'use strict' /** * @module parenthesis */ function parse (str, opts) { // pretend non-string parsed per-se if (typeof str !== 'string') return [str] var res = [str] if (typeof opts === 'string' || Array.isArray(opts)) { opts = {brackets: opts} } else if (!opts) opts = {} var brackets = opts.brackets ? (Array.isArray(opts.brackets) ? opts.brackets : [opts.brackets]) : ['{}', '[]', '()'] var escape = opts.escape || '___' var flat = !!opts.flat brackets.forEach(function (bracket) { // create parenthesis regex var pRE = new RegExp(['\\', bracket[0], '[^\\', bracket[0], '\\', bracket[1], ']*\\', bracket[1]].join('')) var ids = [] function replaceToken(token, idx, str){ // save token to res var refId = res.push(token.slice(bracket[0].length, -bracket[1].length)) - 1 ids.push(refId) return escape + refId + escape } res.forEach(function (str, i) { var prevStr // replace paren tokens till there’s none var a = 0 while (str != prevStr) { prevStr = str str = str.replace(pRE, replaceToken) if (a++ > 10e3) throw Error('References have circular dependency. Please, check them.') } res[i] = str }) // wrap found refs to brackets ids = ids.reverse() res = res.map(function (str) { ids.forEach(function (id) { str = str.replace(new RegExp('(\\' + escape + id + '\\' + escape + ')', 'g'), bracket[0] + '$1' + bracket[1]) }) return str }) }) var re = new RegExp('\\' + escape + '([0-9]+)' + '\\' + escape) // transform references to tree function nest (str, refs, escape) { var res = [], match var a = 0 while (match = re.exec(str)) { if (a++ > 10e3) throw Error('Circular references in parenthesis') res.push(str.slice(0, match.index)) res.push(nest(refs[match[1]], refs)) str = str.slice(match.index + match[0].length) } res.push(str) return res } return flat ? res : nest(res[0], res) } function stringify (arg, opts) { if (opts && opts.flat) { var escape = opts && opts.escape || '___' var str = arg[0], prevStr // pretend bad string stringified with no parentheses if (!str) return '' var re = new RegExp('\\' + escape + '([0-9]+)' + '\\' + escape) var a = 0 while (str != prevStr) { if (a++ > 10e3) throw Error('Circular references in ' + arg) prevStr = str str = str.replace(re, replaceRef) } return str } return arg.reduce(function f (prev, curr) { if (Array.isArray(curr)) { curr = curr.reduce(f, '') } return prev + curr }, '') function replaceRef(match, idx){ if (arg[idx] == null) throw Error('Reference ' + idx + 'is undefined') return arg[idx] } } function parenthesis (arg, opts) { if (Array.isArray(arg)) { return stringify(arg, opts) } else { return parse(arg, opts) } } parenthesis.parse = parse parenthesis.stringify = stringify module.exports = parenthesis