import {VideoSource} from './video_source'; import {extend} from '../util/util'; import {getMockDispatcher} from '../util/test/util'; import type {Coordinates} from './image_source'; import {Tile} from './tile'; import {OverscaledTileID} from './tile_id'; import {Evented} from '../util/evented'; import {Transform} from '../geo/transform'; import {VertexBuffer} from '../gl/vertex_buffer'; import {SegmentVector} from '../data/segment'; class StubMap extends Evented { transform: Transform; style: any; painter: any; constructor() { super(); this.transform = new Transform(); = {}; this.painter = { context: { gl: { texSubImage2D: () => {} } } }; } } function createSource(options) { const c = options && || window.document.createElement('video'); options = extend({coordinates: [[0, 0], [1, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1]]}, options); const source = new VideoSource('id', options, getMockDispatcher(), options.eventedParent); = c; return source; } describe('VideoSource', () => { // Attribution File:Volcano Lava Sample.webm: U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons const source = createSource({ type: 'video', urls: ['cropped.mp4', ''], coordinates: [ [-76.54, 39.18], [-76.52, 39.18], [-76.52, 39.17], [-76.54, 39.17] ] }); test('constructor', () => { expect(source.minzoom).toBe(0); expect(source.maxzoom).toBe(22); expect(source.tileSize).toBe(512); }); test('sets coordinates', () => { const newCoordinates = [[0, 0], [-1, 0], [-1, -1], [0, -1]] as Coordinates; source.setCoordinates(newCoordinates); const serialized = source.serialize(); expect(serialized.coordinates).toEqual(newCoordinates); }); //test video retrieval by first supplying the video element directly test('gets video', () => { const el = window.document.createElement('video'); // Attribution File:Volcano Lava Sample.webm: U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons const source = createSource({ type: 'video', video: el, urls: ['cropped.mp4', ''], coordinates: [ [-76.54, 39.18], [-76.52, 39.18], [-76.52, 39.17], [-76.54, 39.17] ] }); expect(source.getVideo()).toBe(el); }); test('fires idle event on prepare call when there is at least one not loaded tile', () => new Promise(done => { const source = createSource({ type: 'video', urls: [], video: { readyState: 2, play: () => {} }, coordinates: [ [-76.54, 39.18], [-76.52, 39.18], [-76.52, 39.17], [-76.54, 39.17] ] }); const tile = new Tile(new OverscaledTileID(1, 0, 1, 0, 0), 512); source.on('data', (e) => { if (e.dataType === 'source' && e.sourceDataType === 'idle') { expect(tile.state).toBe('loaded'); done(); } }); source.onAdd(new StubMap() as any); source.tiles[String(tile.tileID.wrap)] = tile; // assign dummies directly so we don't need to stub the gl things source.boundsBuffer = {} as VertexBuffer; source.boundsSegments = {} as SegmentVector; source.texture = { update: () => {}, bind: () => {} } as any; source.prepare(); })); });