"use strict"; var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) { if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k); if (!desc || ("get" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) { desc = { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } }; } Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc); }) : (function(o, m, k, k2) { if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; o[k2] = m[k]; })); var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) { Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v }); }) : function(o, v) { o["default"] = v; }); var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) { if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod; var result = {}; if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k); __setModuleDefault(result, mod); return result; }; var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) { return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod }; }; var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const EventTarget_js_1 = __importDefault(require("../../event/EventTarget.cjs")); const PropertySymbol = __importStar(require("../../PropertySymbol.cjs")); const NodeTypeEnum_js_1 = __importDefault(require("./NodeTypeEnum.cjs")); const NodeDocumentPositionEnum_js_1 = __importDefault(require("./NodeDocumentPositionEnum.cjs")); const NodeUtility_js_1 = __importDefault(require("./NodeUtility.cjs")); const NodeList_js_1 = __importDefault(require("./NodeList.cjs")); const NodeFactory_js_1 = __importDefault(require("../NodeFactory.cjs")); /** * Node. */ class Node extends EventTarget_js_1.default { /** * Constructor. */ constructor() { super(); // Internal properties this[_a] = false; this[_b] = null; this[_c] = null; this[_d] = null; this[_e] = null; this[_f] = null; this[_g] = []; this[_h] = new NodeList_js_1.default(); if (this.constructor[PropertySymbol.ownerDocument] !== undefined) { this[PropertySymbol.ownerDocument] = this.constructor[PropertySymbol.ownerDocument]; } else { const ownerDocument = NodeFactory_js_1.default.pullOwnerDocument(); if (!ownerDocument) { throw new Error('Failed to construct "Node": No owner document in queue. Please use "NodeFactory" to create instances of a Node.'); } this[PropertySymbol.ownerDocument] = ownerDocument; } } /** * Returns `Symbol.toStringTag`. * * @returns `Symbol.toStringTag`. */ get [(PropertySymbol.ownerDocument, _a = PropertySymbol.isConnected, PropertySymbol.ownerDocument, _b = PropertySymbol.parentNode, PropertySymbol.nodeType, _c = PropertySymbol.rootNode, _d = PropertySymbol.formNode, _e = PropertySymbol.selectNode, _f = PropertySymbol.textAreaNode, _g = PropertySymbol.observers, _h = PropertySymbol.childNodes, Symbol.toStringTag)]() { return this.constructor.name; } /** * Returns connected state. * * @returns Connected state. */ get isConnected() { return this[PropertySymbol.isConnected]; } /** * Returns owner document. * * @returns Owner document. */ get ownerDocument() { return this[PropertySymbol.ownerDocument]; } /** * Returns parent node. * * @returns Parent node. */ get parentNode() { return this[PropertySymbol.parentNode]; } /** * Returns node type. * * @returns Node type. */ get nodeType() { return this[PropertySymbol.nodeType]; } /** * Get child nodes. * * @returns Child nodes list. */ get childNodes() { return this[PropertySymbol.childNodes]; } /** * Get text value of children. * * @returns Text content. */ get textContent() { // Sub-classes should implement this method. return null; } /** * Sets text content. * * @param _textContent Text content. */ set textContent(_textContent) { // Do nothing. // Sub-classes should implement this method. } /** * Node value. * * @returns Node value. */ get nodeValue() { return null; } /** * Sets node value. */ set nodeValue(_nodeValue) { // Do nothing } /** * Node name. * * @returns Node name. */ get nodeName() { return ''; } /** * Previous sibling. * * @returns Node. */ get previousSibling() { if (this[PropertySymbol.parentNode]) { const index = this[PropertySymbol.parentNode][PropertySymbol.childNodes].indexOf(this); if (index > 0) { return this[PropertySymbol.parentNode][PropertySymbol.childNodes][index - 1]; } } return null; } /** * Next sibling. * * @returns Node. */ get nextSibling() { if (this[PropertySymbol.parentNode]) { const index = this[PropertySymbol.parentNode][PropertySymbol.childNodes].indexOf(this); if (index > -1 && index + 1 < this[PropertySymbol.parentNode][PropertySymbol.childNodes].length) { return this[PropertySymbol.parentNode][PropertySymbol.childNodes][index + 1]; } } return null; } /** * First child. * * @returns Node. */ get firstChild() { if (this[PropertySymbol.childNodes].length > 0) { return this[PropertySymbol.childNodes][0]; } return null; } /** * Last child. * * @returns Node. */ get lastChild() { if (this[PropertySymbol.childNodes].length > 0) { return this[PropertySymbol.childNodes][this[PropertySymbol.childNodes].length - 1]; } return null; } /** * Returns parent element. * * @returns Element. */ get parentElement() { let parent = this[PropertySymbol.parentNode]; while (parent && parent[PropertySymbol.nodeType] !