import CSSMeasurementConverter from '../css/declaration/measurement-converter/CSSMeasurementConverter.js'; import BrowserWindow from '../window/BrowserWindow.js'; import WindowBrowserContext from '../window/WindowBrowserContext.js'; import IMediaQueryRange from './IMediaQueryRange.js'; import IMediaQueryRule from './IMediaQueryRule.js'; import MediaQueryTypeEnum from './MediaQueryTypeEnum.js'; /** * Media query this. */ export default class MediaQueryItem { public mediaTypes: MediaQueryTypeEnum[]; public not: boolean; public rules: IMediaQueryRule[]; public ranges: IMediaQueryRange[]; private rootFontSize: string | number | null = null; private window: BrowserWindow; /** * Constructor. * * @param options Options. * @param options.window Owner window. * @param [options.rootFontSize] Root font size. * @param [options.mediaTypes] Media types. * @param [options.not] Not. * @param [options.rules] Rules. * @param [options.ranges] Ranges. */ constructor(options: { window: BrowserWindow; rootFontSize?: string | number | null; mediaTypes?: MediaQueryTypeEnum[]; not?: boolean; rules?: IMediaQueryRule[]; ranges?: IMediaQueryRange[]; }) { this.window = options.window; this.rootFontSize = options.rootFontSize || null; this.mediaTypes = options.mediaTypes || []; this.not = options.not || false; this.rules = options.rules || []; this.ranges = options.ranges || []; } /** * Returns media string. */ public toString(): string { return `${this.not ? 'not ' : ''}${this.mediaTypes.join(', ')}${ (this.not || this.mediaTypes.length > 0) && !!this.ranges.length ? ' and ' : '' }${this.ranges .map( (range) => `(${range.before ? `${range.before.value} ${range.before.operator} ` : ''}${range.type}${ range.after ? ` ${range.after.operator} ${range.after.value}` : '' })` ) .join(' and ')}${ (this.not || this.mediaTypes.length > 0) && !!this.rules.length ? ' and ' : '' }${this.rules .map((rule) => (rule.value ? `(${}: ${rule.value})` : `(${})`)) .join(' and ')}`; } /** * Returns "true" if the item matches. */ public matches(): boolean { return this.not ? !this.matchesAll() : this.matchesAll(); } /** * Returns "true" if all matches. * * @returns "true" if all matches. */ private matchesAll(): boolean { if (!!this.mediaTypes.length) { let isMediaTypeMatch = false; for (const mediaType of this.mediaTypes) { if (this.matchesMediaType(mediaType)) { isMediaTypeMatch = true; break; } } if (!isMediaTypeMatch) { return false; } } for (const rule of this.rules) { if (!this.matchesRule(rule)) { return false; } } for (const range of this.ranges) { if (!this.matchesRange(range)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Returns "true" if the mediaType matches. * * @param mediaType Media type. * @returns "true" if the mediaType matches. */ private matchesMediaType(mediaType: MediaQueryTypeEnum): boolean { if (mediaType === MediaQueryTypeEnum.all) { return true; } return mediaType === new WindowBrowserContext(this.window).getSettings()?.device.mediaType; } /** * Returns "true" if the range matches. * * @param range Range. * @returns "true" if the range matches. */ private matchesRange(range: IMediaQueryRange): boolean { const windowSize = range.type === 'width' ? this.window.innerWidth : this.window.innerHeight; if (range.before) { const beforeValue = this.toPixels(range.before.value); if (beforeValue === null) { return false; } switch (range.before.operator) { case '<': if (beforeValue >= windowSize) { return false; } break; case '<=': if (beforeValue > windowSize) { return false; } break; case '>': if (beforeValue <= windowSize) { return false; } break; case '>=': if (beforeValue < windowSize) { return false; } break; } } if (range.after) { const afterValue = this.toPixels(range.after.value); if (afterValue === null) { return