import { Buffer } from 'buffer'; import { webcrypto } from 'crypto'; import { TextEncoder, TextDecoder } from 'util'; import Stream from 'stream'; import { ReadableStream } from 'stream/web'; import { URLSearchParams } from 'url'; import VM from 'vm'; import * as PropertySymbol from '../PropertySymbol.js'; import Base64 from '../base64/Base64.js'; import BrowserErrorCaptureEnum from '../browser/enums/BrowserErrorCaptureEnum.js'; import Clipboard from '../clipboard/Clipboard.js'; import CSS from '../css/CSS.js'; import CSSRule from '../css/CSSRule.js'; import CSSStyleDeclaration from '../css/declaration/CSSStyleDeclaration.js'; import CSSContainerRule from '../css/rules/CSSContainerRule.js'; import CSSFontFaceRule from '../css/rules/CSSFontFaceRule.js'; import CSSKeyframeRule from '../css/rules/CSSKeyframeRule.js'; import CSSKeyframesRule from '../css/rules/CSSKeyframesRule.js'; import CSSMediaRule from '../css/rules/CSSMediaRule.js'; import CSSStyleRule from '../css/rules/CSSStyleRule.js'; import CSSSupportsRule from '../css/rules/CSSSupportsRule.js'; import CustomElementRegistry from '../custom-element/CustomElementRegistry.js'; import Event from '../event/Event.js'; import EventTarget from '../event/EventTarget.js'; import Touch from '../event/Touch.js'; import UIEvent from '../event/UIEvent.js'; import AnimationEvent from '../event/events/AnimationEvent.js'; import ClipboardEvent from '../event/events/ClipboardEvent.js'; import CustomEvent from '../event/events/CustomEvent.js'; import ErrorEvent from '../event/events/ErrorEvent.js'; import FocusEvent from '../event/events/FocusEvent.js'; import HashChangeEvent from '../event/events/HashChangeEvent.js'; import InputEvent from '../event/events/InputEvent.js'; import KeyboardEvent from '../event/events/KeyboardEvent.js'; import MediaQueryListEvent from '../event/events/MediaQueryListEvent.js'; import MessageEvent from '../event/events/MessageEvent.js'; import MouseEvent from '../event/events/MouseEvent.js'; import PointerEvent from '../event/events/PointerEvent.js'; import ProgressEvent from '../event/events/ProgressEvent.js'; import StorageEvent from '../event/events/StorageEvent.js'; import SubmitEvent from '../event/events/SubmitEvent.js'; import TouchEvent from '../event/events/TouchEvent.js'; import WheelEvent from '../event/events/WheelEvent.js'; import DOMExceptionNameEnum from '../exception/DOMExceptionNameEnum.js'; import Fetch from '../fetch/Fetch.js'; import Blob from '../file/Blob.js'; import File from '../file/File.js'; import History from '../history/History.js'; import IntersectionObserver from '../intersection-observer/IntersectionObserver.js'; import IntersectionObserverEntry from '../intersection-observer/IntersectionObserverEntry.js'; import Location from '../location/Location.js'; import MediaQueryList from '../match-media/MediaQueryList.js'; import MutationRecord from '../mutation-observer/MutationRecord.js'; import MimeType from '../navigator/MimeType.js'; import MimeTypeArray from '../navigator/MimeTypeArray.js'; import Navigator from '../navigator/Navigator.js'; import Plugin from '../navigator/Plugin.js'; import PluginArray from '../navigator/PluginArray.js'; import Attr from '../nodes/attr/Attr.js'; import CharacterData from '../nodes/character-data/CharacterData.js'; import DocumentType from '../nodes/document-type/DocumentType.js'; import DocumentReadyStateEnum from '../nodes/document/DocumentReadyStateEnum.js'; import DocumentReadyStateManager from '../nodes/document/DocumentReadyStateManager.js'; import DOMRect from '../dom/DOMRect.js'; import DOMRectReadOnly from '../dom/DOMRectReadOnly.js'; import Element from '../nodes/element/Element.js'; import HTMLCollection from '../nodes/element/HTMLCollection.js'; import HTMLAnchorElement from '../nodes/html-anchor-element/HTMLAnchorElement.js'; import HTMLAreaElement from '../nodes/html-area-element/HTMLAreaElement.js'; import HTMLAudioElement from '../nodes/html-audio-element/HTMLAudioElement.js'; import HTMLBaseElement from '../nodes/html-base-element/HTMLBaseElement.js'; import HTMLBodyElement from '../nodes/html-body-element/HTMLBodyElement.js'; import HTMLBRElement from '../nodes/html-br-element/HTMLBRElement.js'; import HTMLButtonElement from '../nodes/html-button-element/HTMLButtonElement.js'; import HTMLCanvasElement from '../nodes/html-canvas-element/HTMLCanvasElement.js'; import HTMLDListElement from '../nodes/html-d-list-element/HTMLDListElement.js'; import HTMLDataElement from '../nodes/html-data-element/HTMLDataElement.js'; import HTMLDataListElement from '../nodes/html-data-list-element/HTMLDataListElement.js'; import HTMLDetailsElement from '../nodes/html-details-element/HTMLDetailsElement.js'; import HTMLDialogElement from '../nodes/html-dialog-element/HTMLDialogElement.js'; import HTMLDivElement from '../nodes/html-div-element/HTMLDivElement.js'; import HTMLElement from '../nodes/html-element/HTMLElement.js'; import HTMLEmbedElement from '../nodes/html-embed-element/HTMLEmbedElement.js'; import HTMLFieldSetElement from '../nodes/html-field-set-element/HTMLFieldSetElement.js'; import HTMLFormControlsCollection from '../nodes/html-form-element/HTMLFormControlsCollection.js'; import HTMLFormElement from '../nodes/html-form-element/HTMLFormElement.js'; import RadioNodeList from '../nodes/html-form-element/RadioNodeList.js'; import HTMLHeadElement from '../nodes/html-head-element/HTMLHeadElement.js'; import HTMLHeadingElement from '../nodes/html-heading-element/HTMLHeadingElement.js'; import HTMLHRElement from '../nodes/html-hr-element/HTMLHRElement.js'; import HTMLHtmlElement from '../nodes/html-html-element/HTMLHtmlElement.js'; import HTMLIFrameElement from '../nodes/html-iframe-element/HTMLIFrameElement.js'; import HTMLImageElement from '../nodes/html-image-element/HTMLImageElement.js'; import FileList from '../nodes/html-input-element/FileList.js'; import HTMLInputElement from '../nodes/html-input-element/HTMLInputElement.js'; import HTMLLabelElement from '../nodes/html-label-element/HTMLLabelElement.js'; import HTMLLegendElement from '../nodes/html-legend-element/HTMLLegendElement.js'; import HTMLLIElement from '../nodes/html-li-element/HTMLLIElement.js'; import HTMLLinkElement from '../nodes/html-link-element/HTMLLinkElement.js'; import HTMLMapElement from '../nodes/html-map-element/HTMLMapElement.js'; import HTMLMediaElement from '../nodes/html-media-element/HTMLMediaElement.js'; import