"version": 3,
"sources": ["../src/index.ts", "../src/constants.ts", "../src/lib/bounding-volumes/axis-aligned-bounding-box.ts", "../src/lib/bounding-volumes/bounding-sphere.ts", "../src/lib/bounding-volumes/oriented-bounding-box.ts", "../src/lib/culling-volume.ts", "../src/lib/plane.ts", "../src/lib/perspective-off-center-frustum.ts", "../src/lib/perspective-frustum.ts", "../src/lib/algorithms/bounding-sphere-from-points.ts", "../src/lib/algorithms/bounding-box-from-points.ts", "../src/lib/algorithms/compute-eigen-decomposition.ts"],
"sourcesContent": ["// math.gl\n// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\n// Copyright (c) vis.gl contributors\n\nexport {INTERSECTION} from './constants';\n\nexport {AxisAlignedBoundingBox} from './lib/bounding-volumes/axis-aligned-bounding-box';\nexport {BoundingSphere} from './lib/bounding-volumes/bounding-sphere';\nexport {OrientedBoundingBox} from './lib/bounding-volumes/oriented-bounding-box';\nexport {CullingVolume} from './lib/culling-volume';\nexport {Plane} from './lib/plane';\n\nexport {PerspectiveOffCenterFrustum as _PerspectiveOffCenterFrustum} from './lib/perspective-off-center-frustum';\nexport {PerspectiveFrustum as _PerspectiveFrustum} from './lib/perspective-frustum';\n\nexport {makeBoundingSphereFromPoints} from './lib/algorithms/bounding-sphere-from-points';\nexport {\n makeAxisAlignedBoundingBoxFromPoints,\n makeOrientedBoundingBoxFromPoints\n} from './lib/algorithms/bounding-box-from-points';\nexport {computeEigenDecomposition} from './lib/algorithms/compute-eigen-decomposition';\n", "// math.gl\n// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\n// Copyright (c) vis.gl contributors\n\nexport const INTERSECTION = {\n OUTSIDE: -1, // Represents that an object is not contained within the frustum.\n INTERSECTING: 0, // Represents that an object intersects one of the frustum's planes.\n INSIDE: 1 // Represents that an object is fully within the frustum.\n} as const;\n", "// math.gl\n// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT and Apache-2.0\n// Copyright (c) vis.gl contributors\n\nimport {BoundingVolume} from './bounding-volume';\nimport {Vector3} from '@math.gl/core';\nimport {Plane} from '../plane';\nimport {INTERSECTION} from '../../constants';\n\nconst scratchVector = new Vector3();\nconst scratchNormal = new Vector3();\n\n/**\n * An axis aligned bounding box - aligned with coordinate axes\n * @see BoundingVolume\n * @see BoundingRectangle\n * @see OrientedBoundingBox\n */\nexport class AxisAlignedBoundingBox implements BoundingVolume {\n /** The center point of the bounding box. */\n readonly center: Vector3;\n /** The positive half diagonal of the bounding box. */\n readonly halfDiagonal: Vector3;\n /** The minimum point defining the bounding box. [0, 0, 0] for empty box */\n readonly minimum: Vector3;\n /** The maximum point defining the bounding box. [0, 0, 0] for empty box */\n readonly maximum: Vector3;\n\n /**\n * Creates an instance of an AxisAlignedBoundingBox from the minimum and maximum points along the x, y, and z axes.\n * @param minimum=[0, 0, 0] The minimum point along the x, y, and z axes.\n * @param maximum=[0, 0, 0] The maximum point along the x, y, and z axes.\n * @param center The center of the box; automatically computed if not supplied.\n */\n constructor(\n minimum: readonly number[] = [0, 0, 0],\n maximum: readonly number[] = [0, 0, 0],\n center?: readonly number[]\n ) {\n // If center was not defined, compute it.\n center = center || scratchVector.copy(minimum).add(maximum).scale(0.5);\n this.center = new Vector3(center);\n this.halfDiagonal = new Vector3(maximum).subtract(this.center);\n\n /**\n * The minimum point defining the bounding box.\n * @type {Vector3}\n * @default {@link 0, 0, 0}\n */\n this.minimum = new Vector3(minimum);\n\n /**\n * The maximum point defining the bounding box.\n * @type {Vector3}\n * @default {@link 0, 0, 0}\n */\n this.maximum = new Vector3(maximum);\n }\n\n /**\n * Duplicates a AxisAlignedBoundingBox instance.\n *\n * @returns {AxisAlignedBoundingBox} A new AxisAlignedBoundingBox instance.\n */\n clone(): AxisAlignedBoundingBox {\n return new AxisAlignedBoundingBox(this.minimum, this.maximum, this.center);\n }\n\n /**\n * Compares the provided AxisAlignedBoundingBox componentwise and returns\n * true
if they are equal, false
otherwise.\n *\n * @param {AxisAlignedBoundingBox} [right] The second AxisAlignedBoundingBox to compare with.\n * @returns {Boolean} true
if left and right are equal, false
otherwise.\n */\n equals(right: AxisAlignedBoundingBox): boolean {\n return (\n this === right ||\n (Boolean(right) && this.minimum.equals(right.minimum) && this.maximum.equals(right.maximum))\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * Applies a 4x4 affine transformation matrix to a bounding sphere.\n * @param transform The transformation matrix to apply to the bounding sphere.\n * @returns itself, i.e. the modified BoundingVolume.\n */\n transform(transform: readonly number[]): this {\n this.center.transformAsPoint(transform);\n // TODO - this.halfDiagonal.transformAsVector(transform);\n this.halfDiagonal.transform(transform);\n this.minimum.transform(transform);\n this.maximum.transform(transform);\n return this;\n }\n\n /**\n * Determines which side of a plane a box is located.\n */\n intersectPlane(plane: Plane): number {\n const {halfDiagonal} = this;\n const normal = scratchNormal.from(plane.normal);\n const e =\n halfDiagonal.x * Math.abs(normal.x) +\n halfDiagonal.y * Math.abs(normal.y) +\n halfDiagonal.z * Math.abs(normal.z);\n const s = this.center.dot(normal) + plane.distance; // signed distance from center\n\n if (s - e > 0) {\n return INTERSECTION.INSIDE;\n }\n\n if (s + e < 0) {\n // Not in front because normals point inward\n return INTERSECTION.OUTSIDE;\n }\n\n return INTERSECTION.INTERSECTING;\n }\n\n /** Computes the estimated distance from the closest point on a bounding box to a point. */\n distanceTo(point: readonly number[]): number {\n return Math.sqrt(this.distanceSquaredTo(point));\n }\n\n /** Computes the estimated distance squared from the closest point on a bounding box to a point. */\n distanceSquaredTo(point: readonly number[]): number {\n const offset = scratchVector.from(point).subtract(this.center);\n const {halfDiagonal} = this;\n\n let distanceSquared = 0.0;\n let d;\n\n d = Math.abs(offset.x) - halfDiagonal.x;\n if (d > 0) {\n distanceSquared += d * d;\n }\n\n d = Math.abs(offset.y) - halfDiagonal.y;\n if (d > 0) {\n distanceSquared += d * d;\n }\n\n d = Math.abs(offset.z) - halfDiagonal.z;\n if (d > 0) {\n distanceSquared += d * d;\n }\n\n return distanceSquared;\n }\n}\n", "// math.gl\n// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT and Apache-2.0\n// Copyright (c) vis.gl contributors\n\n// This file is derived from the Cesium math library under Apache 2 license\n// See LICENSE.md and https://github.com/AnalyticalGraphicsInc/cesium/blob/master/LICENSE.md\n\nimport {NumericArray, Vector3, mat4} from '@math.gl/core';\n\nimport {INTERSECTION} from '../../constants';\nimport {BoundingVolume} from './bounding-volume';\nimport {Plane} from '../plane';\n\nconst scratchVector = new Vector3();\nconst scratchVector2 = new Vector3();\n\n/** A BoundingSphere */\nexport class BoundingSphere implements BoundingVolume {\n center: Vector3;\n radius: number;\n\n /** Creates a bounding sphere */\n constructor(center: readonly number[] = [0, 0, 0], radius: number = 0.0) {\n this.radius = -0;\n this.center = new Vector3();\n this.fromCenterRadius(center, radius);\n }\n\n /** Sets the bounding sphere from `center` and `radius`. */\n fromCenterRadius(center: readonly number[], radius: number): this {\n this.center.from(center);\n this.radius = radius;\n return this;\n }\n\n /**\n * Computes a bounding sphere from the corner points of an axis-aligned bounding box. The sphere\n * tightly and fully encompasses the box.