{ "version": 3, "sources": ["../src/index.ts", "../src/math-utils.ts", "../src/web-mercator-utils.ts", "../src/assert.ts", "../src/fit-bounds.ts", "../src/get-bounds.ts", "../src/web-mercator-viewport.ts", "../src/normalize-viewport-props.ts", "../src/fly-to-viewport.ts"], "sourcesContent": ["// Classic web-mercator-project\nexport {WebMercatorViewport} from './web-mercator-viewport';\n\nexport {getBounds} from './get-bounds';\nexport {fitBounds} from './fit-bounds';\nexport {normalizeViewportProps} from './normalize-viewport-props';\nexport {flyToViewport, getFlyToDuration} from './fly-to-viewport';\n\nexport {\n MAX_LATITUDE,\n lngLatToWorld,\n worldToLngLat,\n worldToPixels,\n pixelsToWorld,\n zoomToScale,\n scaleToZoom,\n altitudeToFovy,\n fovyToAltitude,\n getMeterZoom,\n unitsPerMeter,\n getDistanceScales,\n addMetersToLngLat,\n getViewMatrix,\n getProjectionMatrix,\n getProjectionParameters\n} from './web-mercator-utils';\n\n/** Types */\nexport type {FitBoundsOptions} from './fit-bounds';\nexport type {DistanceScales} from './web-mercator-utils';\n\n/** @deprecated default export */\nexport {WebMercatorViewport as default} from './web-mercator-viewport';\n", "import {vec4} from '@math.gl/core';\n\n// Helper, avoids low-precision 32 bit matrices from gl-matrix mat4.create()\nexport function createMat4(): number[] {\n return [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1];\n}\n\n// Transforms a vec4 with a projection matrix\nexport function transformVector(matrix: number[], vector: number[]): number[] {\n const result = vec4.transformMat4([] as number[], vector, matrix);\n vec4.scale(result, result, 1 / result[3]);\n return result;\n}\n\nexport function mod(value: number, divisor: number): number {\n const modulus = value % divisor;\n return modulus < 0 ? divisor + modulus : modulus;\n}\n\nexport function lerp(start: number, end: number, step: number): number {\n return step * end + (1 - step) * start;\n}\n\nexport function clamp(x: number, min: number, max: number): number {\n return x < min ? min : x > max ? max : x;\n}\n\nfunction ieLog2(x: number): number {\n return Math.log(x) * Math.LOG2E;\n}\n// Handle missing log2 in IE 11\nexport const log2 = Math.log2 || ieLog2;\n", "// TODO - THE UTILITIES IN THIS FILE SHOULD BE IMPORTED FROM WEB-MERCATOR-VIEWPORT MODULE\n\nimport {createMat4, transformVector, clamp, log2} from './math-utils';\n\nimport {mat4, vec2, vec3} from '@math.gl/core';\nimport {assert} from './assert';\n\n// CONSTANTS\nconst PI = Math.PI;\nconst PI_4 = PI / 4;\nconst DEGREES_TO_RADIANS = PI / 180;\nconst RADIANS_TO_DEGREES = 180 / PI;\nconst TILE_SIZE = 512;\n// Average circumference (40075 km equatorial, 40007 km meridional)\nconst EARTH_CIRCUMFERENCE = 40.03e6;\n// Latitude that makes a square world, 2 * atan(E ** PI) - PI / 2\nexport const MAX_LATITUDE = 85.051129;\n\n// Mapbox default altitude\nexport const DEFAULT_ALTITUDE = 1.5;\n\nexport type DistanceScales = {\n unitsPerMeter: number[];\n metersPerUnit: number[];\n unitsPerMeter2?: number[];\n unitsPerDegree: number[];\n degreesPerUnit: number[];\n unitsPerDegree2?: number[];\n};\n\n/**\n * PROJECTION MATRIX PARAMETERS\n *\n * TODO how to document mebers\n * @param fov in radians. fov is variable, depends on pitch and altitude\n * @param aspect width/height\n * @param focalDistance distance at which visual scale factor is 1\n * @param near near clipping plane\n * @param far far clipping plane\n */\ntype ProjectionParameters = {\n fov: number;\n aspect: number;\n focalDistance: number;\n near: number;\n far: number;\n};\n\n/** Logarithimic zoom to linear scale **/\nexport function zoomToScale(zoom: number): number {\n return Math.pow(2, zoom);\n}\n\n/** Linear scale to logarithimic zoom **/\nexport function scaleToZoom(scale: number): number {\n return log2(scale);\n}\n\n/**\n * Project [lng,lat] on sphere onto [x,y] on 512*512 Mercator Zoom 0 tile.\n * Performs the nonlinear part of the web mercator projection.\n * Remaining projection is done with 4x4 matrices which also handles\n * perspective.\n *\n * @param lngLat - [lng, lat] coordinates\n * Specifies a point on the sphere to project onto the map.\n * @return [x,y] coordinates.\n */\nexport function lngLatToWorld(lngLat: number[]): [number, number] {\n const [lng, lat] = lngLat;\n assert(Number.isFinite(lng));\n assert(Number.isFinite(lat) && lat >= -90 && lat <= 90, 'invalid latitude');\n\n const lambda2 = lng * DEGREES_TO_RADIANS;\n const phi2 = lat * DEGREES_TO_RADIANS;\n const x = (TILE_SIZE * (lambda2 + PI)) / (2 * PI);\n const y = (TILE_SIZE * (PI + Math.log(Math.tan(PI_4 + phi2 * 0.5)))) / (2 * PI);\n return [x, y];\n}\n\n/**\n * Unproject world point [x,y] on map onto {lat, lon} on sphere\n *\n * @param xy - array with [x,y] members\n * representing point on projected map plane\n * @return - array with [x,y] of point on sphere.\n * Has toArray method if you need a GeoJSON Array.\n * Per cartographic tradition, lat and lon are specified as degrees.\n */\nexport function worldToLngLat(xy: number[]): [number, number] {\n const [x, y] = xy;\n const lambda2 = (x / TILE_SIZE) * (2 * PI) - PI;\n const phi2 = 2 * (Math.atan(Math.exp((y / TILE_SIZE) * (2 * PI) - PI)) - PI_4);\n return [lambda2 * RADIANS_TO_DEGREES, phi2 * RADIANS_TO_DEGREES];\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the zoom level that gives a 1 meter pixel at a certain latitude\n * 1 = C*cos(y)/2^z/TILE_SIZE = C*cos(y)/2^(z+9)\n */\nexport function getMeterZoom(options: {latitude: number}): number {\n const {latitude} = options;\n assert(Number.isFinite(latitude));\n const latCosine = Math.cos(latitude * DEGREES_TO_RADIANS);\n return scaleToZoom(EARTH_CIRCUMFERENCE * latCosine) - 9;\n}\n\n/**\n * Calculate the conversion from meter to common units at a given latitude\n * This is a cheaper version of `getDistanceScales`\n * @param latitude center latitude in degrees\n * @returns common units per meter\n */\nexport function unitsPerMeter(latitude: number): number {\n const latCosine = Math.cos(latitude * DEGREES_TO_RADIANS);\n return TILE_SIZE / EARTH_CIRCUMFERENCE / latCosine;\n}\n\n/**\n * Calculate distance scales in meters around current lat/lon, both for\n * degrees and pixels.