import {create as createSource} from './source'; import {Tile} from './tile'; import {Event, ErrorEvent, Evented} from '../util/evented'; import {TileCache} from './tile_cache'; import {MercatorCoordinate} from '../geo/mercator_coordinate'; import {keysDifference} from '../util/util'; import {EXTENT} from '../data/extent'; import {Context} from '../gl/context'; import Point from '@mapbox/point-geometry'; import {browser} from '../util/browser'; import {OverscaledTileID} from './tile_id'; import {SourceFeatureState} from './source_state'; import {config} from '../util/config'; import type {Source} from './source'; import type {Map} from '../ui/map'; import type {Style} from '../style/style'; import type {Dispatcher} from '../util/dispatcher'; import type {Transform} from '../geo/transform'; import type {TileState} from './tile'; import type {SourceSpecification} from '@maplibre/maplibre-gl-style-spec'; import type {MapSourceDataEvent} from '../ui/events'; import type {Terrain} from '../render/terrain'; import type {CanvasSourceSpecification} from './canvas_source'; /** * @internal * `SourceCache` is responsible for * * - creating an instance of `Source` * - forwarding events from `Source` * - caching tiles loaded from an instance of `Source` * - loading the tiles needed to render a given viewport * - unloading the cached tiles not needed to render a given viewport */ export class SourceCache extends Evented { id: string; dispatcher: Dispatcher; map: Map; style: Style; _source: Source; /** * @internal * signifies that the TileJSON is loaded if applicable. * if the source type does not come with a TileJSON, the flag signifies the * source data has loaded (i.e geojson has been tiled on the worker and is ready) */ _sourceLoaded: boolean; _sourceErrored: boolean; _tiles: {[_: string]: Tile}; _prevLng: number; _cache: TileCache; _timers: { [_ in any]: ReturnType; }; _cacheTimers: { [_ in any]: ReturnType; }; _maxTileCacheSize: number; _maxTileCacheZoomLevels: number; _paused: boolean; _shouldReloadOnResume: boolean; _coveredTiles: {[_: string]: boolean}; transform: Transform; terrain: Terrain; used: boolean; usedForTerrain: boolean; tileSize: number; _state: SourceFeatureState; _loadedParentTiles: {[_: string]: Tile}; _loadedSiblingTiles: {[_: string]: Tile}; _didEmitContent: boolean; _updated: boolean; static maxUnderzooming: number; static maxOverzooming: number; constructor(id: string, options: SourceSpecification | CanvasSourceSpecification, dispatcher: Dispatcher) { super(); = id; this.dispatcher = dispatcher; this.on('data', (e: MapSourceDataEvent) => this._dataHandler(e)); this.on('dataloading', () => { this._sourceErrored = false; }); this.on('error', () => { // Only set _sourceErrored if the source does not have pending loads. this._sourceErrored = this._source.loaded(); }); this._source = createSource(id, options, dispatcher, this); this._tiles = {}; this._cache = new TileCache(0, (tile) => this._unloadTile(tile)); this._timers = {}; this._cacheTimers = {}; this._maxTileCacheSize = null; this._maxTileCacheZoomLevels = null; this._loadedParentTiles = {}; this._coveredTiles = {}; this._state = new SourceFeatureState(); this._didEmitContent = false; this._updated = false; } onAdd(map: Map) { = map; this._maxTileCacheSize = map ? map._maxTileCacheSize : null; this._maxTileCacheZoomLevels = map ? map._maxTileCacheZoomLevels : null; if (this._source && this._source.onAdd) { this._source.onAdd(map); } } onRemove(map: Map) { this.clearTiles(); if (this._source && this._source.onRemove) { this._source.onRemove(map); } } /** * Return true if no tile data is pending, tiles will not change unless * an additional API call is received. */ loaded(): boolean { if (this._sourceErrored) { return true; } if (!this._sourceLoaded) { return false; } if (!this._source.loaded()) { return false; } if ((this.used !== undefined || this.usedForTerrain !== undefined) && !this.used && !this.usedForTerrain) { return true; } // do not consider as loaded if the update hasn't been called yet (we do not know if we will have any tiles to fetch) if (!this._updated) { return false; } for (const t in this._tiles) { const tile = this._tiles[t]; if (tile.state !