import * as is from '../is'; import * as util from '../util'; function styleCache( key, fn, ele ){ var _p = ele._private; var cache = _p.styleCache = _p.styleCache || []; var val; if( (val = cache[key]) != null ){ return val; } else { val = cache[key] = fn( ele ); return val; } } function cacheStyleFunction( key, fn ){ key = util.hashString( key ); return function cachedStyleFunction( ele ){ return styleCache( key, fn, ele ); }; } function cachePrototypeStyleFunction( key, fn ){ key = util.hashString( key ); let selfFn = ele => ele ); return function cachedPrototypeStyleFunction(){ var ele = this[0]; if( ele ){ return styleCache( key, selfFn, ele ); } }; } let elesfn = ({ recalculateRenderedStyle: function( useCache ){ let cy =; let renderer = cy.renderer(); let styleEnabled = cy.styleEnabled(); if( renderer && styleEnabled ){ renderer.recalculateRenderedStyle( this, useCache ); } return this; }, dirtyStyleCache: function(){ let cy =; let dirty = ele => ele._private.styleCache = null; if( cy.hasCompoundNodes() ){ let eles; eles = this.spawnSelf() .merge( this.descendants() ) .merge( this.parents() ) ; eles.merge( eles.connectedEdges() ); eles.forEach( dirty ); } else { this.forEach( ele => { dirty( ele ); ele.connectedEdges().forEach( dirty ); } ); } return this; }, // fully updates (recalculates) the style for the elements updateStyle: function( notifyRenderer ){ let cy =; if( !cy.styleEnabled() ){ return this; } if( cy.batching() ){ let bEles = cy._private.batchStyleEles; bEles.merge( this ); return this; // chaining and exit early when batching } let hasCompounds = cy.hasCompoundNodes(); let updatedEles = this; notifyRenderer = notifyRenderer || notifyRenderer === undefined ? true : false; if( hasCompounds ){ // then add everything up and down for compound selector checks updatedEles = this.spawnSelf().merge( this.descendants() ).merge( this.parents() ); } // let changedEles = style.apply( updatedEles ); let changedEles = updatedEles; if( notifyRenderer ){ changedEles.emitAndNotify( 'style' ); // let renderer know we changed style } else { changedEles.emit( 'style' ); // just fire the event } updatedEles.forEach(ele => ele._private.styleDirty = true); return this; // chaining }, // private: clears dirty flag and recalculates style cleanStyle: function(){ let cy =; if( !cy.styleEnabled() ){ return; } for( let i = 0; i < this.length; i++ ){ let ele = this[i]; if( ele._private.styleDirty ){ // n.b. this flag should be set before apply() to avoid potential infinite recursion ele._private.styleDirty = false;; } } }, // get the internal parsed style object for the specified property parsedStyle: function( property, includeNonDefault = true ){ let ele = this[0]; let cy =; if( !cy.styleEnabled() ){ return; } if( ele ){ this.cleanStyle(); let overriddenStyle =[ property ]; if( overriddenStyle != null ){ return overriddenStyle; } else if( includeNonDefault ){ return property ); } else { return null; } } }, numericStyle: function( property ){ let ele = this[0]; if( ! ){ return; } if( ele ){ let pstyle = ele.pstyle( property ); return pstyle.pfValue !== undefined ? pstyle.pfValue : pstyle.value; } }, numericStyleUnits: function( property ){ let ele = this[0]; if( ! ){ return; } if( ele ){ return ele.pstyle( property ).units; } }, // get the specified css property as a rendered value (i.e. on-screen value) // or get the whole rendered style if no property specified (NB doesn't allow setting) renderedStyle: function( property ){ let cy =; if( !cy.styleEnabled() ){ return this; } let ele = this[0]; if( ele ){ return ele, property ); } }, // read the calculated css style of the element or override the style (via a bypass) style: function( name, value ){ let cy =; if( !cy.styleEnabled() ){ return this; } let updateTransitions = false; let style =; if( is.plainObject( name ) ){ // then extend the bypass let props = name; style.applyBypass( this, props, updateTransitions ); this.emitAndNotify( 'style' ); // let the renderer know we've updated style } else if( is.string( name ) ){ if( value === undefined ){ // then get the property from the style let ele = this[0]; if( ele ){ return style.getStylePropertyValue( ele, name ); } else { // empty collection => can't get any value return; } } else { // then set the bypass with the property value style.applyBypass( this, name, value, updateTransitions ); this.emitAndNotify( 'style' ); // let the renderer know we've updated style } } else if( name === undefined ){ let ele = this[0]; if( ele ){ return style.getRawStyle( ele ); } else { // empty collection => can't get any value return; } } return this; // chaining }, removeStyle: function( names ){ let cy =; if( !cy.styleEnabled() ){ return this; } let updateTransitions = false; let style =; let eles = this; if( names === undefined ){ for( let i = 0; i < eles.length; i++ ){ let ele = eles[ i ]; style.removeAllBypasses( ele, updateTransitions ); } } else { names = names.split( /\s+/ ); for( let i = 0; i < eles.length; i++ ){ let ele = eles[ i ]; style.removeBypasses( ele, names, updateTransitions ); } } this.emitAndNotify( 'style' ); // let the renderer know we've updated style return this; // chaining }, show: function(){ this.css( 'display', 'element' ); return this; // chaining }, hide: function(){ this.css( 'display', 'none' ); return this; // chaining }, effectiveOpacity: function(){ let cy =; if( !cy.styleEnabled() ){ return 1; } let hasCompoundNodes = cy.hasCompoundNodes(); let ele = this[0]; if( ele ){ let _p = ele._private; let parentOpacity = ele.pstyle( 'opacity' ).value; if( !hasCompoundNodes ){ return parentOpacity; } let parents = ! ? null : ele.parents(); if( parents ){ for( let i = 0; i < parents.length; i++ ){ let parent = parents[ i ]; let opacity = parent.pstyle( 'opacity' ).value; parentOpacity = opacity * parentOpacity; } } return parentOpacity; } }, transparent: function(){ let cy =; if( !cy.styleEnabled() ){ return false; } let ele = this[0]; let hasCompoundNodes =; if( ele ){ if( !hasCompoundNodes ){ return ele.pstyle( 'opacity' ).value === 0; } else { return ele.effectiveOpacity() === 0; } } }, backgrounding: function(){ let cy =; if( !cy.styleEnabled() ){ return false; } let ele = this[0]; return ele._private.backgrounding ? true : false; } }); function checkCompound( ele, parentOk ){ let _p = ele._private; let parents = ? ele.parents() : null; if( parents ){ for( let i = 0; i < parents.length; i++ ){ let parent = parents[ i ]; if( !parentOk( parent ) ){ return false; } } } return true; } function defineDerivedStateFunction( specs ){ let ok = specs.ok; let edgeOkViaNode = specs.edgeOkViaNode || specs.ok; let parentOk = specs.parentOk || specs.ok; return function(){ let cy =; if( !cy.styleEnabled() ){ return true; } let ele = this[0]; let hasCompoundNodes = cy.hasCompoundNodes(); if( ele ){ let _p = ele._private; if( !ok( ele ) ){ return false; } if( ele.isNode() ){ return !hasCompoundNodes || checkCompound( ele, parentOk ); } else { let src = _p.source; let tgt =; return ( edgeOkViaNode(src) && (!hasCompoundNodes || checkCompound(src, edgeOkViaNode)) ) && ( src === tgt || ( edgeOkViaNode(tgt) && (!hasCompoundNodes || checkCompound(tgt, edgeOkViaNode)) ) ); } } }; } let eleTakesUpSpace = cacheStyleFunction( 'eleTakesUpSpace', function( ele ){ return ( ele.pstyle( 'display' ).value === 'element' && ele.width() !== 0 && ( ele.isNode() ? ele.height() !== 0 : true ) ); } ); elesfn.takesUpSpace = cachePrototypeStyleFunction( 'takesUpSpace', defineDerivedStateFunction({ ok: eleTakesUpSpace }) ); let eleInteractive = cacheStyleFunction( 'eleInteractive', function( ele ){ return ( ele.pstyle('events').value === 'yes' && ele.pstyle('visibility').value === 'visible' && eleTakesUpSpace( ele ) ); } ); let parentInteractive = cacheStyleFunction( 'parentInteractive', function( parent ){ return ( parent.pstyle('visibility').value === 'visible' && eleTakesUpSpace( parent ) ); } ); elesfn.interactive = cachePrototypeStyleFunction( 'interactive', defineDerivedStateFunction({ ok: eleInteractive, parentOk: parentInteractive, edgeOkViaNode: eleTakesUpSpace }) ); elesfn.noninteractive = function(){ let ele = this[0]; if( ele ){ return !ele.interactive(); } }; let eleVisible = cacheStyleFunction( 'eleVisible', function( ele ){ return ( ele.pstyle( 'visibility' ).value === 'visible' && ele.pstyle( 'opacity' ).pfValue !== 0 && eleTakesUpSpace( ele ) ); } ); let edgeVisibleViaNode = eleTakesUpSpace; elesfn.visible = cachePrototypeStyleFunction( 'visible', defineDerivedStateFunction({ ok: eleVisible, edgeOkViaNode: edgeVisibleViaNode }) ); elesfn.hidden = function(){ let ele = this[0]; if( ele ){ return !ele.visible(); } }; elesfn.isBundledBezier = cachePrototypeStyleFunction('isBundledBezier', function(){ if( ! ){ return false; } return !this.removed() && this.pstyle('curve-style').value === 'bezier' && this.takesUpSpace(); }); elesfn.bypass = elesfn.css =; elesfn.renderedCss = elesfn.renderedStyle; elesfn.removeBypass = elesfn.removeCss = elesfn.removeStyle; elesfn.pstyle = elesfn.parsedStyle; export default elesfn;