const { getScope } = require('../scope') const { findVariable } = require('@eslint-community/eslint-utils') const { inferRuntimeTypeFromTypeNode } = require('./ts-types') /** * @typedef {import('@typescript-eslint/types').TSESTree.TypeNode} TSESTreeTypeNode * @typedef {import('@typescript-eslint/types').TSESTree.TSInterfaceBody} TSESTreeTSInterfaceBody * @typedef {import('@typescript-eslint/types').TSESTree.TSTypeLiteral} TSESTreeTSTypeLiteral * @typedef {import('@typescript-eslint/types').TSESTree.TSFunctionType} TSESTreeTSFunctionType * @typedef {import('@typescript-eslint/types').TSESTree.Parameter} TSESTreeParameter * @typedef {import('@typescript-eslint/types').TSESTree.Node} TSESTreeNode * */ /** * @typedef {import('../index').ComponentTypeProp} ComponentTypeProp * @typedef {import('../index').ComponentUnknownProp} ComponentUnknownProp * @typedef {import('../index').ComponentTypeEmit} ComponentTypeEmit * @typedef {import('../index').ComponentUnknownEmit} ComponentUnknownEmit */ const noop = Function.prototype module.exports = { isTypeNode, flattenTypeNodes, isTSInterfaceBody, isTSTypeLiteral, isTSTypeLiteralOrTSFunctionType, extractRuntimeProps, extractRuntimeEmits } /** * @param {ASTNode} node * @returns {node is TypeNode} */ function isTypeNode(node) { if ( node.type === 'TSAbstractKeyword' || node.type === 'TSAnyKeyword' || node.type === 'TSAsyncKeyword' || node.type === 'TSArrayType' || node.type === 'TSBigIntKeyword' || node.type === 'TSBooleanKeyword' || node.type === 'TSConditionalType' || node.type === 'TSConstructorType' || node.type === 'TSDeclareKeyword' || node.type === 'TSExportKeyword' || node.type === 'TSFunctionType' || node.type === 'TSImportType' || node.type === 'TSIndexedAccessType' || node.type === 'TSInferType' || node.type === 'TSIntersectionType' || node.type === 'TSIntrinsicKeyword' || node.type === 'TSLiteralType' || node.type === 'TSMappedType' || node.type === 'TSNamedTupleMember' || node.type === 'TSNeverKeyword' || node.type === 'TSNullKeyword' || node.type === 'TSNumberKeyword' || node.type === 'TSObjectKeyword' || node.type === 'TSOptionalType' || node.type === 'TSQualifiedName' || node.type === 'TSPrivateKeyword' || node.type === 'TSProtectedKeyword' || node.type === 'TSPublicKeyword' || node.type === 'TSReadonlyKeyword' || node.type === 'TSRestType' || node.type === 'TSStaticKeyword' || node.type === 'TSStringKeyword' || node.type === 'TSSymbolKeyword' || node.type === 'TSTemplateLiteralType' || node.type === 'TSThisType' || node.type === 'TSTupleType' || node.type === 'TSTypeLiteral' || node.type === 'TSTypeOperator' || node.type === 'TSTypePredicate' || node.type === 'TSTypeQuery' || node.type === 'TSTypeReference' || node.type === 'TSUndefinedKeyword' || node.type === 'TSUnionType' || node.type === 'TSUnknownKeyword' || node.type === 'TSVoidKeyword' ) { /** @type {TypeNode['type']} for type check */ const type = node.type noop(type) return true } /** @type {Exclude} for type check */ const type = node.type noop(type) return false } /** * @param {TSESTreeTypeNode|TSESTreeTSInterfaceBody} node * @returns {node is TSESTreeTSInterfaceBody} */ function isTSInterfaceBody(node) { return node.type === 'TSInterfaceBody' } /** * @param {TSESTreeTypeNode} node * @returns {node is TSESTreeTSTypeLiteral} */ function isTSTypeLiteral(node) { return node.type === 'TSTypeLiteral' } /** * @param {TSESTreeTypeNode} node * @returns {node is TSESTreeTSFunctionType} */ function isTSFunctionType(node) { return node.type === 'TSFunctionType' } /** * @param {TSESTreeTypeNode} node * @returns {node is TSESTreeTSTypeLiteral | TSESTreeTSFunctionType} */ function isTSTypeLiteralOrTSFunctionType(node) { return isTSTypeLiteral(node) || isTSFunctionType(node) } /** * @see * @param {RuleContext} context The ESLint rule context object. * @param {TSESTreeTSTypeLiteral | TSESTreeTSInterfaceBody} node * @returns {IterableIterator} */ function* extractRuntimeProps(context, node) { const members = node.type === 'TSTypeLiteral' ? node.members : node.body for (const member of members) { if ( member.type === 'TSPropertySignature' || member.type === 'TSMethodSignature' ) { if (member.key.type !== 'Identifier' && member.key.type !