"use strict"; import { isMovable, isTaskQueue, isTransferable, kFieldCount, kQueueOptions, kRequestCountField, kResponseCountField, kTransferable, kValue, markMovable } from "./chunk-FJA3Y3DX.js"; import { __dirname, __privateAdd, __privateGet, __privateSet, __publicField } from "./chunk-T6A5DJAH.js"; // src/index.ts import { MessageChannel, receiveMessageOnPort } from "worker_threads"; import { once } from "events"; // src/EventEmitterAsyncResource.ts import { EventEmitter } from "events"; import { AsyncResource } from "async_hooks"; var kEventEmitter = Symbol("kEventEmitter"); var kAsyncResource = Symbol("kAsyncResource"); var _a; var EventEmitterReferencingAsyncResource = class extends AsyncResource { constructor(ee, type, options) { super(type, options); __publicField(this, _a); this[kEventEmitter] = ee; } get eventEmitter() { return this[kEventEmitter]; } }; _a = kEventEmitter; var _a2; var _EventEmitterAsyncResource = class extends EventEmitter { constructor(options) { let name; if (typeof options === "string") { name = options; options = void 0; } else { name = options?.name || new.target.name; } super(options); __publicField(this, _a2); this[kAsyncResource] = new EventEmitterReferencingAsyncResource(this, name, options); } emit(event, ...args) { return this.asyncResource.runInAsyncScope(super.emit, this, event, ...args); } emitDestroy() { this.asyncResource.emitDestroy(); } asyncId() { return this.asyncResource.asyncId(); } triggerAsyncId() { return this.asyncResource.triggerAsyncId(); } get asyncResource() { return this[kAsyncResource]; } static get EventEmitterAsyncResource() { return _EventEmitterAsyncResource; } }; var EventEmitterAsyncResource = _EventEmitterAsyncResource; _a2 = kAsyncResource; var EventEmitterAsyncResource_default = EventEmitterAsyncResource; // src/index.ts import { AsyncResource as AsyncResource2 } from "async_hooks"; import { fileURLToPath as fileURLToPath3, URL } from "url"; import { join } from "path"; import { inspect, types } from "util"; import assert from "assert"; import { performance } from "perf_hooks"; import { readFileSync } from "fs"; // src/physicalCpuCount.ts import os from "os"; import childProcess from "child_process"; function exec(command) { const output = childProcess.execSync(command, { encoding: "utf8", stdio: [null, null, null] }); return output; } var amount; try { const platform = os.platform(); if (platform === "linux") { const output1 = exec('cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "physical id" | sort |uniq | wc -l'); const output2 = exec('cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "core id" | sort | uniq | wc -l'); const physicalCpuAmount = parseInt(output1.trim(), 10); const physicalCoreAmount = parseInt(output2.trim(), 10); amount = physicalCpuAmount * physicalCoreAmount; } else if (platform === "darwin") { const output = exec("sysctl -n hw.physicalcpu_max"); amount = parseInt(output.trim(), 10); } else if (platform === "win32") { throw new Error(); } else { const cores = os.cpus().filter(function(cpu, index) { const hasHyperthreading = cpu.model.includes("Intel"); const isOdd = index % 2 === 1; return !hasHyperthreading || isOdd; }); amount = cores.length; } } catch { amount = os.cpus().length; } // src/runtime/thread-worker.ts import { fileURLToPath } from "url"; import { Worker } from "worker_threads"; var ThreadWorker = class { constructor() { __publicField(this, "name", "ThreadWorker"); __publicField(this, "runtime", "worker_threads"); __publicField(this, "thread"); __publicField(this, "threadId"); } initialize(options) { this.thread = new Worker(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url + "/../entry/worker.js"), options); this.threadId = this.thread.threadId; } async terminate() { return this.thread.terminate(); } postMessage(message, transferListItem) { return this.thread.postMessage(message, transferListItem); } on(event, callback) { return