(function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) { if (typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object') module.exports = factory(); else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) define([], factory); else if (typeof exports === 'object') exports['luma'] = factory(); else root['luma'] = factory();})(globalThis, function () { var __exports__ = (() => { var __create = Object.create; var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value; var __commonJS = (cb, mod) => function __require() { return mod || (0, cb[__getOwnPropNames(cb)[0]])((mod = { exports: {} }).exports, mod), mod.exports; }; var __export = (target, all) => { for (var name in all) __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); }; var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) if (!__hasOwnProp.call(to, key) && key !== except) __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); } return to; }; var __reExport = (target, mod, secondTarget) => (__copyProps(target, mod, "default"), secondTarget && __copyProps(secondTarget, mod, "default")); var __toESM = (mod, isNodeMode, target) => (target = mod != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(mod)) : {}, __copyProps( // If the importer is in node compatibility mode or this is not an ESM // file that has been converted to a CommonJS file using a Babel- // compatible transform (i.e. "__esModule" has not been set), then set // "default" to the CommonJS "module.exports" for node compatibility. isNodeMode || !mod || !mod.__esModule ? __defProp(target, "default", { value: mod, enumerable: true }) : target, mod )); var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); var __publicField = (obj, key, value) => { __defNormalProp(obj, typeof key !== "symbol" ? key + "" : key, value); return value; }; // external-global-plugin:@luma.gl/core var require_core = __commonJS({ "external-global-plugin:@luma.gl/core"(exports, module) { module.exports = globalThis.luma; } }); // bundle.ts var bundle_exports = {}; __export(bundle_exports, { Accessor: () => Accessor, WEBGLBuffer: () => WEBGLBuffer, WEBGLCommandEncoder: () => WEBGLCommandEncoder, WEBGLFramebuffer: () => WEBGLFramebuffer, WEBGLRenderPass: () => WEBGLRenderPass, WEBGLRenderPipeline: () => WEBGLRenderPipeline, WEBGLResource: () => WebGLResource, WEBGLSampler: () => WEBGLSampler, WEBGLShader: () => WEBGLShader, WEBGLTexture: () => WEBGLTexture, WEBGLTransformFeedback: () => WEBGLTransformFeedback, WEBGLVertexArray: () => WEBGLVertexArray, WebGLCanvasContext: () => WebGLCanvasContext, WebGLDevice: () => WebGLDevice, WebGLResource: () => WebGLResource, _TEXTURE_FORMATS: () => TEXTURE_FORMATS, _WEBGLRenderbuffer: () => WEBGLRenderbuffer, convertGLToTextureFormat: () => convertGLToTextureFormat, getGLParameters: () => getGLParameters, getShaderLayout: () => getShaderLayout, popContextState: () => popContextState, pushContextState: () => pushContextState, resetGLParameters: () => resetGLParameters, setDeviceParameters: () => setDeviceParameters, setGLParameters: () => setGLParameters, trackContextState: () => trackContextState, withDeviceParameters: () => withDeviceParameters, withGLParameters: () => withGLParameters }); __reExport(bundle_exports, __toESM(require_core(), 1)); // src/adapter/webgl-device.ts var import_core27 = __toESM(require_core(), 1); // src/context/state-tracker/track-context-state.ts var import_core = __toESM(require_core(), 1); // ../constants/src/webgl-constants.ts var GLEnum = /* @__PURE__ */ ((GLEnum2) => { GLEnum2[GLEnum2["DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT"] = 256] = "DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT"] = 1024] = "STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["COLOR_BUFFER_BIT"] = 16384] = "COLOR_BUFFER_BIT"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["POINTS"] = 0] = "POINTS"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["LINES"] = 1] = "LINES"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["LINE_LOOP"] = 2] = "LINE_LOOP"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["LINE_STRIP"] = 3] = "LINE_STRIP"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["TRIANGLES"] = 4] = "TRIANGLES"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["TRIANGLE_STRIP"] = 5] = "TRIANGLE_STRIP"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["TRIANGLE_FAN"] = 6] = "TRIANGLE_FAN"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["ZERO"] = 0] = "ZERO"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["ONE"] = 1] = "ONE"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["SRC_COLOR"] = 768] = "SRC_COLOR"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR"] = 769] = "ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["SRC_ALPHA"] = 770] = "SRC_ALPHA"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA"] = 771] = "ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["DST_ALPHA"] = 772] = "DST_ALPHA"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA"] = 