/*! * focus-trap 7.5.4 * @license MIT, https://github.com/focus-trap/focus-trap/blob/master/LICENSE */ (function (global, factory) { typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports, require('tabbable')) : typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports', 'tabbable'], factory) : (global = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : global || self, (function () { var current = global.focusTrap; var exports = global.focusTrap = {}; factory(exports, global.tabbable); exports.noConflict = function () { global.focusTrap = current; return exports; }; })()); })(this, (function (exports, tabbable) { 'use strict'; function ownKeys(e, r) { var t = Object.keys(e); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var o = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); r && (o = o.filter(function (r) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, r).enumerable; })), t.push.apply(t, o); } return t; } function _objectSpread2(e) { for (var r = 1; r < arguments.length; r++) { var t = null != arguments[r] ? arguments[r] : {}; r % 2 ? ownKeys(Object(t), !0).forEach(function (r) { _defineProperty(e, r, t[r]); }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(t)) : ownKeys(Object(t)).forEach(function (r) { Object.defineProperty(e, r, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, r)); }); } return e; } function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { key = _toPropertyKey(key); if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; } function _toPrimitive(input, hint) { if (typeof input !== "object" || input === null) return input; var prim = input[Symbol.toPrimitive]; if (prim !== undefined) { var res = prim.call(input, hint || "default"); if (typeof res !== "object") return res; throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value."); } return (hint === "string" ? String : Number)(input); } function _toPropertyKey(arg) { var key = _toPrimitive(arg, "string"); return typeof key === "symbol" ? key : String(key); } var activeFocusTraps = { activateTrap: function activateTrap(trapStack, trap) { if (trapStack.length > 0) { var activeTrap = trapStack[trapStack.length - 1]; if (activeTrap !== trap) { activeTrap.pause(); } } var trapIndex = trapStack.indexOf(trap); if (trapIndex === -1) { trapStack.push(trap); } else { // move this existing trap to the front of the queue trapStack.splice(trapIndex, 1); trapStack.push(trap); } }, deactivateTrap: function deactivateTrap(trapStack, trap) { var trapIndex = trapStack.indexOf(trap); if (trapIndex !== -1) { trapStack.splice(trapIndex, 1); } if (trapStack.length > 0) { trapStack[trapStack.length - 1].unpause(); } } }; var isSelectableInput = function isSelectableInput(node) { return node.tagName && node.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'input' && typeof node.select === 'function'; }; var isEscapeEvent = function isEscapeEvent(e) { return (e === null || e === void 0 ? void 0 : e.key) === 'Escape' || (e === null || e === void 0 ? void 0 : e.key) === 'Esc' || (e === null || e === void 0 ? void 0 : e.keyCode) === 27; }; var isTabEvent = function isTabEvent(e) { return (e === null || e === void 0 ? void 0 : e.key) === 'Tab' || (e === null || e === void 0 ? void 0 : e.keyCode) === 9; }; // checks for TAB by default var isKeyForward = function isKeyForward(e) { return isTabEvent(e) && !e.shiftKey; }; // checks for SHIFT+TAB by default var isKeyBackward = function isKeyBackward(e) { return isTabEvent(e) && e.shiftKey; }; var delay = function delay(fn) { return setTimeout(fn, 0); }; // Array.find/findIndex() are not supported on IE; this replicates enough // of Array.findIndex() for our needs var findIndex = function findIndex(arr, fn) { var idx = -1; arr.every(function (value, i) { if (fn(value)) { idx = i; return false; // break } return true; // next }); return idx; }; /** * Get an option's value when it could be a plain value, or a handler that provides * the value. * @param {*} value Option's value to check. * @param {...