import {Tile} from './tile'; import {OverscaledTileID} from './tile_id'; import {GeoJSONSource, GeoJSONSourceOptions} from './geojson_source'; import {Transform} from '../geo/transform'; import {LngLat} from '../geo/lng_lat'; import {extend} from '../util/util'; import {Dispatcher} from '../util/dispatcher'; import {RequestManager} from '../util/request_manager'; import {ActorMessage, MessageType} from '../util/actor_messages'; import {Actor} from '../util/actor'; const wrapDispatcher = (dispatcher) => { return { getActor() { return dispatcher as Actor; } } as Dispatcher; }; const mockDispatcher = wrapDispatcher({ sendAsync() { return Promise.resolve({}); } }); const hawkHill = { 'type': 'FeatureCollection', 'features': [{ 'type': 'Feature', 'properties': {}, 'geometry': { 'type': 'LineString', 'coordinates': [ [-122.48369693756104, 37.83381888486939], [-122.48348236083984, 37.83317489144141], [-122.48339653015138, 37.83270036637107], [-122.48356819152832, 37.832056363179625], [-122.48404026031496, 37.83114119107971], [-122.48404026031496, 37.83049717427869], [-122.48348236083984, 37.829920943955045], [-122.48356819152832, 37.82954808664175], [-122.48507022857666, 37.82944639795659], [-122.48610019683838, 37.82880236636284], [-122.48695850372314, 37.82931081282506], [-122.48700141906738, 37.83080223556934], [-122.48751640319824, 37.83168351665737], [-122.48803138732912, 37.832158048267786], [-122.48888969421387, 37.83297152392784], [-122.48987674713133, 37.83263257682617], [-122.49043464660643, 37.832937629287755], [-122.49125003814696, 37.832429207817725], [-122.49163627624512, 37.832564787218985], [-122.49223709106445, 37.83337825839438], [-122.49378204345702, 37.83368330777276] ] } }] } as GeoJSON.GeoJSON; describe('GeoJSONSource#constructor', () => { const mapStub = { _requestManager: { transformRequest: (url) => { return {url}; } } } as any; test('warn if maxzoom <= clusterMaxZoom', () => { const warn = jest.spyOn(console, 'warn').mockImplementation(() => {}); const source = new GeoJSONSource('id', {data: hawkHill, maxzoom: 4, clusterMaxZoom: 4} as GeoJSONSourceOptions, mockDispatcher, undefined); = mapStub; source.load(); expect(warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith('The maxzoom value "4" is expected to be greater than the clusterMaxZoom value "4".'); warn.mockRestore(); }); }); describe('GeoJSONSource#setData', () => { function createSource(opts?) { opts = opts || {}; opts = extend(opts, {data: {}}); return new GeoJSONSource('id', opts, wrapDispatcher({ sendAsync(_message) { return new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(() => resolve({}), 0); }); } }), undefined); } test('returns self', () => { const source = createSource(); expect(source.setData({} as GeoJSON.GeoJSON)).toBe(source); }); test('fires "data" event', async () => { const source = createSource(); const loadPromise = source.once('data'); source.load(); await loadPromise; const setDataPromise = source.once('data'); source.setData({} as GeoJSON.GeoJSON); await setDataPromise; }); test('fires "dataloading" event', () => new Promise(done => { const source = createSource(); source.on('dataloading', () => { done(); }); source.load(); })); test('fires "dataabort" event', () => new Promise(done => { const source = new GeoJSONSource('id', {} as any, wrapDispatcher({ sendAsync(_message) { return new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(() => resolve({abandoned: true}), 0); }); } }), undefined); source.on('dataabort', () => { done(); }); source.load(); })); test('respects collectResourceTiming parameter on source', () => new Promise(done => { const source = createSource({collectResourceTiming: true}); = { _requestManager: { transformRequest: (url) => { return {url}; } } as any as RequestManager } as any; = (message: ActorMessage) => { return new Promise((resolve) => { if (message.type === MessageType.loadData) { expect(( as any).request.collectResourceTiming).toBeTruthy(); setTimeout(() => resolve({} as any), 0); done(); } }); }; source.setData('http://localhost/nonexistent'); })); test('only marks source as loaded when there are no pending loads', async () => { const source = createSource(); const setDataPromise = source.once('data'); source.setData({} as GeoJSON.GeoJSON); source.setData({} as GeoJSON.GeoJSON); await setDataPromise; expect(source.loaded()).toBeFalsy(); const setDataPromise2 = source.once('data'); await