"use strict"; var _interopRequireDefault = require("@babel/runtime/helpers/interopRequireDefault"); var _typeof = require("@babel/runtime/helpers/typeof"); Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.parseRDFaDOM = exports.default = void 0; var _classCallCheck2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("@babel/runtime/helpers/classCallCheck")); var _createClass2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("@babel/runtime/helpers/createClass")); var _blankNode = _interopRequireDefault(require("./blank-node")); var _literal = _interopRequireDefault(require("./literal")); var _namedNode = _interopRequireDefault(require("./named-node")); var Uri = _interopRequireWildcard(require("./uri")); var Util = _interopRequireWildcard(require("./utils-js")); var _canonicalDataFactory = _interopRequireDefault(require("./factories/canonical-data-factory")); function _getRequireWildcardCache(e) { if ("function" != typeof WeakMap) return null; var r = new WeakMap(), t = new WeakMap(); return (_getRequireWildcardCache = function _getRequireWildcardCache(e) { return e ? t : r; })(e); } function _interopRequireWildcard(e, r) { if (!r && e && e.__esModule) return e; if (null === e || "object" != _typeof(e) && "function" != typeof e) return { default: e }; var t = _getRequireWildcardCache(r); if (t && t.has(e)) return t.get(e); var n = { __proto__: null }, a = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; for (var u in e) if ("default" !== u && {}.hasOwnProperty.call(e, u)) { var i = a ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, u) : null; i && (i.get || i.set) ? Object.defineProperty(n, u, i) : n[u] = e[u]; } return n.default = e, t && t.set(e, n), n; } // RDFa Parser for rdflib.js // Originally by: Alex Milowski // From https://github.com/alexmilowski/green-turtle // Converted: timbl 2015-08-25 not yet working // Added wrapper: csarven 2016-05-09 working // RDFaProcessor.prototype = new Object() // Was URIResolver // RDFaProcessor.prototype.constructor=RDFaProcessor // options.base = base URI not really an option, shopuld always be set. // if (typeof Node === 'undefined') { // @@@@@@ Global. Interface to xmldom. var Node = { ELEMENT_NODE: 1, ATTRIBUTE_NODE: 2, TEXT_NODE: 3, CDATA_SECTION_NODE: 4, ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE: 5, ENTITY_NODE: 6, PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE: 7, COMMENT_NODE: 8, DOCUMENT_NODE: 9, DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: 10, DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: 11, NOTATION_NODE: 12 }; } var RDFaProcessor = exports.default = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function RDFaProcessor(kb, options) { (0, _classCallCheck2.default)(this, RDFaProcessor); this.options = options || {}; this.kb = kb; this.target = options.target || { graph: { subjects: {}, prefixes: {}, terms: {} } }; // XXX: Added to track bnodes this.blankNodes = []; // XXX: Added for normalisation this.htmlOptions = { 'selfClosing': 'br img input area base basefont col colgroup source wbr isindex link meta param hr' }; this.theOne = '_:' + new Date().getTime(); this.language = null; this.vocabulary = null; this.blankCounter = 0; this.langAttributes = [{ namespaceURI: 'http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace', localName: 'lang' }]; this.inXHTMLMode = false; this.absURIRE = /[\w\_\-]+:\S+/; this.finishedHandlers = []; this.init(); } return (0, _createClass2.default)(RDFaProcessor, [{ key: "addTriple", value: function addTriple(origin, subject, predicate, object) { var su, ob, pr, or; if (typeof subject === 'undefined') { su = _canonicalDataFactory.default.namedNode(this.options.base); } else { su = this.toRDFNodeObject(subject); } pr = this.toRDFNodeObject(predicate); ob = this.toRDFNodeObject(object); or = _canonicalDataFactory.default.namedNode(this.options.base); // console.log('Adding { ' + su + ' ' + pr + ' ' + ob + ' ' + or + ' }') this.kb.add(su, pr, ob, or); } }, { key: "ancestorPath", value: function ancestorPath(node) { var path = ''; while (node && node.nodeType !== Node.DOCUMENT_NODE) { path = '/' + node.localName + path; node = node.parentNode; } return path; } }, { key: "copyMappings", value: function copyMappings(mappings) { var newMappings = {}; for (var k in mappings) { newMappings[k] = mappings[k]; } return newMappings; } }, { key: "copyProperties", value: function copyProperties() {} }, { key: "deriveDateTimeType", value: function deriveDateTimeType(value) { for (var i = 0; i < RDFaProcessor.dateTimeTypes.length; i++) { // console.log("Checking "+value+" against "+RDFaProcessor.dateTimeTypes[i].type) var matched = RDFaProcessor.dateTimeTypes[i].pattern.exec(value); if (matched && matched[0].length === value.length) { // console.log("Matched!") return RDFaProcessor.dateTimeTypes[i].type; } } return null; } }, { key: "init", value: function init() {} }, { key: "newBlankNode", value: function newBlankNode() { this.blankCounter++; return '_:' + this.blankCounter; } }, { key: "newSubjectOrigin", value: function newSubjectOrigin(origin, subject) {} }, { key: "parseCURIE", value: function parseCURIE(value, prefixes, base) { var colon = value.indexOf(':'); var uri; if (colon >= 0) { var prefix = value.substring(0, colon); if (prefix === '') { // default prefix uri = prefixes['']; return uri ? uri + value.substring(colon + 1) : null; } else if (prefix === '_') { // blank node return '_:' + value.substring(colon + 1); } else if (RDFaProcessor.NCNAME.test(prefix)) { uri = prefixes[prefix]; if (uri) { return uri + value.substring(colon + 1); } } } return null; } }, { key: "parseCURIEOrURI", value: function parseCURIEOrURI(value, prefixes, base) { var curie = this.parseCURIE(value, prefixes, base); if (curie) { return curie; } return this.resolveAndNormalize(base, value); } }, { key: "parsePredicate", value: function parsePredicate(value, defaultVocabulary, terms, prefixes, base, ignoreTerms) { if (value === '') { return null; } var predicate = this.parseTermOrCURIEOrAbsURI(value, defaultVocabulary, ignoreTerms ? null : terms, prefixes, base); if (predicate && predicate.indexOf('_:') === 0) { return null; } return predicate; } }, { key: "parsePrefixMappings", value: function parsePrefixMappings(str, target) { var values = this.tokenize(str); var prefix = null; // var uri = null for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { if (values[i][values[i].length - 1] === ':') { prefix = values[i].substring(0, values[i].length - 1); } else if (prefix) { target[prefix] = this.options.base ? Uri.join(values[i], this.options.base) : values[i]; prefix = null; } } } }, { key: "parseSafeCURIEOrCURIEOrURI", value: function parseSafeCURIEOrCURIEOrURI(value, prefixes, base) { value = this.trim(value); if (value.charAt(0) === '[' && value.charAt(value.length - 1) === ']') { value = value.substring(1, value.length - 1); value = value.trim(value); if (value.length === 0) { return null; } if (value === '_:') { // the one node return this.theOne; } return this.parseCURIE(value, prefixes, base); } else { return this.parseCURIEOrURI(value, prefixes, base); } } }, { key: "parseTermOrCURIEOrAbsURI", value: function parseTermOrCURIEOrAbsURI(value, defaultVocabulary, terms, prefixes, base) { // alert("Parsing "+value+" with default vocab "+defaultVocabulary) value = this.trim(value); var curie = this.parseCURIE(value, prefixes, base); if (curie) { return curie; } else if (terms) { if (defaultVocabulary && !this.absURIRE.exec(value)) { return defaultVocabulary + value; } var term = terms[value]; if (term) { return term; } var lcvalue = value.toLowerCase(); term = terms[lcvalue]; if (term) { return term; } } if (this.absURIRE.exec(value)) { return this.resolveAndNormalize(base, value); } return null; } }, { key: "parseTermOrCURIEOrURI", value: function parseTermOrCURIEOrURI(value, defaultVocabulary, terms, prefixes, base) { // alert("Parsing "+value+" with default vocab "+defaultVocabulary) value = this.trim(value); var curie = this.parseCURIE(value, prefixes, base); if (curie) { return curie; } else { var term = terms[value]; if (term) { return term; } var lcvalue = value.toLowerCase(); term = terms[lcvalue]; if (term) { return term; } if (defaultVocabulary && !this.absURIRE.exec(value)) { return defaultVocabulary + value; } } return this.resolveAndNormalize(base, value); } }, { key: "parseURI", value: function parseURI(uri) { return uri; // We just use strings as URIs, not objects now. } }, { key: "process", value: function process(node, options) { /* if (!window.console) { window.console = { log: function() {} } } */ options = options || {}; var base; if (node.nodeType === Node.DOCUMENT_NODE) { if (node.baseURI && !options.baseURI) { options.baseURI = node.baseURI; // be defensive as DOM implementations vary } base = node.baseURI; node = node.documentElement; if (!node.baseURI) { node.baseURI = base; } this.setContext(node); } else if (node.parentNode.nodeType === Node.DOCUMENT_NODE) { this.setContext(node); } var queue = []; // Fix for Firefox that includes the hash in the base URI var removeHash = function removeHash(baseURI) { // Fix for undefined baseURI property if (!baseURI && options && options.baseURI) { return options.baseURI; } var hash = baseURI.indexOf('#'); if (hash >= 0) { baseURI = baseURI.substring(0, hash); } if (options && options.baseURIMap) { baseURI = options.baseURIMap(baseURI); } return baseURI; }; queue.push({ current: node, context: this.push(null, removeHash(node.baseURI)) }); while (queue.length > 0) { var item = queue.shift(); if (item.parent) { // Sequence Step 14: list triple generation if (item.context.parent && item.context.parent.listMapping === item.listMapping) { // Skip a child context with exactly the same mapping continue; } // console.log("Generating lists for "+item.subject+", tag "+item.parent.localName) for (var _predicate in item.listMapping) { var list = item.listMapping[_predicate]; if (list.length === 0) { this.addTriple(item.parent, item.subject, _predicate, { type: RDFaProcessor.objectURI, value: 'http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#nil' }); continue; } var bnodes = []; for (var _i = 0; _i < list.length; _i++) { bnodes.push(this.newBlankNode()); // this.newSubject(item.parent,bnodes[i]) } for (var _i2 = 0; _i2 < bnodes.length; _i2++) { this.addTriple(item.parent, bnodes[_i2], 'http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#first', list[_i2]); this.addTriple(item.parent, bnodes[_i2], 'http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#rest', { type: RDFaProcessor.objectURI, value: _i2 + 1 < bnodes.length ? bnodes[_i2 + 1] : 'http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#nil' }); } this.addTriple(item.parent, item.subject, _predicate, { type: RDFaProcessor.objectURI, value: bnodes[0] }); } continue; } var current = item.current; var context = item.context; // console.log("Tag: "+current.localName+", listMapping="+JSON.stringify(context.listMapping)) // Sequence Step 1 var skip = false; var newSubject = null; var currentObjectResource = null; var typedResource = null; var prefixes = context.prefixes; var prefixesCopied = false; var incomplete = []; var listMapping = context.listMapping; var listMappingDifferent = !context.parent; var language = context.language; var vocabulary = context.vocabulary; // TODO: the "base" element may be used for HTML+RDFa 1.1 base = this.parseURI(removeHash(current.baseURI)); current.item = null; // Sequence Step 2: set the default vocabulary var vocabAtt = current.getAttributeNode('vocab'); if (vocabAtt) { var value = this.trim(vocabAtt.value); if (value.length > 0) { vocabulary = value; var baseSubject = base.spec; // this.newSubject(current,baseSubject) this.addTriple(current, baseSubject, 'http://www.w3.org/ns/rdfa#usesVocabulary', { type: RDFaProcessor.objectURI, value: vocabulary }); } else { vocabulary = this.vocabulary; } } // Sequence Step 3: IRI mappings // handle xmlns attributes for (var i = 0; i < current.attributes.length; i++) { var att = current.attributes[i]; // if (att.namespaceURI=="http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/") { if (att.nodeName.charAt(0) === 'x' && att.nodeName.indexOf('xmlns:') === 0) { if (!prefixesCopied) { prefixes = this.copyMappings(prefixes); prefixesCopied = true; } var prefix = att.nodeName.substring(6); // TODO: resolve relative? var ref = RDFaProcessor.trim(att.value); prefixes[prefix] = this.options.base ? Uri.join(ref, this.options.base) : ref; } } // Handle prefix mappings (@prefix) var prefixAtt = current.getAttributeNode('prefix'); if (prefixAtt) { if (!prefixesCopied) { prefixes = this.copyMappings(prefixes); prefixesCopied = true; } this.parsePrefixMappings(prefixAtt.value, prefixes); } // Sequence Step 4: language var xmlLangAtt = null; for (var _i3 = 0; !xmlLangAtt && _i3 < this.langAttributes.length; _i3++) { xmlLangAtt = current.getAttributeNodeNS(this.langAttributes[_i3].namespaceURI, this.langAttributes[_i3].localName); } if (xmlLangAtt) { var _value = RDFaProcessor.trim(xmlLangAtt.value); if (_value.length > 0) { language = _value; } else { language = null; } } var relAtt = current.getAttributeNode('rel'); var revAtt = current.getAttributeNode('rev'); var typeofAtt = current.getAttributeNode('typeof'); var propertyAtt = current.getAttributeNode('property'); var datatypeAtt = current.getAttributeNode('datatype'); var datetimeAtt = this.inHTMLMode ? current.getAttributeNode('datetime') : null; var contentAtt = current.getAttributeNode('content'); var aboutAtt = current.getAttributeNode('about'); var srcAtt = current.getAttributeNode('src'); var resourceAtt = current.getAttributeNode('resource'); var hrefAtt = current.getAttributeNode('href'); var inlistAtt = current.getAttributeNode('inlist'); var relAttPredicates = []; var predicate, values; if (relAtt) { values = this.tokenize(relAtt.value); for (var _i4 = 0; _i4 < values.length; _i4++) { predicate = this.parsePredicate(values[_i4], vocabulary, context.terms, prefixes, base, this.inHTMLMode && propertyAtt !== null); if (predicate) { relAttPredicates.push(predicate); } } } var revAttPredicates = []; if (revAtt) { values = this.tokenize(revAtt.value); for (var _i5 = 0; _i5 < values.length; _i5++) { predicate = this.parsePredicate(values[_i5], vocabulary, context.terms, prefixes, base, this.inHTMLMode && propertyAtt); if (predicate) { revAttPredicates.push(predicate); } } } // Section 3.1, bullet 7 if (this.inHTMLMode && (relAtt || revAtt) && propertyAtt) { if (relAttPredicates.length === 0) { relAtt = null; } if (revAttPredicates.length === 0) { revAtt = null; } } if (relAtt || revAtt) { // Sequence Step 6: establish new subject and value if (aboutAtt) { newSubject = this.parseSafeCURIEOrCURIEOrURI(aboutAtt.value, prefixes, base); } if (typeofAtt) { typedResource = newSubject; } if (!newSubject) { if (current.parentNode.nodeType === Node.DOCUMENT_NODE) { newSubject = removeHash(current.baseURI); } else if (context.parentObject) { // TODO: Verify: If the xml:base has been set and the parentObject is the baseURI of the parent, then the subject needs to be the new base URI newSubject = removeHash(current.parentNode.baseURI) === context.parentObject ? removeHash(current.baseURI) : context.parentObject; } } if (resourceAtt) { currentObjectResource = this.parseSafeCURIEOrCURIEOrURI(resourceAtt.value, prefixes, base); } if (!currentObjectResource) { if (hrefAtt) { currentObjectResource = this.resolveAndNormalize(base, encodeURI(hrefAtt.value)); } else if (srcAtt) { currentObjectResource = this.resolveAndNormalize(base, encodeURI(srcAtt.value)); } else if (typeofAtt && !aboutAtt && !(this.inXHTMLMode && (current.localName === 'head' || current.localName === 'body'))) { currentObjectResource = this.newBlankNode(); } } if (typeofAtt && !aboutAtt && this.inXHTMLMode && (current.localName === 'head' || current.localName === 'body')) { typedResource = newSubject; } else if (typeofAtt && !aboutAtt) { typedResource = currentObjectResource; } } else if (propertyAtt && !contentAtt && !datatypeAtt) { // Sequence Step 5.1: establish a new subject if (aboutAtt) { newSubject = this.parseSafeCURIEOrCURIEOrURI(aboutAtt.value, prefixes, base); if (typeofAtt) { typedResource = newSubject; } } if (!newSubject && current.parentNode.nodeType === Node.DOCUMENT_NODE) { newSubject = removeHash(current.baseURI); if (typeofAtt) { typedResource = newSubject; } } else if (!newSubject && context.parentObject) { // TODO: Verify: If the xml:base has been set and the parentObject is the baseURI of the parent, then the subject needs to be the new base URI newSubject = removeHash(current.parentNode.baseURI) === context.parentObject ? removeHash(current.baseURI) : context.parentObject; } if (typeofAtt && !typedResource) { if (resourceAtt) { typedResource = this.parseSafeCURIEOrCURIEOrURI(resourceAtt.value, prefixes, base); } if (!typedResource && hrefAtt) { typedResource = this.resolveAndNormalize(base, encodeURI(hrefAtt.value)); } if (!typedResource && srcAtt) { typedResource = this.resolveAndNormalize(base, encodeURI(srcAtt.value)); } if (!typedResource && (this.inXHTMLMode || this.inHTMLMode) && (current.localName === 'head' || current.localName === 'body')) { typedResource = newSubject; } if (!typedResource) { typedResource = this.newBlankNode(); } currentObjectResource = typedResource; } // console.log(current.localName+", newSubject="+newSubject+", typedResource="+typedResource+", currentObjectResource="+currentObjectResource) } else { // Sequence Step 5.2: establish a new subject if (aboutAtt) { newSubject = this.parseSafeCURIEOrCURIEOrURI(aboutAtt.value, prefixes, base); } if (!newSubject && resourceAtt) { newSubject = this.parseSafeCURIEOrCURIEOrURI(resourceAtt.value, prefixes, base); } if (!newSubject && hrefAtt) { newSubject = this.resolveAndNormalize(base, encodeURI(hrefAtt.value)); } if (!newSubject && srcAtt) { newSubject = this.resolveAndNormalize(base, encodeURI(srcAtt.value)); } if (!newSubject) { if (current.parentNode.nodeType === Node.DOCUMENT_NODE) { newSubject = removeHash(current.baseURI); } else if ((this.inXHTMLMode || this.inHTMLMode) && (current.localName === 'head' || current.localName === 'body')) { newSubject = removeHash(current.parentNode.baseURI) === context.parentObject ? removeHash(current.baseURI) : context.parentObject; } else if (typeofAtt) { newSubject = this.newBlankNode(); } else if (context.parentObject) { // TODO: Verify: If the xml:base has been set and the parentObject is the baseURI of the parent, then the subject needs to be the new base URI newSubject = removeHash(current.parentNode.baseURI) === context.parentObject ? removeHash(current.baseURI) : context.parentObject; if (!propertyAtt) { skip = true; } } } if (typeofAtt) { typedResource = newSubject; } } // console.log(current.tagName+": newSubject="+newSubject+", currentObjectResource="+currentObjectResource+", typedResource="+typedResource+", skip="+skip) // var rdfaData = null if (newSubject) { // this.newSubject(current,newSubject) if (aboutAtt || resourceAtt || typedResource) { var id = newSubject; if (typeofAtt && !aboutAtt && !resourceAtt && currentObjectResource) { id = currentObjectResource; } // console.log("Setting data attribute for "+current.localName+" for subject "+id) this.newSubjectOrigin(current, id); } } // Sequence Step 7: generate type triple if (typedResource) { values = this.tokenize(typeofAtt.value); for (var _i6 = 0; _i6 < values.length; _i6++) { var object = this.parseTermOrCURIEOrAbsURI(values[_i6], vocabulary, context.terms, prefixes, base); if (object) { this.addTriple(current, typedResource, RDFaProcessor.typeURI, { type: RDFaProcessor.objectURI, value: object }); } } } // Sequence Step 8: new list mappings if there is a new subject // console.log("Step 8: newSubject="+newSubject+", context.parentObject="+context.parentObject) if (newSubject && newSubject !