# right-now [![stable](http://hughsk.github.io/stability-badges/dist/stable.svg)](http://github.com/hughsk/stability-badges) # Get the quickest, most high-resolution timestamp possible in node or the browser. Instead of returning the date, `right-now` may use `performance.now`, `Date.now`, `+new Date` or `process.hrtime` to get a timestamp suitable for measuring intervals of time. Handy for both animation loops and precision benchmarking. It's pretty small but saves me writing this boilerplate every time :) ## Installation ## ``` bash npm install right-now ``` ## Usage ## ### `require('right-now')()` ### Returns a timestamp. In node, this uses `process.hrtime`. In the browser, support for the following is checked in this order: * `performance.now()` * `Date.now()` * `+new Date`