== 'Literal') { yield { type: 'unknown', propName: null, node: /** @type {Expression} */ (member.key) } continue } /** @type {string[]|undefined} */ let types if (member.type === 'TSMethodSignature') { types = ['Function'] } else if (member.typeAnnotation) { types = inferRuntimeType(context, member.typeAnnotation.typeAnnotation) } yield { type: 'type', key: /** @type {Identifier | Literal} */ (member.key), propName: member.key.type === 'Identifier' ? : `${member.key.value}`, node: /** @type {TSPropertySignature | TSMethodSignature} */ (member), required: !member.optional, types: types || [`null`] } } } } /** * @param {TSESTreeTSTypeLiteral | TSESTreeTSInterfaceBody | TSESTreeTSFunctionType} node * @returns {IterableIterator} */ function* extractRuntimeEmits(node) { if (node.type === 'TSFunctionType') { yield* extractEventNames( node.params[0], /** @type {TSFunctionType} */ (node) ) return } const members = node.type === 'TSTypeLiteral' ? node.members : node.body for (const member of members) { if (member.type === 'TSCallSignatureDeclaration') { yield* extractEventNames( member.params[0], /** @type {TSCallSignatureDeclaration} */ (member) ) } else if ( member.type === 'TSPropertySignature' || member.type === 'TSMethodSignature' ) { if (member.key.type !== 'Identifier' && member.key.type !== 'Literal') { yield { type: 'unknown', emitName: null, node: /** @type {Expression} */ (member.key) } continue } yield { type: 'type', key: /** @type {Identifier | Literal} */ (member.key), emitName: member.key.type === 'Identifier' ? : `${member.key.value}`, node: /** @type {TSPropertySignature | TSMethodSignature} */ (member) } } } } /** * @param {TSESTreeParameter} eventName * @param {TSCallSignatureDeclaration | TSFunctionType} member * @returns {IterableIterator} */ function* extractEventNames(eventName, member) { if ( eventName && eventName.type === 'Identifier' && eventName.typeAnnotation && eventName.typeAnnotation.type === 'TSTypeAnnotation' ) { const typeNode = eventName.typeAnnotation.typeAnnotation if ( typeNode.type === 'TSLiteralType' && typeNode.literal.type === 'Literal' ) { const emitName = String(typeNode.literal.value) yield { type: 'type', key: /** @type {TSLiteralType} */ (typeNode), emitName, node: member } } else if (typeNode.type === 'TSUnionType') { for (const t of typeNode.types) { if (t.type === 'TSLiteralType' && t.literal.type === 'Literal') { const emitName = String(t.literal.value) yield { type: 'type', key: /** @type {TSLiteralType} */ (t), emitName, node: member } } } } } } /** * @param {RuleContext} context The ESLint rule context object. * @param {TSESTreeTypeNode} node * @returns {(TSESTreeTypeNode|TSESTreeTSInterfaceBody)[]} */ function flattenTypeNodes(context, node) { /** * @typedef {object} TraversedData * @property {Set} nodes * @property {boolean} finished */ /** @type {Map} */ const traversed = new Map() return [...flattenImpl(node)] /** * @param {TSESTreeTypeNode} node * @returns {Iterable} */ function* flattenImpl(node) { if (node.type === 'TSUnionType' || node.type === 'TSIntersectionType') { for (const typeNode of node.types) { yield* flattenImpl(typeNode) } return } if ( node.type === 'TSTypeReference' && node.typeName.type === 'Identifier' ) { const refName = const variable = findVariable( getScope(context, /** @type {any} */ (node)), refName ) if (variable && variable.defs.length === 1) { const defNode = /** @type {TSESTreeNode} */ (variable.defs[0].node) if (defNode.type === 'TSInterfaceDeclaration') { yield defNode.body return } else if (defNode.type === 'TSTypeAliasDeclaration') { const typeAnnotation = defNode.typeAnnotation let traversedData = traversed.get(typeAnnotation) if (traversedData) { const copy = [...traversedData.nodes] yield* copy if (!traversedData.finished) { // Include the node because it will probably be referenced recursively. yield typeAnnotation } return } traversedData = { nodes: new Set(), finished: false } traversed.set(typeAnnotation, traversedData) for (const e of flattenImpl(typeAnnotation)) { traversedData.nodes.add(e) } traversedData.finished = true yield* traversedData.nodes return } } } yield node } } /** * @param {RuleContext} context The ESLint rule context object. * @param {TSESTreeTypeNode} node * @param {Set} [checked] * @returns {string[]} */ function inferRuntimeType(context, node, checked = new Set()) { switch (node.type) { case 'TSStringKeyword': case 'TSTemplateLiteralType': { return ['String'] } case 'TSNumberKeyword': { return ['Number'] } case 'TSBooleanKeyword': { return ['Boolean'] } case 'TSObjectKeyword': { return ['Object'] } case 