import * as PropertySymbol from '../PropertySymbol.js'; import IRequestInit from './types/IRequestInit.js'; import URL from '../url/URL.js'; import DOMExceptionNameEnum from '../exception/DOMExceptionNameEnum.js'; import IRequestInfo from './types/IRequestInfo.js'; import Headers from './Headers.js'; import FetchBodyUtility from './utilities/FetchBodyUtility.js'; import AbortSignal from './AbortSignal.js'; import { ReadableStream } from 'stream/web'; import Blob from '../file/Blob.js'; import FetchRequestValidationUtility from './utilities/FetchRequestValidationUtility.js'; import IRequestReferrerPolicy from './types/IRequestReferrerPolicy.js'; import IRequestRedirect from './types/IRequestRedirect.js'; import FetchRequestReferrerUtility from './utilities/FetchRequestReferrerUtility.js'; import FetchRequestHeaderUtility from './utilities/FetchRequestHeaderUtility.js'; import IRequestCredentials from './types/IRequestCredentials.js'; import FormData from '../form-data/FormData.js'; import MultipartFormDataParser from './multipart/MultipartFormDataParser.js'; import BrowserWindow from '../window/BrowserWindow.js'; import WindowBrowserContext from '../window/WindowBrowserContext.js'; /** * Fetch request. * * Based on: * * * @see */ export default class Request implements Request { // Injected by WindowContextClassExtender protected declare [PropertySymbol.window]: BrowserWindow; // Public properties public readonly method: string; public readonly body: ReadableStream | null; public readonly headers: Headers; public readonly redirect: IRequestRedirect; public readonly referrerPolicy: IRequestReferrerPolicy; public readonly signal: AbortSignal; public readonly bodyUsed: boolean = false; public readonly credentials: IRequestCredentials; // Internal properties public [PropertySymbol.aborted]: boolean = false; public [PropertySymbol.contentLength]: number | null = null; public [PropertySymbol.contentType]: string | null = null; public [PropertySymbol.referrer]: '' | 'no-referrer' | 'client' | URL = 'client'; public [PropertySymbol.url]: URL; public [PropertySymbol.bodyBuffer]: Buffer | null; /** * Constructor. * * @param input Input. * @param [init] Init. */ constructor(input: IRequestInfo, init?: IRequestInit) { const window = this[PropertySymbol.window]; if (!window) { throw new TypeError( `Failed to construct 'Request': 'Request' was constructed outside a Window context.` ); } if (!input) { throw new window.TypeError( `Failed to contruct 'Request': 1 argument required, only 0 present.` ); } this.method = (init?.method || (input).method || 'GET').toUpperCase(); const { stream, buffer, contentType, contentLength } = FetchBodyUtility.getBodyStream( input instanceof Request && (input[PropertySymbol.bodyBuffer] || input.body) ? input[PropertySymbol.bodyBuffer] || FetchBodyUtility.cloneBodyStream(window, input) : init?.body ); this[PropertySymbol.bodyBuffer] = buffer; this.body = stream; this.credentials = init?.credentials || (input).credentials || 'same-origin'; this.headers = new Headers(init?.headers || (input).headers || {}); FetchRequestHeaderUtility.removeForbiddenHeaders(this.headers); if (contentLength) { this[PropertySymbol.contentLength] = contentLength; } else if (!this.body && (this.method === 'POST' || this.method === 'PUT')) { this[PropertySymbol.contentLength] = 0; } if (contentType) { if (!this.headers.has('Content-Type')) { this.headers.set('Content-Type', contentType); } this[PropertySymbol.contentType] = contentType; } else if (input instanceof Request && input[PropertySymbol.contentType]) { this[PropertySymbol.contentType] = input[PropertySymbol.contentType]; } this.redirect = init?.redirect || (input).redirect || 'follow'; this.referrerPolicy = ( (init?.referrerPolicy || (input).referrerPolicy || '').toLowerCase() ); this.signal = init?.signal || (input).signal || new window.AbortSignal(); this[PropertySymbol.referrer] = FetchRequestReferrerUtility.getInitialReferrer( window, init?.referrer !== null && init?.referrer !== undefined ? init?.referrer : (input).referrer ); if (input instanceof URL) { this[PropertySymbol.url] = input; } else { try { if (input instanceof Request && input.url) { this[PropertySymbol.url] = new URL(input.url, window.location.href); } else { this[PropertySymbol.url] = new URL(input, window.location.href); } } catch (error) { throw new window.DOMException( `Failed to construct 'Request': Invalid URL "${input}" on document location '${ window.location }'.