\n */\n fromCornerPoints(corner: readonly number[], oppositeCorner: readonly number[]): this {\n oppositeCorner = scratchVector.from(oppositeCorner);\n this.center = new Vector3().from(corner).add(oppositeCorner).scale(0.5);\n this.radius = this.center.distance(oppositeCorner);\n return this;\n }\n\n /** Compares the provided BoundingSphere component wise */\n equals(right: BoundingSphere): boolean {\n return (\n this === right ||\n (Boolean(right) && this.center.equals(right.center) && this.radius === right.radius)\n );\n }\n\n /** Duplicates a BoundingSphere instance. */\n clone(): BoundingSphere {\n return new BoundingSphere(this.center, this.radius);\n }\n\n /** Computes a bounding sphere that contains both the left and right bounding spheres. */\n union(boundingSphere: BoundingSphere): BoundingSphere {\n const leftCenter = this.center;\n const leftRadius = this.radius;\n const rightCenter = boundingSphere.center;\n const rightRadius = boundingSphere.radius;\n\n const toRightCenter = scratchVector.copy(rightCenter).subtract(leftCenter);\n const centerSeparation = toRightCenter.magnitude();\n\n if (leftRadius >= centerSeparation + rightRadius) {\n // Left sphere wins.\n return this.clone();\n }\n\n if (rightRadius >= centerSeparation + leftRadius) {\n // Right sphere wins.\n return boundingSphere.clone();\n }\n\n // There are two tangent points, one on far side of each sphere.\n const halfDistanceBetweenTangentPoints = (leftRadius + centerSeparation + rightRadius) * 0.5;\n\n // Compute the center point halfway between the two tangent points.\n scratchVector2\n .copy(toRightCenter)\n .scale((-leftRadius + halfDistanceBetweenTangentPoints) / centerSeparation)\n .add(leftCenter);\n\n this.center.copy(scratchVector2);\n this.radius = halfDistanceBetweenTangentPoints;\n\n return this;\n }\n\n /** Computes a bounding sphere by enlarging the provided sphere to contain the provided point. */\n expand(point: readonly number[]): this {\n const scratchPoint = scratchVector.from(point);\n const radius = scratchPoint.subtract(this.center).magnitude();\n if (radius > this.radius) {\n this.radius = radius;\n }\n return this;\n }\n\n // BoundingVolume interface\n\n /**\n * Applies a 4x4 affine transformation matrix to a bounding sphere.\n * @param sphere The bounding sphere to apply the transformation to.\n * @param transform The transformation matrix to apply to the bounding sphere.\n * @returns self.\n */\n transform(transform: readonly number[]): this {\n this.center.transform(transform);\n const scale = mat4.getScaling(scratchVector, transform);\n this.radius = Math.max(scale[0], Math.max(scale[1], scale[2])) * this.radius;\n return this;\n }\n\n /** Computes the estimated distance squared from the closest point on a bounding sphere to a point. */\n distanceSquaredTo(point: Readonly): number {\n const d = this.distanceTo(point);\n return d * d;\n }\n\n /** Computes the estimated distance from the closest point on a bounding sphere to a point. */\n distanceTo(point: Readonly): number {\n const scratchPoint = scratchVector.from(point);\n const delta = scratchPoint.subtract(this.center);\n return Math.max(0, delta.len() - this.radius);\n }\n\n /** Determines which side of a plane a sphere is located. */\n intersectPlane(plane: Plane): number {\n const center = this.center;\n const radius = this.radius;\n const normal = plane.normal;\n const distanceToPlane = normal.dot(center) + plane.distance;\n\n // The center point is negative side of the plane normal\n if (distanceToPlane < -radius) {\n return INTERSECTION.OUTSIDE;\n }\n // The center point is positive side of the plane, but radius extends beyond it; partial overlap\n if (distanceToPlane < radius) {\n return INTERSECTION.INTERSECTING;\n }\n // The center point and radius is positive side of the plane\n return INTERSECTION.INSIDE;\n }\n}\n", "// math.gl\n// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT and Apache-2.0\n// Copyright (c) vis.gl contributors\n\n// This file is derived from the Cesium math library under Apache 2 license\n// See LICENSE.md and https://github.com/AnalyticalGraphicsInc/cesium/blob/master/LICENSE.md\n\nimport {NumericArray} from '@math.gl/types';\nimport {Vector3, Matrix3, Matrix4, Quaternion} from '@math.gl/core';\nimport type {BoundingVolume} from './bounding-volume';\nimport {BoundingSphere} from './bounding-sphere';\nimport type {Plane} from '../plane';\nimport {INTERSECTION} from '../../constants';\n\nconst scratchVector3 = new Vector3();\nconst scratchOffset = new Vector3();\nconst scratchVectorU = new Vector3();\nconst scratchVectorV = new Vector3();\nconst scratchVectorW = new Vector3();\nconst scratchCorner = new Vector3();\nconst scratchToCenter = new Vector3();\n\nconst MATRIX3 = {\n COLUMN0ROW0: 0,\n COLUMN0ROW1: 1,\n COLUMN0ROW2: 2,\n COLUMN1ROW0: 3,\n COLUMN1ROW1: 4,\n COLUMN1ROW2: 5,\n COLUMN2ROW0: 6,\n COLUMN2ROW1: 7,\n COLUMN2ROW2: 8\n};\n\n/**\n * An OrientedBoundingBox of some object is a closed and convex cuboid.\n * It can provide a tighter bounding volume than `BoundingSphere` or\n * `AxisAlignedBoundingBox` in many cases.\n */\nexport class OrientedBoundingBox implements BoundingVolume {\n center: Vector3;\n halfAxes: Matrix3;\n\n /**\n * An OrientedBoundingBox of some object is a closed and convex cuboid.\n * It can provide a tighter bounding volume than\n * `BoundingSphere` or `AxisAlignedBoundingBox` in many cases.\n */\n constructor(center?: Readonly, halfAxes?: Readonly);\n constructor(\n center: Readonly = [0, 0, 0],\n halfAxes: Readonly = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]\n ) {\n this.center = new Vector3().from(center);\n this.halfAxes = new Matrix3(halfAxes);\n }\n\n /** Returns an array with three halfSizes for the bounding box */\n get halfSize(): number[] {\n const xAxis = this.halfAxes.getColumn(0);\n const yAxis = this.halfAxes.getColumn(1);\n const zAxis = this.halfAxes.getColumn(2);\n return [new Vector3(xAxis).len(), new Vector3(yAxis).len(), new Vector3(zAxis).len()];\n }\n\n /** Returns a quaternion describing the orientation of the bounding box */\n get quaternion(): Quaternion {\n const xAxis = this.halfAxes.getColumn(0);\n const yAxis = this.halfAxes.getColumn(1);\n const zAxis = this.halfAxes.getColumn(2);\n const normXAxis = new Vector3(xAxis).normalize();\n const normYAxis = new Vector3(yAxis).normalize();\n const normZAxis = new Vector3(zAxis).normalize();\n return new Quaternion().fromMatrix3(new Matrix3([...normXAxis, ...normYAxis, ...normZAxis]));\n }\n\n /**\n * Create OrientedBoundingBox from quaternion based OBB,\n */\n fromCenterHalfSizeQuaternion(\n center: number[],\n halfSize: number[],\n quaternion: number[]\n ): OrientedBoundingBox {\n const quaternionObject = new Quaternion(quaternion);\n const directionsMatrix = new Matrix3().fromQuaternion(quaternionObject);\n directionsMatrix[0] = directionsMatrix[0] * halfSize[0];\n directionsMatrix[1] = directionsMatrix[1] * halfSize[0];\n directionsMatrix[2] = directionsMatrix[2] * halfSize[0];\n directionsMatrix[3] = directionsMatrix[3] * halfSize[1];\n directionsMatrix[4] = directionsMatrix[4] * halfSize[1];\n directionsMatrix[5] = directionsMatrix[5] * halfSize[1];\n directionsMatrix[6] = directionsMatrix[6] * halfSize[2];\n directionsMatrix[7] = directionsMatrix[7] * halfSize[2];\n directionsMatrix[8] = directionsMatrix[8] * halfSize[2];\n this.center = new Vector3().from(center);\n this.halfAxes = directionsMatrix;\n return this;\n }\n\n /** Duplicates a OrientedBoundingBox instance. */\n clone(): OrientedBoundingBox {\n return new OrientedBoundingBox(this.center, this.halfAxes);\n }\n\n /** Compares the provided OrientedBoundingBox component wise and returns */\n equals(right: OrientedBoundingBox): boolean {\n return (\n this === right ||\n (Boolean(right) && this.center.equals(right.center) && this.halfAxes.equals(right.halfAxes))\n );\n }\n\n /** Computes a tight-fitting bounding sphere enclosing the provided oriented bounding box. */\n getBoundingSphere(result = new BoundingSphere()): BoundingSphere {\n const halfAxes = this.halfAxes;\n const u = halfAxes.getColumn(0, scratchVectorU);\n const v = halfAxes.getColumn(1, scratchVectorV);\n const w = halfAxes.getColumn(2, scratchVectorW);\n\n // Calculate \"corner\" vector\n const cornerVector = scratchVector3.copy(u).add(v).add(w);\n\n result.center.copy(this.center);\n result.radius = cornerVector.magnitude();\n\n return result;\n }\n\n /** Determines which side of a plane the oriented bounding box is located. */\n intersectPlane(plane: Plane): number {\n const center = this.center;\n const normal = plane.normal;\n const halfAxes = this.halfAxes;\n\n const normalX = normal.x;\n const normalY = normal.y;\n const normalZ = normal.z;\n\n // Plane is used as if it is its normal; the first three components are assumed to be normalized\n const radEffective =\n Math.abs(\n normalX * halfAxes[MATRIX3.COLUMN0ROW0] +\n normalY * halfAxes[MATRIX3.COLUMN0ROW1] +\n normalZ * halfAxes[MATRIX3.COLUMN0ROW2]\n ) +\n Math.abs(\n normalX * halfAxes[MATRIX3.COLUMN1ROW0] +\n normalY * halfAxes[MATRIX3.COLUMN1ROW1] +\n normalZ * halfAxes[MATRIX3.COLUMN1ROW2]\n ) +\n Math.abs(\n normalX * halfAxes[MATRIX3.COLUMN2ROW0] +\n normalY * halfAxes[MATRIX3.COLUMN2ROW1] +\n normalZ * halfAxes[MATRIX3.COLUMN2ROW2]\n );\n const distanceToPlane = normal.dot(center) + plane.distance;\n\n if (distanceToPlane <= -radEffective) {\n // The entire box is on the negative side of the plane normal\n return INTERSECTION.OUTSIDE;\n } else if (distanceToPlane >= radEffective) {\n // The entire box is on the positive side of the plane normal\n return INTERSECTION.INSIDE;\n }\n return INTERSECTION.INTERSECTING;\n }\n\n /** Computes the estimated distance from the closest point on a bounding box to a point. */\n distanceTo(point: readonly number[]): number {\n return Math.sqrt(this.distanceSquaredTo(point));\n }\n\n /**\n * Computes the estimated distance squared from the closest point\n * on a bounding box to a point.