import HTMLElement from '../html-element/HTMLElement.js'; import * as PropertySymbol from '../../PropertySymbol.js'; import IHTMLElement from '../html-element/IHTMLElement.js'; import IHTMLFormElement from '../html-form-element/IHTMLFormElement.js'; import ValidityState from '../../validity-state/ValidityState.js'; import IHTMLLabelElement from '../html-label-element/IHTMLLabelElement.js'; import HTMLOptionElement from '../html-option-element/HTMLOptionElement.js'; import HTMLOptionsCollection from './HTMLOptionsCollection.js'; import INodeList from '../node/INodeList.js'; import IHTMLSelectElement from './IHTMLSelectElement.js'; import Event from '../../event/Event.js'; import IHTMLOptionElement from '../html-option-element/IHTMLOptionElement.js'; import IHTMLOptionsCollection from './IHTMLOptionsCollection.js'; import INode from '../node/INode.js'; import NodeTypeEnum from '../node/NodeTypeEnum.js'; import HTMLFormElement from '../html-form-element/HTMLFormElement.js'; import HTMLLabelElementUtility from '../html-label-element/HTMLLabelElementUtility.js'; import INamedNodeMap from '../../named-node-map/INamedNodeMap.js'; import HTMLSelectElementNamedNodeMap from './HTMLSelectElementNamedNodeMap.js'; /** * HTML Select Element. * * Reference: * */ export default class HTMLSelectElement extends HTMLElement implements IHTMLSelectElement { // Internal properties. public override [PropertySymbol.attributes]: INamedNodeMap = new HTMLSelectElementNamedNodeMap( this ); public [PropertySymbol.validationMessage] = ''; public [PropertySymbol.validity] = new ValidityState(this); public [PropertySymbol.selectNode]: INode = this; public [PropertySymbol.length] = 0; public [PropertySymbol.options]: IHTMLOptionsCollection = new HTMLOptionsCollection(this); // Events public onchange: (event: Event) => void | null = null; public oninput: (event: Event) => void | null = null; /** * Returns length. * * @returns Length. */ public get length(): number { return this[PropertySymbol.length]; } /** * Returns options. * * @returns Options. */ public get options(): IHTMLOptionsCollection { return this[PropertySymbol.options]; } /** * Returns validation message. * * @returns Validation message. */ public get validationMessage(): string { return this[PropertySymbol.validationMessage]; } /** * Returns validity. * * @returns Validity. */ public get validity(): ValidityState { return this[PropertySymbol.validity]; } /** * Returns name. * * @returns Name. */ public get name(): string { return this.getAttribute('name') || ''; } /** * Sets name. * * @param name Name. */ public set name(name: string) { this.setAttribute('name', name); } /** * Returns disabled. * * @returns Disabled. */ public get disabled(): boolean { return this.getAttribute('disabled') !== null; } /** * Sets disabled. * * @param disabled Disabled. */ public set disabled(disabled: boolean) { if (!disabled) { this.removeAttribute('disabled'); } else { this.setAttribute('disabled', ''); } } /** * Returns multiple. * * @returns Multiple. */ public get multiple(): boolean { return this.getAttribute('multiple') !== null; } /** * Sets multiple. * * @param multiple Multiple. */ public set multiple(multiple: boolean) { if (!multiple) { this.removeAttribute('multiple'); } else { this.setAttribute('multiple', ''); } } /** * Returns autofocus. * * @returns Autofocus. */ public get autofocus(): boolean { return this.getAttribute('autofocus') !== null; } /** * Sets autofocus. * * @param autofocus Autofocus. */ public set autofocus(autofocus: boolean) { if (!autofocus) { this.removeAttribute('autofocus'); } else { this.setAttribute('autofocus', ''); } } /** * Returns required. * * @returns Required. */ public get required(): boolean { return this.getAttribute('required') !== null; } /** * Sets required. * * @param required Required. */ public set required(required: boolean) { if (!required) { this.removeAttribute('required'); } else { this.setAttribute('required', ''); } } /** * Returns type. * * @returns type. */ public get type(): string { return this.hasAttributeNS(null, 'multiple') ? 'select-multiple' : 'select-one'; } /** * Returns value. * * @returns Value. */ public get value(): string { for (let i = 0, max = this[PropertySymbol.options].length; i < max; i++) { const option = this[PropertySymbol.options][i]; if (option[PropertySymbol.selectedness]) { return option.value; } } return ''; } /** * Sets value. * * @param value Value. */ public set value(value: string) { for (let i = 0, max = this[PropertySymbol.options].length; i < max; i++) { const option = this[PropertySymbol.options][i]; if (option.value === value) { option[PropertySymbol.selectedness] = true; option[PropertySymbol.dirtyness] = true; } else { option[PropertySymbol.selectedness] = false; } } } /** * Returns value. * * @returns Value. */ public get selectedIndex(): number { for (let i = 0, max = this[PropertySymbol.options].length; i < max; i++) { if ((this[PropertySymbol.options][i])[PropertySymbol.selectedness]) { return i; } } return -1; } /** * Sets value. * * @param selectedIndex Selected