var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __markAsModule = (target) => __defProp(target, "__esModule", { value: true }); var __export = (target, all) => { for (var name in all) __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); }; var __reExport = (target, module2, copyDefault, desc) => { if (module2 && typeof module2 === "object" || typeof module2 === "function") { for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(module2)) if (!, key) && (copyDefault || key !== "default")) __defProp(target, key, { get: () => module2[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(module2, key)) || desc.enumerable }); } return target; }; var __toCommonJS = /* @__PURE__ */ ((cache) => { return (module2, temp) => { return cache && cache.get(module2) || (temp = __reExport(__markAsModule({}), module2, 1), cache && cache.set(module2, temp), temp); }; })(typeof WeakMap !== "undefined" ? /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap() : 0); // src/bezier.js var bezier_exports = {}; __export(bezier_exports, { Bezier: () => Bezier }); // src/utils.js var { abs, cos, sin, acos, atan2, sqrt, pow } = Math; function crt(v) { return v < 0 ? -pow(-v, 1 / 3) : pow(v, 1 / 3); } var pi = Math.PI; var tau = 2 * pi; var quart = pi / 2; var epsilon = 1e-6; var nMax = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || 9007199254740991; var nMin = Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER || -9007199254740991; var ZERO = { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 }; var utils = { Tvalues: [ -0.06405689286260563, 0.06405689286260563, -0.1911188674736163, 0.1911188674736163, -0.3150426796961634, 0.3150426796961634, -0.4337935076260451, 0.4337935076260451, -0.5454214713888396, 0.5454214713888396, -0.6480936519369755, 0.6480936519369755, -0.7401241915785544, 0.7401241915785544, -0.820001985973903, 0.820001985973903, -0.8864155270044011, 0.8864155270044011, -0.9382745520027328, 0.9382745520027328, -0.9747285559713095, 0.9747285559713095, -0.9951872199970213, 0.9951872199970213 ], Cvalues: [ 0.12793819534675216, 0.12793819534675216, 0.1258374563468283, 0.1258374563468283, 0.12167047292780339, 0.12167047292780339, 0.1155056680537256, 0.1155056680537256, 0.10744427011596563, 0.10744427011596563, 0.09761865210411388, 0.09761865210411388, 0.08619016153195327, 0.08619016153195327, 0.0733464814110803, 0.0733464814110803, 0.05929858491543678, 0.05929858491543678, 0.04427743881741981, 0.04427743881741981, 0.028531388628933663, 0.028531388628933663, 0.0123412297999872, 0.0123412297999872 ], arcfn: function(t2, derivativeFn) { const d = derivativeFn(t2); let l = d.x * d.x + d.y * d.y; if (typeof d.z !== "undefined") { l += d.z * d.z; } return sqrt(l); }, compute: function(t2, points, _3d) { if (t2 === 0) { points[0].t = 0; return points[0]; } const order = points.length - 1; if (t2 === 1) { points[order].t = 1; return points[order]; } const mt = 1 - t2; let p = points; if (order === 0) { points[0].t = t2; return points[0]; } if (order === 1) { const ret = { x: mt * p[0].x + t2 * p[1].x, y: mt * p[0].y + t2 * p[1].y, t: t2 }; if (_3d) { ret.z = mt * p[0].z + t2 * p[1].z; } return ret; } if (order < 4) { let mt2 = mt * mt, t22 = t2 * t2, a, b, c, d = 0; if (order === 2) { p = [p[0], p[1], p[2], ZERO]; a = mt2; b = mt * t2 * 2; c = t22; } else if (order === 3) { a = mt2 * mt; b = mt2 * t2 * 3; c = mt * t22 * 3; d = t2 * t22; } const ret = { x: a * p[0].x + b * p[1].x + c * p[2].x + d * p[3].x, y: a * p[0].y + b * p[1].y + c * p[2].y + d * p[3].y, t: t2 }; if (_3d) { ret.z = a * p[0].z + b * p[1].z + c * p[2].z + d * p[3].z; } return ret; } const dCpts = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(points)); while (dCpts.length > 1) { for (let i = 0; i < dCpts.length - 1; i++) { dCpts[i] = { x: dCpts[i].x + (dCpts[i + 1].x - dCpts[i].x) * t2, y: dCpts[i].y + (dCpts[i + 1].y - dCpts[i].y) * t2 }; if (typeof dCpts[i].z !== "undefined") { dCpts[i].z = dCpts[i].z + (dCpts[i + 1].z - dCpts[i].z) * t2; } } dCpts.splice(dCpts.length - 1, 1); } dCpts[0].t = t2; return dCpts[0]; }, computeWithRatios: function(t2, points, ratios, _3d) { const mt = 1 - t2, r = ratios, p = points; let f1 = r[0], f2 = r[1], f3 = r[2], f4 = r[3], d; f1 *= mt; f2 *= t2; if (p.length === 2) { d = f1 + f2; return { x: (f1 * p[0].x + f2 * p[1].x) / d, y: (f1 * p[0].y + f2 * p[1].y) / d, z: !