var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __export = (target, all) => { for (var name in all) __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); }; var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) if (!, key) && key !== except) __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); } return to; }; var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); // dist/index.js var dist_exports = {}; __export(dist_exports, { COLOR: () => COLOR, LocalStorage: () => LocalStorage, Log: () => Log, addColor: () => addColor, autobind: () => autobind, default: () => dist_default, getHiResTimestamp: () => getHiResTimestamp, leftPad: () => leftPad, rightPad: () => rightPad }); module.exports = __toCommonJS(dist_exports); // dist/log.js var import_env3 = require(""); // dist/utils/local-storage.js function getStorage(type) { try { const storage = window[type]; const x = "__storage_test__"; storage.setItem(x, x); storage.removeItem(x); return storage; } catch (e) { return null; } } var LocalStorage = class { constructor(id, defaultConfig, type = "sessionStorage") { = getStorage(type); = id; this.config = defaultConfig; this._loadConfiguration(); } getConfiguration() { return this.config; } setConfiguration(configuration) { Object.assign(this.config, configuration); if ( { const serialized = JSON.stringify(this.config);, serialized); } } // Get config from persistent store, if available _loadConfiguration() { let configuration = {}; if ( { const serializedConfiguration =; configuration = serializedConfiguration ? JSON.parse(serializedConfiguration) : {}; } Object.assign(this.config, configuration); return this; } }; // dist/utils/formatters.js function formatTime(ms) { let formatted; if (ms < 10) { formatted = `${ms.toFixed(2)}ms`; } else if (ms < 100) { formatted = `${ms.toFixed(1)}ms`; } else if (ms < 1e3) { formatted = `${ms.toFixed(0)}ms`; } else { formatted = `${(ms / 1e3).toFixed(2)}s`; } return formatted; } function leftPad(string, length = 8) { const padLength = Math.max(length - string.length, 0); return `${" ".repeat(padLength)}${string}`; } function rightPad(string, length = 8) { const padLength = Math.max(length - string.length, 0); return `${string}${" ".repeat(padLength)}`; } // dist/utils/color.js var import_env = require(""); var COLOR; (function(COLOR2) { COLOR2[COLOR2["BLACK"] = 30] = "BLACK"; COLOR2[COLOR2["RED"] = 31] = "RED"; COLOR2[COLOR2["GREEN"] = 32] = "GREEN"; COLOR2[COLOR2["YELLOW"] = 33] = "YELLOW"; COLOR2[COLOR2["BLUE"] = 34] = "BLUE"; COLOR2[COLOR2["MAGENTA"] = 35] = "MAGENTA"; COLOR2[COLOR2["CYAN"] = 36] = "CYAN"; COLOR2[COLOR2["WHITE"] = 37] = "WHITE"; COLOR2[COLOR2["BRIGHT_BLACK"] = 90] = "BRIGHT_BLACK"; COLOR2[COLOR2["BRIGHT_RED"] = 91] = "BRIGHT_RED"; COLOR2[COLOR2["BRIGHT_GREEN"] = 92] = "BRIGHT_GREEN"; COLOR2[COLOR2["BRIGHT_YELLOW"] = 93] = "BRIGHT_YELLOW"; COLOR2[COLOR2["BRIGHT_BLUE"] = 94] = "BRIGHT_BLUE"; COLOR2[COLOR2["BRIGHT_MAGENTA"] = 95] = "BRIGHT_MAGENTA"; COLOR2[COLOR2["BRIGHT_CYAN"] = 96] = "BRIGHT_CYAN"; COLOR2[COLOR2["BRIGHT_WHITE"] = 97] = "BRIGHT_WHITE"; })(COLOR || (COLOR = {})); var BACKGROUND_INCREMENT = 10; function getColor(color) { if (typeof color !== "string") { return color; } color = color.toUpperCase(); return COLOR[color] || COLOR.WHITE; } function addColor(string, color, background) { if (!import_env.isBrowser && typeof string === "string") { if (color) { const colorCode = getColor(color); string = `\x1B[${colorCode}m${string}\x1B[39m`; } if (background) { const colorCode = getColor(background); string = `\x1B[${colorCode + BACKGROUND_INCREMENT}m${string}\x1B[49m`; } } return string; } // dist/utils/autobind.js function autobind(obj, predefined = ["constructor"]) { const proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj); const propNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(proto); const object = obj; for (const key of propNames) { const value = object[key]; if (typeof value === "function") { if (!predefined.find((name) => key === name)) { object[key] = value.bind(obj); } } } } // dist/utils/assert.js function assert(condition, message) { if (!condition) { throw new Error(message || "Assertion failed"); } } // dist/utils/hi-res-timestamp.js var import_env2 = require(""); function getHiResTimestamp() { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e; let timestamp; if ((0, import_env2.isBrowser)() && import_env2.window.performance) { timestamp = (_c = (_b = (_a = import_env2.window) == null ? void 0 : _a.performance) == null ? void 0 : == null ? void 0 :; } else if ("hrtime" in import_env2.process) { const timeParts = (_e = (_d = import_env2.process) == null ? void 0 : _d.hrtime) == null ? void 0 :; timestamp = timeParts[0] * 1e3 + timeParts[1] / 1e6; } else { timestamp =; } return timestamp; } // dist/log.js var originalConsole = { debug: (0, import_env3.isBrowser)() ? console.debug || console.log : console.log, log: console.log, info:, warn: console.warn, error: console.error }; var DEFAULT_LOG_CONFIGURATION = { enabled: true, level: 0 }; function noop() { } var cache = {}; var ONCE = { once: true }; var Log = class { constructor({ id } = { id: "" }) { this.VERSION = import_env3.VERSION; this._startTs = getHiResTimestamp(); this._deltaTs = getHiResTimestamp(); this.userData = {}; this.LOG_THROTTLE_TIMEOUT = 0; = id; this.userData = {}; this._storage = new LocalStorage(`__probe-${}__`, DEFAULT_LOG_CONFIGURATION); this.timeStamp(`${} started`); autobind(this); Object.seal(this); } set level(newLevel) { this.setLevel(newLevel); } get level() { return this.getLevel(); } isEnabled() { return this._storage.config.enabled; } getLevel() { return this._storage.config.level; } /** @return milliseconds, with fractions */ getTotal() { return Number((getHiResTimestamp() - this._startTs).toPrecision(10)); } /** @return milliseconds, with fractions */ getDelta() { return Number((getHiResTimestamp() - this._deltaTs).toPrecision(10)); } /** @deprecated use logLevel */ set priority(newPriority) { this.level = newPriority; } /** @deprecated use logLevel */ get priority() { return this.level; } /** @deprecated use logLevel */ getPriority() { return this.level; } // Configure enable(enabled = true) { this._storage.setConfiguration({ enabled }); return this; } setLevel(level) { this._storage.setConfiguration({ level }); return this; } /** return the current status of the setting */ get(setting) { return this._storage.config[setting]; } // update the status of the setting set(setting, value) { this._storage.setConfiguration({ [setting]: value }); } /** Logs the current settings as a table */ settings() { if (console.table) { console.table(this._storage.config); } else { console.log(this._storage.config); } } // Unconditional logging assert(condition, message) { if (!condition) { throw new Error(message || "Assertion failed"); } } warn(message) { return this._getLogFunction(0, message, originalConsole.warn, arguments, ONCE); } error(message) { return this._getLogFunction(0, message, originalConsole.error, arguments); } /** Print a deprecation warning */ deprecated(oldUsage, newUsage) { return this.warn(`\`${oldUsage}\` is deprecated and will be removed in a later version. Use \`${newUsage}\` instead`); } /** Print a removal warning */ removed(oldUsage, newUsage) { return this.error(`\`${oldUsage}\` has been removed. Use \`${newUsage}\` instead`); } probe(logLevel, message) { return this._getLogFunction(logLevel, message, originalConsole.log, arguments, { time: true, once: true }); } log(logLevel, message) { return this._getLogFunction(logLevel, message, originalConsole.debug, arguments); } info(logLevel, message) { return this._getLogFunction(logLevel, message,, arguments); } once(logLevel, message) { return this._getLogFunction(logLevel, message, originalConsole.debug ||, arguments, ONCE); } /** Logs an object as a table */ table(logLevel, table, columns) { if (table) { return this._getLogFunction(logLevel, table, console.table || noop, columns && [columns], { tag: getTableHeader(table) }); } return noop; } time(logLevel, message) { return this._getLogFunction(logLevel, message, console.time ? console.time :; } timeEnd(logLevel, message) { return this._getLogFunction(logLevel, message, console.timeEnd ? console.timeEnd :; } timeStamp(logLevel, message) { return this._getLogFunction(logLevel, message, console.timeStamp || noop); } group(logLevel, message, opts = { collapsed: false }) { const options = normalizeArguments({ logLevel, message, opts }); const { collapsed } = opts; options.method = (collapsed ? console.groupCollapsed : ||; return this._getLogFunction(options); } groupCollapsed(logLevel, message, opts = {}) { return, message, Object.assign({}, opts, { collapsed: true })); } groupEnd(logLevel) { return this._getLogFunction(logLevel, "", console.groupEnd || noop); } // EXPERIMENTAL withGroup(logLevel, message, func) {, message)(); try { func(); } finally { this.groupEnd(logLevel)(); } } trace() { if (console.trace) { console.trace(); } } // PRIVATE METHODS /** Deduces log level from a variety of arguments */ _shouldLog(logLevel) { return this.isEnabled() && this.getLevel() >= normalizeLogLevel(logLevel); } _getLogFunction(logLevel, message, method, args, opts) { if (this._shouldLog(logLevel)) { opts = normalizeArguments({ logLevel, message, args, opts }); method = method || opts.method; assert(method); = this.getTotal(); = this.getDelta(); this._deltaTs = getHiResTimestamp(); const tag = opts.tag || opts.message; if (opts.once && tag) { if (!cache[tag]) { cache[tag] = getHiResTimestamp(); } else { return noop; } } message = decorateMessage(, opts.message, opts); return method.bind(console, message, ...opts.args); } return noop; } }; Log.VERSION = import_env3.VERSION; function normalizeLogLevel(logLevel) { if (!logLevel) { return 0; } let resolvedLevel; switch (typeof logLevel) { case "number": resolvedLevel = logLevel; break; case "object": resolvedLevel = logLevel.logLevel || logLevel.priority || 0; break; default: return 0; } assert(Number.isFinite(resolvedLevel) && resolvedLevel >= 0); return resolvedLevel; } function normalizeArguments(opts) { const { logLevel, message } = opts; opts.logLevel = normalizeLogLevel(logLevel); const args = opts.args ? Array.from(opts.args) : []; while (args.length && args.shift() !== message) { } switch (typeof logLevel) { case "string": case "function": if (message !== void 0) { args.unshift(message); } opts.message = logLevel; break; case "object": Object.assign(opts, logLevel); break; default: } if (typeof opts.message === "function") { opts.message = opts.message(); } const messageType = typeof opts.message; assert(messageType === "string" || messageType === "object"); return Object.assign(opts, { args }, opts.opts); } function decorateMessage(id, message, opts) { if (typeof message === "string") { const time = opts.time ? leftPad(formatTime( : ""; message = opts.time ? `${id}: ${time} ${message}` : `${id}: ${message}`; message = addColor(message, opts.color, opts.background); } return message; } function getTableHeader(table) { for (const key in table) { for (const title in table[key]) { return title || "untitled"; } } return "empty"; } // dist/init.js globalThis.probe = {}; // dist/index.js var dist_default = new Log({ id: "" }); //#