== 'loaded' && tile.state !== 'errored') return false; } return true; } getSource(): Source { return this._source; } pause() { this._paused = true; } resume() { if (!this._paused) return; const shouldReload = this._shouldReloadOnResume; this._paused = false; this._shouldReloadOnResume = false; if (shouldReload) this.reload(); if (this.transform) this.update(this.transform, this.terrain); } async _loadTile(tile: Tile, id: string, state: TileState): Promise { try { await this._source.loadTile(tile); this._tileLoaded(tile, id, state); } catch (err) { tile.state = 'errored'; if ((err as any).status !== 404) { ErrorEvent(err, {tile})); } else { // continue to try loading parent/children tiles if a tile doesn't exist (404) this.update(this.transform, this.terrain); } } } _unloadTile(tile: Tile) { if (this._source.unloadTile) this._source.unloadTile(tile); } _abortTile(tile: Tile) { if (this._source.abortTile) this._source.abortTile(tile); Event('dataabort', {tile, coord: tile.tileID, dataType: 'source'})); } serialize() { return this._source.serialize(); } prepare(context: Context) { if (this._source.prepare) { this._source.prepare(); } this._state.coalesceChanges(this._tiles, ? : null); for (const i in this._tiles) { const tile = this._tiles[i]; tile.upload(context); tile.prepare(; } } /** * Return all tile ids ordered with z-order, and cast to numbers */ getIds(): Array { return (Object.values(this._tiles) as any).map((tile: Tile) => tile.tileID).sort(compareTileId).map(id => id.key); } getRenderableIds(symbolLayer?: boolean): Array { const renderables: Array = []; for (const id in this._tiles) { if (this._isIdRenderable(id, symbolLayer)) renderables.push(this._tiles[id]); } if (symbolLayer) { return renderables.sort((a_: Tile, b_: Tile) => { const a = a_.tileID; const b = b_.tileID; const rotatedA = (new Point(a.canonical.x, a.canonical.y))._rotate(this.transform.angle); const rotatedB = (new Point(b.canonical.x, b.canonical.y))._rotate(this.transform.angle); return a.overscaledZ - b.overscaledZ || rotatedB.y - rotatedA.y || rotatedB.x - rotatedA.x; }).map(tile => tile.tileID.key); } return => tile.tileID).sort(compareTileId).map(id => id.key); } hasRenderableParent(tileID: OverscaledTileID) { const parentTile = this.findLoadedParent(tileID, 0); if (parentTile) { return this._isIdRenderable(parentTile.tileID.key); } return false; } _isIdRenderable(id: string, symbolLayer?: boolean) { return this._tiles[id] && this._tiles[id].hasData() && !this._coveredTiles[id] && (symbolLayer || !this._tiles[id].holdingForFade()); } reload() { if (this._paused) { this._shouldReloadOnResume = true; return; } this._cache.reset(); for (const i in this._tiles) { if (this._tiles[i].state !== 'errored') this._reloadTile(i, 'reloading'); } } async _reloadTile(id: string, state: TileState) { const tile = this._tiles[id]; // this potentially does not address all underlying // issues // - hard to tell without repro steps if (!tile) return; // The difference between "loading" tiles and "reloading" or "expired" // tiles is that "reloading"/"expired" tiles are "renderable". // Therefore, a "loading" tile cannot become a "reloading" tile without // first becoming a "loaded" tile. if (tile.state !== 'loading') { tile.state = state; } await this._loadTile(tile, id, state); } _tileLoaded(tile: Tile, id: string, previousState: TileState) { tile.timeAdded =; if (previousState === 'expired') tile.refreshedUponExpiration = true; this._setTileReloadTimer(id, tile); if (this.getSource().type === 'raster-dem' && tile.dem) this._backfillDEM(tile); this._state.initializeTileState(tile, ? : null); if (!tile.aborted) { Event('data', {dataType: 'source', tile, coord: tile.tileID})); } } /** * For raster terrain source, backfill DEM to eliminate visible tile boundaries */ _backfillDEM(tile: Tile) { const renderables = this.getRenderableIds(); for (let i = 0; i < renderables.length; i++) { const