import {Tile} from '../source/tile'; import {mat4, vec2} from 'gl-matrix'; import {OverscaledTileID} from '../source/tile_id'; import {RGBAImage} from '../util/image'; import {warnOnce} from '../util/util'; import {Pos3dArray, TriangleIndexArray} from '../data/array_types.g'; import pos3dAttributes from '../data/pos3d_attributes'; import {SegmentVector} from '../data/segment'; import {Painter} from './painter'; import {Texture} from '../render/texture'; import type {Framebuffer} from '../gl/framebuffer'; import Point from '@mapbox/point-geometry'; import {MercatorCoordinate} from '../geo/mercator_coordinate'; import {TerrainSourceCache} from '../source/terrain_source_cache'; import {SourceCache} from '../source/source_cache'; import {EXTENT} from '../data/extent'; import type {TerrainSpecification} from '@maplibre/maplibre-gl-style-spec'; import {LngLat, earthRadius} from '../geo/lng_lat'; import {Mesh} from './mesh'; import {isInBoundsForZoomLngLat} from '../util/world_bounds'; /** * @internal * A terrain GPU related object */ export type TerrainData = { 'u_depth': number; 'u_terrain': number; 'u_terrain_dim': number; 'u_terrain_matrix': mat4; 'u_terrain_unpack': number[]; 'u_terrain_exaggeration': number; texture: WebGLTexture; depthTexture: WebGLTexture; tile: Tile; } /** * @internal * This is the main class which handles most of the 3D Terrain logic. It has the following topics: * * 1. loads raster-dem tiles via the internal sourceCache this.sourceCache * 2. creates a depth-framebuffer, which is used to calculate the visibility of coordinates * 3. creates a coords-framebuffer, which is used the get to tile-coordinate for a screen-pixel * 4. stores all render-to-texture tiles in the this.sourceCache._tiles * 5. calculates the elevation for a specific tile-coordinate * 6. creates a terrain-mesh * * A note about the GPU resource-usage: * * Framebuffers: * * - one for the depth & coords framebuffer with the size of the map-div. * - one for rendering a tile to texture with the size of tileSize (= 512x512). * * Textures: * * - one texture for an empty raster-dem tile with size 1x1 * - one texture for an empty depth-buffer, when terrain is disabled with size 1x1 * - one texture for an each loaded raster-dem with size of the source.tileSize * - one texture for the coords-framebuffer with the size of the map-div. * - one texture for the depth-framebuffer with the size of the map-div. * - one texture for the encoded tile-coords with the size 2*tileSize (=1024x1024) * - finally for each render-to-texture tile (= this._tiles) a set of textures * for each render stack (The stack-concept is documented in painter.ts). * * Normally there exists 1-3 Textures per tile, depending on the stylesheet. * Each Textures has the size 2*tileSize (= 1024x1024). Also there exists a * cache of the last 150 newest rendered tiles. * */ export class Terrain { /** * The style this terrain corresponds to */ painter: Painter; /** * the sourcecache this terrain is based on */ sourceCache: TerrainSourceCache; /** * the TerrainSpecification object passed to this instance */ options: TerrainSpecification; /** * define the meshSize per tile. */ meshSize: number; /** * multiplicator for the elevation. Used to make terrain more "extreme". */ exaggeration: number; /** * to not see pixels in the render-to-texture tiles it is good to render them bigger * this number is the multiplicator (must be a power of 2) for the current tileSize. * So to get good results with not too much memory footprint a value of 2 should be fine. */ qualityFactor: number; /** * holds the framebuffer object in size of the screen to render the coords & depth into a texture. */ _fbo: Framebuffer; _fboCoordsTexture: Texture; _fboDepthTexture: Texture; _emptyDepthTexture: Texture; /** * GL Objects for the terrain-mesh * The mesh is a regular mesh, which has the advantage that it can be reused for all tiles. */ _mesh: Mesh; /** * coords index contains a list of tileID.keys. This index is used to identify * the tile via the alpha-cannel in the coords-texture. * As the alpha-channel has 1 Byte a max of 255 tiles can rendered without an error. */ coordsIndex: Array; /** * tile-coords encoded in the rgb channel, _coordsIndex is in the alpha-channel. */ _coordsTexture: Texture; /** * accuracy of the coords. 2 * tileSize should be enough. */ _coordsTextureSize: number; /** * variables for an empty dem texture, which is used while the raster-dem tile is loading. */ _emptyDemUnpack: number[]; _emptyDemTexture: Texture; _emptyDemMatrix: mat4; /** * as of overzooming of raster-dem tiles in high zoomlevels, this cache contains * matrices to transform from vector-tile coords to raster-dem-tile coords. */ _demMatrixCache: {[_: string]: { matrix: mat4; coord: OverscaledTileID }}; constructor(painter: Painter, sourceCache: SourceCache, options: TerrainSpecification) { this.painter = painter; this.sourceCache = new TerrainSourceCache(sourceCache); this.options = options; this.exaggeration = typeof options.exaggeration === 'number' ? options.exaggeration : 1.0; this.qualityFactor = 2; this.meshSize = 128; this._demMatrixCache = {}; this.coordsIndex = []; this._coordsTextureSize = 1024; } /** * get the elevation-value from original dem-data for a given tile-coordinate * @param tileID - the tile to get elevation for * @param x - between 0 .. EXTENT * @param y - between 0 .. EXTENT * @param extent - optional, default 8192 * @returns the elevation */ getDEMElevation(tileID: OverscaledTileID, x: number, y: number, extent: number = EXTENT): number { if (!(x >= 0 && x < extent && y >= 0 && y < extent)) return 0; const terrain = this.getTerrainData(tileID); const dem = terrain.tile?.dem; if (!dem) return 0; const pos = vec2.transformMat4([] as any, [x / extent * EXTENT, y / extent * EXTENT], terrain.u_terrain_matrix); const coord = [pos[0] * dem.dim, pos[1] * dem.dim]; // bilinear interpolation const cx = Math.floor(coord[0]), cy = Math.floor(coord[1]), tx = coord[0] - cx, ty = coord[1] - cy; return ( dem.get(cx, cy) * (1 - tx) * (1 - ty) + dem.get(cx + 1, cy) * (tx) * (1 - ty) + dem.get(cx, cy + 1) * (1 - tx) * (ty) + dem.get(cx + 1, cy + 1) * (tx) * (ty) ); } /** * Get the elevation for given {@link LngLat} in respect of exaggeration. * @param lnglat - the location * @param zoom - the zoom * @returns the elevation */ getElevationForLngLatZoom(lnglat: LngLat, zoom: number) { if (!isInBoundsForZoomLngLat(zoom, lnglat.wrap())) return 0; const {tileID, mercatorX, mercatorY} = this._getOverscaledTileIDFromLngLatZoom(lnglat, zoom); return this.getElevation(tileID, mercatorX % EXTENT, mercatorY % EXTENT, EXTENT); } /** * Get the elevation for given coordinate in respect of exaggeration. * @param tileID - the tile id * @param x - between 0 .. EXTENT * @param y - between 0 .. EXTENT * @param extent - optional, default 8192 * @returns the elevation */ getElevation(tileID: OverscaledTileID, x: number, y: number, extent: number = EXTENT): number { return this.getDEMElevation(tileID, x, y, extent) * this.exaggeration; } /** * returns a Terrain Object for a tile. Unless the tile corresponds to data (e.g. tile is loading), return a flat dem object * @param tileID - the tile to get the terrain for * @returns the terrain data to use in the program */ getTerrainData(tileID: OverscaledTileID): TerrainData { // create empty DEM Objects, which will used while raster-dem tiles are loading. // creates an empty depth-buffer