TextTrackCueList from '../nodes/html-media-element/TextTrackCueList.js'; import TimeRanges from '../nodes/html-media-element/TimeRanges.js'; import HTMLMenuElement from '../nodes/html-menu-element/HTMLMenuElement.js'; import HTMLMetaElement from '../nodes/html-meta-element/HTMLMetaElement.js'; import HTMLMeterElement from '../nodes/html-meter-element/HTMLMeterElement.js'; import HTMLModElement from '../nodes/html-mod-element/HTMLModElement.js'; import HTMLOListElement from '../nodes/html-o-list-element/HTMLOListElement.js'; import HTMLObjectElement from '../nodes/html-object-element/HTMLObjectElement.js'; import HTMLOptGroupElement from '../nodes/html-opt-group-element/HTMLOptGroupElement.js'; import HTMLOptionElement from '../nodes/html-option-element/HTMLOptionElement.js'; import HTMLOutputElement from '../nodes/html-output-element/HTMLOutputElement.js'; import HTMLParagraphElement from '../nodes/html-paragraph-element/HTMLParagraphElement.js'; import HTMLParamElement from '../nodes/html-param-element/HTMLParamElement.js'; import HTMLPictureElement from '../nodes/html-picture-element/HTMLPictureElement.js'; import HTMLPreElement from '../nodes/html-pre-element/HTMLPreElement.js'; import HTMLProgressElement from '../nodes/html-progress-element/HTMLProgressElement.js'; import HTMLQuoteElement from '../nodes/html-quote-element/HTMLQuoteElement.js'; import HTMLScriptElement from '../nodes/html-script-element/HTMLScriptElement.js'; import HTMLSelectElement from '../nodes/html-select-element/HTMLSelectElement.js'; import HTMLSlotElement from '../nodes/html-slot-element/HTMLSlotElement.js'; import HTMLSourceElement from '../nodes/html-source-element/HTMLSourceElement.js'; import HTMLSpanElement from '../nodes/html-span-element/HTMLSpanElement.js'; import HTMLStyleElement from '../nodes/html-style-element/HTMLStyleElement.js'; import HTMLTableCaptionElement from '../nodes/html-table-caption-element/HTMLTableCaptionElement.js'; import HTMLTableCellElement from '../nodes/html-table-cell-element/HTMLTableCellElement.js'; import HTMLTableColElement from '../nodes/html-table-col-element/HTMLTableColElement.js'; import HTMLTableElement from '../nodes/html-table-element/HTMLTableElement.js'; import HTMLTableRowElement from '../nodes/html-table-row-element/HTMLTableRowElement.js'; import HTMLTableSectionElement from '../nodes/html-table-section-element/HTMLTableSectionElement.js'; import HTMLTemplateElement from '../nodes/html-template-element/HTMLTemplateElement.js'; import HTMLTextAreaElement from '../nodes/html-text-area-element/HTMLTextAreaElement.js'; import HTMLTimeElement from '../nodes/html-time-element/HTMLTimeElement.js'; import HTMLTitleElement from '../nodes/html-title-element/HTMLTitleElement.js'; import HTMLTrackElement from '../nodes/html-track-element/HTMLTrackElement.js'; import HTMLUListElement from '../nodes/html-u-list-element/HTMLUListElement.js'; import HTMLUnknownElement from '../nodes/html-unknown-element/HTMLUnknownElement.js'; import HTMLVideoElement from '../nodes/html-video-element/HTMLVideoElement.js'; import Node from '../nodes/node/Node.js'; import NodeList from '../nodes/node/NodeList.js'; import ProcessingInstruction from '../nodes/processing-instruction/ProcessingInstruction.js'; import ShadowRoot from '../nodes/shadow-root/ShadowRoot.js'; import SVGElement from '../nodes/svg-element/SVGElement.js'; import Permissions from '../permissions/Permissions.js'; import ResizeObserver from '../resize-observer/ResizeObserver.js'; import Screen from '../screen/Screen.js'; import Storage from '../storage/Storage.js'; import NodeFilter from '../tree-walker/NodeFilter.js'; import URL from '../url/URL.js'; import ValidityState from '../validity-state/ValidityState.js'; import VMGlobalPropertyScript from './VMGlobalPropertyScript.js'; import WindowErrorUtility from './WindowErrorUtility.js'; import WindowPageOpenUtility from './WindowPageOpenUtility.js'; import { PerformanceObserver, PerformanceEntry } from 'node:perf_hooks'; import EventPhaseEnum from '../event/EventPhaseEnum.js'; import HTMLOptionsCollection from '../nodes/html-select-element/HTMLOptionsCollection.js'; import WindowContextClassExtender from './WindowContextClassExtender.js'; import WindowBrowserContext from './WindowBrowserContext.js'; import SVGSVGElement from '../nodes/svg-svg-element/SVGSVGElement.js'; import SVGGraphicsElement from '../nodes/svg-graphics-element/SVGGraphicsElement.js'; import SVGAnimateElement from '../nodes/svg-animate-element/SVGAnimateElement.js'; import SVGAnimateMotionElement from '../nodes/svg-animate-motion-element/SVGAnimateMotionElement.js'; import SVGAnimateTransformElement from '../nodes/svg-animate-transform-element/SVGAnimateTransformElement.js'; import SVGCircleElement from '../nodes/svg-circle-element/SVGCircleElement.js'; import SVGClipPathElement from '../nodes/svg-clip-path-element/SVGClipPathElement.js'; import SVGDefsElement from '../nodes/svg-defs-element/SVGDefsElement.js'; import SVGDescElement from '../nodes/svg-desc-element/SVGDescElement.js'; import SVGEllipseElement from '../nodes/svg-ellipse-element/SVGEllipseElement.js'; import SVGFEBlendElement from '../nodes/svg-fe-blend-element/SVGFEBlendElement.js'; import SVGFEColorMatrixElement from '../nodes/svg-fe-color-matrix-element/SVGFEColorMatrixElement.js'; import SVGFEComponentTransferElement from '../nodes/svg-fe-component-transfer-element/SVGFEComponentTransferElement.js'; import SVGFECompositeElement from '../nodes/svg-fe-composite-element/SVGFECompositeElement.js'; import SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement from '../nodes/svg-fe-convolve-matrix-element/SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement.js'; import SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement from '../nodes/svg-fe-diffuse-lighting-element/SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement.js'; import SVGFEDisplacementMapElement from '../nodes/svg-fe-displacement-map-element/SVGFEDisplacementMapElement.js'; import SVGFEDistantLightElement from '../nodes/svg-fe-distant-light-element/SVGFEDistantLightElement.js'; import SVGFEDropShadowElement from '../nodes/svg-fe-drop-shadow-element/SVGFEDropShadowElement.js'; import SVGFEFloodElement from '../nodes/svg-fe-flood-element/SVGFEFloodElement.js'; import SVGFEFuncAElement from '../nodes/svg-fe-func-a-element/SVGFEFuncAElement.js'; import