\n * In mercator projection mode, the distance scales vary significantly\n * with latitude.\n */\nexport function getDistanceScales(options: {\n latitude: number;\n longitude: number;\n highPrecision?: boolean;\n}): DistanceScales {\n const {latitude, longitude, highPrecision = false} = options;\n assert(Number.isFinite(latitude) && Number.isFinite(longitude));\n\n const worldSize = TILE_SIZE;\n const latCosine = Math.cos(latitude * DEGREES_TO_RADIANS);\n\n /**\n * Number of pixels occupied by one degree longitude around current lat/lon:\n unitsPerDegreeX = d(lngLatToWorld([lng, lat])[0])/d(lng)\n = scale * TILE_SIZE * DEGREES_TO_RADIANS / (2 * PI)\n unitsPerDegreeY = d(lngLatToWorld([lng, lat])[1])/d(lat)\n = -scale * TILE_SIZE * DEGREES_TO_RADIANS / cos(lat * DEGREES_TO_RADIANS) / (2 * PI)\n */\n const unitsPerDegreeX = worldSize / 360;\n const unitsPerDegreeY = unitsPerDegreeX / latCosine;\n\n /**\n * Number of pixels occupied by one meter around current lat/lon:\n */\n const altUnitsPerMeter = worldSize / EARTH_CIRCUMFERENCE / latCosine;\n\n /**\n * LngLat: longitude -> east and latitude -> north (bottom left)\n * UTM meter offset: x -> east and y -> north (bottom left)\n * World space: x -> east and y -> south (top left)\n *\n * Y needs to be flipped when converting delta degree/meter to delta pixels\n */\n const result: DistanceScales = {\n unitsPerMeter: [altUnitsPerMeter, altUnitsPerMeter, altUnitsPerMeter],\n metersPerUnit: [1 / altUnitsPerMeter, 1 / altUnitsPerMeter, 1 / altUnitsPerMeter],\n\n unitsPerDegree: [unitsPerDegreeX, unitsPerDegreeY, altUnitsPerMeter],\n degreesPerUnit: [1 / unitsPerDegreeX, 1 / unitsPerDegreeY, 1 / altUnitsPerMeter]\n };\n\n /**\n * Taylor series 2nd order for 1/latCosine\n f'(a) * (x - a)\n = d(1/cos(lat * DEGREES_TO_RADIANS))/d(lat) * dLat\n = DEGREES_TO_RADIANS * tan(lat * DEGREES_TO_RADIANS) / cos(lat * DEGREES_TO_RADIANS) * dLat\n */\n if (highPrecision) {\n const latCosine2 = (DEGREES_TO_RADIANS * Math.tan(latitude * DEGREES_TO_RADIANS)) / latCosine;\n const unitsPerDegreeY2 = (unitsPerDegreeX * latCosine2) / 2;\n const altUnitsPerDegree2 = (worldSize / EARTH_CIRCUMFERENCE) * latCosine2;\n const altUnitsPerMeter2 = (altUnitsPerDegree2 / unitsPerDegreeY) * altUnitsPerMeter;\n\n result.unitsPerDegree2 = [0, unitsPerDegreeY2, altUnitsPerDegree2];\n result.unitsPerMeter2 = [altUnitsPerMeter2, 0, altUnitsPerMeter2];\n }\n\n // Main results, used for converting meters to latlng deltas and scaling offsets\n return result;\n}\n\n/**\n * Offset a lng/lat position by meterOffset (northing, easting)\n */\nexport function addMetersToLngLat(lngLatZ: number[], xyz: number[]): number[] {\n const [longitude, latitude, z0] = lngLatZ;\n const [x, y, z] = xyz;\n\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow\n const {unitsPerMeter, unitsPerMeter2} = getDistanceScales({\n longitude,\n latitude,\n highPrecision: true\n });\n\n const worldspace = lngLatToWorld(lngLatZ);\n worldspace[0] += x * (unitsPerMeter[0] + unitsPerMeter2[0] * y);\n worldspace[1] += y * (unitsPerMeter[1] + unitsPerMeter2[1] * y);\n\n const newLngLat = worldToLngLat(worldspace);\n const newZ = (z0 || 0) + (z || 0);\n\n return Number.isFinite(z0) || Number.isFinite(z) ? [newLngLat[0], newLngLat[1], newZ] : newLngLat;\n}\n\n/**\n *\n * view and projection matrix creation is intentionally kept compatible with\n * mapbox-gl's implementation to ensure that seamless interoperation\n * with mapbox and react-map-gl. See: https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-js\n */\nexport function getViewMatrix(options: {\n // Viewport props\n height: number;\n pitch: number;\n bearing: number;\n altitude: number;\n // Pre-calculated parameters\n scale: number;\n center?: number[];\n}): number[] {\n const {\n // Viewport props\n height,\n pitch,\n bearing,\n altitude,\n // Pre-calculated parameters\n scale,\n center\n } = options;\n // VIEW MATRIX: PROJECTS MERCATOR WORLD COORDINATES\n // Note that mercator world coordinates typically need to be flipped\n //\n // Note: As usual, matrix operation orders should be read in reverse\n // since vectors will be multiplied from the right during transformation\n const vm = createMat4();\n\n // Move camera to altitude (along the pitch & bearing direction)\n mat4.translate(vm, vm, [0, 0, -altitude]);\n\n // Rotate by bearing, and then by pitch (which tilts the view)\n mat4.rotateX(vm, vm, -pitch * DEGREES_TO_RADIANS);\n mat4.rotateZ(vm, vm, bearing * DEGREES_TO_RADIANS);\n\n const relativeScale = scale / height;\n mat4.scale(vm, vm, [relativeScale, relativeScale, relativeScale]);\n\n if (center) {\n mat4.translate(vm, vm, vec3.negate([], center));\n }\n\n return vm;\n}\n\n/**\n * Calculates mapbox compatible projection matrix from parameters\n *\n * @param options.width Width of \"viewport\" or window\n * @param options.height Height of \"viewport\" or window\n * @param options.scale Scale at the current zoom\n * @param options.center Offset of the target, vec3 in world space\n * @param options.offset Offset of the focal point, vec2 in screen space\n * @param options.pitch Camera angle in degrees (0 is straight down)\n * @param options.fovy field of view in degrees\n * @param options.altitude if provided, field of view is calculated using `altitudeToFovy()`\n * @param options.nearZMultiplier control z buffer\n * @param options.farZMultiplier control z buffer\n * @returns project parameters object\n */\nexport function getProjectionParameters(options: {\n width: number;\n height: number;\n scale?: number;\n center?: number[];\n offset?: [number, number];\n fovy?: number;\n altitude?: number;\n pitch?: number;\n nearZMultiplier?: number;\n farZMultiplier?: number;\n}): ProjectionParameters {\n const {\n width,\n height,\n altitude,\n pitch = 0,\n offset,\n center,\n scale,\n nearZMultiplier = 1,\n farZMultiplier = 1\n } = options;\n let {fovy = altitudeToFovy(DEFAULT_ALTITUDE)} = options;\n\n // For back-compatibility allow field of view to be\n // derived from altitude\n if (altitude !