borderId = renderables[i]; if (tile.neighboringTiles && tile.neighboringTiles[borderId]) { const borderTile = this.getTileByID(borderId); fillBorder(tile, borderTile); fillBorder(borderTile, tile); } } function fillBorder(tile, borderTile) { tile.needsHillshadePrepare = true; tile.needsTerrainPrepare = true; let dx = borderTile.tileID.canonical.x - tile.tileID.canonical.x; const dy = borderTile.tileID.canonical.y - tile.tileID.canonical.y; const dim = Math.pow(2, tile.tileID.canonical.z); const borderId = borderTile.tileID.key; if (dx === 0 && dy === 0) return; if (Math.abs(dy) > 1) { return; } if (Math.abs(dx) > 1) { // Adjust the delta coordinate for world wraparound. if (Math.abs(dx + dim) === 1) { dx += dim; } else if (Math.abs(dx - dim) === 1) { dx -= dim; } } if (!borderTile.dem || !tile.dem) return; tile.dem.backfillBorder(borderTile.dem, dx, dy); if (tile.neighboringTiles && tile.neighboringTiles[borderId]) tile.neighboringTiles[borderId].backfilled = true; } } /** * Get a specific tile by TileID */ getTile(tileID: OverscaledTileID): Tile { return this.getTileByID(tileID.key); } /** * Get a specific tile by id */ getTileByID(id: string): Tile { return this._tiles[id]; } /** * For a given set of tiles, retain children that are loaded and have a zoom * between `zoom` (exclusive) and `maxCoveringZoom` (inclusive) */ _retainLoadedChildren( idealTiles: { [_ in any]: OverscaledTileID; }, zoom: number, maxCoveringZoom: number, retain: { [_ in any]: OverscaledTileID; } ) { for (const id in this._tiles) { let tile = this._tiles[id]; // only consider renderable tiles up to maxCoveringZoom if (retain[id] || !tile.hasData() || tile.tileID.overscaledZ <= zoom || tile.tileID.overscaledZ > maxCoveringZoom ) continue; // loop through parents and retain the topmost loaded one if found let topmostLoadedID = tile.tileID; while (tile && tile.tileID.overscaledZ > zoom + 1) { const parentID = tile.tileID.scaledTo(tile.tileID.overscaledZ - 1); tile = this._tiles[parentID.key]; if (tile && tile.hasData()) { topmostLoadedID = parentID; } } // loop through ancestors of the topmost loaded child to see if there's one that needed it let tileID = topmostLoadedID; while (tileID.overscaledZ > zoom) { tileID = tileID.scaledTo(tileID.overscaledZ - 1); if (idealTiles[tileID.key]) { // found a parent that needed a loaded child; retain that child retain[topmostLoadedID.key] = topmostLoadedID; break; } } } } /** * Find a loaded parent of the given tile (up to minCoveringZoom) */ findLoadedParent(tileID: OverscaledTileID, minCoveringZoom: number): Tile { if (tileID.key in this._loadedParentTiles) { const parent = this._loadedParentTiles[tileID.key]; if (parent && parent.tileID.overscaledZ >= minCoveringZoom) { return parent; } else { return null; } } for (let z = tileID.overscaledZ - 1; z >= minCoveringZoom; z--) { const parentTileID = tileID.scaledTo(z); const tile = this._getLoadedTile(parentTileID); if (tile) { return tile; } } } /** * Find a loaded sibling of the given tile */ findLoadedSibling(tileID: OverscaledTileID): Tile { // If a tile with this ID already exists, return it return this._getLoadedTile(tileID); } _getLoadedTile(tileID: OverscaledTileID): Tile { const tile = this._tiles[tileID.key]; if (tile && tile.hasData()) { return tile; } // TileCache ignores wrap in lookup. const cachedTile = this._cache.getByKey(tileID.wrapped().key); return cachedTile; } /** * Resizes the tile cache based on the current viewport's size * or the maxTileCacheSize option passed during map creation * * Larger viewports use more tiles and need larger caches. Larger viewports * are more likely to be found on devices with more memory and on pages where * the map is more important. */ updateCacheSize(transform: Transform) { const widthInTiles = Math.ceil(transform.width / this._source.tileSize) + 1; const heightInTiles = Math.ceil(transform.height / this._source.tileSize) + 1; const approxTilesInView = widthInTiles * heightInTiles; const commonZoomRange = this._maxTileCacheZoomLevels === null ? config.MAX_TILE_CACHE_ZOOM_LEVELS : this._maxTileCacheZoomLevels; const viewDependentMaxSize = Math.floor(approxTilesInView * commonZoomRange); const maxSize = typeof this._maxTileCacheSize === 'number' ? Math.min(this._maxTileCacheSize, viewDependentMaxSize) : viewDependentMaxSize; this._cache.setMaxSize(maxSize); } handleWrapJump(lng: number) { // On top of the regular z/x/y values, TileIDs have a `wrap` value that specify // which copy of the world the tile belongs to. For example, at `lng: 10` you // might render z/x/y/0 while at `lng: 370` you would render z/x/y/1. // // When lng values get wrapped (going from `lng: 370` to `long: 10`) you expect // to see the same thing on the screen (370 degrees and 10 degrees is the same // place in the world) but all the TileIDs will have different wrap values. // // In order to make this transition seamless, we calculate the rounded difference of // "worlds" between the last frame and the current frame. If the map panned by // a world, then we can assign all the tiles new TileIDs with updated wrap values. // For example, assign z/x/y/1 a new id: z/x/y/0. It is the same tile, just rendered // in a different position. // // This enables us to reuse the tiles at more ideal locations and prevent flickering. const prevLng = this._prevLng === undefined ? lng : this._prevLng; const lngDifference = lng - prevLng; const worldDifference = lngDifference / 360; const wrapDelta = Math.round(worldDifference); this._prevLng = lng; if (wrapDelta) { const tiles: {[_: string]: Tile} = {}; for (const key in this._tiles) { const tile = this._tiles[key]; tile.tileID = tile.tileID.unwrapTo(tile.tileID.wrap + wrapDelta); tiles[tile.tileID.key] = tile; } this._tiles = tiles; // Reset tile reload timers for (const id in this._timers) { clearTimeout(this._timers[id]); delete this._timers[id]; } for (const id in this._tiles) { const tile = this._tiles[id]; this._setTileReloadTimer(id, tile); } } } _updateCoveredAndRetainedTiles( retain: { [_: string]: OverscaledTileID }, minCoveringZoom: number, maxCoveringZoom: number, zoom: number, idealTileIDs: OverscaledTileID[], terrain?: Terrain ) { const tilesForFading: { [_: string]: OverscaledTileID } = {}; const fadingTiles = {}; const ids = Object.keys(retain); const now =; for (const id of ids) { const tileID = retain[id]; const tile = this._tiles[id]; // when fadeEndTime is 0, the tile is created but registerFadeDuration // has not been called, therefore must be kept in fadingTiles dictionary // for next round of rendering if (!tile || (tile.fadeEndTime !== 0 && tile.fadeEndTime <= now)) { continue; } // if the tile is loaded but still fading in, find parents to cross-fade with it const parentTile = this.findLoadedParent(tileID, minCoveringZoom); const siblingTile = this.findLoadedSibling(tileID); const fadeTileRef = parentTile || siblingTile || null; if (fadeTileRef) { this._addTile(fadeTileRef.tileID); tilesForFading[fadeTileRef.tileID.key] = fadeTileRef.tileID; } fadingTiles[id] = tileID; } // for tiles that are still fading in, also find children to cross-fade with this._retainLoadedChildren(fadingTiles, zoom, maxCoveringZoom, retain); for (const id in tilesForFading) { if (!retain[id]) { // If a tile is only needed for fading, mark it as covered so that it isn't rendered on it's own. this._coveredTiles[id] = true; retain[id] = tilesForFading[id]; } } // disable fading logic in terrain3D mode to avoid rendering two tiles on the same place if (terrain) { const idealRasterTileIDs: { [_: string]: OverscaledTileID } = {}; const missingTileIDs: { [_: string]: OverscaledTileID } = {}; for (const tileID of idealTileIDs) { if (this._tiles[tileID.key].hasData()) idealRasterTileIDs[tileID.key] = tileID; else missingTileIDs[tileID.key] = tileID; } // search for a complete set of children for each missing tile for (const key in missingTileIDs) { const children = missingTileIDs[key].children(this._source.maxzoom); if (this._tiles[children[0].key] && this._tiles[children[1].key] && this._tiles[children[2].key] && this._tiles[children[3].key]) { idealRasterTileIDs[children[0].key] = retain[children[0].key] = children[0]; idealRasterTileIDs[children[1].key] = retain[children[1].key] = children[1]; idealRasterTileIDs[children[2].key] = retain[children[2].key] = children[2]; idealRasterTileIDs[children[3].key] = retain[children[3].key] = children[3]; delete missingTileIDs[key]; } } // search for parent or sibling for each missing tile for (const key in missingTileIDs) { const tileID = missingTileIDs[key]; const parentTile = this.findLoadedParent(tileID, this._source.minzoom); const siblingTile = this.findLoadedSibling(tileID); const fadeTileRef = parentTile || siblingTile || null; if (fadeTileRef) { idealRasterTileIDs[fadeTileRef.tileID.key] = retain[fadeTileRef.tileID.key] = fadeTileRef.tileID; // remove idealTiles which would be rendered twice for (const key in idealRasterTileIDs) { if (idealRasterTileIDs[key].isChildOf(fadeTileRef.tileID)) delete idealRasterTileIDs[key]; } } } // cover all tiles which are not needed for (const key in this._tiles) { if (!idealRasterTileIDs[key]) this._coveredTiles[key] = true; } } } /** * Removes tiles that are outside the viewport and adds new tiles that * are inside the viewport. */ update(transform: Transform, terrain?: Terrain) { if (!this._sourceLoaded || this._paused) { return; } this.transform = transform; this.terrain = terrain; this.updateCacheSize(transform); this.handleWrapJump(; // Covered is a list of retained tiles who's areas are fully covered by other, // better, retained tiles. They are not drawn separately. this._coveredTiles = {}; let idealTileIDs: OverscaledTileID[]; if (!this.used && !this.usedForTerrain) { idealTileIDs = []; } else if (this._source.tileID) { idealTileIDs = transform.getVisibleUnwrappedCoordinates(this._source.tileID) .map((unwrapped) => new OverscaledTileID(unwrapped.canonical.z, unwrapped.wrap, unwrapped.canonical.z, unwrapped.canonical.x, unwrapped.canonical.y)); } else { idealTileIDs = transform.coveringTiles({ tileSize: this.usedForTerrain ? this.tileSize : this._source.tileSize, minzoom: this._source.minzoom, maxzoom: this._source.maxzoom, roundZoom: this.usedForTerrain ? false : this._source.roundZoom, reparseOverscaled: this._source.reparseOverscaled, terrain }); if (this._source.hasTile) { idealTileIDs = idealTileIDs.filter((coord) => (this._source.hasTile as any)(coord)); } } // Determine the overzooming/underzooming amounts. const zoom = transform.coveringZoomLevel(this._source); const minCoveringZoom = Math.max(zoom - SourceCache.maxOverzooming, this._source.minzoom); const maxCoveringZoom = Math.max(zoom + SourceCache.maxUnderzooming, this._source.minzoom); // When sourcecache is used for terrain also load parent tiles to avoid flickering when zooming out if (this.usedForTerrain) { const parents = {}; for (const tileID of idealTileIDs) { if (tileID.canonical.z > this._source.minzoom) { const parent = tileID.scaledTo(tileID.canonical.z - 1); parents[parent.key] = parent; // load very low zoom to calculate tile visibility in transform.coveringTiles and high zoomlevels correct const parent2 = tileID.scaledTo(Math.max(this._source.minzoom, Math.min(tileID.canonical.z, 5))); parents[parent2.key] = parent2; } } idealTileIDs = idealTileIDs.concat(Object.values(parents)); } const noPendingDataEmissions = idealTileIDs.length === 0 && !this._updated && this._didEmitContent; this._updated = true; // if we won't have any tiles to fetch and content is already emitted // there will be no more data emissions, so we need to emit the event with isSourceLoaded = true if (noPendingDataEmissions) { Event('data', {sourceDataType: 'idle', dataType: 'source', sourceId:})); } // Retain is a list of tiles that we shouldn't delete, even if they are not // the most ideal tile for the current viewport. This may include tiles like // parent or child tiles that are *already* loaded. const retain = this._updateRetainedTiles(idealTileIDs, zoom); if (isRasterType(this._source.type)) { this._updateCoveredAndRetainedTiles(retain, minCoveringZoom, maxCoveringZoom, zoom, idealTileIDs, terrain); } for (const retainedId in retain) { // Make sure retained tiles always clear any existing fade holds // so that if they're removed again their fade timer starts fresh. this._tiles[retainedId].clearFadeHold(); } // Remove the tiles we don't need anymore. const remove = keysDifference(this._tiles, retain); for (const tileID of remove) { const tile = this._tiles[tileID]; if (tile.hasSymbolBuckets && !tile.holdingForFade()) { tile.setHoldDuration(; } else if (!tile.hasSymbolBuckets || tile.symbolFadeFinished()) { this._removeTile(tileID); } } // Construct caches of loaded parents & siblings this._updateLoadedParentTileCache(); this._updateLoadedSiblingTileCache(); } releaseSymbolFadeTiles() { for (const id in this._tiles) { if (this._tiles[id].holdingForFade()) { this._removeTile(id); } } } _updateRetainedTiles(idealTileIDs: Array, zoom: number): {[_: string]: OverscaledTileID} { const retain: {[_: string]: OverscaledTileID} = {}; const checked: {[_: string]: boolean} = {}; const minCoveringZoom = Math.max(zoom - SourceCache.maxOverzooming, this._source.minzoom); const maxCoveringZoom = Math.max(zoom + SourceCache.maxUnderzooming, this._source.minzoom); const missingTiles = {}; for (const tileID of idealTileIDs) { const tile = this._addTile(tileID); // retain the tile even if it's not loaded because it's an ideal tile. retain[tileID.key] = tileID; if (tile.hasData()) continue; if (zoom < this._source.maxzoom) { // save missing tiles that potentially have loaded children missingTiles[tileID.key] = tileID; } } // retain any loaded children of ideal tiles up to maxCoveringZoom this._retainLoadedChildren(missingTiles, zoom, maxCoveringZoom, retain); for (const tileID of idealTileIDs) { let tile = this._tiles[tileID.key]; if (tile.hasData()) continue; // The tile we require is not yet loaded or does not exist; // Attempt to find children that fully cover it. if (zoom + 1 > this._source.maxzoom) { // We're looking for an overzoomed child tile. const childCoord = tileID.children(this._source.maxzoom)[0]; const childTile = this.getTile(childCoord); if (!!childTile && childTile.hasData()) { retain[childCoord.key] = childCoord; continue; // tile is covered by overzoomed child } } else { // check if all 4 immediate children are loaded (i.e. the missing ideal tile is covered) const children = tileID.children(this._source.maxzoom); if (retain[children[0].key] && retain[children[1].key] && retain[children[2].key] && retain[children[3].key]) continue; // tile is covered by children } // We couldn't find child tiles that entirely cover the ideal tile; look for parents now. // As we ascend up the tile pyramid of the ideal tile, we check whether the parent // tile has been previously requested (and errored because we only loop over tiles with no data) // in order to determine if we need to request its parent. let parentWasRequested = tile.wasRequested(); for (let overscaledZ = tileID.overscaledZ - 1; overscaledZ >= minCoveringZoom; --overscaledZ) { const parentId = tileID.scaledTo(overscaledZ); // Break parent tile ascent if this route has been previously checked by another child. if (checked[parentId.key]) break; checked[parentId.key] = true; tile = this.getTile(parentId); if (!tile && parentWasRequested) { tile = this._addTile(parentId); } if (tile) { const hasData = tile.hasData(); if (hasData || ! || parentWasRequested) { retain[parentId.key] = parentId; } // Save the current values, since they're the parent of the next iteration // of the parent tile ascent loop. parentWasRequested = tile.wasRequested(); if (hasData) break; } } } return retain; } _updateLoadedParentTileCache() { this._loadedParentTiles = {}; for (const tileKey in this._tiles) { const path = []; let parentTile: Tile; let currentId = this._tiles[tileKey].tileID; // Find the closest loaded ancestor by traversing the tile tree towards the root and // caching results along the way while (currentId.overscaledZ > 0) { // Do we have a cached result from previous traversals? if (currentId.key in