import Point from '@mapbox/point-geometry'; import UnitBezier from '@mapbox/unitbezier'; import {isOffscreenCanvasDistorted} from './offscreen_canvas_distorted'; import type {Size} from './image'; import type {WorkerGlobalScopeInterface} from './web_worker'; /** * For a given collection of 2D points, returns their axis-aligned bounding box, * in the format [minX, minY, maxX, maxY]. */ export function getAABB(points: Array): [number, number, number, number] { let tlX = Infinity; let tlY = Infinity; let brX = -Infinity; let brY = -Infinity; for (const p of points) { tlX = Math.min(tlX, p.x); tlY = Math.min(tlY, p.y); brX = Math.max(brX, p.x); brY = Math.max(brY, p.y); } return [tlX, tlY, brX, brY]; } /** * Given a value `t` that varies between 0 and 1, return * an interpolation function that eases between 0 and 1 in a pleasing * cubic in-out fashion. */ export function easeCubicInOut(t: number): number { if (t <= 0) return 0; if (t >= 1) return 1; const t2 = t * t, t3 = t2 * t; return 4 * (t < 0.5 ? t3 : 3 * (t - t2) + t3 - 0.75); } /** * Given given (x, y), (x1, y1) control points for a bezier curve, * return a function that interpolates along that curve. * * @param p1x - control point 1 x coordinate * @param p1y - control point 1 y coordinate * @param p2x - control point 2 x coordinate * @param p2y - control point 2 y coordinate */ export function bezier(p1x: number, p1y: number, p2x: number, p2y: number): (t: number) => number { const bezier = new UnitBezier(p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y); return (t: number) => { return bezier.solve(t); }; } /** * A default bezier-curve powered easing function with * control points (0.25, 0.1) and (0.25, 1) */ export const defaultEasing = bezier(0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1); /** * constrain n to the given range via min + max * * @param n - value * @param min - the minimum value to be returned * @param max - the maximum value to be returned * @returns the clamped value */ export function clamp(n: number, min: number, max: number): number { return Math.min(max, Math.max(min, n)); } /** * constrain n to the given range, excluding the minimum, via modular arithmetic * * @param n - value * @param min - the minimum value to be returned, exclusive * @param max - the maximum value to be returned, inclusive * @returns constrained number */ export function wrap(n: number, min: number, max: number): number { const d = max - min; const w = ((n - min) % d + d) % d + min; return (w === min) ? max : w; } /** * Compute the difference between the keys in one object and the keys * in another object. * * @returns keys difference */ export function keysDifference( obj: {[key: string]: S}, other: {[key: string]: T} ): Array { const difference = []; for (const i in obj) { if (!(i in other)) { difference.push(i); } } return difference; } /** * Given a destination object and optionally many source objects, * copy all properties from the source objects into the destination. * The last source object given overrides properties from previous * source objects. * * @param dest - destination object * @param sources - sources from which properties are pulled */ export function extend(dest: T, source: U): T & U; export function extend(dest: T, source1: U, source2: V): T & U & V; export function extend(dest: T, source1: U, source2: V, source3: W): T & U & V & W; export function extend(dest: object, ...sources: Array): any; export function extend(dest: object, ...sources: Array): any { for (const src of sources) { for (const k in src) { dest[k] = src[k]; } } return dest; } // See type KeysOfUnion = T extends T ? keyof T: never; /** * Given an object and a number of properties as strings, return version * of that object with only those properties. * * @param src - the object * @param properties - an array of property names chosen * to appear on the resulting object. * @returns object with limited properties. * @example * ```ts * let foo = { name: 'Charlie', age: 10 }; * let justName = pick(foo, ['name']); // justName = { name: 'Charlie' } * ``` */ export function pick(src: T, properties: Array>): Partial { const result: Partial = {}; for (let i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) { const k = properties[i]; if (k in src) { result[k] = src[k]; } } return result; } let id = 1; /** * Return a unique