import { options as _options } from 'preact'; /** @type {number} */ let currentIndex; /** @type {import('./internal').Component} */ let currentComponent; /** @type {import('./internal').Component} */ let previousComponent; /** @type {number} */ let currentHook = 0; /** @type {Array} */ let afterPaintEffects = []; let EMPTY = []; // Cast to use internal Options type const options = /** @type {import('./internal').Options} */ (_options); let oldBeforeDiff = options._diff; let oldBeforeRender = options._render; let oldAfterDiff = options.diffed; let oldCommit = options._commit; let oldBeforeUnmount = options.unmount; let oldRoot = options._root; const RAF_TIMEOUT = 100; let prevRaf; /** @type {(vnode: import('./internal').VNode) => void} */ options._diff = vnode => { currentComponent = null; if (oldBeforeDiff) oldBeforeDiff(vnode); }; options._root = (vnode, parentDom) => { if (vnode && parentDom._children && parentDom._children._mask) { vnode._mask = parentDom._children._mask; } if (oldRoot) oldRoot(vnode, parentDom); }; /** @type {(vnode: import('./internal').VNode) => void} */ options._render = vnode => { if (oldBeforeRender) oldBeforeRender(vnode); currentComponent = vnode._component; currentIndex = 0; const hooks = currentComponent.__hooks; if (hooks) { if (previousComponent === currentComponent) { hooks._pendingEffects = []; currentComponent._renderCallbacks = []; hooks._list.forEach(hookItem => { if (hookItem._nextValue) { hookItem._value = hookItem._nextValue; } hookItem._pendingValue = EMPTY; hookItem._nextValue = hookItem._pendingArgs = undefined; }); } else { hooks._pendingEffects.forEach(invokeCleanup); hooks._pendingEffects.forEach(invokeEffect); hooks._pendingEffects = []; currentIndex = 0; } } previousComponent = currentComponent; }; /** @type {(vnode: import('./internal').VNode) => void} */ options.diffed = vnode => { if (oldAfterDiff) oldAfterDiff(vnode); const c = vnode._component; if (c && c.__hooks) { if (c.__hooks._pendingEffects.length) afterPaint(afterPaintEffects.push(c)); c.__hooks._list.forEach(hookItem => { if (hookItem._pendingArgs) { hookItem._args = hookItem._pendingArgs; } if (hookItem._pendingValue !== EMPTY) { hookItem._value = hookItem._pendingValue; } hookItem._pendingArgs = undefined; hookItem._pendingValue = EMPTY; }); } previousComponent = currentComponent = null; }; // TODO: Improve typing of commitQueue parameter /** @type {(vnode: import('./internal').VNode, commitQueue: any) => void} */ options._commit = (vnode, commitQueue) => { commitQueue.some(component => { try { component._renderCallbacks.forEach(invokeCleanup); component._renderCallbacks = component._renderCallbacks.filter(cb => cb._value ? invokeEffect(cb) : true ); } catch (e) { commitQueue.some(c => { if (c._renderCallbacks) c._renderCallbacks = []; }); commitQueue = []; options._catchError(e, component._vnode); } }); if (oldCommit) oldCommit(vnode, commitQueue); }; /** @type {(vnode: import('./internal').VNode) => void} */ options.unmount = vnode => { if (oldBeforeUnmount) oldBeforeUnmount(vnode); const c = vnode._component; if (c && c.__hooks) { let hasErrored; c.__hooks._list.forEach(s => { try { invokeCleanup(s); } catch (e) { hasErrored = e; } }); c.__hooks = undefined; if (hasErrored) options._catchError(hasErrored, c._vnode); } }; /** * Get a hook's state from the currentComponent * @param {number} index The index of the hook to get * @param {number} type The index of the hook to get * @returns {any} */ function getHookState(index, type) { if (options._hook) { options._hook(currentComponent, index, currentHook || type); } currentHook = 0; // Largely inspired by: // * // * // Other implementations to look at: // * const hooks = currentComponent.__hooks || (currentComponent.__hooks = { _list: [], _pendingEffects: [] }); if (index >= hooks._list.length) { hooks._list.push({ _pendingValue: EMPTY }); } return hooks._list[index]; } /** * @template {unknown} S * @param {import('./index').Dispatch>} [initialState] * @returns {[S, (state: S) => void]} */ export function useState(initialState) { currentHook = 1; return useReducer(invokeOrReturn, initialState); } /** * @template {unknown} S * @template {unknown} A * @param {import('./index').Reducer} reducer * @param {import('./index').Dispatch>} initialState * @param {(initialState: any) => void} [init] * @returns {[ S, (state: S) => void ]} */ export function useReducer(reducer, initialState, init) { /** @type {import('./internal').ReducerHookState} */ const hookState = getHookState(currentIndex++, 2); hookState._reducer = reducer; if (!hookState._component) { hookState._value = [ !init ? invokeOrReturn(undefined, initialState) : init(initialState), action => { const currentValue = hookState._nextValue ? hookState._nextValue[0] : hookState._value[0]; const nextValue = hookState._reducer(currentValue, action); if (currentValue !