_3d ? false : (f1 * p[0].z + f2 * p[1].z) / d, t: t2 }; } f1 *= mt; f2 *= 2 * mt; f3 *= t2 * t2; if (p.length === 3) { d = f1 + f2 + f3; return { x: (f1 * p[0].x + f2 * p[1].x + f3 * p[2].x) / d, y: (f1 * p[0].y + f2 * p[1].y + f3 * p[2].y) / d, z: !_3d ? false : (f1 * p[0].z + f2 * p[1].z + f3 * p[2].z) / d, t: t2 }; } f1 *= mt; f2 *= 1.5 * mt; f3 *= 3 * mt; f4 *= t2 * t2 * t2; if (p.length === 4) { d = f1 + f2 + f3 + f4; return { x: (f1 * p[0].x + f2 * p[1].x + f3 * p[2].x + f4 * p[3].x) / d, y: (f1 * p[0].y + f2 * p[1].y + f3 * p[2].y + f4 * p[3].y) / d, z: !_3d ? false : (f1 * p[0].z + f2 * p[1].z + f3 * p[2].z + f4 * p[3].z) / d, t: t2 }; } }, derive: function(points, _3d) { const dpoints = []; for (let p = points, d = p.length, c = d - 1; d > 1; d--, c--) { const list = []; for (let j = 0, dpt; j < c; j++) { dpt = { x: c * (p[j + 1].x - p[j].x), y: c * (p[j + 1].y - p[j].y) }; if (_3d) { dpt.z = c * (p[j + 1].z - p[j].z); } list.push(dpt); } dpoints.push(list); p = list; } return dpoints; }, between: function(v, m, M) { return m <= v && v <= M || utils.approximately(v, m) || utils.approximately(v, M); }, approximately: function(a, b, precision) { return abs(a - b) <= (precision || epsilon); }, length: function(derivativeFn) { const z = 0.5, len = utils.Tvalues.length; let sum = 0; for (let i = 0, t2; i < len; i++) { t2 = z * utils.Tvalues[i] + z; sum += utils.Cvalues[i] * utils.arcfn(t2, derivativeFn); } return z * sum; }, map: function(v, ds, de, ts, te) { const d1 = de - ds, d2 = te - ts, v2 = v - ds, r = v2 / d1; return ts + d2 * r; }, lerp: function(r, v1, v2) { const ret = { x: v1.x + r * (v2.x - v1.x), y: v1.y + r * (v2.y - v1.y) }; if (v1.z !== void 0 && v2.z !== void 0) { ret.z = v1.z + r * (v2.z - v1.z); } return ret; }, pointToString: function(p) { let s = p.x + "/" + p.y; if (typeof p.z !== "undefined") { s += "/" + p.z; } return s; }, pointsToString: function(points) { return "[" +", ") + "]"; }, copy: function(obj) { return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)); }, angle: function(o, v1, v2) { const dx1 = v1.x - o.x, dy1 = v1.y - o.y, dx2 = v2.x - o.x, dy2 = v2.y - o.y, cross = dx1 * dy2 - dy1 * dx2, dot = dx1 * dx2 + dy1 * dy2; return atan2(cross, dot); }, round: function(v, d) { const s = "" + v; const pos = s.indexOf("."); return parseFloat(s.substring(0, pos + 1 + d)); }, dist: function(p1, p2) { const dx = p1.x - p2.x, dy = p1.y - p2.y; return sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); }, closest: function(LUT, point) { let mdist = pow(2, 63), mpos, d; LUT.forEach(function(p, idx) { d = utils.dist(point, p); if (d < mdist) { mdist = d; mpos = idx; } }); return { mdist, mpos }; }, abcratio: function(t2, n) { if (n !== 2 && n !== 3) { return false; } if (typeof t2 === "undefined") { t2 = 0.5; } else if (t2 === 0 || t2 === 1) { return t2; } const bottom = pow(t2, n) + pow(1 - t2, n), top = bottom - 1; return abs(top / bottom); }, projectionratio: function(t2, n) { if (n !== 2 && n !== 3) { return false; } if (typeof t2 === "undefined") { t2 = 0.5; } else if (t2 === 0 || t2 === 1) { return t2; } const top = pow(1 - t2, n), bottom = pow(t2, n) + top; return top / bottom; }, lli8: function(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4) { const nx = (x1 * y2 - y1 * x2) * (x3 - x4) - (x1 - x2) * (x3 * y4 - y3 * x4), ny = (x1 * y2 - y1 * x2) * (y3 - y4) - (y1 - y2) * (x3 * y4 - y3 * x4), d = (x1 - x2) * (y3 - y4) - (y1 - y2) * (x3 - x4); if (d == 0) { return false; } return { x: nx / d, y: ny / d }; }, lli4: function(p1, p2, p3, p4) { const x1 = p1.x, y1 = p1.y, x2 = p2.x, y2 = p2.y, x3 = p3.x, y3 = p3.y, x4 = p4.x, y4 = p4.y; return utils.lli8(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4); }, lli: function(v1, v2) { return utils.lli4(v1, v1.c, v2, v2.c); }, makeline: function(p1, p2) { return new Bezier(p1.x, p1.y, (p1.x + p2.x) / 2, (p1.y + p2.y) / 2, p2.x, p2.y); }, findbbox: function(sections) { let mx = nMax, my = nMax, MX = nMin, MY = nMin; sections.forEach(function(s) { const bbox = s.bbox(); if (mx > bbox.x.min) mx = bbox.x.min; if (my > bbox.y.min) my = bbox.y.min; if (MX < bbox.x.max) MX = bbox.x.max; if (MY < bbox.y.max) MY = bbox.y.max; }); return { x: { min: mx, mid: (mx + MX) / 2, max: MX, size: MX - mx }, y: { min: my, mid: (my + MY) / 2, max: MY, size: MY - my } }; }, shapeintersections: function(s1, bbox1, s2, bbox2, curveIntersectionThreshold) { if (!utils.bboxoverlap(bbox1, bbox2)) return []; const intersections = []; const a1 = [s1.startcap, s1.forward, s1.back, s1.endcap]; const