'use strict'; var constants = require('./constants'); module.exports = { editType: 'modebar', orientation: { valType: 'enumerated', values: ['v', 'h'], dflt: 'h', editType: 'modebar', description: 'Sets the orientation of the modebar.' }, bgcolor: { valType: 'color', editType: 'modebar', description: 'Sets the background color of the modebar.' }, color: { valType: 'color', editType: 'modebar', description: 'Sets the color of the icons in the modebar.' }, activecolor: { valType: 'color', editType: 'modebar', description: 'Sets the color of the active or hovered on icons in the modebar.' }, uirevision: { valType: 'any', editType: 'none', description: [ 'Controls persistence of user-driven changes related to the modebar,', 'including `hovermode`, `dragmode`, and `showspikes` at both the', 'root level and inside subplots. Defaults to `layout.uirevision`.' ].join(' ') }, add: { valType: 'string', arrayOk: true, dflt: '', editType: 'modebar', description: [ 'Determines which predefined modebar buttons to add.', 'Please note that these buttons will only be shown if they are', 'compatible with all trace types used in a graph.', 'Similar to `config.modeBarButtonsToAdd` option.', 'This may include *' + constants.backButtons.join('*, *') + '*.' ].join(' ') }, remove: { valType: 'string', arrayOk: true, dflt: '', editType: 'modebar', description: [ 'Determines which predefined modebar buttons to remove.', 'Similar to `config.modeBarButtonsToRemove` option.', 'This may include *' + constants.foreButtons.join('*, *') + '*.' ].join(' ') } };