== NodeTypeEnum_js_1.default.elementNode) { parent = parent[PropertySymbol.parentNode]; } return parent; } /** * Returns base URI. * * @returns Base URI. */ get baseURI() { const base = this[PropertySymbol.ownerDocument].querySelector('base'); if (base) { return base.href; } return this[PropertySymbol.ownerDocument][PropertySymbol.ownerWindow].location.href; } /** * Returns "true" if the node has child nodes. * * @returns "true" if the node has child nodes. */ hasChildNodes() { return this[PropertySymbol.childNodes].length > 0; } /** * Returns "true" if this node contains the other node. * * @param otherNode Node to test with. * @returns "true" if this node contains the other node. */ contains(otherNode) { if (otherNode === undefined) { return false; } return NodeUtility_js_1.default.isInclusiveAncestor(this, otherNode); } /** * Returns closest root node (Document or ShadowRoot). * * @param options Options. * @param options.composed A Boolean that indicates whether the shadow root should be returned (false, the default), or a root node beyond shadow root (true). * @returns Node. */ getRootNode(options) { if (!this[PropertySymbol.isConnected]) { return this; } if (this[PropertySymbol.rootNode] && !options?.composed) { return this[PropertySymbol.rootNode]; } return this[PropertySymbol.ownerDocument]; } /** * Clones a node. * * @param [deep=false] "true" to clone deep. * @returns Cloned node. */ cloneNode(deep = false) { const clone = NodeFactory_js_1.default.createNode(this[PropertySymbol.ownerDocument], this.constructor); // Document has childNodes directly when it is created if (clone[PropertySymbol.childNodes].length) { for (const node of clone[PropertySymbol.childNodes].slice()) { node[PropertySymbol.parentNode].removeChild(node); } } if (deep) { for (const childNode of this[PropertySymbol.childNodes]) { const childClone = childNode.cloneNode(true); childClone[PropertySymbol.parentNode] = clone; clone[PropertySymbol.childNodes].push(childClone); } } return clone; } /** * Append a child node to childNodes. * * @param node Node to append. * @returns Appended node. */ appendChild(node) { return NodeUtility_js_1.default.appendChild(this, node); } /** * Remove Child element from childNodes array. * * @param node Node to remove. * @returns Removed node. */ removeChild(node) { return NodeUtility_js_1.default.removeChild(this, node); } /** * Inserts a node before another. * * @param newNode Node to insert. * @param referenceNode Node to insert before. * @returns Inserted node. */ insertBefore(newNode, referenceNode) { if (arguments.length < 2) { throw new TypeError(`Failed to execute 'insertBefore' on 'Node': 2 arguments required, but only ${arguments.length} present.`); } return NodeUtility_js_1.default.insertBefore(this, newNode, referenceNode); } /** * Replaces a node with another. * * @param newChild New child. * @param oldChild Old child. * @returns Replaced node. */ replaceChild(newChild, oldChild) { this.insertBefore(newChild, oldChild); this.removeChild(oldChild); return oldChild; } /** * Compares two nodes. * Two nodes are equal if they have the same type, defining the same attributes, and so on. * * @param node Node to compare. * @returns boolean - `true` if two nodes are equal. */ isEqualNode(node) { return NodeUtility_js_1.default.isEqualNode(this, node); } /** * Converts the node to a string. * * @param listener Listener. */ toString() { return `[object ${this.constructor.name}]`; } /** * Observeres the node. * Used by MutationObserver, but it is not part of the HTML standard. * * @param listener Listener. */ [PropertySymbol.observe](listener) { this[PropertySymbol.observers].push(listener); if (listener.options.subtree) { for (const node of this[PropertySymbol.childNodes]) { node[PropertySymbol.observe](listener); } } } /** * Stops observing the node. * Used by MutationObserver, but it is not part of the HTML standard. * * @param listener Listener. */ [PropertySymbol.unobserve](listener) { const index = this[PropertySymbol.observers].indexOf(listener); if (index !== -1) { this[PropertySymbol.observers].splice(index, 1); } if (listener.options.subtree) { for (const node of this[PropertySymbol.childNodes]) { node[PropertySymbol.unobserve](listener); } } } /** * Connects this element to another element. * * @param parentNode Parent node. */ [PropertySymbol.connectToNode](parentNode = null) { const isConnected = !!parentNode && parentNode[PropertySymbol.isConnected]; const formNode = this[PropertySymbol.formNode]; const selectNode = this[PropertySymbol.selectNode]; const textAreaNode = this[PropertySymbol.textAreaNode]; if (this[PropertySymbol.nodeType] !== NodeTypeEnum_js_1.default.documentFragmentNode) { this[PropertySymbol.parentNode] = parentNode; this[PropertySymbol.rootNode] = isConnected && parentNode ? parentNode[PropertySymbol.rootNode] : null; if (this['tagName'] !== 'FORM') { this[PropertySymbol.formNode] = parentNode ? parentNode[PropertySymbol.formNode] : null; } if (this['tagName'] !== 'SELECT') { this[PropertySymbol.selectNode] = parentNode ? parentNode[PropertySymbol.selectNode] : null; } if (this['tagName'] !== 'TEXTAREA') { this[PropertySymbol.textAreaNode] = parentNode ? parentNode[PropertySymbol.textAreaNode] : null; } } if (this[PropertySymbol.isConnected] !