"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.Listr = void 0; const pMap = require("p-map"); const rxjs_1 = require("rxjs"); const state_constants_1 = require("./constants/state.constants"); const task_1 = require("./lib/task"); const task_wrapper_1 = require("./lib/task-wrapper"); const renderer_1 = require("./utils/renderer"); /** * Creates a new set of Listr2 task list. */ class Listr { constructor(task, options) { var _a, _b, _c; this.task = task; this.options = options; this.tasks = []; this.err = []; this.renderHook$ = new rxjs_1.Subject(); // assign over default options this.options = { ...{ concurrent: false, renderer: 'default', nonTTYRenderer: 'verbose', exitOnError: true, exitAfterRollback: true, registerSignalListeners: true }, ...options }; // define parallel options if (this.options.concurrent === true) { this.concurrency = Infinity; } else if (typeof this.options.concurrent === 'number') { this.concurrency = this.options.concurrent; } else { this.concurrency = 1; } // get renderer class const renderer = (0, renderer_1.getRenderer)(this.options.renderer, this.options.nonTTYRenderer, (_a = this.options) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.rendererFallback, (_b = this.options) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.rendererSilent); this.rendererClass = renderer.renderer; // depending on the result pass the given options in if (!renderer.nonTTY) { this.rendererClassOptions = this.options.rendererOptions; } else { this.rendererClassOptions = this.options.nonTTYRendererOptions; } // parse and add tasks /* istanbul ignore next */ this.add(task !== null && task !== void 0 ? task : []); // Graceful interrupt for render cleanup /* istanbul ignore if */ if (this.options.registerSignalListeners) { process .once('SIGINT', () => { this.tasks.forEach(async (task) => { if (task.isPending()) { task.state$ = state_constants_1.ListrTaskState.FAILED; } }); this.renderer.end(new Error('Interrupted.')); process.exit(127); }) .setMaxListeners(0); } // disable color programatically for CI purposes /* istanbul ignore if */ if ((_c = this.options) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.disableColor) { process.env.LISTR_DISABLE_COLOR = '1'; } } add(task) { const tasks = Array.isArray(task) ? task : [task]; tasks.forEach((task) => { this.tasks.push(new task_1.Task(this, task, this.options, { ...this.rendererClassOptions, ...task.options })); }); } async run(context) { var _a, _b, _c; // start the renderer if (!this.renderer) { this.renderer = new this.rendererClass(this.tasks, this.rendererClassOptions, this.renderHook$); } this.renderer.render(); // create a new context this.ctx = (_c = (_b = (_a = this.options) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.ctx) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : context) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : {}; // check if the items are enabled await this.checkAll(this.ctx); // run tasks try { await pMap(this.tasks, async (task) => { // check this item is enabled, conditions may change depending on context await task.check(this.ctx); return this.runTask(task, this.ctx, this.err); }, { concurrency: this.concurrency }); this.renderer.end(); } catch (err) { if (this.options.exitOnError !== false) { this.renderer.end(err); // Do not exit when explicitly set to `false` throw err; } } return this.ctx; } checkAll(context) { return Promise.all(this.tasks.map((task) => task.check(context))); } runTask(task, context, errors) { if (!task.isEnabled()) { return Promise.resolve(); } return new task_wrapper_1.TaskWrapper(task, errors, this.options).run(context); } } exports.Listr = Listr;