var VueDemi = (function (VueDemi, Vue, VueCompositionAPI) { if (VueDemi.install) { return VueDemi } if (!Vue) { console.error('[vue-demi] no Vue instance found, please be sure to import `vue` before `vue-demi`.') return VueDemi } // Vue 2.7 if (Vue.version.slice(0, 4) === '2.7.') { for (var key in Vue) { VueDemi[key] = Vue[key] } VueDemi.isVue2 = true VueDemi.isVue3 = false VueDemi.install = function () {} VueDemi.Vue = Vue VueDemi.Vue2 = Vue VueDemi.version = Vue.version VueDemi.warn = Vue.util.warn VueDemi.hasInjectionContext = function() { return !!VueDemi.getCurrentInstance() } function createApp(rootComponent, rootProps) { var vm var provide = {} var app = { config: Vue.config, use: Vue.use.bind(Vue), mixin: Vue.mixin.bind(Vue), component: Vue.component.bind(Vue), provide: function (key, value) { provide[key] = value return this }, directive: function (name, dir) { if (dir) { Vue.directive(name, dir) return app } else { return Vue.directive(name) } }, mount: function (el, hydrating) { if (!vm) { vm = new Vue(Object.assign({ propsData: rootProps }, rootComponent, { provide: Object.assign(provide, rootComponent.provide) })) vm.$mount(el, hydrating) return vm } else { return vm } }, unmount: function () { if (vm) { vm.$destroy() vm = undefined } }, } return app } VueDemi.createApp = createApp } // Vue 2.6.x else if (Vue.version.slice(0, 2) === '2.') { if (VueCompositionAPI) { for (var key in VueCompositionAPI) { VueDemi[key] = VueCompositionAPI[key] } VueDemi.isVue2 = true VueDemi.isVue3 = false VueDemi.install = function () {} VueDemi.Vue = Vue VueDemi.Vue2 = Vue VueDemi.version = Vue.version VueDemi.hasInjectionContext = function() { return !!VueDemi.getCurrentInstance() } } else { console.error('[vue-demi] no VueCompositionAPI instance found, please be sure to import `@vue/composition-api` before `vue-demi`.') } } // Vue 3 else if (Vue.version.slice(0, 2) === '3.') { for (var key in Vue) { VueDemi[key] = Vue[key] } VueDemi.isVue2 = false VueDemi.isVue3 = true VueDemi.install = function () {} VueDemi.Vue = Vue VueDemi.Vue2 = undefined VueDemi.version = Vue.version VueDemi.set = function (target, key, val) { if (Array.isArray(target)) { target.length = Math.max(target.length, key) target.splice(key, 1, val) return val } target[key] = val return val } VueDemi.del = function (target, key) { if (Array.isArray(target)) { target.splice(key, 1) return } delete target[key] } } else { console.error('[vue-demi] Vue version ' + Vue.version + ' is unsupported.') } return VueDemi })( (this.VueDemi = this.VueDemi || (typeof VueDemi !== 'undefined' ? VueDemi : {})), this.Vue || (typeof Vue !== 'undefined' ? Vue : undefined), this.VueCompositionAPI || (typeof VueCompositionAPI !== 'undefined' ? VueCompositionAPI : undefined) ); ; ;(function (exports, shared, Schema, vueDemi, axios, changeCase$1, Cookie, drauu, core, focusTrap, Fuse, idbKeyval, jwt_decode, nprogress, QRCode, Sortable) { 'use strict'; const AsyncValidatorSchema = Schema.default || Schema; function useAsyncValidator(value, rules, options = {}) { const { validateOption = {}, immediate = true, manual = false } = options; const valueRef = shared.toRef(value); const errorInfo = vueDemi.shallowRef(null); const isFinished = vueDemi.ref(true); const pass = vueDemi.ref(!immediate || manual); const errors = vueDemi.computed(() => { var _a; return ((_a = errorInfo.value) == null ? void 0 : _a.errors) || []; }); const errorFields = vueDemi.computed(() => { var _a; return ((_a = errorInfo.value) == null ? void 0 : _a.fields) || {}; }); const validator = vueDemi.computed(() => new AsyncValidatorSchema(shared.toValue(rules))); const execute = async () => { isFinished.value = false; pass.value = false; try { await validator.value.validate(valueRef.value, validateOption); pass.value = true; errorInfo.value = null; } catch (err) { errorInfo.value = err; } finally { isFinished.value = true; } return { pass: pass.value, errorInfo: errorInfo.value, errors: errors.value, errorFields: errorFields.value }; }; if (!manual) { [valueRef, validator], () => execute(), { immediate, deep: true } ); } const shell = { isFinished, pass, errors, errorInfo, errorFields, execute }; function waitUntilFinished() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { shared.until(isFinished).toBe(true).then(() => resolve(shell)).catch((error) => reject(error)); }); } return {, then(onFulfilled, onRejected) { return waitUntilFinished().then(onFulfilled, onRejected); } }; } function useAxios(...args) { const url = typeof args[0] === "string" ? args[0] : void 0; const argsPlaceholder = typeof url === "string" ? 1 : 0; const defaultOptions = { immediate: !!argsPlaceholder, shallow: true, abortPrevious: true }; let defaultConfig = {}; let instance = axios; let options = defaultOptions; const isAxiosInstance = (val) => !!(val == null ? void 0 : val.request); if (args.length > 0 + argsPlaceholder) { if (isAxiosInstance(args[0 + argsPlaceholder])) instance = args[0 + argsPlaceholder]; else defaultConfig = args[0 + argsPlaceholder]; } if (args.length > 1 + argsPlaceholder) { if (isAxiosInstance(args[1 + argsPlaceholder])) instance = args[1 + argsPlaceholder]; } if (args.length === 2 + argsPlaceholder && !isAxiosInstance(args[1 + argsPlaceholder]) || args.length === 3 + argsPlaceholder) options = args[args.length - 1] || defaultOptions; const { initialData, shallow, onSuccess = shared.noop, onError = shared.noop, immediate, resetOnExecute = false } = options; const response = vueDemi.shallowRef(); const data = (shallow ? vueDemi.shallowRef : vueDemi.ref)(initialData); const isFinished = vueDemi.ref(false); const isLoading = vueDemi.ref(false); const isAborted = vueDemi.ref(false); const error = vueDemi.shallowRef(); const cancelTokenSource = axios.CancelToken.source; let cancelToken = cancelTokenSource(); const abort = (message) => { if (isFinished.value || !isLoading.value) return; cancelToken.cancel(message); cancelToken = cancelTokenSource(); isAborted.value = true; isLoading.value = false; isFinished.value = false; }; const loading = (loading2) => { isLoading.value = loading2; isFinished.value = !loading2; }; const resetData = () => { if (resetOnExecute) data.value = initialData; }; const waitUntilFinished = () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { shared.until(isFinished).toBe(true).then(() => error.value ? reject(error.value) : resolve(result)); }); const promise = { then: (...args2) => waitUntilFinished().then(...args2), catch: (...args2) => waitUntilFinished().catch(...args2) }; let executeCounter = 0; const execute = (executeUrl = url, config = {}) => { error.value = void 0; const _url = typeof executeUrl === "string" ? executeUrl : url != null ? url : config.url; if (_url === void 0) { error.value = new axios.AxiosError(axios.AxiosError.ERR_INVALID_URL); isFinished.value = true; return promise; } resetData(); if (options.abortPrevious !== false) abort(); loading(true); executeCounter += 1; const currentExecuteCounter = executeCounter; isAborted.value = false; instance(_url, { ...defaultConfig, ...typeof executeUrl === "object" ? executeUrl : config, cancelToken: cancelToken.token }).then((r) => { if (isAborted.value) return; response.value = r; const result2 =; data.value = result2; onSuccess(result2); }).catch((e) => { error.value = e; onError(e); }).finally(() => { var _a; (_a = options.onFinish) == null ? void 0 :; if (currentExecuteCounter === executeCounter) loading(false); }); return promise; }; if (immediate && url) execute(); const result = { response, data, error, isFinished, isLoading, cancel: abort, isAborted, isCanceled: isAborted, abort, execute }; return { ...result, ...promise }; } var changeCase = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, camelCase: changeCase$1.camelCase, capitalCase: changeCase$1.capitalCase, constantCase: changeCase$1.constantCase, dotCase: changeCase$1.dotCase, headerCase: changeCase$1.headerCase, noCase: changeCase$1.noCase, paramCase: changeCase$1.paramCase, pascalCase: changeCase$1.pascalCase, pathCase: changeCase$1.pathCase, sentenceCase: changeCase$1.sentenceCase, snakeCase: changeCase$1.snakeCase }); function useChangeCase(input, type, options) { if (typeof input === "function") return vueDemi.computed(() => changeCase[type](shared.toValue(input), options)); const text = vueDemi.ref(input); return vueDemi.computed({ get() { return changeCase[type](text.value, options); }, set(value) { text.value = value; } }); } function createCookies(req) { const universalCookie = new Cookie(req ? req.headers.cookie : null); return (dependencies, { doNotParse = false, autoUpdateDependencies = false } = {}) => useCookies(dependencies, { doNotParse, autoUpdateDependencies }, universalCookie); } function useCookies(dependencies, { doNotParse = false, autoUpdateDependencies = false } = {}, cookies = new Cookie()) { const watchingDependencies = autoUpdateDependencies ? [...dependencies || []] : dependencies; let previousCookies = cookies.getAll({ doNotParse: true }); const touches = vueDemi.ref(0); const onChange = () => { const newCookies = cookies.getAll({ doNotParse: true }); if (shouldUpdate( watchingDependencies || null, newCookies, previousCookies )) touches.value++; previousCookies = newCookies; }; cookies.addChangeListener(onChange); shared.tryOnScopeDispose(() => { cookies.removeChangeListener(onChange); }); return { /** * Reactive get cookie by name. If **autoUpdateDependencies = true** then it will update watching dependencies */ get: (...args) => { if (autoUpdateDependencies && watchingDependencies && !watchingDependencies.includes(args[0])) watchingDependencies.push(args[0]); touches.value; return cookies.get(args[0], { doNotParse, ...args[1] }); }, /** * Reactive get all cookies */ getAll: (...args) => { touches.value; return cookies.getAll({ doNotParse, ...args[0] }); }, set: (...args) => cookies.set(...args), remove: (...args) => cookies.remove(...args), addChangeListener: (...args) => cookies.addChangeListener(...args), removeChangeListener: (...args) => cookies.removeChangeListener(...args) }; } function shouldUpdate(dependencies, newCookies, oldCookies) { if (!dependencies) return true; for (const dependency of dependencies) { if (newCookies[dependency] !== oldCookies[dependency]) return true; } return false; } function useDrauu(target, options) { const drauuInstance = vueDemi.ref(); let disposables = []; const onChangedHook = core.createEventHook(); const onCanceledHook = core.createEventHook(); const onCommittedHook = core.createEventHook(); const onStartHook = core.createEventHook(); const onEndHook = core.createEventHook(); const canUndo = vueDemi.ref(false); const canRedo = vueDemi.ref(false); const altPressed = vueDemi.ref(false); const shiftPressed = vueDemi.ref(false); const brush = vueDemi.ref({ color: "black", size: 3, arrowEnd: false, cornerRadius: 0, dasharray: void 0, fill: "transparent", mode: "draw", ...options == null ? void 0 : options.brush });, () => { const instance = drauuInstance.value; if (instance) { instance.brush = brush.value; instance.mode = brush.value.mode; } }, { deep: true }); const undo = () => { var _a; return (_a = drauuInstance.value) == null ? void 0 : _a.undo(); }; const redo = () => { var _a; return (_a = drauuInstance.value) == null ? void 0 : _a.redo(); }; const clear = () => { var _a; return (_a = drauuInstance.value) == null ? void 0 : _a.clear(); }; const cancel = () => { var _a; return (_a = drauuInstance.value) == null ? void 0 : _a.cancel(); }; const load = (svg) => { var _a; return (_a = drauuInstance.value) == null ? void 0 : _a.load(svg); }; const dump = () => { var _a; return (_a = drauuInstance.value) == null ? void 0 : _a.dump(); }; const cleanup = () => { var _a; disposables.forEach((dispose) => dispose()); (_a = drauuInstance.value) == null ? void 0 : _a.unmount(); }; const syncStatus = () => { if (drauuInstance.value) { canUndo.value = drauuInstance.value.canUndo(); canRedo.value = drauuInstance.value.canRedo(); altPressed.value = drauuInstance.value.altPressed; shiftPressed.value = drauuInstance.value.shiftPressed; } }; () => core.unrefElement(target), (el) => { if (!el || typeof SVGSVGElement === "undefined" || !(el instanceof SVGSVGElement)) return; if (drauuInstance.value) cleanup(); drauuInstance.value = drauu.createDrauu({ el, ...options }); syncStatus(); disposables = [ drauuInstance.value.on("canceled", () => onCanceledHook.trigger()), drauuInstance.value.on("committed", (node) => onCommittedHook.trigger(node)), drauuInstance.value.on("start", () => onStartHook.trigger()), drauuInstance.value.on("end", () => onEndHook.trigger()), drauuInstance.value.on("changed", () => { syncStatus(); onChangedHook.trigger(); }) ]; }, { flush: "post" } ); shared.tryOnScopeDispose(() => cleanup()); return { drauuInstance, load, dump, clear, cancel, undo, redo, canUndo, canRedo, brush, onChanged: onChangedHook.on, onCommitted: onCommittedHook.on, onStart: onStartHook.on, onEnd: onEndHook.on, onCanceled: onCanceledHook.on }; } function useFocusTrap(target, options = {}) { let trap; const { immediate, ...focusTrapOptions } = options; const hasFocus = vueDemi.ref(false); const isPaused = vueDemi.ref(false); const activate = (opts) => trap && trap.activate(opts); const deactivate = (opts) => trap && trap.deactivate(opts); const pause = () => { if (trap) { trap.pause(); isPaused.value = true; } }; const unpause = () => { if (trap) { trap.unpause(); isPaused.value = false; } }; () => core.unrefElement(target), (el) => { if (!el) return; trap = focusTrap.createFocusTrap(el, { ...focusTrapOptions, onActivate() { hasFocus.value = true; if (options.onActivate) options.onActivate(); }, onDeactivate() { hasFocus.value = false; if (options.onDeactivate) options.onDeactivate(); } }); if (immediate) activate(); }, { flush: "post" } ); core.tryOnScopeDispose(() => deactivate()); return { hasFocus, isPaused, activate, deactivate, pause, unpause }; } function useFuse(search, data, options) { const createFuse = () => { var _a, _b; return new Fuse( (_a = shared.toValue(data)) != null ? _a : [], (_b = shared.toValue(options)) == null ? void 0 : _b.fuseOptions ); }; const fuse = vueDemi.ref(createFuse()); () => { var _a; return (_a = shared.toValue(options)) == null ? void 0 : _a.fuseOptions; }, () => { fuse.value = createFuse(); }, { deep: true } ); () => shared.toValue(data), (newData) => { fuse.value.setCollection(newData); }, { deep: true } ); const results = vueDemi.computed(() => { const resolved = shared.toValue(options); if ((resolved == null ? void 0 : resolved.matchAllWhenSearchEmpty) && !shared.toValue(search)) return shared.toValue(data).map((item, index) => ({ item, refIndex: index })); const limit = resolved == null ? void 0 : resolved.resultLimit; return, limit ? { limit } : void 0); }); return { fuse, results }; } function useIDBKeyval(key, initialValue, options = {}) { const { flush = "pre", deep = true, shallow = false, onError = (e) => { console.error(e); }, writeDefaults = true } = options; const isFinished = vueDemi.ref(false); const data = (shallow ? vueDemi.shallowRef : vueDemi.ref)(initialValue); const rawInit = shared.toValue(initialValue); async function read() { try { const rawValue = await idbKeyval.get(key); if (rawValue === void 0) { if (rawInit !== void 0 && rawInit !