import * as util from '../util'; import * as is from '../is'; import * as math from '../math'; let styfn = {}; // a caching layer for property parsing styfn.parse = function( name, value, propIsBypass, propIsFlat ){ let self = this; // function values can't be cached in all cases, and there isn't much benefit of caching them anyway if( is.fn( value ) ){ return self.parseImplWarn( name, value, propIsBypass, propIsFlat ); } let flatKey = ( propIsFlat === 'mapping' || propIsFlat === true || propIsFlat === false || propIsFlat == null ) ? 'dontcare' : propIsFlat; let bypassKey = propIsBypass ? 't' : 'f'; let valueKey = '' + value; let argHash = util.hashStrings( name, valueKey, bypassKey, flatKey ); let propCache = self.propCache = self.propCache || []; let ret; if( !(ret = propCache[ argHash ]) ){ ret = propCache[ argHash ] = self.parseImplWarn( name, value, propIsBypass, propIsFlat ); } // - bypasses can't be shared b/c the value can be changed by animations or otherwise overridden // - mappings can't be shared b/c mappings are per-element if( propIsBypass || propIsFlat === 'mapping' ){ // need a copy since props are mutated later in their lifecycles ret = util.copy( ret ); if( ret ){ ret.value = util.copy( ret.value ); // because it could be an array, e.g. colour } } return ret; }; styfn.parseImplWarn = function( name, value, propIsBypass, propIsFlat ){ let prop = this.parseImpl( name, value, propIsBypass, propIsFlat ); if( !prop && value != null ){ util.warn(`The style property \`${name}: ${value}\` is invalid`); } if( prop && ( === 'width' || === 'height') && value === 'label' ){ util.warn('The style value of `label` is deprecated for `' + + '`'); } return prop; }; // parse a property; return null on invalid; return parsed property otherwise // fields : // - name : the name of the property // - value : the parsed, native-typed value of the property // - strValue : a string value that represents the property value in valid css // - bypass : true iff the property is a bypass property styfn.parseImpl = function( name, value, propIsBypass, propIsFlat ){ let self = this; name = util.camel2dash( name ); // make sure the property name is in dash form (e.g. 'property-name' not 'propertyName') let property =[ name ]; let passedValue = value; let types = self.types; if( !property ){ return null; } // return null on property of unknown name if( value === undefined ){ return null; } // can't assign undefined // the property may be an alias if( property.alias ){ property = property.pointsTo; name =; } let valueIsString = is.string( value ); if( valueIsString ){ // trim the value to make parsing easier value = value.trim(); } let type = property.type; if( !type ){ return null; } // no type, no luck // check if bypass is null or empty string (i.e. indication to delete bypass property) if( propIsBypass && (value === '' || value === null) ){ return { name: name, value: value, bypass: true, deleteBypass: true }; } // check if value is a function used as a mapper if( is.fn( value ) ){ return { name: name, value: value, strValue: 'fn', mapped: types.fn, bypass: propIsBypass }; } // check if value is mapped let data, mapData; if( !valueIsString || propIsFlat || value.length < 7 || value[1] !== 'a' ){ // then don't bother to do the expensive regex checks } else if(value.length >= 7 && value[0] === 'd' && ( data = new RegExp( ).exec( value ) )){ if( propIsBypass ){ return false; } // mappers not allowed in bypass let mapped =; return { name: name, value: data, strValue: '' + value, mapped: mapped, field: data[1], bypass: propIsBypass }; } else if(value.length >= 10 && value[0] === 'm' && ( mapData = new RegExp( types.mapData.regex ).exec( value ) )){ if( propIsBypass ){ return false; } // mappers not allowed in bypass if( type.multiple ){ return false; } // impossible to map to num let mapped = types.mapData; // we can map only if the type is a colour or a number if( !(type.color || type.number) ){ return false; } let valueMin = this.parse( name, mapData[4] ); // parse to validate if( !valueMin || valueMin.mapped ){ return false; } // can't be invalid or mapped let valueMax = this.parse( name, mapData[5] ); // parse to validate if( !valueMax || valueMax.mapped ){ return false; } // can't be invalid or mapped // check if valueMin and valueMax are the same if( valueMin.pfValue === valueMax.pfValue || valueMin.strValue === valueMax.strValue ){ util.warn('`' + name + ': ' + value + '` is not a valid mapper because the output range is zero; converting to `' + name + ': ' + valueMin.strValue + '`'); return this.parse(name, valueMin.strValue); // can't make much of a mapper without a range } else if( type.color ){ let c1 = valueMin.value; let c2 = valueMax.value; let same = c1[0] === c2[0] // red && c1[1] === c2[1] // green && c1[2] === c2[2] // blue && ( // optional alpha c1[3] === c2[3] // same alpha outright || ( (c1[3] == null || c1[3] === 1) // full opacity for colour 1? && (c2[3] == null || c2[3] === 1) // full opacity for colour 2? ) ) ; if( same ){ return false; } // can't make a mapper without a range } return { name: name, value: mapData, strValue: '' + value, mapped: mapped, field: mapData[1], fieldMin: parseFloat( mapData[2] ), // min & max are numeric fieldMax: parseFloat( mapData[3] ), valueMin: valueMin.value, valueMax: valueMax.value, bypass: propIsBypass }; } if( type.multiple && propIsFlat !