a2 = [s2.startcap, s2.forward, s2.back, s2.endcap]; a1.forEach(function(l1) { if (l1.virtual) return; a2.forEach(function(l2) { if (l2.virtual) return; const iss = l1.intersects(l2, curveIntersectionThreshold); if (iss.length > 0) { iss.c1 = l1; iss.c2 = l2; iss.s1 = s1; iss.s2 = s2; intersections.push(iss); } }); }); return intersections; }, makeshape: function(forward, back, curveIntersectionThreshold) { const bpl = back.points.length; const fpl = forward.points.length; const start = utils.makeline(back.points[bpl - 1], forward.points[0]); const end = utils.makeline(forward.points[fpl - 1], back.points[0]); const shape = { startcap: start, forward, back, endcap: end, bbox: utils.findbbox([start, forward, back, end]) }; shape.intersections = function(s2) { return utils.shapeintersections(shape, shape.bbox, s2, s2.bbox, curveIntersectionThreshold); }; return shape; }, getminmax: function(curve, d, list) { if (!list) return { min: 0, max: 0 }; let min2 = nMax, max2 = nMin, t2, c; if (list.indexOf(0) === -1) { list = [0].concat(list); } if (list.indexOf(1) === -1) { list.push(1); } for (let i = 0, len = list.length; i < len; i++) { t2 = list[i]; c = curve.get(t2); if (c[d] < min2) { min2 = c[d]; } if (c[d] > max2) { max2 = c[d]; } } return { min: min2, mid: (min2 + max2) / 2, max: max2, size: max2 - min2 }; }, align: function(points, line) { const tx = line.p1.x, ty = line.p1.y, a = -atan2(line.p2.y - ty, line.p2.x - tx), d = function(v) { return { x: (v.x - tx) * cos(a) - (v.y - ty) * sin(a), y: (v.x - tx) * sin(a) + (v.y - ty) * cos(a) }; }; return; }, roots: function(points, line) { line = line || { p1: { x: 0, y: 0 }, p2: { x: 1, y: 0 } }; const order = points.length - 1; const aligned = utils.align(points, line); const reduce = function(t2) { return 0 <= t2 && t2 <= 1; }; if (order === 2) { const a2 = aligned[0].y, b2 = aligned[1].y, c2 = aligned[2].y, d2 = a2 - 2 * b2 + c2; if (d2 !== 0) { const m1 = -sqrt(b2 * b2 - a2 * c2), m2 = -a2 + b2, v12 = -(m1 + m2) / d2, v2 = -(-m1 + m2) / d2; return [v12, v2].filter(reduce); } else if (b2 !== c2 && d2 === 0) { return [(2 * b2 - c2) / (2 * b2 - 2 * c2)].filter(reduce); } return []; } const pa = aligned[0].y, pb = aligned[1].y, pc = aligned[2].y, pd = aligned[3].y; let d = -pa + 3 * pb - 3 * pc + pd, a = 3 * pa - 6 * pb + 3 * pc, b = -3 * pa + 3 * pb, c = pa; if (utils.approximately(d, 0)) { if (utils.approximately(a, 0)) { if (utils.approximately(b, 0)) { return []; } return [-c / b].filter(reduce); } const q3 = sqrt(b * b - 4 * a * c), a2 = 2 * a; return [(q3 - b) / a2, (-b - q3) / a2].filter(reduce); } a /= d; b /= d; c /= d; const p = (3 * b - a * a) / 3, p3 = p / 3, q = (2 * a * a * a - 9 * a * b + 27 * c) / 27, q2 = q / 2, discriminant = q2 * q2 + p3 * p3 * p3; let u1, v1, x1, x2, x3; if (discriminant < 0) { const mp3 = -p / 3, mp33 = mp3 * mp3 * mp3, r = sqrt(mp33), t2 = -q / (2 * r), cosphi = t2 < -1 ? -1 : t2 > 1 ? 1 : t2, phi = acos(cosphi), crtr = crt(r), t1 = 2 * crtr; x1 = t1 * cos(phi / 3) - a / 3; x2 = t1 * cos((phi + tau) / 3) - a / 3; x3 = t1 * cos((phi + 2 * tau) / 3) - a / 3; return [x1, x2, x3].filter(reduce); } else if (discriminant === 0) { u1 = q2 < 0 ? crt(-q2) : -crt(q2); x1 = 2 * u1 - a / 3; x2 = -u1 - a / 3; return [x1, x2].filter(reduce); } else { const sd = sqrt(discriminant); u1 = crt(-q2 + sd); v1 = crt(q2 + sd); return [u1 - v1 - a / 3].filter(reduce); } }, droots: function(p) { if (p.length === 3) { const a = p[0], b = p[1], c = p[2], d = a - 2 * b + c; if (d !== 0) { const m1 = -sqrt(b * b - a * c), m2 = -a + b, v1 = -(m1 + m2) / d, v2 = -(-m1 + m2) / d; return [v1, v2]; } else if (b !== c && d === 0) { return [(2 * b - c) / (2 * (b - c))]; } return []; } if (p.length === 2) { const a = p[0], b = p[1]; if (a !