== undefined) {\n fovy = altitudeToFovy(altitude);\n }\n\n const fovRadians = fovy * DEGREES_TO_RADIANS;\n const pitchRadians = pitch * DEGREES_TO_RADIANS;\n\n // Distance from camera to the target\n const focalDistance = fovyToAltitude(fovy);\n\n let cameraToSeaLevelDistance = focalDistance;\n\n if (center) {\n cameraToSeaLevelDistance += (center[2] * scale) / Math.cos(pitchRadians) / height;\n }\n\n const fovAboveCenter = fovRadians * (0.5 + (offset ? offset[1] : 0) / height);\n\n // Find the distance from the center point to the center top\n // in focal distance units using law of sines.\n const topHalfSurfaceDistance =\n (Math.sin(fovAboveCenter) * cameraToSeaLevelDistance) /\n Math.sin(clamp(Math.PI / 2 - pitchRadians - fovAboveCenter, 0.01, Math.PI - 0.01));\n\n // Calculate z distance of the farthest fragment that should be rendered.\n const furthestDistance =\n Math.sin(pitchRadians) * topHalfSurfaceDistance + cameraToSeaLevelDistance;\n // Matches mapbox limit\n const horizonDistance = cameraToSeaLevelDistance * 10;\n\n // Calculate z value of the farthest fragment that should be rendered.\n const farZ = Math.min(furthestDistance * farZMultiplier, horizonDistance);\n\n return {\n fov: fovRadians,\n aspect: width / height,\n focalDistance,\n near: nearZMultiplier,\n far: farZ\n };\n}\n\n/**\n * CALCULATE PROJECTION MATRIX: PROJECTS FROM CAMERA (VIEW) SPACE TO CLIPSPACE\n *\n * To match mapbox's z buffer:\n * - \\<= 0.28: nearZMultiplier: 0.1, farZmultiplier: 1\n * - \\>= 0.29: nearZMultiplier: 1 / height, farZMultiplier: 1.01\n *\n * @param options Viewport options\n * @param options.width Width of \"viewport\" or window\n * @param options.height Height of \"viewport\" or window\n * @param options.scale Scale at the current zoom\n * @param options.center Offset of the target, vec3 in world space\n * @param options.offset Offset of the focal point, vec2 in screen space\n * @param options.pitch Camera angle in degrees (0 is straight down)\n * @param options.fovy field of view in degrees\n * @param options.altitude if provided, field of view is calculated using `altitudeToFovy()`\n * @param options.nearZMultiplier control z buffer\n * @param options.farZMultiplier control z buffer\n * @returns 4x4 projection matrix\n */\nexport function getProjectionMatrix(options: {\n width: number;\n height: number;\n pitch: number;\n scale?: number;\n center?: number[];\n offset?: [number, number];\n fovy?: number;\n altitude?: number;\n nearZMultiplier: number;\n farZMultiplier: number;\n}): number[] {\n const {fov, aspect, near, far} = getProjectionParameters(options);\n\n const projectionMatrix = mat4.perspective(\n [] as number[],\n fov, // fov in radians\n aspect, // aspect ratio\n near, // near plane\n far // far plane\n );\n\n return projectionMatrix;\n}\n\n/**\n *\n * Convert an altitude to field of view such that the\n * focal distance is equal to the altitude\n *\n * @param altitude - altitude of camera in screen units\n * @return fovy field of view in degrees\n */\nexport function altitudeToFovy(altitude: number): number {\n return 2 * Math.atan(0.5 / altitude) * RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;\n}\n\n/**\n *\n * Convert an field of view such that the\n * focal distance is equal to the altitude\n *\n * @param fovy - field of view in degrees\n * @return altitude altitude of camera in screen units\n */\nexport function fovyToAltitude(fovy: number): number {\n return 0.5 / Math.tan(0.5 * fovy * DEGREES_TO_RADIANS);\n}\n\n/**\n * Project flat coordinates to pixels on screen.\n *\n * @param xyz - flat coordinate on 512*512 Mercator Zoom 0 tile\n * @param pixelProjectionMatrix - projection matrix 4x4\n * @return [x, y, depth] pixel coordinate on screen.\n */\nexport function worldToPixels(xyz: number[], pixelProjectionMatrix: number[]): number[];\n\n// Project flat coordinates to pixels on screen.\nexport function worldToPixels(xyz: number[], pixelProjectionMatrix: number[]): number[] {\n const [x, y, z = 0] = xyz;\n assert(Number.isFinite(x) && Number.isFinite(y) && Number.isFinite(z));\n\n return transformVector(pixelProjectionMatrix, [x, y, z, 1]);\n}\n\n/**\n * Unproject pixels on screen to flat coordinates.\n *\n * @param xyz - pixel coordinate on screen.\n * @param pixelUnprojectionMatrix - unprojection matrix 4x4\n * @param targetZ - if pixel coordinate does not have a 3rd component (depth),\n * targetZ is used as the elevation plane to unproject onto\n * @return [x, y, Z] flat coordinates on 512*512 Mercator Zoom 0 tile.\n */\nexport function pixelsToWorld(\n xyz: number[],\n pixelUnprojectionMatrix: number[],\n targetZ: number = 0\n): number[] {\n const [x, y, z] = xyz;\n assert(Number.isFinite(x) && Number.isFinite(y), 'invalid pixel coordinate');\n\n if (Number.isFinite(z)) {\n // Has depth component\n const coord = transformVector(pixelUnprojectionMatrix, [x, y, z, 1]);\n return coord;\n }\n\n // since we don't know the correct projected z value for the point,\n // unproject two points to get a line and then find the point on that line with z=0\n const coord0 = transformVector(pixelUnprojectionMatrix, [x, y, 0, 1]);\n const coord1 = transformVector(pixelUnprojectionMatrix, [x, y, 1, 1]);\n\n const z0 = coord0[2];\n const z1 = coord1[2];\n\n const t = z0 === z1 ? 