var epsilon = 1e-4, epsilonInverse = 1e4, x0 = -180, x0e = x0 + epsilon, x1 = 180, x1e = x1 - epsilon, y0 = -90, y0e = y0 + epsilon, y1 = 90, y1e = y1 - epsilon; function nonempty(coordinates) { return coordinates.length > 0; } function quantize(x) { return Math.floor(x * epsilonInverse) / epsilonInverse; } function normalizePoint(y) { return y === y0 || y === y1 ? [0, y] : [x0, quantize(y)]; // pole or antimeridian? } function clampPoint(p) { var x = p[0], y = p[1], clamped = false; if (x <= x0e) x = x0, clamped = true; else if (x >= x1e) x = x1, clamped = true; if (y <= y0e) y = y0, clamped = true; else if (y >= y1e) y = y1, clamped = true; return clamped ? [x, y] : p; } function clampPoints(points) { return; } // For each ring, detect where it crosses the antimeridian or pole. function extractFragments(rings, polygon, fragments) { for (var j = 0, m = rings.length; j < m; ++j) { var ring = rings[j].slice(); // By default, assume that this ring doesn’t need any stitching. fragments.push({index: -1, polygon: polygon, ring: ring}); for (var i = 0, n = ring.length; i < n; ++i) { var point = ring[i], x = point[0], y = point[1]; // If this is an antimeridian or polar point… if (x <= x0e || x >= x1e || y <= y0e || y >= y1e) { ring[i] = clampPoint(point); // Advance through any antimeridian or polar points… for (var k = i + 1; k < n; ++k) { var pointk = ring[k], xk = pointk[0], yk = pointk[1]; if (xk > x0e && xk < x1e && yk > y0e && yk < y1e) break; } // If this was just a single antimeridian or polar point, // we don’t need to cut this ring into a fragment; // we can just leave it as-is. if (k === i + 1) continue; // Otherwise, if this is not the first point in the ring, // cut the current fragment so that it ends at the current point. // The current point is also normalized for later joining. if (i) { var fragmentBefore = {index: -1, polygon: polygon, ring: ring.slice(0, i + 1)}; fragmentBefore.ring[fragmentBefore.ring.length - 1] = normalizePoint(y); fragments[fragments.length - 1] = fragmentBefore; } // If the ring started with an antimeridian fragment, // we can ignore that fragment entirely. else fragments.pop(); // If the remainder of the ring is an antimeridian fragment, // move on to the next ring. if (k >= n) break; // Otherwise, add the remaining ring fragment and continue. fragments.push({index: -1, polygon: polygon, ring: ring = ring.slice(k - 1)}); ring[0] = normalizePoint(ring[0][1]); i = -1; n = ring.length; } } } } // Now stitch the fragments back together into rings. function stitchFragments(fragments) { var i, n = fragments.length; // To connect the fragments start-to-end, create a simple index by end. var fragmentByStart = {}, fragmentByEnd = {}, fragment, start, startFragment, end, endFragment; // For each fragment… for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { fragment = fragments[i]; start = fragment.ring[0]; end = fragment.ring[fragment.ring.length - 1]; // If this fragment is closed, add it as a standalone ring. if (start[0] === end[0] && start[1] === end[1]) { fragment.polygon.push(fragment.ring); fragments[i] = null; continue; } fragment.index = i; fragmentByStart[start] = fragmentByEnd[end] = fragment; } // For each open fragment… for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { fragment = fragments[i]; if (fragment) { start = fragment.ring[0]; end = fragment.ring[fragment.ring.length - 1]; startFragment = fragmentByEnd[start]; endFragment = fragmentByStart[end]; delete fragmentByStart[start]; delete fragmentByEnd[end]; // If this fragment is closed, add it as a standalone ring. if (start[0] === end[0] && start[1] === end[1]) { fragment.polygon.push(fragment.ring); continue; } if (startFragment) { delete fragmentByEnd[start]; delete fragmentByStart[startFragment.ring[0]]; startFragment.ring.pop(); // drop the shared coordinate fragments[startFragment.index] = null; fragment = {index: -1, polygon: startFragment.polygon, ring: startFragment.ring.concat(fragment.ring)}; if (startFragment === endFragment) { // Connect both ends to this single fragment to create a ring. fragment.polygon.push(fragment.ring); } else { fragment.index = n++; fragments.push(fragmentByStart[fragment.ring[0]] = fragmentByEnd[fragment.ring[fragment.ring.length - 1]] = fragment); } } else if (endFragment) { delete fragmentByStart[end]; delete fragmentByEnd[endFragment.ring[endFragment.ring.length - 1]]; fragment.ring.pop(); // drop the shared coordinate fragment = {index: n++, polygon: endFragment.polygon, ring: fragment.ring.concat(endFragment.ring)}; fragments[endFragment.index] = null; fragments.push(fragmentByStart[fragment.ring[0]] = fragmentByEnd[fragment.ring[fragment.ring.length - 1]] = fragment); } else { fragment.ring.push(fragment.ring[0]); // close ring fragment.polygon.push(fragment.ring); } } } } function stitchFeature(input) { var output = {type: "Feature", geometry: stitchGeometry(input.geometry)}; if ( != null) =; if (input.bbox != null) output.bbox = input.bbox; if ( != null) =; return output; } function stitchGeometry(input) { if (input == null) return input; var output, fragments, i, n; switch (input.type) { case "GeometryCollection": output = {type: "GeometryCollection", geometries:}; break; case "Point": output = {type: "Point", coordinates: clampPoint(input.coordinates)}; break; case "MultiPoint": case "LineString": output = {type: input.type, coordinates: clampPoints(input.coordinates)}; break; case "MultiLineString": output = {type: "MultiLineString", coordinates:}; break; case "Polygon": { var polygon = []; extractFragments(input.coordinates, polygon, fragments = []); stitchFragments(fragments); output = {type: "Polygon", coordinates: polygon}; break; } case "MultiPolygon": { fragments = [], i = -1, n = input.coordinates.length; var polygons = new Array(n); while (++i < n) extractFragments(input.coordinates[i], polygons[i] = [], fragments); stitchFragments(fragments); output = {type: "MultiPolygon", coordinates: polygons.filter(nonempty)}; break; } default: return input; } if (input.bbox != null) output.bbox = input.bbox; return output; } export default function(input) { if (input == null) return input; switch (input.type) { case "Feature": return stitchFeature(input); case "FeatureCollection": { var output = {type: "FeatureCollection", features:}; if (input.bbox != null) output.bbox = input.bbox; return output; } default: return stitchGeometry(input); } }