import Fetcher from './fetcher'; import { RdfJsDataFactory, Quad, Quad_Subject, Term } from './tf-types'; /** RDF/JS spec Typeguards */ /** * Loads ontologies of the data we load (this is the callback from the kb to * the fetcher). */ export declare function AJAR_handleNewTerm(kb: { fetcher: Fetcher; }, p: any, requestedBy: any): any; export declare const appliedFactoryMethods: string[]; /** * Expands an array of Terms to a set of statements representing the rdf:list. * @param rdfFactory - The factory to use * @param subject - The iri of the first list item. * @param data - The terms to expand into the list. * @return The {data} as a set of statements. */ export declare function arrayToStatements(rdfFactory: RdfJsDataFactory, subject: Quad_Subject, data: Term[]): Quad[]; export declare function ArrayIndexOf(arr: any, item: any, i?: number): number;