== b) { return [a / (a - b)]; } return []; } return []; }, curvature: function(t2, d1, d2, _3d, kOnly) { let num, dnm, adk, dk, k = 0, r = 0; const d = utils.compute(t2, d1); const dd = utils.compute(t2, d2); const qdsum = d.x * d.x + d.y * d.y; if (_3d) { num = sqrt(pow(d.y * dd.z - dd.y * d.z, 2) + pow(d.z * dd.x - dd.z * d.x, 2) + pow(d.x * dd.y - dd.x * d.y, 2)); dnm = pow(qdsum + d.z * d.z, 3 / 2); } else { num = d.x * dd.y - d.y * dd.x; dnm = pow(qdsum, 3 / 2); } if (num === 0 || dnm === 0) { return { k: 0, r: 0 }; } k = num / dnm; r = dnm / num; if (!kOnly) { const pk = utils.curvature(t2 - 1e-3, d1, d2, _3d, true).k; const nk = utils.curvature(t2 + 1e-3, d1, d2, _3d, true).k; dk = (nk - k + (k - pk)) / 2; adk = (abs(nk - k) + abs(k - pk)) / 2; } return { k, r, dk, adk }; }, inflections: function(points) { if (points.length < 4) return []; const p = utils.align(points, { p1: points[0], p2: points.slice(-1)[0] }), a = p[2].x * p[1].y, b = p[3].x * p[1].y, c = p[1].x * p[2].y, d = p[3].x * p[2].y, v1 = 18 * (-3 * a + 2 * b + 3 * c - d), v2 = 18 * (3 * a - b - 3 * c), v3 = 18 * (c - a); if (utils.approximately(v1, 0)) { if (!utils.approximately(v2, 0)) { let t2 = -v3 / v2; if (0 <= t2 && t2 <= 1) return [t2]; } return []; } const d2 = 2 * v1; if (utils.approximately(d2, 0)) return []; const trm = v2 * v2 - 4 * v1 * v3; if (trm < 0) return []; const sq = Math.sqrt(trm); return [(sq - v2) / d2, -(v2 + sq) / d2].filter(function(r) { return 0 <= r && r <= 1; }); }, bboxoverlap: function(b1, b2) { const dims = ["x", "y"], len = dims.length; for (let i = 0, dim, l, t2, d; i < len; i++) { dim = dims[i]; l = b1[dim].mid; t2 = b2[dim].mid; d = (b1[dim].size + b2[dim].size) / 2; if (abs(l - t2) >= d) return false; } return true; }, expandbox: function(bbox, _bbox) { if (_bbox.x.min < bbox.x.min) { bbox.x.min = _bbox.x.min; } if (_bbox.y.min < bbox.y.min) { bbox.y.min = _bbox.y.min; } if (_bbox.z && _bbox.z.min < bbox.z.min) { bbox.z.min = _bbox.z.min; } if (_bbox.x.max > bbox.x.max) { bbox.x.max = _bbox.x.max; } if (_bbox.y.max > bbox.y.max) { bbox.y.max = _bbox.y.max; } if (_bbox.z && _bbox.z.max > bbox.z.max) { bbox.z.max = _bbox.z.max; } bbox.x.mid = (bbox.x.min + bbox.x.max) / 2; bbox.y.mid = (bbox.y.min + bbox.y.max) / 2; if (bbox.z) { bbox.z.mid = (bbox.z.min + bbox.z.max) / 2; } bbox.x.size = bbox.x.max - bbox.x.min; bbox.y.size = bbox.y.max - bbox.y.min; if (bbox.z) { bbox.z.size = bbox.z.max - bbox.z.min; } }, pairiteration: function(c1, c2, curveIntersectionThreshold) { const c1b = c1.bbox(), c2b = c2.bbox(), r = 1e5, threshold = curveIntersectionThreshold || 0.5; if (c1b.x.size + c1b.y.size < threshold && c2b.x.size + c2b.y.size < threshold) { return [ (r * (c1._t1 + c1._t2) / 2 | 0) / r + "/" + (r * (c2._t1 + c2._t2) / 2 | 0) / r ]; } let cc1 = c1.split(0.5), cc2 = c2.split(0.5), pairs = [ { left: cc1.left, right: cc2.left }, { left: cc1.left, right: cc2.right }, { left: cc1.right, right: cc2.right }, { left: cc1.right, right: cc2.left } ]; pairs = pairs.filter(function(pair) { return utils.bboxoverlap(pair.left.bbox(), pair.right.bbox()); }); let results = []; if (pairs.length === 0) return results; pairs.forEach(function(pair) { results = results.concat(utils.pairiteration(pair.left, pair.right, threshold)); }); results = results.filter(function(v, i) { return results.indexOf(v) === i; }); return results; }, getccenter: function(p1, p2, p3) { const dx1 = p2.x - p1.x, dy1 = p2.y - p1.y, dx2 = p3.x - p2.x, dy2 = p3.y - p2.y, dx1p = dx1 * cos(quart) - dy1 * sin(quart), dy1p = dx1 * sin(quart) + dy1 * cos(quart), dx2p = dx2 * cos(quart) - dy2 * sin(quart), dy2p = dx2 * sin(quart) + dy2 * cos(quart), mx1 = (p1.x + p2.x) / 2, my1 = (p1.y + p2.y) / 2, mx2 = (p2.x + p3.x) / 2, my2 = (p2.y + p3.y) / 2, mx1n = mx1 + dx1p, my1n = my1 + dy1p, mx2n = mx2 + dx2p, my2n = my2 + dy2p, arc = utils.lli8(mx1, my1, mx1n, my1n, mx2, my2, mx2n, my2n), r = utils.dist(arc, p1); let s = atan2(p1.y - arc.y, p1.x - arc.x), m = atan2(p2.y - arc.y, p2.x - arc.x), e = atan2(p3.y - arc.y, p3.x - arc.x), _; if (s < e) { if (s > m || m > e) { s += tau; } if (s > e) { _ = e; e = s; s = _; } } else { if (e < m && m < s) { _ = e; e = s; s = _; } else { e += tau; } } arc.s = s; arc.e = e; arc.r = r; return arc; }, numberSort: function(a, b) { return a - b; } }; // src/poly-bezier.js var PolyBezier = class { constructor(curves) { this.curves = []; this._3d = false; if (!!curves) { this.curves = curves; this._3d = this.curves[0]._3d; } } valueOf() { return this.toString(); } toString() { return "[" + { return utils.pointsToString(curve.points); }).join(", ") + "]"; } addCurve(curve) { this.curves.push(curve); this._3d = this._3d || curve._3d; } length() { return { return v.length(); }).reduce(function(a, b) { return a + b; }); } curve(idx) { return this.curves[idx]; } bbox() { const c = this.curves; var bbox = c[0].bbox(); for (var i = 1; i < c.length; i++) { utils.expandbox(bbox, c[i].bbox()); } return bbox; } offset(d) { const offset = []; this.curves.forEach(function(v) { offset.push(...v.offset(d)); }); return new PolyBezier(offset); } }; // src/bezier.js var { abs: abs2, min, max, cos: cos2, sin: sin2, acos: acos2, sqrt: sqrt2 } = Math; var pi2 = Math.PI; var Bezier = class { constructor(coords) { let args = coords && coords.forEach ? coords : Array.from(arguments).slice(); let coordlen = false; if (typeof args[0] === "object") { coordlen = args.length; const newargs = []; args.forEach(function(point2) { ["x", "y", "z"].forEach(function(d) { if (typeof point2[d] !