== context.parentObject) { // console.log("Generating new list mapping for "+newSubject) listMapping = {}; listMappingDifferent = true; } // Sequence Step 9: generate object triple if (currentObjectResource) { if (relAtt && inlistAtt) { for (var _i7 = 0; _i7 < relAttPredicates.length; _i7++) { var _list = listMapping[relAttPredicates[_i7]]; if (!_list) { _list = []; listMapping[relAttPredicates[_i7]] = _list; } _list.push({ type: RDFaProcessor.objectURI, value: currentObjectResource }); } } else if (relAtt) { for (var _i8 = 0; _i8 < relAttPredicates.length; _i8++) { this.addTriple(current, newSubject, relAttPredicates[_i8], { type: RDFaProcessor.objectURI, value: currentObjectResource }); } } if (revAtt) { for (var _i9 = 0; _i9 < revAttPredicates.length; _i9++) { this.addTriple(current, currentObjectResource, revAttPredicates[_i9], { type: RDFaProcessor.objectURI, value: newSubject }); } } } else { // Sequence Step 10: incomplete triples if (newSubject && !currentObjectResource && (relAtt || revAtt)) { currentObjectResource = this.newBlankNode(); // alert(current.tagName+": generated blank node, newSubject="+newSubject+" currentObjectResource="+currentObjectResource) } if (relAtt && inlistAtt) { for (var _i10 = 0; _i10 < relAttPredicates.length; _i10++) { var _list2 = listMapping[relAttPredicates[_i10]]; if (!_list2) { _list2 = []; listMapping[predicate] = _list2; } // console.log("Adding incomplete list for "+predicate) incomplete.push({ predicate: relAttPredicates[_i10], list: _list2 }); } } else if (relAtt) { for (var _i11 = 0; _i11 < relAttPredicates.length; _i11++) { incomplete.push({ predicate: relAttPredicates[_i11], forward: true }); } } if (revAtt) { for (var _i12 = 0; _i12 < revAttPredicates.length; _i12++) { incomplete.push({ predicate: revAttPredicates[_i12], forward: false }); } } } // Step 11: Current property values if (propertyAtt) { var datatype = null; var content = null; if (datatypeAtt) { datatype = datatypeAtt.value === '' ? RDFaProcessor.PlainLiteralURI : this.parseTermOrCURIEOrAbsURI(datatypeAtt.value, vocabulary, context.terms, prefixes, base); if (datetimeAtt && !contentAtt) { content = datetimeAtt.value; } else { content = datatype === RDFaProcessor.XMLLiteralURI || datatype === RDFaProcessor.HTMLLiteralURI ? null : contentAtt ? contentAtt.value : current.textContent; } } else if (contentAtt) { datatype = RDFaProcessor.PlainLiteralURI; content = contentAtt.value; } else if (datetimeAtt) { content = datetimeAtt.value; datatype = RDFaProcessor.deriveDateTimeType(content); if (!datatype) { datatype = RDFaProcessor.PlainLiteralURI; } } else if (!relAtt && !revAtt) { if (resourceAtt) { content = this.parseSafeCURIEOrCURIEOrURI(resourceAtt.value, prefixes, base); } if (!content && hrefAtt) { content = this.resolveAndNormalize(base, encodeURI(hrefAtt.value)); } else if (!content && srcAtt) { content = this.resolveAndNormalize(base, encodeURI(srcAtt.value)); } if (content) { datatype = RDFaProcessor.objectURI; } } if (!datatype) { if (typeofAtt && !aboutAtt) { datatype = RDFaProcessor.objectURI; content = typedResource; } else { content = current.textContent; if (this.inHTMLMode && current.localName === 'time') { datatype = RDFaProcessor.deriveDateTimeType(content); } if (!datatype) { datatype = RDFaProcessor.PlainLiteralURI; } } } values = this.tokenize(propertyAtt.value); for (var _i13 = 0; _i13 < values.length; _i13++) { var _predicate2 = this.parsePredicate(values[_i13], vocabulary, context.terms, prefixes, base); if (_predicate2) { if (inlistAtt) { var _list3 = listMapping[_predicate2]; if (!_list3) { _list3 = []; listMapping[_predicate2] = _list3; } _list3.push(datatype === RDFaProcessor.XMLLiteralURI || datatype === RDFaProcessor.HTMLLiteralURI ? { type: datatype, value: current.childNodes } : { type: datatype || RDFaProcessor.PlainLiteralURI, value: content, language: language }); } else { if (datatype === RDFaProcessor.XMLLiteralURI || datatype === RDFaProcessor.HTMLLiteralURI) { this.addTriple(current, newSubject, _predicate2, { type: datatype, value: current.childNodes }); } else { this.addTriple(current, newSubject, _predicate2, { type: datatype || RDFaProcessor.PlainLiteralURI, value: content, language: language }); // console.log(newSubject+" "+predicate+"="+content) } } } } } // Sequence Step 12: complete incomplete triples with new subject if (newSubject && !skip) { for (var _i14 = 0; _i14 < context.incomplete.length; _i14++) { if (context.incomplete[_i14].list) { // console.log("Adding subject "+newSubject+" to list for "+context.incomplete[i].predicate) // TODO: it is unclear what to do here context.incomplete[_i14].list.push({ type: RDFaProcessor.objectURI, value: newSubject }); } else if (context.incomplete[_i14].forward) { // console.log(current.tagName+": completing forward triple "+context.incomplete[i].predicate+" with object="+newSubject) this.addTriple(current, context.subject, context.incomplete[_i14].predicate, { type: RDFaProcessor.objectURI, value: newSubject }); } else { // console.log(current.tagName+": completing reverse triple with object="+context.subject) this.addTriple(current, newSubject, context.incomplete[_i14].predicate, { type: RDFaProcessor.objectURI, value: context.subject }); } } } var childContext = null; var listSubject = newSubject; if (skip) { // TODO: should subject be null? childContext = this.push(context, context.subject); // TODO: should the entObject be passed along? If not, then intermediary children will keep properties from being associated with incomplete triples. // TODO: Verify: if the current baseURI has changed and the parentObject is the parent's base URI, then the baseURI should change childContext.parentObject = removeHash(current.parentNode.baseURI) === context.parentObject ? removeHash(current.baseURI) : context.parentObject; childContext.incomplete = context.incomplete; childContext.language = language; childContext.prefixes = prefixes; childContext.vocabulary = vocabulary; } else { childContext = this.push(context, newSubject); childContext.parentObject = currentObjectResource || newSubject || context.subject; childContext.prefixes = prefixes; childContext.incomplete = incomplete; if (currentObjectResource) { // console.log("Generating new list mapping for "+currentObjectResource) listSubject = currentObjectResource; listMapping = {}; listMappingDifferent = true; } childContext.listMapping = listMapping; childContext.language = language; childContext.vocabulary = vocabulary; } if (listMappingDifferent) { // console.log("Pushing list parent "+current.localName) queue.unshift({ parent: current, context: context, subject: listSubject, listMapping: listMapping }); } for (var child = current.lastChild; child; child = child.previousSibling) { if (child.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { // console.log("Pushing child "+child.localName) // child.baseURI = current.baseURI queue.unshift({ current: child, context: childContext }); } } } if (this.inHTMLMode) { this.copyProperties(); } for (var _i15 = 0; _i15 < this.finishedHandlers.length; _i15++) { this.finishedHandlers[_i15](node); } } }, { key: "push", value: function push(parent, subject) { return { parent: parent, subject: subject || (parent ? parent.subject : null), parentObject: null, incomplete: [], listMapping: parent ? parent.listMapping : {}, language: parent ? parent.language : this.language, prefixes: parent ? parent.prefixes : this.target.graph.prefixes, terms: parent ? parent.terms : this.target.graph.terms, vocabulary: parent ? parent.vocabulary : this.vocabulary }; } }, { key: "resolveAndNormalize", value: function resolveAndNormalize(base, uri) { // console.log("Joining " + uri + " to " + base + " making " + Uri.join(uri, base)) return Uri.join(uri, base); // @@ normalize? } }, { key: "setContext", value: function setContext(node) { // We only recognized XHTML+RDFa 1.1 if the version is set propertyly if (node.localName === 'html' && node.getAttribute('version') === 'XHTML+RDFa 1.1') { this.setXHTMLContext(); } else if (node.localName === 'html' || node.namespaceURI === 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml') { if (typeof document !== 'undefined' && document.doctype) { if (document.doctype.publicId === '-//W3C//DTD XHTML+RDFa 1.0//EN' && document.doctype.systemId === 'http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/DTD/xhtml-rdfa-1.dtd') { console.log('WARNING: RDF 1.0 is not supported. Defaulting to HTML5 mode.'); this.setHTMLContext(); } else if (document.doctype.publicId === '-//W3C//DTD XHTML+RDFa 1.1//EN' && document.doctype.systemId === 'http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/DTD/xhtml-rdfa-2.dtd') { this.setXHTMLContext(); } else { this.setHTMLContext(); } } else { this.setHTMLContext(); } } else { this.setXMLContext(); } } }, { key: "setHTMLContext", value: function setHTMLContext() { this.setInitialContext(); this.langAttributes = [{ namespaceURI: 'http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace', localName: 'lang' }, { namespaceURI: null, localName: 'lang' }]; this.inXHTMLMode = false; this.inHTMLMode = true; } }, { key: "setInitialContext", value: function setInitialContext() { this.vocabulary = null; // By default, the prefixes are terms are loaded to the RDFa 1.1. standard within the graph constructor this.langAttributes = [{ namespaceURI: 'http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace', localName: 'lang' }]; } }, { key: "setXHTMLContext", value: function setXHTMLContext() { this.setInitialContext(); this.inXHTMLMode = true; this.inHTMLMode = false; this.langAttributes = [{ namespaceURI: 'http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace', localName: 'lang' }, { namespaceURI: null, localName: 'lang' }]; // From http://www.w3.org/2011/rdfa-context/xhtml-rdfa-1.1 