this.thread.on(event, callback); } once(event, callback) { return this.thread.once(event, callback); } emit(event, ...data) { return this.thread.emit(event, ...data); } ref() { return this.thread.ref(); } unref() { return this.thread.unref(); } setChannel() { throw new Error("{ runtime: 'worker_threads' } doesn't support channel. Use transferListItem instead."); } }; // src/runtime/process-worker.ts import { fork } from "child_process"; import { MessagePort } from "worker_threads"; import { fileURLToPath as fileURLToPath2 } from "url"; var __tinypool_worker_message__ = true; var SIGKILL_TIMEOUT = 1e3; var ProcessWorker = class { constructor() { __publicField(this, "name", "ProcessWorker"); __publicField(this, "runtime", "child_process"); __publicField(this, "process"); __publicField(this, "threadId"); __publicField(this, "port"); __publicField(this, "channel"); __publicField(this, "waitForExit"); __publicField(this, "onUnexpectedExit", () => { this.process.emit("error", new Error("Worker exited unexpectedly")); }); } initialize(options) { this.process = fork(fileURLToPath2(import.meta.url + "/../entry/process.js"), options.argv, { ...options, env: { ...options.env, TINYPOOL_WORKER_ID: options.workerData[0].workerId.toString() } }); this.threadId = this.process.pid; this.process.on("exit", this.onUnexpectedExit); this.waitForExit = new Promise((r) => this.process.on("exit", r)); } async terminate() { this.process.off("exit", this.onUnexpectedExit); const sigkillTimeout = setTimeout(() => this.process.kill("SIGKILL"), SIGKILL_TIMEOUT); this.process.kill(); await this.waitForExit; this.port?.close(); clearTimeout(sigkillTimeout); } setChannel(channel) { this.channel = channel; this.channel.onMessage((message) => { this.process.send(message); }); } postMessage(message, transferListItem) { transferListItem?.forEach((item) => { if (item instanceof MessagePort) { this.port = item; } }); if (this.port) { this.port.on("message", (message2) => this.process.send({ ...message2, source: "port", __tinypool_worker_message__ })); } return this.process.send({ ...message, source: "pool", __tinypool_worker_message__ }); } on(event, callback) { return this.process.on(event, (data) => { if (event === "error") { return callback(data); } if (!data || !data.__tinypool_worker_message__) { return this.channel?.postMessage(data); } if (data.source === "pool") { callback(data); } else if (data.source === "port") { this.port.postMessage(data); } }); } once(event, callback) { return this.process.once(event, callback); } emit(event, ...data) { return this.process.emit(event, ...data); } ref() { return this.process.ref(); } unref() { this.port?.unref(); this.process.channel?.unref(); return this.process.unref(); } }; // src/index.ts var cpuCount = amount; function onabort(abortSignal, listener) { if ("addEventListener" in abortSignal) { abortSignal.addEventListener("abort", listener, { once: true }); } else { abortSignal.once("abort", listener); } } var AbortError = class extends Error { constructor() { super("The task has been aborted"); } get name() { return "AbortError"; } }; var CancelError = class extends Error { constructor() { super("The task has been cancelled"); } get name() { return "CancelError"; } }; var ArrayTaskQueue = class { constructor() { __publicField(this, "tasks", []); } get size() { return this.tasks.length; } shift() { return this.tasks.shift(); } push(task) { this.tasks.push(task); } remove(task) { const index = this.tasks.indexOf(task); assert.notStrictEqual(index, -1); this.tasks.splice(index, 1); } cancel() { while (this.tasks.length > 0) { const task = this.tasks.pop(); task?.cancel(); } } }; var kDefaultOptions = { filename: null, name: "default", runtime: "worker_threads", minThreads: Math.max(cpuCount / 2, 1), maxThreads: cpuCount, idleTimeout: 0, maxQueue: Infinity, concurrentTasksPerWorker: 1, useAtomics: true, taskQueue: new ArrayTaskQueue(), trackUnmanagedFds: true }; var kDefaultRunOptions = { transferList: void 0, filename: null, signal: null, name: null }; var _value; var DirectlyTransferable = class { constructor(value) { __privateAdd(this, _value, void 0); __privateSet(this, _value, value); } get [kTransferable]() { return __privateGet(this, _value); } get [kValue]() { return __privateGet(this, _value); } }; _value = new WeakMap(); var _view; var ArrayBufferViewTransferable = class { constructor(view) { __privateAdd(this, _view, void 0); __privateSet(this, _view, view); } get [kTransferable]() { return __privateGet(this, _view).buffer; } get [kValue]() { return __privateGet(this, _view); } }; _view = new WeakMap(); var taskIdCounter = 0; function maybeFileURLToPath(filename) { return filename.startsWith("file:") ? fileURLToPath3(new URL(filename)) : filename; } var TaskInfo = class extends AsyncResource2 { constructor(task, transferList, filename, name, callback, abortSignal, triggerAsyncId, channel) { super("Tinypool.Task", { requireManualDestroy: true, triggerAsyncId }); __publicField(this, "callback"); __publicField(this, "task"); __publicField(this, "transferList"); __publicField(this, "channel"); __publicField(this, "filename"); __publicField(this, "name"); __publicField(this, "taskId"); __publicField(this, "abortSignal"); __publicField(this, "abortListener", null); __publicField(this, "workerInfo", null); __publicField(this, "created"); __publicField(this, "started"); __publicField(this, "cancel"); this.callback = callback; this.task = task; this.transferList = transferList; this.cancel = () => this.callback(new CancelError(), null); this.channel = channel; if (isMovable(task)) { if (this.transferList == null) { this.transferList = []; } this.transferList = this.transferList.concat(task[kTransferable]); this.task = task[kValue]; } this.filename = filename; this.name = name; this.taskId = taskIdCounter++; this.abortSignal = abortSignal; this.created = performance.now(); this.started = 0; } releaseTask() { const ret = this.task; this.task = null; return ret; } done(err, result) { this.emitDestroy(); this.runInAsyncScope(this.callback, null, err, result); if (this.abortSignal && this.abortListener) { if ("removeEventListener" in this.abortSignal && this.abortListener) { this.abortSignal.removeEventListener("abort", this.abortListener); } else { ; this.abortSignal.off("abort", this.abortListener); } } } get [kQueueOptions]() { return kQueueOptions in this.task ? this.task[kQueueOptions] : null; } }; var AsynchronouslyCreatedResource = class { constructor() { __publicField(this, "onreadyListeners", []); } markAsReady() { const listeners = this.onreadyListeners; assert(listeners !== null); this.onreadyListeners = null; for (const listener of listeners) { listener(); } } isReady() { return this.onreadyListeners === null; } onReady(fn) { if (this.onreadyListeners === null) { fn(); return; } this.onreadyListeners.push(fn); } }; var AsynchronouslyCreatedResourcePool = class { constructor(maximumUsage) { __publicField(this, "pendingItems", /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()); __publicField(this, "readyItems", /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()); __publicField(this, "maximumUsage"); __publicField(this, "onAvailableListeners"); this.maximumUsage = maximumUsage; this.onAvailableListeners = []; } add(item) { this.pendingItems.add(item); item.onReady(() => { if (this.pendingItems.has(item)) { this.pendingItems.delete(item); this.readyItems.add(item); this.maybeAvailable(item); } }); } delete(item) { this.pendingItems.delete(item); this.readyItems.delete(item); } findAvailable() { let minUsage = this.maximumUsage; let candidate = null; for (const item of this.readyItems) { const usage = item.currentUsage(); if (usage === 0) return item; if (usage < minUsage) { candidate = item; minUsage = usage; } } return candidate; } *[Symbol.iterator]() { yield* this.pendingItems; yield* this.readyItems; } get size() { return