-?[0-9]+(e|E)(\+|-)?[0-9]+f?)|([0-9]+f)/), hex_float_literal: new TokenType("hex_float_literal", exports.TokenClass.token, /-?0x((([0-9a-fA-F]*\.[0-9a-fA-F]+|[0-9a-fA-F]+\.[0-9a-fA-F]*)((p|P)(\+|-)?[0-9]+f?)?)|([0-9a-fA-F]+(p|P)(\+|-)?[0-9]+f?))/), int_literal: new TokenType("int_literal", exports.TokenClass.token, /-?0x[0-9a-fA-F]+|0i?|-?[1-9][0-9]*i?/), uint_literal: new TokenType("uint_literal", exports.TokenClass.token, /0x[0-9a-fA-F]+u|0u|[1-9][0-9]*u/), ident: new TokenType("ident", exports.TokenClass.token, /[_a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z_]*/), and: new TokenType("and", exports.TokenClass.token, "&"), and_and: new TokenType("and_and", exports.TokenClass.token, "&&"), arrow: new TokenType("arrow ", exports.TokenClass.token, "->"), attr: new TokenType("attr", exports.TokenClass.token, "@"), forward_slash: new TokenType("forward_slash", exports.TokenClass.token, "/"), bang: new TokenType("bang", exports.TokenClass.token, "!"), bracket_left: new TokenType("bracket_left", exports.TokenClass.token, "["), bracket_right: new TokenType("bracket_right", exports.TokenClass.token, "]"), brace_left: new TokenType("brace_left", exports.TokenClass.token, "{"), brace_right: new TokenType("brace_right", exports.TokenClass.token, "}"), colon: new TokenType("colon", exports.TokenClass.token, ":"), comma: new TokenType("comma", exports.TokenClass.token, ","), equal: new TokenType("equal", exports.TokenClass.token, "="), equal_equal: new TokenType("equal_equal", exports.TokenClass.token, "=="), not_equal: new TokenType("not_equal", exports.TokenClass.token, "!="), greater_than: new TokenType("greater_than", exports.TokenClass.token, ">"), greater_than_equal: new TokenType("greater_than_equal", exports.TokenClass.token, ">="), shift_right: new TokenType("shift_right", exports.TokenClass.token, ">>"), less_than: new TokenType("less_than", exports.TokenClass.token, "<"), less_than_equal: new TokenType("less_than_equal", exports.TokenClass.token, "<="), shift_left: new TokenType("shift_left", exports.TokenClass.token, "<<"), modulo: new TokenType("modulo", exports.TokenClass.token, "%"), minus: new TokenType("minus", exports.TokenClass.token, "-"), minus_minus: new TokenType("minus_minus", exports.TokenClass.token, "--"), period: new TokenType("period", exports.TokenClass.token, "."), plus: new TokenType("plus", exports.TokenClass.token, "+"), plus_plus: new TokenType("plus_plus", exports.TokenClass.token, "++"), or: new TokenType("or", exports.TokenClass.token, "|"), or_or: new TokenType("or_or", exports.TokenClass.token, "||"), paren_left: new TokenType("paren_left", exports.TokenClass.token, "("), paren_right: new TokenType("paren_right", exports.TokenClass.token, ")"), semicolon: new TokenType("semicolon", exports.TokenClass.token, ";"), star: new TokenType("star", exports.TokenClass.token, "*"), tilde: new TokenType("tilde", exports.TokenClass.token, "~"), underscore: new TokenType("underscore", exports.TokenClass.token, "_"), xor: new TokenType("xor", exports.TokenClass.token, "^"), plus_equal: new TokenType("plus_equal", exports.TokenClass.token, "+="), minus_equal: new TokenType("minus_equal", exports.TokenClass.token, "-="), times_equal: new TokenType("times_equal", exports.TokenClass.token, "*="), division_equal: new TokenType("division_equal", exports.TokenClass.token, "/="), modulo_equal: new TokenType("modulo_equal", exports.TokenClass.token, "%="), and_equal: new TokenType("and_equal", exports.TokenClass.token, "&="), or_equal: new TokenType("or_equal", exports.TokenClass.token, "|="), xor_equal: new TokenType("xor_equal", exports.TokenClass.token, "^="), shift_right_equal: new TokenType("shift_right_equal", exports.TokenClass.token, ">>="), shift_left_equal: new TokenType("shift_left_equal", exports.TokenClass.token, "<<="), }; TokenTypes.simpleTokens = { "@": _a.tokens.attr, "{": _a.tokens.brace_left, "}": _a.tokens.brace_right, ":": _a.tokens.colon, ",": _a.tokens.comma, "(": _a.tokens.paren_left, ")": _a.tokens.paren_right, ";": _a.tokens.semicolon, }; TokenTypes.literalTokens = { "&": _a.tokens.and, "&&": _a.tokens.and_and, "->": _a.tokens.arrow, "/": _a.tokens.forward_slash, "!": _a.tokens.bang, "[": _a.tokens.bracket_left, "]": _a.tokens.bracket_right, "=": _a.tokens.equal, "==": _a.tokens.equal_equal, "!=": _a.tokens.not_equal, ">": _a.tokens.greater_than, ">=": _a.tokens.greater_than_equal, ">>": _a.tokens.shift_right, "<": _a.tokens.less_than, "<=": _a.tokens.less_than_equal, "<<": _a.tokens.shift_left, "%": _a.tokens.modulo, "-": _a.tokens.minus, "--": _a.tokens.minus_minus, ".": _a.tokens.period, "+": _a.tokens.plus, "++": _a.tokens.plus_plus, "|": _a.tokens.or, "||": _a.tokens.or_or, "*": _a.tokens.star, "~": _a.tokens.tilde, "_": _a.tokens.underscore, "^": _a.tokens.xor, "+=": _a.tokens.plus_equal, "-=": _a.tokens.minus_equal, "*=": _a.tokens.times_equal, "/=": _a.tokens.division_equal, "%=": _a.tokens.modulo_equal, "&=": _a.tokens.and_equal, "|=": _a.tokens.or_equal, "^=": _a.tokens.xor_equal, ">>=": _a.tokens.shift_right_equal, "<<=": _a.tokens.shift_left_equal, }; TokenTypes.regexTokens = { decimal_float_literal: _a.tokens.decimal_float_literal, hex_float_literal: _a.tokens.hex_float_literal, int_literal: _a.tokens.int_literal, uint_literal: _a.tokens.uint_literal, ident: _a.tokens.ident, }; TokenTypes.storage_class = [ _a.keywords.function, _a.keywords.private, _a.keywords.workgroup, _a.keywords.uniform, _a.keywords.storage, ]; TokenTypes.access_mode = [ _a.keywords.read, _a.keywords.write, _a.keywords.read_write, ]; TokenTypes.sampler_type = [ _a.keywords.sampler, _a.keywords.sampler_comparison, ]; TokenTypes.sampled_texture_type = [ _a.keywords.texture_1d, _a.keywords.texture_2d, _a.keywords.texture_2d_array, _a.keywords.texture_3d, _a.keywords.texture_cube, _a.keywords.texture_cube_array, ]; TokenTypes.multisampled_texture_type = [ _a.keywords.texture_multisampled_2d, ]; TokenTypes.storage_texture_type = [ _a.keywords.texture_storage_1d, _a.keywords.texture_storage_2d, _a.keywords.texture_storage_2d_array, _a.keywords.texture_storage_3d, ]; TokenTypes.depth_texture_type = [ _a.keywords.texture_depth_2d, _a.keywords.texture_depth_2d_array, _a.keywords.texture_depth_cube, _a.keywords.texture_depth_cube_array, _a.keywords.texture_depth_multisampled_2d, ]; TokenTypes.texture_external_type = [_a.keywords.texture_external]; TokenTypes.any_texture_type = [ ..._a.sampled_texture_type, ..._a.multisampled_texture_type, ..._a.storage_texture_type, ..._a.depth_texture_type, ..._a.texture_external_type, ]; TokenTypes.texel_format = [ _a.keywords.r8unorm, _a.keywords.r8snorm, _a.keywords.r8uint, _a.keywords.r8sint, _a.keywords.r16uint, _a.keywords.r16sint, _a.keywords.r16float, _a.keywords.rg8unorm, _a.keywords.rg8snorm, _a.keywords.rg8uint, _a.keywords.rg8sint, _a.keywords.r32uint, _a.keywords.r32sint, _a.keywords.r32float, _a.keywords.rg16uint, _a.keywords.rg16sint, _a.keywords.rg16float, _a.keywords.rgba8unorm, _a.keywords.rgba8unorm_srgb, _a.keywords.rgba8snorm, _a.keywords.rgba8uint, _a.keywords.rgba8sint, _a.keywords.bgra8unorm, _a.keywords.bgra8unorm_srgb, _a.keywords.rgb10a2unorm, _a.keywords.rg11b10float, _a.keywords.rg32uint, _a.keywords.rg32sint, _a.keywords.rg32float, _a.keywords.rgba16uint, _a.keywords.rgba16sint, _a.keywords.rgba16float, _a.keywords.rgba32uint, _a.keywords.rgba32sint, _a.keywords.rgba32float, ]; TokenTypes.const_literal = [ _a.tokens.int_literal, _a.tokens.uint_literal, _a.tokens.decimal_float_literal, _a.tokens.hex_float_literal, _a.keywords.true, _a.keywords.false, ]; TokenTypes.literal_or_ident = [ _a.tokens.ident, _a.tokens.int_literal, _a.tokens.uint_literal, _a.tokens.decimal_float_literal, _a.tokens.hex_float_literal, ]; TokenTypes.element_count_expression = [ _a.tokens.int_literal, _a.tokens.uint_literal, _a.tokens.ident, ]; TokenTypes.template_types = [ _a.keywords.vec2, _a.keywords.vec3, _a.keywords.vec4, _a.keywords.mat2x2, _a.keywords.mat2x3, _a.keywords.mat2x4, _a.keywords.mat3x2, _a.keywords.mat3x3, _a.keywords.mat3x4, _a.keywords.mat4x2, _a.keywords.mat4x3, _a.keywords.mat4x4, _a.keywords.atomic, _a.keywords.bitcast, ..._a.any_texture_type, ]; // The grammar calls out 'block', but attribute grammar is defined to use a 'ident'. // The attribute grammar should be ident | block. TokenTypes.attribute_name = [_a.tokens.ident, _a.keywords.block, _a.keywords.diagnostic]; TokenTypes.assignment_operators = [ _a.tokens.equal, _a.tokens.plus_equal, _a.tokens.minus_equal, _a.tokens.times_equal, _a.tokens.division_equal, _a.tokens.modulo_equal, _a.tokens.and_equal, _a.tokens.or_equal, _a.tokens.xor_equal, _a.tokens.shift_right_equal, _a.tokens.shift_left_equal, ]; TokenTypes.increment_operators = [ _a.tokens.plus_plus, _a.tokens.minus_minus, ]; /// A token parsed by the WgslScanner. class Token { constructor(type, lexeme, line) { this.type = type; this.lexeme = lexeme; this.line = line; } toString() { return this.lexeme; } isTemplateType() { return TokenTypes.template_types.indexOf(this.type) != -1; } isArrayType() { return this.type == TokenTypes.keywords.array; } isArrayOrTemplateType() { return this.isArrayType() || this.isTemplateType(); } } /// Lexical scanner for the WGSL language. This takes an input source text and generates a list /// of Token objects, which can then be fed into the WgslParser to generate an AST. class WgslScanner { constructor(source) { this._tokens = []; this._start = 0; this._current = 0; this._line = 1; this._source = source !== null && source !