import {config} from './config'; import {webpSupported} from './webp_supported'; import {sleep, stubAjaxGetImage} from './test/util'; import {fakeServer, type FakeServer} from 'nise'; import {ImageRequest} from './image_request'; import {isAbortError} from './abort_error'; import * as ajax from './ajax'; describe('ImageRequest', () => { let server: FakeServer; beforeEach(() => { global.fetch = null; server = fakeServer.create(); ImageRequest.resetRequestQueue(); stubAjaxGetImage(undefined); }); afterEach(() => { server.restore(); }); test('getImage respects maxParallelImageRequests', async () => { server.respondWith(request => request.respond(200, {'Content-Type': 'image/png'}, '')); const maxRequests = config.MAX_PARALLEL_IMAGE_REQUESTS; const promises: Promise[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < maxRequests + 5; i++) { promises.push(ImageRequest.getImage({url: ''}, new AbortController())); } expect(server.requests).toHaveLength(maxRequests); server.requests[0].respond(200); await promises[0]; expect(server.requests).toHaveLength(maxRequests + 1); server.requests[1].respond(200); await promises[1]; expect(server.requests).toHaveLength(maxRequests + 2); }); test('getImage respects maxParallelImageRequests and continues to respond even when server returns 404', async () => { server.respondWith(request => request.respond(404)); const maxRequests = config.MAX_PARALLEL_IMAGE_REQUESTS; for (let i = 0; i < maxRequests + 5; i++) { ImageRequest.getImage({url: ''}, new AbortController()).catch(() => {}); } expect(server.requests).toHaveLength(maxRequests); server.respond(); await sleep(0); expect(server.requests).toHaveLength(maxRequests + 5); }); test('Cancel: getImage cancelling frees up request for maxParallelImageRequests', async () => { const maxRequests = config.MAX_PARALLEL_IMAGE_REQUESTS; for (let i = 0; i < maxRequests + 1; i++) { const abortController = new AbortController(); ImageRequest.getImage({url: ''}, abortController).catch((e) => expect(isAbortError(e)).toBeTruthy()); abortController.abort(); await sleep(0); } expect(server.requests).toHaveLength(maxRequests + 1); }); test('Cancel: getImage requests that were once queued are still abortable', async () => { const maxRequests = config.MAX_PARALLEL_IMAGE_REQUESTS; const abortControllers: AbortController[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < maxRequests; i++) { const abortController = new AbortController(); abortControllers.push(abortController); ImageRequest.getImage({url: ''}, abortController).catch(() => {}); } // the limit of allowed requests is reached expect(server.requests).toHaveLength(maxRequests); const queuedURL = 'this-is-the-queued-request'; const abortController = new AbortController(); ImageRequest.getImage({url: queuedURL}, abortController).catch((e) => expect(isAbortError(e)).toBeTruthy()); // the new requests is queued because the limit is reached expect(server.requests).toHaveLength(maxRequests); // cancel the first request to let the queued request start abortControllers[0].abort(); await sleep(0); expect(server.requests).toHaveLength(maxRequests + 1); // abort the previously queued request and confirm that it is aborted const queuedRequest = server.requests[server.requests.length - 1]; expect(queuedRequest.url).toBe(queuedURL); expect((queuedRequest as any).aborted).toBeUndefined(); abortController.abort(); expect((queuedRequest as any).aborted).toBe(true); }); test('getImage sends accept/webp when supported', async () => { server.respondWith((request) => { expect(request.requestHeaders.accept.includes('image/webp')).toBeTruthy(); request.respond(200, {'Content-Type': 'image/webp'}, ''); }); // mock webp support webpSupported.supported = true; const promise = ImageRequest.getImage({url: ''}, new AbortController()); server.respond(); await expect(promise).resolves.toBeDefined(); }); test('getImage uses createImageBitmap when supported', async () => { server.respondWith(request => request.respond(200, {'Content-Type': 'image/png', 'Cache-Control': 'cache', 'Expires': 'expires'}, '')); stubAjaxGetImage(() => Promise.resolve(new ImageBitmap())); const promise = ImageRequest.getImage({url: ''}, new AbortController()); server.respond(); const response = await promise; expect(; expect(response.cacheControl).toBe('cache'); expect(response.expires).toBe('expires'); }); test('getImage using createImageBitmap throws exception', async () => { server.respondWith(request => request.respond(200, {'Content-Type': 'image/png', 'Cache-Control': 'cache', 'Expires': 'expires'}, '')); stubAjaxGetImage(() => Promise.reject(new Error('error'))); const promise = ImageRequest.getImage({url: ''}, new AbortController()); server.respond(); await expect(promise).rejects.toThrow(); }); test('getImage uses HTMLImageElement when createImageBitmap is not supported', async () => { const makeRequestSky = jest.spyOn(ajax, 'makeRequest'); server.respondWith(request => request.respond(200, {'Content-Type': 'image/png', 'Cache-Control': 'cache', 'Expires': 'expires'}, '')); const promise = ImageRequest.getImage({url: ''}, new AbortController()); server.respond(); expect(makeRequestSky).