this.pendingItems.size + this.readyItems.size; } maybeAvailable(item) { if (item.currentUsage() < this.maximumUsage) { for (const listener of this.onAvailableListeners) { listener(item); } } } onAvailable(fn) { this.onAvailableListeners.push(fn); } }; var Errors = { ThreadTermination: () => new Error("Terminating worker thread"), FilenameNotProvided: () => new Error("filename must be provided to run() or in options object"), TaskQueueAtLimit: () => new Error("Task queue is at limit"), NoTaskQueueAvailable: () => new Error("No task queue available and all Workers are busy") }; var WorkerInfo = class extends AsynchronouslyCreatedResource { constructor(worker, port, workerId, freeWorkerId, onMessage) { super(); __publicField(this, "worker"); __publicField(this, "workerId"); __publicField(this, "freeWorkerId"); __publicField(this, "taskInfos"); __publicField(this, "idleTimeout", null); __publicField(this, "port"); __publicField(this, "sharedBuffer"); __publicField(this, "lastSeenResponseCount", 0); __publicField(this, "usedMemory"); __publicField(this, "onMessage"); __publicField(this, "shouldRecycle"); this.worker = worker; this.workerId = workerId; this.freeWorkerId = freeWorkerId; this.port = port; this.port.on("message", (message) => this._handleResponse(message)); this.onMessage = onMessage; this.taskInfos = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this.sharedBuffer = new Int32Array(new SharedArrayBuffer(kFieldCount * Int32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT)); } async destroy(timeout) { let resolve; let reject; const ret = new Promise((res, rej) => { resolve = res; reject = rej; }); const timer = timeout ? setTimeout(() => reject(new Error("Failed to terminate worker")), timeout) : null; this.worker.terminate().then(() => { if (timer !== null) { clearTimeout(timer); } this.port.close(); this.clearIdleTimeout(); for (const taskInfo of this.taskInfos.values()) { taskInfo.done(Errors.ThreadTermination()); } this.taskInfos.clear(); resolve(); }); return ret; } clearIdleTimeout() { if (this.idleTimeout !== null) { clearTimeout(this.idleTimeout); this.idleTimeout = null; } } ref() { this.port.ref(); return this; } unref() { this.port.unref(); return this; } _handleResponse(message) { this.usedMemory = message.usedMemory; this.onMessage(message); if (this.taskInfos.size === 0) { this.unref(); } } postTask(taskInfo) { assert(!this.taskInfos.has(taskInfo.taskId)); const message = { task: taskInfo.releaseTask(), taskId: taskInfo.taskId, filename: taskInfo.filename, name: taskInfo.name }; try { if (taskInfo.channel) { this.worker.setChannel?.(taskInfo.channel); } this.port.postMessage(message, taskInfo.transferList); } catch (err) { taskInfo.done(err); return; } taskInfo.workerInfo = this; this.taskInfos.set(taskInfo.taskId, taskInfo); this.ref(); this.clearIdleTimeout(); Atomics.add(this.sharedBuffer, kRequestCountField, 1); Atomics.notify(this.sharedBuffer, kRequestCountField, 1); } processPendingMessages() { const actualResponseCount = Atomics.load(this.sharedBuffer, kResponseCountField); if (actualResponseCount !== this.lastSeenResponseCount) { this.lastSeenResponseCount = actualResponseCount; let entry; while ((entry = receiveMessageOnPort(this.port)) !== void 0) { this._handleResponse(entry.message); } } } isRunningAbortableTask() { if (this.taskInfos.size !== 1) return false; const [[, task]] = this.taskInfos; return task.abortSignal !== null; } currentUsage() { if (this.isRunningAbortableTask()) return Infinity; return this.taskInfos.size; } }; var ThreadPool = class { constructor(publicInterface, options) { __publicField(this, "publicInterface"); __publicField(this, "workers"); __publicField(this, "workerIds"); __publicField(this, "options"); __publicField(this, "taskQueue"); __publicField(this, "skipQueue", []); __publicField(this, "completed", 0); __publicField(this, "start", performance.now()); __publicField(this, "inProcessPendingMessages", false); __publicField(this, "startingUp", false); __publicField(this, "workerFailsDuringBootstrap", false); this.publicInterface = publicInterface; this.taskQueue = options.taskQueue || new ArrayTaskQueue(); const filename = options.filename ? maybeFileURLToPath(options.filename) : null; this.options = { ...kDefaultOptions, ...options, filename, maxQueue: 0 }; if (options.maxThreads !