== void 0 ? source : ""; } /// Scan all tokens from the source. scanTokens() { while (!this._isAtEnd()) { this._start = this._current; if (!this.scanToken()) { throw `Invalid syntax at line ${this._line}`; } } this._tokens.push(new Token(TokenTypes.eof, "", this._line)); return this._tokens; } /// Scan a single token from the source. scanToken() { // Find the longest consecutive set of characters that match a rule. let lexeme = this._advance(); // Skip line-feed, adding to the line counter. if (lexeme == "\n") { this._line++; return true; } // Skip whitespace if (this._isWhitespace(lexeme)) { return true; } if (lexeme == "/") { // If it's a // comment, skip everything until the next line-feed. if (this._peekAhead() == "/") { while (lexeme != "\n") { if (this._isAtEnd()) { return true; } lexeme = this._advance(); } // skip the linefeed this._line++; return true; } else if (this._peekAhead() == "*") { // If it's a / * block comment, skip everything until the matching * /, // allowing for nested block comments. this._advance(); let commentLevel = 1; while (commentLevel > 0) { if (this._isAtEnd()) { return true; } lexeme = this._advance(); if (lexeme == "\n") { this._line++; } else if (lexeme == "*") { if (this._peekAhead() == "/") { this._advance(); commentLevel--; if (commentLevel == 0) { return true; } } } else if (lexeme == "/") { if (this._peekAhead() == "*") { this._advance(); commentLevel++; } } } return true; } } // Shortcut single character tokens const simpleToken = TokenTypes.simpleTokens[lexeme]; if (simpleToken) { this._addToken(simpleToken); return true; } // Shortcut keywords and identifiers let matchType = TokenTypes.none; const isAlpha = this._isAlpha(lexeme); const isUnderscore = lexeme === "_"; if (this._isAlphaNumeric(lexeme)) { let nextChar = this._peekAhead(); while (this._isAlphaNumeric(nextChar)) { lexeme += this._advance(); nextChar = this._peekAhead(); } } if (isAlpha) { const matchedType = TokenTypes.keywords[lexeme]; if (matchedType) { this._addToken(matchedType); return true; } } if (isAlpha || isUnderscore) { this._addToken(TokenTypes.tokens.ident); return true; } // Scan for the next valid token type for (;;) { let matchedType = this._findType(lexeme); // An exception to "longest lexeme" rule is '>>'. In the case of 1>>2, it's a // shift_right. // In the case of array>, it's two greater_than's (one to close the vec4, // and one to close the array). // Another ambiguity is '>='. In the case of vec2=vec2(1,2), // it's a greather_than and an equal, not a greater_than_equal. // Another ambiguity is '-'. In the case of a-2, it's a minus; in the case of a*-2, it's a -2; // in the case of foo()->int, it's a ->; in the case of foo-- or --foo, it's a -- decrement. // WGSL requires context sensitive parsing to resolve these ambiguities. Both of these cases // are predicated on it the > either closing a template, or being part of an operator. // The solution here is to check if there was a less_than up to some number of tokens // previously, and the token prior to that is a keyword that requires a '<', then it will be // split into two operators; otherwise it's a single operator. const nextLexeme = this._peekAhead(); if (lexeme == "-" && this._tokens.length > 0) { if (nextLexeme == "=") { this._current++; lexeme += nextLexeme; this._addToken(TokenTypes.tokens.minus_equal); return true; } if (nextLexeme == "-") { this._current++; lexeme += nextLexeme; this._addToken(TokenTypes.tokens.minus_minus); return true; } const ti = this._tokens.length - 1; const isIdentOrLiteral = TokenTypes.literal_or_ident.indexOf(this._tokens[ti].type) != -1; if ((isIdentOrLiteral || this._tokens[ti].type == TokenTypes.tokens.paren_right) && nextLexeme != ">") { this._addToken(matchedType); return true; } } if (lexeme == ">" && (nextLexeme == ">" || nextLexeme == "=")) { let foundLessThan = false; let ti = this._tokens.length - 1; for (let count = 0; count < 5 && ti >= 0; ++count, --ti) { if (TokenTypes.assignment_operators.indexOf(this._tokens[ti].type) !== -1) { break; } if (this._tokens[ti].type === TokenTypes.tokens.less_than) { if (ti > 0 && this._tokens[ti - 1].isArrayOrTemplateType()) { foundLessThan = true; } break; } } // If there was a less_than in the recent token history, then this is probably a // greater_than. if (foundLessThan) { this._addToken(matchedType); return true; } } // The current lexeme may not match any rule, but some token types may be invalid for // part of the string but valid after a few more characters. // For example, 0x.5 is a hex_float_literal. But as it's being scanned, // "0" is a int_literal, then "0x" is invalid. If we stopped there, it would return // the int_literal "0", but that's incorrect. So if we look forward a few characters, // we'd get "0x.", which is still invalid, followed by "0x.5" which is the correct // hex_float_literal. So that means if we hit an non-matching string, we should look // ahead up to two characters to see if the string starts matching a valid rule again. if (matchedType === TokenTypes.none) { let lookAheadLexeme = lexeme; let lookAhead = 0; const maxLookAhead = 2; for (let li = 0; li < maxLookAhead; ++li) { lookAheadLexeme += this._peekAhead(li); matchedType = this._findType(lookAheadLexeme); if (matchedType !== TokenTypes.none) { lookAhead = li; break; } } if (matchedType === TokenTypes.none) { if (matchType === TokenTypes.none) { return false; } this._current--; this._addToken(matchType); return true; } lexeme = lookAheadLexeme; this._current += lookAhead + 1; } matchType = matchedType; if (this._isAtEnd()) { break; } lexeme += this._advance(); } // We got to the end of the input stream. Then the token we've ready so far is it. if (matchType === TokenTypes.none) { return false; } this._addToken(matchType); return true; } _findType(lexeme) { for (const name in TokenTypes.regexTokens) { const type = TokenTypes.regexTokens[name]; if (this._match(lexeme, type.rule)) { return type; } } const type = TokenTypes.literalTokens[lexeme]; if (type) { return type; } return TokenTypes.none; } _match(lexeme, rule) { const match = rule.exec(lexeme); return match && match.index == 0 && match[0] == lexeme; } _isAtEnd() { return this._current >= this._source.length; } _isAlpha(c) { return (c >= "a" && c <= "z") || (c >= "A" && c <= "Z"); } _isAlphaNumeric(c) { return (c >= "a" && c <= "z") || (c >= "A" && c <= "Z") || c == "_" || (c >= "0" && c <= "9"); } _isWhitespace(c) { return c == " " || c == "\t" || c == "\r"; } _advance(amount = 0) { let c = this._source[this._current]; amount = amount || 0; amount++; this._current += amount; return c; } _peekAhead(offset = 0) { offset = offset || 0; if (this._current + offset >= this._source.length) { return "\0"; } return this._source[this._current + offset]; } _addToken(type) { const text = this._source.substring(this._start, this._current); this._tokens.push(new Token(type, text, this._line)); } } /** * @author Brendan Duncan / https://github.com/brendan-duncan */ /// Parse a sequence of tokens from the WgslScanner into an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST). class WgslParser { constructor() { this._tokens = []; this._current = 0; this._currentLine = 0; this._context = new ParseContext(); this._deferArrayCountEval = []; } parse(tokensOrCode) { this._initialize(tokensOrCode); this._deferArrayCountEval.length = 0; const statements = []; while (!this._isAtEnd()) { const statement = this._global_decl_or_directive(); if (!statement) { break; } statements.push(statement); } // Since constants can be declared after they are used, and // constants can be used to size arrays, defer calculating the // size until after the shader has finished parsing. if (this._deferArrayCountEval.length > 0) { for (const arrayDecl of this._deferArrayCountEval) { const arrayType = arrayDecl["arrayType"]; const countNode = arrayDecl["countNode"]; if (countNode instanceof VariableExpr) { const variable = countNode; const name = variable.name; const constant = this._context.constants.get(name); if (constant) { try { const count = constant.evaluate(this._context); arrayType.count = count; } catch (e) { } } } } this._deferArrayCountEval.length = 0; } return statements; } _initialize(tokensOrCode) { if (tokensOrCode) { if (typeof tokensOrCode == "string") { const scanner = new WgslScanner(tokensOrCode); this._tokens = scanner.scanTokens(); } else { this._tokens = tokensOrCode; } } else { this._tokens = []; } this._current = 0; } _error(token, message) { return { token, message, toString: function () { return `${message}`; }, }; } _isAtEnd() { return (this._current >= this._tokens.length || this._peek().type == TokenTypes.eof); } _match(types) { if (types instanceof TokenType) { if (this._check(types)) { this._advance(); return true; } return false; } for (let i = 0, l = types.length; i < l; ++i) { const type = types[i]; if (this._check(type)) { this._advance(); return true; } } return false; } _consume(types, message) { if (this._check(types)) { return this._advance(); } throw this._error(this._peek(), message); } _check(types) { if (this._isAtEnd()) { return false; } const tk = this._peek(); if (types instanceof Array) { const t = tk.type; const index = types.indexOf(t); return index != -1; } return tk.type == types; } _advance() { var _a, _b; this._currentLine = (_b = (_a = this._peek()) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.line) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : -1; if (!this._isAtEnd()) { this._current++; } return this._previous(); } _peek() { return this._tokens[this._current]; } _previous() { return this._tokens[this._current - 1]; } _global_decl_or_directive() { // semicolon // global_variable_decl semicolon // global_constant_decl semicolon // type_alias semicolon // struct_decl // function_decl // enable_directive // Ignore any stand-alone semicolons while (this._match(TokenTypes.tokens.semicolon) && !this._isAtEnd()) ; if (this._match(TokenTypes.keywords.alias)) { const type = this._type_alias(); this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.semicolon, "Expected ';'"); return type; } if (this._match(TokenTypes.keywords.diagnostic)) { const directive = this._diagnostic(); this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.semicolon, "Expected ';'"); return directive; } if (this._match(TokenTypes.keywords.requires)) { const requires = this._requires_directive(); this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.semicolon, "Expected ';'"); return requires; } if (this._match(TokenTypes.keywords.enable)) { const enable = this._enable_directive(); this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.semicolon, "Expected ';'"); return enable; } // The following statements have an optional attribute* const attrs = this._attribute(); if (this._check(TokenTypes.keywords.var)) { const _var = this._global_variable_decl(); if (_var != null) { _var.attributes = attrs; } this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.semicolon, "Expected ';'."); return _var; } if (this._check(TokenTypes.keywords.override)) { const _override = this._override_variable_decl(); if (_override != null) { _override.attributes = attrs; } this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.semicolon, "Expected ';'."); return _override; } if (this._check(TokenTypes.keywords.let)) { const _let = this._global_let_decl(); if (_let != null) { _let.attributes = attrs; } this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.semicolon, "Expected ';'."); return _let; } if (this._check(TokenTypes.keywords.const)) { const _const = this._global_const_decl(); if (_const != null) { _const.attributes = attrs; } this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.semicolon, "Expected ';'."); return _const; } if (this._check(TokenTypes.keywords.struct)) { const _struct = this._struct_decl(); if (_struct != null) { _struct.attributes = attrs; } return _struct; } if (this._check(TokenTypes.keywords.fn)) { const _fn = this._function_decl(); if (_fn != null) { _fn.attributes = attrs; } return _fn; } return null; } _function_decl() { // attribute* function_header compound_statement // function_header: fn ident paren_left param_list? paren_right (arrow attribute* type_decl)? if (!this._match(TokenTypes.keywords.fn)) { return null; } const startLine = this._currentLine; const name = this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.ident, "Expected function name.").toString(); this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.paren_left, "Expected '(' for function arguments."); const args = []; if (!this._check(TokenTypes.tokens.paren_right)) { do { if (this._check(TokenTypes.tokens.paren_right)) { break; } const argAttrs = this._attribute(); const name = this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.ident, "Expected argument name.").toString(); this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.colon, "Expected ':' for argument type."); const typeAttrs = this._attribute(); const type = this._type_decl(); if (type != null) { type.attributes = typeAttrs; args.push(new Argument(name, type, argAttrs)); } } while (this._match(TokenTypes.tokens.comma)); } this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.paren_right, "Expected ')' after function arguments."); let _return = null; if (this._match(TokenTypes.tokens.arrow)) { const attrs = this._attribute(); _return = this._type_decl(); if (_return != null) { _return.attributes = attrs; } } const body = this._compound_statement(); const endLine = this._currentLine; return new Function(name, args, _return, body, startLine, endLine); } _compound_statement() { // brace_left statement* brace_right const statements = []; this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.brace_left, "Expected '{' for block."); while (!this._check(TokenTypes.tokens.brace_right)) { const statement = this._statement(); if (statement !== null) { statements.push(statement); } } this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.brace_right, "Expected '}' for block."); return statements; } _statement() { // semicolon // return_statement semicolon // if_statement // switch_statement // loop_statement // for_statement // func_call_statement semicolon // variable_statement semicolon // break_statement semicolon // continue_statement semicolon // continuing_statement compound_statement // discard semicolon // assignment_statement semicolon // compound_statement // increment_statement semicolon // decrement_statement semicolon // static_assert_statement semicolon // Ignore any stand-alone semicolons while (this._match(TokenTypes.tokens.semicolon) && !this._isAtEnd()) ; if (this._check(TokenTypes.tokens.attr)) { this._attribute(); } if (this._check(TokenTypes.keywords.if)) { return this._if_statement(); } if (this._check(TokenTypes.keywords.switch)) { return this._switch_statement(); } if (this._check(TokenTypes.keywords.loop)) { return this._loop_statement(); } if (this._check(TokenTypes.keywords.for)) { return this._for_statement(); } if (this._check(TokenTypes.keywords.while)) { return this._while_statement(); } if (this._check(TokenTypes.keywords.continuing)) { return this._continuing_statement(); } if (this._check(TokenTypes.keywords.static_assert)) { return this._static_assert_statement(); } if (this._check(TokenTypes.tokens.brace_left)) { return this._compound_statement(); } let result = null; if (this._check(TokenTypes.keywords.return)) { result = this._return_statement(); } else if (this._check([ TokenTypes.keywords.var, TokenTypes.keywords.let, TokenTypes.keywords.const, ])) { result = this._variable_statement(); } else if (this._match(TokenTypes.keywords.discard)) { result = new Discard(); } else if (this._match(TokenTypes.keywords.break)) { result = new Break(); } else if (this._match(TokenTypes.keywords.continue)) { result = new Continue(); } else { result = this._increment_decrement_statement() || this._func_call_statement() || this._assignment_statement(); } if (result != null) { this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.semicolon, "Expected ';' after statement."); } return result; } _static_assert_statement() { if (!this._match(TokenTypes.keywords.static_assert)) { return null; } const expression = this._optional_paren_expression(); return new StaticAssert(expression); } _while_statement() { if (!this._match(TokenTypes.keywords.while)) { return null; } const condition = this._optional_paren_expression(); if (this._check(TokenTypes.tokens.attr)) { this._attribute(); } const block = this._compound_statement(); return new While(condition, block); } _continuing_statement() { if (!this._match(TokenTypes.keywords.continuing)) { return null; } const block = this._compound_statement(); return new Continuing(block); } _for_statement() { // for paren_left for_header paren_right compound_statement if (!this._match(TokenTypes.keywords.for)) { return null; } this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.paren_left, "Expected '('."); // for_header: (variable_statement assignment_statement func_call_statement)? semicolon short_circuit_or_expression? semicolon (assignment_statement func_call_statement)? const init = !this._check(TokenTypes.tokens.semicolon) ? this._for_init() : null; this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.semicolon, "Expected ';'."); const condition = !this._check(TokenTypes.tokens.semicolon) ? this._short_circuit_or_expression() : null; this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.semicolon, "Expected ';'."); const increment = !this._check(TokenTypes.tokens.paren_right) ? this._for_increment() : null; this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.paren_right, "Expected ')'."); if (this._check(TokenTypes.tokens.attr)) { this._attribute(); } const body = this._compound_statement(); return new For(init, condition, increment, body); } _for_init() { // (variable_statement assignment_statement func_call_statement)? return (this._variable_statement() || this._func_call_statement() || this._assignment_statement()); } _for_increment() { // (assignment_statement func_call_statement increment_statement)? return (this._func_call_statement() || this._increment_decrement_statement() || this._assignment_statement()); } _variable_statement() { // variable_decl // variable_decl equal short_circuit_or_expression // let (ident variable_ident_decl) equal short_circuit_or_expression // const (ident variable_ident_decl) equal short_circuit_or_expression if (this._check(TokenTypes.keywords.var)) { const _var = this._variable_decl(); if (_var === null) { throw this._error(this._peek(), "Variable declaration expected."); } let value = null; if (this._match(TokenTypes.tokens.equal)) { value = this._short_circuit_or_expression(); } return new Var(_var.name, _var.type, _var.storage, _var.access, value); } if (this._match(TokenTypes.keywords.let)) { const name = this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.ident, "Expected name for let.").toString(); let type = null; if (this._match(TokenTypes.tokens.colon)) { const typeAttrs = this._attribute(); type = this._type_decl(); if (type != null) { type.attributes = typeAttrs; } } this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.equal, "Expected '=' for let."); const value = this._short_circuit_or_expression(); return new Let(name, type, null, null, value); } if (this._match(TokenTypes.keywords.const)) { const name = this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.ident, "Expected name for const.").toString(); let type = null; if (this._match(TokenTypes.tokens.colon)) { const typeAttrs = this._attribute(); type = this._type_decl(); if (type != null) { type.attributes = typeAttrs; } } this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.equal, "Expected '=' for const."); const value = this._short_circuit_or_expression(); return new Const(name, type, null, null, value); } return null; } _increment_decrement_statement() { const savedPos = this._current; const _var = this._unary_expression(); if (_var == null) { return null; } if (!this._check(TokenTypes.increment_operators)) { this._current = savedPos; return null; } const token = this._consume(TokenTypes.increment_operators, "Expected increment operator"); return new Increment(token.type === TokenTypes.tokens.plus_plus ? exports.IncrementOperator.increment : exports.IncrementOperator.decrement, _var); } _assignment_statement() { // (unary_expression underscore) equal short_circuit_or_expression let _var = null; if (this._check(TokenTypes.tokens.brace_right)) { return null; } let isUnderscore = this._match(TokenTypes.tokens.underscore); if (!isUnderscore) { _var = this._unary_expression(); } if (!isUnderscore && _var == null) { return null; } const type = this._consume(TokenTypes.assignment_operators, "Expected assignment operator."); const value = this._short_circuit_or_expression(); return new Assign(exports.AssignOperator.parse(type.lexeme), _var, value); } _func_call_statement() { // ident argument_expression_list if (!this._check(TokenTypes.tokens.ident)) { return null; } const savedPos = this._current; const name = this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.ident, "Expected function name."); const args = this._argument_expression_list(); if (args === null) { this._current = savedPos; return null; } return new Call(name.lexeme, args); } _loop_statement() { // loop brace_left statement* continuing_statement? brace_right if (!this._match(TokenTypes.keywords.loop)) { return null; } if (this._check(TokenTypes.tokens.attr)) { this._attribute(); } this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.brace_left, "Expected '{' for loop."); // statement* const statements = []; let statement = this._statement(); while (statement !