773] = "ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["DST_COLOR"] = 774] = "DST_COLOR"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR"] = 775] = "ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE"] = 776] = "SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["CONSTANT_COLOR"] = 32769] = "CONSTANT_COLOR"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR"] = 32770] = "ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["CONSTANT_ALPHA"] = 32771] = "CONSTANT_ALPHA"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA"] = 32772] = "ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["FUNC_ADD"] = 32774] = "FUNC_ADD"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["FUNC_SUBTRACT"] = 32778] = "FUNC_SUBTRACT"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT"] = 32779] = "FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["BLEND_EQUATION"] = 32777] = "BLEND_EQUATION"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["BLEND_EQUATION_RGB"] = 32777] = "BLEND_EQUATION_RGB"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["BLEND_EQUATION_ALPHA"] = 34877] = "BLEND_EQUATION_ALPHA"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["BLEND_DST_RGB"] = 32968] = "BLEND_DST_RGB"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["BLEND_SRC_RGB"] = 32969] = "BLEND_SRC_RGB"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["BLEND_DST_ALPHA"] = 32970] = "BLEND_DST_ALPHA"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["BLEND_SRC_ALPHA"] = 32971] = "BLEND_SRC_ALPHA"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["BLEND_COLOR"] = 32773] = "BLEND_COLOR"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING"] = 34964] = "ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING"] = 34965] = "ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["LINE_WIDTH"] = 2849] = "LINE_WIDTH"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["ALIASED_POINT_SIZE_RANGE"] = 33901] = "ALIASED_POINT_SIZE_RANGE"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["ALIASED_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE"] = 33902] = "ALIASED_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["CULL_FACE_MODE"] = 2885] = "CULL_FACE_MODE"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["FRONT_FACE"] = 2886] = "FRONT_FACE"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["DEPTH_RANGE"] = 2928] = "DEPTH_RANGE"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["DEPTH_WRITEMASK"] = 2930] = "DEPTH_WRITEMASK"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["DEPTH_CLEAR_VALUE"] = 2931] = "DEPTH_CLEAR_VALUE"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["DEPTH_FUNC"] = 2932] = "DEPTH_FUNC"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["STENCIL_CLEAR_VALUE"] = 2961] = "STENCIL_CLEAR_VALUE"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["STENCIL_FUNC"] = 2962] = "STENCIL_FUNC"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["STENCIL_FAIL"] = 2964] = "STENCIL_FAIL"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL"] = 2965] = "STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_PASS"] = 2966] = "STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_PASS"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["STENCIL_REF"] = 2967] = "STENCIL_REF"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["STENCIL_VALUE_MASK"] = 2963] = "STENCIL_VALUE_MASK"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["STENCIL_WRITEMASK"] = 2968] = "STENCIL_WRITEMASK"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["STENCIL_BACK_FUNC"] = 34816] = "STENCIL_BACK_FUNC"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["STENCIL_BACK_FAIL"] = 34817] = "STENCIL_BACK_FAIL"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL"] = 34818] = "STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_PASS"] = 34819] = "STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_PASS"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["STENCIL_BACK_REF"] = 36003] = "STENCIL_BACK_REF"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["STENCIL_BACK_VALUE_MASK"] = 36004] = "STENCIL_BACK_VALUE_MASK"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["STENCIL_BACK_WRITEMASK"] = 36005] = "STENCIL_BACK_WRITEMASK"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["VIEWPORT"] = 2978] = "VIEWPORT"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["SCISSOR_BOX"] = 3088] = "SCISSOR_BOX"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["COLOR_CLEAR_VALUE"] = 3106] = "COLOR_CLEAR_VALUE"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["COLOR_WRITEMASK"] = 3107] = "COLOR_WRITEMASK"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["UNPACK_ALIGNMENT"] = 3317] = "UNPACK_ALIGNMENT"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["PACK_ALIGNMENT"] = 3333] = "PACK_ALIGNMENT"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE"] = 3379] = "MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS"] = 