SVGFEFuncBElement from '../nodes/svg-fe-func-b-element/SVGFEFuncBElement.js'; import SVGFEFuncGElement from '../nodes/svg-fe-func-g-element/SVGFEFuncGElement.js'; import SVGFEFuncRElement from '../nodes/svg-fe-func-r-element/SVGFEFuncRElement.js'; import SVGFEGaussianBlurElement from '../nodes/svg-fe-gaussian-blur-element/SVGFEGaussianBlurElement.js'; import SVGFEImageElement from '../nodes/svg-fe-image-element/SVGFEImageElement.js'; import SVGFEMergeElement from '../nodes/svg-fe-merge-element/SVGFEMergeElement.js'; import SVGFEMergeNodeElement from '../nodes/svg-fe-merge-node-element/SVGFEMergeNodeElement.js'; import SVGFEMorphologyElement from '../nodes/svg-fe-morphology-element/SVGFEMorphologyElement.js'; import SVGFEOffsetElement from '../nodes/svg-fe-offset-element/SVGFEOffsetElement.js'; import SVGFEPointLightElement from '../nodes/svg-fe-point-light-element/SVGFEPointLightElement.js'; import SVGFESpecularLightingElement from '../nodes/svg-fe-specular-lighting-element/SVGFESpecularLightingElement.js'; import SVGFESpotLightElement from '../nodes/svg-fe-spot-light-element/SVGFESpotLightElement.js'; import SVGFETileElement from '../nodes/svg-fe-tile-element/SVGFETileElement.js'; import SVGFETurbulenceElement from '../nodes/svg-fe-turbulence-element/SVGFETurbulenceElement.js'; import SVGFilterElement from '../nodes/svg-filter-element/SVGFilterElement.js'; import SVGForeignObjectElement from '../nodes/svg-foreign-object-element/SVGForeignObjectElement.js'; import SVGGElement from '../nodes/svg-g-element/SVGGElement.js'; import SVGImageElement from '../nodes/svg-image-element/SVGImageElement.js'; import SVGLineElement from '../nodes/svg-line-element/SVGLineElement.js'; import SVGLinearGradientElement from '../nodes/svg-linear-gradient-element/SVGLinearGradientElement.js'; import SVGMarkerElement from '../nodes/svg-marker-element/SVGMarkerElement.js'; import SVGMaskElement from '../nodes/svg-mask-element/SVGMaskElement.js'; import SVGMetadataElement from '../nodes/svg-metadata-element/SVGMetadataElement.js'; import SVGMPathElement from '../nodes/svg-m-path-element/SVGMPathElement.js'; import SVGPathElement from '../nodes/svg-path-element/SVGPathElement.js'; import SVGPatternElement from '../nodes/svg-pattern-element/SVGPatternElement.js'; import SVGPolygonElement from '../nodes/svg-polygon-element/SVGPolygonElement.js'; import SVGPolylineElement from '../nodes/svg-polyline-element/SVGPolylineElement.js'; import SVGRadialGradientElement from '../nodes/svg-radial-gradient-element/SVGRadialGradientElement.js'; import SVGRectElement from '../nodes/svg-rect-element/SVGRectElement.js'; import SVGScriptElement from '../nodes/svg-script-element/SVGScriptElement.js'; import SVGSetElement from '../nodes/svg-set-element/SVGSetElement.js'; import SVGStopElement from '../nodes/svg-stop-element/SVGStopElement.js'; import SVGStyleElement from '../nodes/svg-style-element/SVGStyleElement.js'; import SVGSwitchElement from '../nodes/svg-switch-element/SVGSwitchElement.js'; import SVGSymbolElement from '../nodes/svg-symbol-element/SVGSymbolElement.js'; import SVGTextElement from '../nodes/svg-text-element/SVGTextElement.js'; import SVGTextPathElement from '../nodes/svg-text-path-element/SVGTextPathElement.js'; import SVGTitleElement from '../nodes/svg-title-element/SVGTitleElement.js'; import SVGTSpanElement from '../nodes/svg-t-span-element/SVGTSpanElement.js'; import SVGUseElement from '../nodes/svg-use-element/SVGUseElement.js'; import SVGViewElement from '../nodes/svg-view-element/SVGViewElement.js'; import SVGAnimationElement from '../nodes/svg-animation-element/SVGAnimationElement.js'; import SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement from '../nodes/svg-component-transfer-function-element/SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement.js'; import SVGGeometryElement from '../nodes/svg-geometry-element/SVGGeometryElement.js'; import SVGGradientElement from '../nodes/svg-gradient-element/SVGGradientElement.js'; import SVGTextPositioningElement from '../nodes/svg-text-positioning-element/SVGTextPositioningElement.js'; import DOMMatrixReadOnly from '../dom/dom-matrix/DOMMatrixReadOnly.js'; import DOMMatrix from '../dom/dom-matrix/DOMMatrix.js'; import SVGAngle from '../svg/SVGAngle.js'; import SVGAnimatedAngle from '../svg/SVGAnimatedAngle.js'; import SVGAnimatedBoolean from '../svg/SVGAnimatedBoolean.js'; import SVGAnimatedEnumeration from '../svg/SVGAnimatedEnumeration.js'; import SVGAnimatedInteger from '../svg/SVGAnimatedInteger.js'; import SVGAnimatedLength from '../svg/SVGAnimatedLength.js'; import SVGLength from '../svg/SVGLength.js'; import SVGAnimatedNumber from '../svg/SVGAnimatedNumber.js'; import SVGAnimatedNumberList from '../svg/SVGAnimatedNumberList.js'; import SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio from '../svg/SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio.js'; import SVGAnimatedRect from '../svg/SVGAnimatedRect.js'; import SVGAnimatedString from '../svg/SVGAnimatedString.js'; import SVGAnimatedTransformList from '../svg/SVGAnimatedTransformList.js'; import SVGLengthList from '../svg/SVGLengthList.js'; import SVGMatrix from '../svg/SVGMatrix.js'; import SVGNumber from '../svg/SVGNumber.js'; import SVGNumberList from '../svg/SVGNumberList.js'; import SVGPoint from '../svg/SVGPoint.js'; import SVGPointList from '../svg/SVGPointList.js'; import SVGPreserveAspectRatio from '../svg/SVGPreserveAspectRatio.js'; import SVGRect from '../svg/SVGRect.js'; import SVGStringList from '../svg/SVGStringList.js'; import SVGTransform from '../svg/SVGTransform.js'; import SVGTransformList from '../svg/SVGTransformList.js'; import SVGUnitTypes from '../svg/SVGUnitTypes.js'; import DOMPoint from '../dom/DOMPoint.js'; import SVGAnimatedLengthList from '../svg/SVGAnimatedLengthList.js'; const TIMER = { setTimeout: globalThis.setTimeout.bind(globalThis), clearTimeout: globalThis.clearTimeout.bind(globalThis), setInterval: globalThis.setInterval.bind(globalThis), clearInterval: globalThis.clearInterval.bind(globalThis), queueMicrotask: globalThis.queueMicrotask.bind(globalThis), setImmediate: globalThis.setImmediate.bind(globalThis), clearImmediate: globalThis.clearImmediate.bind(globalThis) }; const IS_NODE_JS_TIMEOUT_ENVIRONMENT = setTimeout.toString().includes('new Timeout'); /** * Class for PerformanceObserverEntryList as it is only available as an interface from