== null && writeDefaults) await idbKeyval.set(key, rawInit); } else { data.value = rawValue; } } catch (e) { onError(e); } isFinished.value = true; } read(); async function write() { try { if (data.value == null) { await idbKeyval.del(key); } else { await idbKeyval.update(key, () => vueDemi.toRaw(data.value)); } } catch (e) { onError(e); } } const { pause: pauseWatch, resume: resumeWatch } = core.watchPausable(data, () => write(), { flush, deep }); async function setData(value) { pauseWatch(); data.value = value; await write(); resumeWatch(); } return { set: setData, isFinished, data }; } function useJwt(encodedJwt, options = {}) { const { onError, fallbackValue = null } = options; const decodeWithFallback = (encodedJwt2, options2) => { try { return jwt_decode(encodedJwt2, options2); } catch (err) { onError == null ? void 0 : onError(err); return fallbackValue; } }; const header = vueDemi.computed(() => decodeWithFallback(shared.toValue(encodedJwt), { header: true })); const payload = vueDemi.computed(() => decodeWithFallback(shared.toValue(encodedJwt))); return { header, payload }; } function useNProgress(currentProgress = null, options) { const progress = vueDemi.ref(currentProgress); const isLoading = vueDemi.computed({ set: (load) => load ? nprogress.start() : nprogress.done(), get: () => typeof progress.value === "number" && progress.value < 1 }); if (options) nprogress.configure(options); const setProgress = nprogress.set; nprogress.set = (n) => { progress.value = n; return, n); }; vueDemi.watchEffect(() => { if (typeof progress.value === "number" && shared.isClient), progress.value); }); shared.tryOnScopeDispose(nprogress.remove); return { isLoading, progress, start: nprogress.start, done: nprogress.done, remove: () => { progress.value = null; nprogress.remove(); } }; } function useQRCode(text, options) { const src = shared.toRef(text); const result = vueDemi.ref(""); src, async (value) => { if (src.value && shared.isClient) result.value = await QRCode.toDataURL(value, options); }, { immediate: true } ); return result; } function useSortable(el, list, options = {}) { let sortable; const { document = core.defaultDocument, ...resetOptions } = options; const defaultOptions = { onUpdate: (e) => { moveArrayElement(list, e.oldIndex, e.newIndex); } }; const start = () => { const target = typeof el === "string" ? document == null ? void 0 : document.querySelector(el) : core.unrefElement(el); if (!target || sortable !== void 0) return; sortable = new Sortable(target, { ...defaultOptions, ...resetOptions }); }; const stop = () => { sortable == null ? void 0 : sortable.destroy(); sortable = void 0; }; const option = (name, value) => { if (value !== void 0) sortable == null ? void 0 : sortable.option(name, value); else return sortable == null ? void 0 : sortable.option(name); }; core.tryOnMounted(start); core.tryOnScopeDispose(stop); return { stop, start, option }; } function moveArrayElement(list, from, to) { const _valueIsRef = vueDemi.isRef(list); const array = _valueIsRef ? [...core.toValue(list)] : core.toValue(list); if (to >= 0 && to < array.length) { const element = array.splice(from, 1)[0]; vueDemi.nextTick(() => { array.splice(to, 0, element); if (_valueIsRef) list.value = array; }); } } exports.createCookies = createCookies; exports.moveArrayElement = moveArrayElement; exports.useAsyncValidator = useAsyncValidator; exports.useAxios = useAxios; exports.useChangeCase = useChangeCase; exports.useCookies = useCookies; exports.useDrauu = useDrauu; exports.useFocusTrap = useFocusTrap; exports.useFuse = useFuse; exports.useIDBKeyval = useIDBKeyval; exports.useJwt = useJwt; exports.useNProgress = useNProgress; exports.useQRCode = useQRCode; exports.useSortable = useSortable; })(this.VueUse = this.VueUse || {}, VueUse, AsyncValidator, VueDemi, axios, changeCase, UniversalCookie, Drauu, VueUse, focusTrap, Fuse, idbKeyval, jwt_decode, nprogress, QRCode, Sortable);