false; } switch (range.after.operator) { case '<': if (windowSize >= afterValue) { return false; } break; case '<=': if (windowSize > afterValue) { return false; } break; case '>': if (windowSize <= afterValue) { return false; } break; case '>=': if (windowSize < afterValue) { return false; } break; } } return true; } /** * Returns "true" if the rule matches. * * @param rule Rule. * @returns "true" if the rule matches. */ private matchesRule(rule: IMediaQueryRule): boolean { if (!rule.value) { switch ( { case 'min-width': case 'max-width': case 'min-height': case 'max-height': case 'width': case 'height': case 'orientation': case 'prefers-color-scheme': case 'hover': case 'any-hover': case 'any-pointer': case 'pointer': case 'display-mode': case 'min-aspect-ratio': case 'max-aspect-ratio': case 'aspect-ratio': return true; } return false; } switch ( { case 'min-width': const minWidth = this.toPixels(rule.value); return minWidth !== null && this.window.innerWidth >= minWidth; case 'max-width': const maxWidth = this.toPixels(rule.value); return maxWidth !== null && this.window.innerWidth <= maxWidth; case 'min-height': const minHeight = this.toPixels(rule.value); return minHeight !== null && this.window.innerHeight >= minHeight; case 'max-height': const maxHeight = this.toPixels(rule.value); return maxHeight !== null && this.window.innerHeight <= maxHeight; case 'width': const width = this.toPixels(rule.value); return width !== null && this.window.innerWidth === width; case 'height': const height = this.toPixels(rule.value); return height !== null && this.window.innerHeight === height; case 'orientation': return rule.value === 'landscape' ? this.window.innerWidth > this.window.innerHeight : this.window.innerWidth < this.window.innerHeight; case 'prefers-color-scheme': return ( rule.value === new WindowBrowserContext(this.window).getSettings().device.prefersColorScheme ); case 'any-hover': case 'hover': if (rule.value === 'none') { return this.window.navigator.maxTouchPoints > 0; } if (rule.value === 'hover') { return this.window.navigator.maxTouchPoints === 0; } return false; case 'any-pointer': case 'pointer': if (rule.value === 'none') { return false; } if (rule.value === 'coarse') { return this.window.navigator.maxTouchPoints > 0; } if (rule.value === 'fine') { return this.window.navigator.maxTouchPoints === 0; } return false; case 'display-mode': return rule.value === 'browser'; case 'min-aspect-ratio': case 'max-aspect-ratio': case 'aspect-ratio': const aspectRatio = rule.value.split('/'); const aspectRatioWidth = parseInt(aspectRatio[0], 10); const aspectRatioHeight = parseInt(aspectRatio[1], 10); if (isNaN(aspectRatioWidth) || isNaN(aspectRatioHeight)) { return false; } switch ( { case 'min-aspect-ratio': return ( aspectRatioWidth / aspectRatioHeight <= this.window.innerWidth / this.window.innerHeight ); case 'max-aspect-ratio': return ( aspectRatioWidth / aspectRatioHeight >= this.window.innerWidth / this.window.innerHeight ); case 'aspect-ratio': return ( aspectRatioWidth / aspectRatioHeight === this.window.innerWidth / this.window.innerHeight ); } } return false; } /** * Convert to pixels. * * @param value Value. * @returns Value in pixels. */ private toPixels(value: string): number | null { if ( !new WindowBrowserContext(this.window).getSettings()?.disableComputedStyleRendering && value.endsWith('em') ) { this.rootFontSize = this.rootFontSize || parseFloat(this.window.getComputedStyle(this.window.document.documentElement).fontSize); return CSSMeasurementConverter.toPixels({ window: this.window, value, rootFontSize: this.rootFontSize, parentFontSize: this.rootFontSize }); } return CSSMeasurementConverter.toPixels({ window: this.window, value, rootFontSize: 16, parentFontSize: 16 }); } }