\n * See Geometric Tools for Computer Graphics 10.4.2\n */\n distanceSquaredTo(point: readonly number[]): number {\n // Computes the estimated distance squared from the\n // closest point on a bounding box to a point.\n // See Geometric Tools for Computer Graphics 10.4.2\n const offset = scratchOffset.from(point).subtract(this.center);\n\n const halfAxes = this.halfAxes;\n const u = halfAxes.getColumn(0, scratchVectorU);\n const v = halfAxes.getColumn(1, scratchVectorV);\n const w = halfAxes.getColumn(2, scratchVectorW);\n\n const uHalf = u.magnitude();\n const vHalf = v.magnitude();\n const wHalf = w.magnitude();\n\n u.normalize();\n v.normalize();\n w.normalize();\n\n let distanceSquared = 0.0;\n let d;\n\n d = Math.abs(offset.dot(u)) - uHalf;\n if (d > 0) {\n distanceSquared += d * d;\n }\n\n d = Math.abs(offset.dot(v)) - vHalf;\n if (d > 0) {\n distanceSquared += d * d;\n }\n\n d = Math.abs(offset.dot(w)) - wHalf;\n if (d > 0) {\n distanceSquared += d * d;\n }\n\n return distanceSquared;\n }\n\n /**\n * The distances calculated by the vector from the center of the bounding box\n * to position projected onto direction.\n *\n * - If you imagine the infinite number of planes with normal direction,\n * this computes the smallest distance to the closest and farthest planes\n * from `position` that intersect the bounding box.\n *\n * @param position The position to calculate the distance from.\n * @param direction The direction from position.\n * @param result An Interval (array of length 2) to store the nearest and farthest distances.\n * @returns Interval (array of length 2) with nearest and farthest distances\n * on the bounding box from position in direction.\n */\n // eslint-disable-next-line max-statements\n computePlaneDistances(\n position: readonly number[],\n direction: Vector3,\n result: number[] = [-0, -0]\n ): number[] {\n let minDist = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;\n let maxDist = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;\n\n const center = this.center;\n const halfAxes = this.halfAxes;\n\n const u = halfAxes.getColumn(0, scratchVectorU);\n const v = halfAxes.getColumn(1, scratchVectorV);\n const w = halfAxes.getColumn(2, scratchVectorW);\n\n // project first corner\n const corner = scratchCorner.copy(u).add(v).add(w).add(center);\n\n const toCenter = scratchToCenter.copy(corner).subtract(position);\n let mag = direction.dot(toCenter);\n\n minDist = Math.min(mag, minDist);\n maxDist = Math.max(mag, maxDist);\n\n // project second corner\n corner.copy(center).add(u).add(v).subtract(w);\n\n toCenter.copy(corner).subtract(position);\n mag = direction.dot(toCenter);\n\n minDist = Math.min(mag, minDist);\n maxDist = Math.max(mag, maxDist);\n\n // project third corner\n corner.copy(center).add(u).subtract(v).add(w);\n\n toCenter.copy(corner).subtract(position);\n mag = direction.dot(toCenter);\n\n minDist = Math.min(mag, minDist);\n maxDist = Math.max(mag, maxDist);\n\n // project fourth corner\n corner.copy(center).add(u).subtract(v).subtract(w);\n\n toCenter.copy(corner).subtract(position);\n mag = direction.dot(toCenter);\n\n minDist = Math.min(mag, minDist);\n maxDist = Math.max(mag, maxDist);\n\n // project fifth corner\n center.copy(corner).subtract(u).add(v).add(w);\n\n toCenter.copy(corner).subtract(position);\n mag = direction.dot(toCenter);\n\n minDist = Math.min(mag, minDist);\n maxDist = Math.max(mag, maxDist);\n\n // project sixth corner\n center.copy(corner).subtract(u).add(v).subtract(w);\n\n toCenter.copy(corner).subtract(position);\n mag = direction.dot(toCenter);\n\n minDist = Math.min(mag, minDist);\n maxDist = Math.max(mag, maxDist);\n\n // project seventh corner\n center.copy(corner).subtract(u).subtract(v).add(w);\n\n toCenter.copy(corner).subtract(position);\n mag = direction.dot(toCenter);\n\n minDist = Math.min(mag, minDist);\n maxDist = Math.max(mag, maxDist);\n\n // project eighth corner\n center.copy(corner).subtract(u).subtract(v).subtract(w);\n\n toCenter.copy(corner).subtract(position);\n mag = direction.dot(toCenter);\n\n minDist = Math.min(mag, minDist);\n maxDist = Math.max(mag, maxDist);\n\n result[0] = minDist;\n result[1] = maxDist;\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * Applies a 4x4 affine transformation matrix to a bounding sphere.\n * @param transform The transformation matrix to apply to the bounding sphere.\n * @returns itself, i.e. the modified BoundingVolume.\n */\n transform(transformation: readonly number[]): this {\n this.center.transformAsPoint(transformation);\n\n const xAxis = this.halfAxes.getColumn(0, scratchVectorU);\n xAxis.transformAsPoint(transformation);\n\n const yAxis = this.halfAxes.getColumn(1, scratchVectorV);\n yAxis.transformAsPoint(transformation);\n\n const zAxis = this.halfAxes.getColumn(2, scratchVectorW);\n zAxis.transformAsPoint(transformation);\n\n this.halfAxes = new Matrix3([...xAxis, ...yAxis, ...zAxis]);\n return this;\n }\n\n getTransform(): Matrix4 {\n // const modelMatrix = Matrix4.fromRotationTranslation(this.boundingVolume.halfAxes, this.boundingVolume.center);\n // return modelMatrix;\n throw new Error('not implemented');\n }\n}\n", "// math.gl\n// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT and Apache-2.0\n// Copyright (c) vis.gl contributors\n\n// This file is derived from the Cesium math library under Apache 2 license\n// See LICENSE.md and https://github.com/AnalyticalGraphicsInc/cesium/blob/master/LICENSE.md\n\n/* eslint-disable */\nimport {Vector3, assert} from '@math.gl/core';\nimport {INTERSECTION} from '../constants';\nimport {Plane} from './plane';\nimport type {BoundingVolume} from './bounding-volumes/bounding-volume';\nimport type {BoundingSphere} from './bounding-volumes/bounding-sphere';\n\n// X, Y, Z Unit vectors\nconst faces = [new Vector3([1, 0, 0]), new Vector3([0, 1, 0]), new Vector3([0, 0, 1])];\n\nconst scratchPlaneCenter = new Vector3();\nconst scratchPlaneNormal = new Vector3();\n// const scratchPlane = new Plane(new Vector3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), 0.0);\n\n/** A culling volume defined by planes. */\nexport class CullingVolume {\n /**\n * For plane masks (as used in {@link CullingVolume#computeVisibilityWithPlaneMask}), this special value\n * represents the case where the object bounding volume is entirely outside the culling volume.\n */\n static MASK_OUTSIDE = 0xffffffff;\n\n /**\n * For plane masks (as used in {@link CullingVolume.prototype.computeVisibilityWithPlaneMask}), this value\n * represents the case where the object bounding volume is entirely inside the culling volume.\n */\n static MASK_INSIDE = 0x00000000;\n\n /**\n * For plane masks (as used in {@link CullingVolume.prototype.computeVisibilityWithPlaneMask}), this value\n * represents the case where the object bounding volume (may) intersect all planes of the culling volume.\n */\n static MASK_INDETERMINATE = 0x7fffffff;\n\n /** Array of clipping planes. */\n readonly planes: Plane[];\n\n /**\n * Create a new `CullingVolume` bounded by an array of clipping planed\n * @param planes Array of clipping planes.\n * */\n constructor(planes: Plane[] = []) {\n this.planes = planes;\n }\n\n /**\n * Constructs a culling volume from a bounding sphere. Creates six planes that create a box containing the sphere.\n * The planes are aligned to the x, y, and z axes in world coordinates.