import { B as BaseCoverageOptions, a as ResolvedCoverageOptions } from './reporters-1evA5lom.js'; import 'vite'; import '@vitest/runner'; import 'vite-node'; import '@vitest/snapshot'; import '@vitest/expect'; import '@vitest/runner/utils'; import '@vitest/utils'; import 'tinybench'; import 'vite-node/client'; import '@vitest/snapshot/manager'; import 'vite-node/server'; import 'node:worker_threads'; import 'node:fs'; import 'chai'; interface CoverageSummaryData { lines: Totals; statements: Totals; branches: Totals; functions: Totals; } declare class CoverageSummary { constructor(data: CoverageSummary | CoverageSummaryData); merge(obj: CoverageSummary): CoverageSummary; toJSON(): CoverageSummaryData; isEmpty(): boolean; data: CoverageSummaryData; lines: Totals; statements: Totals; branches: Totals; functions: Totals; } interface CoverageMapData { [key: string]: FileCoverage | FileCoverageData; } declare class CoverageMap { constructor(data: CoverageMapData | CoverageMap); addFileCoverage(pathOrObject: string | FileCoverage | FileCoverageData): void; files(): string[]; fileCoverageFor(filename: string): FileCoverage; filter(callback: (key: string) => boolean): void; getCoverageSummary(): CoverageSummary; merge(data: CoverageMapData | CoverageMap): void; toJSON(): CoverageMapData; data: CoverageMapData; } interface Location { line: number; column: number; } interface Range { start: Location; end: Location; } interface BranchMapping { loc: Range; type: string; locations: Range[]; line: number; } interface FunctionMapping { name: string; decl: Range; loc: Range; line: number; } interface FileCoverageData { path: string; statementMap: { [key: string]: Range }; fnMap: { [key: string]: FunctionMapping }; branchMap: { [key: string]: BranchMapping }; s: { [key: string]: number }; f: { [key: string]: number }; b: { [key: string]: number[] }; } interface Totals { total: number; covered: number; skipped: number; pct: number; } interface Coverage { covered: number; total: number; coverage: number; } declare class FileCoverage implements FileCoverageData { constructor(data: string | FileCoverage | FileCoverageData); merge(other: FileCoverageData): void; getBranchCoverageByLine(): { [line: number]: Coverage }; getLineCoverage(): { [line: number]: number }; getUncoveredLines(): number[]; resetHits(): void; computeBranchTotals(): Totals; computeSimpleTotals(): Totals; toSummary(): CoverageSummary; toJSON(): object; data: FileCoverageData; path: string; statementMap: { [key: string]: Range }; fnMap: { [key: string]: FunctionMapping }; branchMap: { [key: string]: BranchMapping }; s: { [key: string]: number }; f: { [key: string]: number }; b: { [key: string]: number[] }; } type Threshold = 'lines' | 'functions' | 'statements' | 'branches'; interface ResolvedThreshold { coverageMap: CoverageMap; name: string; thresholds: Partial>; } declare class BaseCoverageProvider { /** * Check if current coverage is above configured thresholds and bump the thresholds if needed */ updateThresholds({ thresholds: allThresholds, perFile, configurationFile }: { thresholds: ResolvedThreshold[]; perFile?: boolean; configurationFile: { read(): unknown; write(): void; }; }): void; /** * Check collected coverage against configured thresholds. Sets exit code to 1 when thresholds not reached. */ checkThresholds({ thresholds: allThresholds, perFile }: { thresholds: ResolvedThreshold[]; perFile?: boolean; }): void; /** * Constructs collected coverage and users' threshold options into separate sets * where each threshold set holds their own coverage maps. Threshold set is either * for specific files defined by glob pattern or global for all other files. */ resolveThresholds({ coverageMap, thresholds, createCoverageMap }: { coverageMap: CoverageMap; thresholds: NonNullable; createCoverageMap: () => CoverageMap; }): ResolvedThreshold[]; /** * Resolve reporters from various configuration options */ resolveReporters(configReporters: NonNullable): ResolvedCoverageOptions['reporter']; } export { BaseCoverageProvider };