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); makeRequestSky.mockClear(); const response = await promise; expect(; expect(response.cacheControl).toBe('cache'); expect(response.expires).toBe('expires'); }); test('getImage using HTMLImageElement with same-origin credentials', async () => { const makeRequestSky = jest.spyOn(ajax, 'makeRequest'); const promise = ImageRequest.getImage({url: '', credentials: 'same-origin'}, new AbortController(), false); expect(makeRequestSky).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0); makeRequestSky.mockClear(); const response = await promise; expect(; expect(( as HTMLImageElement).crossOrigin).toBe('anonymous'); }); test('getImage using HTMLImageElement with include credentials', async () => { const makeRequestSky = jest.spyOn(ajax, 'makeRequest'); const promise = ImageRequest.getImage({url: '', credentials: 'include'}, new AbortController(), false); expect(makeRequestSky).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0); makeRequestSky.mockClear(); const response = await promise; expect(; expect(( as HTMLImageElement).crossOrigin).toBe('use-credentials'); }); test('getImage using HTMLImageElement with accept header', async () => { const makeRequestSky = jest.spyOn(ajax, 'makeRequest'); const promise = ImageRequest.getImage({url: '', credentials: 'include', headers: {accept: 'accept'}}, new AbortController(), false); expect(makeRequestSky).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0); makeRequestSky.mockClear(); const response = await promise; expect(; expect(( as HTMLImageElement).crossOrigin).toBe('use-credentials'); }); test('getImage uses makeRequest when custom Headers are added', () => { const makeRequestSky = jest.spyOn(ajax, 'makeRequest'); ImageRequest.getImage({url: '', credentials: 'include', headers: {custom: 'test', accept: 'image'}}, new AbortController(), false); expect(makeRequestSky).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); makeRequestSky.mockClear(); }); test('getImage request returned 404 response for fetch request', async () => { server.respondWith(request => request.respond(404)); const promise = ImageRequest.getImage({url: ''}, new AbortController()); server.respond(); await expect(promise).rejects.toThrow('Not Found'); }); test('getImage request failed for HTTPImageRequest', async () => { const promise = ImageRequest.getImage({url: 'error'}, new AbortController(), false); await expect(promise).rejects.toThrow(/Could not load image.*/); }); test('Cancel: getImage request cancelled for HTTPImageRequest', async () => { let imageUrl; const requestUrl = 'test'; // eslint-disable-next-line accessor-pairs Object.defineProperty(global.Image.prototype, 'src', { set(url: string) { imageUrl = url; } }); const abortController = new AbortController(); ImageRequest.getImage({url: requestUrl}, abortController, false).catch(() => {}); expect(imageUrl).toBe(requestUrl); expect(abortController.signal.aborted).toBeFalsy(); abortController.abort(); expect(abortController.signal.aborted).toBeTruthy(); expect(imageUrl).toBe(''); }); test('Cancel: getImage request cancelled', async () => { server.respondWith(request => request.respond(200, {'Content-Type': 'image/png', 'Cache-Control': 'cache', 'Expires': 'expires'}, '')); const abortController = new AbortController(); let response = false; ImageRequest.getImage({url: ''}, abortController) .then(() => { response = true; }) .catch(() => { response = true; }); abortController.abort(); server.respond(); expect(response).toBeFalsy(); }); test('Cancel: Cancellation of an image which has not yet been requested', async () => { const maxRequests = config.MAX_PARALLEL_IMAGE_REQUESTS; let callbackCounter = 0; const promiseCallback = () => { callbackCounter++; }; const abortConstollers: {url: string; abortController: AbortController}[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < maxRequests + 100; i++) { const url = `${i}`; const abortController = new AbortController(); abortConstollers.push({url, abortController}); ImageRequest.getImage({url}, abortController).then(promiseCallback).catch(() => {}); } abortConstollers[0].abortController.abort(); await