0 : ((targetZ || 0) - z0) / (z1 - z0);\n return vec2.lerp([] as number[], coord0, coord1, t);\n}\n", "// Replacement for the external assert method to reduce bundle size\n// Note: We don't use the second \"message\" argument in calling code,\n// so no need to support it here\nexport function assert(condition: unknown, message?: string): void {\n if (!condition) {\n throw new Error(message || '@math.gl/web-mercator: assertion failed.');\n }\n}\n", "import {assert} from './assert';\nimport {log2, clamp} from './math-utils';\nimport {MAX_LATITUDE, lngLatToWorld, worldToLngLat} from './web-mercator-utils';\n\n/**\n * Options for fitBounds\n */\nexport type FitBoundsOptions = {\n /** viewport width */\n width: number;\n /** viewport height */\n height: number;\n /** [[lon, lat], [lon, lat]] */\n bounds: [[number, number], [number, number]];\n /** The width/height of the bounded area will never be smaller than this. 0.01 would be about 1000 meters (degree is ~110KM) */\n minExtent?: number;\n /** The maximum zoom level to fit the bounds within. */\n maxZoom?: number; // ~x4,000,000 => About 10 meter extents\n /**\n * padding - The amount of padding in pixels to add to the given bounds.\n * Can also be an object with top, bottom, left and right properties defining the padding.\n */\n padding?: number | Padding;\n /** The center of the given bounds relative to the map's center, */\n offset?: number[];\n};\n\n/**\n * An object describing the padding to add to the bounds.\n */\nexport type Padding = {\n /** Padding from top in pixels to add to the given bounds */\n top: number;\n /** Padding from bottom in pixels to add to the given bounds */\n bottom: number;\n /** Padding from left in pixels to add to the given bounds */\n left: number;\n /** Padding from right in pixels to add to the given bounds */\n right: number;\n};\n\ntype ViewportProps = {\n longitude: number;\n latitude: number;\n zoom: number;\n};\n\n/**\n * Returns map settings {latitude, longitude, zoom}\n * that will contain the provided corners within the provided width.\n *\n * > _Note: Only supports non-perspective mode._\n *\n * @param options fit bounds parameters\n * @returns - latitude, longitude and zoom\n */\nexport function fitBounds(options: FitBoundsOptions): ViewportProps {\n const {\n width,\n height,\n bounds,\n minExtent = 0, // 0.01 would be about 1000 meters (degree is ~110KM)\n maxZoom = 24, // ~x4,000,000 => About 10 meter extents\n offset = [0, 0]\n } = options;\n\n const [[west, south], [east, north]] = bounds;\n const padding = getPaddingObject(options.padding);\n\n const nw = lngLatToWorld([west, clamp(north, -MAX_LATITUDE, MAX_LATITUDE)]);\n const se = lngLatToWorld([east, clamp(south, -MAX_LATITUDE, MAX_LATITUDE)]);\n\n // width/height on the Web Mercator plane\n const size = [\n Math.max(Math.abs(se[0] - nw[0]), minExtent),\n Math.max(Math.abs(se[1] - nw[1]), minExtent)\n ];\n\n const targetSize = [\n width - padding.left - padding.right - Math.abs(offset[0]) * 2,\n height - padding.top - padding.bottom - Math.abs(offset[1]) * 2\n ];\n\n assert(targetSize[0] > 0 && targetSize[1] > 0);\n\n // scale = screen pixels per unit on the Web Mercator plane\n const scaleX = targetSize[0] / size[0];\n const scaleY = targetSize[1] / size[1];\n\n // Find how much we need to shift the center\n const offsetX = (padding.right - padding.left) / 2 / scaleX;\n const offsetY = (padding.top - padding.bottom) / 2 / scaleY;\n\n const center = [(se[0] + nw[0]) / 2 + offsetX, (se[1] + nw[1]) / 2 + offsetY];\n\n const centerLngLat = worldToLngLat(center);\n const zoom = Math.min(maxZoom, log2(Math.abs(Math.min(scaleX, scaleY))));\n\n assert(Number.isFinite(zoom));\n\n return {\n longitude: centerLngLat[0],\n latitude: centerLngLat[1],\n zoom\n };\n}\n\n// Helpers\nfunction getPaddingObject(padding: number | Padding = 0): Padding {\n if (typeof padding === 'number') {\n return {\n top: padding,\n bottom: padding,\n left: padding,\n right: padding\n };\n }\n\n // Make sure all the required properties are set\n assert(\n Number.isFinite(padding.top) &&\n Number.isFinite(padding.bottom) &&\n Number.isFinite(padding.left) &&\n Number.isFinite(padding.right)\n );\n\n return padding;\n}\n", "/* eslint-disable camelcase */\nimport {vec2} from '@math.gl/core';\nimport type {WebMercatorViewport} from './web-mercator-viewport';\nimport {worldToLngLat} from './web-mercator-utils';\nimport {transformVector} from './math-utils';\n\nconst DEGREES_TO_RADIANS = Math.PI / 180;\n\n/*\n * Returns the quad at the intersection of the frustum and the given z plane\n * @param {WebMercatorViewport} viewport\n * @param {Number} z - elevation in meters\n */\nexport function getBounds(viewport: WebMercatorViewport, z: number = 0): number[][] {\n // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/unbound-method\n const {width, height, unproject} = viewport;\n const unprojectOps = {targetZ: z};\n const bottomLeft = unproject([0, height], unprojectOps);\n const bottomRight = unproject([width, height], unprojectOps);\n let topLeft: number[];\n let topRight: number[];\n\n const halfFov = viewport.fovy\n ? 0.5 * viewport.fovy * DEGREES_TO_RADIANS\n : Math.atan(0.5 / viewport.altitude);\n const angleToGround = (90 - viewport.pitch) * DEGREES_TO_RADIANS;\n // The top plane is parallel to the ground if halfFov == angleToGround\n if (halfFov > angleToGround - 0.01) {\n // intersect with the far plane\n topLeft = unprojectOnFarPlane(viewport, 0, z);\n topRight = unprojectOnFarPlane(viewport, width, z);\n } else {\n // intersect with the top plane\n topLeft = unproject([0, 0], unprojectOps);\n topRight = unproject([width, 0], unprojectOps);\n }\n\n return [bottomLeft, bottomRight, topRight, topLeft];\n}\n\n/*\n * Find a point on the far clipping plane of the viewport\n * @param {WebMercatorViewport} viewport\n * @param {Number} x - projected x in screen space\n * @param {Number} targetZ - the elevation of the point in meters\n */\nfunction unprojectOnFarPlane(viewport: WebMercatorViewport, x: number, targetZ: number): number[] {\n const {pixelUnprojectionMatrix} = viewport;\n const coord0 = transformVector(pixelUnprojectionMatrix, [x, 0, 1, 1]);\n const coord1 = transformVector(pixelUnprojectionMatrix, [x, viewport.height, 1, 1]);\n\n const z = targetZ * viewport.distanceScales.unitsPerMeter[2];\n const t = (z - coord0[2]) / (coord1[2] - coord0[2]);\n const coord = vec2.lerp([], coord0, coord1, t);\n\n const result = worldToLngLat(coord);\n result.push(targetZ);\n return result;\n}\n", "// View and