this.target.graph.terms['alternate'] = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/vocab#alternate'; this.target.graph.terms['appendix'] = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/vocab#appendix'; this.target.graph.terms['bookmark'] = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/vocab#bookmark'; this.target.graph.terms['cite'] = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/vocab#cite'; this.target.graph.terms['chapter'] = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/vocab#chapter'; this.target.graph.terms['contents'] = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/vocab#contents'; this.target.graph.terms['copyright'] = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/vocab#copyright'; this.target.graph.terms['first'] = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/vocab#first'; this.target.graph.terms['glossary'] = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/vocab#glossary'; this.target.graph.terms['help'] = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/vocab#help'; this.target.graph.terms['icon'] = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/vocab#icon'; this.target.graph.terms['index'] = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/vocab#index'; this.target.graph.terms['last'] = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/vocab#last'; this.target.graph.terms['license'] = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/vocab#license'; this.target.graph.terms['meta'] = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/vocab#meta'; this.target.graph.terms['next'] = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/vocab#next'; this.target.graph.terms['prev'] = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/vocab#prev'; this.target.graph.terms['previous'] = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/vocab#previous'; this.target.graph.terms['section'] = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/vocab#section'; this.target.graph.terms['stylesheet'] = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/vocab#stylesheet'; this.target.graph.terms['subsection'] = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/vocab#subsection'; this.target.graph.terms['start'] = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/vocab#start'; this.target.graph.terms['top'] = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/vocab#top'; this.target.graph.terms['up'] = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/vocab#up'; this.target.graph.terms['p3pv1'] = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/vocab#p3pv1'; // other this.target.graph.terms['related'] = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/vocab#related'; this.target.graph.terms['role'] = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/vocab#role'; this.target.graph.terms['transformation'] = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/vocab#transformation'; } }, { key: "setXMLContext", value: function setXMLContext() { this.setInitialContext(); this.inXHTMLMode = false; this.inHTMLMode = false; } }, { key: "tokenize", value: function tokenize(str) { return this.trim(str).split(/\s+/); } }, { key: "toRDFNodeObject", value: function toRDFNodeObject(x) { var _this = this; if (typeof x === 'undefined') return undefined; if (typeof x === 'string') { if (x.substring(0, 2) === '_:') { if (typeof this.blankNodes[x.substring(2)] === 'undefined') { this.blankNodes[x.substring(2)] = new _blankNode.default(x.substring(2)); } return this.blankNodes[x.substring(2)]; } return _canonicalDataFactory.default.namedNode(x); } switch (x.type) { case RDFaProcessor.objectURI: if (x.value.substring(0, 2) === '_:') { if (typeof this.blankNodes[x.value.substring(2)] === 'undefined') { this.blankNodes[x.value.substring(2)] = new _blankNode.default(x.value.substring(2)); } return this.blankNodes[x.value.substring(2)]; } return _canonicalDataFactory.default.namedNode(x.value); case RDFaProcessor.PlainLiteralURI: return new _literal.default(x.value, x.language || ''); case RDFaProcessor.XMLLiteralURI: case RDFaProcessor.HTMLLiteralURI: var string = ''; Object.keys(x.value).forEach(function (i) { string += Util.domToString(x.value[i], _this.htmlOptions); }); return new _literal.default(string, '', new _namedNode.default(x.type)); default: return new _literal.default(x.value, '', new _namedNode.default(x.type)); } } }, { key: "trim", value: function trim(str) { return str.replace(/^\s\s*/, '').replace(/\s\s*$/, ''); } }], [{ key: "parseRDFaDOM", value: function parseRDFaDOM(dom, kb, base) { var p = new RDFaProcessor(kb, { 'base': base }); // Cannot assign to read only property 'baseURI' of object '#': if (!dom.baseURI) { // Note this became a read-only attribute some time before 2018 dom.baseURI = base; // oinly set if not already set } p.process(dom, { baseURI: base }); } }, { key: "tokenize", value: function tokenize(str) { return this.trim(str).split(/\s+/); } }, { key: "trim", value: function trim(str) { return