this._loadedParentTiles) { parentTile = this._loadedParentTiles[currentId.key]; break; } path.push(currentId.key); // Is the parent loaded? const parentId = currentId.scaledTo(currentId.overscaledZ - 1); parentTile = this._getLoadedTile(parentId); if (parentTile) { break; } currentId = parentId; } // Cache the result of this traversal to all newly visited tiles for (const key of path) { this._loadedParentTiles[key] = parentTile; } } } /** * Update the cache of loaded sibling tiles * * Sibling tiles are tiles that share the same zoom level and * x/y position but have different wrap values * Maintaining sibling tile cache allows fading from old to new tiles * of the same position and zoom level */ _updateLoadedSiblingTileCache() { this._loadedSiblingTiles = {}; for (const tileKey in this._tiles) { const currentId = this._tiles[tileKey].tileID; const siblingTile: Tile = this._getLoadedTile(currentId); this._loadedSiblingTiles[currentId.key] = siblingTile; } } /** * Add a tile, given its coordinate, to the pyramid. */ _addTile(tileID: OverscaledTileID): Tile { let tile = this._tiles[tileID.key]; if (tile) return tile; tile = this._cache.getAndRemove(tileID); if (tile) { this._setTileReloadTimer(tileID.key, tile); // set the tileID because the cached tile could have had a different wrap value tile.tileID = tileID; this._state.initializeTileState(tile, ? : null); if (this._cacheTimers[tileID.key]) { clearTimeout(this._cacheTimers[tileID.key]); delete this._cacheTimers[tileID.key]; this._setTileReloadTimer(tileID.key, tile); } } const cached = tile; if (!tile) { tile = new Tile(tileID, this._source.tileSize * tileID.overscaleFactor()); this._loadTile(tile, tileID.key, tile.state); } tile.uses++; this._tiles[tileID.key] = tile; if (!cached) { Event('dataloading', {tile, coord: tile.tileID, dataType: 'source'})); } return tile; } _setTileReloadTimer(id: string, tile: Tile) { if (id in this._timers) { clearTimeout(this._timers[id]); delete this._timers[id]; } const expiryTimeout = tile.getExpiryTimeout(); if (expiryTimeout) { this._timers[id] = setTimeout(() => { this._reloadTile(id, 'expired'); delete this._timers[id]; }, expiryTimeout); } } /** * Remove a tile, given its id, from the pyramid */ _removeTile(id: string) { const tile = this._tiles[id]; if (!tile) return; tile.uses--; delete this._tiles[id]; if (this._timers[id]) { clearTimeout(this._timers[id]); delete this._timers[id]; } if (tile.uses > 0) return; if (tile.hasData() && tile.state !== 'reloading') { this._cache.add(tile.tileID, tile, tile.getExpiryTimeout()); } else { tile.aborted = true; this._abortTile(tile); this._unloadTile(tile); } } /** @internal */ private _dataHandler(e: MapSourceDataEvent) { const eventSourceDataType = e.sourceDataType; if (e.dataType === 'source' && eventSourceDataType === 'metadata') { this._sourceLoaded = true; } // for sources with mutable data, this event fires when the underlying data // to a source is changed. (i.e. GeoJSONSource#setData and ImageSource#serCoordinates) if (this._sourceLoaded && !this._paused && e.dataType === 'source' && eventSourceDataType === 'content') { this.reload(); if (this.transform) { this.update(this.transform, this.terrain); } this._didEmitContent = true; } } /** * Remove all tiles from this pyramid */ clearTiles() { this._shouldReloadOnResume = false; this._paused = false; for (const id in this._tiles) this._removeTile(id); this._cache.reset(); } /** * Search through our current tiles and attempt to find the tiles that * cover the given bounds. * @param pointQueryGeometry - coordinates of the corners of bounding rectangle * @returns result items have `{tile, minX, maxX, minY, maxY}`, where min/max bounding values are the given bounds transformed in into the coordinate space of this tile. */ tilesIn(pointQueryGeometry: Array, maxPitchScaleFactor: number, has3DLayer: boolean): any[] { const tileResults = []; const transform = this.transform; if (!transform) return tileResults; const cameraPointQueryGeometry = has3DLayer ? transform.getCameraQueryGeometry(pointQueryGeometry) : pointQueryGeometry; const