Projection Matrix calculations for mapbox-js style map view properties\nimport {createMat4} from './math-utils';\n\nimport {\n zoomToScale,\n pixelsToWorld,\n lngLatToWorld,\n worldToLngLat,\n worldToPixels,\n altitudeToFovy,\n fovyToAltitude,\n DEFAULT_ALTITUDE,\n getProjectionMatrix,\n getDistanceScales,\n getViewMatrix,\n DistanceScales\n} from './web-mercator-utils';\nimport {fitBounds} from './fit-bounds';\nimport {getBounds} from './get-bounds';\nimport type {FitBoundsOptions} from './fit-bounds';\n\nimport {mat4, vec2, vec3} from '@math.gl/core';\n\n/**\n * @param width=1 - Width of \"viewport\" or window\n * @param height=1 - Height of \"viewport\" or window\n * @param scale=1 - Either use scale or zoom\n * @param pitch=0 - Camera angle in degrees (0 is straight down)\n * @param bearing=0 - Map rotation in degrees (0 means north is up)\n * @param fovy= - Field of view of camera in degrees\n * @param altitude= - Altitude of camera in screen units \n *\n * Web mercator projection short-hand parameters\n * @param latitude - Center of viewport on map\n * @param longitude - Center of viewport on map\n * @param zoom - Scale = Math.pow(2,zoom) on map\n\n * Notes:\n * - Only one of center or [latitude, longitude] can be specified\n * - [latitude, longitude] can only be specified when \"mercator\" is true\n * - Altitude has a default value that matches assumptions in mapbox-gl\n * - Field of view is independent from altitude, provide `altitudeToFovy(1.5)` (default value) to match assumptions in mapbox-gl\n * - width and height are forced to 1 if supplied as 0, to avoid\n * division by zero. This is intended to reduce the burden of apps to\n * to check values before instantiating a Viewport.\n */\nexport type WebMercatorViewportProps = {\n // Map state\n width: number;\n height: number;\n latitude?: number;\n longitude?: number;\n position?: number[];\n zoom?: number;\n pitch?: number;\n bearing?: number;\n altitude?: number;\n fovy?: number;\n nearZMultiplier?: number;\n farZMultiplier?: number;\n};\n\n/**\n * The WebMercatorViewport class creates\n * - view/projection matrices\n * - \"uniform values\" (for shaders) from mercator params\n *\n * Note: Instances are immutable in the sense that they only have accessors.\n * A new viewport instance should be created if any parameters have changed.\n */\nexport class WebMercatorViewport {\n readonly latitude: number;\n readonly longitude: number;\n readonly zoom: number;\n readonly pitch: number;\n readonly bearing: number;\n readonly altitude: number;\n readonly fovy: number;\n\n readonly meterOffset: number[];\n readonly center: number[];\n\n readonly width: number;\n readonly height: number;\n readonly scale: number;\n readonly distanceScales: DistanceScales;\n\n readonly viewMatrix: number[];\n readonly projectionMatrix: number[];\n\n viewProjectionMatrix: number[];\n pixelProjectionMatrix: number[];\n pixelUnprojectionMatrix: number[];\n\n /**\n * @classdesc\n * Creates view/projection matrices from mercator params\n * Note: The Viewport is immutable in the sense that it only has accessors.\n * A new viewport instance should be created if any parameters have changed.\n */\n // eslint-disable-next-line max-statements\n constructor(props: WebMercatorViewportProps = {width: 1, height: 1}) {\n let {\n // Map state\n width,\n height,\n altitude = null,\n fovy = null\n } = props;\n const {\n latitude = 0,\n longitude = 0,\n zoom = 0,\n pitch = 0,\n bearing = 0,\n position = null,\n nearZMultiplier = 0.02,\n farZMultiplier = 1.01\n } = props;\n\n // Silently allow apps to send in 0,0 to facilitate isomorphic render etc\n width = width || 1;\n height = height || 1;\n\n // `fovy` & `altitude` are independent parameters, one for the\n // projection and the latter for the view matrix. In the past,\n // the `fovy` was always derived from the `altitude`\n if (fovy === null && altitude === null) {\n altitude = DEFAULT_ALTITUDE;\n fovy = altitudeToFovy(altitude);\n } else if (fovy === null) {\n fovy = altitudeToFovy(altitude);\n } else if (altitude === null) {\n altitude = fovyToAltitude(fovy);\n }\n\n const scale = zoomToScale(zoom);\n // Altitude - prevent division by 0\n // TODO - just throw an Error instead?\n altitude = Math.max(0.75, altitude);\n\n const distanceScales = getDistanceScales({longitude, latitude});\n\n const center: number[] = lngLatToWorld([longitude, latitude]);\n center.push(0);\n\n if (position) {\n vec3.add(center, center, vec3.mul([], position, distanceScales.unitsPerMeter));\n }\n\n this.projectionMatrix = getProjectionMatrix({\n width,\n height,\n scale,\n center,\n pitch,\n fovy,\n nearZMultiplier,\n farZMultiplier\n });\n\n this.viewMatrix = getViewMatrix({\n height,\n scale,\n center,\n pitch,\n bearing,\n altitude\n });\n\n // Save parameters\n this.width = width;\n this.height = height;\n this.scale = scale;\n\n this.latitude = latitude;\n this.longitude = longitude;\n this.zoom = zoom;\n this.pitch = pitch;\n this.bearing = bearing;\n this.altitude = altitude;\n this.fovy = fovy;\n this.center = center;\n this.meterOffset = position || [0, 0, 0];\n\n this.distanceScales = distanceScales;\n\n this._initMatrices();\n\n Object.freeze(this);\n }\n\n _initMatrices(): void {\n const {width, height, projectionMatrix, viewMatrix} = this;\n\n // Note: As usual, matrix operations should be applied in \"reverse\" order\n // since vectors will be multiplied in from the right during transformation\n const vpm = createMat4();\n mat4.multiply(vpm, vpm, projectionMatrix);\n mat4.multiply(vpm, vpm, viewMatrix);\n this.viewProjectionMatrix = vpm;\n\n // Calculate matrices and scales needed for projection\n /**\n * Builds matrices that converts preprojected lngLats to screen pixels\n * and vice versa.\n * Note: Currently returns bottom-left coordinates!\n * Note: Starts with the GL projection matrix and adds steps to the\n * scale and translate that matrix onto the window.\n * Note: WebGL controls clip space to screen projection with gl.viewport\n * and does not need this step.