/*! Embeddable Minimum Strictly-Compliant Promises/A+ 1.1.1 Thenable Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Ralf S. Engelschall (http://engelschall.com) Licensed under The MIT License (http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) */ /* promise states [Promises/A+ 2.1] */ var STATE_PENDING = 0; /* [Promises/A+ 2.1.1] */ var STATE_FULFILLED = 1; /* [Promises/A+ 2.1.2] */ var STATE_REJECTED = 2; /* [Promises/A+ 2.1.3] */ /* promise object constructor */ var api = function( executor ){ /* optionally support non-constructor/plain-function call */ if( !(this instanceof api) ) return new api( executor ); /* initialize object */ this.id = 'Thenable/1.0.7'; this.state = STATE_PENDING; /* initial state */ this.fulfillValue = undefined; /* initial value */ /* [Promises/A+ 1.3,] */ this.rejectReason = undefined; /* initial reason */ /* [Promises/A+ 1.5,] */ this.onFulfilled = []; /* initial handlers */ this.onRejected = []; /* initial handlers */ /* provide optional information-hiding proxy */ this.proxy = { then: this.then.bind( this ) }; /* support optional executor function */ if( typeof executor === 'function' ) executor.call( this, this.fulfill.bind( this ), this.reject.bind( this ) ); }; /* promise API methods */ api.prototype = { /* promise resolving methods */ fulfill: function( value ){ return deliver( this, STATE_FULFILLED, 'fulfillValue', value ); }, reject: function( value ){ return deliver( this, STATE_REJECTED, 'rejectReason', value ); }, /* "The then Method" [Promises/A+ 1.1, 1.2, 2.2] */ then: function( onFulfilled, onRejected ){ var curr = this; var next = new api(); /* [Promises/A+ 2.2.7] */ curr.onFulfilled.push( resolver( onFulfilled, next, 'fulfill' ) ); /* [Promises/A+ 2.2.2/2.2.6] */ curr.onRejected.push( resolver( onRejected, next, 'reject' ) ); /* [Promises/A+ 2.2.3/2.2.6] */ execute( curr ); return next.proxy; /* [Promises/A+ 2.2.7, 3.3] */ } }; /* deliver an action */ var deliver = function( curr, state, name, value ){ if( curr.state === STATE_PENDING ){ curr.state = state; /* [Promises/A+,] */ curr[ name ] = value; /* [Promises/A+,] */ execute( curr ); } return curr; }; /* execute all handlers */ var execute = function( curr ){ if( curr.state === STATE_FULFILLED ) execute_handlers( curr, 'onFulfilled', curr.fulfillValue ); else if( curr.state === STATE_REJECTED ) execute_handlers( curr, 'onRejected', curr.rejectReason ); }; /* execute particular set of handlers */ var execute_handlers = function( curr, name, value ){ /* global setImmediate: true */ /* global setTimeout: true */ /* short-circuit processing */ if( curr[ name ].length === 0 ) return; /* iterate over all handlers, exactly once */ var handlers = curr[ name ]; curr[ name ] = []; /* [Promises/A+,] */ var func = function(){ for( var i = 0; i < handlers.length; i++ ) handlers[ i ]( value ); /* [Promises/A+ 2.2.5] */ }; /* execute procedure asynchronously */ /* [Promises/A+ 2.2.4, 3.1] */ if( typeof setImmediate === 'function' ) setImmediate( func ); else setTimeout( func, 0 ); }; /* generate a resolver function */ var resolver = function( cb, next, method ){ return function( value ){ if( typeof cb !== 'function' ) /* [Promises/A+ 2.2.1,,] */ next[ method ].call( next, value ); /* [Promises/A+,] */ else { var result; try { result = cb( value ); } /* [Promises/A+,, 2.2.5, 3.2] */ catch( e ){ next.reject( e ); /* [Promises/A+] */ return; } resolve( next, result ); /* [Promises/A+] */ } }; }; /* "Promise Resolution Procedure" */ /* [Promises/A+ 2.3] */ var resolve = function( promise, x ){ /* sanity check arguments */ /* [Promises/A+ 2.3.1] */ if( promise === x || promise.proxy === x ){ promise.reject( new TypeError( 'cannot resolve promise with itself' ) ); return; } /* surgically check for a "then" method (mainly to just call the "getter" of "then" only once) */ var then; if( (typeof x === 'object' && x !== null) || typeof x === 'function' ){ try { then = x.then; } /* [Promises/A+, 3.5] */ catch( e ){ promise.reject( e ); /* [Promises/A+] */ return; } } /* handle own Thenables [Promises/A+ 2.3.2] and similar "thenables" [Promises/A+ 2.3.3] */ if( typeof then === 'function' ){ var resolved = false; try { /* call retrieved "then" method */ /* [Promises/A+] */ then.call( x, /* resolvePromise */ /* [Promises/A+] */ function( y ){ if( resolved ) return; resolved = true; /* [Promises/A+] */ if( y === x ) /* [Promises/A+ 3.6] */ promise.reject( new TypeError( 'circular thenable chain' ) ); else resolve( promise, y ); }, /* rejectPromise */ /* [Promises/A+] */ function( r ){ if( resolved ) return; resolved = true; /* [Promises/A+] */ promise.reject( r ); } ); } catch( e ){ if( !resolved ) /* [Promises/A+] */ promise.reject( e ); /* [Promises/A+] */ } return; } /* handle other values */ promise.fulfill( x ); /* [Promises/A+ 2.3.4,] */ }; // so we always have Promise.all() api.all = function( ps ){ return new api(function( resolveAll, rejectAll ){ var vals = new Array( ps.length ); var doneCount = 0; var fulfill = function( i, val ){ vals[ i ] = val; doneCount++; if( doneCount === ps.length ){ resolveAll( vals ); } }; for( var i = 0; i < ps.length; i++ ){ (function( i ){ var p = ps[i]; var isPromise = p != null && p.then != null; if( isPromise ){ p.then( function( val ){ fulfill( i, val ); }, function( err ){ rejectAll( err ); } ); } else { var val = p; fulfill( i, val ); } })( i ); } } ); }; api.resolve = function( val ){ return new api(function( resolve, reject ){ resolve( val ); }); }; api.reject = function( val ){ return new api(function( resolve, reject ){ reject( val ); }); }; export default typeof Promise !== 'undefined' ? Promise : api; // eslint-disable-line no-undef