mouse-change ============ Listens for any mouse state changes. # Example ```javascript require('mouse-change')(function(buttons, x, y) { document.body.innerHTML = '

Buttons: 0b' + buttons.toString(2) + ', x:' + x + ', y:' + y + '

' }) ``` [Try it out in your browser]( # Install ``` npm i mouse-change ``` # API #### `var l = require('mouse-change')([element, onchange(buttons,x,y,mods)])` Listens for any mouse state changes on the given element. * `element` is an optional element * `onchange(buttons,x,y,mods)` is an optional callback which gets called every time that the mouse state changes inside `element` + `buttons` is the state of the mouse buttons + `x` is the x coordinate of the mouse + `y` is the y coordinate of the mouse + `mods` is an object storing the state of any key modifiers * `mods.shift` is the state of the shift key * `mods.alt` is the state of then alt key * `mods.control` is the state of the control key * `mods.meta` is the state of the meta key **Returns** A new listener object which can be used to configure the listener. #### `l.enabled` Toggles whether or not #### `l.x` The x coordinate of the mouse #### `l.y` The y coordinate of the mouse #### `l.buttons` The button state of the mouse #### `l.mods` The current state of the keyboard modifiers # License (c) 2015 Mikola Lysenko. MIT License