\n */\n const m = createMat4();\n\n // matrix for conversion from location to screen coordinates\n mat4.scale(m, m, [width / 2, -height / 2, 1]);\n mat4.translate(m, m, [1, -1, 0]);\n mat4.multiply(m, m, vpm);\n\n const mInverse = mat4.invert(createMat4(), m);\n if (!mInverse) {\n throw new Error('Pixel project matrix not invertible');\n }\n\n this.pixelProjectionMatrix = m;\n this.pixelUnprojectionMatrix = mInverse;\n }\n\n /** Two viewports are equal if width and height are identical, and if\n * their view and projection matrices are (approximately) equal.\n */\n equals = (viewport: WebMercatorViewport | null): boolean => {\n if (!(viewport instanceof WebMercatorViewport)) {\n return false;\n }\n\n return (\n viewport.width === this.width &&\n viewport.height === this.height &&\n mat4.equals(viewport.projectionMatrix, this.projectionMatrix) &&\n mat4.equals(viewport.viewMatrix, this.viewMatrix)\n );\n };\n\n /**\n * Projects xyz (possibly latitude and longitude) to pixel coordinates in window\n * using viewport projection parameters\n * - [longitude, latitude] to [x, y]\n * - [longitude, latitude, Z] => [x, y, z]\n * Note: By default, returns top-left coordinates for canvas/SVG type render\n *\n * @param lngLatZ - [lng, lat] or [lng, lat, Z]\n * @param options - options\n * @param options.topLeft=true - Whether projected coords are top left\n * @return - screen coordinates [x, y] or [x, y, z], z as pixel depth\n */\n project = (lngLatZ: number[], options: {topLeft?: boolean} = {}): number[] => {\n const {topLeft = true} = options;\n const worldPosition = this.projectPosition(lngLatZ);\n const coord = worldToPixels(worldPosition, this.pixelProjectionMatrix);\n\n const [x, y] = coord;\n const y2 = topLeft ? y : this.height - y;\n return lngLatZ.length === 2 ? [x, y2] : [x, y2, coord[2]];\n };\n\n /**\n * Unproject pixel coordinates on screen onto world coordinates, possibly `[lon, lat]` on map.\n *\n * - [x, y] => [lng, lat]\n * - [x, y, z] => [lng, lat, Z]\n *\n * @param xyz - screen coordinates, z as pixel depth\n * @param options - options\n * @param options.topLeft=true - Whether projected coords are top left\n * @param options.targetZ=0 - If pixel depth is unknown, targetZ is used as\n * the elevation plane to unproject onto\n * @return - [lng, lat, Z] or [X, Y, Z]\n */\n unproject = (xyz: number[], options: {topLeft?: boolean; targetZ?: number} = {}): number[] => {\n const {topLeft = true, targetZ = undefined} = options;\n const [x, y, z] = xyz;\n\n const y2 = topLeft ? y : this.height - y;\n const targetZWorld = targetZ && targetZ * this.distanceScales.unitsPerMeter[2];\n const coord = pixelsToWorld([x, y2, z], this.pixelUnprojectionMatrix, targetZWorld);\n const [X, Y, Z] = this.unprojectPosition(coord);\n\n if (Number.isFinite(z)) {\n return [X, Y, Z];\n }\n return Number.isFinite(targetZ) ? [X, Y, targetZ] : [X, Y];\n };\n\n // NON_LINEAR PROJECTION HOOKS\n // Used for web meractor projection\n\n projectPosition = (xyz: number[]): [number, number, number] => {\n const [X, Y] = lngLatToWorld(xyz);\n const Z = (xyz[2] || 0) * this.distanceScales.unitsPerMeter[2];\n return [X, Y, Z];\n };\n\n unprojectPosition = (xyz: number[]): [number, number, number] => {\n const [X, Y] = worldToLngLat(xyz);\n const Z = (xyz[2] || 0) * this.distanceScales.metersPerUnit[2];\n return [X, Y, Z];\n };\n\n /**\n * Project [lng,lat] on sphere onto [x,y] on 512*512 Mercator Zoom 0 tile.\n * Performs the nonlinear part of the web mercator projection.\n * Remaining projection is done with 4x4 matrices which also handles\n * perspective.\n *\n * @param lngLat - [lng, lat] coordinates\n * Specifies a point on the sphere to project onto the map.\n * @return [x,y] coordinates.\n */\n projectFlat(lngLat: number[]): number[] {\n return lngLatToWorld(lngLat);\n }\n\n /**\n * Unproject world point [x,y] on map onto {lat, lon} on sphere\n *\n * @param xy - array with [x,y] members\n * representing point on projected map plane\n * @return - array with [lat,lon] of point on sphere.\n * Has toArray method if you need a GeoJSON Array.\n * Per cartographic tradition, lat and lon are specified as degrees.\n */\n unprojectFlat(xy: number[]): number[] {\n return worldToLngLat(xy);\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the map center that place a given [lng, lat] coordinate at screen point [x, y]\n * @param opt\n * @param opt.lngLat - [lng,lat] coordinates\n * Specifies a point on the sphere.\n * @param opt.pos - [x,y] coordinates\n * Specifies a point on the screen.\n * @return [lng,lat] new map center.\n */\n getMapCenterByLngLatPosition({lngLat, pos}: {lngLat: number[]; pos: number[]}): number[] {\n const fromLocation = pixelsToWorld(pos, this.pixelUnprojectionMatrix);\n const toLocation = lngLatToWorld(lngLat);\n const translate = vec2.add([], toLocation, vec2.negate([], fromLocation));\n const newCenter = vec2.add([], this.center, translate);\n return worldToLngLat(newCenter);\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns a new viewport that fit around the given rectangle.\n * Only supports non-perspective mode.\n * @param bounds - [[lon, lat], [lon, lat]]\n * @param [options]\n * @param [options.padding] - The amount of padding in pixels to add to the given bounds.\n * @param [options.offset] - The center of the given bounds relative to the map's center,\n * [x, y] measured in pixels.\n * @returns {WebMercatorViewport}\n */\n fitBounds(\n bounds: [[number, number], [number, number]],\n options: Omit = {}\n ): WebMercatorViewport {\n const {width, height} = this;\n const {longitude, latitude, zoom} = fitBounds(Object.assign({width, height, bounds}, options));\n return new WebMercatorViewport({width, height, longitude, latitude, zoom});\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns the bounding box of the viewport.\n * @param [options]\n * @param [options.z] - The altitude at which the bounds should be calculated.