== void 0 && this.options.minThreads >= options.maxThreads) { this.options.minThreads = options.maxThreads; } if (options.minThreads !== void 0 && this.options.maxThreads <= options.minThreads) { this.options.maxThreads = options.minThreads; } if (options.maxQueue === "auto") { this.options.maxQueue = this.options.maxThreads ** 2; } else { this.options.maxQueue = options.maxQueue ?? kDefaultOptions.maxQueue; } this.workerIds = new Map(new Array(this.options.maxThreads).fill(0).map((_, i) => [i + 1, true])); this.workers = new AsynchronouslyCreatedResourcePool(this.options.concurrentTasksPerWorker); this.workers.onAvailable((w) => this._onWorkerAvailable(w)); this.startingUp = true; this._ensureMinimumWorkers(); this.startingUp = false; } _ensureEnoughWorkersForTaskQueue() { while (this.workers.size < this.taskQueue.size && this.workers.size < this.options.maxThreads) { this._addNewWorker(); } } _ensureMaximumWorkers() { while (this.workers.size < this.options.maxThreads) { this._addNewWorker(); } } _ensureMinimumWorkers() { while (this.workers.size < this.options.minThreads) { this._addNewWorker(); } } _addNewWorker() { const pool = this; const workerIds = this.workerIds; let workerId; workerIds.forEach((isIdAvailable, _workerId2) => { if (isIdAvailable && !workerId) { workerId = _workerId2; workerIds.set(_workerId2, false); } }); const tinypoolPrivateData = { workerId }; const worker = this.options.runtime === "child_process" ? new ProcessWorker() : new ThreadWorker(); worker.initialize({ env: this.options.env, argv: this.options.argv, execArgv: this.options.execArgv, resourceLimits: this.options.resourceLimits, workerData: [ tinypoolPrivateData, this.options.workerData ], trackUnmanagedFds: this.options.trackUnmanagedFds }); const onMessage = (message2) => { const { taskId, result } = message2; const taskInfo = workerInfo.taskInfos.get(taskId); workerInfo.taskInfos.delete(taskId); if (!this.shouldRecycleWorker(taskInfo)) { pool.workers.maybeAvailable(workerInfo); } if (taskInfo === void 0) { const err = new Error(`Unexpected message from Worker: ${inspect(message2)}`); pool.publicInterface.emit("error", err); } else { taskInfo.done(message2.error, result); } pool._processPendingMessages(); }; const { port1, port2 } = new MessageChannel(); const workerInfo = new WorkerInfo(worker, port1, workerId, () => workerIds.set(workerId, true), onMessage); if (this.startingUp) { workerInfo.markAsReady(); } const message = { filename: this.options.filename, name: this.options.name, port: port2, sharedBuffer: workerInfo.sharedBuffer, useAtomics: this.options.useAtomics }; worker.postMessage(message, [port2]); worker.on("message", (message2) => { if (message2.ready === true) { if (workerInfo.currentUsage() === 0) { workerInfo.unref(); } if (!workerInfo.isReady()) { workerInfo.markAsReady(); } return; } worker.emit("error", new Error(`Unexpected message on Worker: ${inspect(message2)}`)); }); worker.on("error", (err) => { worker.ref = () => { }; const taskInfos = [...workerInfo.taskInfos.values()]; workerInfo.taskInfos.clear(); this._removeWorker(workerInfo); if (workerInfo.isReady() && !this.workerFailsDuringBootstrap) { this._ensureMinimumWorkers(); } else { this.workerFailsDuringBootstrap = true; } if (taskInfos.length > 0) { for (const taskInfo of taskInfos) { taskInfo.done(err, null); } } else { this.publicInterface.emit("error", err); } }); worker.unref(); port1.on("close", () => { worker.ref(); }); this.workers.add(workerInfo); } _processPendingMessages() { if (this.inProcessPendingMessages || !this.options.useAtomics) { return; } this.inProcessPendingMessages = true; try { for (const workerInfo of this.workers) { workerInfo.processPendingMessages(); } } finally { this.inProcessPendingMessages = false; } } _removeWorker(workerInfo) { workerInfo.freeWorkerId(); this.workers.delete(workerInfo); return workerInfo.destroy(this.options.terminateTimeout); } _onWorkerAvailable(workerInfo) { while ((this.taskQueue.size > 0 || this.skipQueue.length > 0) && workerInfo.currentUsage() < this.options.concurrentTasksPerWorker) { const taskInfo = this.skipQueue.shift() || this.taskQueue.shift(); if (taskInfo.abortSignal && workerInfo.taskInfos.size > 0) { this.skipQueue.push(taskInfo); break; } const now = performance.now(); taskInfo.started = now; workerInfo.postTask(taskInfo); this._maybeDrain(); return; } if (workerInfo.taskInfos.size === 0 && this.workers.size > this.options.minThreads) { workerInfo.idleTimeout = setTimeout(() => { assert.strictEqual(workerInfo.taskInfos.size, 0); if (this.workers.size > this.options.minThreads) { this._removeWorker(workerInfo); } }, this.options.idleTimeout).unref(); } } runTask(task, options) { let { filename, name } = options; const { transferList = [], signal = null, channel } = options; if (filename == null) { filename = this.options.filename; } if (name == null) { name = this.options.name; } if (typeof filename !== "string") { return Promise.reject(Errors.FilenameNotProvided()); } filename = maybeFileURLToPath(filename); let resolve; let reject; const ret = new Promise((res, rej) => { resolve = res; reject = rej; }); const taskInfo = new TaskInfo(task, transferList, filename, name, (err, result) => { this.completed++; if (err !== null) { reject(err); } if (this.shouldRecycleWorker(taskInfo)) { this._removeWorker(taskInfo.workerInfo).then(() => this._ensureMinimumWorkers()).then(() => this._ensureEnoughWorkersForTaskQueue()).then(() => resolve(result)).catch(reject); } else { resolve(result); } }, signal, this.publicInterface.asyncResource.asyncId(), channel); if (signal !== null) { if (signal.aborted) { return Promise.reject(new AbortError()); } taskInfo.abortListener = () => { reject(new AbortError()); if (taskInfo.workerInfo !== null) { this._removeWorker(taskInfo.workerInfo); this._ensureMinimumWorkers(); } else { this.taskQueue.remove(taskInfo); } }; onabort(signal, taskInfo.abortListener); } if (this.taskQueue.size > 0) { const totalCapacity = this.options.maxQueue + this.pendingCapacity(); if (this.taskQueue.size >= totalCapacity) { if (this.options.maxQueue === 0) { return Promise.reject(Errors.NoTaskQueueAvailable()); } else { return Promise.reject(Errors.TaskQueueAtLimit()); } } else { if (this.workers.size < this.options.maxThreads) { this._addNewWorker(); } this.taskQueue.push(taskInfo); } return ret; } let workerInfo = this.workers.findAvailable(); if (workerInfo !== null && workerInfo.currentUsage() > 0 && signal) { workerInfo = null; } let waitingForNewWorker = false; if ((workerInfo === null || workerInfo.currentUsage() > 0) && this.workers.size < this.options.maxThreads) { this._addNewWorker(); waitingForNewWorker = true; } if (workerInfo === null) { if (this.options.maxQueue <= 0 && !waitingForNewWorker) { return Promise.reject(Errors.NoTaskQueueAvailable()); } else { this.taskQueue.push(taskInfo); } return ret; } const now = performance.now(); taskInfo.started = now; workerInfo.postTask(taskInfo); this._maybeDrain(); return ret; } shouldRecycleWorker(taskInfo) { if (taskInfo?.workerInfo?.shouldRecycle) { return true; } if (this.options.isolateWorkers && taskInfo?.workerInfo) { return true; } if (!this.options.isolateWorkers && this.options.maxMemoryLimitBeforeRecycle !