'use strict'; module.exports = { moduleType: 'trace', name: 'barpolar', basePlotModule: require('../../plots/polar'), categories: ['polar', 'bar', 'showLegend'], attributes: require('./attributes'), layoutAttributes: require('./layout_attributes'), supplyDefaults: require('./defaults'), supplyLayoutDefaults: require('./layout_defaults'), calc: require('./calc').calc, crossTraceCalc: require('./calc').crossTraceCalc, plot: require('./plot'), colorbar: require('../scatter/marker_colorbar'), formatLabels: require('../scatterpolar/format_labels'), style: require('../bar/style').style, styleOnSelect: require('../bar/style').styleOnSelect, hoverPoints: require('./hover'), selectPoints: require('../bar/select'), meta: { hrName: 'bar_polar', description: [ 'The data visualized by the radial span of the bars is set in `r`' // 'if `orientation` is set to *radial* (the default)', // 'and the labels are set in `theta`.', // 'By setting `orientation` to *angular*, the roles are interchanged.' ].join(' ') } };