var extend = require('./extend') var SHA256 = require("./sha256") function slice (x) { return } function join (x) { return slice(x).join('') } module.exports = function createEnvironment (options) { var cache = options && options.cache // Unique variable id counter var varCounter = 0 // Linked values are passed from this scope into the generated code block // Calling link() passes a value into the generated scope and returns // the variable name which it is bound to var linkedNames = [] var linkedValues = [] var isStable = [] function link (value, options) { var stable = options && options.stable if (!stable) { for (var i = 0; i < linkedValues.length; ++i) { if (linkedValues[i] === value && !isStable[i]) { return linkedNames[i] } } } var name = 'g' + (varCounter++) linkedNames.push(name) linkedValues.push(value) isStable.push(stable) return name } // create a code block function block () { var code = [] function push () { code.push.apply(code, slice(arguments)) } var vars = [] function def () { var name = 'v' + (varCounter++) vars.push(name) if (arguments.length > 0) { code.push(name, '=') code.push.apply(code, slice(arguments)) code.push(';') } return name } return extend(push, { def: def, toString: function () { return join([ (vars.length > 0 ? 'var ' + vars.join(',') + ';' : ''), join(code) ]) } }) } function scope () { var entry = block() var exit = block() var entryToString = entry.toString var exitToString = exit.toString function save (object, prop) { exit(object, prop, '=', entry.def(object, prop), ';') } return extend(function () { entry.apply(entry, slice(arguments)) }, { def: entry.def, entry: entry, exit: exit, save: save, set: function (object, prop, value) { save(object, prop) entry(object, prop, '=', value, ';') }, toString: function () { return entryToString() + exitToString() } }) } function conditional () { var pred = join(arguments) var thenBlock = scope() var elseBlock = scope() var thenToString = thenBlock.toString var elseToString = elseBlock.toString return extend(thenBlock, { then: function () { thenBlock.apply(thenBlock, slice(arguments)) return this }, else: function () { elseBlock.apply(elseBlock, slice(arguments)) return this }, toString: function () { var elseClause = elseToString() if (elseClause) { elseClause = 'else{' + elseClause + '}' } return join([ 'if(', pred, '){', thenToString(), '}', elseClause ]) } }) } // procedure list var globalBlock = block() var procedures = {} function proc (name, count) { var args = [] function arg () { var name = 'a' + args.length args.push(name) return name } count = count || 0 for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i) { arg() } var body = scope() var bodyToString = body.toString var result = procedures[name] = extend(body, { arg: arg, toString: function () { return join([ 'function(', args.join(), '){', bodyToString(), '}' ]) } }) return result } function compile () { var code = ['"use strict";', globalBlock, 'return {'] Object.keys(procedures).forEach(function (name) { code.push('"', name, '":', procedures[name].toString(), ',') }) code.push('}') var src = join(code) .replace(/;/g, ';\n') .replace(/}/g, '}\n') .replace(/{/g, '{\n') var key if (cache) { key = SHA256(src); if (cache[key]) { return cache[key].apply(null, linkedValues) } } var proc = Function.apply(null, linkedNames.concat(src)) if (cache) { cache[key] = proc } return proc.apply(null, linkedValues) } return { global: globalBlock, link: link, block: block, proc: proc, scope: scope, cond: conditional, compile: compile } }