str.replace(/^\s\s*/, '').replace(/\s\s*$/, ''); } }]); }(); RDFaProcessor.XMLLiteralURI = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#XMLLiteral'; RDFaProcessor.HTMLLiteralURI = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#HTML'; RDFaProcessor.PlainLiteralURI = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#PlainLiteral'; RDFaProcessor.objectURI = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#object'; RDFaProcessor.typeURI = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type'; RDFaProcessor.nameChar = "[-A-Z_a-z\xC0-\xD6\xD8-\xF6\xF8-\u02FF\u0370-\u037D\u037F-\u1FFF\u200C-\u200D\u2070-\u218F\u2C00-\u2FEF\u3001-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFFD\u10000-\uEFFFF.0-9\xB7\u0300-\u036F\u203F-\u2040]"; RDFaProcessor.nameStartChar = "[A-Za-z\xC0-\xD6\xD8-\xF6\xF8-\xFF\u0100-\u0131\u0134-\u013E\u0141-\u0148\u014A-\u017E\u0180-\u01C3\u01CD-\u01F0\u01F4-\u01F5\u01FA-\u0217\u0250-\u02A8\u02BB-\u02C1\u0386\u0388-\u038A\u038C\u038E-\u03A1\u03A3-\u03CE\u03D0-\u03D6\u03DA\u03DC\u03DE\u03E0\u03E2-\u03F3\u0401-\u040C\u040E-\u044F\u0451-\u045C\u045E-\u0481\u0490-\u04C4\u04C7-\u04C8\u04CB-\u04CC\u04D0-\u04EB\u04EE-\u04F5\u04F8-\u04F9\u0531-\u0556\u0559\u0561-\u0586\u05D0-\u05EA\u05F0-\u05F2\u0621-\u063A\u0641-\u064A\u0671-\u06B7\u06BA-\u06BE\u06C0-\u06CE\u06D0-\u06D3\u06D5\u06E5-\u06E6\u0905-\u0939\u093D\u0958-\u0961\u0985-\u098C\u098F-\u0990\u0993-\u09A8\u09AA-\u09B0\u09B2\u09B6-\u09B9\u09DC-\u09DD\u09DF-\u09E1\u09F0-\u09F1\u0A05-\u0A0A\u0A0F-\u0A10\u0A13-\u0A28\u0A2A-\u0A30\u0A32-\u0A33\u0A35-\u0A36\u0A38-\u0A39\u0A59-\u0A5C\u0A5E\u0A72-\u0A74\u0A85-\u0A8B\u0A8D\u0A8F-\u0A91\u0A93-\u0AA8\u0AAA-\u0AB0\u0AB2-\u0AB3\u0AB5-\u0AB9\u0ABD\u0AE0\u0B05-\u0B0C\u0B0F-\u0B10\u0B13-\u0B28\u0B2A-\u0B30\u0B32-\u0B33\u0B36-\u0B39\u0B3D\u0B5C-\u0B5D\u0B5F-\u0B61\u0B85-\u0B8A\u0B8E-\u0B90\u0B92-\u0B95\u0B99-\u0B9A\u0B9C\u0B9E-\u0B9F\u0BA3-\u0BA4\u0BA8-\u0BAA\u0BAE-\u0BB5\u0BB7-\u0BB9\u0C05-\u0C0C\u0C0E-\u0C10\u0C12-\u0C28\u0C2A-\u0C33\u0C35-\u0C39\u0C60-\u0C61\u0C85-\u0C8C\u0C8E-\u0C90\u0C92-\u0CA8\u0CAA-\u0CB3\u0CB5-\u0CB9\u0CDE\u0CE0-\u0CE1\u0D05-\u0D0C\u0D0E-\u0D10\u0D12-\u0D28\u0D2A-\u0D39\u0D60-\u0D61\u0E01-\u0E2E\u0E30\u0E32-\u0E33\u0E40-\u0E45\u0E81-\u0E82\u0E84\u0E87-\u0E88\u0E8A\u0E8D\u0E94-\u0E97\u0E99-\u0E9F\u0EA1-\u0EA3\u0EA5\u0EA7\u0EAA-\u0EAB\u0EAD-\u0EAE\u0EB0\u0EB2-\u0EB3\u0EBD\u0EC0-\u0EC4\u0F40-\u0F47\u0F49-\u0F69\u10A0-\u10C5\u10D0-\u10F6\u1100\u1102-\u1103\u1105-\u1107\u1109\u110B-\u110C\u110E-\u1112\u113C\u113E\u1140\u114C\u114E\u1150\u1154-\u1155\u1159\u115F-\u1161\u1163\u1165\u1167\u1169\u116D-\u116E\u1172-\u1173\u1175\u119E\u11A8\u11AB\u11AE-\u11AF\u11B7-\u11B8\u11BA\u11BC-\u11C2\u11EB\u11F0\u11F9\u1E00-\u1E9B\u1EA0-\u1EF9\u1F00-\u1F15\u1F18-\u1F1D\u1F20-\u1F45\u1F48-\u1F4D\u1F50-\u1F57\u1F59\u1F5B\u1F5D\u1F5F-\u1F7D\u1F80-\u1FB4\u1FB6-\u1FBC\u1FBE\u1FC2-\u1FC4\u1FC6-\u1FCC\u1FD0-\u1FD3\u1FD6-\u1FDB\u1FE0-\u1FEC\u1FF2-\u1FF4\u1FF6-\u1FFC\u2126\u212A-\u212B\u212E\u2180-\u2182\u3041-\u3094\u30A1-\u30FA\u3105-\u312C\uAC00-\uD7A3\u4E00-\u9FA5\u3007\u3021-\u3029_]"; RDFaProcessor.NCNAME = new RegExp('^' + RDFaProcessor.nameStartChar + RDFaProcessor.nameChar + '*$'); /* RDFaProcessor.prototype.resolveAndNormalize = function(base,href) { var u = base.resolve(href) var parsed = this.parseURI(u) parsed.normalize() return parsed.spec } */ RDFaProcessor.dateTimeTypes = [{ pattern: /-?P(?:[0-9]+Y)?(?:[0-9]+M)?(?:[0-9]+D)?(?:T(?:[0-9]+H)?(?:[0-9]+M)?(?:[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?S)?)?/, type: 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#duration' }, { pattern: /-?(?:[1-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]|0[1-9][0-9][0-9]|00[1-9][0-9]|000[1-9])-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]T(?:[0-1][0-9]|2[0-4]):[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9](?:\.[0-9]+)?(?:Z|[+\-][0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9])?/, type: 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime' }, { pattern: /-?(?:[1-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]|0[1-9][0-9][0-9]|00[1-9][0-9]|000[1-9])-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9](?:Z|[+\-][0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9])?/, type: 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#date' }, { pattern: /(?:[0-1][0-9]|2[0-4]):[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9](?:\.[0-9]+)?(?:Z|[+\-][0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9])?/, type: 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#time' }, { pattern: /-?(?:[1-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]|0[1-9][0-9][0-9]|00[1-9][0-9]|000[1-9])-[0-9][0-9]/, type: 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#gYearMonth' }, { pattern: /-?[1-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]|0[1-9][0-9][0-9]|00[1-9][0-9]|000[1-9]/, type: 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#gYear' }]; var parseRDFaDOM = exports.parseRDFaDOM = RDFaProcessor.parseRDFaDOM;