import {isCounterClockwise} from './util'; import Point from '@mapbox/point-geometry'; export {polygonIntersectsBufferedPoint, polygonIntersectsMultiPolygon, polygonIntersectsBufferedMultiLine, polygonIntersectsPolygon, distToSegmentSquared, polygonIntersectsBox}; type Line = Array; type MultiLine = Array; type Ring = Array; type Polygon = Array; type MultiPolygon = Array; function polygonIntersectsPolygon(polygonA: Polygon, polygonB: Polygon) { for (let i = 0; i < polygonA.length; i++) { if (polygonContainsPoint(polygonB, polygonA[i])) return true; } for (let i = 0; i < polygonB.length; i++) { if (polygonContainsPoint(polygonA, polygonB[i])) return true; } if (lineIntersectsLine(polygonA, polygonB)) return true; return false; } function polygonIntersectsBufferedPoint(polygon: Polygon, point: Point, radius: number) { if (polygonContainsPoint(polygon, point)) return true; if (pointIntersectsBufferedLine(point, polygon, radius)) return true; return false; } function polygonIntersectsMultiPolygon(polygon: Polygon, multiPolygon: MultiPolygon) { if (polygon.length === 1) { return multiPolygonContainsPoint(multiPolygon, polygon[0]); } for (let m = 0; m < multiPolygon.length; m++) { const ring = multiPolygon[m]; for (let n = 0; n < ring.length; n++) { if (polygonContainsPoint(polygon, ring[n])) return true; } } for (let i = 0; i < polygon.length; i++) { if (multiPolygonContainsPoint(multiPolygon, polygon[i])) return true; } for (let k = 0; k < multiPolygon.length; k++) { if (lineIntersectsLine(polygon, multiPolygon[k])) return true; } return false; } function polygonIntersectsBufferedMultiLine(polygon: Polygon, multiLine: MultiLine, radius: number) { for (let i = 0; i < multiLine.length; i++) { const line = multiLine[i]; if (polygon.length >= 3) { for (let k = 0; k < line.length; k++) { if (polygonContainsPoint(polygon, line[k])) return true; } } if (lineIntersectsBufferedLine(polygon, line, radius)) return true; } return false; } function lineIntersectsBufferedLine(lineA: Line, lineB: Line, radius: number) { if (lineA.length > 1) { if (lineIntersectsLine(lineA, lineB)) return true; // Check whether any point in either line is within radius of the other line for (let j = 0; j < lineB.length; j++) { if (pointIntersectsBufferedLine(lineB[j], lineA, radius)) return true; } } for (let k = 0; k < lineA.length; k++) { if (pointIntersectsBufferedLine(lineA[k], lineB, radius)) return true; } return false; } function lineIntersectsLine(lineA: Line, lineB: Line) { if (lineA.length === 0 || lineB.length === 0) return false; for (let i = 0; i < lineA.length - 1; i++) { const a0 = lineA[i]; const a1 = lineA[i + 1]; for (let j = 0; j < lineB.length - 1; j++) { const b0 = lineB[j]; const b1 = lineB[j + 1]; if (lineSegmentIntersectsLineSegment(a0, a1, b0, b1)) return true; } } return false; } function lineSegmentIntersectsLineSegment(a0: Point, a1: Point, b0: Point, b1: Point) { return isCounterClockwise(a0, b0, b1) !== isCounterClockwise(a1, b0, b1) && isCounterClockwise(a0, a1, b0) !== isCounterClockwise(a0, a1, b1); } function pointIntersectsBufferedLine(p: Point, line: Line, radius: number) { const radiusSquared = radius * radius; if (line.length === 1) return p.distSqr(line[0]) < radiusSquared; for (let i = 1; i < line.length; i++) { // Find line segments that have a distance <= radius^2 to p // In that case, we treat the line as "containing point p". const v = line[i - 1], w = line[i]; if (distToSegmentSquared(p, v, w) < radiusSquared) return true; } return false; } // Code from function distToSegmentSquared(p: Point, v: Point, w: Point) { const l2 = v.distSqr(w); if (l2 === 0) return p.distSqr(v); const t = ((p.x - v.x) * (w.x - v.x) + (p.y - v.y) * (w.y - v.y)) / l2; if (t < 0) return p.distSqr(v); if (t > 1) return p.distSqr(w); return p.distSqr(w.sub(v)._mult(t)._add(v)); } // point in polygon ray casting algorithm function multiPolygonContainsPoint(rings: Array, p: Point) { let c = false, ring, p1, p2; for (let k = 0; k < rings.length; k++) { ring = rings[k]; for (let i = 0, j = ring.length - 1; i < ring.length; j = i++) { p1 = ring[i]; p2 = ring[j]; if (((p1.y > p.y) !== (p2.y > p.y)) && (p.x < (p2.x - p1.x) * (p.y - p1.y) / (p2.y - p1.y) + p1.x)) { c = !c; } } } return c; } function polygonContainsPoint(ring: Ring, p: Point) { let c = false; for (let i = 0, j = ring.length - 1; i < ring.length; j = i++) { const p1 = ring[i]; const p2 = ring[j]; if (((p1.y > p.y) !== (p2.y > p.y)) && (p.x < (p2.x - p1.x) * (p.y - p1.y) / (p2.y - p1.y) + p1.x)) { c = !c; } } return c; } function polygonIntersectsBox(ring: Ring, boxX1: number, boxY1: number, boxX2: number, boxY2: number) { for (const p of ring) { if (boxX1 <= p.x && boxY1 <= p.y && boxX2 >= p.x && boxY2 >= p.y) return true; } const corners = [ new Point(boxX1, boxY1), new Point(boxX1, boxY2), new Point(boxX2, boxY2), new Point(boxX2, boxY1)]; if (ring.length > 2) { for (const corner of corners) { if (polygonContainsPoint(ring, corner)) return true; } } for (let i = 0; i < ring.length - 1; i++) { const p1 = ring[i]; const p2 = ring[i + 1]; if (edgeIntersectsBox(p1, p2, corners)) return true; } return false; } function edgeIntersectsBox(e1: Point, e2: Point, corners: Array) { const tl = corners[0]; const br = corners[2]; // the edge and box do not intersect in either the x or y dimensions if (((e1.x < tl.x) && (e2.x < tl.x)) || ((e1.x > br.x) && (e2.x > br.x)) || ((e1.y < tl.y) && (e2.y < tl.y)) || ((e1.y > br.y) && (e2.y > br.y))) return false; // check if all corners of the box are on the same side of the edge const dir = isCounterClockwise(e1, e2, corners[0]); return dir !== isCounterClockwise(e1, e2, corners[1]) || dir !== isCounterClockwise(e1, e2, corners[2]) || dir !== isCounterClockwise(e1, e2, corners[3]); }