/* global describe,it */ var getSlug = require('../lib/speakingurl'); describe('getSlug defaults', function () { 'use strict'; it('should replace whitespaces with separator', function (done) { getSlug('foo bar baz') .should.eql('foo-bar-baz'); done(); }); it('should remove trailing space if any', function (done) { getSlug(' foo bar baz ') .should.eql('foo-bar-baz'); done(); }); it('should remove multiple whitespaces', function (done) { getSlug(' foo bar baz FOO BAR BAZ ') .should.eql('foo-bar-baz-foo-bar-baz'); done(); }); it('should remove multiple separators at start and end', function (done) { getSlug('-foo- bar -baz-') .should.eql('foo-bar-baz'); getSlug('--foo- bar -baz---') .should.eql('foo-bar-baz'); getSlug('---foo- bar -baz---') .should.eql('foo-bar-baz'); done(); }); it('should remove multple separators', function (done) { getSlug('foo- bar -baz') .should.eql('foo-bar-baz'); done(); }); it('should remove non-base64 characters', function (done) { var nonBase64 = ['[', ']', ',', '*', '+', '~', '.', '(', ')', '\'', '"', '!', ':', '@']; for (var i = 0; i < nonBase64.length; i++) { getSlug("foo " + nonBase64[i] + " bar baz") .should.eql("foo-bar-baz"); } done(); }); it('should remove trailing separator', function (done) { getSlug('C\'est un beau titre qui ne laisse rien à désirer ! ') .should.eql( 'c-est-un-beau-titre-qui-ne-laisse-rien-a-desirer'); done(); }); it('should handle whitespace after symbol', function (done) { getSlug('∆299') .should.eql('delta-299'); getSlug('∆world') .should.eql('delta-world'); getSlug('∆-299') .should.eql('delta-299'); getSlug('∆-world') .should.eql('delta-world'); getSlug('(∆)299') .should.eql('delta-299'); getSlug('(∆)299', { mark: true }) .should.eql('(delta)299'); getSlug('∆299') .should.eql('delta-299'); getSlug('∆world') .should.eql('delta-world'); getSlug('Hello∆299') .should.eql('hello-delta-299'); getSlug('299∆Hello') .should.eql('299-delta-hello'); done(); }); it('should not fail if symbol at the end', function (done) { getSlug('test &') .should.eql('test-and'); getSlug('test & ') .should.eql('test-and'); getSlug('test &', '_') .should.eql('test_and'); getSlug('test ♥') .should.eql('test-love'); getSlug('test ♥ ') .should.eql('test-love'); getSlug('test ♥ ') .should.eql('test-love'); done(); }); });