\n */\n fromBoundingSphere(boundingSphere: BoundingSphere): CullingVolume {\n this.planes.length = 2 * faces.length;\n\n const center = boundingSphere.center;\n const radius = boundingSphere.radius;\n\n let planeIndex = 0;\n\n for (const faceNormal of faces) {\n let plane0 = this.planes[planeIndex];\n let plane1 = this.planes[planeIndex + 1];\n\n if (!plane0) {\n plane0 = this.planes[planeIndex] = new Plane();\n }\n if (!plane1) {\n plane1 = this.planes[planeIndex + 1] = new Plane();\n }\n\n const plane0Center = scratchPlaneCenter.copy(faceNormal).scale(-radius).add(center);\n // const plane0Distance = -faceNormal.dot(plane0Center);\n\n plane0.fromPointNormal(plane0Center, faceNormal);\n\n const plane1Center = scratchPlaneCenter.copy(faceNormal).scale(radius).add(center);\n\n const negatedFaceNormal = scratchPlaneNormal.copy(faceNormal).negate();\n\n // const plane1Distance = -negatedFaceNormal.dot(plane1Center);\n\n plane1.fromPointNormal(plane1Center, negatedFaceNormal);\n\n planeIndex += 2;\n }\n\n return this;\n }\n\n /** Determines whether a bounding volume intersects the culling volume. */\n computeVisibility(boundingVolume: BoundingVolume): number {\n // const planes = this.planes;\n let intersect: number = INTERSECTION.INSIDE;\n for (const plane of this.planes) {\n const result = boundingVolume.intersectPlane(plane);\n switch (result) {\n case INTERSECTION.OUTSIDE:\n // We are done\n return INTERSECTION.OUTSIDE;\n\n case INTERSECTION.INTERSECTING:\n // If no other intersection is outside, return INTERSECTING\n intersect = INTERSECTION.INTERSECTING;\n break;\n\n default:\n }\n }\n\n return intersect;\n }\n\n /**\n * Determines whether a bounding volume intersects the culling volume.\n *\n * @param parentPlaneMask A bit mask from the boundingVolume's parent's check against the same culling\n * volume, such that if (planeMask & (1 << planeIndex) === 0), for k < 31, then\n * the parent (and therefore this) volume is completely inside plane[planeIndex]\n * and that plane check can be skipped.\n */\n computeVisibilityWithPlaneMask(boundingVolume: BoundingVolume, parentPlaneMask: number): number {\n assert(Number.isFinite(parentPlaneMask), 'parentPlaneMask is required.');\n\n if (\n parentPlaneMask === CullingVolume.MASK_OUTSIDE ||\n parentPlaneMask === CullingVolume.MASK_INSIDE\n ) {\n // parent is completely outside or completely inside, so this child is as well.\n return parentPlaneMask;\n }\n\n // Start with MASK_INSIDE (all zeros) so that after the loop, the return value can be compared with MASK_INSIDE.\n // (Because if there are fewer than 31 planes, the upper bits wont be changed.)\n let mask = CullingVolume.MASK_INSIDE;\n\n const planes = this.planes;\n for (let k = 0; k < this.planes.length; ++k) {\n // For k greater than 31 (since 31 is the maximum number of INSIDE/INTERSECTING bits we can store), skip the optimization.\n const flag = k < 31 ? 1 << k : 0;\n if (k < 31 && (parentPlaneMask & flag) === 0) {\n // boundingVolume is known to be INSIDE this plane.\n continue;\n }\n\n const plane = planes[k];\n const result = boundingVolume.intersectPlane(plane);\n if (result === INTERSECTION.OUTSIDE) {\n return CullingVolume.MASK_OUTSIDE;\n } else if (result === INTERSECTION.INTERSECTING) {\n mask |= flag;\n }\n }\n\n return mask;\n }\n}\n", "// math.gl\n// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT and Apache-2.0\n// Copyright (c) vis.gl contributors\n\n// This file is derived from the Cesium math library under Apache 2 license\n// See LICENSE.md and https://github.com/AnalyticalGraphicsInc/cesium/blob/master/LICENSE.md\n\n/* eslint-disable */\nimport {Vector3, equals, assert, NumericArray} from '@math.gl/core';\n\nconst scratchPosition = new Vector3();\nconst scratchNormal = new Vector3();\n\n// A plane in Hessian Normal Form\nexport class Plane {\n readonly normal: Vector3;\n distance: number;\n\n constructor(normal: Readonly = [0, 0, 1], distance: number = 0) {\n this.normal = new Vector3();\n this.distance = -0;\n this.fromNormalDistance(normal, distance);\n }\n\n /** Creates a plane from a normal and a distance from the origin. */\n fromNormalDistance(normal: Readonly, distance: number): this {\n assert(Number.isFinite(distance));\n this.normal.from(normal).normalize();\n this.distance = distance;\n return this;\n }\n\n /** Creates a plane from a normal and a point on the plane. */\n fromPointNormal(point: Readonly, normal: Readonly): this {\n point = scratchPosition.from(point);\n this.normal.from(normal).normalize();\n const distance = -this.normal.dot(point);\n this.distance = distance;\n return this;\n }\n\n /** Creates a plane from the general equation */\n fromCoefficients(a: number, b: number, c: number, d: number): this {\n this.normal.set(a, b, c);\n assert(equals(this.normal.len(), 1));\n this.distance = d;\n return this;\n }\n\n /** Duplicates a Plane instance. */\n clone(): Plane {\n return new Plane(this.normal, this.distance);\n }\n\n /** Compares the provided Planes by normal and distance */\n equals(right: Plane): boolean {\n return equals(this.distance, right.distance) && equals(this.normal, right.normal);\n }\n\n /** Computes the signed shortest distance of a point to a plane.\n * The sign of the distance determines which side of the plane the point is on.\n */\n getPointDistance(point: Readonly): number {\n return this.normal.dot(point) + this.distance;\n }\n\n /** Transforms the plane by the given transformation matrix. */\n transform(matrix4: Readonly): this {\n const normal = scratchNormal.copy(this.normal).transformAsVector(matrix4).normalize();\n const point = this.normal.scale(-this.distance).transform(matrix4);\n return this.fromPointNormal(point, normal);\n }\n\n /** Projects a point onto the plane. */\n projectPointOntoPlane(point: Readonly, result: Vector3): Vector3;\n projectPointOntoPlane(\n point: Readonly,\n result?: readonly number[]\n ): readonly number[];\n\n projectPointOntoPlane(point: Readonly, result = [0, 0, 0]) {\n const scratchPoint = scratchPosition.from(point);\n // projectedPoint = point - (normal.point + scale) * normal\n const pointDistance = this.getPointDistance(scratchPoint);\n const scaledNormal = scratchNormal.copy(this.normal).scale(pointDistance);\n\n return scratchPoint.subtract(scaledNormal).to(result);\n }\n}\n", "// math.gl\n// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT and Apache-2.0\n// Copyright (c) vis.gl contributors\n\n// This file is derived from the Cesium math library under Apache 2 license\n// See LICENSE.md and https://github.com/AnalyticalGraphicsInc/cesium/blob/master/LICENSE.md\n\n// Note: This class is still an experimental export, mainly used by other test cases\n// - It has not been fully adapted to math.gl conventions\n// - Documentation has not been ported\n\nimport {Vector3, Vector2, Matrix4, assert, NumericArray} from '@math.gl/core';\nimport {CullingVolume} from './culling-volume';\nimport {Plane} from './plane';\n\nconst scratchPlaneUpVector = new Vector3();\nconst scratchPlaneRightVector = new Vector3();\nconst scratchPlaneNearCenter = new Vector3();\nconst scratchPlaneFarCenter = new Vector3();\nconst scratchPlaneNormal = new Vector3();\n\ntype PerspectiveOffCenterFrustumOptions = {\n left?: number;\n right?: number;\n top?: number;\n bottom?: number;\n near?: number;\n far?: number;\n};\n\nexport class PerspectiveOffCenterFrustum {\n /**\n * Defines the left clipping plane.\n * @type {Number}\n * @default undefined\n */\n left?: number;\n private _left?: number;\n /**\n * Defines the right clipping plane.\n * @type {Number}\n * @default undefined\n */\n right?: number;\n private _right?: number;\n /**\n * Defines the top clipping plane.\n * @type {Number}\n * @default undefined\n */\n top?: number;\n private _top?: number;\n /**\n * Defines the bottom clipping plane.\n * @type {Number}\n * @default undefined\n */\n bottom?: number;\n private _bottom?: number;\n /**\n * The distance of the near plane.\n * @type {Number}\n * @default 1.0\n */\n near: number;\n private _near: number;\n /**\n * The distance of the far plane.\n * @type {Number}\n * @default 500000000.0\n */\n far: number;\n private _far: number;\n\n private _cullingVolume = new CullingVolume([\n new Plane(),\n new Plane(),\n new Plane(),\n new Plane(),\n new Plane(),\n new Plane()\n ]);\n private _perspectiveMatrix = new Matrix4();\n private _infinitePerspective = new Matrix4();\n\n /**\n * The viewing frustum is defined by 6 planes.