import INamedNodeMap from './INamedNodeMap.js'; import * as PropertySymbol from '../PropertySymbol.js'; import IAttr from '../nodes/attr/IAttr.js'; import DOMException from '../exception/DOMException.js'; import DOMExceptionNameEnum from '../exception/DOMExceptionNameEnum.js'; /** * Named Node Map. * * @see */ export default class NamedNodeMap implements INamedNodeMap { [index: number]: IAttr; public length = 0; protected [PropertySymbol.namedItems]: { [k: string]: IAttr } = {}; /** * Returns string. * * @returns string. */ public get [Symbol.toStringTag](): string { return 'NamedNodeMap'; } /** * Iterator. * * @returns Iterator. */ public *[Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator { for (let i = 0, max = this.length; i < max; i++) { yield this[i]; } } /** * Returns item by index. * * @param index Index. */ public item(index: number): IAttr | null { return index >= 0 && this[index] ? this[index] : null; } /** * Returns named item. * * @param name Name. * @returns Item. */ public getNamedItem(name: string): IAttr | null { return this[PropertySymbol.namedItems][name] || null; } /** * Returns item by name and namespace. * * @param namespace Namespace. * @param localName Local name of the attribute. * @returns Item. */ public getNamedItemNS(namespace: string, localName: string): IAttr | null { const attribute = this.getNamedItem(localName); if ( attribute && attribute[PropertySymbol.namespaceURI] === namespace && attribute.localName === localName ) { return attribute; } for (let i = 0, max = this.length; i < max; i++) { if (this[i][PropertySymbol.namespaceURI] === namespace && this[i].localName === localName) { return this[i]; } } return null; } /** * Sets named item. * * @param item Item. * @returns Replaced item. */ public setNamedItem(item: IAttr): IAttr | null { return this[PropertySymbol.setNamedItemWithoutConsequences](item); } /** * Adds a new namespaced item. * * @alias setNamedItem() * @param item Item. * @returns Replaced item. */ public setNamedItemNS(item: IAttr): IAttr | null { return this.setNamedItem(item); } /** * Removes an item. * * @throws DOMException * @param name Name of item. * @returns Removed item. */ public removeNamedItem(name: string): IAttr { const item = this[PropertySymbol.removeNamedItem](name); if (!item) { throw new DOMException( `Failed to execute 'removeNamedItem' on 'NamedNodeMap': No item with name '${name}' was found.`, DOMExceptionNameEnum.notFoundError ); } return item; } /** * Removes a namespaced item. * * @param namespace Namespace. * @param localName Local name of the item. * @returns Removed item. */ public removeNamedItemNS(namespace: string, localName: string): IAttr | null { const attribute = this.getNamedItemNS(namespace, localName); if (attribute) { return this.removeNamedItem(attribute[]); } return null; } /** * Sets named item without calling listeners for certain attributes. * * @param item Item. * @returns Replaced item. */ public [PropertySymbol.setNamedItemWithoutConsequences](item: IAttr): IAttr | null { if (item[]) { const replacedItem = this[PropertySymbol.namedItems][item[]] || null; this[PropertySymbol.namedItems][item[]] = item; if (replacedItem) { this[PropertySymbol.removeNamedItemIndex](replacedItem); } this[this.length] = item; this.length++; if (this[PropertySymbol.isValidPropertyName](item[])) { this[item[]] = item; } return replacedItem; } return null; } /** * Removes an item without throwing if it doesn't exist. * * @param name Name of item. * @returns Removed item, or null if it didn't exist. */ public [PropertySymbol.removeNamedItem](name: string): IAttr | null { return this[PropertySymbol.removeNamedItemWithoutConsequences](name); } /** * Removes an item without calling listeners for certain attributes. * * @param name Name of item. * @returns Removed item, or null if it didn't exist. */ public [PropertySymbol.removeNamedItemWithoutConsequences](name: string): IAttr | null { const removedItem = this[PropertySymbol.namedItems][name] || null; if (!removedItem) { return null; } this[PropertySymbol.removeNamedItemIndex](removedItem); if (this[name] === removedItem) { delete this[name]; } delete this[PropertySymbol.namedItems][name]; return removedItem; } /** * Removes an item from index. * * @param item Item. */ protected [PropertySymbol.removeNamedItemIndex](item: IAttr): void { for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { if (this[i] === item) { for (let b = i; b < this.length; b++) { if (b < this.length - 1) { this[b] = this[b + 1]; } else { delete this[b]; } } this.length--; break; } } } /** * Returns "true" if the property name is valid. * * @param name Name. * @returns True if the property name is valid. */ protected [PropertySymbol.isValidPropertyName](name: string): boolean { return ( !!name && !this.constructor.prototype.hasOwnProperty(name) && (isNaN(Number(name)) || name.includes('.')) ); } }