== isConnected) { this[PropertySymbol.isConnected] = isConnected; if (!isConnected) { if (this[PropertySymbol.ownerDocument][PropertySymbol.activeElement] === this) { this[PropertySymbol.ownerDocument][PropertySymbol.activeElement] = null; } } if (isConnected && this.connectedCallback) { this.connectedCallback(); } else if (!isConnected && this.disconnectedCallback) { this.disconnectedCallback(); } for (const child of this[PropertySymbol.childNodes]) { child[PropertySymbol.connectToNode](this); } // eslint-disable-next-line if (this[PropertySymbol.shadowRoot]) { // eslint-disable-next-line this[PropertySymbol.shadowRoot][PropertySymbol.connectToNode](this); } } else if (formNode !== this[PropertySymbol.formNode] || selectNode !== this[PropertySymbol.selectNode] || textAreaNode !== this[PropertySymbol.textAreaNode]) { for (const child of this[PropertySymbol.childNodes]) { child[PropertySymbol.connectToNode](this); } } } /** * Reports the position of its argument node relative to the node on which it is called. * * @see https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-node-comparedocumentposition * @param otherNode Other node. */ compareDocumentPosition(otherNode) { /** * 1. If this is other, then return zero. */ if (this === otherNode) { return 0; } /** * 2. Let node1 be other and node2 be this. */ let node1 = otherNode; let node2 = this; /** * 3. Let attr1 and attr2 be null. */ let attr1 = null; let attr2 = null; /** * 4. If node1 is an attribute, then set attr1 to node1 and node1 to attr1’s element. */ if (node1[PropertySymbol.nodeType] === NodeTypeEnum_js_1.default.attributeNode) { attr1 = node1; node1 = attr1[PropertySymbol.ownerElement]; } /** * 5. If node2 is an attribute, then: * 5.1. Set attr2 to node2 and node2 to attr2’s element. */ if (node2[PropertySymbol.nodeType] === NodeTypeEnum_js_1.default.attributeNode) { attr2 = node2; node2 = attr2[PropertySymbol.ownerElement]; /** * 5.2. If attr1 and node1 are non-null, and node2 is node1, then: */ if (attr1 !== null && node1 !== null && node2 === node1) { /** * 5.2.1. For each attr in node2’s attribute list: */ for (const attr of Object.values(node2[PropertySymbol.attributes])) { /** * If attr equals attr1, then return the result of adding DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC and DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING. */ if (NodeUtility_js_1.default.isEqualNode(attr, attr1)) { return (Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC | Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING); } /** * If attr equals attr2, then return the result of adding DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC and DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING. */ if (NodeUtility_js_1.default.isEqualNode(attr, attr2)) { return (Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC | Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING); } } } } const node2Ancestors = []; let node2Ancestor = node2; while (node2Ancestor) { /** * 7. If node1 is an ancestor of node2 […] then return the result of adding DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS to DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING. */ if (node2Ancestor === node1) { return Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS | Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING; } node2Ancestors.push(node2Ancestor); node2Ancestor = node2Ancestor[PropertySymbol.parentNode]; } const node1Ancestors = []; let node1Ancestor = node1; while (node1Ancestor) { /** * 8. If node1 is a descendant of node2 […] then return the result of adding DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY to DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING. */ if (node1Ancestor === node2) { return Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY | Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING; } node1Ancestors.push(node1Ancestor); node1Ancestor = node1Ancestor[PropertySymbol.parentNode]; } const reverseArrayIndex = (array, reverseIndex) => { return array[array.length - 1 - reverseIndex]; }; const root = reverseArrayIndex(node2Ancestors, 0); /** * 6. If node1 or node2 is null, or node1’s root is not node2’s root, then return the result of adding * DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED, DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC, and either * DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING or DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING, with the constraint that this is to be consistent, together. */ if (!root || root !== reverseArrayIndex(node1Ancestors, 0)) { return (Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED | Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC | Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING); } // Find the lowest common ancestor let commonAncestorIndex = 0; const ancestorsMinLength = Math.min(node2Ancestors.length, node1Ancestors.length); for (let i = 0; i < ancestorsMinLength; ++i) { const node2Ancestor = reverseArrayIndex(node2Ancestors, i); const node1Ancestor = reverseArrayIndex(node1Ancestors, i); if (node2Ancestor !