queryGeometry = Point) => transform.pointCoordinate(p, this.terrain)); const cameraQueryGeometry = Point) => transform.pointCoordinate(p, this.terrain)); const ids = this.getIds(); let minX = Infinity; let minY = Infinity; let maxX = -Infinity; let maxY = -Infinity; for (const p of cameraQueryGeometry) { minX = Math.min(minX, p.x); minY = Math.min(minY, p.y); maxX = Math.max(maxX, p.x); maxY = Math.max(maxY, p.y); } for (let i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { const tile = this._tiles[ids[i]]; if (tile.holdingForFade()) { // Tiles held for fading are covered by tiles that are closer to ideal continue; } const tileID = tile.tileID; const scale = Math.pow(2, transform.zoom - tile.tileID.overscaledZ); const queryPadding = maxPitchScaleFactor * tile.queryPadding * EXTENT / tile.tileSize / scale; const tileSpaceBounds = [ tileID.getTilePoint(new MercatorCoordinate(minX, minY)), tileID.getTilePoint(new MercatorCoordinate(maxX, maxY)) ]; if (tileSpaceBounds[0].x - queryPadding < EXTENT && tileSpaceBounds[0].y - queryPadding < EXTENT && tileSpaceBounds[1].x + queryPadding >= 0 && tileSpaceBounds[1].y + queryPadding >= 0) { const tileSpaceQueryGeometry: Array = => tileID.getTilePoint(c)); const tileSpaceCameraQueryGeometry = => tileID.getTilePoint(c)); tileResults.push({ tile, tileID, queryGeometry: tileSpaceQueryGeometry, cameraQueryGeometry: tileSpaceCameraQueryGeometry, scale }); } } return tileResults; } getVisibleCoordinates(symbolLayer?: boolean): Array { const coords = this.getRenderableIds(symbolLayer).map((id) => this._tiles[id].tileID); for (const coord of coords) { coord.posMatrix = this.transform.calculatePosMatrix(coord.toUnwrapped()); } return coords; } hasTransition() { if (this._source.hasTransition()) { return true; } if (isRasterType(this._source.type)) { const now =; for (const id in this._tiles) { const tile = this._tiles[id]; if (tile.fadeEndTime >= now) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Set the value of a particular state for a feature */ setFeatureState(sourceLayer: string, featureId: number | string, state: any) { sourceLayer = sourceLayer || '_geojsonTileLayer'; this._state.updateState(sourceLayer, featureId, state); } /** * Resets the value of a particular state key for a feature */ removeFeatureState(sourceLayer?: string, featureId?: number | string, key?: string) { sourceLayer = sourceLayer || '_geojsonTileLayer'; this._state.removeFeatureState(sourceLayer, featureId, key); } /** * Get the entire state object for a feature */ getFeatureState(sourceLayer: string, featureId: number | string) { sourceLayer = sourceLayer || '_geojsonTileLayer'; return this._state.getState(sourceLayer, featureId); } /** * Sets the set of keys that the tile depends on. This allows tiles to * be reloaded when their dependencies change. */ setDependencies(tileKey: string, namespace: string, dependencies: Array) { const tile = this._tiles[tileKey]; if (tile) { tile.setDependencies(namespace, dependencies); } } /** * Reloads all tiles that depend on the given keys. */ reloadTilesForDependencies(namespaces: Array, keys: Array) { for (const id in this._tiles) { const tile = this._tiles[id]; if (tile.hasDependency(namespaces, keys)) { this._reloadTile(id, 'reloading'); } } this._cache.filter(tile => !tile.hasDependency(namespaces, keys)); } } SourceCache.maxOverzooming = 10; SourceCache.maxUnderzooming = 3; function compareTileId(a: OverscaledTileID, b: OverscaledTileID): number { // Different copies of the world are sorted based on their distance to the center. // Wrap values are converted to unsigned distances by reserving odd number for copies // with negative wrap and even numbers for copies with positive wrap. const aWrap = Math.abs(a.wrap * 2) - +(a.wrap < 0); const bWrap = Math.abs(b.wrap * 2) - +(b.wrap < 0); return a.overscaledZ - b.overscaledZ || bWrap - aWrap || b.canonical.y - a.canonical.y || b.canonical.x - a.canonical.x; } function isRasterType(type) { return type === 'raster' || type === 'image' || type === 'video'; }