\n * Each plane is represented by a {@link Vector4} object, where the x, y, and z components\n * define the unit vector normal to the plane, and the w component is the distance of the\n * plane from the origin/camera position.\n *\n * @alias PerspectiveOffCenterFrustum\n *\n * @example\n * const frustum = new PerspectiveOffCenterFrustum({\n * left : -1.0,\n * right : 1.0,\n * top : 1.0,\n * bottom : -1.0,\n * near : 1.0,\n * far : 100.0\n * });\n *\n * @see PerspectiveFrustum\n */\n constructor(options: PerspectiveOffCenterFrustumOptions = {}) {\n const {near = 1.0, far = 500000000.0} = options;\n\n this.left = options.left;\n this._left = undefined;\n\n this.right = options.right;\n this._right = undefined;\n\n this.top = options.top;\n this._top = undefined;\n\n this.bottom = options.bottom;\n this._bottom = undefined;\n\n this.near = near;\n this._near = near;\n\n this.far = far;\n this._far = far;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns a duplicate of a PerspectiveOffCenterFrustum instance.\n * @returns {PerspectiveOffCenterFrustum} A new PerspectiveFrustum instance.\n * */\n clone(): PerspectiveOffCenterFrustum {\n return new PerspectiveOffCenterFrustum({\n right: this.right,\n left: this.left,\n top: this.top,\n bottom: this.bottom,\n near: this.near,\n far: this.far\n });\n }\n\n /**\n * Compares the provided PerspectiveOffCenterFrustum componentwise and returns\n * true
if they are equal, false
otherwise.\n *\n * @returns {Boolean} true
if they are equal, false
otherwise.\n */\n equals(other: PerspectiveOffCenterFrustum): boolean {\n return (\n other &&\n other instanceof PerspectiveOffCenterFrustum &&\n this.right === other.right &&\n this.left === other.left &&\n this.top === other.top &&\n this.bottom === other.bottom &&\n this.near === other.near &&\n this.far === other.far\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets the perspective projection matrix computed from the view frustum.\n * @memberof PerspectiveOffCenterFrustum.prototype\n * @type {Matrix4}\n *\n * @see PerspectiveOffCenterFrustum#infiniteProjectionMatrix\n */\n get projectionMatrix(): Matrix4 {\n this._update();\n return this._perspectiveMatrix;\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets the perspective projection matrix computed from the view frustum with an infinite far plane.\n * @memberof PerspectiveOffCenterFrustum.prototype\n * @type {Matrix4}\n *\n * @see PerspectiveOffCenterFrustum#projectionMatrix\n */\n get infiniteProjectionMatrix(): Matrix4 {\n this._update();\n return this._infinitePerspective;\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a culling volume for this frustum.\n * @returns {CullingVolume} A culling volume at the given position and orientation.\n *\n * @example\n * // Check if a bounding volume intersects the frustum.\n * const cullingVolume = frustum.computeCullingVolume(cameraPosition, cameraDirection, cameraUp);\n * const intersect = cullingVolume.computeVisibility(boundingVolume);\n */\n // eslint-disable-next-line complexity, max-statements\n computeCullingVolume(\n /** A Vector3 defines the eye position. */\n position: Readonly,\n /** A Vector3 defines the view direction. */\n direction: Readonly,\n /** A Vector3 defines the up direction. */\n up: Readonly\n ): CullingVolume {\n assert(position, 'position is required.');\n assert(direction, 'direction is required.');\n assert(up, 'up is required.');\n\n const planes = this._cullingVolume.planes;\n\n up = scratchPlaneUpVector.copy(up).normalize();\n const right = scratchPlaneRightVector.copy(direction).cross(up).normalize();\n\n const nearCenter = scratchPlaneNearCenter\n .copy(direction)\n .multiplyByScalar(this.near)\n .add(position);\n\n const farCenter = scratchPlaneFarCenter\n .copy(direction)\n .multiplyByScalar(this.far)\n .add(position);\n\n let normal = scratchPlaneNormal;\n\n // Left plane computation\n normal.copy(right).multiplyByScalar(this.left).add(nearCenter).subtract(position).cross(up);\n\n planes[0].fromPointNormal(position, normal);\n\n // Right plane computation\n normal\n .copy(right)\n .multiplyByScalar(this.right)\n .add(nearCenter)\n .subtract(position)\n .cross(up)\n .negate();\n\n planes[1].fromPointNormal(position, normal);\n\n // Bottom plane computation\n normal\n .copy(up)\n .multiplyByScalar(this.bottom)\n .add(nearCenter)\n .subtract(position)\n .cross(right)\n .negate();\n\n planes[2].fromPointNormal(position, normal);\n\n // Top plane computation\n normal.copy(up).multiplyByScalar(this.top).add(nearCenter).subtract(position).cross(right);\n\n planes[3].fromPointNormal(position, normal);\n\n normal = new Vector3().copy(direction);\n\n // Near plane computation\n planes[4].fromPointNormal(nearCenter, normal);\n\n // Far plane computation\n normal.negate();\n\n planes[5].fromPointNormal(farCenter, normal);\n\n return this._cullingVolume;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns the pixel's width and height in meters.\n *\n * @returns {Vector2} The modified result parameter or a new instance of {@link Vector2} with the pixel's width and height in the x and y properties, respectively.\n *\n * @exception {DeveloperError} drawingBufferWidth must be greater than zero.\n * @exception {DeveloperError} drawingBufferHeight must be greater than zero.\n *\n * @example\n * // Example 1\n * // Get the width and height of a pixel.\n * const pixelSize = camera.frustum.getPixelDimensions(scene.drawingBufferWidth, scene.drawingBufferHeight, 1.0, new Vector2());\n *\n * @example\n * // Example 2\n * // Get the width and height of a pixel if the near plane was set to 'distance'.\n * // For example, get the size of a pixel of an image on a billboard.\n * const position = camera.position;\n * const direction = camera.direction;\n * const toCenter = Vector3.subtract(primitive.boundingVolume.center, position, new Vector3()); // vector from camera to a primitive\n * const toCenterProj = Vector3.multiplyByScalar(direction, Vector3.dot(direction, toCenter), new Vector3()); // project vector onto camera direction vector\n * const distance = Vector3.magnitude(toCenterProj);\n * const pixelSize = camera.frustum.getPixelDimensions(scene.drawingBufferWidth, scene.drawingBufferHeight, distance, new Vector2());\n */\n getPixelDimensions(\n /** The width of the drawing buffer. */\n drawingBufferWidth: number,\n /** The height of the drawing buffer. */\n drawingBufferHeight: number,\n /** The distance to the near plane in meters. */\n distance: number,\n /** The object onto which to store the result. */\n result: Vector2\n ): Vector2 {\n this._update();\n\n assert(Number.isFinite(drawingBufferWidth) && Number.isFinite(drawingBufferHeight));\n // 'Both drawingBufferWidth and drawingBufferHeight are required.'\n assert(drawingBufferWidth > 0);\n // 'drawingBufferWidth must be greater than zero.'\n assert(drawingBufferHeight > 0);\n // 'drawingBufferHeight must be greater than zero.'\n assert(distance > 0);\n // 'distance is required.');\n assert(result);\n // 'A result object is required.');\n\n const inverseNear = 1.0 / this.near;\n let tanTheta = this.top * inverseNear;\n const pixelHeight = (2.0 * distance * tanTheta) / drawingBufferHeight;\n tanTheta = this.right * inverseNear;\n const pixelWidth = (2.0 * distance * tanTheta) / drawingBufferWidth;\n\n result.x = pixelWidth;\n result.y = pixelHeight;\n return result;\n }\n\n // eslint-disable-next-line complexity, max-statements\n private _update() {\n assert(\n Number.isFinite(this.right) &&\n Number.isFinite(this.left) &&\n Number.isFinite(this.top) &&\n Number.isFinite(this.bottom) &&\n Number.isFinite(this.near) &&\n Number.isFinite(this.far)\n );\n // throw new DeveloperError('right, left, top, bottom, near, or far parameters are not set.');\n\n const {top, bottom, right, left, near, far} = this;\n\n if (\n top !== this._top ||\n bottom !== this._bottom ||\n left !== this._left ||\n right !== this._right ||\n near !== this._near ||\n far !== this._far\n ) {\n assert(\n this.near > 0 && this.near < this.far,\n 'near must be greater than zero and less than far.'