numeric id, starting at 1 and incrementing with * each call. * * @returns unique numeric id. */ export function uniqueId(): number { return id++; } /** * Return whether a given value is a power of two */ export function isPowerOfTwo(value: number): boolean { return (Math.log(value) / Math.LN2) % 1 === 0; } /** * Return the next power of two, or the input value if already a power of two */ export function nextPowerOfTwo(value: number): number { if (value <= 1) return 1; return Math.pow(2, Math.ceil(Math.log(value) / Math.LN2)); } /** * Create an object by mapping all the values of an existing object while * preserving their keys. */ export function mapObject(input: any, iterator: Function, context?: any): any { const output = {}; for (const key in input) { output[key] = || this, input[key], key, input); } return output; } /** * Create an object by filtering out values of an existing object. */ export function filterObject(input: any, iterator: Function, context?: any): any { const output = {}; for (const key in input) { if ( || this, input[key], key, input)) { output[key] = input[key]; } } return output; } /** * Deeply compares two object literals. * @param a - first object literal to be compared * @param b - second object literal to be compared * @returns true if the two object literals are deeply equal, false otherwise */ export function deepEqual(a?: unknown | null, b?: unknown | null): boolean { if (Array.isArray(a)) { if (!Array.isArray(b) || a.length !== b.length) return false; for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { if (!deepEqual(a[i], b[i])) return false; } return true; } if (typeof a === 'object' && a !== null && b !== null) { if (!(typeof b === 'object')) return false; const keys = Object.keys(a); if (keys.length !== Object.keys(b).length) return false; for (const key in a) { if (!deepEqual(a[key], b[key])) return false; } return true; } return a === b; } /** * Deeply clones two objects. */ export function clone(input: T): T { if (Array.isArray(input)) { return as any as T; } else if (typeof input === 'object' && input) { return mapObject(input, clone) as any as T; } else { return input; } } /** * Check if two arrays have at least one common element. */ export function arraysIntersect(a: Array, b: Array): boolean { for (let l = 0; l < a.length; l++) { if (b.indexOf(a[l]) >= 0) return true; } return false; } /** * Print a warning message to the console and ensure duplicate warning messages * are not printed. */ const warnOnceHistory: {[key: string]: boolean} = {}; export function warnOnce(message: string): void { if (!warnOnceHistory[message]) { // console isn't defined in some WebWorkers, see #2558 if (typeof console !== 'undefined') console.warn(message); warnOnceHistory[message] = true; } } /** * Indicates if the provided Points are in a counter clockwise (true) or clockwise (false) order * * @returns true for a counter clockwise set of points */ // export function isCounterClockwise(a: Point, b: Point, c: Point): boolean { return (c.y - a.y) * (b.x - a.x) > (b.y - a.y) * (c.x - a.x); } /** * For two lines a and b in 2d space, defined by any two points along the lines, * find the intersection point, or return null if the lines are parallel * * @param a1 - First point on line a * @param a2 - Second point on line a * @param b1 - First point on line b * @param b2 - Second point on line b * * @returns the intersection point of the two lines or null if they are parallel */ export function findLineIntersection(a1: Point, a2: Point, b1: Point, b2: Point): Point | null { const aDeltaY = a2.y - a1.y; const aDeltaX = a2.x - a1.x; const bDeltaY = b2.y - b1.y; const bDeltaX = b2.x - b1.x; const denominator = (bDeltaY * aDeltaX) - (bDeltaX * aDeltaY); if (denominator === 0) { // Lines are parallel return null; } const originDeltaY = a1.y - b1.y; const originDeltaX = a1.x - b1.x; const aInterpolation = (bDeltaX * originDeltaY - bDeltaY * originDeltaX) / denominator; // Find intersection by projecting out from origin of first segment return new Point(a1.x + (aInterpolation * aDeltaX), a1.y + (aInterpolation * aDeltaY)); } /** * Converts spherical coordinates to cartesian coordinates. * * @param spherical - Spherical coordinates, in [radial, azimuthal, polar] * @returns cartesian coordinates in [x, y, z] */ export function sphericalToCartesian([r, azimuthal, polar]: [number, number, number]): { x: number; y: number; z: number; } { // We abstract "north"/"up" (compass-wise) to be 0° when really this is 90° (π/2): // correct for that here azimuthal += 90; // Convert azimuthal and polar angles to radians azimuthal *= Math.PI / 180; polar *= Math.PI / 180; return { x: r * Math.cos(azimuthal) * Math.sin(polar), y: r * Math.sin(azimuthal) * Math.sin(polar), z: r * Math.cos(polar) }; } /** * Returns true if the when run in the web-worker context. * * @returns `true` if the when run in the web-worker context. */ export function isWorker(self: any): self is WorkerGlobalScopeInterface { // @ts-ignore return typeof WorkerGlobalScope !== 'undefined' && typeof self !== 'undefined' && self instanceof WorkerGlobalScope; } /** * Parses data from 'Cache-Control' headers. * * @param cacheControl - Value of 'Cache-Control' header * @returns object containing parsed header info. */ export function parseCacheControl(cacheControl: string): any { // Taken from [Wreck]( const re = /(?:^|(?:\s*\,\s*))([^\x00-\x20\(\)<>@\,;\:\\"\/\[\]\?\=\{\}\x7F]+)(?:\=(?:([^\x00-\x20\(\)<>@\,;\:\\"\/\[\]\?\=\{\}\x7F]+)|(?:\"((?:[^"\\]|\\.)*)\")))?/g; const header = {}; cacheControl.replace(re, ($0, $1, $2, $3) => { const value = $2 || $3; header[$1] = value ? value.toLowerCase() : true; return ''; }); if (header['max-age']) { const maxAge = parseInt(header['max-age'], 10); if (isNaN(maxAge)) delete header['max-age']; else header['max-age'] = maxAge; } return header; } let _isSafari = null; /** * Returns true when run in WebKit derived browsers. * This is used as a workaround for a memory leak in Safari caused by using Transferable objects to * transfer data between WebWorkers and the main thread. * * * This should be removed once the underlying Safari issue is fixed. * * @param scope - Since this function is used both on the main thread and WebWorker context, * let the calling scope pass in the global scope object. * @returns `true` when run in WebKit derived browsers. */ export function isSafari(scope: any): boolean { if (_isSafari == null) { const userAgent = scope.navigator ? scope.navigator.userAgent : null; _isSafari = !!scope.safari || !!(userAgent && (/\b(iPad|iPhone|iPod)\b/.test(userAgent) || (!!userAgent.match('Safari') && !userAgent.match('Chrome')))); } return _isSafari; } export function storageAvailable(type: string): boolean { try { const storage = window[type]; storage.setItem('_mapbox_test_', 1); storage.removeItem('_mapbox_test_'); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } } // The following methods are from //Unicode compliant base64 encoder for strings export function b64EncodeUnicode(str: string) { return btoa( encodeURIComponent(str).replace(/%([0-9A-F]{2})/g, (match, p1) => { return String.fromCharCode(Number('0x' + p1)); //eslint-disable-line } ) ); } // Unicode compliant decoder for base64-encoded strings export function b64DecodeUnicode(str: string) { return decodeURIComponent(atob(str).split('').map((c) => { return '%' + ('00' + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-2); //eslint-disable-line }).join('')); } export function isImageBitmap(image: any): image is ImageBitmap { return typeof ImageBitmap !== 'undefined' && image instanceof ImageBitmap; } /** * Converts an ArrayBuffer to an ImageBitmap. * * Used mostly for testing purposes only, because mocking libs don't know how to work with ArrayBuffers, but work * perfectly fine with ImageBitmaps. Might also be used for environments (other than testing) not supporting * ArrayBuffers. * * @param data - Data to convert * @returns - A promise resolved when the conversion is finished */ export const arrayBufferToImageBitmap = async (data: ArrayBuffer): Promise => { if (data.byteLength === 0) { return createImageBitmap(new ImageData(1, 1)); } const blob: Blob = new Blob([new Uint8Array(data)], {type: 'image/png'}); try { return createImageBitmap(blob); } catch (e) { throw new Error(`Could not load image because of ${e.message}. Please make sure to use a supported image type such as PNG or JPEG. Note that SVGs are not supported.