== nextValue) { hookState._nextValue = [nextValue, hookState._value[1]]; hookState._component.setState({}); } } ]; hookState._component = currentComponent; if (!currentComponent._hasScuFromHooks) { currentComponent._hasScuFromHooks = true; let prevScu = currentComponent.shouldComponentUpdate; const prevCWU = currentComponent.componentWillUpdate; // If we're dealing with a forced update `shouldComponentUpdate` will // not be called. But we use that to update the hook values, so we // need to call it. currentComponent.componentWillUpdate = function (p, s, c) { if (this._force) { let tmp = prevScu; // Clear to avoid other sCU hooks from being called prevScu = undefined; updateHookState(p, s, c); prevScu = tmp; } if (prevCWU), p, s, c); }; // This SCU has the purpose of bailing out after repeated updates // to stateful hooks. // we store the next value in _nextValue[0] and keep doing that for all // state setters, if we have next states and // all next states within a component end up being equal to their original state // we are safe to bail out for this specific component. /** * * @type {import('./internal').Component["shouldComponentUpdate"]} */ // @ts-ignore - We don't use TS to downtranspile // eslint-disable-next-line no-inner-declarations function updateHookState(p, s, c) { if (!hookState._component.__hooks) return true; /** @type {(x: import('./internal').HookState) => x is import('./internal').ReducerHookState} */ const isStateHook = x => !!x._component; const stateHooks = hookState._component.__hooks._list.filter(isStateHook); const allHooksEmpty = stateHooks.every(x => !x._nextValue); // When we have no updated hooks in the component we invoke the previous SCU or // traverse the VDOM tree further. if (allHooksEmpty) { return prevScu ?, p, s, c) : true; } // We check whether we have components with a nextValue set that // have values that aren't equal to one another this pushes // us to update further down the tree let shouldUpdate = false; stateHooks.forEach(hookItem => { if (hookItem._nextValue) { const currentValue = hookItem._value[0]; hookItem._value = hookItem._nextValue; hookItem._nextValue = undefined; if (currentValue !== hookItem._value[0]) shouldUpdate = true; } }); return shouldUpdate || hookState._component.props !== p ? prevScu ?, p, s, c) : true : false; } currentComponent.shouldComponentUpdate = updateHookState; } } return hookState._nextValue || hookState._value; } /** * @param {import('./internal').Effect} callback * @param {unknown[]} args * @returns {void} */ export function useEffect(callback, args) { /** @type {import('./internal').EffectHookState} */ const state = getHookState(currentIndex++, 3); if (!options._skipEffects && argsChanged(state._args, args)) { state._value = callback; state._pendingArgs = args; currentComponent.__hooks._pendingEffects.push(state); } } /** * @param {import('./internal').Effect} callback * @param {unknown[]} args * @returns {void} */ export function useLayoutEffect(callback, args) { /** @type {import('./internal').EffectHookState} */ const state = getHookState(currentIndex++, 4); if (!options._skipEffects && argsChanged(state._args, args)) { state._value = callback; state._pendingArgs = args; currentComponent._renderCallbacks.push(state); } } /** @type {(initialValue: unknown) => unknown} */ export function useRef(initialValue) { currentHook = 5; return useMemo(() => ({ current: initialValue }), []); } /** * @param {object} ref * @param {() => object} createHandle * @param {unknown[]} args * @returns {void} */ export function useImperativeHandle(ref, createHandle, args) { currentHook = 6; useLayoutEffect( () => { if (typeof ref == 'function') { ref(createHandle()); return () => ref(null); } else if (ref) { ref.current = createHandle(); return () => (ref.current = null); } }, args == null ? args : args.concat(ref) ); } /** * @template {unknown} T * @param {() => T} factory * @param {unknown[]} args * @returns {T} */ export function useMemo(factory, args) { /** @type {import('./internal').MemoHookState} */ const state = getHookState(currentIndex++, 7); if (argsChanged(state._args, args)) { state._pendingValue = factory(); state._pendingArgs = args; state._factory = factory; return state._pendingValue; } return state._value; } /** * @param {() => void} callback * @param {unknown[]} args * @returns {() => void} */ export function useCallback(callback, args) { currentHook = 8; return useMemo(() => callback, args); } /** * @param {import('./internal').PreactContext} context */ export function useContext(context) { const provider = currentComponent.context[context._id]; // We could skip this call here, but than we'd not call // `options._hook`. We need to do that in order to make // the