${ window.location.origin === 'null' ? ' Relative URLs are not permitted on current document location.' : '' }`, DOMExceptionNameEnum.notSupportedError ); } } FetchRequestValidationUtility.validateMethod(this); FetchRequestValidationUtility.validateBody(this); FetchRequestValidationUtility.validateURL(this[PropertySymbol.url]); FetchRequestValidationUtility.validateReferrerPolicy(this.referrerPolicy); FetchRequestValidationUtility.validateRedirect(this.redirect); } /** * Returns referrer. * * @returns Referrer. */ public get referrer(): string { if (!this[PropertySymbol.referrer] || this[PropertySymbol.referrer] === 'no-referrer') { return ''; } if (this[PropertySymbol.referrer] === 'client') { return 'about:client'; } return this[PropertySymbol.referrer].toString(); } /** * Returns URL. * * @returns URL. */ public get url(): string { return this[PropertySymbol.url].href; } /** * Returns string tag. * * @returns String tag. */ public get [Symbol.toStringTag](): string { return 'Request'; } /** * Returns array buffer. * * @returns Array buffer. */ public async arrayBuffer(): Promise { const window = this[PropertySymbol.window]; if (this.bodyUsed) { throw new window.DOMException( `Body has already been used for "${this.url}".`, DOMExceptionNameEnum.invalidStateError ); } const asyncTaskManager = new WindowBrowserContext(window).getAsyncTaskManager(); (this.bodyUsed) = true; const taskID = asyncTaskManager.startTask(() => { if (this.body) { this.body[PropertySymbol.aborted] = true; } this.signal[PropertySymbol.abort](); }); let buffer: Buffer; try { buffer = await FetchBodyUtility.consumeBodyStream(window, this.body); } catch (error) { asyncTaskManager.endTask(taskID); throw error; } asyncTaskManager.endTask(taskID); return buffer.buffer.slice(buffer.byteOffset, buffer.byteOffset + buffer.byteLength); } /** * Returns blob. * * @returns Blob. */ public async blob(): Promise { const type = this.headers.get('Content-Type') || ''; const buffer = await this.arrayBuffer(); return new Blob([buffer], { type }); } /** * Returns buffer. * * @returns Buffer. */ public async buffer(): Promise { const window = this[PropertySymbol.window]; if (this.bodyUsed) { throw new window.DOMException( `Body has already been used for "${this.url}".`, DOMExceptionNameEnum.invalidStateError ); } const asyncTaskManager = new WindowBrowserContext(window).getAsyncTaskManager(); (this.bodyUsed) = true; const taskID = asyncTaskManager.startTask(() => { if (this.body) { this.body[PropertySymbol.aborted] = true; } this.signal[PropertySymbol.abort](); }); let buffer: Buffer; try { buffer = await FetchBodyUtility.consumeBodyStream(window, this.body); } catch (error) { asyncTaskManager.endTask(taskID); throw error; } asyncTaskManager.endTask(taskID); return buffer; } /** * Returns text. * * @returns Text. */ public async text(): Promise { const window = this[PropertySymbol.window]; if (this.bodyUsed) { throw new window.DOMException( `Body has already been used for "${this.url}".`, DOMExceptionNameEnum.invalidStateError ); } const asyncTaskManager = new WindowBrowserContext(window).getAsyncTaskManager(); (this.bodyUsed) = true; const taskID = asyncTaskManager.startTask(() => { if (this.body) { this.body[PropertySymbol.aborted] = true; } this.signal[PropertySymbol.abort](); }); let buffer: Buffer; try { buffer = await FetchBodyUtility.consumeBodyStream(window, this.body); } catch (error) { asyncTaskManager.endTask(taskID); throw error; } asyncTaskManager.endTask(taskID); return new TextDecoder().decode(buffer); } /** * Returns json. * * @returns JSON. */ public async json(): Promise { const text = await this.text(); return JSON.parse(text); } /** * Returns FormData. * * @returns FormData. */ public async formData(): Promise { const window = this[PropertySymbol.window]; const asyncTaskManager = new WindowBrowserContext(window).getAsyncTaskManager(); const contentType = this[PropertySymbol.contentType]; if (/multipart/i.test(contentType)) { if (this.bodyUsed) { throw new window.DOMException( `Body has already been used for "${this.url}".`, DOMExceptionNameEnum.invalidStateError ); } (this.bodyUsed) = true; const taskID = asyncTaskManager.startTask(() => { if (this.body) { this.body[PropertySymbol.aborted] = true; } this.signal[PropertySymbol.abort](); }); let formData: FormData; try { const result = await MultipartFormDataParser.streamToFormData( window, this.body, contentType ); formData = result.formData; } catch (error) { asyncTaskManager.endTask(taskID); throw error; } asyncTaskManager.endTask(taskID); return formData; } if (contentType?.startsWith('application/x-www-form-urlencoded')) { const parameters = new URLSearchParams(await this.text()); const formData = new window.FormData(); for (const [key, value] of parameters) { formData.append(key, value); } return formData; } throw new window.DOMException( `Failed to construct FormData object: The "content-type" header is neither "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" nor "multipart/form-data".`, DOMExceptionNameEnum.invalidStateError ); } /** * Clones request. * * @returns Clone. */ public clone(): Request { return new this[PropertySymbol.window].Request(this); } }