*} [params] Any parameters to pass to the handler, if `value` is a function. * @returns {*} The `value`, or the handler's returned value. */ var valueOrHandler = function valueOrHandler(value) { for (var _len = arguments.length, params = new Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) { params[_key - 1] = arguments[_key]; } return typeof value === 'function' ? value.apply(void 0, params) : value; }; var getActualTarget = function getActualTarget(event) { // NOTE: If the trap is _inside_ a shadow DOM, event.target will always be the // shadow host. However, event.target.composedPath() will be an array of // nodes "clicked" from inner-most (the actual element inside the shadow) to // outer-most (the host HTML document). If we have access to composedPath(), // then use its first element; otherwise, fall back to event.target (and // this only works for an _open_ shadow DOM; otherwise, // composedPath()[0] === event.target always). return event.target.shadowRoot && typeof event.composedPath === 'function' ? event.composedPath()[0] : event.target; }; // NOTE: this must be _outside_ `createFocusTrap()` to make sure all traps in this // current instance use the same stack if `userOptions.trapStack` isn't specified var internalTrapStack = []; var createFocusTrap = function createFocusTrap(elements, userOptions) { // SSR: a live trap shouldn't be created in this type of environment so this // should be safe code to execute if the `document` option isn't specified var doc = (userOptions === null || userOptions === void 0 ? void 0 : userOptions.document) || document; var trapStack = (userOptions === null || userOptions === void 0 ? void 0 : userOptions.trapStack) || internalTrapStack; var config = _objectSpread2({ returnFocusOnDeactivate: true, escapeDeactivates: true, delayInitialFocus: true, isKeyForward: isKeyForward, isKeyBackward: isKeyBackward }, userOptions); var state = { // containers given to createFocusTrap() // @type {Array} containers: [], // list of objects identifying tabbable nodes in `containers` in the trap // NOTE: it's possible that a group has no tabbable nodes if nodes get removed while the trap // is active, but the trap should never get to a state where there isn't at least one group // with at least one tabbable node in it (that would lead to an error condition that would // result in an error being thrown) // @type {Array<{ // container: HTMLElement, // tabbableNodes: Array, // empty if none // focusableNodes: Array, // empty if none // posTabIndexesFound: boolean, // firstTabbableNode: HTMLElement|undefined, // lastTabbableNode: HTMLElement|undefined, // firstDomTabbableNode: HTMLElement|undefined, // lastDomTabbableNode: HTMLElement|undefined, // nextTabbableNode: (node: HTMLElement, forward: boolean) => HTMLElement|undefined // }>} containerGroups: [], // same order/length as `containers` list // references to objects in `containerGroups`, but only those that actually have // tabbable nodes in them // NOTE: same order as `containers` and `containerGroups`, but __not necessarily__ // the same length tabbableGroups: [], nodeFocusedBeforeActivation: null, mostRecentlyFocusedNode: null, active: false, paused: false, // timer ID for when delayInitialFocus is true and initial focus in this trap // has been delayed during activation delayInitialFocusTimer: undefined, // the most recent KeyboardEvent for the configured nav key (typically [SHIFT+]TAB), if any recentNavEvent: undefined }; var trap; // eslint-disable-line prefer-const -- some private functions reference it, and its methods reference private functions, so we must declare here and define later /** * Gets a configuration option value. * @param {Object|undefined} configOverrideOptions If true, and option is defined in this set, * value will be taken from this object. Otherwise, value will be taken from base configuration. * @param {string} optionName Name of the option whose value is sought. * @param {string|undefined} [configOptionName] Name of option to use __instead of__ `optionName` * IIF `configOverrideOptions` is not defined. Otherwise, `optionName` is used. */ var getOption = function getOption(configOverrideOptions, optionName, configOptionName) { return configOverrideOptions && configOverrideOptions[optionName] !== undefined ? configOverrideOptions[optionName] : config[configOptionName || optionName]; }; /** * Finds the index of the container that contains the element. * @param {HTMLElement} element * @param {Event} [event] If available, and `element` isn't directly found in any container, * the event's composed path is used to see if includes any known trap containers in the * case where the element is inside a Shadow DOM. * @returns {number} Index of the container in either `state.containers` or * `state.containerGroups` (the order/length of these lists are the same); -1 * if the element isn't found. */ var findContainerIndex = function findContainerIndex(element, event) { var composedPath = typeof (event === null || event === void 0 ? void 0 : event.composedPath) === 'function' ? event.composedPath() : undefined; // NOTE: search `containerGroups` because it's possible a group contains no tabbable // nodes, but still contains