== node1Ancestor) { break; } commonAncestorIndex = i; } const commonAncestor = reverseArrayIndex(node2Ancestors, commonAncestorIndex); // Indexes within the common ancestor let indexes = 0; let node2Index = -1; let node1Index = -1; const node2Node = reverseArrayIndex(node2Ancestors, commonAncestorIndex + 1); const node1Node = reverseArrayIndex(node1Ancestors, commonAncestorIndex + 1); const computeNodeIndexes = (nodes) => { for (const childNode of nodes) { computeNodeIndexes(childNode[PropertySymbol.childNodes]); if (childNode === node2Node) { node2Index = indexes; } else if (childNode === node1Node) { node1Index = indexes; } if (node2Index !== -1 && node1Index !== -1) { break; } indexes++; } }; computeNodeIndexes(commonAncestor[PropertySymbol.childNodes]); /** * 9. If node1 is preceding node2, then return DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING. * 10. Return DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING. */ return node1Index < node2Index ? Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING : Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING; } /** * Normalizes the sub-tree of the node, i.e. joins adjacent text nodes, and * removes all empty text nodes. * * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node/normalize */ normalize() { let child = this.firstChild; while (child) { if (NodeUtility_js_1.default.isTextNode(child)) { // Append text of all following text nodes, and remove them. while (NodeUtility_js_1.default.isTextNode(child.nextSibling)) { child.data += child.nextSibling.data; child.nextSibling.remove(); } // Remove text node if it is still empty. if (!child.data.length) { const node = child; child = child.nextSibling; node.remove(); continue; } } else { // Normalize child nodes recursively. child.normalize(); } child = child.nextSibling; } } /** * Determines whether the given node is equal to the current node. * * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node/isSameNode * @param node Node to check. * @returns True if the given node is equal to the current node, otherwise false. */ isSameNode(node) { return this === node; } } // Public properties Node.ELEMENT_NODE = NodeTypeEnum_js_1.default.elementNode; Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE = NodeTypeEnum_js_1.default.attributeNode; Node.TEXT_NODE = NodeTypeEnum_js_1.default.textNode; Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE = NodeTypeEnum_js_1.default.cdataSectionNode; Node.COMMENT_NODE = NodeTypeEnum_js_1.default.commentNode; Node.DOCUMENT_NODE = NodeTypeEnum_js_1.default.documentNode; Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE = NodeTypeEnum_js_1.default.documentTypeNode; Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE = NodeTypeEnum_js_1.default.documentFragmentNode; Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE = NodeTypeEnum_js_1.default.processingInstructionNode; Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY = NodeDocumentPositionEnum_js_1.default.containedBy; Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS = NodeDocumentPositionEnum_js_1.default.contains; Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED = NodeDocumentPositionEnum_js_1.default.disconnect; Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING = NodeDocumentPositionEnum_js_1.default.following; Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC = NodeDocumentPositionEnum_js_1.default.implementationSpecific; Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING = NodeDocumentPositionEnum_js_1.default.preceding; exports.default = Node; // According to the spec, these properties should be on the prototype. Node.prototype.ELEMENT_NODE = NodeTypeEnum_js_1.default.elementNode; Node.prototype.ATTRIBUTE_NODE = NodeTypeEnum_js_1.default.attributeNode; Node.prototype.TEXT_NODE = NodeTypeEnum_js_1.default.textNode; Node.prototype.CDATA_SECTION_NODE = NodeTypeEnum_js_1.default.cdataSectionNode; Node.prototype.COMMENT_NODE = NodeTypeEnum_js_1.default.commentNode; Node.prototype.DOCUMENT_NODE = NodeTypeEnum_js_1.default.documentNode; Node.prototype.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE = NodeTypeEnum_js_1.default.documentTypeNode; Node.prototype.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE = NodeTypeEnum_js_1.default.documentFragmentNode; Node.prototype.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE = NodeTypeEnum_js_1.default.processingInstructionNode; Node.prototype.DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY = NodeDocumentPositionEnum_js_1.default.containedBy; Node.prototype.DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS = NodeDocumentPositionEnum_js_1.default.contains; Node.prototype.DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED = NodeDocumentPositionEnum_js_1.default.disconnect; Node.prototype.DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING = NodeDocumentPositionEnum_js_1.default.following; Node.prototype.DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC = NodeDocumentPositionEnum_js_1.default.implementationSpecific; Node.prototype.DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING = NodeDocumentPositionEnum_js_1.default.preceding; //# sourceMappingURL=Node.cjs.map