import {DepthMode} from '../gl/depth_mode'; import {StencilMode} from '../gl/stencil_mode'; import {CullFaceMode} from '../gl/cull_face_mode'; import {debugUniformValues} from './program/debug_program'; import {Color} from '@maplibre/maplibre-gl-style-spec'; import {ColorMode} from '../gl/color_mode'; import type {Painter} from './painter'; import type {SourceCache} from '../source/source_cache'; import type {OverscaledTileID} from '../source/tile_id'; import {Style} from '../style/style'; const topColor = new Color(1, 0, 0, 1); const btmColor = new Color(0, 1, 0, 1); const leftColor = new Color(0, 0, 1, 1); const rightColor = new Color(1, 0, 1, 1); const centerColor = new Color(0, 1, 1, 1); export function drawDebugPadding(painter: Painter) { const padding = painter.transform.padding; const lineWidth = 3; // Top drawHorizontalLine(painter, painter.transform.height - ( || 0), lineWidth, topColor); // Bottom drawHorizontalLine(painter, padding.bottom || 0, lineWidth, btmColor); // Left drawVerticalLine(painter, padding.left || 0, lineWidth, leftColor); // Right drawVerticalLine(painter, painter.transform.width - (padding.right || 0), lineWidth, rightColor); // Center const center = painter.transform.centerPoint; drawCrosshair(painter, center.x, painter.transform.height - center.y, centerColor); } function drawCrosshair(painter: Painter, x: number, y: number, color: Color) { const size = 20; const lineWidth = 2; //Vertical line drawDebugSSRect(painter, x - lineWidth / 2, y - size / 2, lineWidth, size, color); //Horizontal line drawDebugSSRect(painter, x - size / 2, y - lineWidth / 2, size, lineWidth, color); } function drawHorizontalLine(painter: Painter, y: number, lineWidth: number, color: Color) { drawDebugSSRect(painter, 0, y + lineWidth / 2, painter.transform.width, lineWidth, color); } function drawVerticalLine(painter: Painter, x: number, lineWidth: number, color: Color) { drawDebugSSRect(painter, x - lineWidth / 2, 0, lineWidth, painter.transform.height, color); } function drawDebugSSRect(painter: Painter, x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, color: Color) { const context = painter.context; const gl =; gl.enable(gl.SCISSOR_TEST); gl.scissor(x * painter.pixelRatio, y * painter.pixelRatio, width * painter.pixelRatio, height * painter.pixelRatio); context.clear({color}); gl.disable(gl.SCISSOR_TEST); } export function drawDebug(painter: Painter, sourceCache: SourceCache, coords: Array) { for (let i = 0; i < coords.length; i++) { drawDebugTile(painter, sourceCache, coords[i]); } } function drawDebugTile(painter: Painter, sourceCache: SourceCache, coord: OverscaledTileID) { const context = painter.context; const gl =; const posMatrix = coord.posMatrix; const program = painter.useProgram('debug'); const depthMode = DepthMode.disabled; const stencilMode = StencilMode.disabled; const colorMode = painter.colorModeForRenderPass(); const id = '$debug'; const terrainData = &&; context.activeTexture.set(gl.TEXTURE0); const tileRawData = sourceCache.getTileByID(coord.key).latestRawTileData; const tileByteLength = (tileRawData && tileRawData.byteLength) || 0; const tileSizeKb = Math.floor(tileByteLength / 1024); const tileSize = sourceCache.getTile(coord).tileSize; const scaleRatio = (512 / Math.min(tileSize, 512) * (coord.overscaledZ / painter.transform.zoom)) * 0.5; let tileIdText = coord.canonical.toString(); if (coord.overscaledZ !== coord.canonical.z) { tileIdText += ` => ${coord.overscaledZ}`; } const tileLabel = `${tileIdText} ${tileSizeKb}kB`; drawTextToOverlay(painter, tileLabel); program.draw(context, gl.TRIANGLES, depthMode, stencilMode, ColorMode.alphaBlended, CullFaceMode.disabled, debugUniformValues(posMatrix, Color.transparent, scaleRatio), null, id, painter.debugBuffer, painter.quadTriangleIndexBuffer, painter.debugSegments); program.draw(context, gl.LINE_STRIP, depthMode, stencilMode, colorMode, CullFaceMode.disabled, debugUniformValues(posMatrix,, terrainData, id, painter.debugBuffer, painter.tileBorderIndexBuffer, painter.debugSegments); } function drawTextToOverlay(painter: Painter, text: string) { painter.initDebugOverlayCanvas(); const canvas = painter.debugOverlayCanvas; const gl =; const ctx2d = painter.debugOverlayCanvas.getContext('2d'); ctx2d.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); ctx2d.shadowColor = 'white'; ctx2d.shadowBlur = 2; ctx2d.lineWidth = 1.5; ctx2d.strokeStyle = 'white'; ctx2d.textBaseline = 'top'; ctx2d.font = `bold ${36}px Open Sans, sans-serif`; ctx2d.fillText(text, 5, 5); ctx2d.strokeText(text, 5, 5); painter.debugOverlayTexture.update(canvas); painter.debugOverlayTexture.bind(gl.LINEAR, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE); } export function selectDebugSource(style: Style, zoom: number): SourceCache | null { // Use vector source with highest maxzoom // Else use source with highest maxzoom of any type let selectedSource: SourceCache = null; const layers = Object.values(style._layers); const sources = layers.flatMap((layer) => { if (layer.source && !layer.isHidden(zoom)) { const sourceCache = style.sourceCaches[layer.source]; return [sourceCache]; } else { return []; } }); const vectorSources = sources.filter((source) => source.getSource().type === 'vector'); const otherSources = sources.filter((source) => source.getSource().type !== 'vector'); const considerSource = (source: SourceCache) => { if (!selectedSource || (selectedSource.getSource().maxzoom < source.getSource().maxzoom)) { selectedSource = source; } }; vectorSources.forEach((source) => considerSource(source)); if (!selectedSource) { otherSources.forEach((source) => considerSource(source)); } return selectedSource; }