#!/usr/bin/env node import * as fs from 'fs'; import semver from 'semver'; const changelogPath = 'CHANGELOG.md'; const changelog = fs.readFileSync(changelogPath, 'utf8'); /* Parse the raw changelog text and split it into individual releases. This regular expression: - Matches lines starting with "## x.x.x". - Groups the version number. - Skips the (optional) release date. - Groups the changelog content. - Ends when another "## x.x.x" is found. */ const regex = /^## (\d+\.\d+\.\d+.*?)\n(.+?)(?=\n^## \d+\.\d+\.\d+.*?\n)/gms; let releaseNotes = []; let match; // eslint-disable-next-line no-cond-assign while (match = regex.exec(changelog)) { releaseNotes.push({ 'version': match[1], 'changelog': match[2].trim(), }); } const latest = releaseNotes[0]; const previous = releaseNotes[1]; // Print the release notes template. const templatedReleaseNotes = `https://github.com/maplibre/maplibre-gl-js [Changes](https://github.com/maplibre/maplibre-gl-js/compare/v${previous.version}...v${latest.version}) since [MapLibre GL JS v${previous.version}](https://github.com/maplibre/releases/tag/v${previous.version}): ${latest.changelog} ${semver.prerelease(latest.version) ? 'Pre-release version' : ''}`; // eslint-disable-next-line eol-last process.stdout.write(templatedReleaseNotes.trimEnd());