`); } }; const transparentPngUrl = ''; /** * Converts an ArrayBuffer to an HTMLImageElement. * * Used mostly for testing purposes only, because mocking libs don't know how to work with ArrayBuffers, but work * perfectly fine with ImageBitmaps. Might also be used for environments (other than testing) not supporting * ArrayBuffers. * * @param data - Data to convert * @returns - A promise resolved when the conversion is finished */ export const arrayBufferToImage = (data: ArrayBuffer): Promise => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const img: HTMLImageElement = new Image(); img.onload = () => { resolve(img); URL.revokeObjectURL(img.src); // prevent image dataURI memory leak in Safari; // but don't free the image immediately because it might be uploaded in the next frame // img.onload = null; window.requestAnimationFrame(() => { img.src = transparentPngUrl; }); }; img.onerror = () => reject(new Error('Could not load image. Please make sure to use a supported image type such as PNG or JPEG. Note that SVGs are not supported.')); const blob: Blob = new Blob([new Uint8Array(data)], {type: 'image/png'}); img.src = data.byteLength ? URL.createObjectURL(blob) : transparentPngUrl; }); }; /** * Computes the webcodecs VideoFrame API options to select a rectangle out of * an image and write it into the destination rectangle. * * Rect (x/y/width/height) select the overlapping rectangle from the source image * and layout (offset/stride) write that overlapping rectangle to the correct place * in the destination image. * * Offset is the byte offset in the dest image that the first pixel appears at * and stride is the number of bytes to the start of the next row: * ┌───────────┐ * │ dest │ * │ ┌───┼───────┐ * │offset→│▓▓▓│ source│ * │ │▓▓▓│ │ * │ └───┼───────┘ * │stride ⇠╌╌╌│ * │╌╌╌╌╌╌→ │ * └───────────┘ * * @param image - source image containing a width and height attribute * @param x - top-left x coordinate to read from the image * @param y - top-left y coordinate to read from the image * @param width - width of the rectangle to read from the image * @param height - height of the rectangle to read from the image * @returns the layout and rect options to pass into VideoFrame API */ function computeVideoFrameParameters(image: Size, x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number): VideoFrameCopyToOptions { const destRowOffset = Math.max(-x, 0) * 4; const firstSourceRow = Math.max(0, y); const firstDestRow = firstSourceRow - y; const offset = firstDestRow * width * 4 + destRowOffset; const stride = width * 4; const sourceLeft = Math.max(0, x); const sourceTop = Math.max(0, y); const sourceRight = Math.min(image.width, x + width); const sourceBottom = Math.min(image.height, y + height); return { rect: { x: sourceLeft, y: sourceTop, width: sourceRight - sourceLeft, height: sourceBottom - sourceTop }, layout: [{offset, stride}] }; } /** * Reads pixels from an ImageBitmap/Image/canvas using webcodec VideoFrame API. * * @param data - image, imagebitmap, or canvas to parse * @param x - top-left x coordinate to read from the image * @param y - top-left y coordinate to read from the image * @param width - width of the rectangle to read from the image * @param height - height of the rectangle to read from the image * @returns a promise containing the parsed RGBA pixel values of the image, or the error if an error occurred */ export async function readImageUsingVideoFrame( image: HTMLImageElement | HTMLCanvasElement | ImageBitmap | OffscreenCanvas, x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number ): Promise { if (typeof VideoFrame === 'undefined') { throw new Error('VideoFrame not supported'); } const frame = new VideoFrame(image, {timestamp: 0}); try { const format = frame?.format; if (!format || !(format.startsWith('BGR') || format.startsWith('RGB'))) { throw new Error(`Unrecognized format ${format}`); } const swapBR = format.startsWith('BGR'); const result = new Uint8ClampedArray(width * height * 4); await frame.copyTo(result, computeVideoFrameParameters(image, x, y, width, height)); if (swapBR) { for (let i = 0; i < result.length; i += 4) { const tmp = result[i]; result[i] = result[i + 2]; result[i + 2] = tmp; } } return result; } finally { frame.close(); } } let offscreenCanvas: OffscreenCanvas; let offscreenCanvasContext: OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D; /** * Reads pixels from an ImageBitmap/Image/canvas using OffscreenCanvas * * @param data - image, imagebitmap, or canvas to parse * @param x - top-left x coordinate to read from the image * @param