focusable nodes (e.g. if they all have `tabindex=-1`) // and we still need to find the element in there return state.containerGroups.findIndex(function (_ref) { var container = _ref.container, tabbableNodes = _ref.tabbableNodes; return container.contains(element) || ( // fall back to explicit tabbable search which will take into consideration any // web components if the `tabbableOptions.getShadowRoot` option was used for // the trap, enabling shadow DOM support in tabbable (`Node.contains()` doesn't // look inside web components even if open) composedPath === null || composedPath === void 0 ? void 0 : composedPath.includes(container)) || tabbableNodes.find(function (node) { return node === element; }); }); }; /** * Gets the node for the given option, which is expected to be an option that * can be either a DOM node, a string that is a selector to get a node, `false` * (if a node is explicitly NOT given), or a function that returns any of these * values. * @param {string} optionName * @returns {undefined | false | HTMLElement | SVGElement} Returns * `undefined` if the option is not specified; `false` if the option * resolved to `false` (node explicitly not given); otherwise, the resolved * DOM node. * @throws {Error} If the option is set, not `false`, and is not, or does not * resolve to a node. */ var getNodeForOption = function getNodeForOption(optionName) { var optionValue = config[optionName]; if (typeof optionValue === 'function') { for (var _len2 = arguments.length, params = new Array(_len2 > 1 ? _len2 - 1 : 0), _key2 = 1; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) { params[_key2 - 1] = arguments[_key2]; } optionValue = optionValue.apply(void 0, params); } if (optionValue === true) { optionValue = undefined; // use default value } if (!optionValue) { if (optionValue === undefined || optionValue === false) { return optionValue; } // else, empty string (invalid), null (invalid), 0 (invalid) throw new Error("`".concat(optionName, "` was specified but was not a node, or did not return a node")); } var node = optionValue; // could be HTMLElement, SVGElement, or non-empty string at this point if (typeof optionValue === 'string') { node = doc.querySelector(optionValue); // resolve to node, or null if fails if (!node) { throw new Error("`".concat(optionName, "` as selector refers to no known node")); } } return node; }; var getInitialFocusNode = function getInitialFocusNode() { var node = getNodeForOption('initialFocus'); // false explicitly indicates we want no initialFocus at all if (node === false) { return false; } if (node === undefined || !tabbable.isFocusable(node, config.tabbableOptions)) { // option not specified nor focusable: use fallback options if (findContainerIndex(doc.activeElement) >= 0) { node = doc.activeElement; } else { var firstTabbableGroup = state.tabbableGroups[0]; var firstTabbableNode = firstTabbableGroup && firstTabbableGroup.firstTabbableNode; // NOTE: `fallbackFocus` option function cannot return `false` (not supported) node = firstTabbableNode || getNodeForOption('fallbackFocus'); } } if (!node) { throw new Error('Your focus-trap needs to have at least one focusable element'); } return node; }; var updateTabbableNodes = function updateTabbableNodes() { state.containerGroups = state.containers.map(function (container) { var tabbableNodes = tabbable.tabbable(container, config.tabbableOptions); // NOTE: if we have tabbable nodes, we must have focusable nodes; focusable nodes // are a superset of tabbable nodes since nodes with negative `tabindex` attributes // are focusable but not tabbable var focusableNodes = tabbable.focusable(container, config.tabbableOptions); var firstTabbableNode = tabbableNodes.length > 0 ? tabbableNodes[0] : undefined; var lastTabbableNode = tabbableNodes.length > 0 ? tabbableNodes[tabbableNodes.length - 1] : undefined; var firstDomTabbableNode = focusableNodes.find(function (node) { return tabbable.isTabbable(node); }); var lastDomTabbableNode = focusableNodes.slice().reverse().find(function (node) { return tabbable.isTabbable(node); }); var posTabIndexesFound = !!tabbableNodes.find(function (node) { return tabbable.getTabIndex(node) > 0; }); return { container: container, tabbableNodes: tabbableNodes, focusableNodes: focusableNodes, /** True if at least one node with positive `tabindex` was found in this container. */ posTabIndexesFound: posTabIndexesFound, /** First tabbable node in container, __tabindex__ order; `undefined` if none. */ firstTabbableNode: firstTabbableNode, /** Last tabbable node in container, __tabindex__ order; `undefined` if none. */ lastTabbableNode: lastTabbableNode, // NOTE: DOM order is NOT NECESSARILY "document position" order, but figuring that out // would require more than just https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node/compareDocumentPosition // because that API doesn't work with Shadow DOM as well as it should (@see // https://github.com/whatwg/dom/issues/320) and since this first/last is only needed, so far, // to address an edge case related to positive tabindex support, this seems like a much easier, // "close enough most of the time" alternative for positive tabindexes which should generally // be avoided anyway... /** First tabbable node in container, __DOM__ order; `undefined` if none. */ firstDomTabbableNode: firstDomTabbableNode, /** Last tabbable node in container, __DOM__ order; `undefined` if none. */ lastDomTabbableNode: lastDomTabbableNode, /** * Finds the __tabbable__ node that follows the given node in the specified direction, * in this container, if any. * @param {HTMLElement} node * @param {boolean} [forward] True if going in forward tab order; false if going * in reverse. * @returns {HTMLElement|undefined} The next tabbable node, if any. */ nextTabbableNode: function nextTabbableNode(node) { var forward = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : true; var nodeIdx = tabbableNodes.indexOf(node); if (nodeIdx < 0) { // either not tabbable nor focusable, or was focused but not tabbable (negative tabindex): // since `node` should at least have been focusable, we assume that's the case and mimic // what browsers do, which is set focus to the next node in __document position order__, // regardless of positive tabindexes, if any -- and for reasons explained in the NOTE // above related to `firstDomTabbable` and `lastDomTabbable` properties, we fall back to // basic DOM order if (forward) { return focusableNodes.slice(focusableNodes.indexOf(node) + 1).find(function (el) { return tabbable.isTabbable(el); }); } return focusableNodes.slice(0, focusableNodes.indexOf(node)).reverse().find(function (el) { return tabbable.isTabbable(el); }); } return tabbableNodes[nodeIdx + (forward ? 1 : -1)]; } }; }); state.tabbableGroups = state.containerGroups.filter(function (group) { return group.tabbableNodes.length > 0; }); // throw if no groups have tabbable nodes and we don't have a fallback focus node either if (state.tabbableGroups.length <= 0 && !getNodeForOption('fallbackFocus') // returning false not supported for this option ) { throw new Error('Your focus-trap must have at least one container with at least one tabbable node in it at all times'); } // NOTE: Positive tabindexes are only properly supported in single-container traps because // doing it across multiple containers where tabindexes could be all over the place // would require Tabbable to support multiple containers, would require additional // specialized Shadow DOM support, and would require Tabbable's multi-container support // to look at those containers in document position order rather than user-provided // order (as they are treated in Focus-trap, for legacy reasons). See discussion on // https://github.com/focus-trap/focus-trap/issues/375 for more details. if (state.containerGroups.find(function (g) { return g.posTabIndexesFound; }) && state.containerGroups.length > 1) { throw new Error("At least one node with a positive tabindex was found in one of your focus-trap's multiple containers. Positive tabindexes are only supported in single-container focus-traps."); } }; /** * Gets the current activeElement. If it's a web-component and has open shadow-root * it will recursively search inside shadow roots for the "true" activeElement. * * @param {Document | ShadowRoot} el * * @returns {HTMLElement} The element that currently has the focus **/ var getActiveElement = function getActiveElement(el) { var activeElement = el.activeElement; if (!activeElement) { return; } if (activeElement.shadowRoot && activeElement.shadowRoot.activeElement !