== 'multiple' ){ let vals; if( valueIsString ){ vals = value.split( /\s+/ ); } else if( is.array( value ) ){ vals = value; } else { vals = [ value ]; } if( type.evenMultiple && vals.length % 2 !== 0 ){ return null; } let valArr = []; let unitsArr = []; let pfValArr = []; let strVal = ''; let hasEnum = false; for( let i = 0; i < vals.length; i++ ){ let p = self.parse( name, vals[i], propIsBypass, 'multiple' ); hasEnum = hasEnum || is.string( p.value ); valArr.push( p.value ); pfValArr.push( p.pfValue != null ? p.pfValue : p.value ); unitsArr.push( p.units ); strVal += (i > 0 ? ' ' : '') + p.strValue; } if( type.validate && !type.validate( valArr, unitsArr ) ){ return null; } if( type.singleEnum && hasEnum ){ if( valArr.length === 1 && is.string( valArr[0] ) ){ return { name: name, value: valArr[0], strValue: valArr[0], bypass: propIsBypass }; } else { return null; } } return { name: name, value: valArr, pfValue: pfValArr, strValue: strVal, bypass: propIsBypass, units: unitsArr }; } // several types also allow enums let checkEnums = function(){ for( let i = 0; i < type.enums.length; i++ ){ let en = type.enums[ i ]; if( en === value ){ return { name: name, value: value, strValue: '' + value, bypass: propIsBypass }; } } return null; }; // check the type and return the appropriate object if( type.number ){ let units; let implicitUnits = 'px'; // not set => px if( type.units ){ // use specified units if set units = type.units; } if( type.implicitUnits ){ implicitUnits = type.implicitUnits; } if( !type.unitless ){ if( valueIsString ){ let unitsRegex = 'px|em' + (type.allowPercent ? '|\\%' : ''); if( units ){ unitsRegex = units; } // only allow explicit units if so set let match = value.match( '^(' + util.regex.number + ')(' + unitsRegex + ')?' + '$' ); if( match ){ value = match[1]; units = match[2] || implicitUnits; } } else if( !units || type.implicitUnits ){ units = implicitUnits; // implicitly px if unspecified } } value = parseFloat( value ); // if not a number and enums not allowed, then the value is invalid if( isNaN( value ) && type.enums === undefined ){ return null; } // check if this number type also accepts special keywords in place of numbers // (i.e. `left`, `auto`, etc) if( isNaN( value ) && type.enums !== undefined ){ value = passedValue; return checkEnums(); } // check if value must be an integer if( type.integer && !is.integer( value ) ){ return null; } // check value is within range if( ( type.min !== undefined && ( value < type.min || (type.strictMin && value === type.min) ) ) || ( type.max !== undefined && ( value > type.max || (type.strictMax && value === type.max) ) ) ){ return null; } let ret = { name: name, value: value, strValue: '' + value + (units ? units : ''), units: units, bypass: propIsBypass }; // normalise value in pixels if( type.unitless || (units !== 'px' && units !== 'em') ){ ret.pfValue = value; } else { ret.pfValue = ( units === 'px' || !units ? (value) : (this.getEmSizeInPixels() * value) ); } // normalise value in ms if( units === 'ms' || units === 's' ){ ret.pfValue = units === 'ms' ? value : 1000 * value; } // normalise value in rad if( units === 'deg' || units === 'rad' ){ ret.pfValue = units === 'rad' ? value : math.deg2rad( value ); } // normalize value in % if( units === '%' ){ ret.pfValue = value / 100; } return ret; } else if( type.propList ){ let props = []; let propsStr = '' + value; if( propsStr === 'none' ){ // leave empty } else { // go over each prop let propsSplit = propsStr.split( /\s*,\s*|\s+/ ); for( let i = 0; i < propsSplit.length; i++ ){ let propName = propsSplit[ i ].trim(); if([ propName ] ){ props.push( propName ); } else { util.warn('`' + propName + '` is not a valid property name'); } } if( props.length === 0 ){ return null; } } return { name: name, value: props, strValue: props.length === 0 ? 'none' : props.join(' '), bypass: propIsBypass }; } else if( type.color ){ let tuple = util.color2tuple( value ); if( !tuple ){ return null; } return { name: name, value: tuple, pfValue: tuple, strValue: 'rgb(' + tuple[0] + ',' + tuple[1] + ',' + tuple[2] + ')', // n.b. no spaces b/c of multiple support bypass: propIsBypass }; } else if( type.regex || type.regexes ){ // first check enums if( type.enums ){ let enumProp = checkEnums(); if( enumProp ){ return enumProp; } } let regexes = type.regexes ? type.regexes : [ type.regex ]; for( let i = 0; i < regexes.length; i++ ){ let regex = new RegExp( regexes[ i ] ); // make a regex from the type string let m = regex.exec( value ); if( m ){ // regex matches return { name: name, value: type.singleRegexMatchValue ? m[1] : m, strValue: '' + value, bypass: propIsBypass }; } } return null; // didn't match any } else if( type.string ){ // just return return { name: name, value: '' + value, strValue: '' + value, bypass: propIsBypass }; } else if( type.enums ){ // check enums last because it's a combo type in others return checkEnums(); } else { return null; // not a type we can handle } }; export default styfn;