== null) { if (Array.isArray(statement)) { for (let s of statement) { statements.push(s); } } else { statements.push(statement); } statement = this._statement(); } // continuing_statement: continuing compound_statement let continuing = null; if (this._match(TokenTypes.keywords.continuing)) { continuing = this._compound_statement(); } this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.brace_right, "Expected '}' for loop."); return new Loop(statements, continuing); } _switch_statement() { // switch optional_paren_expression brace_left switch_body+ brace_right if (!this._match(TokenTypes.keywords.switch)) { return null; } const condition = this._optional_paren_expression(); if (this._check(TokenTypes.tokens.attr)) { this._attribute(); } this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.brace_left, "Expected '{' for switch."); const body = this._switch_body(); if (body == null || body.length == 0) { throw this._error(this._previous(), "Expected 'case' or 'default'."); } this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.brace_right, "Expected '}' for switch."); return new Switch(condition, body); } _switch_body() { // case case_selectors colon brace_left case_body? brace_right // default colon brace_left case_body? brace_right const cases = []; if (this._match(TokenTypes.keywords.case)) { const selector = this._case_selectors(); this._match(TokenTypes.tokens.colon); // colon is optional if (this._check(TokenTypes.tokens.attr)) { this._attribute(); } this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.brace_left, "Exected '{' for switch case."); const body = this._case_body(); this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.brace_right, "Exected '}' for switch case."); cases.push(new Case(selector, body)); } if (this._match(TokenTypes.keywords.default)) { this._match(TokenTypes.tokens.colon); // colon is optional if (this._check(TokenTypes.tokens.attr)) { this._attribute(); } this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.brace_left, "Exected '{' for switch default."); const body = this._case_body(); this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.brace_right, "Exected '}' for switch default."); cases.push(new Default(body)); } if (this._check([TokenTypes.keywords.default, TokenTypes.keywords.case])) { const _cases = this._switch_body(); cases.push(_cases[0]); } return cases; } _case_selectors() { // const_literal (comma const_literal)* comma? const selectors = [ this._shift_expression(), //?.evaluate(this._context).toString() ?? "", ]; while (this._match(TokenTypes.tokens.comma)) { selectors.push(this._shift_expression()); } return selectors; } _case_body() { // statement case_body? // fallthrough semicolon if (this._match(TokenTypes.keywords.fallthrough)) { this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.semicolon, "Expected ';'"); return []; } let statement = this._statement(); if (statement == null) { return []; } if (!(statement instanceof Array)) { statement = [statement]; } const nextStatement = this._case_body(); if (nextStatement.length == 0) { return statement; } return [...statement, nextStatement[0]]; } _if_statement() { // if optional_paren_expression compound_statement elseif_statement? else_statement? if (!this._match(TokenTypes.keywords.if)) { return null; } const condition = this._optional_paren_expression(); if (this._check(TokenTypes.tokens.attr)) { this._attribute(); } const block = this._compound_statement(); let elseif = []; if (this._match_elseif()) { if (this._check(TokenTypes.tokens.attr)) { this._attribute(); } elseif = this._elseif_statement(elseif); } let _else = null; if (this._match(TokenTypes.keywords.else)) { if (this._check(TokenTypes.tokens.attr)) { this._attribute(); } _else = this._compound_statement(); } return new If(condition, block, elseif, _else); } _match_elseif() { if (this._tokens[this._current].type === TokenTypes.keywords.else && this._tokens[this._current + 1].type === TokenTypes.keywords.if) { this._advance(); this._advance(); return true; } return false; } _elseif_statement(elseif = []) { // else_if optional_paren_expression compound_statement elseif_statement? const condition = this._optional_paren_expression(); const block = this._compound_statement(); elseif.push(new ElseIf(condition, block)); if (this._match_elseif()) { if (this._check(TokenTypes.tokens.attr)) { this._attribute(); } this._elseif_statement(elseif); } return elseif; } _return_statement() { // return short_circuit_or_expression? if (!this._match(TokenTypes.keywords.return)) { return null; } const value = this._short_circuit_or_expression(); return new Return(value); } _short_circuit_or_expression() { // short_circuit_and_expression // short_circuit_or_expression or_or short_circuit_and_expression let expr = this._short_circuit_and_expr(); while (this._match(TokenTypes.tokens.or_or)) { expr = new BinaryOperator(this._previous().toString(), expr, this._short_circuit_and_expr()); } return expr; } _short_circuit_and_expr() { // inclusive_or_expression // short_circuit_and_expression and_and inclusive_or_expression let expr = this._inclusive_or_expression(); while (this._match(TokenTypes.tokens.and_and)) { expr = new BinaryOperator(this._previous().toString(), expr, this._inclusive_or_expression()); } return expr; } _inclusive_or_expression() { // exclusive_or_expression // inclusive_or_expression or exclusive_or_expression let expr = this._exclusive_or_expression(); while (this._match(TokenTypes.tokens.or)) { expr = new BinaryOperator(this._previous().toString(), expr, this._exclusive_or_expression()); } return expr; } _exclusive_or_expression() { // and_expression // exclusive_or_expression xor and_expression let expr = this._and_expression(); while (this._match(TokenTypes.tokens.xor)) { expr = new BinaryOperator(this._previous().toString(), expr, this._and_expression()); } return expr; } _and_expression() { // equality_expression // and_expression and equality_expression let expr = this._equality_expression(); while (this._match(TokenTypes.tokens.and)) { expr = new BinaryOperator(this._previous().toString(), expr, this._equality_expression()); } return expr; } _equality_expression() { // relational_expression // relational_expression equal_equal relational_expression // relational_expression not_equal relational_expression const expr = this._relational_expression(); if (this._match([TokenTypes.tokens.equal_equal, TokenTypes.tokens.not_equal])) { return new BinaryOperator(this._previous().toString(), expr, this._relational_expression()); } return expr; } _relational_expression() { // shift_expression // relational_expression less_than shift_expression // relational_expression greater_than shift_expression // relational_expression less_than_equal shift_expression // relational_expression greater_than_equal shift_expression let expr = this._shift_expression(); while (this._match([ TokenTypes.tokens.less_than, TokenTypes.tokens.greater_than, TokenTypes.tokens.less_than_equal, TokenTypes.tokens.greater_than_equal, ])) { expr = new BinaryOperator(this._previous().toString(), expr, this._shift_expression()); } return expr; } _shift_expression() { // additive_expression // shift_expression shift_left additive_expression // shift_expression shift_right additive_expression let expr = this._additive_expression(); while (this._match([TokenTypes.tokens.shift_left, TokenTypes.tokens.shift_right])) { expr = new BinaryOperator(this._previous().toString(), expr, this._additive_expression()); } return expr; } _additive_expression() { // multiplicative_expression // additive_expression plus multiplicative_expression // additive_expression minus multiplicative_expression let expr = this._multiplicative_expression(); while (this._match([TokenTypes.tokens.plus, TokenTypes.tokens.minus])) { expr = new BinaryOperator(this._previous().toString(), expr, this._multiplicative_expression()); } return expr; } _multiplicative_expression() { // unary_expression // multiplicative_expression star unary_expression // multiplicative_expression forward_slash unary_expression // multiplicative_expression modulo unary_expression let expr = this._unary_expression(); while (this._match([ TokenTypes.tokens.star, TokenTypes.tokens.forward_slash, TokenTypes.tokens.modulo, ])) { expr = new BinaryOperator(this._previous().toString(), expr, this._unary_expression()); } return expr; } _unary_expression() { // singular_expression // minus unary_expression // bang unary_expression // tilde unary_expression // star unary_expression // and unary_expression if (this._match([ TokenTypes.tokens.minus, TokenTypes.tokens.bang, TokenTypes.tokens.tilde, TokenTypes.tokens.star, TokenTypes.tokens.and, ])) { return new UnaryOperator(this._previous().toString(), this._unary_expression()); } return this._singular_expression(); } _singular_expression() { // primary_expression postfix_expression ? const expr = this._primary_expression(); const p = this._postfix_expression(); if (p) { expr.postfix = p; } return expr; } _postfix_expression() { // bracket_left short_circuit_or_expression bracket_right postfix_expression? if (this._match(TokenTypes.tokens.bracket_left)) { const expr = this._short_circuit_or_expression(); this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.bracket_right, "Expected ']'."); const arrayIndex = new ArrayIndex(expr); const p = this._postfix_expression(); if (p) { arrayIndex.postfix = p; } return arrayIndex; } // period ident postfix_expression? if (this._match(TokenTypes.tokens.period)) { const name = this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.ident, "Expected member name."); const p = this._postfix_expression(); const expr = new StringExpr(name.lexeme); if (p) { expr.postfix = p; } return expr; } return null; } _getStruct(name) { if (this._context.aliases.has(name)) { const alias = this._context.aliases.get(name).type; return alias; } if (this._context.structs.has(name)) { const struct = this._context.structs.get(name); return struct; } return null; } _primary_expression() { // ident argument_expression_list? if (this._match(TokenTypes.tokens.ident)) { const name = this._previous().toString(); if (this._check(TokenTypes.tokens.paren_left)) { const args = this._argument_expression_list(); const struct = this._getStruct(name); if (struct != null) { return new CreateExpr(struct, args); } return new CallExpr(name, args); } if (this._context.constants.has(name)) { const c = this._context.constants.get(name); return new ConstExpr(name, c.value); } return new VariableExpr(name); } // const_literal if (this._match(TokenTypes.const_literal)) { return new LiteralExpr(parseFloat(this._previous().toString())); } // paren_expression if (this._check(TokenTypes.tokens.paren_left)) { return this._paren_expression(); } // bitcast less_than type_decl greater_than paren_expression if (this._match(TokenTypes.keywords.bitcast)) { this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.less_than, "Expected '<'."); const type = this._type_decl(); this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.greater_than, "Expected '>'."); const value = this._paren_expression(); return new BitcastExpr(type, value); } // type_decl argument_expression_list const type = this._type_decl(); const args = this._argument_expression_list(); return new CreateExpr(type, args); } _argument_expression_list() { // paren_left ((short_circuit_or_expression comma)* short_circuit_or_expression comma?)