\n * @returns {Array} bounds - [[lon, lat], [lon, lat]]\n */\n getBounds(options?: {z?: number}): number[][] {\n const corners = this.getBoundingRegion(options);\n\n const west = Math.min(...corners.map((p) => p[0]));\n const east = Math.max(...corners.map((p) => p[0]));\n const south = Math.min(...corners.map((p) => p[1]));\n const north = Math.max(...corners.map((p) => p[1]));\n return [\n [west, south],\n [east, north]\n ];\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns the bounding box of the viewport.\n * @param [options]\n * @param [options.z] - The altitude at which the bounds should be calculated.\n * @returns {Array} an array of 4 points that define the visible region\n */\n getBoundingRegion(options: {z?: number} = {}): number[][] {\n return getBounds(this, options.z || 0);\n }\n\n // DEPRECATED\n\n /** @deprecated Legacy method name */\n getLocationAtPoint({lngLat, pos}: {lngLat: number[]; pos: number[]}): number[] {\n return this.getMapCenterByLngLatPosition({lngLat, pos});\n }\n}\n", "import {worldToLngLat} from './web-mercator-utils';\nimport {mod, log2} from './math-utils';\n\n// defined by mapbox-gl\nconst TILE_SIZE = 512;\n\n/** Description of viewport */\nexport type ViewportProps = {\n width: number;\n height: number;\n longitude: number;\n latitude: number;\n zoom: number;\n pitch?: number;\n bearing?: number;\n};\n\n/**\n * Apply mathematical constraints to viewport props\n * @param props\n */\n// eslint-disable-next-line complexity\nexport function normalizeViewportProps(props: ViewportProps): ViewportProps {\n const {width, height, pitch = 0} = props;\n let {longitude, latitude, zoom, bearing = 0} = props;\n\n // Normalize degrees\n if (longitude < -180 || longitude > 180) {\n longitude = mod(longitude + 180, 360) - 180;\n }\n if (bearing < -180 || bearing > 180) {\n bearing = mod(bearing + 180, 360) - 180;\n }\n\n // Constrain zoom and shift center at low zoom levels\n const minZoom = log2(height / TILE_SIZE);\n if (zoom <= minZoom) {\n zoom = minZoom;\n latitude = 0;\n } else {\n // Eliminate white space above and below the map\n const halfHeightPixels = height / 2 / Math.pow(2, zoom);\n const minLatitude = worldToLngLat([0, halfHeightPixels])[1];\n if (latitude < minLatitude) {\n latitude = minLatitude;\n } else {\n const maxLatitude = worldToLngLat([0, TILE_SIZE - halfHeightPixels])[1];\n if (latitude > maxLatitude) {\n latitude = maxLatitude;\n }\n }\n }\n\n return {width, height, longitude, latitude, zoom, pitch, bearing};\n}\n", "import {lerp} from './math-utils';\nimport {scaleToZoom, zoomToScale, lngLatToWorld, worldToLngLat} from './web-mercator-utils';\nimport {vec2} from '@math.gl/core';\n\nimport type {ViewportProps} from './normalize-viewport-props';\n\nconst EPSILON = 0.01;\nconst VIEWPORT_TRANSITION_PROPS = ['longitude', 'latitude', 'zoom'] as const;\nconst DEFAULT_OPTS = {\n curve: 1.414,\n speed: 1.2\n // screenSpeed and maxDuration are used only if specified\n};\n\nexport type FlytoTransitionOptions = {\n curve?: number;\n speed?: number;\n screenSpeed?: number;\n maxDuration?: number;\n};\n\n/**\n * mapbox-gl-js flyTo : https://www.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/#map#flyto.\n * It implements \u201CSmooth and efficient zooming and panning.\u201D algorithm by\n * \"Jarke J. van Wijk and Wim A.A. Nuij\"\n */\nexport function flyToViewport(\n startProps: ViewportProps,\n endProps: ViewportProps,\n t: number,\n options?: FlytoTransitionOptions\n): {\n longitude: number;\n latitude: number;\n zoom: number;\n} {\n // Equations from above paper are referred where needed.\n\n const {startZoom, startCenterXY, uDelta, w0, u1, S, rho, rho2, r0} = getFlyToTransitionParams(\n startProps,\n endProps,\n options\n );\n\n // If change in center is too small, do linear interpolaiton.\n if (u1 < EPSILON) {\n const viewport = {};\n for (const key of VIEWPORT_TRANSITION_PROPS) {\n const startValue = startProps[key];\n const endValue = endProps[key];\n // @ts-ignore-error properties are populated dynamically\n viewport[key] = lerp(startValue, endValue, t);\n }\n // @ts-expect-error properties are populated dynamically\n return viewport;\n }\n\n const s = t * S;\n\n const w = Math.cosh(r0) / Math.cosh(r0 + rho * s);\n const u = (w0 * ((Math.cosh(r0) * Math.tanh(r0 + rho * s) - Math.sinh(r0)) / rho2)) / u1;\n\n const scaleIncrement = 1 / w; // Using w method for scaling.\n const newZoom = startZoom + scaleToZoom(scaleIncrement);\n\n const newCenterWorld = vec2.scale([], uDelta, u);\n vec2.add(newCenterWorld, newCenterWorld, startCenterXY);\n\n const newCenter = worldToLngLat(newCenterWorld);\n return {\n longitude: newCenter[0],\n latitude: newCenter[1],\n zoom: newZoom\n };\n}\n\n// returns transition duration in milliseconds\nexport function getFlyToDuration(\n startProps: ViewportProps,\n endProps: ViewportProps,\n options?: FlytoTransitionOptions\n): number {\n const opts = {...DEFAULT_OPTS, ...options};\n const {screenSpeed, speed, maxDuration} = opts;\n const {S, rho} = getFlyToTransitionParams(startProps, endProps, opts);\n const length = 1000 * S;\n let duration: number;\n if (Number.isFinite(screenSpeed)) {\n duration = length / (screenSpeed / rho);\n } else {\n duration = length / speed;\n }\n\n return Number.isFinite(maxDuration) && duration > maxDuration ? 0 : duration;\n}\n\n// Private Methods\n\n// Calculate all parameters that are static for given startProps and endProps\nfunction getFlyToTransitionParams(\n startProps: ViewportProps,\n endProps: ViewportProps,\n opts: FlytoTransitionOptions\n): {\n startZoom: number;\n startCenterXY: number[];\n uDelta: number[];\n w0: number;\n u1: number;\n S: number;\n rho: number;\n rho2: number;\n r0: number;\n r1: number;\n} {\n opts = Object.assign({}, DEFAULT_OPTS, opts);\n const rho = opts.curve;\n const startZoom = startProps.zoom;\n const startCenter = [startProps.longitude, startProps.latitude];\n const startScale = zoomToScale(startZoom);\n const endZoom = endProps.zoom;\n const endCenter = [endProps.longitude, endProps.latitude];\n const scale = zoomToScale(endZoom - startZoom);\n\n const startCenterXY = lngLatToWorld(startCenter);\n const endCenterXY = lngLatToWorld(endCenter);\n const uDelta = vec2.sub([] as number[], endCenterXY, startCenterXY);\n\n const w0 = Math.max(startProps.width, startProps.height);\n const w1 = w0 / scale;\n const u1 = vec2.length(uDelta) * startScale;\n // u0 is treated as '0' in Eq (9).