Node.js. */ class PerformanceObserverEntryList { /** * Constructor. */ constructor() { throw new TypeError('Illegal constructor'); } } /** * Zero Timeout. */ class Timeout { callback; /** * Constructor. * @param callback Callback. */ constructor(callback) { this.callback = callback; } } /** * Browser window. * * Reference: * */ export default class BrowserWindow extends EventTarget { // Nodes Node = Node; Attr = Attr; ShadowRoot = ShadowRoot; ProcessingInstruction = ProcessingInstruction; Element = Element; CharacterData = CharacterData; DocumentType = DocumentType; // HTML Element classes HTMLAnchorElement = HTMLAnchorElement; HTMLButtonElement = HTMLButtonElement; HTMLOptGroupElement = HTMLOptGroupElement; HTMLOptionElement = HTMLOptionElement; HTMLElement = HTMLElement; HTMLUnknownElement = HTMLUnknownElement; HTMLTemplateElement = HTMLTemplateElement; HTMLInputElement = HTMLInputElement; HTMLSelectElement = HTMLSelectElement; HTMLTextAreaElement = HTMLTextAreaElement; HTMLImageElement = HTMLImageElement; HTMLStyleElement = HTMLStyleElement; HTMLLabelElement = HTMLLabelElement; HTMLSlotElement = HTMLSlotElement; HTMLMetaElement = HTMLMetaElement; HTMLMediaElement = HTMLMediaElement; HTMLAudioElement = HTMLAudioElement; HTMLVideoElement = HTMLVideoElement; HTMLBaseElement = HTMLBaseElement; HTMLDialogElement = HTMLDialogElement; HTMLScriptElement = HTMLScriptElement; HTMLLinkElement = HTMLLinkElement; HTMLIFrameElement = HTMLIFrameElement; HTMLFormElement = HTMLFormElement; HTMLUListElement = HTMLUListElement; HTMLTrackElement = HTMLTrackElement; HTMLTableRowElement = HTMLTableRowElement; HTMLTitleElement = HTMLTitleElement; HTMLTimeElement = HTMLTimeElement; HTMLTableSectionElement = HTMLTableSectionElement; HTMLTableCellElement = HTMLTableCellElement; HTMLTableElement = HTMLTableElement; HTMLSpanElement = HTMLSpanElement; HTMLSourceElement = HTMLSourceElement; HTMLQuoteElement = HTMLQuoteElement; HTMLProgressElement = HTMLProgressElement; HTMLPreElement = HTMLPreElement; HTMLPictureElement = HTMLPictureElement; HTMLParamElement = HTMLParamElement; HTMLParagraphElement = HTMLParagraphElement; HTMLOutputElement = HTMLOutputElement; HTMLOListElement = HTMLOListElement; HTMLObjectElement = HTMLObjectElement; HTMLMeterElement = HTMLMeterElement; HTMLMenuElement = HTMLMenuElement; HTMLMapElement = HTMLMapElement; HTMLLIElement = HTMLLIElement; HTMLLegendElement = HTMLLegendElement; HTMLModElement = HTMLModElement; HTMLHtmlElement = HTMLHtmlElement; HTMLHRElement = HTMLHRElement; HTMLHeadElement = HTMLHeadElement; HTMLHeadingElement = HTMLHeadingElement; HTMLFieldSetElement = HTMLFieldSetElement; HTMLEmbedElement = HTMLEmbedElement; HTMLDListElement = HTMLDListElement; HTMLDivElement = HTMLDivElement; HTMLDetailsElement = HTMLDetailsElement; HTMLDataListElement = HTMLDataListElement; HTMLDataElement = HTMLDataElement; HTMLTableColElement = HTMLTableColElement; HTMLTableCaptionElement = HTMLTableCaptionElement; HTMLCanvasElement = HTMLCanvasElement; HTMLBRElement = HTMLBRElement; HTMLBodyElement = HTMLBodyElement; HTMLAreaElement = HTMLAreaElement; // SVG Element classes SVGSVGElement = SVGSVGElement; SVGAnimateElement = SVGAnimateElement; SVGAnimateMotionElement = SVGAnimateMotionElement; SVGAnimateTransformElement = SVGAnimateTransformElement; SVGCircleElement = SVGCircleElement; SVGClipPathElement = SVGClipPathElement; SVGDefsElement = SVGDefsElement; SVGDescElement = SVGDescElement; SVGEllipseElement = SVGEllipseElement; SVGFEBlendElement = SVGFEBlendElement; SVGFEColorMatrixElement = SVGFEColorMatrixElement; SVGFEComponentTransferElement = SVGFEComponentTransferElement; SVGFECompositeElement = SVGFECompositeElement; SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement = SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement; SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement = SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement; SVGFEDisplacementMapElement = SVGFEDisplacementMapElement; SVGFEDistantLightElement = SVGFEDistantLightElement; SVGFEDropShadowElement = SVGFEDropShadowElement; SVGFEFloodElement = SVGFEFloodElement; SVGFEFuncAElement = SVGFEFuncAElement; SVGFEFuncBElement = SVGFEFuncBElement; SVGFEFuncGElement = SVGFEFuncGElement; SVGFEFuncRElement = SVGFEFuncRElement; SVGFEGaussianBlurElement = SVGFEGaussianBlurElement; SVGFEImageElement = SVGFEImageElement; SVGFEMergeElement = SVGFEMergeElement; SVGFEMergeNodeElement = SVGFEMergeNodeElement; SVGFEMorphologyElement = SVGFEMorphologyElement; SVGFEOffsetElement = SVGFEOffsetElement; SVGFEPointLightElement = SVGFEPointLightElement; SVGFESpecularLightingElement = SVGFESpecularLightingElement; SVGFESpotLightElement = SVGFESpotLightElement; SVGFETileElement = SVGFETileElement; SVGFETurbulenceElement = SVGFETurbulenceElement; SVGFilterElement = SVGFilterElement; SVGForeignObjectElement = SVGForeignObjectElement; SVGGElement = SVGGElement; SVGImageElement = SVGImageElement; SVGLineElement = SVGLineElement; SVGLinearGradientElement = SVGLinearGradientElement; SVGMarkerElement = SVGMarkerElement; SVGMaskElement = SVGMaskElement; SVGMetadataElement = SVGMetadataElement; SVGMPathElement = SVGMPathElement; SVGPathElement = SVGPathElement; SVGPatternElement = SVGPatternElement; SVGPolygonElement = SVGPolygonElement; SVGPolylineElement = SVGPolylineElement; SVGRadialGradientElement = SVGRadialGradientElement; SVGRectElement = SVGRectElement; SVGScriptElement = SVGScriptElement; SVGSetElement = SVGSetElement; SVGStopElement = SVGStopElement; SVGStyleElement = SVGStyleElement; SVGSwitchElement = SVGSwitchElement; SVGSymbolElement = SVGSymbolElement; SVGTextElement = SVGTextElement; SVGTextPathElement = SVGTextPathElement; SVGTitleElement = SVGTitleElement; SVGTSpanElement = SVGTSpanElement; SVGUseElement = SVGUseElement; SVGViewElement = SVGViewElement; // Abstract SVG Element classes SVGElement = SVGElement; SVGAnimationElement = SVGAnimationElement; SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement = SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement; SVGGeometryElement = SVGGeometryElement; SVGGradientElement = SVGGradientElement; SVGTextPositioningElement = SVGTextPositioningElement; SVGGraphicsElement = SVGGraphicsElement; // Event classes Event = Event; UIEvent = UIEvent; CustomEvent = CustomEvent; AnimationEvent = AnimationEvent; KeyboardEvent = KeyboardEvent; MessageEvent = MessageEvent; MouseEvent = MouseEvent; PointerEvent = PointerEvent; FocusEvent = FocusEvent; WheelEvent = WheelEvent; InputEvent = InputEvent; ErrorEvent = ErrorEvent; StorageEvent = StorageEvent; SubmitEvent = SubmitEvent; ProgressEvent = ProgressEvent; MediaQueryListEvent = MediaQueryListEvent; HashChangeEvent = HashChangeEvent; ClipboardEvent = ClipboardEvent; TouchEvent = TouchEvent; Touch = Touch; // Non-implemented event classes AudioProcessingEvent = Event; BeforeInputEvent = Event; BeforeUnloadEvent = Event; BlobEvent = Event; CloseEvent = Event; CompositionEvent = Event; CSSFontFaceLoadEvent = Event; DeviceLightEvent = Event; DeviceMotionEvent = Event; DeviceOrientationEvent = Event; DeviceProximityEvent = Event; DOMTransactionEvent = Event; DragEvent = Event; EditingBeforeInputEvent = Event; FetchEvent = Event; GamepadEvent = Event; IDBVersionChangeEvent = Event; MediaStreamEvent = Event; MutationEvent = Event; OfflineAudioCompletionEvent = Event; OverconstrainedError = Event; PageTransitionEvent = Event; PaymentRequestUpdateEvent = Event; PopStateEvent = Event; RelatedEvent = Event; RTCDataChannelEvent = Event; RTCIdentityErrorEvent = Event; RTCIdentityEvent = Event; RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent = Event; SensorEvent = Event; SVGEvent = Event; SVGZoomEvent = Event; TimeEvent = Event; TrackEvent = Event; TransitionEvent = Event; UserProximityEvent = Event; WebGLContextEvent = Event; TextEvent = Event; // Other classes that don't have to be bound to the Window context Permissions = Permissions; History = History; Navigator = Navigator; Clipboard = Clipboard; TimeRanges = TimeRanges; TextTrackCueList = TextTrackCueList; ValidityState = ValidityState; MutationRecord = MutationRecord; IntersectionObserver = IntersectionObserver; IntersectionObserverEntry = IntersectionObserverEntry; CSSStyleDeclaration = CSSStyleDeclaration; CSSRule = CSSRule; CSSContainerRule = CSSContainerRule; CSSFontFaceRule = CSSFontFaceRule; CSSKeyframeRule = CSSKeyframeRule; CSSKeyframesRule = CSSKeyframesRule; CSSMediaRule = CSSMediaRule; CSSStyleRule = CSSStyleRule; CSSSupportsRule = CSSSupportsRule; DOMRect = DOMRect; DOMRectReadOnly = DOMRectReadOnly; Plugin = Plugin; PluginArray = PluginArray; Location = Location; CustomElementRegistry = CustomElementRegistry; ResizeObserver = ResizeObserver; URL = URL; Blob = Blob; File = File; Storage = Storage; MimeType = MimeType; MimeTypeArray = MimeTypeArray; NodeFilter = NodeFilter; HTMLCollection = HTMLCollection; HTMLFormControlCollection = HTMLFormControlsCollection; HTMLOptionsCollection = HTMLOptionsCollection; NodeList = NodeList; RadioNodeList = RadioNodeList; FileList = FileList; Screen = Screen; DOMMatrixReadOnly = DOMMatrixReadOnly; DOMMatrix = DOMMatrix; SVGAngle = SVGAngle; SVGAnimatedAngle = SVGAnimatedAngle; SVGAnimatedBoolean = SVGAnimatedBoolean; SVGAnimatedEnumeration = SVGAnimatedEnumeration; SVGAnimatedInteger = SVGAnimatedInteger; SVGAnimatedLength = SVGAnimatedLength; SVGAnimatedNumber = SVGAnimatedNumber; SVGAnimatedNumberList = SVGAnimatedNumberList; SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio = SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio; SVGAnimatedRect = SVGAnimatedRect; SVGAnimatedString = SVGAnimatedString; SVGAnimatedTransformList = SVGAnimatedTransformList; SVGLength = SVGLength; SVGLengthList = SVGLengthList; SVGMatrix = SVGMatrix; SVGNumber = SVGNumber; SVGNumberList = SVGNumberList; SVGPoint = SVGPoint; SVGPointList = SVGPointList; SVGPreserveAspectRatio = SVGPreserveAspectRatio; SVGRect = SVGRect; SVGStringList = SVGStringList; SVGTransform = SVGTransform; SVGTransformList = SVGTransformList; SVGAnimatedLengthList = SVGAnimatedLengthList; SVGUnitTypes = SVGUnitTypes; DOMPoint = DOMPoint; Window = this.constructor; // Node.js Classes URLSearchParams = URLSearchParams; WritableStream = Stream.Writable; ReadableStream = ReadableStream; TransformStream = Stream.Transform; PerformanceObserver = PerformanceObserver; PerformanceEntry = PerformanceEntry; PerformanceObserverEntryList = PerformanceObserverEntryList; // Events onload = null; onerror = null; // Public properties. document; customElements = new CustomElementRegistry(this); window = this; globalThis = this; performance = performance; screenLeft = 0; screenTop = 0; screenX = 0; screenY = 0; crypto = webcrypto; TextEncoder = TextEncoder; TextDecoder = TextDecoder; closed = false; console; name = ''; Buffer = Buffer; // Public internal properties // Used for tracking capture event listeners to improve performance when they are not used. // See EventTarget class. [PropertySymbol.mutationObservers] = []; [PropertySymbol.readyStateManager] = new DocumentReadyStateManager(this); [PropertySymbol.location]; [PropertySymbol.history]; [PropertySymbol.navigator]; [PropertySymbol.screen]; [PropertySymbol.sessionStorage]; [PropertySymbol.localStorage]; [PropertySymbol.self] = this; [] = this; [PropertySymbol.parent] = this; [PropertySymbol.window] = this; [PropertySymbol.internalId] = -1; // Private properties #browserFrame; #innerWidth = null; #innerHeight = null; #outerWidth = null; #outerHeight = null; #devicePixelRatio = null; #zeroDelayTimeout = { timeouts: null }; #timerLoopStacks = []; /** * Constructor. * * @param browserFrame Browser frame. * @param [options] Options. * @param [options.url] URL. */ constructor(browserFrame, options) { super(); this.#browserFrame = browserFrame; this.console =; this[PropertySymbol.navigator] = new Navigator(this); this[PropertySymbol.screen] = new Screen(); this[PropertySymbol.sessionStorage] = new Storage(); this[PropertySymbol.localStorage] = new Storage(); this[PropertySymbol.location] = new Location(this.#browserFrame, options?.url ?? 'about:blank'); this[PropertySymbol.history] = new History(this.#browserFrame, this); WindowBrowserContext.setWindowBrowserFrameRelation(this, this.