'TSTypeLiteral': { return inferTypeLiteralType(node) } case 'TSFunctionType': { return ['Function'] } case 'TSArrayType': case 'TSTupleType': { return ['Array'] } case 'TSSymbolKeyword': { return ['Symbol'] } case 'TSLiteralType': { if (node.literal.type === 'Literal') { switch (typeof node.literal.value) { case 'boolean': { return ['Boolean'] } case 'string': { return ['String'] } case 'number': case 'bigint': { return ['Number'] } } if (node.literal.value instanceof RegExp) { return ['RegExp'] } } return inferRuntimeTypeFromTypeNode( context, /** @type {TypeNode} */ (node) ) } case 'TSTypeReference': { if (node.typeName.type === 'Identifier') { const variable = findVariable( getScope(context, /** @type {any} */ (node)), ) if (variable && variable.defs.length === 1) { const defNode = /** @type {TSESTreeNode} */ (variable.defs[0].node) if (defNode.type === 'TSInterfaceDeclaration') { return [`Object`] } if (defNode.type === 'TSTypeAliasDeclaration') { const typeAnnotation = defNode.typeAnnotation if (!checked.has(typeAnnotation)) { checked.add(typeAnnotation) return inferRuntimeType(context, typeAnnotation, checked) } } if (defNode.type === 'TSEnumDeclaration') { return inferEnumType(context, defNode) } } for (const name of [, ...('Readonly') ? [] : []) ]) { switch (name) { case 'Array': case 'Function': case 'Object': case 'Set': case 'Map': case 'WeakSet': case 'WeakMap': case 'Date': { return [name] } } } switch ( { case 'Record': case 'Partial': case 'Readonly': case 'Pick': case 'Omit': case 'Required': case 'InstanceType': { return ['Object'] } case 'Uppercase': case 'Lowercase': case 'Capitalize': case 'Uncapitalize': { return ['String'] } case 'Parameters': case 'ConstructorParameters': { return ['Array'] } case 'NonNullable': { const typeArguments = 'typeArguments' in node ? node.typeArguments : /** @type {any} typescript-eslint v5 */ (node).typeParameters if (typeArguments && typeArguments.params[0]) { return inferRuntimeType( context, typeArguments.params[0], checked ).filter((t) => t !== 'null') } break } case 'Extract': { const typeArguments = 'typeArguments' in node ? node.typeArguments : /** @type {any} typescript-eslint v5 */ (node).typeParameters if (typeArguments && typeArguments.params[1]) { return inferRuntimeType(context, typeArguments.params[1], checked) } break } case 'Exclude': case 'OmitThisParameter': { const typeArguments = 'typeArguments' in node ? node.typeArguments : /** @type {any} typescript-eslint v5 */ (node).typeParameters if (typeArguments && typeArguments.params[0]) { return inferRuntimeType(context, typeArguments.params[0], checked) } break } } } return inferRuntimeTypeFromTypeNode( context, /** @type {TypeNode} */ (node) ) } case 'TSUnionType': case 'TSIntersectionType': { return inferUnionType(node) } default: { return inferRuntimeTypeFromTypeNode( context, /** @type {TypeNode} */ (node) ) } } /** * @param {import('@typescript-eslint/types').TSESTree.TSUnionType|import('@typescript-eslint/types').TSESTree.TSIntersectionType} node * @returns {string[]} */ function inferUnionType(node) { const types = new Set() for (const t of node.types) { for (const tt of inferRuntimeType(context, t, checked)) { types.add(tt) } } return [...types] } } /** * @param {import('@typescript-eslint/types').TSESTree.TSTypeLiteral} node * @returns {string[]} */ function inferTypeLiteralType(node) { const types = new Set() for (const m of node.members) { switch (m.type) { case 'TSCallSignatureDeclaration': case 'TSConstructSignatureDeclaration': { types.add('Function') break } default: { types.add('Object') } } } return types.size > 0 ? [...types] : ['Object'] } /** * @param {RuleContext} context The ESLint rule context object. * @param {import('@typescript-eslint/types').TSESTree.TSEnumDeclaration} node * @returns {string[]} */ function inferEnumType(context, node) { const types = new Set() for (const m of node.members) { if (m.initializer) { if (m.initializer.type === 'Literal') { switch (typeof m.initializer.value) { case 'string': { types.add('String') break } case 'number': case 'bigint': { // Now it's a syntax error. types.add('Number') break } case 'boolean': { // Now it's a syntax error. types.add('Boolean') break } } } else { for (const type of inferRuntimeTypeFromTypeNode( context, /** @type {Expression} */ (m.initializer) )) { types.add(type) } } } } return types.size > 0 ? [...types] : ['Number'] }