import { R as Root } from './types/wasm-dynamic.mjs'; export { g as getWasmInlined } from './types/wasm-dynamic.mjs'; import * as _shikijs_core from '@shikijs/core'; import { BundledLanguageInfo, DynamicImportLanguageRegistration, HighlighterGeneric } from '@shikijs/core'; export * from '@shikijs/core'; import { BundledTheme } from './themes.mjs'; export { bundledThemes, bundledThemesInfo } from './themes.mjs'; import '@shikijs/core/types'; declare const bundledLanguagesInfo: BundledLanguageInfo[]; declare const bundledLanguagesBase: { [k: string]: DynamicImportLanguageRegistration; }; declare const bundledLanguagesAlias: { [k: string]: DynamicImportLanguageRegistration; }; type BundledLanguage = 'angular-html' | 'angular-ts' | 'astro' | 'bash' | 'blade' | 'c' | 'c++' | 'coffee' | 'coffeescript' | 'cpp' | 'css' | 'glsl' | 'gql' | 'graphql' | 'haml' | 'handlebars' | 'hbs' | 'html' | 'html-derivative' | 'http' | 'imba' | 'jade' | 'java' | 'javascript' | 'jinja' | 'jison' | 'jl' | 'js' | 'json' | 'json5' | 'jsonc' | 'jsonl' | 'jsx' | 'julia' | 'less' | 'lua' | 'markdown' | 'marko' | 'md' | 'mdc' | 'mdx' | 'php' | 'postcss' | 'pug' | 'py' | 'python' | 'r' | 'rb' | 'ruby' | 'sass' | 'scss' | 'sh' | 'shell' | 'shellscript' | 'sql' | 'styl' | 'stylus' | 'svelte' | 'toml' | 'ts' | 'tsx' | 'typescript' | 'vue' | 'vue-html' | 'wasm' | 'wgsl' | 'xml' | 'yaml' | 'yml' | 'zsh'; declare const bundledLanguages: Record; type Highlighter = HighlighterGeneric; /** * Initiate a highlighter instance and load the specified languages and themes. * Later it can be used synchronously to highlight code. * * Importing this function will bundle all languages and themes. * @see * * For granular control over the bundle, check: * @see */ declare const getHighlighter: _shikijs_core.GetHighlighterFactory; declare const codeToHtml: (code: string, options: _shikijs_core.CodeToHastOptions) => Promise; declare const codeToHast: (code: string, options: _shikijs_core.CodeToHastOptions) => Promise; declare const codeToTokensBase: (code: string, options: _shikijs_core.RequireKeys<_shikijs_core.CodeToTokensBaseOptions, "theme" | "lang">) => Promise<_shikijs_core.ThemedToken[][]>; declare const codeToTokens: (code: string, options: _shikijs_core.CodeToTokensOptions) => Promise<_shikijs_core.TokensResult>; declare const codeToTokensWithThemes: (code: string, options: _shikijs_core.RequireKeys<_shikijs_core.CodeToTokensWithThemesOptions, "lang" | "themes">) => Promise<_shikijs_core.ThemedTokenWithVariants[][]>; declare const getSingletonHighlighter: () => Promise>; export { type BundledLanguage, BundledTheme, type Highlighter, bundledLanguages, bundledLanguagesAlias, bundledLanguagesBase, bundledLanguagesInfo, codeToHast, codeToHtml, codeToTokens, codeToTokensBase, codeToTokensWithThemes, getHighlighter, getSingletonHighlighter };