#browserFrame); this[PropertySymbol.setupVMContext](); WindowContextClassExtender.extendClasses(this); // Document this.document = new this.HTMLDocument(); this.document[PropertySymbol.defaultView] = this; // Ready state manager this[PropertySymbol.readyStateManager].waitUntilComplete().then(() => { this.document[PropertySymbol.readyState] = DocumentReadyStateEnum.complete; this.document.dispatchEvent(new Event('readystatechange')); // Not sure why target is set to document here, but this is how it works in the browser const loadEvent = new Event('load'); loadEvent[PropertySymbol.currentTarget] = this.document; loadEvent[] = this.document; loadEvent[PropertySymbol.eventPhase] = EventPhaseEnum.atTarget; this.dispatchEvent(loadEvent); loadEvent[] = null; loadEvent[PropertySymbol.currentTarget] = null; loadEvent[PropertySymbol.eventPhase] = EventPhaseEnum.none; }); this[PropertySymbol.bindMethods](); } /** * Returns self. * * @returns Self. */ get self() { return this[PropertySymbol.self]; } /** * Returns self. * * @param self Self. */ set self(self) { this[PropertySymbol.self] = self; } /** * Returns top. * * @returns Top. */ get top() { return this[]; } /** * Returns parent. * * @returns Parent. */ get parent() { return this[PropertySymbol.parent]; } /** * Returns parent. * * @param parent Parent. */ set parent(parent) { this[PropertySymbol.parent] = parent; } /** * Returns location. */ get location() { return this[PropertySymbol.location]; } /** * Returns location. * * @param href Href. */ set location(href) { this[PropertySymbol.location].href = href; } /** * Returns history. */ get history() { return this[PropertySymbol.history]; } /** * Returns navigator. */ get navigator() { return this[PropertySymbol.navigator]; } /** * Returns screen. */ get screen() { return this[PropertySymbol.screen]; } /** * Returns session storage. */ get sessionStorage() { return this[PropertySymbol.sessionStorage]; } /** * Returns local storage. */ get localStorage() { return this[PropertySymbol.localStorage]; } /** * Returns opener. * * @returns Opener. */ get opener() { return this.#browserFrame[PropertySymbol.openerWindow]; } /** * The number of pixels that the document is currently scrolled horizontally. * * @returns Scroll X. */ get scrollX() { return this.document?.documentElement?.scrollLeft ?? 0; } /** * The read-only Window property pageXOffset is an alias for scrollX. * * @returns Scroll X. */ get pageXOffset() { return this.scrollX; } /** * The number of pixels that the document is currently scrolled vertically. * * @returns Scroll Y. */ get scrollY() { return this.document?.documentElement?.scrollTop ?? 0; } /** * The read-only Window property pageYOffset is an alias for scrollY. * * @returns Scroll Y. */ get pageYOffset() { return this.scrollY; } /** * The CSS interface holds useful CSS-related methods. * * @returns CSS interface. */ get CSS() { return new CSS(); } /** * Returns inner width. * * @returns Inner width. */ get innerWidth() { if (this.#innerWidth === null) { return; } return this.#innerWidth; } /** * Sets inner width. * * @param value Inner width. */ set innerWidth(value) { this.#innerWidth = value; } /** * Returns inner height. * * @returns Inner height. */ get innerHeight() { // It seems like this value can be defined according to spec, but changing it has no effect on the actual viewport. if (this.#innerHeight === null) { return; } return this.#innerHeight; } /** * Sets inner height. * * @param value Inner height. */ set innerHeight(value) { this.#innerHeight = value; } /** * Returns outer width. * * @returns Outer width. */ get outerWidth() { // It seems like this value can be defined according to spec, but changing it has no effect on the actual viewport. if (this.#outerWidth === null) { return; } return this.#outerWidth; } /** * Sets outer width. * * @param value Outer width. */ set outerWidth(value) { this.#outerWidth = value; } /** * Returns outer height. * * @returns Outer height. */ get outerHeight() { if (this.#outerHeight === null) { return; } return this.#outerHeight; } /** * Sets outer height. * * @param value Outer height. */ set outerHeight(value) { this.#outerHeight = value; } /** * Returns device pixel ratio. * * @returns Device pixel ratio. */ get devicePixelRatio() { // It seems like this value can be defined according to spec, but changing it has no effect on the actual viewport. if (this.#devicePixelRatio === null) { return; } return this.#devicePixelRatio; } /** * Sets device pixel ratio. * * @param value Device pixel ratio. */ set devicePixelRatio(value) { this.#devicePixelRatio = value; } /** * Returns an object containing the values of all CSS properties of an element. * * @param element Element. * @returns CSS style declaration. */ getComputedStyle(element) { element[PropertySymbol.computedStyle] = element[PropertySymbol.computedStyle] || new CSSStyleDeclaration(PropertySymbol.illegalConstructor, this, { element, computed: true }); return element[PropertySymbol.computedStyle]; } /** * Returns selection. * * @returns Selection. */ getSelection() { return this.document.getSelection(); } /** * Scrolls to a particular set of coordinates. * * @param x X position or options object. * @param y Y position. */ scroll(x, y) { if (typeof x === 'object') { if (x.behavior === 'smooth') { this.setTimeout(() => { if ( !== undefined) { this.document.documentElement.scrollTop =; } if (x.left !== undefined) { this.document.documentElement.scrollLeft = x.left; } }); } else { if ( !== undefined) { this.document.documentElement.scrollTop =; } if (x.left !== undefined) { this.document.documentElement.scrollLeft = x.left; } } } else if (x !== undefined && y !== undefined) { this.document.documentElement.scrollLeft = x; this.document.documentElement.scrollTop = y; } } /** * Scrolls to a particular set of coordinates. * * @param x X position or options object. * @param y Y position. */ scrollTo(x, y) { this.scroll(x, y); } /** * Shifts focus away from the window. */ blur() { // TODO: Implement. } /** * Gives focus to the window. */ focus() { // TODO: Implement. } /** * Loads a specified resource into a new or existing browsing context (that is, a tab, a window, or an iframe) under a specified name. * * @param [url] URL. * @param [target] Target. * @param [features] Window features. * @returns Window. */ open(url, target, features) { return WindowPageOpenUtility.openPage(this.#browserFrame, { url, target, features }); } /** * Closes the window. */ close() { // When using a Window instance directly, the Window instance is the main frame and we will close the page and destroy the browser. // When using the Browser API we should only close the page when the Window instance is connected to the main frame (we should not close child frames such as iframes). if ( === this.