== null) { return getActiveElement(activeElement.shadowRoot); } return activeElement; }; var tryFocus = function tryFocus(node) { if (node === false) { return; } if (node === getActiveElement(document)) { return; } if (!node || !node.focus) { tryFocus(getInitialFocusNode()); return; } node.focus({ preventScroll: !!config.preventScroll }); // NOTE: focus() API does not trigger focusIn event so set MRU node manually state.mostRecentlyFocusedNode = node; if (isSelectableInput(node)) { node.select(); } }; var getReturnFocusNode = function getReturnFocusNode(previousActiveElement) { var node = getNodeForOption('setReturnFocus', previousActiveElement); return node ? node : node === false ? false : previousActiveElement; }; /** * Finds the next node (in either direction) where focus should move according to a * keyboard focus-in event. * @param {Object} params * @param {Node} [params.target] Known target __from which__ to navigate, if any. * @param {KeyboardEvent|FocusEvent} [params.event] Event to use if `target` isn't known (event * will be used to determine the `target`). Ignored if `target` is specified. * @param {boolean} [params.isBackward] True if focus should move backward. * @returns {Node|undefined} The next node, or `undefined` if a next node couldn't be * determined given the current state of the trap. */ var findNextNavNode = function findNextNavNode(_ref2) { var target = _ref2.target, event = _ref2.event, _ref2$isBackward = _ref2.isBackward, isBackward = _ref2$isBackward === void 0 ? false : _ref2$isBackward; target = target || getActualTarget(event); updateTabbableNodes(); var destinationNode = null; if (state.tabbableGroups.length > 0) { // make sure the target is actually contained in a group // NOTE: the target may also be the container itself if it's focusable // with tabIndex='-1' and was given initial focus var containerIndex = findContainerIndex(target, event); var containerGroup = containerIndex >= 0 ? state.containerGroups[containerIndex] : undefined; if (containerIndex < 0) { // target not found in any group: quite possible focus has escaped the trap, // so bring it back into... if (isBackward) { // ...the last node in the last group destinationNode = state.tabbableGroups[state.tabbableGroups.length - 1].lastTabbableNode; } else { // ...the first node in the first group destinationNode = state.tabbableGroups[0].firstTabbableNode; } } else if (isBackward) { // REVERSE // is the target the first tabbable node in a group? var startOfGroupIndex = findIndex(state.tabbableGroups, function (_ref3) { var firstTabbableNode = _ref3.firstTabbableNode; return target === firstTabbableNode; }); if (startOfGroupIndex < 0 && (containerGroup.container === target || tabbable.isFocusable(target, config.tabbableOptions) && !tabbable.isTabbable(target, config.tabbableOptions) && !containerGroup.nextTabbableNode(target, false))) { // an exception case where the target is either the container itself, or // a non-tabbable node that was given focus (i.e. tabindex is negative // and user clicked on it or node was programmatically given focus) // and is not followed by any other tabbable node, in which // case, we should handle shift+tab as if focus were on the container's // first tabbable node, and go to the last tabbable node of the LAST group startOfGroupIndex = containerIndex; } if (startOfGroupIndex >= 0) { // YES: then shift+tab should go to the last tabbable node in the // previous group (and wrap around to the last tabbable node of // the LAST group if it's the first tabbable node of the FIRST group) var destinationGroupIndex = startOfGroupIndex === 0 ? state.tabbableGroups.length - 1 : startOfGroupIndex - 1; var destinationGroup = state.tabbableGroups[destinationGroupIndex]; destinationNode = tabbable.getTabIndex(target) >= 0 ? destinationGroup.lastTabbableNode : destinationGroup.lastDomTabbableNode; } else if (!isTabEvent(event)) { // user must have customized the nav keys so we have to move focus manually _within_ // the active group: do this based on the order determined by tabbable() destinationNode = containerGroup.nextTabbableNode(target, false); } } else { // FORWARD // is the target the last tabbable node in a group? var lastOfGroupIndex = findIndex(state.tabbableGroups, function (_ref4) { var lastTabbableNode = _ref4.lastTabbableNode; return target === lastTabbableNode; }); if (lastOfGroupIndex < 0 && (containerGroup.container === target || tabbable.isFocusable(target, config.tabbableOptions) && !tabbable.isTabbable(target, config.tabbableOptions) && !containerGroup.nextTabbableNode(target))) { // an exception case where the target is the container itself, or // a non-tabbable node that was given focus (i.e. tabindex is negative // and user clicked on it or node was programmatically given focus) // and is not followed by any other tabbable node, in which // case, we should handle tab as if focus were on the container's // last tabbable node, and go to the first tabbable node of the FIRST group lastOfGroupIndex = containerIndex; } if (lastOfGroupIndex >= 0) { // YES: then tab should go to the first tabbable node in the next // group (and wrap around to the first tabbable node of the FIRST // group if it's the last tabbable node of the LAST group) var _destinationGroupIndex = lastOfGroupIndex === state.tabbableGroups.length - 1 ? 