texture which is needed, during the initialization process of the 3d mesh.. if (!this._emptyDemTexture) { const context = this.painter.context; const image = new RGBAImage({width: 1, height: 1}, new Uint8Array(1 * 4)); this._emptyDepthTexture = new Texture(context, image,, {premultiply: false}); this._emptyDemUnpack = [0, 0, 0, 0]; this._emptyDemTexture = new Texture(context, new RGBAImage({width: 1, height: 1}),, {premultiply: false}); this._emptyDemTexture.bind(,; this._emptyDemMatrix = mat4.identity([] as any); } // find covering dem tile and prepare demTexture const sourceTile = this.sourceCache.getSourceTile(tileID, true); if (sourceTile && sourceTile.dem && (!sourceTile.demTexture || sourceTile.needsTerrainPrepare)) { const context = this.painter.context; sourceTile.demTexture = this.painter.getTileTexture(sourceTile.dem.stride); if (sourceTile.demTexture) sourceTile.demTexture.update(sourceTile.dem.getPixels(), {premultiply: false}); else sourceTile.demTexture = new Texture(context, sourceTile.dem.getPixels(),, {premultiply: false}); sourceTile.demTexture.bind(,; sourceTile.needsTerrainPrepare = false; } // create matrix for lookup in dem data const matrixKey = sourceTile && (sourceTile + sourceTile.tileID.key) + tileID.key; if (matrixKey && !this._demMatrixCache[matrixKey]) { const maxzoom = this.sourceCache.sourceCache._source.maxzoom; let dz = tileID.canonical.z - sourceTile.tileID.canonical.z; if (tileID.overscaledZ > tileID.canonical.z) { if (tileID.canonical.z >= maxzoom) dz = tileID.canonical.z - maxzoom; else warnOnce('cannot calculate elevation if elevation maxzoom > source.maxzoom'); } const dx = tileID.canonical.x - (tileID.canonical.x >> dz << dz); const dy = tileID.canonical.y - (tileID.canonical.y >> dz << dz); const demMatrix = mat4.fromScaling(new Float64Array(16) as any, [1 / (EXTENT << dz), 1 / (EXTENT << dz), 0]); mat4.translate(demMatrix, demMatrix, [dx * EXTENT, dy * EXTENT, 0]); this._demMatrixCache[tileID.key] = {matrix: demMatrix, coord: tileID}; } // return uniform values & textures return { 'u_depth': 2, 'u_terrain': 3, 'u_terrain_dim': sourceTile && sourceTile.dem && sourceTile.dem.dim || 1, 'u_terrain_matrix': matrixKey ? this._demMatrixCache[tileID.key].matrix : this._emptyDemMatrix, 'u_terrain_unpack': sourceTile && sourceTile.dem && sourceTile.dem.getUnpackVector() || this._emptyDemUnpack, 'u_terrain_exaggeration': this.exaggeration, texture: (sourceTile && sourceTile.demTexture || this._emptyDemTexture).texture, depthTexture: (this._fboDepthTexture || this._emptyDepthTexture).texture, tile: sourceTile }; } /** * get a framebuffer as big as the map-div, which will be used to render depth & coords into a texture * @param texture - the texture * @returns the frame buffer */ getFramebuffer(texture: string): Framebuffer { const painter = this.painter; const width = painter.width / devicePixelRatio; const height = painter.height / devicePixelRatio; if (this._fbo && (this._fbo.width !== width || this._fbo.height !== height)) { this._fbo.destroy(); this._fboCoordsTexture.destroy(); this._fboDepthTexture.destroy(); delete this._fbo; delete this._fboDepthTexture; delete this._fboCoordsTexture; } if (!this._fboCoordsTexture) { this._fboCoordsTexture = new Texture(painter.context, {width, height, data: null},, {premultiply: false}); this._fboCoordsTexture.bind(,; } if (!this._fboDepthTexture) { this._fboDepthTexture = new Texture(painter.context, {width, height, data: null},, {premultiply: false}); this._fboDepthTexture.bind(,; } if (!this._fbo) { this._fbo = painter.context.createFramebuffer(width, height, true, false); this._fbo.depthAttachment.set(painter.context.createRenderbuffer(, width, height)); } this._fbo.colorAttachment.set(texture === 'coords' ? this._fboCoordsTexture.texture : this._fboDepthTexture.texture); return this._fbo; } /** * create coords texture, needed to grab coordinates from canvas * encode coords coordinate into 4 bytes: * - 8 lower bits for x * - 8 lower bits for y * - 4 higher bits for x * - 4 higher bits for y * - 8 bits for coordsIndex (1 .. 