== "undefined") { newargs.push(point2[d]); } }); }); args = newargs; } let higher = false; const len = args.length; if (coordlen) { if (coordlen > 4) { if (arguments.length !== 1) { throw new Error("Only new Bezier(point[]) is accepted for 4th and higher order curves"); } higher = true; } } else { if (len !== 6 && len !== 8 && len !== 9 && len !== 12) { if (arguments.length !== 1) { throw new Error("Only new Bezier(point[]) is accepted for 4th and higher order curves"); } } } const _3d = this._3d = !higher && (len === 9 || len === 12) || coords && coords[0] && typeof coords[0].z !== "undefined"; const points = this.points = []; for (let idx = 0, step = _3d ? 3 : 2; idx < len; idx += step) { var point = { x: args[idx], y: args[idx + 1] }; if (_3d) { point.z = args[idx + 2]; } points.push(point); } const order = this.order = points.length - 1; const dims = this.dims = ["x", "y"]; if (_3d) dims.push("z"); this.dimlen = dims.length; const aligned = utils.align(points, { p1: points[0], p2: points[order] }); const baselength = utils.dist(points[0], points[order]); this._linear = aligned.reduce((t2, p) => t2 + abs2(p.y), 0) < baselength / 50; this._lut = []; this._t1 = 0; this._t2 = 1; this.update(); } static quadraticFromPoints(p1, p2, p3, t2) { if (typeof t2 === "undefined") { t2 = 0.5; } if (t2 === 0) { return new Bezier(p2, p2, p3); } if (t2 === 1) { return new Bezier(p1, p2, p2); } const abc = Bezier.getABC(2, p1, p2, p3, t2); return new Bezier(p1, abc.A, p3); } static cubicFromPoints(S, B, E, t2, d1) { if (typeof t2 === "undefined") { t2 = 0.5; } const abc = Bezier.getABC(3, S, B, E, t2); if (typeof d1 === "undefined") { d1 = utils.dist(B, abc.C); } const d2 = d1 * (1 - t2) / t2; const selen = utils.dist(S, E), lx = (E.x - S.x) / selen, ly = (E.y - S.y) / selen, bx1 = d1 * lx, by1 = d1 * ly, bx2 = d2 * lx, by2 = d2 * ly; const e1 = { x: B.x - bx1, y: B.y - by1 }, e2 = { x: B.x + bx2, y: B.y + by2 }, A = abc.A, v1 = { x: A.x + (e1.x - A.x) / (1 - t2), y: A.y + (e1.y - A.y) / (1 - t2) }, v2 = { x: A.x + (e2.x - A.x) / t2, y: A.y + (e2.y - A.y) / t2 }, nc1 = { x: S.x + (v1.x - S.x) / t2, y: S.y + (v1.y - S.y) / t2 }, nc2 = { x: E.x + (v2.x - E.x) / (1 - t2), y: E.y + (v2.y - E.y) / (1 - t2) }; return new Bezier(S, nc1, nc2, E); } static getUtils() { return utils; } getUtils() { return Bezier.getUtils(); } static get PolyBezier() { return PolyBezier; } valueOf() { return this.toString(); } toString() { return utils.pointsToString(this.points); } toSVG() { if (this._3d) return false; const p = this.points, x = p[0].x, y = p[0].y, s = ["M", x, y, this.order === 2 ? "Q" : "C"]; for (let i = 1, last = p.length; i < last; i++) { s.push(p[i].x); s.push(p[i].y); } return s.join(" "); } setRatios(ratios) { if (ratios.length !== this.points.length) { throw new Error("incorrect number of ratio values"); } this.ratios = ratios; this._lut = []; } verify() { const print = this.coordDigest(); if (print !== this._print) { this._print = print; this.update(); } } coordDigest() { return, pos) { return "" + pos + c.x + c.y + (c.z ? c.z : 0); }).join(""); } update() { this._lut = []; this.dpoints = utils.derive(this.points, this._3d); this.computedirection(); } computedirection() { const points = this.points; const angle = utils.angle(points[0], points[this.order], points[1]); this.clockwise = angle > 0; } length() { return utils.length(this.derivative.bind(this)); } static getABC(order = 2, S, B, E, t2 = 0.5) { const u = utils.projectionratio(t2, order), um = 1 - u, C = { x: u * S.x + um * E.x, y: u * S.y + um * E.y }, s = utils.abcratio(t2, order), A = { x: B.x + (B.x - C.x) / s, y: B.y + (B.y - C.y) / s }; return { A, B, C, S, E }; } getABC(t2, B) { B = B || this.get(t2); let S = this.points[0]; let E = this.points[this.order]; return Bezier.getABC(this.order, S, B, E, t2); } getLUT(steps) { this.verify(); steps = steps || 100; if (this._lut.length === steps + 1) { return this._lut; } this._lut = []; steps++; this._lut = []; for (let i = 0, p, t2; i < steps; i++) { t2 = i / (steps - 1); p = this.compute(t2); p.t = t2; this._lut.push(p); } return this._lut; } on(point, error) { error = error || 5; const lut = this.getLUT(), hits = []; for (let i = 0, c, t2 = 0; i < lut.length; i++) { c = lut[i]; if (utils.dist(c, point) < error) { hits.push(c); t2 += i / lut.length; } } if (!hits.length) return false; return t /= hits.length; } project(point) { const LUT = this.getLUT(), l = LUT.length - 1, closest = utils.closest(LUT, point), mpos = closest.mpos, t1 = (mpos - 1) / l, t2 = (mpos + 1) / l, step = 0.1 / l; let mdist = closest.mdist, t3 = t1, ft = t3, p; mdist += 1; for (let d; t3 < t2 + step; t3 += step) { p = this.compute(t3); d = utils.dist(point, p); if (d < mdist) { mdist = d; ft = t3; } } ft = ft < 0 ? 0 : ft > 1 ? 1 : ft; p = this.compute(ft); p.t = ft; p.d = mdist; return p; } get(t2) { return this.compute(t2); } point(idx) { return this.points[idx]; } compute(t2) { if (this.ratios) { return utils.computeWithRatios(t2, this.points, this.ratios, this._3d); } return utils.compute(t2, this.points, this._3d, this.ratios); } raise() { const p = this.points, np = [p[0]], k = p.length; for (let i = 1, pi3, pim; i < k; i++) { pi3 = p[i]; pim = p[i - 1]; np[i] = { x: (k - i) / k * pi3.x + i / k * pim.x, y: (k - i) / k * pi3.y + i / k * pim.y }; } np[k] = p[k - 1]; return new Bezier(np); } derivative(t2) { return utils.compute(t2, this.dpoints[0], this._3d); } dderivative(t2) { return utils.compute(t2, this.dpoints[1], this._3d); } align() { let p = this.points; return new Bezier(utils.align(p, { p1: p[0], p2: p[p.length - 1] })); } curvature(t2) { return utils.curvature(t2, this.dpoints[0], this.dpoints[1], this._3d); } inflections() { return utils.inflections(this.points); } normal(t2) { return this._3d ? this.__normal3(t2) : this.__normal2(t2); } __normal2(t2) { const d = this.derivative(t2); const q = sqrt2(d.x * d.x + d.y * d.y); return { t: t2, x: -d.y / q, y: d.x / q }; } __normal3(t2) { const r1 = this.derivative(t2), r2 = this.derivative(t2 + 0.01), q1 = sqrt2(r1.x * r1.x + r1.y * r1.y + r1.z * r1.z), q2 = sqrt2(r2.x * r2.x + r2.y * r2.y + r2.z * r2.z); r1.x /= q1; r1.y /= q1; r1.z /= q1; r2.x /= q2; r2.y /= q2; r2.z /= q2; const c = { x: r2.y * r1.z - r2.z * r1.y, y: r2.z * r1.x - r2.x * r1.z, z: r2.x * r1.y - r2.y * r1.x }; const m = sqrt2(c.x * c.x + c.y * c.y + c.z * c.z); c.x /= m; c.y /= m; c.z /= m; const R = [ c.x * c.x, c.x * c.y - c.z, c.x * c.z + c.y, c.x * c.y + c.z, c.y * c.y, c.y * c.z - c.x, c.x * c.z - c.y, c.y * c.z + c.x, c.z * c.z ]; const n = { t: t2, x: R[0] * r1.x + R[1] * r1.y + R[2] * r1.z, y: R[3] * r1.x + R[4] * r1.y + R[5] * r1.z, z: R[6] * r1.x + R[7] * r1.y + R[8] * r1.z }; return n; } hull(t2) { let p = this.points, _p = [], q = [], idx = 0; q[idx++] = p[0]; q[idx++] = p[1]; q[idx++] = p[2]; if (this.order === 3) { q[idx++] = p[3]; } while (p.length > 1) { _p = []; for (let i = 0, pt, l = p.length - 1; i < l; i++) { pt = utils.lerp(t2, p[i], p[i + 1]); q[idx++] = pt; _p.push(pt); } p = _p; } return q; } split(t1, t2) { if (t1 === 0 && !!t2) { return this.split(t2).left; } if (t2 === 1) { return this.split(t1).right; } const q = this.hull(t1); const result = { left: this.order === 2 ? new Bezier([q[0], q[3], q[5]]) : new Bezier([q[0], q[4], q[7], q[9]]), right: this.order === 2 ? new Bezier([q[5], q[4], q[2]]) : new Bezier([q[9], q[8], q[6], q[3]]), span: q }; result.left._t1 =, 0, 1, this._t1, this._t2); result.left._t2 =, 0, 1, this._t1, this._t2); result.right._t1 =, 0, 1, this._t1, this._t2); result.right._t2 =, 0, 1, this._t1, this._t2); if (!t2) { return result; } t2 =, t1, 1, 0, 1); return result.right.split(t2).left; } extrema() { const result = {}; let roots = []; this.dims.forEach(function(dim) { let mfn = function(v) { return v[dim]; }; let p = this.dpoints[0].map(mfn); result[dim] = utils.droots(p); if (this.order === 3) { p = this.dpoints[1].map(mfn); result[dim] = result[dim].concat(utils.droots(p)); } result[dim] = result[dim].filter(function(t2) { return t2 >= 0 && t2 <= 1; }); roots = roots.concat(result[dim].sort(utils.numberSort)); }.bind(this)); result.values = roots.sort(utils.numberSort).filter(function(v, idx) { return roots.indexOf(v) === idx; }); return result; } bbox() { const extrema = this.extrema(), result = {}; this.dims.forEach(function(d) { result[d] = utils.getminmax(this, d, extrema[d]); }.bind(this)); return result; } overlaps(curve) { const lbbox = this.bbox(), tbbox = curve.bbox(); return utils.bboxoverlap(lbbox, tbbox); } offset(t2, d) { if (typeof d !