y - top-left y coordinate to read from the image * @param width - width of the rectangle to read from the image * @param height - height of the rectangle to read from the image * @returns a promise containing the parsed RGBA pixel values of the image, or the error if an error occurred */ export function readImageDataUsingOffscreenCanvas( imgBitmap: HTMLImageElement | HTMLCanvasElement | ImageBitmap | OffscreenCanvas, x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number ): Uint8ClampedArray { const origWidth = imgBitmap.width; const origHeight = imgBitmap.height; // Lazily initialize OffscreenCanvas if (!offscreenCanvas || !offscreenCanvasContext) { // Dem tiles are typically 256x256 offscreenCanvas = new OffscreenCanvas(origWidth, origHeight); offscreenCanvasContext = offscreenCanvas.getContext('2d', {willReadFrequently: true}); } offscreenCanvas.width = origWidth; offscreenCanvas.height = origHeight; offscreenCanvasContext.drawImage(imgBitmap, 0, 0, origWidth, origHeight); const imgData = offscreenCanvasContext.getImageData(x, y, width, height); offscreenCanvasContext.clearRect(0, 0, origWidth, origHeight); return; } /** * Reads RGBA pixels from an preferring OffscreenCanvas, but falling back to VideoFrame if supported and * the browser is mangling OffscreenCanvas getImageData results. * * @param data - image, imagebitmap, or canvas to parse * @param x - top-left x coordinate to read from the image * @param y - top-left y coordinate to read from the image * @param width - width of the rectangle to read from the image * @param height - height of the rectangle to read from the image * @returns a promise containing the parsed RGBA pixel values of the image */ export async function getImageData( image: HTMLImageElement | HTMLCanvasElement | ImageBitmap | OffscreenCanvas, x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number ): Promise { if (isOffscreenCanvasDistorted()) { try { return await readImageUsingVideoFrame(image, x, y, width, height); } catch (e) { // fall back to OffscreenCanvas } } return readImageDataUsingOffscreenCanvas(image, x, y, width, height); } export interface Subscription { unsubscribe(): void; } export interface Subscriber { addEventListener: typeof window.addEventListener; removeEventListener: typeof window.removeEventListener; } /** * This method is used in order to register an event listener using a lambda function. * The return value will allow unsubscribing from the event, without the need to store the method reference. * @param target - The target * @param message - The message * @param listener - The listener * @param options - The options * @returns a subscription object that can be used to unsubscribe from the event */ export function subscribe(target: Subscriber, message: keyof WindowEventMap, listener: (...args: any) => void, options: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions): Subscription { target.addEventListener(message, listener, options); return { unsubscribe: () => { target.removeEventListener(message, listener, options); } }; } /** * This method converts degrees to radians. * The return value is the radian value. * @param degrees - The number of degrees * @returns radians */ export function degreesToRadians(degrees: number): number { return degrees * Math.PI / 180; } /** * Makes optional keys required and add the the undefined type. * * ``` * interface Test { * foo: number; * bar?: number; * baz: number | undefined; * } * * Complete { * foo: number; * bar: number | undefined; * baz: number | undefined; * } * * ``` * * See */ export type Complete = { [P in keyof Required]: Pick extends Required> ? T[P] : (T[P] | undefined); } export type TileJSON = { tilejson: '2.2.0' | '2.1.0' | '2.0.1' | '2.0.0' | '1.0.0'; name?: string; description?: string; version?: string; attribution?: string; template?: string; tiles: Array; grids?: Array; data?: Array; minzoom?: number; maxzoom?: number; bounds?: [number, number, number, number]; center?: [number, number, number]; vector_layers: [{id: string}]; // this is partial but enough for what we need }; /** * The maximum world tile zoom (Z). * In other words, the upper bound supported for tile zoom. */ export const MAX_TILE_ZOOM = 25; /** * The minimum world tile zoom (Z). * In other words, the lower bound supported for tile zoom. */ export const MIN_TILE_ZOOM = 0;