\n\n // If u1 is too small, will generate invalid number\n const _u1 = Math.max(u1, EPSILON);\n\n // Implement Equation (9) from above algorithm.\n const rho2 = rho * rho;\n const b0 = (w1 * w1 - w0 * w0 + rho2 * rho2 * _u1 * _u1) / (2 * w0 * rho2 * _u1);\n const b1 = (w1 * w1 - w0 * w0 - rho2 * rho2 * _u1 * _u1) / (2 * w1 * rho2 * _u1);\n const r0 = Math.log(Math.sqrt(b0 * b0 + 1) - b0);\n const r1 = Math.log(Math.sqrt(b1 * b1 + 1) - b1);\n const S = (r1 - r0) / rho;\n\n return {startZoom, startCenterXY, uDelta, w0, u1, S, rho, rho2, r0, r1};\n}\n"], "mappings": ";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;AAAA;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ACAA,kBAAmB;AAGb,SAAU,aAAU;AACxB,SAAO,CAAC,GAAG,GAAG,GAAG,GAAG,GAAG,GAAG,GAAG,GAAG,GAAG,GAAG,GAAG,GAAG,GAAG,GAAG,GAAG,CAAC;AACxD;AAGM,SAAU,gBAAgB,QAAkB,QAAgB;AAChE,QAAM,SAAS,iBAAK,cAAc,CAAA,GAAgB,QAAQ,MAAM;AAChE,mBAAK,MAAM,QAAQ,QAAQ,IAAI,OAAO,CAAC,CAAC;AACxC,SAAO;AACT;AAEM,SAAU,IAAI,OAAe,SAAe;AAChD,QAAM,UAAU,QAAQ;AACxB,SAAO,UAAU,IAAI,UAAU,UAAU;AAC3C;AAEM,SAAU,KAAK,OAAe,KAAa,MAAY;AAC3D,SAAO,OAAO,OAAO,IAAI,QAAQ;AACnC;AAEM,SAAU,MAAM,GAAW,KAAa,KAAW;AACvD,SAAO,IAAI,MAAM,MAAM,IAAI,MAAM,MAAM;AACzC;AAEA,SAAS,OAAO,GAAS;AACvB,SAAO,KAAK,IAAI,CAAC,IAAI,KAAK;AAC5B;AAEO,IAAM,OAAO,KAAK,QAAQ;;;AC3BjC,IAAAA,eAA+B;;;ACDzB,SAAU,OAAO,WAAoB,SAAgB;AACzD,MAAI,CAAC,WAAW;AACd,UAAM,IAAI,MAAM,WAAW,0CAA0C;EACvE;AACF;;;ADCA,IAAM,KAAK,KAAK;AAChB,IAAM,OAAO,KAAK;AAClB,IAAM,qBAAqB,KAAK;AAChC,IAAM,qBAAqB,MAAM;AACjC,IAAM,YAAY;AAElB,IAAM,sBAAsB;AAErB,IAAM,eAAe;AAGrB,IAAM,mBAAmB;AA8B1B,SAAU,YAAY,MAAY;AACtC,SAAO,KAAK,IAAI,GAAG,IAAI;AACzB;AAGM,SAAU,YAAY,OAAa;AACvC,SAAO,KAAK,KAAK;AACnB;AAYM,SAAU,cAAc,QAAgB;AAC5C,QAAM,CAAC,KAAK,GAAG,IAAI;AACnB,SAAO,OAAO,SAAS,GAAG,CAAC;AAC3B,SAAO,OAAO,SAAS,GAAG,KAAK,OAAO,OAAO,OAAO,IAAI,kBAAkB;AAE1E,QAAM,UAAU,MAAM;AACtB,QAAM,OAAO,MAAM;AACnB,QAAM,IAAK,aAAa,UAAU,OAAQ,IAAI;AAC9C,QAAM,IAAK,aAAa,KAAK,KAAK,IAAI,KAAK,IAAI,OAAO,OAAO,GAAG,CAAC,MAAO,IAAI;AAC5E,SAAO,CAAC,GAAG,CAAC;AACd;AAWM,SAAU,cAAc,IAAY;AACxC,QAAM,CAAC,GAAG,CAAC,IAAI;AACf,QAAM,UAAW,IAAI,aAAc,IAAI,MAAM;AAC7C,QAAM,OAAO,KAAK,KAAK,KAAK,KAAK,IAAK,IAAI,aAAc,IAAI,MAAM,EAAE,CAAC,IAAI;AACzE,SAAO,CAAC,UAAU,oBAAoB,OAAO,kBAAkB;AACjE;AAMM,SAAU,aAAa,SAA2B;AACtD,QAAM,EAAC,SAAQ,IAAI;AACnB,SAAO,OAAO,SAAS,QAAQ,CAAC;AAChC,QAAM,YAAY,KAAK,IAAI,WAAW,kBAAkB;AACxD,SAAO,YAAY,sBAAsB,SAAS,IAAI;AACxD;AAQM,SAAU,cAAc,UAAgB;AAC5C,QAAM,YAAY,KAAK,IAAI,WAAW,kBAAkB;AACxD,SAAO,YAAY,sBAAsB;AAC3C;AAQM,SAAU,kBAAkB,SAIjC;AACC,QAAM,EAAC,UAAU,WAAW,gBAAgB,MAAK,IAAI;AACrD,SAAO,OAAO,SAAS,QAAQ,KAAK,OAAO,SAAS,SAAS,CAAC;AAE9D,QAAM,YAAY;AAClB,QAAM,YAAY,KAAK,IAAI,WAAW,kBAAkB;AASxD,QAAM,kBAAkB,YAAY;AACpC,QAAM,kBAAkB,kBAAkB;AAK1C,QAAM,mBAAmB,YAAY,sBAAsB;AAS3D,QAAM,SAAyB;IAC7B,eAAe,CAAC,kBAAkB,kBAAkB,gBAAgB;IACpE,eAAe,CAAC,IAAI,kBAAkB,IAAI,kBAAkB,IAAI,gBAAgB;IAEhF,gBAAgB,CAAC,iBAAiB,iBAAiB,gBAAgB;IACnE,gBAAgB,CAAC,IAAI,iBAAiB,IAAI,iBAAiB,IAAI,gBAAgB;;AASjF,MAAI,eAAe;AACjB,UAAM,aAAc,qBAAqB,KAAK,IAAI,WAAW,kBAAkB,IAAK;AACpF,UAAM,mBAAoB,kBAAkB,aAAc;AAC1D,UAAM,qBAAsB,YAAY,sBAAuB;AAC/D,UAAM,oBAAqB,qBAAqB,kBAAmB;AAEnE,WAAO,kBAAkB,CAAC,GAAG,kBAAkB,kBAAkB;AACjE,WAAO,iBAAiB,CAAC,mBAAmB,GAAG,iBAAiB;EAClE;AAGA,SAAO;AACT;AAKM,SAAU,kBAAkB,SAAmB,KAAa;AAChE,QAAM,CAAC,WAAW,UAAU,EAAE,IAAI;AAClC,QAAM,CAAC,GAAG,GAAG,CAAC,IAAI;AAGlB,QAAM,EAAC,eAAAC,gBAAe,gBAAAC,gBAAc,IAAI,kBAAkB;IACxD;IACA;IACA,eAAe;GAChB;AAED,QAAM,aAAa,cAAc,OAAO;AACxC,aAAW,CAAC,KAAK,KAAKD,eAAc,CAAC,IAAIC,gBAAe,CAAC,IAAI;AAC7D,aAAW,CAAC,KAAK,KAAKD,eAAc,CAAC,IAAIC,gBAAe,CAAC,IAAI;AAE7D,QAAM,YAAY,cAAc,UAAU;AAC1C,QAAM,QAAQ,MAAM,MAAM,KAAK;AAE/B,SAAO,OAAO,SAAS,EAAE,KAAK,OAAO,SAAS,CAAC,IAAI,CAAC,UAAU,CAAC,GAAG,UAAU,CAAC,GAAG,IAAI,IAAI;AAC1F;AAQM,SAAU,cAAc,SAS7B;AACC,QAAM;;IAEJ;IACA;IACA;IACA;;IAEA;IACA;EAAM,IACJ;AAMJ,QAAM,KAAK,WAAU;AAGrB,oBAAK,UAAU,IAAI,IAAI,CAAC,GAAG,GAAG,CAAC,QAAQ,CAAC;AAGxC,oBAAK,QAAQ,IAAI,IAAI,CAAC,QAAQ,kBAAkB;AAChD,oBAAK,QAAQ,IAAI,IAAI,UAAU,kBAAkB;AAEjD,QAAM,gBAAgB,QAAQ;AAC9B,oBAAK,MAAM,IAAI,IAAI,CAAC,eAAe,eAAe,aAAa,CAAC;AAEhE,MAAI,QAAQ;AACV,sBAAK,UAAU,IAAI,IAAI,kBAAK,OAAO,CAAA,GAAI,MAAM,CAAC;EAChD;AAEA,SAAO;AACT;AAiBM,SAAU,wBAAwB,SAWvC;AACC,QAAM,EACJ,OACA,QACA,UACA,QAAQ,GACR,QACA,QACA,OACA,kBAAkB,GAClB,iBAAiB,EAAC,IAChB;AACJ,MAAI,EAAC,OAAO,eAAe,gBAAgB,EAAC,IAAI;AAIhD,MAAI,aAAa,QAAW;AAC1B,WAAO,eAAe,QAAQ;EAChC;AAEA,QAAM,aAAa,OAAO;AAC1B,QAAM,eAAe,QAAQ;AAG7B,QAAM,gBAAgB,eAAe,IAAI;AAEzC,MAAI,2BAA2B;AAE/B,MAAI,QAAQ;AACV,gCAA6B,OAAO,CAAC,IAAI,QAAS,KAAK,IAAI,YAAY,IAAI;EAC7E;AAEA,QAAM,iBAAiB,cAAc,OAAO,SAAS,OAAO,CAAC,IAAI,KAAK;AAItE,QAAM,yBACH,KAAK,IAAI,cAAc,IAAI,2BAC5B,KAAK,IAAI,MAAM,KAAK,KAAK,IAAI,eAAe,gBAAgB,MAAM,KAAK,KAAK,IAAI,CAAC;AAGnF,QAAM,mBACJ,KAAK,IAAI,YAAY,IAAI,yBAAyB;AAEpD,QAAM,kBAAkB,2BAA2B;AAGnD,QAAM,OAAO,KAAK,IAAI,mBAAmB,gBAAgB,eAAe;AAExE,SAAO;IACL,KAAK;IACL,QAAQ,QAAQ;IAChB;IACA,MAAM;IACN,KAAK;;AAET;AAsBM,SAAU,oBAAoB,SAWnC;AACC,QAAM,EAAC,KAAK,QAAQ,MAAM,IAAG,IAAI,wBAAwB,OAAO;AAEhE,QAAM,mBAAmB,kBAAK;IAC5B,CAAA;IACA;;IACA;;IACA;;IACA;;;AAGF,SAAO;AACT;AAUM,SAAU,eAAe,UAAgB;AAC7C,SAAO,IAAI,KAAK,KAAK,MAAM,QAAQ,IAAI;AACzC;AAUM,SAAU,eAAe,MAAY;AACzC,SAAO,MAAM,KAAK,IAAI,MAAM,OAAO,kBAAkB;AACvD;AAYM,SAAU,cAAc,KAAe,uBAA+B;AAC1E,QAAM,CAAC,GAAG,GAAG,IAAI,CAAC,IAAI;AACtB,SAAO,OAAO,SAAS,CAAC,KAAK,OAAO,SAAS,CAAC,KAAK,OAAO,SAAS,CAAC,CAAC;AAErE,SAAO,gBAAgB,uBAAuB,CAAC,GAAG,GAAG,GAAG,CAAC,CAAC;AAC5D;AAWM,SAAU,cACd,KACA,yBACA,UAAkB,GAAC;AAEnB,QAAM,CAAC,GAAG,GAAG,CAAC,IAAI;AAClB,SAAO,OAAO,SAAS,CAAC,KAAK,OAAO,SAAS,CAAC,GAAG,0BAA0B;AAE3E,MAAI,OAAO,SAAS,CAAC,GAAG;AAEtB,UAAM,QAAQ,gBAAgB,yBAAyB,CAAC,GAAG,GAAG,GAAG,CAAC,CAAC;AACnE,WAAO;EACT;AAIA,QAAM,SAAS,gBAAgB,yBAAyB,CAAC,GAAG,GAAG,GAAG,CAAC,CAAC;AACpE,QAAM,SAAS,gBAAgB,yBAAyB,CAAC,GAAG,GAAG,GAAG,CAAC,CAAC;AAEpE,QAAM,KAAK,OAAO,CAAC;AACnB,QAAM,KAAK,OAAO,CAAC;AAEnB,QAAM,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