\n );\n\n this._left = left;\n this._right = right;\n this._top = top;\n this._bottom = bottom;\n this._near = near;\n this._far = far;\n this._perspectiveMatrix = new Matrix4().frustum({\n left,\n right,\n bottom,\n top,\n near,\n far\n });\n this._infinitePerspective = new Matrix4().frustum({\n left,\n right,\n bottom,\n top,\n near,\n far: Infinity\n });\n }\n }\n}\n", "// math.gl\n// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT and Apache-2.0\n// Copyright (c) vis.gl contributors\n\n// This file is derived from the Cesium math library under Apache 2 license\n// See LICENSE.md and https://github.com/AnalyticalGraphicsInc/cesium/blob/master/LICENSE.md\n\n// Note: This class is still an experimental export, mainly used by other test cases\n// - It has not been fully adapted to math.gl conventions\n// - Documentation has not been ported\n\nimport {NumericArray} from '@math.gl/types';\nimport {assert, Matrix4, Vector2} from '@math.gl/core';\nimport {PerspectiveOffCenterFrustum} from './perspective-off-center-frustum';\nimport {CullingVolume} from './culling-volume';\n\nconst defined = (val: unknown) => val !== null && typeof val !== 'undefined';\n\ntype PerspectiveFrustumOptions = {\n /** The angle of the field of view (FOV), in radians. */\n fov?: number;\n /** The aspect ratio of the frustum's width to it's height. */\n aspectRatio?: number;\n /** The distance of the near plane. */\n near?: number;\n /** The distance of the far plane. */\n far?: number;\n /** The offset in the x direction. */\n xOffset?: number;\n /** The offset in the y direction. */\n yOffset?: number;\n};\n\n/**\n * The viewing frustum is defined by 6 planes.\n * Each plane is represented by a {@link Vector4} object, where the x, y, and z components\n * define the unit vector normal to the plane, and the w component is the distance of the\n * plane from the origin/camera position.\n *\n * @alias PerspectiveFrustum\n *\n * @example\n * var frustum = new PerspectiveFrustum({\n * fov : Math.PI_OVER_THREE,\n * aspectRatio : canvas.clientWidth / canvas.clientHeight\n * near : 1.0,\n * far : 1000.0\n * });\n *\n * @see PerspectiveOffCenterFrustum\n */\nexport class PerspectiveFrustum {\n private _offCenterFrustum = new PerspectiveOffCenterFrustum();\n /**\n * The angle of the field of view (FOV), in radians. This angle will be used\n * as the horizontal FOV if the width is greater than the height, otherwise\n * it will be the vertical FOV.\n */\n fov?: number;\n private _fov: number;\n private _fovy: number;\n private _sseDenominator: number;\n /**\n * The aspect ratio of the frustum's width to it's height.\n */\n aspectRatio?: number;\n private _aspectRatio: number;\n /**\n * The distance of the near plane.\n * @default 1.0\n */\n near: number;\n private _near: number;\n /**\n * The distance of the far plane.\n * @default 500000000.0\n */\n far: number;\n private _far: number;\n /**\n * Offsets the frustum in the x direction.\n * @default 0.0\n */\n xOffset: number;\n private _xOffset: number;\n /**\n * Offsets the frustum in the y direction.\n * @default 0.0\n */\n yOffset: number;\n private _yOffset: number;\n\n constructor(options: PerspectiveFrustumOptions = {}) {\n const {fov, aspectRatio, near = 1.0, far = 500000000.0, xOffset = 0.0, yOffset = 0.0} = options;\n\n this.fov = fov;\n this.aspectRatio = aspectRatio;\n this.near = near;\n this.far = far;\n this.xOffset = xOffset;\n this.yOffset = yOffset;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns a duplicate of a PerspectiveFrustum instance.\n */\n clone(): PerspectiveFrustum {\n return new PerspectiveFrustum({\n aspectRatio: this.aspectRatio,\n fov: this.fov,\n near: this.near,\n far: this.far\n });\n }\n\n /**\n * Compares the provided PerspectiveFrustum componentwise and returns\n * true
if they are equal, false
otherwise.\n */\n equals(other: PerspectiveFrustum): boolean {\n if (!defined(other) || !(other instanceof PerspectiveFrustum)) {\n return false;\n }\n\n this._update();\n other._update();\n\n return (\n this.fov === other.fov &&\n this.aspectRatio === other.aspectRatio &&\n this.near === other.near &&\n this.far === other.far &&\n this._offCenterFrustum.equals(other._offCenterFrustum)\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets the perspective projection matrix computed from the view this.\n */\n get projectionMatrix(): Matrix4 {\n this._update();\n return this._offCenterFrustum.projectionMatrix;\n }\n\n /**\n * The perspective projection matrix computed from the view frustum with an infinite far plane.\n */\n get infiniteProjectionMatrix(): Matrix4 {\n this._update();\n return this._offCenterFrustum.infiniteProjectionMatrix;\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets the angle of the vertical field of view, in radians.\n */\n get fovy(): number {\n this._update();\n return this._fovy;\n }\n\n /**\n * @private\n */\n get sseDenominator(): number {\n this._update();\n return this._sseDenominator;\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a culling volume for this this.ion.\n * @returns {CullingVolume} A culling volume at the given position and orientation.\n *\n * @example\n * // Check if a bounding volume intersects the this.\n * var cullingVolume = this.computeCullingVolume(cameraPosition, cameraDirection, cameraUp);\n * var intersect = cullingVolume.computeVisibility(boundingVolume);\n */\n computeCullingVolume(\n /** A Vector3 defines the eye position. */\n position: Readonly,\n /** A Vector3 defines the view direction. */\n direction: Readonly,\n /** A Vector3 defines the up direction. */\n up: Readonly\n ): CullingVolume {\n this._update();\n return this._offCenterFrustum.computeCullingVolume(position, direction, up);\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns the pixel's width and height in meters.\n * @returns {Vector2} The modified result parameter or a new instance of {@link Vector2} with the pixel's width and height in the x and y properties, respectively.\n *\n * @exception {DeveloperError} drawingBufferWidth must be greater than zero.\n * @exception {DeveloperError} drawingBufferHeight must be greater than zero.\n *\n * @example\n * // Example 1\n * // Get the width and height of a pixel.\n * var pixelSize = camera.this.getPixelDimensions(scene.drawingBufferWidth, scene.drawingBufferHeight, 1.0, new Vector2());\n *\n * @example\n * // Example 2\n * // Get the width and height of a pixel if the near plane was set to 'distance'.\n * // For example, get the size of a pixel of an image on a billboard.\n * var position = camera.position;\n * var direction = camera.direction;\n * var toCenter = Vector3.subtract(primitive.boundingVolume.center, position, new Vector3()); // vector from camera to a primitive\n * var toCenterProj = Vector3.multiplyByScalar(direction, Vector3.dot(direction, toCenter), new Vector3()); // project vector onto camera direction vector\n * var distance = Vector3.magnitude(toCenterProj);\n * var pixelSize = camera.this.getPixelDimensions(scene.drawingBufferWidth, scene.drawingBufferHeight, distance, new Vector2());\n */\n getPixelDimensions(\n /** The width of the drawing buffer. */\n drawingBufferWidth: number,\n /** The height of the drawing buffer. */\n drawingBufferHeight: number,\n /** The distance to the near plane in meters. */\n distance: number,\n /** The object onto which to store the result. */\n result?: Vector2\n ): Vector2 {\n this._update();\n return this._offCenterFrustum.getPixelDimensions(\n drawingBufferWidth,\n drawingBufferHeight,\n distance,\n result || new Vector2()\n );\n }\n\n // eslint-disable-next-line complexity, max-statements\n private _update(): void {\n assert(\n Number.isFinite(this.fov) &&\n Number.isFinite(this.aspectRatio) &&\n Number.isFinite(this.near) &&\n Number.isFinite(this.far)\n );\n // 'fov, aspectRatio, near, or far parameters are not set.'\n\n const f = this._offCenterFrustum;\n\n if (\n this.fov !== this._fov ||\n this.aspectRatio !== this._aspectRatio ||\n this.near !== this._near ||\n this.far !== this._far ||\n this.xOffset !== this._xOffset ||\n this.yOffset !