#browserFrame) { this[PropertySymbol.destroy]();; } } /** * Returns a new MediaQueryList object that can then be used to determine if the document matches the media query string. * * @param mediaQueryString A string specifying the media query to parse into a MediaQueryList. * @returns A new MediaQueryList. */ matchMedia(mediaQueryString) { return new MediaQueryList({ window: this, media: mediaQueryString }); } /** * Sets a timer which executes a function once the timer expires. * * @param callback Function to be executed. * @param [delay=0] Delay in ms. * @param args Arguments passed to the callback function. * @returns Timeout ID. */ setTimeout(callback, delay = 0, ...args) { if (this.closed) { return; } const settings =; if (settings.timer.preventTimerLoops) { const stack = new Error().stack; const timerLoopStacks = this.#timerLoopStacks; if (timerLoopStacks.includes(stack)) { return; } timerLoopStacks.push(stack); } // We can group timeouts with a delay of 0 into one timeout to improve performance. // Grouping timeouts will also improve the performance of the async task manager. // It also makes the async task manager more stable as many timeouts may cause waitUntilComplete() to be resolved too early. if (!delay) { const zeroDelayTimeout = this.#zeroDelayTimeout; if (!zeroDelayTimeout.timeouts) { const useTryCatch = !settings || (!settings.disableErrorCapturing && settings.errorCapture === BrowserErrorCaptureEnum.tryAndCatch); const id = TIMER.setTimeout(() => { // We need to call endTimer() before the callback as the callback might throw an error. this.#browserFrame[PropertySymbol.asyncTaskManager].endTimer(id); const timeouts = zeroDelayTimeout.timeouts; zeroDelayTimeout.timeouts = null; for (const timeout of timeouts) { if (useTryCatch) { WindowErrorUtility.captureError(this, () => timeout.callback()); } else { timeout.callback(); } } }); zeroDelayTimeout.timeouts = []; this.#browserFrame[PropertySymbol.asyncTaskManager].startTimer(id); } const timeout = new Timeout(() => callback(...args)); zeroDelayTimeout.timeouts.push(timeout); return timeout; } const useTryCatch = !settings || (!settings.disableErrorCapturing && settings.errorCapture === BrowserErrorCaptureEnum.tryAndCatch); const id = TIMER.setTimeout(() => { // We need to call endTimer() before the callback as the callback might throw an error. this.#browserFrame[PropertySymbol.asyncTaskManager].endTimer(id); if (useTryCatch) { WindowErrorUtility.captureError(this, () => callback(...args)); } else { callback(...args); } }, settings?.timer.maxTimeout !== -1 && delay && delay > settings?.timer.maxTimeout ? settings?.timer.maxTimeout : delay); this.#browserFrame[PropertySymbol.asyncTaskManager].startTimer(id); return id; } /** * Cancels a timeout previously established by calling setTimeout(). * * @param id ID of the timeout. */ clearTimeout(id) { if (id && id instanceof Timeout) { const zeroDelayTimeout = this.#zeroDelayTimeout; if (!zeroDelayTimeout.timeouts) { return; } const index = zeroDelayTimeout.timeouts.indexOf(id); if (index !== -1) { zeroDelayTimeout.timeouts.splice(index, 1); } return; } // We need to make sure that the ID is a Timeout object, otherwise Node.js might throw an error. // This is only necessary if we are in a Node.js environment. if (IS_NODE_JS_TIMEOUT_ENVIRONMENT && (!id || !== 'Timeout')) { return; } TIMER.clearTimeout(id); this.#browserFrame[PropertySymbol.asyncTaskManager].endTimer(id); } /** * Calls a function with a fixed time delay between each call. * * @param callback Function to be executed. * @param [delay=0] Delay in ms. * @param args Arguments passed to the callback function. * @returns Interval ID. */ setInterval(callback, delay = 0, ...args) { if (this.closed) { return; } const settings =; const useTryCatch = !settings || (!settings.disableErrorCapturing && settings.errorCapture === BrowserErrorCaptureEnum.tryAndCatch); let iterations = 0; const id = TIMER.setInterval(() => { if (useTryCatch) { WindowErrorUtility.captureError(this, () => callback(...args), () => this.clearInterval(id)); } else { callback(...args); } if (settings?.timer.maxIntervalIterations !== -1) { if (iterations >= settings?.timer.maxIntervalIterations) { this.clearInterval(id); } iterations++; } }, settings?.timer.maxIntervalTime !== -1 && delay && delay > settings?.timer.maxIntervalTime ? settings?.timer.maxIntervalTime : delay); this.#browserFrame[PropertySymbol.asyncTaskManager].startTimer(id); return id; } /** * Cancels a timed repeating action which was previously established by a call to setInterval(). * * @param id ID of the interval. */ clearInterval(id) { // We need to make sure that the ID is a Timeout object, otherwise Node.js might throw an error. // This is only necessary if we are in a Node.js environment. if (IS_NODE_JS_TIMEOUT_ENVIRONMENT && (!id || !== 'Timeout')) { return; } TIMER.clearInterval(id); this.#browserFrame[PropertySymbol.asyncTaskManager].endTimer(id); } /** * Mock animation frames with timeouts. * * @param callback Callback. * @returns ID. */ requestAnimationFrame(callback) { if (this.closed) { return; } const settings =; if (settings.timer.preventTimerLoops) { const stack = new Error().stack; const timerLoopStacks = this.#timerLoopStacks; if (timerLoopStacks.includes(stack)) { return; } timerLoopStacks.push(stack); } const useTryCatch = !settings || (!settings.disableErrorCapturing && settings.errorCapture === BrowserErrorCaptureEnum.tryAndCatch); const id = TIMER.setImmediate(() => { // We need to call endImmediate() before the callback as the callback might throw an error. this.#browserFrame[PropertySymbol.asyncTaskManager].endImmediate(id); if (useTryCatch) { WindowErrorUtility.captureError(this, () => callback(; } else { callback(; } }); this.#browserFrame[PropertySymbol.asyncTaskManager].startImmediate(id); return id; } /** * Mock animation frames with timeouts. * * @param id ID. */ cancelAnimationFrame(id) { // We need to make sure that the ID is an Immediate object, otherwise Node.js might throw an error. // This is only necessary if we are in a Node.js environment. if (IS_NODE_JS_TIMEOUT_ENVIRONMENT && (!id || !== 'Immediate')) { return; } TIMER.clearImmediate(id); this.#browserFrame[PropertySymbol.asyncTaskManager].endImmediate(id); } /** * Queues a microtask to be executed at a safe time prior to control returning to the browser's event loop. * * @param callback Function to be executed. */ queueMicrotask(callback) { if (this.closed) { return; } let isAborted = false; const taskId = this.