devtools aware of this hook. /** @type {import('./internal').ContextHookState} */ const state = getHookState(currentIndex++, 9); // The devtools needs access to the context object to // be able to pull of the default value when no provider // is present in the tree. state._context = context; if (!provider) return context._defaultValue; // This is probably not safe to convert to "!" if (state._value == null) { state._value = true; provider.sub(currentComponent); } return provider.props.value; } /** * Display a custom label for a custom hook for the devtools panel * @type {(value: T, cb?: (value: T) => string | number) => void} */ export function useDebugValue(value, formatter) { if (options.useDebugValue) { options.useDebugValue( formatter ? formatter(value) : /** @type {any}*/ (value) ); } } /** * @param {(error: unknown, errorInfo: import('preact').ErrorInfo) => void} cb * @returns {[unknown, () => void]} */ export function useErrorBoundary(cb) { /** @type {import('./internal').ErrorBoundaryHookState} */ const state = getHookState(currentIndex++, 10); const errState = useState(); state._value = cb; if (!currentComponent.componentDidCatch) { currentComponent.componentDidCatch = (err, errorInfo) => { if (state._value) state._value(err, errorInfo); errState[1](err); }; } return [ errState[0], () => { errState[1](undefined); } ]; } /** @type {() => string} */ export function useId() { /** @type {import('./internal').IdHookState} */ const state = getHookState(currentIndex++, 11); if (!state._value) { // Grab either the root node or the nearest async boundary node. /** @type {import('./internal.d').VNode} */ let root = currentComponent._vnode; while (root !== null && !root._mask && root._parent !== null) { root = root._parent; } let mask = root._mask || (root._mask = [0, 0]); state._value = 'P' + mask[0] + '-' + mask[1]++; } return state._value; } /** * After paint effects consumer. */ function flushAfterPaintEffects() { let component; while ((component = afterPaintEffects.shift())) { if (!component._parentDom || !component.__hooks) continue; try { component.__hooks._pendingEffects.forEach(invokeCleanup); component.__hooks._pendingEffects.forEach(invokeEffect); component.__hooks._pendingEffects = []; } catch (e) { component.__hooks._pendingEffects = []; options._catchError(e, component._vnode); } } } let HAS_RAF = typeof requestAnimationFrame == 'function'; /** * Schedule a callback to be invoked after the browser has a chance to paint a new frame. * Do this by combining requestAnimationFrame (rAF) + setTimeout to invoke a callback after * the next browser frame. * * Also, schedule a timeout in parallel to the the rAF to ensure the callback is invoked * even if RAF doesn't fire (for example if the browser tab is not visible) * * @param {() => void} callback */ function afterNextFrame(callback) { const done = () => { clearTimeout(timeout); if (HAS_RAF) cancelAnimationFrame(raf); setTimeout(callback); }; const timeout = setTimeout(done, RAF_TIMEOUT); let raf; if (HAS_RAF) { raf = requestAnimationFrame(done); } } // Note: if someone used options.debounceRendering = requestAnimationFrame, // then effects will ALWAYS run on the NEXT frame instead of the current one, incurring a ~16ms delay. // Perhaps this is not such a big deal. /** * Schedule afterPaintEffects flush after the browser paints * @param {number} newQueueLength * @returns {void} */ function afterPaint(newQueueLength) { if (newQueueLength === 1 || prevRaf !== options.requestAnimationFrame) { prevRaf = options.requestAnimationFrame; (prevRaf || afterNextFrame)(flushAfterPaintEffects); } } /** * @param {import('./internal').HookState} hook * @returns {void} */ function invokeCleanup(hook) { // A hook cleanup can introduce a call to render which creates a new root, this will call options.vnode // and move the currentComponent away. const comp = currentComponent; let cleanup = hook._cleanup; if (typeof cleanup == 'function') { hook._cleanup = undefined; cleanup(); } currentComponent = comp; } /** * Invoke a Hook's effect * @param {import('./internal').EffectHookState} hook * @returns {void} */ function invokeEffect(hook) { // A hook call can introduce a call to render which creates a new root, this will call options.vnode // and move the currentComponent away. const comp = currentComponent; hook._cleanup = hook._value(); currentComponent = comp; } /** * @param {unknown[]} oldArgs * @param {unknown[]} newArgs * @returns {boolean} */ function argsChanged(oldArgs, newArgs) { return ( !oldArgs || oldArgs.length !== newArgs.length || newArgs.some((arg, index) => arg !== oldArgs[index]) ); } /** * @template Arg * @param {Arg} arg * @param {(arg: Arg) => any} f * @returns {any} */ function invokeOrReturn(arg, f) { return typeof f == 'function' ? f(arg) : f; }