import {DepthMode} from '../gl/depth_mode'; import {CullFaceMode} from '../gl/cull_face_mode'; import {Texture} from './texture'; import { lineUniformValues, linePatternUniformValues, lineSDFUniformValues, lineGradientUniformValues } from './program/line_program'; import type {Painter} from './painter'; import type {SourceCache} from '../source/source_cache'; import type {LineStyleLayer} from '../style/style_layer/line_style_layer'; import type {LineBucket} from '../data/bucket/line_bucket'; import type {OverscaledTileID} from '../source/tile_id'; import {clamp, nextPowerOfTwo} from '../util/util'; import {renderColorRamp} from '../util/color_ramp'; import {EXTENT} from '../data/extent'; export function drawLine(painter: Painter, sourceCache: SourceCache, layer: LineStyleLayer, coords: Array) { if (painter.renderPass !== 'translucent') return; const opacity = layer.paint.get('line-opacity'); const width = layer.paint.get('line-width'); if (opacity.constantOr(1) === 0 || width.constantOr(1) === 0) return; const depthMode = painter.depthModeForSublayer(0, DepthMode.ReadOnly); const colorMode = painter.colorModeForRenderPass(); const dasharray = layer.paint.get('line-dasharray'); const patternProperty = layer.paint.get('line-pattern'); const image = patternProperty.constantOr(1 as any); const gradient = layer.paint.get('line-gradient'); const crossfade = layer.getCrossfadeParameters(); const programId = image ? 'linePattern' : dasharray ? 'lineSDF' : gradient ? 'lineGradient' : 'line'; const context = painter.context; const gl =; let firstTile = true; for (const coord of coords) { const tile = sourceCache.getTile(coord); if (image && !tile.patternsLoaded()) continue; const bucket: LineBucket = (tile.getBucket(layer) as any); if (!bucket) continue; const programConfiguration = bucket.programConfigurations.get(; const prevProgram = painter.context.program.get(); const program = painter.useProgram(programId, programConfiguration); const programChanged = firstTile || program.program !== prevProgram; const terrainData = &&; const constantPattern = patternProperty.constantOr(null); if (constantPattern && tile.imageAtlas) { const atlas = tile.imageAtlas; const posTo = atlas.patternPositions[]; const posFrom = atlas.patternPositions[constantPattern.from.toString()]; if (posTo && posFrom) programConfiguration.setConstantPatternPositions(posTo, posFrom); } const terrainCoord = terrainData ? coord : null; const uniformValues = image ? linePatternUniformValues(painter, tile, layer, crossfade, terrainCoord) : dasharray ? lineSDFUniformValues(painter, tile, layer, dasharray, crossfade, terrainCoord) : gradient ? lineGradientUniformValues(painter, tile, layer, bucket.lineClipsArray.length, terrainCoord) : lineUniformValues(painter, tile, layer, terrainCoord); if (image) { context.activeTexture.set(gl.TEXTURE0); tile.imageAtlasTexture.bind(gl.LINEAR, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE); programConfiguration.updatePaintBuffers(crossfade); } else if (dasharray && (programChanged || painter.lineAtlas.dirty)) { context.activeTexture.set(gl.TEXTURE0); painter.lineAtlas.bind(context); } else if (gradient) { const layerGradient = bucket.gradients[]; let gradientTexture = layerGradient.texture; if (layer.gradientVersion !== layerGradient.version) { let textureResolution = 256; if (layer.stepInterpolant) { const sourceMaxZoom = sourceCache.getSource().maxzoom; const potentialOverzoom = coord.canonical.z === sourceMaxZoom ? Math.ceil(1 << (painter.transform.maxZoom - coord.canonical.z)) : 1; const lineLength = bucket.maxLineLength / EXTENT; // Logical pixel tile size is 512px, and 1024px right before current zoom + 1 const maxTilePixelSize = 1024; // Maximum possible texture coverage heuristic, bound by hardware max texture size const maxTextureCoverage = lineLength * maxTilePixelSize * potentialOverzoom; textureResolution = clamp(nextPowerOfTwo(maxTextureCoverage), 256, context.maxTextureSize); } layerGradient.gradient = renderColorRamp({ expression: layer.gradientExpression(), evaluationKey: 'lineProgress', resolution: textureResolution, image: layerGradient.gradient || undefined, clips: bucket.lineClipsArray }); if (layerGradient.texture) { layerGradient.texture.update(layerGradient.gradient); } else { layerGradient.texture = new Texture(context, layerGradient.gradient, gl.RGBA); } layerGradient.version = layer.gradientVersion; gradientTexture = layerGradient.texture; } context.activeTexture.set(gl.TEXTURE0); gradientTexture.bind(layer.stepInterpolant ? gl.NEAREST : gl.LINEAR, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE); } program.draw(context, gl.TRIANGLES, depthMode, painter.stencilModeForClipping(coord), colorMode, CullFaceMode.disabled, uniformValues, terrainData,, bucket.layoutVertexBuffer, bucket.indexBuffer, bucket.segments, layer.paint, painter.transform.zoom, programConfiguration, bucket.layoutVertexBuffer2); firstTile = false; // once refactored so that bound texture state is managed, we'll also be able to remove this firstTile/programChanged logic } }