#browserFrame[PropertySymbol.asyncTaskManager].startTask(() => (isAborted = true)); const settings =; const useTryCatch = !settings || (!settings.disableErrorCapturing && settings.errorCapture === BrowserErrorCaptureEnum.tryAndCatch); TIMER.queueMicrotask(() => { if (!isAborted) { // We need to call endTask() before the callback as the callback might throw an error. this.#browserFrame[PropertySymbol.asyncTaskManager].endTask(taskId); if (useTryCatch) { WindowErrorUtility.captureError(this, callback); } else { callback(); } } }); } /** * This method provides an easy, logical way to fetch resources asynchronously across the network. * * @param url URL. * @param [init] Init. * @returns Promise. */ async fetch(url, init) { if (this.closed) { return Promise.reject(new this.DOMException("Failed to execute 'fetch' on 'Window': The window is closed.", DOMExceptionNameEnum.invalidStateError)); } return await new Fetch({ browserFrame: this.#browserFrame, window: this, url, init }).send(); } /** * Creates a Base64-encoded ASCII string from a binary string (i.e., a string in which each character in the string is treated as a byte of binary data). * * @see * @param data Binay data. * @returns Base64-encoded string. */ btoa(data) { return Base64.btoa(data); } /** * Decodes a string of data which has been encoded using Base64 encoding. * * @see * @see * @see Https:// * @param data Binay string. * @returns An ASCII string containing decoded data from encodedData. */ atob(data) { return Base64.atob(data); } /** * Safely enables cross-origin communication between Window objects; e.g., between a page and a pop-up that it spawned, or between a page and an iframe embedded within it. * * @param message Message. * @param [targetOrigin=*] Target origin. * @param _transfer Transfer. Not implemented. */ postMessage(message, targetOrigin = '*', _transfer) { // TODO: Implement transfer. if (this.closed) { return; } if (targetOrigin && targetOrigin !== '*' && this.location.origin !== targetOrigin) { throw new this.DOMException(`Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'Window': The target origin provided ('${targetOrigin}') does not match the recipient window\'s origin ('${this.location.origin}').`, DOMExceptionNameEnum.securityError); } try { JSON.stringify(message); } catch (error) { throw new this.DOMException(`Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'Window': The provided message cannot be serialized.`, DOMExceptionNameEnum.invalidStateError); } this.setTimeout(() => this.dispatchEvent(new MessageEvent('message', { data: message, origin: this.#browserFrame.parentFrame ? this.#browserFrame.parentFrame.window.location.origin : this.#browserFrame.window.location.origin, source: this.#browserFrame.parentFrame ? this.#browserFrame.parentFrame.window : this.#browserFrame.window, lastEventId: '' }))); } /** * Resizes the window. * * @param width Width. * @param height Height. */ resizeTo(width, height) { if (this.closed) { return; } if (!width || !height) { throw new this.DOMException(`Failed to execute 'resizeTo' on 'Window': 2 arguments required, but only ${arguments.length} present.`); } // We can only resize the window if it is a popup. if (this.#browserFrame[PropertySymbol.popup]) {{ width, height }); } } /** * Resizes the current window by a specified amount. * * @param width Width. * @param height Height. */ resizeBy(width, height) { if (this.closed) { return; } if (!width || !height) { throw new this.DOMException(`Failed to execute 'resizeBy' on 'Window': 2 arguments required, but only ${arguments.length} present.`); } // We can only resize the window if it is a popup. if (this.#browserFrame[PropertySymbol.popup]) { const viewport =;{ width: viewport.width + width, height: viewport.height + height }); } } /** * Setup of VM context. */ [PropertySymbol.setupVMContext]() { if (!VM.isContext(this)) { VM.createContext(this); // Sets global properties from the VM to the Window object. // Otherwise "this.Array" will be undefined for example. VMGlobalPropertyScript.runInContext(this); } } /** * Destroys the window. */ [PropertySymbol.destroy]() { if (this.closed) { return; } this.closed = true; const mutationObservers = this[PropertySymbol.mutationObservers]; for (const mutationObserver of mutationObservers) { if (mutationObserver[PropertySymbol.destroy]) { mutationObserver[PropertySymbol.destroy](); } } this[PropertySymbol.mutationObservers] = []; this[PropertySymbol.asyncTaskManager] = null; this[PropertySymbol.mutationObservers] = []; // Disconnects nodes from the document, so that they can be garbage collected. const childNodes = this.document[PropertySymbol.nodeArray]; while (childNodes.length > 0) { // Makes sure that something won't be triggered by the disconnect. if (childNodes[0].disconnectedCallback) { delete childNodes[0].disconnectedCallback; } this.document.removeChild(childNodes[0]); } // Create some empty elements for scripts that are still running. const htmlElement = this.document.createElement('html'); const headElement = this.document.createElement('head'); const bodyElement = this.document.createElement('body'); htmlElement.appendChild(headElement); htmlElement.appendChild(bodyElement); this.document.appendChild(htmlElement); if (this.location[PropertySymbol.destroy]) { this.location[PropertySymbol.destroy](); } if (this.customElements[PropertySymbol.destroy]) { this.customElements[PropertySymbol.destroy](); } if (this.history[PropertySymbol.destroy]) { this.history[PropertySymbol.destroy](); } this.document[PropertySymbol.activeElement] = null; this.document[PropertySymbol.nextActiveElement] = null; this.document[PropertySymbol.currentScript] = null; this.document[PropertySymbol.selection] = null; WindowBrowserContext.removeWindowBrowserFrameRelation(this); } /** * Binds methods to a window as scope. */ [PropertySymbol.bindMethods]() { for (const _class of [BrowserWindow, EventTarget]) { const propertyDescriptors = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(_class.prototype); const keys = Object.keys(propertyDescriptors); for (const key of keys) { const descriptor = propertyDescriptors[key]; if (descriptor.get || descriptor.set) { Object.defineProperty(this, key, { ...descriptor, get: descriptor.get?.bind(this), set: descriptor.set?.bind(this) }); } else if (key !== 'constructor' && typeof descriptor.value === 'function' && !descriptor.value.toString().startsWith('class ')) { Object.defineProperty(this, key, { ...descriptor, value: descriptor.value.bind(this) }); } } } } } //#