? paren_right if (!this._match(TokenTypes.tokens.paren_left)) { return null; } const args = []; do { if (this._check(TokenTypes.tokens.paren_right)) { break; } const arg = this._short_circuit_or_expression(); args.push(arg); } while (this._match(TokenTypes.tokens.comma)); this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.paren_right, "Expected ')' for agument list"); return args; } _optional_paren_expression() { // [paren_left] short_circuit_or_expression [paren_right] this._match(TokenTypes.tokens.paren_left); const expr = this._short_circuit_or_expression(); this._match(TokenTypes.tokens.paren_right); return new GroupingExpr([expr]); } _paren_expression() { // paren_left short_circuit_or_expression paren_right this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.paren_left, "Expected '('."); const expr = this._short_circuit_or_expression(); this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.paren_right, "Expected ')'."); return new GroupingExpr([expr]); } _struct_decl() { // attribute* struct ident struct_body_decl if (!this._match(TokenTypes.keywords.struct)) { return null; } const startLine = this._currentLine; const name = this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.ident, "Expected name for struct.").toString(); // struct_body_decl: brace_left (struct_member comma)* struct_member comma? brace_right this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.brace_left, "Expected '{' for struct body."); const members = []; while (!this._check(TokenTypes.tokens.brace_right)) { // struct_member: attribute* variable_ident_decl const memberAttrs = this._attribute(); const memberName = this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.ident, "Expected variable name.").toString(); this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.colon, "Expected ':' for struct member type."); const typeAttrs = this._attribute(); const memberType = this._type_decl(); if (memberType != null) { memberType.attributes = typeAttrs; } if (!this._check(TokenTypes.tokens.brace_right)) this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.comma, "Expected ',' for struct member."); else this._match(TokenTypes.tokens.comma); // trailing comma optional. members.push(new Member(memberName, memberType, memberAttrs)); } this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.brace_right, "Expected '}' after struct body."); const endLine = this._currentLine; const structNode = new Struct(name, members, startLine, endLine); this._context.structs.set(name, structNode); return structNode; } _global_variable_decl() { // attribute* variable_decl (equal const_expression)? const _var = this._variable_decl(); if (_var && this._match(TokenTypes.tokens.equal)) { _var.value = this._const_expression(); } return _var; } _override_variable_decl() { // attribute* override_decl (equal const_expression)? const _override = this._override_decl(); if (_override && this._match(TokenTypes.tokens.equal)) { _override.value = this._const_expression(); } return _override; } _global_const_decl() { // attribute* const (ident variable_ident_decl) global_const_initializer? if (!this._match(TokenTypes.keywords.const)) { return null; } const name = this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.ident, "Expected variable name"); let type = null; if (this._match(TokenTypes.tokens.colon)) { const attrs = this._attribute(); type = this._type_decl(); if (type != null) { type.attributes = attrs; } } let value = null; if (this._match(TokenTypes.tokens.equal)) { const valueExpr = this._short_circuit_or_expression(); if (valueExpr instanceof CreateExpr) { value = valueExpr; } else if (valueExpr instanceof ConstExpr && valueExpr.initializer instanceof CreateExpr) { value = valueExpr.initializer; } else { try { const constValue = valueExpr.evaluate(this._context); value = new LiteralExpr(constValue); } catch (_a) { value = valueExpr; } } } const c = new Const(name.toString(), type, "", "", value); this._context.constants.set(c.name, c); return c; } _global_let_decl() { // attribute* let (ident variable_ident_decl) global_const_initializer? if (!this._match(TokenTypes.keywords.let)) { return null; } const name = this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.ident, "Expected variable name"); let type = null; if (this._match(TokenTypes.tokens.colon)) { const attrs = this._attribute(); type = this._type_decl(); if (type != null) { type.attributes = attrs; } } let value = null; if (this._match(TokenTypes.tokens.equal)) { value = this._const_expression(); } return new Let(name.toString(), type, "", "", value); } _const_expression() { // type_decl paren_left ((const_expression comma)* const_expression comma?)? paren_right // const_literal return this._short_circuit_or_expression(); } _variable_decl() { // var variable_qualifier? (ident variable_ident_decl) if (!this._match(TokenTypes.keywords.var)) { return null; } // variable_qualifier: less_than storage_class (comma access_mode)? greater_than let storage = ""; let access = ""; if (this._match(TokenTypes.tokens.less_than)) { storage = this._consume(TokenTypes.storage_class, "Expected storage_class.").toString(); if (this._match(TokenTypes.tokens.comma)) access = this._consume(TokenTypes.access_mode, "Expected access_mode.").toString(); this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.greater_than, "Expected '>'."); } const name = this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.ident, "Expected variable name"); let type = null; if (this._match(TokenTypes.tokens.colon)) { const attrs = this._attribute(); type = this._type_decl(); if (type != null) { type.attributes = attrs; } } return new Var(name.toString(), type, storage, access, null); } _override_decl() { // override (ident variable_ident_decl) if (!this._match(TokenTypes.keywords.override)) { return null; } const name = this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.ident, "Expected variable name"); let type = null; if (this._match(TokenTypes.tokens.colon)) { const attrs = this._attribute(); type = this._type_decl(); if (type != null) { type.attributes = attrs; } } return new Override(name.toString(), type, null); } _diagnostic() { // diagnostic(severity_control_name, diagnostic_rule_name) this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.paren_left, "Expected '('"); const severity = this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.ident, "Expected severity control name."); this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.comma, "Expected ','"); const rule = this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.ident, "Expected diagnostic rule name."); this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.paren_right, "Expected ')'"); return new Diagnostic(severity.toString(), rule.toString()); } _enable_directive() { // enable ident semicolon const name = this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.ident, "identity expected."); return new Enable(name.toString()); } _requires_directive() { // requires extension [, extension]* semicolon const extensions = [this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.ident, "identity expected.").toString()]; while (this._match(TokenTypes.tokens.comma)) { const name = this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.ident, "identity expected."); extensions.push(name.toString()); } return new Requires(extensions); } _type_alias() { // type ident equal type_decl const name = this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.ident, "identity expected."); this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.equal, "Expected '=' for type alias."); let aliasType = this._type_decl(); if (aliasType === null) { throw this._error(this._peek(), "Expected Type for Alias."); } if (this._context.aliases.has(aliasType.name)) { aliasType = this._context.aliases.get(aliasType.name).type; } const aliasNode = new Alias(name.toString(), aliasType); this._context.aliases.set(aliasNode.name, aliasNode); return aliasNode; } _type_decl() { // ident // bool // float32 // int32 // uint32 // vec2 less_than type_decl greater_than // vec3 less_than type_decl greater_than // vec4 less_than type_decl greater_than // mat2x2 less_than type_decl greater_than // mat2x3 less_than type_decl greater_than // mat2x4 less_than type_decl greater_than // mat3x2 less_than type_decl greater_than // mat3x3 less_than type_decl greater_than // mat3x4 less_than type_decl greater_than // mat4x2 less_than type_decl greater_than // mat4x3 less_than type_decl greater_than // mat4x4 less_than type_decl greater_than // atomic less_than type_decl greater_than // pointer less_than storage_class comma type_decl (comma access_mode)? greater_than // array_type_decl // texture_sampler_types if (this._check([ TokenTypes.tokens.ident, ...TokenTypes.texel_format, TokenTypes.keywords.bool, TokenTypes.keywords.f32, TokenTypes.keywords.i32, TokenTypes.keywords.u32, ])) { const