0 : lastOfGroupIndex + 1; var _destinationGroup = state.tabbableGroups[_destinationGroupIndex]; destinationNode = tabbable.getTabIndex(target) >= 0 ? _destinationGroup.firstTabbableNode : _destinationGroup.firstDomTabbableNode; } else if (!isTabEvent(event)) { // user must have customized the nav keys so we have to move focus manually _within_ // the active group: do this based on the order determined by tabbable() destinationNode = containerGroup.nextTabbableNode(target); } } } else { // no groups available // NOTE: the fallbackFocus option does not support returning false to opt-out destinationNode = getNodeForOption('fallbackFocus'); } return destinationNode; }; // This needs to be done on mousedown and touchstart instead of click // so that it precedes the focus event. var checkPointerDown = function checkPointerDown(e) { var target = getActualTarget(e); if (findContainerIndex(target, e) >= 0) { // allow the click since it ocurred inside the trap return; } if (valueOrHandler(config.clickOutsideDeactivates, e)) { // immediately deactivate the trap trap.deactivate({ // NOTE: by setting `returnFocus: false`, deactivate() will do nothing, // which will result in the outside click setting focus to the node // that was clicked (and if not focusable, to "nothing"); by setting // `returnFocus: true`, we'll attempt to re-focus the node originally-focused // on activation (or the configured `setReturnFocus` node), whether the // outside click was on a focusable node or not returnFocus: config.returnFocusOnDeactivate }); return; } // This is needed for mobile devices. // (If we'll only let `click` events through, // then on mobile they will be blocked anyways if `touchstart` is blocked.) if (valueOrHandler(config.allowOutsideClick, e)) { // allow the click outside the trap to take place return; } // otherwise, prevent the click e.preventDefault(); }; // In case focus escapes the trap for some strange reason, pull it back in. // NOTE: the focusIn event is NOT cancelable, so if focus escapes, it may cause unexpected // scrolling if the node that got focused was out of view; there's nothing we can do to // prevent that from happening by the time we discover that focus escaped var checkFocusIn = function checkFocusIn(event) { var target = getActualTarget(event); var targetContained = findContainerIndex(target, event) >= 0; // In Firefox when you Tab out of an iframe the Document is briefly focused. if (targetContained || target instanceof Document) { if (targetContained) { state.mostRecentlyFocusedNode = target; } } else { // escaped! pull it back in to where it just left event.stopImmediatePropagation(); // focus will escape if the MRU node had a positive tab index and user tried to nav forward; // it will also escape if the MRU node had a 0 tab index and user tried to nav backward // toward a node with a positive tab index var nextNode; // next node to focus, if we find one var navAcrossContainers = true; if (state.mostRecentlyFocusedNode) { if (tabbable.getTabIndex(state.mostRecentlyFocusedNode) > 0) { // MRU container index must be >=0 otherwise we wouldn't have it as an MRU node... var mruContainerIdx = findContainerIndex(state.mostRecentlyFocusedNode); // there MAY not be any tabbable nodes in the container if there are at least 2 containers // and the MRU node is focusable but not tabbable (focus-trap requires at least 1 container // with at least one tabbable node in order to function, so this could be the other container // with nothing tabbable in it) var tabbableNodes = state.containerGroups[mruContainerIdx].tabbableNodes; if (tabbableNodes.length > 0) { // MRU tab index MAY not be found if the MRU node is focusable but not tabbable var mruTabIdx = tabbableNodes.findIndex(function (node) { return node === state.mostRecentlyFocusedNode; }); if (mruTabIdx >= 0) { if (config.isKeyForward(state.recentNavEvent)) { if (mruTabIdx + 1 < tabbableNodes.length) { nextNode = tabbableNodes[mruTabIdx + 1]; navAcrossContainers = false; } // else, don't wrap within the container as focus should move to next/previous // container } else { if (mruTabIdx - 1 >= 0) { nextNode = tabbableNodes[mruTabIdx - 1]; navAcrossContainers = false; } // else, don't wrap within the container as focus should move to next/previous // container } // else, don't find in container order without considering direction too } } // else, no tabbable nodes in that container (which means we must have at least one other // container with at least one tabbable node in it, otherwise focus-trap