import { Vector3, NumericArray } from ''; export declare class Plane { readonly normal: Vector3; distance: number; constructor(normal?: Readonly, distance?: number); /** Creates a plane from a normal and a distance from the origin. */ fromNormalDistance(normal: Readonly, distance: number): this; /** Creates a plane from a normal and a point on the plane. */ fromPointNormal(point: Readonly, normal: Readonly): this; /** Creates a plane from the general equation */ fromCoefficients(a: number, b: number, c: number, d: number): this; /** Duplicates a Plane instance. */ clone(): Plane; /** Compares the provided Planes by normal and distance */ equals(right: Plane): boolean; /** Computes the signed shortest distance of a point to a plane. * The sign of the distance determines which side of the plane the point is on. */ getPointDistance(point: Readonly): number; /** Transforms the plane by the given transformation matrix. */ transform(matrix4: Readonly): this; /** Projects a point onto the plane. */ projectPointOntoPlane(point: Readonly, result: Vector3): Vector3; projectPointOntoPlane(point: Readonly, result?: readonly number[]): readonly number[]; } //#