/* eslint-disable */ var maplibregl = {}; var modules = {}; function define(moduleName, _dependencies, moduleFactory) { modules[moduleName] = moduleFactory; // to get the list of modules see generated dist/maplibre-gl-dev.js file (look for `define(` calls) if (moduleName !== 'index') { return; } // we assume that when an index module is initializing then other modules are loaded already var workerBundleString = 'var sharedModule = {}; (' + modules.shared + ')(sharedModule); (' + modules.worker + ')(sharedModule);' var sharedModule = {}; // the order of arguments of a module factory depends on rollup (it decides who is whose dependency) // to check the correct order, see dist/maplibre-gl-dev.js file (look for `define(` calls) // we assume that for our 3 chunks it will generate 3 modules and their order is predefined like the following modules.shared(sharedModule); modules.index(maplibregl, sharedModule); if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { maplibregl.setWorkerUrl(window.URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([workerBundleString], { type: 'text/javascript' }))); } return maplibregl; };