would've thrown // an error the last time updateTabbableNodes() was run): find next node among all known // containers } else { // check to see if there's at least one tabbable node with a positive tab index inside // the trap because focus seems to escape when navigating backward from a tabbable node // with tabindex=0 when this is the case (instead of wrapping to the tabbable node with // the greatest positive tab index like it should) if (!state.containerGroups.some(function (g) { return g.tabbableNodes.some(function (n) { return tabbable.getTabIndex(n) > 0; }); })) { // no containers with tabbable nodes with positive tab indexes which means the focus // escaped for some other reason and we should just execute the fallback to the // MRU node or initial focus node, if any navAcrossContainers = false; } } } else { // no MRU node means we're likely in some initial condition when the trap has just // been activated and initial focus hasn't been given yet, in which case we should // fall through to trying to focus the initial focus node, which is what should // happen below at this point in the logic navAcrossContainers = false; } if (navAcrossContainers) { nextNode = findNextNavNode({ // move FROM the MRU node, not event-related node (which will be the node that is // outside the trap causing the focus escape we're trying to fix) target: state.mostRecentlyFocusedNode, isBackward: config.isKeyBackward(state.recentNavEvent) }); } if (nextNode) { tryFocus(nextNode); } else { tryFocus(state.mostRecentlyFocusedNode || getInitialFocusNode()); } } state.recentNavEvent = undefined; // clear }; // Hijack key nav events on the first and last focusable nodes of the trap, // in order to prevent focus from escaping. If it escapes for even a // moment it can end up scrolling the page and causing confusion so we // kind of need to capture the action at the keydown phase. var checkKeyNav = function checkKeyNav(event) { var isBackward = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false; state.recentNavEvent = event; var destinationNode = findNextNavNode({ event: event, isBackward: isBackward }); if (destinationNode) { if (isTabEvent(event)) { // since tab natively moves focus, we wouldn't have a destination node unless we // were on the edge of a container and had to move to the next/previous edge, in // which case we want to prevent default to keep the browser from moving focus // to where it normally would event.preventDefault(); } tryFocus(destinationNode); } // else, let the browser take care of [shift+]tab and move the focus }; var checkKey = function checkKey(event) { if (isEscapeEvent(event) && valueOrHandler(config.escapeDeactivates, event) !== false) { event.preventDefault(); trap.deactivate(); return; } if (config.isKeyForward(event) || config.isKeyBackward(event)) { checkKeyNav(event, config.isKeyBackward(event)); } }; var checkClick = function checkClick(e) { var target = getActualTarget(e); if (findContainerIndex(target, e) >= 0) { return; } if (valueOrHandler(config.clickOutsideDeactivates, e)) { return; } if (valueOrHandler(config.allowOutsideClick, e)) { return; } e.preventDefault(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); }; // // EVENT LISTENERS // var addListeners = function addListeners() { if (!state.active) { return; } // There can be only one listening focus trap at a time activeFocusTraps.activateTrap(trapStack, trap); // Delay ensures that the focused element doesn't capture the event // that caused the focus trap activation. state.delayInitialFocusTimer = config.delayInitialFocus ? delay(function () { tryFocus(getInitialFocusNode()); }) : tryFocus(getInitialFocusNode()); doc.addEventListener('focusin', checkFocusIn, true); doc.addEventListener('mousedown', checkPointerDown, { capture: true, passive: false }); doc.addEventListener('touchstart', checkPointerDown, { capture: true, passive: false }); doc.addEventListener('click', checkClick, { capture: true, passive: false }); doc.addEventListener('keydown', checkKey, { capture: true, passive: false }); return trap; }; var removeListeners = function removeListeners() { if (!state.active) { return; } doc.removeEventListener('focusin', checkFocusIn, true); doc.removeEventListener('mousedown', checkPointerDown, true); doc.removeEventListener('touchstart', checkPointerDown, true); doc.removeEventListener('click', checkClick, true); doc.removeEventListener('keydown', checkKey, true); return trap; }; // // MUTATION OBSERVER // var checkDomRemoval = function checkDomRemoval(mutations) { var isFocusedNodeRemoved = mutations.some(function (mutation) { var removedNodes = Array.from(mutation.removedNodes); return removedNodes.some(function (node) { return node === state.mostRecentlyFocusedNode; }); }); // If the currently focused is removed then browsers will move focus to the // element. If this happens, try to move focus back into the trap. if (isFocusedNodeRemoved) { tryFocus(getInitialFocusNode()); } }; // Use MutationObserver - if supported - to detect if focused node is removed // from the DOM. var mutationObserver = typeof window !