== "undefined") { const c = this.get(t2), n = this.normal(t2); const ret = { c, n, x: c.x + n.x * d, y: c.y + n.y * d }; if (this._3d) { ret.z = c.z + n.z * d; } return ret; } if (this._linear) { const nv = this.normal(0), coords = { const ret = { x: p.x + t2 * nv.x, y: p.y + t2 * nv.y }; if (p.z && nv.z) { ret.z = p.z + t2 * nv.z; } return ret; }); return [new Bezier(coords)]; } return this.reduce().map(function(s) { if (s._linear) { return s.offset(t2)[0]; } return s.scale(t2); }); } simple() { if (this.order === 3) { const a1 = utils.angle(this.points[0], this.points[3], this.points[1]); const a2 = utils.angle(this.points[0], this.points[3], this.points[2]); if (a1 > 0 && a2 < 0 || a1 < 0 && a2 > 0) return false; } const n1 = this.normal(0); const n2 = this.normal(1); let s = n1.x * n2.x + n1.y * n2.y; if (this._3d) { s += n1.z * n2.z; } return abs2(acos2(s)) < pi2 / 3; } reduce() { let i, t1 = 0, t2 = 0, step = 0.01, segment, pass1 = [], pass2 = []; let extrema = this.extrema().values; if (extrema.indexOf(0) === -1) { extrema = [0].concat(extrema); } if (extrema.indexOf(1) === -1) { extrema.push(1); } for (t1 = extrema[0], i = 1; i < extrema.length; i++) { t2 = extrema[i]; segment = this.split(t1, t2); segment._t1 = t1; segment._t2 = t2; pass1.push(segment); t1 = t2; } pass1.forEach(function(p1) { t1 = 0; t2 = 0; while (t2 <= 1) { for (t2 = t1 + step; t2 <= 1 + step; t2 += step) { segment = p1.split(t1, t2); if (!segment.simple()) { t2 -= step; if (abs2(t1 - t2) < step) { return []; } segment = p1.split(t1, t2); segment._t1 =, 0, 1, p1._t1, p1._t2); segment._t2 =, 0, 1, p1._t1, p1._t2); pass2.push(segment); t1 = t2; break; } } } if (t1 < 1) { segment = p1.split(t1, 1); segment._t1 =, 0, 1, p1._t1, p1._t2); segment._t2 = p1._t2; pass2.push(segment); } }); return pass2; } translate(v, d1, d2) { d2 = typeof d2 === "number" ? d2 : d1; const o = this.order; let d =, i) => (1 - i / o) * d1 + i / o * d2); return new Bezier(, i) => ({ x: p.x + v.x * d[i], y: p.y + v.y * d[i] }))); } scale(d) { const order = this.order; let distanceFn = false; if (typeof d === "function") { distanceFn = d; } if (distanceFn && order === 2) { return this.raise().scale(distanceFn); } const clockwise = this.clockwise; const points = this.points; if (this._linear) { return this.translate(this.normal(0), distanceFn ? distanceFn(0) : d, distanceFn ? distanceFn(1) : d); } const r1 = distanceFn ? distanceFn(0) : d; const r2 = distanceFn ? distanceFn(1) : d; const v = [this.offset(0, 10), this.offset(1, 10)]; const np = []; const o = utils.lli4(v[0], v[0].c, v[1], v[1].c); if (!o) { throw new Error("cannot scale this curve. Try reducing it first."); } [0, 1].forEach(function(t2) { const p = np[t2 * order] = utils.copy(points[t2 * order]); p.x += (t2 ? r2 : r1) * v[t2].n.x; p.y += (t2 ? r2 : r1) * v[t2].n.y; }); if (!distanceFn) { [0, 1].forEach((t2) => { if (order === 2 && !!t2) return; const p = np[t2 * order]; const d2 = this.derivative(t2); const p2 = { x: p.x + d2.x, y: p.y + d2.y }; np[t2 + 1] = utils.lli4(p, p2, o, points[t2 + 1]); }); return new Bezier(np); } [0, 1].forEach(function(t2) { if (order === 2 && !!t2) return; var p = points[t2 + 1]; var ov = { x: p.x - o.x, y: p.y - o.y }; var rc = distanceFn ? distanceFn((t2 + 1) / order) : d; if (distanceFn && !clockwise) rc = -rc; var m = sqrt2(ov.x * ov.x + ov.y * ov.y); ov.x /= m; ov.y /= m; np[t2 + 1] = { x: p.x + rc * ov.x, y: p.y + rc * ov.y }; }); return new Bezier(np); } outline(d1, d2, d3, d4) { d2 = d2 === void 0 ? d1 : d2; if (this._linear) { const n = this.normal(0); const start = this.points[0]; const end = this.points[this.points.length - 1]; let s, mid, e; if (d3 === void 0) { d3 = d1; d4 = d2; } s = { x: start.x + n.x * d1, y: start.y + n.y * d1 }; e = { x: end.x + n.x * d3, y: end.y + n.y * d3 }; mid = { x: (s.x + e.x) / 2, y: (s.y + e.y) / 2 }; const fline = [s, mid, e]; s = { x: start.x - n.x * d2, y: start.y - n.y * d2 }; e = { x: end.x - n.x * d4, y: end.y - n.y * d4 }; mid = { x: (s.x + e.x) / 2, y: (s.y + e.y) / 2 }; const bline = [e, mid, s]; const ls2 = utils.makeline(bline[2], fline[0]); const le2 = utils.makeline(fline[2], bline[0]); const segments2 = [ls2, new Bezier(fline), le2, new Bezier(bline)]; return new PolyBezier(segments2); } const reduced = this.reduce(), len = reduced.length, fcurves = []; let bcurves = [], p, alen = 0, tlen = this.length(); const graduated = typeof d3 !