== this._yOffset\n ) {\n assert(this.fov >= 0 && this.fov < Math.PI);\n // throw new DeveloperError('fov must be in the range [0, PI).');\n\n assert(this.aspectRatio > 0);\n // throw new DeveloperError('aspectRatio must be positive.');\n\n assert(this.near >= 0 && this.near < this.far);\n // throw new DeveloperError('near must be greater than zero and less than far.');\n\n this._aspectRatio = this.aspectRatio;\n this._fov = this.fov;\n this._fovy =\n this.aspectRatio <= 1\n ? this.fov\n : Math.atan(Math.tan(this.fov * 0.5) / this.aspectRatio) * 2.0;\n this._near = this.near;\n this._far = this.far;\n this._sseDenominator = 2.0 * Math.tan(0.5 * this._fovy);\n this._xOffset = this.xOffset;\n this._yOffset = this.yOffset;\n\n f.top = this.near * Math.tan(0.5 * this._fovy);\n f.bottom = -f.top;\n f.right = this.aspectRatio * f.top;\n f.left = -f.right;\n f.near = this.near;\n f.far = this.far;\n\n f.right += this.xOffset;\n f.left += this.xOffset;\n f.top += this.yOffset;\n f.bottom += this.yOffset;\n }\n }\n}\n", "// math.gl\n// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT and Apache-2.0\n// Copyright (c) vis.gl contributors\n\n// This file is derived from the Cesium math library under Apache 2 license\n// See LICENSE.md and https://github.com/AnalyticalGraphicsInc/cesium/blob/master/LICENSE.md\n\nimport {Vector3} from '@math.gl/core';\nimport {BoundingSphere} from '../bounding-volumes/bounding-sphere';\n\n/* eslint-disable */\nconst fromPointsXMin = new Vector3();\nconst fromPointsYMin = new Vector3();\nconst fromPointsZMin = new Vector3();\nconst fromPointsXMax = new Vector3();\nconst fromPointsYMax = new Vector3();\nconst fromPointsZMax = new Vector3();\nconst fromPointsCurrentPos = new Vector3();\nconst fromPointsScratch = new Vector3();\nconst fromPointsRitterCenter = new Vector3();\nconst fromPointsMinBoxPt = new Vector3();\nconst fromPointsMaxBoxPt = new Vector3();\nconst fromPointsNaiveCenterScratch = new Vector3();\n// const volumeConstant = (4.0 / 3.0) * Math.PI;\n\n/**\n * Computes a tight-fitting bounding sphere enclosing a list of 3D Cartesian points.\n *\n * The bounding sphere is computed by running two algorithms, a naive algorithm and\n * Ritter's algorithm. The smaller of the two spheres is used to ensure a tight fit.\n * Bounding sphere computation article http://blogs.agi.com/insight3d/index.php/2008/02/04/a-bounding\n *\n * @param positions An array of points that the bounding sphere will enclose.\n * @param result Optional object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns The modified result parameter or a new `BoundingSphere` instance if not provided.\n */\nexport function makeBoundingSphereFromPoints(\n positions: number[][],\n result: BoundingSphere = new BoundingSphere()\n): BoundingSphere {\n if (!positions || positions.length === 0) {\n return result.fromCenterRadius([0, 0, 0], 0);\n }\n\n const currentPos = fromPointsCurrentPos.copy(positions[0]);\n\n const xMin = fromPointsXMin.copy(currentPos);\n const yMin = fromPointsYMin.copy(currentPos);\n const zMin = fromPointsZMin.copy(currentPos);\n\n const xMax = fromPointsXMax.copy(currentPos);\n const yMax = fromPointsYMax.copy(currentPos);\n const zMax = fromPointsZMax.copy(currentPos);\n\n for (const position of positions) {\n currentPos.copy(position);\n\n const x = currentPos.x;\n const y = currentPos.y;\n const z = currentPos.z;\n\n // Store points containing the the smallest and largest components\n if (x < xMin.x) {\n xMin.copy(currentPos);\n }\n\n if (x > xMax.x) {\n xMax.copy(currentPos);\n }\n\n if (y < yMin.y) {\n yMin.copy(currentPos);\n }\n\n if (y > yMax.y) {\n yMax.copy(currentPos);\n }\n\n if (z < zMin.z) {\n zMin.copy(currentPos);\n }\n\n if (z > zMax.z) {\n zMax.copy(currentPos);\n }\n }\n\n // Compute x-, y-, and z-spans (Squared distances b/n each component's min. and max.).\n const xSpan = fromPointsScratch.copy(xMax).subtract(xMin).magnitudeSquared();\n const ySpan = fromPointsScratch.copy(yMax).subtract(yMin).magnitudeSquared();\n const zSpan = fromPointsScratch.copy(zMax).subtract(zMin).magnitudeSquared();\n\n // Set the diameter endpoints to the largest span.\n let diameter1 = xMin;\n let diameter2 = xMax;\n let maxSpan = xSpan;\n if (ySpan > maxSpan) {\n maxSpan = ySpan;\n diameter1 = yMin;\n diameter2 = yMax;\n }\n if (zSpan > maxSpan) {\n maxSpan = zSpan;\n diameter1 = zMin;\n diameter2 = zMax;\n }\n\n // Calculate the center of the initial sphere found by Ritter's algorithm\n const ritterCenter = fromPointsRitterCenter;\n ritterCenter.x = (diameter1.x + diameter2.x) * 0.5;\n ritterCenter.y = (diameter1.y + diameter2.y) * 0.5;\n ritterCenter.z = (diameter1.z + diameter2.z) * 0.5;\n\n // Calculate the radius of the initial sphere found by Ritter's algorithm\n let radiusSquared = fromPointsScratch.copy(diameter2).subtract(ritterCenter).magnitudeSquared();\n let ritterRadius = Math.sqrt(radiusSquared);\n\n // Find the center of the sphere found using the Naive method.\n const minBoxPt = fromPointsMinBoxPt;\n minBoxPt.x = xMin.x;\n minBoxPt.y = yMin.y;\n minBoxPt.z = zMin.z;\n\n const maxBoxPt = fromPointsMaxBoxPt;\n maxBoxPt.x = xMax.x;\n maxBoxPt.y = yMax.y;\n maxBoxPt.z = zMax.z;\n\n const naiveCenter = fromPointsNaiveCenterScratch\n .copy(minBoxPt)\n .add(maxBoxPt)\n .multiplyByScalar(0.5);\n\n // Begin 2nd pass to find naive radius and modify the ritter sphere.\n let naiveRadius = 0;\n for (const position of positions) {\n currentPos.copy(position);\n\n // Find the furthest point from the naive center to calculate the naive radius.\n const r = fromPointsScratch.copy(currentPos).subtract(naiveCenter).magnitude();\n if (r > naiveRadius) {\n naiveRadius = r;\n }\n\n // Make adjustments to the Ritter Sphere to include all points.\n const oldCenterToPointSquared = fromPointsScratch\n .copy(currentPos)\n .subtract(ritterCenter)\n .magnitudeSquared();\n\n if (oldCenterToPointSquared > radiusSquared) {\n const oldCenterToPoint = Math.sqrt(oldCenterToPointSquared);\n // Calculate new radius to include the point that lies outside\n ritterRadius = (ritterRadius + oldCenterToPoint) * 0.5;\n radiusSquared = ritterRadius * ritterRadius;\n // Calculate center of new Ritter sphere\n const oldToNew = oldCenterToPoint - ritterRadius;\n ritterCenter.x = (ritterRadius * ritterCenter.x + oldToNew * currentPos.x) / oldCenterToPoint;\n ritterCenter.y = (ritterRadius * ritterCenter.y + oldToNew * currentPos.y) / oldCenterToPoint;\n ritterCenter.z = (ritterRadius * ritterCenter.z + oldToNew * currentPos.z) / oldCenterToPoint;\n }\n }\n\n if (ritterRadius < naiveRadius) {\n ritterCenter.to(result.center);\n result.radius = ritterRadius;\n } else {\n naiveCenter.to(result.center);\n result.radius = naiveRadius;\n }\n\n return result;\n}\n", "// math.gl\n// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT and Apache-2.0\n// Copyright (c) vis.gl contributors\n\n// This file is derived from the Cesium math library under Apache 2 license\n// See LICENSE.md and https://github.com/AnalyticalGraphicsInc/cesium/blob/master/LICENSE.md\n\nimport {Vector3, Matrix3} from '@math.gl/core';\nimport {computeEigenDecomposition} from './compute-eigen-decomposition';\nimport {OrientedBoundingBox} from '../bounding-volumes/oriented-bounding-box';\nimport {AxisAlignedBoundingBox} from '../bounding-volumes/axis-aligned-bounding-box';\n\nconst scratchVector2 = new Vector3();\n\nconst scratchVector3 = new Vector3();\n\nconst scratchVector4 = new Vector3();\n\nconst scratchVector5 = new Vector3();\n\nconst scratchVector6 = new Vector3();\n\nconst scratchCovarianceResult = new Matrix3();\n\nconst scratchEigenResult = {\n diagonal: new Matrix3(),\n unitary: new Matrix3()\n};\n\n/**\n * Computes an instance of an OrientedBoundingBox of the given positions.\n *\n * This is an implementation of Stefan Gottschalk's Collision Queries using Oriented Bounding Boxes solution (PHD thesis).\n * Reference: http://gamma.cs.unc.edu/users/gottschalk/main.pdf\n */\n/* eslint-disable max-statements */\nexport function makeOrientedBoundingBoxFromPoints(\n positions: number[][],\n result: OrientedBoundingBox = new OrientedBoundingBox()\n): OrientedBoundingBox {\n if (!positions || positions.length === 0) {\n result.halfAxes = new Matrix3([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]);\n result.center = new Vector3();\n return result;\n }\n\n const length = positions.length;\n const meanPoint = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);\n for (const position of positions) {\n meanPoint.add(position);\n }\n const invLength = 1.0 / length;\n meanPoint.multiplyByScalar(invLength);\n\n let exx = 0.0;\n let exy = 0.0;\n let exz = 0.0;\n let eyy = 0.0;\n let eyz = 0.0;\n let ezz = 0.0;\n\n for (const position of positions) {\n const p = scratchVector2.copy(position).subtract(meanPoint);\n exx += p.x * p.x;\n exy += p.x * p.y;\n exz += p.x * p.z;\n eyy += p.y * p.y;\n eyz += p.y * p.z;\n ezz += p.z * p.z;\n }\n\n exx *= invLength;\n exy *= invLength;\n exz *= invLength;\n eyy *= invLength;\n eyz *= invLength;\n ezz *= invLength;\n\n const covarianceMatrix = scratchCovarianceResult;\n covarianceMatrix[0] = exx;\n covarianceMatrix[1] = exy;\n covarianceMatrix[2] = exz;\n covarianceMatrix[3] = exy;\n