sleep(0); // Queue should move forward and next request is made expect(server.requests).toHaveLength(maxRequests + 1); // Cancel request should not call callback expect(callbackCounter).toBe(0); // Cancel request which is not yet issued. It should not fire callback const nextRequestInQueue = abortConstollers[server.requests.length]; const cancelledImageUrl = nextRequestInQueue.url; nextRequestInQueue.abortController.abort(); // Queue should not move forward as cancelled image was sitting in queue expect(server.requests).toHaveLength(maxRequests + 1); expect(callbackCounter).toBe(0); // On server response, next image queued should not be the cancelled image server.requests[1].respond(200); await sleep(0); expect(callbackCounter).toBe(1); expect(server.requests).toHaveLength(maxRequests + 2); // Verify that the last request made skipped the cancelled image request expect(server.requests[server.requests.length - 1].url).toBe((parseInt(cancelledImageUrl) + 1).toString()); }); test('throttling: one throttling client will result in throttle behavior for all', () => { const maxRequestsPerFrame = config.MAX_PARALLEL_IMAGE_REQUESTS_PER_FRAME; const callbackHandles = []; // add one for each callbackHandles.push(ImageRequest.addThrottleControl(() => false)); callbackHandles.push(ImageRequest.addThrottleControl(() => true)); let callbackCounter = 0; const promiseCallback = () => { callbackCounter++; }; for (let i = 0; i < maxRequestsPerFrame + 1; i++) { ImageRequest.getImage({url: ''}, new AbortController()).then(promiseCallback); } expect(server.requests).toHaveLength(maxRequestsPerFrame); // all pending expect(callbackCounter).toBe(0); for (const handle of callbackHandles) { ImageRequest.removeThrottleControl(handle); } }); test('throttling: image queue will process MAX_PARALLEL_IMAGE_REQUESTS_PER_FRAME if throttling control returns true', () => { const maxRequestsPerFrame = config.MAX_PARALLEL_IMAGE_REQUESTS_PER_FRAME; const maxRequests = config.MAX_PARALLEL_IMAGE_REQUESTS; const controlId = ImageRequest.addThrottleControl(() => true); let callbackCounter = 0; const promiseCallback = () => { callbackCounter++; }; for (let i = 0; i < maxRequests; i++) { ImageRequest.getImage({url: ''}, new AbortController()).then(promiseCallback); } // Should only fire request to a max allowed per frame expect(server.requests).toHaveLength(maxRequestsPerFrame); // all pending expect(callbackCounter).toBe(0); ImageRequest.removeThrottleControl(controlId); }); test('throttling: image queue will process MAX_PARALLEL_IMAGE_REQUESTS if throttling control returns false', () => { const maxRequests = config.MAX_PARALLEL_IMAGE_REQUESTS; const controlId = ImageRequest.addThrottleControl(() => false); let callbackCounter = 0; const promiseCallback = () => { callbackCounter++; }; for (let i = 0; i < maxRequests + 100; i++) { ImageRequest.getImage({url: ''}, new AbortController()).then(promiseCallback); } // all should be processed because throttle control is returning false expect(server.requests).toHaveLength(maxRequests); // all pending expect(callbackCounter).toBe(0); ImageRequest.removeThrottleControl(controlId); }); test('throttling: removing throttling client will process all requests', async () => { const requestParameter = {'Content-Type': 'image/png', url: ''}; const maxRequestsPerFrame = config.MAX_PARALLEL_IMAGE_REQUESTS_PER_FRAME; // add 10, and one of them is throttling const throttlingIndex = 5; for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { const throttlingClient: boolean = (i === throttlingIndex); ImageRequest.addThrottleControl(() => throttlingClient); } // make 2 times + 1 more requests const requestsMade = 2 * maxRequestsPerFrame + 1; const completedMap: {[index: number]: boolean} = {}; for (let i = 0; i < requestsMade; i++) { const promise = ImageRequest.getImage(requestParameter, new AbortController()); promise.catch(() => {}); promise.then(() => { completedMap[i] = true; }); } // up to the config value expect(server.requests).toHaveLength(maxRequestsPerFrame); const itemIndexToComplete = 6; server.requests[itemIndexToComplete].respond(200); // unleash it by removing the throttling client ImageRequest.removeThrottleControl(throttlingIndex); await sleep(0); expect(server.requests).toHaveLength(requestsMade); // all pending expect(Object.keys(completedMap)).toHaveLength(1); // everything should still be pending except itemIndexToComplete for (let i = 0; i < maxRequestsPerFrame + 1; i++) { expect(completedMap[i]).toBe(i === itemIndexToComplete ? true : undefined); } }); });