== 'undefined' && 'MutationObserver' in window ? new MutationObserver(checkDomRemoval) : undefined; var updateObservedNodes = function updateObservedNodes() { if (!mutationObserver) { return; } mutationObserver.disconnect(); if (state.active && !state.paused) { state.containers.map(function (container) { mutationObserver.observe(container, { subtree: true, childList: true }); }); } }; // // TRAP DEFINITION // trap = { get active() { return state.active; }, get paused() { return state.paused; }, activate: function activate(activateOptions) { if (state.active) { return this; } var onActivate = getOption(activateOptions, 'onActivate'); var onPostActivate = getOption(activateOptions, 'onPostActivate'); var checkCanFocusTrap = getOption(activateOptions, 'checkCanFocusTrap'); if (!checkCanFocusTrap) { updateTabbableNodes(); } state.active = true; state.paused = false; state.nodeFocusedBeforeActivation = doc.activeElement; onActivate === null || onActivate === void 0 || onActivate(); var finishActivation = function finishActivation() { if (checkCanFocusTrap) { updateTabbableNodes(); } addListeners(); updateObservedNodes(); onPostActivate === null || onPostActivate === void 0 || onPostActivate(); }; if (checkCanFocusTrap) { checkCanFocusTrap(state.containers.concat()).then(finishActivation, finishActivation); return this; } finishActivation(); return this; }, deactivate: function deactivate(deactivateOptions) { if (!state.active) { return this; } var options = _objectSpread2({ onDeactivate: config.onDeactivate, onPostDeactivate: config.onPostDeactivate, checkCanReturnFocus: config.checkCanReturnFocus }, deactivateOptions); clearTimeout(state.delayInitialFocusTimer); // noop if undefined state.delayInitialFocusTimer = undefined; removeListeners(); state.active = false; state.paused = false; updateObservedNodes(); activeFocusTraps.deactivateTrap(trapStack, trap); var onDeactivate = getOption(options, 'onDeactivate'); var onPostDeactivate = getOption(options, 'onPostDeactivate'); var checkCanReturnFocus = getOption(options, 'checkCanReturnFocus'); var returnFocus = getOption(options, 'returnFocus', 'returnFocusOnDeactivate'); onDeactivate === null || onDeactivate === void 0 || onDeactivate(); var finishDeactivation = function finishDeactivation() { delay(function () { if (returnFocus) { tryFocus(getReturnFocusNode(state.nodeFocusedBeforeActivation)); } onPostDeactivate === null || onPostDeactivate === void 0 || onPostDeactivate(); }); }; if (returnFocus && checkCanReturnFocus) { checkCanReturnFocus(getReturnFocusNode(state.nodeFocusedBeforeActivation)).then(finishDeactivation, finishDeactivation); return this; } finishDeactivation(); return this; }, pause: function pause(pauseOptions) { if (state.paused || !state.active) { return this; } var onPause = getOption(pauseOptions, 'onPause'); var onPostPause = getOption(pauseOptions, 'onPostPause'); state.paused = true; onPause === null || onPause === void 0 || onPause(); removeListeners(); updateObservedNodes(); onPostPause === null || onPostPause === void 0 || onPostPause(); return this; }, unpause: function unpause(unpauseOptions) { if (!state.paused || !state.active) { return this; } var onUnpause = getOption(unpauseOptions, 'onUnpause'); var onPostUnpause = getOption(unpauseOptions, 'onPostUnpause'); state.paused = false; onUnpause === null || onUnpause === void 0 || onUnpause(); updateTabbableNodes(); addListeners(); updateObservedNodes(); onPostUnpause === null || onPostUnpause === void 0 || onPostUnpause(); return this; }, updateContainerElements: function updateContainerElements(containerElements) { var elementsAsArray = [].concat(containerElements).filter(Boolean); state.containers = elementsAsArray.map(function (element) { return typeof element === 'string' ? doc.querySelector(element) : element; }); if (state.active) { updateTabbableNodes(); } updateObservedNodes(); return this; } }; // initialize container elements trap.updateContainerElements(elements); return trap; }; exports.createFocusTrap = createFocusTrap; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); })); //# sourceMappingURL=focus-trap.umd.js.map