setDataPromise2; expect(source.loaded()).toBeTruthy(); }); test('marks source as not loaded before firing "dataloading" event', async () => { const source = createSource(); const setDataPromise = source.once('dataloading'); source.setData({} as GeoJSON.GeoJSON); await setDataPromise; expect(source.loaded()).toBeFalsy(); }); test('marks source as loaded before firing "data" event', async () => { const source = createSource(); const dataPromise = source.once('data'); source.setData({} as GeoJSON.GeoJSON); await dataPromise; expect(source.loaded()).toBeTruthy(); }); test('marks source as loaded before firing "dataabort" event', () => new Promise(done => { const source = new GeoJSONSource('id', {} as any, wrapDispatcher({ sendAsync(_message: ActorMessage) { return new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(() => resolve({abandoned: true}), 0); }); } }), undefined); source.on('dataabort', () => { expect(source.loaded()).toBeTruthy(); done(); }); source.setData({} as GeoJSON.GeoJSON); })); }); describe('GeoJSONSource#onRemove', () => { test('broadcasts "removeSource" event', () => new Promise(done => { const source = new GeoJSONSource('id', {data: {}} as GeoJSONSourceOptions, wrapDispatcher({ sendAsync(message: ActorMessage) { expect(message.type).toBe(MessageType.removeSource); expect({type: 'geojson', source: 'id'}); done(); return Promise.resolve({}); }, broadcast() { // Ignore } }), undefined); source.onRemove(); })); }); describe('GeoJSONSource#update', () => { const transform = new Transform(); transform.resize(200, 200); const lngLat = LngLat.convert([-122.486052, 37.830348]); const point = transform.locationPoint(lngLat); transform.zoom = 15; transform.setLocationAtPoint(lngLat, point); test('sends initial loadData request to dispatcher', () => new Promise(done => { const mockDispatcher = wrapDispatcher({ sendAsync(message: ActorMessage) { expect(message.type).toBe(MessageType.loadData); done(); return Promise.resolve({}); } }); new GeoJSONSource('id', {data: {}} as GeoJSONSourceOptions, mockDispatcher, undefined).load(); })); test('forwards geojson-vt options with worker request', () => new Promise(done => { const mockDispatcher = wrapDispatcher({ sendAsync(message: ActorMessage) { expect(message.type).toBe(MessageType.loadData); expect({ extent: 8192, maxZoom: 10, tolerance: 4, buffer: 256, lineMetrics: false, generateId: true }); done(); return Promise.resolve({}); } }); new GeoJSONSource('id', { data: {}, maxzoom: 10, tolerance: 0.25, buffer: 16, generateId: true } as GeoJSONSourceOptions, mockDispatcher, undefined).load(); })); test('forwards Supercluster options with worker request', () => new Promise(done => { const mockDispatcher = wrapDispatcher({ sendAsync(message) { expect(message.type).toBe(MessageType.loadData); expect({ maxZoom: 12, minPoints: 3, extent: 8192, radius: 1600, log: false, generateId: true }); done(); return Promise.resolve({}); } }); new GeoJSONSource('id', { data: {}, cluster: true, clusterMaxZoom: 12, clusterRadius: 100, clusterMinPoints: 3, generateId: true } as GeoJSONSourceOptions, mockDispatcher, undefined).load(); })); test('modifying cluster properties after adding a source', () => new Promise(done => { // test setCluster function on GeoJSONSource const mockDispatcher = wrapDispatcher({ sendAsync(message) { expect(message.type).toBe(MessageType.loadData); expect(; expect(; expect(; done(); return Promise.resolve({}); } }); new GeoJSONSource('id', { data: {}, cluster: false, clusterMaxZoom: 8, clusterRadius: 100, clusterMinPoints: 3, generateId: true } as GeoJSONSourceOptions, mockDispatcher, undefined).setClusterOptions({cluster: true, clusterRadius: 80, clusterMaxZoom: 16}); })); test('forwards Supercluster options with worker request, ignore max zoom of source', () => new Promise(done => { const mockDispatcher = wrapDispatcher({ sendAsync(message) { expect(message.type).toBe(MessageType.loadData); expect({ maxZoom: 12, minPoints: 3, extent: 8192, radius: 1600, log: false, generateId: true }); done(); return Promise.resolve({}); } }); new GeoJSONSource('id', { data: {}, maxzoom: 10, cluster: true, clusterMaxZoom: 12, clusterRadius: 100, clusterMinPoints: 3, generateId: true } as GeoJSONSourceOptions, mockDispatcher, undefined).load(); })); test('transforms url before making request', () => { const mapStub = { _requestManager: { transformRequest: (url) => { return {url}; } } } as any; const transformSpy = jest.spyOn(mapStub._requestManager, 'transformRequest'); const source = new GeoJSONSource('id', {data: ''} as GeoJSONSourceOptions, mockDispatcher, undefined); source.onAdd(mapStub); expect(transformSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(transformSpy.mock.calls[0][0]).toBe(''); }); test('fires event when metadata loads', () => new Promise(done => { const mockDispatcher = wrapDispatcher({ sendAsync(_message: ActorMessage) { return new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(() => resolve({}), 0); }); } }); const source = new GeoJSONSource('id', {data: {}} as GeoJSONSourceOptions, mockDispatcher, undefined); source.on('data', (e) => { if (e.sourceDataType === 'metadata') done(); }); source.load(); })); test('fires metadata data event even when initial request is aborted', () => new Promise(done => { let requestCount = 0; const mockDispatcher = wrapDispatcher({ sendAsync(_message) { return new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(() => resolve({abandoned: requestCount++ === 0})); }); } }); const source = new GeoJSONSource('id', {data: {}} as GeoJSONSourceOptions, mockDispatcher, undefined); source.on('data', e => { if (e.sourceDataType === 'metadata') done(); }); source.load(); source.setData({} as GeoJSON.GeoJSON); })); test('fires "error"', () => new Promise(done => { const mockDispatcher = wrapDispatcher({ sendAsync(_message) { return Promise.reject('error'); // eslint-disable-line prefer-promise-reject-errors } }); const source = new GeoJSONSource('id', {data: {}} as GeoJSONSourceOptions, mockDispatcher, undefined); source.on('error', (err) => { expect(err.error).toBe('error'); done(); }); source.load(); })); test('sends loadData request to dispatcher after data update', () => new Promise(done => { let expectedLoadDataCalls = 2; const mockDispatcher = wrapDispatcher({ sendAsync(message) { if (message.type === MessageType.loadData && --expectedLoadDataCalls <= 0) { done(); } return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve({}), 0)); } }); const source = new GeoJSONSource('id', {data: {}} as GeoJSONSourceOptions, mockDispatcher, undefined); = { transform: {} as Transform, getPixelRatio() { return 1; } } as any; source.on('data', (e) => { if (e.sourceDataType === 'metadata') { source.setData({} as GeoJSON.GeoJSON); source.loadTile(new Tile(new OverscaledTileID(0, 0, 0, 0, 0), 512)); } }); source.load(); })); }); describe('GeoJSONSource#getData', () => { const mapStub = { _requestManager: { transformRequest: (url) => { return {url}; } } } as any; test('sends a message with a correct type to the worker and forwards the data provided returned by it', async () => { const source = new GeoJSONSource('id', {data: hawkHill} as GeoJSONSourceOptions, wrapDispatcher({ sendAsync(message) { expect(message.type).toBe(MessageType.getData); return Promise.resolve({}); } }), undefined); = mapStub; // This is a bit dumb test, as communication with the worker is mocked, and thus the worker always returns an // empty object instead of returning the result of an actual computation. await expect(source.getData()).resolves.toStrictEqual({}); }); }); describe('GeoJSONSource#serialize', () => { const mapStub = { _requestManager: { transformRequest: (url) => { return {url}; } } } as any; test('serialize source with inline data', () => { const source = new GeoJSONSource('id', {data: hawkHill} as GeoJSONSourceOptions, mockDispatcher, undefined); = mapStub; source.load(); expect(source.serialize()).toEqual({ type: 'geojson', data: hawkHill }); }); test('serialize source with url', () => { const source = new GeoJSONSource('id', {data: 'local://data.json'} as GeoJSONSourceOptions, mockDispatcher, undefined); = mapStub; source.load(); expect(source.serialize()).toEqual({ type: 'geojson', data: 'local://data.json' }); }); test('serialize source with updated data', () => { const source = new GeoJSONSource('id', {data: {}} as GeoJSONSourceOptions, mockDispatcher, undefined); = mapStub; source.load(); source.setData(hawkHill); expect(source.serialize()).toEqual({ type: 'geojson', data: hawkHill }); }); test('serialize source with additional options', () => { const source = new GeoJSONSource('id', {data: {}, cluster: true} as GeoJSONSourceOptions, mockDispatcher, undefined); expect(source.serialize()).toEqual({ type: 'geojson', data: {}, cluster: true }); }); });