index. */ public set selectedIndex(selectedIndex: number) { if (typeof selectedIndex === 'number' && !isNaN(selectedIndex)) { for (let i = 0, max = this[PropertySymbol.options].length; i < max; i++) { (this[PropertySymbol.options][i])[PropertySymbol.selectedness] = false; } const selectedOption = this[PropertySymbol.options][selectedIndex]; if (selectedOption) { selectedOption[PropertySymbol.selectedness] = true; selectedOption[PropertySymbol.dirtyness] = true; } } } /** * Returns the associated label elements. * * @returns Label elements. */ public get labels(): INodeList { return HTMLLabelElementUtility.getAssociatedLabelElements(this); } /** * Returns the parent form element. * * @returns Form. */ public get form(): IHTMLFormElement { return this[PropertySymbol.formNode]; } /** * Returns "true" if it will validate. * * @returns "true" if it will validate. */ public get willValidate(): boolean { return ( this.type !== 'hidden' && this.type !== 'reset' && this.type !== 'button' && !this.disabled && !this['readOnly'] ); } /** * Returns item from options collection by index. * * @param index Index. */ public item(index: number): IHTMLOptionElement { return this[PropertySymbol.options].item(index); } /** * Adds new option to options collection. * * @param element HTMLOptionElement to add. * @param before HTMLOptionElement or index number. */ public add(element: IHTMLOptionElement, before?: number | IHTMLOptionElement): void { this[PropertySymbol.options].add(element, before); } /** * Removes indexed element from collection or the select element. * * @param [index] Index. */ public override remove(index?: number): void { if (typeof index === 'number') { this[PropertySymbol.options].remove(index); } else { super.remove(); } } /** * Sets validation message. * * @param message Message. */ public setCustomValidity(message: string): void { this[PropertySymbol.validationMessage] = String(message); } /** * Checks validity. * * @returns "true" if the field is valid. */ public checkValidity(): boolean { const valid = this.disabled || this[PropertySymbol.validity].valid; if (!valid) { this.dispatchEvent(new Event('invalid', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true })); } return valid; } /** * Reports validity. * * @returns "true" if the field is valid. */ public reportValidity(): boolean { return this.checkValidity(); } /** * Updates option item. * * Based on: * * * @see * @param [selectedOption] Selected option. */ public [PropertySymbol.updateOptionItems](selectedOption?: IHTMLOptionElement): void { const optionElements = this.getElementsByTagName('option'); if (optionElements.length < this[PropertySymbol.options].length) { this[PropertySymbol.options].splice( this[PropertySymbol.options].length - 1, this[PropertySymbol.options].length - optionElements.length ); for (let i = optionElements.length - 1, max = this[PropertySymbol.length]; i < max; i++) { delete this[i]; } } const isMultiple = this.hasAttributeNS(null, 'multiple'); const selected: HTMLOptionElement[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < optionElements.length; i++) { this[PropertySymbol.options][i] = optionElements[i]; this[i] = optionElements[i]; if (!isMultiple) { if (selectedOption) { (optionElements[i])[PropertySymbol.selectedness] = optionElements[i] === selectedOption; } if ((optionElements[i])[PropertySymbol.selectedness]) { selected.push(optionElements[i]); } } } (this[PropertySymbol.length]) = optionElements.length; const size = this.#getDisplaySize(); if (size === 1 && !selected.length) { for (let i = 0, max = optionElements.length; i < max; i++) { const option = optionElements[i]; let disabled = option.hasAttributeNS(null, 'disabled'); const parentNode = option[PropertySymbol.parentNode]; if ( parentNode && parentNode[PropertySymbol.nodeType] === NodeTypeEnum.elementNode && parentNode[PropertySymbol.tagName] === 'OPTGROUP' && parentNode.hasAttributeNS(null, 'disabled') ) { disabled = true; } if (!disabled) { option[PropertySymbol.selectedness] = true; break; } } } else if (selected.length >= 2) { for (let i = 0, max = optionElements.length; i < max; i++) { (optionElements[i])[PropertySymbol.selectedness] = i === selected.length - 1; } } } /** * @override */ public override [PropertySymbol.connectToNode](parentNode: INode = null): void { const oldFormNode = this[PropertySymbol.formNode]; super[PropertySymbol.connectToNode](parentNode); if (oldFormNode !== this[PropertySymbol.formNode]) { if (oldFormNode) { oldFormNode[PropertySymbol.removeFormControlItem](this,; oldFormNode[PropertySymbol.removeFormControlItem](this,; } if (this[PropertySymbol.formNode]) { (this[PropertySymbol.formNode])[PropertySymbol.appendFormControlItem]( this, ); (this[PropertySymbol.formNode])[PropertySymbol.appendFormControlItem]( this, ); } } } /** * Returns display size. * * @returns Display size. */ #getDisplaySize(): number { if (this.hasAttributeNS(null, 'size')) { const size = parseInt(this.getAttribute('size')); if (!isNaN(size) && size >= 0) { return size; } } return this.hasAttributeNS(null, 'multiple') ? 4 : 1; } }