== void 0 && (taskInfo?.workerInfo?.usedMemory || 0) > this.options.maxMemoryLimitBeforeRecycle) { return true; } return false; } pendingCapacity() { return this.workers.pendingItems.size * this.options.concurrentTasksPerWorker; } _maybeDrain() { if (this.taskQueue.size === 0 && this.skipQueue.length === 0) { this.publicInterface.emit("drain"); } } async destroy() { while (this.skipQueue.length > 0) { const taskInfo = this.skipQueue.shift(); taskInfo.done(new Error("Terminating worker thread")); } while (this.taskQueue.size > 0) { const taskInfo = this.taskQueue.shift(); taskInfo.done(new Error("Terminating worker thread")); } const exitEvents = []; while (this.workers.size > 0) { const [workerInfo] = this.workers; exitEvents.push(once(workerInfo.worker, "exit")); this._removeWorker(workerInfo); } await Promise.all(exitEvents); } async recycleWorkers(options = {}) { const runtimeChanged = options?.runtime && options.runtime !== this.options.runtime; if (options?.runtime) { this.options.runtime = options.runtime; } if (this.options.isolateWorkers && !runtimeChanged) { return; } const exitEvents = []; Array.from(this.workers).filter((workerInfo) => { if (workerInfo.currentUsage() === 0) { exitEvents.push(once(workerInfo.worker, "exit")); this._removeWorker(workerInfo); } else { workerInfo.shouldRecycle = true; } }); await Promise.all(exitEvents); this._ensureMinimumWorkers(); } }; var _pool; var Tinypool = class extends EventEmitterAsyncResource_default { constructor(options = {}) { if (options.minThreads !== void 0 && options.minThreads > 0 && options.minThreads < 1) { options.minThreads = Math.max(1, Math.floor(options.minThreads * cpuCount)); } if (options.maxThreads !== void 0 && options.maxThreads > 0 && options.maxThreads < 1) { options.maxThreads = Math.max(1, Math.floor(options.maxThreads * cpuCount)); } super({ ...options, name: "Tinypool" }); __privateAdd(this, _pool, void 0); if (options.minThreads !== void 0 && options.maxThreads !== void 0 && options.minThreads > options.maxThreads) { throw new RangeError("options.minThreads and options.maxThreads must not conflict"); } __privateSet(this, _pool, new ThreadPool(this, options)); } run(task, options = kDefaultRunOptions) { const { transferList, filename, name, signal, runtime, channel } = options; return __privateGet(this, _pool).runTask(task, { transferList, filename, name, signal, runtime, channel }); } destroy() { return __privateGet(this, _pool).destroy(); } get options() { return __privateGet(this, _pool).options; } get threads() { const ret = []; for (const workerInfo of __privateGet(this, _pool).workers) { ret.push(workerInfo.worker); } return ret; } get queueSize() { const pool = __privateGet(this, _pool); return Math.max(pool.taskQueue.size - pool.pendingCapacity(), 0); } cancelPendingTasks() { const pool = __privateGet(this, _pool); pool.taskQueue.cancel(); } async recycleWorkers(options = {}) { await __privateGet(this, _pool).recycleWorkers(options); } get completed() { return __privateGet(this, _pool).completed; } get duration() { return performance.now() - __privateGet(this, _pool).start; } static get isWorkerThread() { return process.__tinypool_state__?.isWorkerThread || false; } static get workerData() { return process.__tinypool_state__?.workerData || void 0; } static get version() { const { version } = JSON.parse(readFileSync(join(__dirname, "../package.json"), "utf-8")); return version; } static move(val) { if (val != null && typeof val === "object" && typeof val !== "function") { if (!isTransferable(val)) { if (types.isArrayBufferView(val)) { val = new ArrayBufferViewTransferable(val); } else { val = new DirectlyTransferable(val); } } markMovable(val); } return val; } static get transferableSymbol() { return kTransferable; } static get valueSymbol() { return kValue; } static get queueOptionsSymbol() { return kQueueOptions; } }; _pool = new WeakMap(); var _workerId = process.__tinypool_state__?.workerId; var src_default = Tinypool; export { Tinypool, src_default as default, isMovable, isTaskQueue, isTransferable, kFieldCount, kQueueOptions, kRequestCountField, kResponseCountField, kTransferable, kValue, markMovable, _workerId as workerId };