import {DataConstantProperty, PossiblyEvaluated, Properties, Transitionable, Transitioning, TransitionParameters} from './properties'; import {Evented} from '../util/evented'; import {EvaluationParameters} from './evaluation_parameters'; import {emitValidationErrors, validateSky, validateStyle} from './validate_style'; import {extend} from '../util/util'; import {Color, latest as styleSpec} from '@maplibre/maplibre-gl-style-spec'; import {Mesh} from '../render/mesh'; import type {StylePropertySpecification, SkySpecification} from '@maplibre/maplibre-gl-style-spec'; import type {StyleSetterOptions} from './style'; type SkyProps = { 'sky-color': DataConstantProperty; 'horizon-color': DataConstantProperty; 'fog-color': DataConstantProperty; 'fog-ground-blend': DataConstantProperty; 'horizon-fog-blend': DataConstantProperty; 'sky-horizon-blend': DataConstantProperty; 'atmosphere-blend': DataConstantProperty; }; type SkyPropsPossiblyEvaluated = { 'sky-color': Color; 'horizon-color': Color; 'fog-color': Color; 'fog-ground-blend': number; 'horizon-fog-blend': number; 'sky-horizon-blend': number; 'atmosphere-blend': number; }; const properties: Properties = new Properties({ 'sky-color': new DataConstantProperty(['sky-color'] as StylePropertySpecification), 'horizon-color': new DataConstantProperty(['horizon-color'] as StylePropertySpecification), 'fog-color': new DataConstantProperty(['fog-color'] as StylePropertySpecification), 'fog-ground-blend': new DataConstantProperty(['fog-ground-blend'] as StylePropertySpecification), 'horizon-fog-blend': new DataConstantProperty(['horizon-fog-blend'] as StylePropertySpecification), 'sky-horizon-blend': new DataConstantProperty(['sky-horizon-blend'] as StylePropertySpecification), 'atmosphere-blend': new DataConstantProperty(['atmosphere-blend'] as StylePropertySpecification) }); const TRANSITION_SUFFIX = '-transition'; export class Sky extends Evented { properties: PossiblyEvaluated; /** * This is used to cache the gl mesh for the sky, it should be initialized only once. */ mesh: Mesh | undefined; _transitionable: Transitionable; _transitioning: Transitioning; constructor(sky?: SkySpecification) { super(); this._transitionable = new Transitionable(properties); this.setSky(sky); this._transitioning = this._transitionable.untransitioned(); this.recalculate(new EvaluationParameters(0)); } setSky(sky?: SkySpecification, options: StyleSetterOptions = {}) { if (this._validate(validateSky, sky, options)) return; if (!sky) { sky = { 'sky-color': 'transparent', 'horizon-color': 'transparent', 'fog-color': 'transparent', 'fog-ground-blend': 1, 'atmosphere-blend': 0, }; } for (const name in sky) { const value = sky[name]; if (name.endsWith(TRANSITION_SUFFIX)) { this._transitionable.setTransition(name.slice(0, -TRANSITION_SUFFIX.length) as keyof SkyProps, value); } else { this._transitionable.setValue(name as keyof SkyProps, value); } } } getSky(): SkySpecification { return this._transitionable.serialize(); } updateTransitions(parameters: TransitionParameters) { this._transitioning = this._transitionable.transitioned(parameters, this._transitioning); } hasTransition() { return this._transitioning.hasTransition(); } recalculate(parameters: EvaluationParameters) { = this._transitioning.possiblyEvaluate(parameters); } _validate(validate: Function, value: unknown, options: StyleSetterOptions = {}) { if (options?.validate === false) { return false; } return emitValidationErrors(this,, extend({ value, // Workaround for style: {glyphs: true, sprite: true}, styleSpec }))); } /** * Currently fog is a very simple implementation, and should only used * to create an atmosphere near the horizon. * But because the fog is drawn from the far-clipping-plane to * map-center, and because the fog does nothing know about the horizon, * this method does a fadeout in respect of pitch. So, when the horizon * gets out of view, which is at about pitch 70, this methods calculates * the corresponding opacity values. Below pitch 60 the fog is completely * invisible. */ calculateFogBlendOpacity(pitch: number) { if (pitch < 60) return 0; // disable if (pitch < 70) return (pitch - 60) / 10; // fade in return 1; } }