type = this._advance(); const typeName = type.toString(); if (this._context.structs.has(typeName)) { return this._context.structs.get(typeName); } if (this._context.aliases.has(typeName)) { return this._context.aliases.get(typeName).type; } return new Type(type.toString()); } // texture_sampler_types let type = this._texture_sampler_types(); if (type) { return type; } if (this._check(TokenTypes.template_types)) { let type = this._advance().toString(); let format = null; let access = null; if (this._match(TokenTypes.tokens.less_than)) { format = this._type_decl(); access = null; if (this._match(TokenTypes.tokens.comma)) { access = this._consume(TokenTypes.access_mode, "Expected access_mode for pointer").toString(); } this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.greater_than, "Expected '>' for type."); } return new TemplateType(type, format, access); } // pointer less_than storage_class comma type_decl (comma access_mode)? greater_than if (this._match(TokenTypes.keywords.ptr)) { let pointer = this._previous().toString(); this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.less_than, "Expected '<' for pointer."); const storage = this._consume(TokenTypes.storage_class, "Expected storage_class for pointer"); this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.comma, "Expected ',' for pointer."); const decl = this._type_decl(); let access = null; if (this._match(TokenTypes.tokens.comma)) { access = this._consume(TokenTypes.access_mode, "Expected access_mode for pointer").toString(); } this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.greater_than, "Expected '>' for pointer."); return new PointerType(pointer, storage.toString(), decl, access); } // The following type_decl's have an optional attribyte_list* const attrs = this._attribute(); // attribute* array // attribute* array less_than type_decl (comma element_count_expression)? greater_than if (this._match(TokenTypes.keywords.array)) { let format = null; let countInt = -1; const array = this._previous(); let countNode = null; if (this._match(TokenTypes.tokens.less_than)) { format = this._type_decl(); if (this._context.aliases.has(format.name)) { format = this._context.aliases.get(format.name).type; } let count = ""; if (this._match(TokenTypes.tokens.comma)) { countNode = this._shift_expression(); // If we can't evaluate the node, defer evaluating it until after the shader has // finished being parsed, because const statements can be declared **after** they // are used. try { count = countNode.evaluate(this._context).toString(); countNode = null; } catch (e) { count = "1"; } } this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.greater_than, "Expected '>' for array."); countInt = count ? parseInt(count) : 0; } const arrayType = new ArrayType(array.toString(), attrs, format, countInt); if (countNode) { this._deferArrayCountEval.push({ arrayType, countNode }); } return arrayType; } return null; } _texture_sampler_types() { // sampler_type if (this._match(TokenTypes.sampler_type)) { return new SamplerType(this._previous().toString(), null, null); } // depth_texture_type if (this._match(TokenTypes.depth_texture_type)) { return new SamplerType(this._previous().toString(), null, null); } // sampled_texture_type less_than type_decl greater_than // multisampled_texture_type less_than type_decl greater_than if (this._match(TokenTypes.sampled_texture_type) || this._match(TokenTypes.multisampled_texture_type)) { const sampler = this._previous(); this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.less_than, "Expected '<' for sampler type."); const format = this._type_decl(); this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.greater_than, "Expected '>' for sampler type."); return new SamplerType(sampler.toString(), format, null); } // storage_texture_type less_than texel_format comma access_mode greater_than if (this._match(TokenTypes.storage_texture_type)) { const sampler = this._previous(); this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.less_than, "Expected '<' for sampler type."); const format = this._consume(TokenTypes.texel_format, "Invalid texel format.").toString(); this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.comma, "Expected ',' after texel format."); const access = this._consume(TokenTypes.access_mode, "Expected access mode for storage texture type.").toString(); this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.greater_than, "Expected '>' for sampler type."); return new SamplerType(sampler.toString(), format, access); } return null; } _attribute() { // attr ident paren_left (literal_or_ident comma)* literal_or_ident paren_right // attr ident let attributes = []; while (this._match(TokenTypes.tokens.attr)) { const name = this._consume(TokenTypes.attribute_name, "Expected attribute name"); const attr = new Attribute(name.toString(), null); if (this._match(TokenTypes.tokens.paren_left)) { // literal_or_ident attr.value = this._consume(TokenTypes.literal_or_ident, "Expected attribute value").toString(); if (this._check(TokenTypes.tokens.comma)) { this._advance(); do { const v = this._consume(TokenTypes.literal_or_ident, "Expected attribute value").toString(); if (!(attr.value instanceof Array)) { attr.value = [attr.value]; } attr.value.push(v); } while (this._match(TokenTypes.tokens.comma)); } this._consume(TokenTypes.tokens.paren_right, "Expected ')'"); } attributes.push(attr); } if (attributes.length == 0) { return null; } return attributes; } } /** * @author Brendan Duncan / https://github.com/brendan-duncan */ class TypeInfo { constructor(name, attributes) { this.name = name; this.attributes = attributes; this.size = 0; } get isArray() { return false; } get isStruct() { return false; } get isTemplate() { return false; } } class MemberInfo { constructor(name, type, attributes) { this.name = name; this.type = type; this.attributes = attributes; this.offset = 0; this.size = 0; } get isArray() { return this.type.isArray; } get isStruct() { return this.type.isStruct; } get isTemplate() { return this.type.isTemplate; } get align() { return this.type.isStruct ? this.type.align : 0; } get members() { return this.type.isStruct ? this.type.members : null; } get format() { return this.type.isArray ? this.type.format : this.type.isTemplate ? this.type.format : null; } get count() { return this.type.isArray ? this.type.count : 0; } get stride() { return this.type.isArray ? this.type.stride : this.size; } } class StructInfo extends TypeInfo { constructor(name, attributes) { super(name, attributes); this.members = []; this.align = 0; this.startLine = -1; this.endLine = -1; this.inUse = false; } get isStruct() { return true; } } class ArrayInfo extends TypeInfo { constructor(name, attributes) { super(name, attributes); this.count = 0; this.stride = 0; } get isArray() { return true; } } class TemplateInfo extends TypeInfo { constructor(name, format, attributes, access) { super(name, attributes); this.format = format; this.access = access; } get isTemplate() { return true; } } exports.ResourceType = void 0; (function (ResourceType) { ResourceType[ResourceType["Uniform"] = 0] = "Uniform"; ResourceType[ResourceType["Storage"] = 1] = "Storage"; ResourceType[ResourceType["Texture"] = 2] = "Texture"; ResourceType[ResourceType["Sampler"] = 3] = "Sampler"; ResourceType[ResourceType["StorageTexture"] = 4] = "StorageTexture"; })(exports.ResourceType || (exports.ResourceType = {})); class VariableInfo { constructor(name, type, group, binding, attributes, resourceType, access) { this.name = name; this.type = type; this.group = group; this.binding = binding; this.attributes = attributes; this.resourceType = resourceType; this.access = access; } get isArray() { return this.type.isArray; } get isStruct() { return this.type.isStruct; } get isTemplate() { return this.type.isTemplate; } get size() { return this.type.size; } get align() { return this.type.isStruct ? this.type.align : 0; } get members() { return this.type.isStruct ? this.type.members : null; } get format() { return this.type.isArray ? this.type.format : this.type.isTemplate ? this.type.format : null; } get count() { return this.type.isArray ? this.type.count : 0; } get stride() { return this.type.isArray ? this.type.stride : this.size; } } class AliasInfo { constructor(name, type) { this.name = name; this.type = type; } } class _TypeSize { constructor(align, size) { this.align = align; this.size = size; } } class InputInfo { constructor(name, type, locationType, location) { this.name = name; this.type = type; this.locationType = locationType; this.location = location; this.interpolation = null; } } class OutputInfo { constructor(name, type, locationType, location) { this.name = name; this.type = type; this.locationType = locationType; this.location = location; } } class OverrideInfo { constructor(name, type, attributes, id) { this.name = name; this.type = type; this.attributes = attributes; this.id = id; } } class ArgumentInfo { constructor(name, type) { this.name = name; this.type = type; } } class FunctionInfo { constructor(name, stage = null) { this.stage = null; this.inputs = []; this.outputs = []; this.arguments = []; this.returnType = null; this.resources = []; this.overrides = []; this.startLine = -1; this.endLine = -1; this.inUse = false; this.calls = new Set(); this.name = name; this.stage = stage; } } class EntryFunctions { constructor() { this.vertex = []; this.fragment = []; this.compute = []; } } class _FunctionResources { constructor(node) { this.resources = null; this.inUse = false; this.info = null; this.node = node; } } class WgslReflect { constructor(code) { /// All top-level uniform vars in the shader. this.uniforms = []; /// All top-level storage vars in the shader. this.storage = []; /// All top-level texture vars in the shader; this.textures = []; // All top-level sampler vars in the shader. this.samplers = []; /// All top-level type aliases in the shader. this.aliases = []; /// All top-level overrides in the shader. this.overrides = []; /// All top-level structs in the shader. this.structs = []; /// All entry functions in the shader: vertex, fragment, and/or compute. this.entry = new EntryFunctions(); /// All functions in the shader, including entry functions. this.functions = []; this._types = new Map(); this._functions = new Map(); if (code) { this.update(code); } } _isStorageTexture(type) { return (type.name == "texture_storage_1d" || type.name == "texture_storage_2d" || type.name == "texture_storage_2d_array" || type.name == "texture_storage_3d"); } update(code) { const parser = new WgslParser(); const ast = parser.parse(code); for (const node of ast) { if (node instanceof Function) { this._functions.set(node.name, new _FunctionResources(node)); } } for (const node of ast) { if (node instanceof Struct) { const info = this._getTypeInfo(node, null); if (info instanceof StructInfo) { this.structs.push(info); } } } for (const node of ast) { if (node instanceof Alias) { this.aliases.push(this._getAliasInfo(node)); continue; } if (node instanceof Override) { const v = node; const id = this._getAttributeNum(v.attributes, "id", 0); const type = v.type != null ? this._getTypeInfo(v.type, v.attributes) : null; this.overrides.push(new OverrideInfo(v.name, type, v.attributes, id)); continue; } if (this._isUniformVar(node)) { const v = node; const g = this._getAttributeNum(v.attributes, "group", 0); const b = this._getAttributeNum(v.attributes, "binding", 0); const type = this._getTypeInfo(v.type, v.attributes); const varInfo = new VariableInfo(v.name, type, g, b, v.attributes, exports.ResourceType.Uniform, v.access); this.uniforms.push(varInfo); continue; } if (this._isStorageVar(node)) { const v = node; const g = this._getAttributeNum(v.attributes, "group", 0); const b = this._getAttributeNum(v.attributes, "binding", 0); const type = this._getTypeInfo(v.type, v.attributes); const isStorageTexture = this._isStorageTexture(type); const varInfo = new VariableInfo(v.name, type, g, b, v.attributes, isStorageTexture ? exports.ResourceType.StorageTexture : exports.ResourceType.Storage, v.access); this.storage.push(varInfo); continue; } if (this._isTextureVar(node)) { const v = node; const g = this._getAttributeNum(v.attributes, "group", 0); const b = this._getAttributeNum(v.attributes, "binding", 0); const type = this._getTypeInfo(v.type, v.attributes); const isStorageTexture = this._isStorageTexture(type); const varInfo = new VariableInfo(v.name, type, g, b, v.attributes, isStorageTexture ? exports.ResourceType.StorageTexture : exports.ResourceType.Texture, v.access); if (isStorageTexture) { this.storage.push(varInfo); } else { this.textures.push(varInfo); } continue; } if (this._isSamplerVar(node)) { const v = node; const g = this._getAttributeNum(v.attributes, "group", 0); const b = this._getAttributeNum(v.attributes, "binding", 0); const type = this._getTypeInfo(v.type, v.attributes); const varInfo = new VariableInfo(v.name, type, g, b, v.attributes, exports.ResourceType.Sampler, v.access); this.samplers.push(varInfo); continue; } if (node instanceof Function) { const vertexStage = this._getAttribute(node, "vertex"); const fragmentStage = this._getAttribute(node, "fragment"); const computeStage = this._getAttribute(node, "compute"); const stage = vertexStage || fragmentStage || computeStage; const fn = new FunctionInfo(node.name, stage === null || stage === void 0 ? void 0 : stage.name); fn.startLine = node.startLine; fn.endLine = node.endLine; this.functions.push(fn); this._functions.get(node.name).info = fn; if (stage) { this._functions.get(node.name).inUse = true; fn.inUse = true; fn.resources = this._findResources(node, !!stage); fn.inputs = this._getInputs(node.args); fn.outputs = this._getOutputs(node.returnType); this.entry[stage.name].push(fn); } else { fn.arguments = node.args.map((arg) => new ArgumentInfo(arg.name, this._getTypeInfo(arg.type, arg.attributes))); fn.returnType = node.returnType ? this._getTypeInfo(node.returnType, node.attributes) : null; } continue; } } for (const fn of this._functions.values()) { if (fn.info) { fn.info.inUse = fn.inUse; this._addCalls(fn.node, fn.info.calls); } } for (const fn of this._functions.values()) { fn.node.search((node) => { var _a; if (node.astNodeType === "varExpr") { const v = node; for (const override of this.overrides) { if (v.name == override.name) { (_a = fn.info) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.overrides.push(override); } } } }); } for (const u of this.uniforms) { this._markStructsInUse(u.type); } for (const s of this.storage) { this._markStructsInUse(s.type); } } _markStructsInUse(type) { if (!type) { return; } if (type.isStruct) { type.inUse = true; if (type.members) { for (const m of type.members) { this._markStructsInUse(m.type); } } } else if (type.isArray) { this._markStructsInUse(type.format); } else if (type.isTemplate) { if (type.format) { this._markStructsInUse(type.format); } } else { const alias = this._getAlias(type.name); if (alias) { this._markStructsInUse(alias); } } } _addCalls(fn, calls) { var _a; for (const call of fn.calls) { const info = (_a = this._functions.get(call.name)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.info; if (info) { calls.add(info); } } } /// Find a resource by its group and binding. findResource(group, binding) { for (const u of this.uniforms) { if (u.group == group && u.binding == binding) { return u; } } for (const s of this.storage) { if (s.group == group && s.binding == binding) { return s; } } for (const t of this.textures) { if (t.group == group && t.binding == binding) { return t; } } for (const s of this.samplers) { if (s.group == group && s.binding == binding) { return s; } } return null; } _findResource(name) { for (const u of this.uniforms) { if (u.name == name) { return u; } } for (const s of this.storage) { if (s.name == name) { return s; } } for (const t of this.textures) { if (t.name == name) { return t; } } for (const s of this.samplers) { if (s.name == name) { return s; } } return null; } _markStructsFromAST(type) { const info = this._getTypeInfo(type, null); this._markStructsInUse(info); } _findResources(fn, isEntry) { const resources = []; const self = this; const varStack = []; fn.search((node) => { if (node instanceof _BlockStart) { varStack.push({}); } else if (node instanceof _BlockEnd) { varStack.pop(); } else if (node instanceof Var) { const v = node; if (isEntry && v.type !== null) { this._markStructsFromAST(v.type); } if (varStack.length > 0) { varStack[varStack.length - 1][v.name] = v; } } else if (node instanceof CreateExpr) { const c = node; if (isEntry && c.type !== null) { this._markStructsFromAST(c.type); } } else if (node instanceof Let) { const v = node; if (isEntry && v.type !== null) { this._markStructsFromAST(v.type); } if (varStack.length > 0) { varStack[varStack.length - 1][v.name] = v; } } else if (node instanceof VariableExpr) { const v = node; // Check to see if the variable is a local variable before checking to see if it's // a resource. if (varStack.length > 0) { const varInfo = varStack[varStack.length - 1][v.name]; if (varInfo) { return; } } const varInfo = self._findResource(v.name); if (varInfo) { resources.push(varInfo); } } else if (node instanceof CallExpr) { const c = node; const callFn = self._functions.get(c.name); if (callFn) { if (isEntry) { callFn.inUse = true; } fn.calls.add(callFn.node); if (callFn.resources === null) { callFn.resources = self._findResources(callFn.node, isEntry); } resources.push(...callFn.resources); } } else if (node instanceof Call) { const c = node; const callFn = self._functions.get(c.name); if (callFn) { if (isEntry) { callFn.inUse = true; } fn.calls.add(callFn.node); if (callFn.resources === null) { callFn.resources = self._findResources(callFn.node, isEntry); } resources.push(...callFn.resources); } } }); return [...new Map(resources.map(r => [r.name, r])).values()]; } getBindGroups() { const groups = []; function _makeRoom(group, binding) { if (group >= groups.length) { groups.length = group + 1; } if (groups[group] === undefined) { groups[group] = []; } if (binding >= groups[group].length) { groups[group].length = binding + 1; } } for (const u of this.uniforms) { _makeRoom(u.group, u.binding); const group = groups[u.group]; group[u.binding] = u; } for (const u of this.storage) { _makeRoom(u.group, u.binding); const group = groups[u.group]; group[u.binding] = u; } for (const t of this.textures) { _makeRoom(t.group, t.binding); const group = groups[t.group]; group[t.binding] = t; } for (const t of this.samplers) { _makeRoom(t.group, t.binding); const group = groups[t.group]; group[t.binding] = t; } return groups; } _getOutputs(type, outputs = undefined) { if (outputs === undefined) { outputs = []; } if (type instanceof Struct) { this._getStructOutputs(type, outputs); } else { const output = this._getOutputInfo(type); if (output !== null) { outputs.push(output); } } return outputs; } _getStructOutputs(struct, outputs) { for (const m of struct.members) { if (m.type instanceof Struct) { this._getStructOutputs(m.type, outputs); } else { const location = this._getAttribute(m, "location") || this._getAttribute(m, "builtin"); if (location !== null) { const typeInfo = this._getTypeInfo(m.type, m.type.attributes); const locationValue = this._parseInt(location.value); const info = new OutputInfo(m.name, typeInfo, location.name, locationValue); outputs.push(info); } } } } _getOutputInfo(type) { const location = this._getAttribute(type, "location") || this._getAttribute(type, "builtin"); if (location !== null) { const typeInfo = this._getTypeInfo(type, type.attributes); const locationValue = this._parseInt(location.value); const info = new OutputInfo("", typeInfo, location.name, locationValue); return info; } return null; } _getInputs(args, inputs = undefined) { if (inputs === undefined) { inputs = []; } for (const arg of args) { if (arg.type instanceof Struct) { this._getStructInputs(arg.type, inputs); } else { const input = this._getInputInfo(arg); if (input !== null) { inputs.push(input); } } } return inputs; } _getStructInputs(struct, inputs) { for (const m of struct.members) { if (m.type instanceof Struct) { this._getStructInputs(m.type, inputs); } else { const input = this._getInputInfo(m); if (input !== null) { inputs.push(input); } } } } _getInputInfo(node) { const location = this._getAttribute(node, "location") || this._getAttribute(node, "builtin"); if (location !