== "undefined" && typeof d4 !== "undefined"; function linearDistanceFunction(s, e, tlen2, alen2, slen) { return function(v) { const f1 = alen2 / tlen2, f2 = (alen2 + slen) / tlen2, d = e - s; return, 0, 1, s + f1 * d, s + f2 * d); }; } reduced.forEach(function(segment) { const slen = segment.length(); if (graduated) { fcurves.push(segment.scale(linearDistanceFunction(d1, d3, tlen, alen, slen))); bcurves.push(segment.scale(linearDistanceFunction(-d2, -d4, tlen, alen, slen))); } else { fcurves.push(segment.scale(d1)); bcurves.push(segment.scale(-d2)); } alen += slen; }); bcurves = { p = s.points; if (p[3]) { s.points = [p[3], p[2], p[1], p[0]]; } else { s.points = [p[2], p[1], p[0]]; } return s; }).reverse(); const fs = fcurves[0].points[0], fe = fcurves[len - 1].points[fcurves[len - 1].points.length - 1], bs = bcurves[len - 1].points[bcurves[len - 1].points.length - 1], be = bcurves[0].points[0], ls = utils.makeline(bs, fs), le = utils.makeline(fe, be), segments = [ls].concat(fcurves).concat([le]).concat(bcurves); return new PolyBezier(segments); } outlineshapes(d1, d2, curveIntersectionThreshold) { d2 = d2 || d1; const outline = this.outline(d1, d2).curves; const shapes = []; for (let i = 1, len = outline.length; i < len / 2; i++) { const shape = utils.makeshape(outline[i], outline[len - i], curveIntersectionThreshold); shape.startcap.virtual = i > 1; shape.endcap.virtual = i < len / 2 - 1; shapes.push(shape); } return shapes; } intersects(curve, curveIntersectionThreshold) { if (!curve) return this.selfintersects(curveIntersectionThreshold); if (curve.p1 && curve.p2) { return this.lineIntersects(curve); } if (curve instanceof Bezier) { curve = curve.reduce(); } return this.curveintersects(this.reduce(), curve, curveIntersectionThreshold); } lineIntersects(line) { const mx = min(line.p1.x, line.p2.x), my = min(line.p1.y, line.p2.y), MX = max(line.p1.x, line.p2.x), MY = max(line.p1.y, line.p2.y); return utils.roots(this.points, line).filter((t2) => { var p = this.get(t2); return utils.between(p.x, mx, MX) && utils.between(p.y, my, MY); }); } selfintersects(curveIntersectionThreshold) { const reduced = this.reduce(), len = reduced.length - 2, results = []; for (let i = 0, result, left, right; i < len; i++) { left = reduced.slice(i, i + 1); right = reduced.slice(i + 2); result = this.curveintersects(left, right, curveIntersectionThreshold); results.push(...result); } return results; } curveintersects(c1, c2, curveIntersectionThreshold) { const pairs = []; c1.forEach(function(l) { c2.forEach(function(r) { if (l.overlaps(r)) { pairs.push({ left: l, right: r }); } }); }); let intersections = []; pairs.forEach(function(pair) { const result = utils.pairiteration(pair.left, pair.right, curveIntersectionThreshold); if (result.length > 0) { intersections = intersections.concat(result); } }); return intersections; } arcs(errorThreshold) { errorThreshold = errorThreshold || 0.5; return this._iterate(errorThreshold, []); } _error(pc, np1, s, e) { const q = (e - s) / 4, c1 = this.get(s + q), c2 = this.get(e - q), ref = utils.dist(pc, np1), d1 = utils.dist(pc, c1), d2 = utils.dist(pc, c2); return abs2(d1 - ref) + abs2(d2 - ref); } _iterate(errorThreshold, circles) { let t_s = 0, t_e = 1, safety; do { safety = 0; t_e = 1; let np1 = this.get(t_s), np2, np3, arc, prev_arc; let curr_good = false, prev_good = false, done; let t_m = t_e, prev_e = 1, step = 0; do { prev_good = curr_good; prev_arc = arc; t_m = (t_s + t_e) / 2; step++; np2 = this.get(t_m); np3 = this.get(t_e); arc = utils.getccenter(np1, np2, np3); arc.interval = { start: t_s, end: t_e }; let error = this._error(arc, np1, t_s, t_e); curr_good = error <= errorThreshold; done = prev_good && !curr_good; if (!done) prev_e = t_e; if (curr_good) { if (t_e >= 1) { arc.interval.end = prev_e = 1; prev_arc = arc; if (t_e > 1) { let d = { x: arc.x + arc.r * cos2(arc.e), y: arc.y + arc.r * sin2(arc.e) }; arc.e += utils.angle({ x: arc.x, y: arc.y }, d, this.get(1)); } break; } t_e = t_e + (t_e - t_s) / 2; } else { t_e = t_m; } } while (!done && safety++ < 100); if (safety >= 100) { break; } prev_arc = prev_arc ? prev_arc : arc; circles.push(prev_arc); t_s = prev_e; } while (t_e < 1); return circles; } }; module.exports = __toCommonJS(bezier_exports); // Annotate the CommonJS export names for ESM import in node: 0 && (module.exports = { Bezier });