255) (= number of terraintile), is later setted in draw_terrain uniform value * @returns the texture */ getCoordsTexture(): Texture { const context = this.painter.context; if (this._coordsTexture) return this._coordsTexture; const data = new Uint8Array(this._coordsTextureSize * this._coordsTextureSize * 4); for (let y = 0, i = 0; y < this._coordsTextureSize; y++) for (let x = 0; x < this._coordsTextureSize; x++, i += 4) { data[i + 0] = x & 255; data[i + 1] = y & 255; data[i + 2] = ((x >> 8) << 4) | (y >> 8); data[i + 3] = 0; } const image = new RGBAImage({width: this._coordsTextureSize, height: this._coordsTextureSize}, new Uint8Array(data.buffer)); const texture = new Texture(context, image,, {premultiply: false}); texture.bind(,; this._coordsTexture = texture; return texture; } /** * Reads a pixel from the coords-framebuffer and translate this to mercator. * @param p - Screen-Coordinate * @returns mercator coordinate for a screen pixel */ pointCoordinate(p: Point): MercatorCoordinate { // First, ensure the coords framebuffer is up to date. this.painter.maybeDrawDepthAndCoords(true); const rgba = new Uint8Array(4); const context = this.painter.context, gl =; const px = Math.round(p.x * this.painter.pixelRatio / devicePixelRatio); const py = Math.round(p.y * this.painter.pixelRatio / devicePixelRatio); const fbHeight = Math.round(this.painter.height / devicePixelRatio); // grab coordinate pixel from coordinates framebuffer context.bindFramebuffer.set(this.getFramebuffer('coords').framebuffer); gl.readPixels(px, fbHeight - py - 1, 1, 1, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, rgba); context.bindFramebuffer.set(null); // decode coordinates (encoding see getCoordsTexture) const x = rgba[0] + ((rgba[2] >> 4) << 8); const y = rgba[1] + ((rgba[2] & 15) << 8); const tileID = this.coordsIndex[255 - rgba[3]]; const tile = tileID && this.sourceCache.getTileByID(tileID); if (!tile) return null; const coordsSize = this._coordsTextureSize; const worldSize = (1 << tile.tileID.canonical.z) * coordsSize; return new MercatorCoordinate( (tile.tileID.canonical.x * coordsSize + x) / worldSize + tile.tileID.wrap, (tile.tileID.canonical.y * coordsSize + y) / worldSize, this.getElevation(tile.tileID, x, y, coordsSize) ); } /** * Reads the depth value from the depth-framebuffer at a given screen pixel * @param p - Screen coordinate * @returns depth value in clip space (between 0 and 1) */ depthAtPoint(p: Point): number { const rgba = new Uint8Array(4); const context = this.painter.context, gl =; context.bindFramebuffer.set(this.getFramebuffer('depth').framebuffer); gl.readPixels(p.x, this.painter.height / devicePixelRatio - p.y - 1, 1, 1, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, rgba); context.bindFramebuffer.set(null); // decode coordinates (encoding see terran_depth.fragment.glsl) const depthValue = (rgba[0] / (256 * 256 * 256) + rgba[1] / (256 * 256) + rgba[2] / 256 + rgba[3]) / 256; return depthValue; } /** * create a regular mesh which will be used by all terrain-tiles * @returns the created regular mesh */ getTerrainMesh(): Mesh { if (this._mesh) return this._mesh; const context = this.painter.context; const vertexArray = new Pos3dArray(); const indexArray = new TriangleIndexArray(); const meshSize = this.meshSize; const delta = EXTENT / meshSize; const meshSize2 = meshSize * meshSize; for (let y = 0; y <= meshSize; y++) for (let x = 0; x <= meshSize; x++) vertexArray.emplaceBack(x * delta, y * delta, 0); for (let y = 0; y < meshSize2; y += meshSize + 1) for (let x = 0; x < meshSize; x++) { indexArray.emplaceBack(x + y, meshSize + x + y + 1, meshSize + x + y + 2); indexArray.emplaceBack(x + y, meshSize + x + y + 2, x + y + 1); } // add an extra frame around the mesh to avoid stiching on tile boundaries with different zoomlevels // first code-block is for top-bottom frame and second for left-right frame const offsetTop = vertexArray.length, offsetBottom = offsetTop + (meshSize + 1) * 2; for (const y of [0, 1]) for (let x = 0; x <= meshSize; x++) for (const z of [0, 1]) vertexArray.emplaceBack(x * delta, y * EXTENT, z); for (let x = 0; x < meshSize * 2; x += 2) { indexArray.emplaceBack(offsetBottom + x, offsetBottom + x + 1, offsetBottom + x + 3); indexArray.emplaceBack(offsetBottom + x, offsetBottom + x + 3, offsetBottom + x + 2); indexArray.emplaceBack(offsetTop + x, offsetTop + x + 3, offsetTop + x + 1); indexArray.emplaceBack(offsetTop + x, offsetTop + x + 2, offsetTop + x + 3); } const offsetLeft = vertexArray.length, offsetRight = offsetLeft + (meshSize + 1) * 2; for (const x of [0, 1]) for (let y = 0; y <= meshSize; y++) for (const z of [0, 1]) vertexArray.emplaceBack(x * EXTENT, y * delta, z); for (let y = 0; y < meshSize * 2; y += 2) { indexArray.emplaceBack(offsetLeft + y, offsetLeft + y + 1, offsetLeft + y + 3); indexArray.emplaceBack(offsetLeft + y, offsetLeft + y + 3, offsetLeft + y + 2); indexArray.emplaceBack(offsetRight + y, offsetRight + y + 3, offsetRight + y + 1); indexArray.emplaceBack(offsetRight + y, offsetRight + y + 2, offsetRight + y + 3); } this._mesh = new Mesh( context.createVertexBuffer(vertexArray, pos3dAttributes.members), context.createIndexBuffer(indexArray), SegmentVector.simpleSegment(0, 0, vertexArray.length, indexArray.length) ); return this._mesh; } /** * Calculates a height of the frame around the terrain-mesh to avoid stiching between * tile boundaries in different zoomlevels. * @param zoom - current zoomlevel * @returns the elevation delta in meters */ getMeshFrameDelta(zoom: number): number { // divide by 5 is evaluated by trial & error to get a frame in the right height return 2 * Math.PI * earthRadius / Math.pow(2, zoom) / 5; } getMinTileElevationForLngLatZoom(lnglat: LngLat, zoom: number) { const {tileID} = this._getOverscaledTileIDFromLngLatZoom(lnglat, zoom); return this.getMinMaxElevation(tileID).minElevation ?? 0; } /** * Get the minimum and maximum elevation contained in a tile. This includes any * exaggeration included in the terrain. * * @param tileID - ID of the tile to be used as a source for the min/max elevation * @returns the minimum and maximum elevation found in the tile, including the terrain's * exaggeration */ getMinMaxElevation(tileID: OverscaledTileID): {minElevation: number | null; maxElevation: number | null} { const tile = this.getTerrainData(tileID).tile; const minMax = {minElevation: null, maxElevation: null}; if (tile && tile.dem) { minMax.minElevation = tile.dem.min * this.exaggeration; minMax.maxElevation = tile.dem.max * this.exaggeration; } return minMax; } _getOverscaledTileIDFromLngLatZoom(lnglat: LngLat, zoom: number): { tileID: OverscaledTileID; mercatorX: number; mercatorY: number} { const mercatorCoordinate = MercatorCoordinate.fromLngLat(lnglat.wrap()); const worldSize = (1 << zoom) * EXTENT; const mercatorX = mercatorCoordinate.x * worldSize; const mercatorY = mercatorCoordinate.y * worldSize; const tileX = Math.floor(mercatorX / EXTENT), tileY = Math.floor(mercatorY / EXTENT); const tileID = new OverscaledTileID(zoom, 0, zoom, tileX, tileY); return { tileID, mercatorX, mercatorY }; } }