== null) { const interpolation = this._getAttribute(node, "interpolation"); const type = this._getTypeInfo(node.type, node.attributes); const locationValue = this._parseInt(location.value); const info = new InputInfo(node.name, type, location.name, locationValue); if (interpolation !== null) { info.interpolation = this._parseString(interpolation.value); } return info; } return null; } _parseString(s) { if (s instanceof Array) { s = s[0]; } return s; } _parseInt(s) { if (s instanceof Array) { s = s[0]; } const n = parseInt(s); return isNaN(n) ? s : n; } _getAlias(name) { for (const a of this.aliases) { if (a.name == name) { return a.type; } } return null; } _getAliasInfo(node) { return new AliasInfo(node.name, this._getTypeInfo(node.type, null)); } _getTypeInfo(type, attributes) { if (this._types.has(type)) { return this._types.get(type); } if (type instanceof ArrayType) { const a = type; const t = a.format ? this._getTypeInfo(a.format, a.attributes) : null; const info = new ArrayInfo(a.name, attributes); info.format = t; info.count = a.count; this._types.set(type, info); this._updateTypeInfo(info); return info; } if (type instanceof Struct) { const s = type; const info = new StructInfo(s.name, attributes); info.startLine = s.startLine; info.endLine = s.endLine; for (const m of s.members) { const t = this._getTypeInfo(m.type, m.attributes); info.members.push(new MemberInfo(m.name, t, m.attributes)); } this._types.set(type, info); this._updateTypeInfo(info); return info; } if (type instanceof SamplerType) { const s = type; const formatIsType = s.format instanceof Type; const format = s.format ? formatIsType ? this._getTypeInfo(s.format, null) : new TypeInfo(s.format, null) : null; const info = new TemplateInfo(s.name, format, attributes, s.access); this._types.set(type, info); this._updateTypeInfo(info); return info; } if (type instanceof TemplateType) { const t = type; const format = t.format ? this._getTypeInfo(t.format, null) : null; const info = new TemplateInfo(t.name, format, attributes, t.access); this._types.set(type, info); this._updateTypeInfo(info); return info; } const info = new TypeInfo(type.name, attributes); this._types.set(type, info); this._updateTypeInfo(info); return info; } _updateTypeInfo(type) { var _a, _b; const typeSize = this._getTypeSize(type); type.size = (_a = typeSize === null || typeSize === void 0 ? void 0 : typeSize.size) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 0; if (type instanceof ArrayInfo) { if (type["format"]) { const formatInfo = this._getTypeSize(type["format"]); type.stride = (_b = formatInfo === null || formatInfo === void 0 ? void 0 : formatInfo.size) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : 0; this._updateTypeInfo(type["format"]); } } if (type instanceof StructInfo) { this._updateStructInfo(type); } } _updateStructInfo(struct) { var _a; let offset = 0; let lastSize = 0; let lastOffset = 0; let structAlign = 0; for (let mi = 0, ml = struct.members.length; mi < ml; ++mi) { const member = struct.members[mi]; const sizeInfo = this._getTypeSize(member); if (!sizeInfo) { continue; } (_a = this._getAlias(member.type.name)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : member.type; const align = sizeInfo.align; const size = sizeInfo.size; offset = this._roundUp(align, offset + lastSize); lastSize = size; lastOffset = offset; structAlign = Math.max(structAlign, align); member.offset = offset; member.size = size; this._updateTypeInfo(member.type); } struct.size = this._roundUp(structAlign, lastOffset + lastSize); struct.align = structAlign; } _getTypeSize(type) { var _a, _b; if (type === null || type === undefined) { return null; } const explicitSize = this._getAttributeNum(type.attributes, "size", 0); const explicitAlign = this._getAttributeNum(type.attributes, "align", 0); if (type instanceof MemberInfo) { type = type.type; } if (type instanceof TypeInfo) { const alias = this._getAlias(type.name); if (alias !== null) { type = alias; } } { const info = WgslReflect._typeInfo[type.name]; if (info !== undefined) { const divisor = ((_a = type["format"]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.name) === "f16" ? 2 : 1; return new _TypeSize(Math.max(explicitAlign, info.align / divisor), Math.max(explicitSize, info.size / divisor)); } } { const info = WgslReflect._typeInfo[type.name.substring(0, type.name.length - 1)]; if (info) { const divisor = type.name[type.name.length - 1] === "h" ? 2 : 1; return new _TypeSize(Math.max(explicitAlign, info.align / divisor), Math.max(explicitSize, info.size / divisor)); } } if (type instanceof ArrayInfo) { let arrayType = type; let align = 8; let size = 8; // Type AlignOf(T) Sizeof(T) // array AlignOf(E) N * roundUp(AlignOf(E), SizeOf(E)) // array AlignOf(E) N * roundUp(AlignOf(E), SizeOf(E)) (N determined at runtime) // // @stride(Q) // array AlignOf(E) N * Q // // @stride(Q) // array AlignOf(E) Nruntime * Q //const E = type.format.name; const E = this._getTypeSize(arrayType.format); if (E !== null) { size = E.size; align = E.align; } const N = arrayType.count; const stride = this._getAttributeNum((_b = type === null || type === void 0 ? void 0 : type.attributes) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : null, "stride", this._roundUp(align, size)); size = N * stride; if (explicitSize) { size = explicitSize; } return new _TypeSize(Math.max(explicitAlign, align), Math.max(explicitSize, size)); } if (type instanceof StructInfo) { let align = 0; let size = 0; // struct S AlignOf: max(AlignOfMember(S, M1), ... , AlignOfMember(S, MN)) // SizeOf: roundUp(AlignOf(S), OffsetOfMember(S, L) + SizeOfMember(S, L)) // Where L is the last member of the structure let offset = 0; let lastSize = 0; let lastOffset = 0; for (const m of type.members) { const mi = this._getTypeSize(m.type); if (mi !== null) { align = Math.max(mi.align, align); offset = this._roundUp(mi.align, offset + lastSize); lastSize = mi.size; lastOffset = offset; } } size = this._roundUp(align, lastOffset + lastSize); return new _TypeSize(Math.max(explicitAlign, align), Math.max(explicitSize, size)); } return null; } _isUniformVar(node) { return node instanceof Var && node.storage == "uniform"; } _isStorageVar(node) { return node instanceof Var && node.storage == "storage"; } _isTextureVar(node) { return (node instanceof Var && node.type !== null && WgslReflect._textureTypes.indexOf(node.type.name) != -1); } _isSamplerVar(node) { return (node instanceof Var && node.type !== null && WgslReflect._samplerTypes.indexOf(node.type.name) != -1); } _getAttribute(node, name) { const obj = node; if (!obj || !obj["attributes"]) { return null; } const attrs = obj["attributes"]; for (let a of attrs) { if (a.name == name) { return a; } } return null; } _getAttributeNum(attributes, name, defaultValue) { if (attributes === null) { return defaultValue; } for (let a of attributes) { if (a.name == name) { let v = a !== null && a.value !== null ? a.value : defaultValue; if (v instanceof Array) { v = v[0]; } if (typeof v === "number") { return v; } if (typeof v === "string") { return parseInt(v); } return defaultValue; } } return defaultValue; } _roundUp(k, n) { return Math.ceil(n / k) * k; } } // Type AlignOf(T) Sizeof(T) // i32, u32, or f32 4 4 // atomic 4 4 // vec2 8 8 // vec3 16 12 // vec4 16 16 // mat2x2 8 16 // mat3x2 8 24 // mat4x2 8 32 // mat2x3 16 32 // mat3x3 16 48 // mat4x3 16 64 // mat2x4 16 32 // mat3x4 16 48 // mat4x4 16 64 WgslReflect._typeInfo = { f16: { align: 2, size: 2 }, i32: { align: 4, size: 4 }, u32: { align: 4, size: 4 }, f32: { align: 4, size: 4 }, atomic: { align: 4, size: 4 }, vec2: { align: 8, size: 8 }, vec3: { align: 16, size: 12 }, vec4: { align: 16, size: 16 }, mat2x2: { align: 8, size: 16 }, mat3x2: { align: 8, size: 24 }, mat4x2: { align: 8, size: 32 }, mat2x3: { align: 16, size: 32 }, mat3x3: { align: 16, size: 48 }, mat4x3: { align: 16, size: 64 }, mat2x4: { align: 16, size: 32 }, mat3x4: { align: 16, size: 48 }, mat4x4: { align: 16, size: 64 }, }; WgslReflect._textureTypes = TokenTypes.any_texture_type.map((t) => { return t.name; }); WgslReflect._samplerTypes = TokenTypes.sampler_type.map((t) => { return t.name; }); exports.Alias = Alias; exports.AliasInfo = AliasInfo; exports.Argument = Argument; exports.ArgumentInfo = ArgumentInfo; exports.ArrayIndex = ArrayIndex; exports.ArrayInfo = ArrayInfo; exports.ArrayType = ArrayType; exports.Assign = Assign; exports.Attribute = Attribute; exports.BinaryOperator = BinaryOperator; exports.BitcastExpr = BitcastExpr; exports.Break = Break; exports.Call = Call; exports.CallExpr = CallExpr; exports.Case = Case; exports.Const = Const; exports.ConstExpr = ConstExpr; exports.Continue = Continue; exports.Continuing = Continuing; exports.CreateExpr = CreateExpr; exports.Default = Default; exports.Diagnostic = Diagnostic; exports.Discard = Discard; exports.ElseIf = ElseIf; exports.Enable = Enable; exports.EntryFunctions = EntryFunctions; exports.Expression = Expression; exports.For = For; exports.Function = Function; exports.FunctionInfo = FunctionInfo; exports.GroupingExpr = GroupingExpr; exports.If = If; exports.Increment = Increment; exports.InputInfo = InputInfo; exports.Let = Let; exports.LiteralExpr = LiteralExpr; exports.Loop = Loop; exports.Member = Member; exports.MemberInfo = MemberInfo; exports.Node = Node; exports.Operator = Operator; exports.OutputInfo = OutputInfo; exports.Override = Override; exports.OverrideInfo = OverrideInfo; exports.ParseContext = ParseContext; exports.PointerType = PointerType; exports.Requires = Requires; exports.Return = Return; exports.SamplerType = SamplerType; exports.Statement = Statement; exports.StaticAssert = StaticAssert; exports.StringExpr = StringExpr; exports.Struct = Struct; exports.StructInfo = StructInfo; exports.Switch = Switch; exports.SwitchCase = SwitchCase; exports.TemplateInfo = TemplateInfo; exports.TemplateType = TemplateType; exports.Token = Token; exports.TokenType = TokenType; exports.TokenTypes = TokenTypes; exports.Type = Type; exports.TypeInfo = TypeInfo; exports.TypecastExpr = TypecastExpr; exports.UnaryOperator = UnaryOperator; exports.Var = Var; exports.VariableExpr = VariableExpr; exports.VariableInfo = VariableInfo; exports.WgslParser = WgslParser; exports.WgslReflect = WgslReflect; exports.WgslScanner = WgslScanner; exports.While = While; exports._BlockEnd = _BlockEnd; exports._BlockStart = _BlockStart; //# sourceMappingURL=wgsl_reflect.node.js.map