import { normalize } from 'pathe'; import cac from 'cac'; import c from 'picocolors'; import { v as version, s as startVitest } from './vendor/node.Zme77R4t.js'; import './vendor/index.rJjbcrrp.js'; import { d as divider } from './vendor/reporters.cA9x-5v-.js'; import { t as toArray } from './vendor/base.QYERqzkH.js'; import 'vite'; import 'node:path'; import 'node:url'; import 'node:process'; import 'node:fs'; import './vendor/constants.i1PoEnhr.js'; import './vendor/_commonjsHelpers.jjO7Zipk.js'; import 'os'; import 'path'; import './vendor/index.xL8XjTLv.js'; import 'util'; import 'stream'; import 'events'; import 'fs'; import 'vite-node/client'; import '@vitest/snapshot/manager'; import 'vite-node/server'; import './vendor/coverage.E7sG1b3r.js'; import './path.js'; import 'node:v8'; import 'node:os'; import 'node:events'; import 'tinypool'; import './vendor/index.cAUulNDf.js'; import 'node:worker_threads'; import '@vitest/utils'; import 'node:fs/promises'; import 'node:perf_hooks'; import 'execa'; import '@vitest/utils/source-map'; import 'module'; import 'acorn-walk'; import '@vitest/runner/utils'; import 'local-pkg'; import 'std-env'; import 'node:crypto'; import 'vite-node/utils'; import 'assert'; import 'magic-string'; import '@vitest/utils/ast'; import 'strip-literal'; import 'node:module'; import './vendor/environments.sU0TD7wX.js'; import 'node:console'; import 'node:readline'; import 'readline'; import './vendor/global.CkGT_TMy.js'; import './chunks/runtime-console.Iloo9fIt.js'; import 'node:stream'; import './vendor/date.Ns1pGd_X.js'; import './vendor/tasks.IknbGB2n.js'; const cli = cac("vitest"); cli.version(version).option("-r, --root ", "Root path").option("-c, --config ", "Path to config file").option("-u, --update", "Update snapshot").option("-w, --watch", "Enable watch mode").option("-t, --testNamePattern ", "Run tests with full names matching the specified regexp pattern").option("--dir ", "Base directory to scan for the test files").option("--ui", "Enable UI").option("--open", "Open UI automatically (default: !process.env.CI))").option("--api [api]", "Serve API, available options: --api.port , [host] and --api.strictPort").option("--silent", "Silent console output from tests").option("--hideSkippedTests", "Hide logs for skipped tests").option("--reporter ", "Specify reporters").option("--outputFile ", "Write test results to a file when supporter reporter is also specified, use cac's dot notation for individual outputs of multiple reporters").option("--coverage", "Enable coverage report").option("--coverage.all", "Whether to include all files, including the untested ones into report", { default: true }).option("--run", "Disable watch mode").option("--mode ", "Override Vite mode (default: test)").option("--workspace ", "Path to a workspace configuration file").option("--isolate", "Run every test file in isolation. To disable isolation, use --no-isolate (default: true)").option("--globals", "Inject apis globally").option("--dom", "Mock browser API with happy-dom").option("--browser [options]", "Run tests in the browser (default: false)").option("--pool ", "Specify pool, if not running in the browser (default: threads)").option("--poolOptions ", "Specify pool options").option("--poolOptions.threads.isolate", "Isolate tests in threads pool (default: true)").option("--poolOptions.forks.isolate", "Isolate tests in forks pool (default: true)").option("--fileParallelism", "Should all test files run in parallel. Use --no-file-parallelism to disable (default: true)").option("--maxWorkers ", "Maximum number of workers to run tests in").option("--minWorkers ", "Minimum number of workers to run tests in").option("--environment ", "Specify runner environment, if not running in the browser (default: node)").option("--passWithNoTests", "Pass when no tests found").option("--logHeapUsage", "Show the size of heap for each test").option("--allowOnly", "Allow tests and suites that are marked as only (default: !process.env.CI)").option("--dangerouslyIgnoreUnhandledErrors", "Ignore any unhandled errors that occur").option("--shard ", "Test suite shard to execute in a format of /").option("--changed [since]", "Run tests that are affected by the changed files (default: false)").option("--sequence ", "Define in what order to run tests (use --sequence.shuffle to run tests in random order, use --sequence.concurrent to run tests in parallel)").option("--segfaultRetry ", "Return tests on segment fault (default: 0)", { default: 0 }).option("--no-color", "Removes colors from the console output").option("--inspect", "Enable Node.js inspector").option("--inspect-brk", "Enable Node.js inspector with break").option("--test-timeout