covarianceMatrix[4] = eyy;\n covarianceMatrix[5] = eyz;\n covarianceMatrix[6] = exz;\n covarianceMatrix[7] = eyz;\n covarianceMatrix[8] = ezz;\n\n const {unitary} = computeEigenDecomposition(covarianceMatrix, scratchEigenResult);\n const rotation = result.halfAxes.copy(unitary);\n\n let v1 = rotation.getColumn(0, scratchVector4);\n let v2 = rotation.getColumn(1, scratchVector5);\n let v3 = rotation.getColumn(2, scratchVector6);\n\n let u1 = -Number.MAX_VALUE;\n let u2 = -Number.MAX_VALUE;\n let u3 = -Number.MAX_VALUE;\n let l1 = Number.MAX_VALUE;\n let l2 = Number.MAX_VALUE;\n let l3 = Number.MAX_VALUE;\n\n for (const position of positions) {\n scratchVector2.copy(position);\n\n u1 = Math.max(scratchVector2.dot(v1), u1);\n u2 = Math.max(scratchVector2.dot(v2), u2);\n u3 = Math.max(scratchVector2.dot(v3), u3);\n\n l1 = Math.min(scratchVector2.dot(v1), l1);\n l2 = Math.min(scratchVector2.dot(v2), l2);\n l3 = Math.min(scratchVector2.dot(v3), l3);\n }\n\n v1 = v1.multiplyByScalar(0.5 * (l1 + u1));\n v2 = v2.multiplyByScalar(0.5 * (l2 + u2));\n v3 = v3.multiplyByScalar(0.5 * (l3 + u3));\n\n result.center.copy(v1).add(v2).add(v3);\n\n const scale = scratchVector3.set(u1 - l1, u2 - l2, u3 - l3).multiplyByScalar(0.5);\n const scaleMatrix = new Matrix3([scale[0], 0, 0, 0, scale[1], 0, 0, 0, scale[2]]);\n result.halfAxes.multiplyRight(scaleMatrix);\n\n return result;\n}\n\n/**\n * Computes an instance of an AxisAlignedBoundingBox. The box is determined by\n * finding the points spaced the farthest apart on the x, y, and z axes.\n */\nexport function makeAxisAlignedBoundingBoxFromPoints(\n positions: readonly number[][],\n result: AxisAlignedBoundingBox = new AxisAlignedBoundingBox()\n): AxisAlignedBoundingBox {\n if (!positions || positions.length === 0) {\n result.minimum.set(0, 0, 0);\n result.maximum.set(0, 0, 0);\n result.center.set(0, 0, 0);\n result.halfDiagonal.set(0, 0, 0);\n return result;\n }\n\n let minimumX = positions[0][0];\n let minimumY = positions[0][1];\n let minimumZ = positions[0][2];\n\n let maximumX = positions[0][0];\n let maximumY = positions[0][1];\n let maximumZ = positions[0][2];\n\n for (const p of positions) {\n const x = p[0];\n const y = p[1];\n const z = p[2];\n\n minimumX = Math.min(x, minimumX);\n maximumX = Math.max(x, maximumX);\n minimumY = Math.min(y, minimumY);\n maximumY = Math.max(y, maximumY);\n minimumZ = Math.min(z, minimumZ);\n maximumZ = Math.max(z, maximumZ);\n }\n\n result.minimum.set(minimumX, minimumY, minimumZ);\n result.maximum.set(maximumX, maximumY, maximumZ);\n result.center.copy(result.minimum).add(result.maximum).scale(0.5);\n result.halfDiagonal.copy(result.maximum).subtract(result.center);\n\n return result;\n}\n", "// math.gl\n// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT and Apache-2.0\n// Copyright (c) vis.gl contributors\n\n// This file is derived from the Cesium math library under Apache 2 license\n// See LICENSE.md and https://github.com/AnalyticalGraphicsInc/cesium/blob/master/LICENSE.md\n\nimport {Matrix3, _MathUtils} from '@math.gl/core';\n\nconst scratchMatrix = new Matrix3();\nconst scratchUnitary = new Matrix3();\nconst scratchDiagonal = new Matrix3();\n\nconst jMatrix = new Matrix3();\nconst jMatrixTranspose = new Matrix3();\n\nexport type EigenDecomposition = {\n unitary: Matrix3;\n diagonal: Matrix3;\n};\n\n/**\n * Computes the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix.\n *\n * - Returns a diagonal matrix and unitary matrix such that:\n * `matrix = unitary matrix * diagonal matrix * transpose(unitary matrix)`\n * - The values along the diagonal of the diagonal matrix are the eigenvalues. The columns\n * of the unitary matrix are the corresponding eigenvectors.\n * - This routine was created based upon Matrix Computations, 3rd ed., by Golub and Van Loan,\n * section 8.4.3 The Classical Jacobi Algorithm\n *\n * @param matrix The 3x3 matrix to decompose into diagonal and unitary matrix. Expected to be symmetric.\n * @param result Optional object with unitary and diagonal properties which are matrices onto which to store the result.\n * @returns An object with unitary and diagonal properties which are the unitary and diagonal matrices, respectively.\n *\n * @example\n * const a = //... symmetric matrix\n * const result = {\n * unitary : new Matrix3(),\n * diagonal : new Matrix3()\n * };\n * computeEigenDecomposition(a, result);\n *\n * const unitaryTranspose = Matrix3.transpose(result.unitary, new Matrix3());\n * const b = Matrix3.multiply(result.unitary, result.diagonal, new Matrix3());\n * Matrix3.multiply(b, unitaryTranspose, b); // b is now equal to a\n *\n * const lambda = result.diagonal.getColumn(0, new Vector3()).x; // first eigenvalue\n * const v = result.unitary.getColumn(0, new Vector3()); // first eigenvector\n * const c = v.multiplyByScalar(lambda); // equal to v.transformByMatrix3(a)\n */\nexport function computeEigenDecomposition(\n matrix: number[],\n // @ts-expect-error accept empty object type\n result: EigenDecomposition = {}\n): EigenDecomposition {\n const EIGEN_TOLERANCE = _MathUtils.EPSILON20;\n const EIGEN_MAX_SWEEPS = 10;\n\n let count = 0;\n let sweep = 0;\n\n const unitaryMatrix = scratchUnitary;\n const diagonalMatrix = scratchDiagonal;\n\n unitaryMatrix.identity();\n diagonalMatrix.copy(matrix);\n\n const epsilon = EIGEN_TOLERANCE * computeFrobeniusNorm(diagonalMatrix);\n\n while (sweep < EIGEN_MAX_SWEEPS && offDiagonalFrobeniusNorm(diagonalMatrix) > epsilon) {\n shurDecomposition(diagonalMatrix, jMatrix);\n\n jMatrixTranspose.copy(jMatrix).transpose();\n\n diagonalMatrix.multiplyRight(jMatrix);\n diagonalMatrix.multiplyLeft(jMatrixTranspose);\n unitaryMatrix.multiplyRight(jMatrix);\n\n if (++count > 2) {\n ++sweep;\n count = 0;\n }\n }\n\n result.unitary = unitaryMatrix.toTarget(result.unitary);\n result.diagonal = diagonalMatrix.toTarget(result.diagonal);\n\n return result;\n}\n\nfunction computeFrobeniusNorm(matrix: Matrix3): number {\n let norm = 0.0;\n for (let i = 0; i < 9; ++i) {\n const temp = matrix[i];\n norm += temp * temp;\n }\n return Math.sqrt(norm);\n}\n\nconst rowVal = [1, 0, 0];\nconst colVal = [2, 2, 1];\n\n// Computes the \"off-diagonal\" Frobenius norm.\n// Assumes matrix is symmetric.\nfunction offDiagonalFrobeniusNorm(matrix: Matrix3): number {\n let norm = 0.0;\n for (let i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {\n const temp = matrix[scratchMatrix.getElementIndex(colVal[i], rowVal[i])];\n norm += 2.0 * temp * temp;\n }\n return Math.sqrt(norm);\n}\n\n// The routine takes a matrix, which is assumed to be symmetric, and\n// finds the largest off-diagonal term, and then creates\n// a matrix (result) which can be used to help reduce it\n//\n// This routine was created based upon Matrix Computations, 3rd ed., by Golub and Van Loan,\n// section 8.4.2 The 2by2 Symmetric Schur Decomposition.\n//\n// eslint-disable-next-line max-statements\nfunction shurDecomposition(matrix: Matrix3, result: Matrix3): Matrix3 {\n const tolerance = _MathUtils.EPSILON15;\n\n let maxDiagonal = 0.0;\n let rotAxis = 1;\n\n // find pivot (rotAxis) based on max diagonal of matrix\n for (let i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {\n const temp = Math.abs(matrix[scratchMatrix.getElementIndex(colVal[i], rowVal[i])]);\n if (temp > maxDiagonal) {\n rotAxis = i;\n maxDiagonal = temp;\n }\n }\n\n const p = rowVal[rotAxis];\n const q = colVal[rotAxis];\n\n let c = 1.0;\n let s = 0.0;\n\n if (Math.abs(matrix[scratchMatrix.getElementIndex(q, p)]) > tolerance) {\n const qq = matrix[scratchMatrix.getElementIndex(q, q)];\n const pp = matrix[scratchMatrix.getElementIndex(p, p)];\n const qp = matrix[scratchMatrix.getElementIndex(q, p)];\n\n const tau = (qq - pp) / 2.0 / qp;\n let t;\n\n if (tau < 0.0) {\n t = -1.0 / (-tau + Math.sqrt(1.0 + tau * tau));\n } else {\n t = 1.0 / (tau + Math.sqrt(1.0 + tau * tau));\n }\n\n c = 1.0 / Math.sqrt(1.0 + t * t);\n s = t * c;\n }\n\n // Copy into result\n Matrix3.IDENTITY.to(result);\n result[scratchMatrix.getElementIndex(p, p)] = result[scratchMatrix.getElementIndex(q, q)] = c;\n result[scratchMatrix.getElementIndex(q, p)] = s;\n result[scratchMatrix.getElementIndex(p, q)] = -s;\n\n return result;\n}\n"],
"names": ["import_core", "scratchVector", "scratchVector2", "import_core", "import_core", "import_core", "scratchNormal", "import_core", "scratchPlaneNormal", "import_core", "import_core", "import_core", "import_core", "scratchVector2", "scratchVector3"]