# glsl-resolve [![Flattr this!](https://api.flattr.com/button/flattr-badge-large.png)](https://flattr.com/submit/auto?user_id=hughskennedy&url=http://github.com/hughsk/glsl-resolve&title=glsl-resolve&description=hughsk/glsl-resolve%20on%20GitHub&language=en_GB&tags=flattr,github,javascript&category=software)[![experimental](http://hughsk.github.io/stability-badges/dist/experimental.svg)](http://github.com/hughsk/stability-badges) # A wrapper for the [resolve](https://github.com/substack/node-resolve) module that targets GLSL shaders instead of JavaScript. ## Usage ## [![glsl-resolve](https://nodei.co/npm/glsl-resolve.png?mini=true)](https://nodei.co/npm/glsl-resolve) The API is equivalent to *resolve* for both `resolve.async` and `resolve.sync`, with the following exceptions: * Node's core modules are excluded. * The "main" file for a module is looked for first in a package.json's `glslify` property, then if `main` isn't a JavaScript file it'll look there too. Otherwise, it will default to trying `index.glsl`. * Listed in order of priority, the following extensions are resolved instead of `.js` and `.json`: * `.glsl` * `.vert` * `.frag` * `.geom` * `.vs` * `.fs` * `.gs` * `.vsh` * `.fsh` * `.gsh` * `.vshader` * `.fshader` * `.gshader` ## License ## MIT. See [LICENSE.md](http://github.com/hughsk/glsl-resolve/blob/master/LICENSE.md) for details.