3386] = "MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["SUBPIXEL_BITS"] = 3408] = "SUBPIXEL_BITS"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["RED_BITS"] = 3410] = "RED_BITS"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["GREEN_BITS"] = 3411] = "GREEN_BITS"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["BLUE_BITS"] = 3412] = "BLUE_BITS"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["ALPHA_BITS"] = 3413] = "ALPHA_BITS"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["DEPTH_BITS"] = 3414] = "DEPTH_BITS"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["STENCIL_BITS"] = 3415] = "STENCIL_BITS"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["POLYGON_OFFSET_UNITS"] = 10752] = "POLYGON_OFFSET_UNITS"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["POLYGON_OFFSET_FACTOR"] = 32824] = "POLYGON_OFFSET_FACTOR"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["TEXTURE_BINDING_2D"] = 32873] = "TEXTURE_BINDING_2D"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["SAMPLE_BUFFERS"] = 32936] = "SAMPLE_BUFFERS"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["SAMPLES"] = 32937] = "SAMPLES"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["SAMPLE_COVERAGE_VALUE"] = 32938] = "SAMPLE_COVERAGE_VALUE"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["SAMPLE_COVERAGE_INVERT"] = 32939] = "SAMPLE_COVERAGE_INVERT"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS"] = 34467] = "COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["VENDOR"] = 7936] = "VENDOR"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["RENDERER"] = 7937] = "RENDERER"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["VERSION"] = 7938] = "VERSION"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_TYPE"] = 35738] = "IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_TYPE"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_FORMAT"] = 35739] = "IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_FORMAT"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["BROWSER_DEFAULT_WEBGL"] = 37444] = "BROWSER_DEFAULT_WEBGL"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["STATIC_DRAW"] = 35044] = "STATIC_DRAW"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["STREAM_DRAW"] = 35040] = "STREAM_DRAW"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["DYNAMIC_DRAW"] = 35048] = "DYNAMIC_DRAW"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["ARRAY_BUFFER"] = 34962] = "ARRAY_BUFFER"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER"] = 34963] = "ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["BUFFER_SIZE"] = 34660] = "BUFFER_SIZE"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["BUFFER_USAGE"] = 34661] = "BUFFER_USAGE"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["CURRENT_VERTEX_ATTRIB"] = 34342] = "CURRENT_VERTEX_ATTRIB"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ENABLED"] = 34338] = "VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ENABLED"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_SIZE"] = 34339] = "VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_SIZE"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_STRIDE"] = 34340] = "VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_STRIDE"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_TYPE"] = 34341] = "VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_TYPE"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_NORMALIZED"] = 34922] = "VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_NORMALIZED"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_POINTER"] = 34373] = "VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_POINTER"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING"] = 34975] = "VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["CULL_FACE"] = 2884] = "CULL_FACE"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["FRONT"] = 1028] = "FRONT"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["BACK"] = 1029] = "BACK"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["FRONT_AND_BACK"] = 1032] = "FRONT_AND_BACK"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["BLEND"] = 3042] = "BLEND"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["DEPTH_TEST"] = 2929] = "DEPTH_TEST"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["DITHER"] = 3024] = "DITHER"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL"] = 32823] = "POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE"] = 32926] = "SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["SAMPLE_COVERAGE"] = 32928] = "SAMPLE_COVERAGE"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["SCISSOR_TEST"] = 3089] = "SCISSOR_TEST"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["STENCIL_TEST"] = 2960] = "STENCIL_TEST"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["NO_ERROR"] = 0] = "NO_ERROR"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["INVALID_ENUM"] = 1280] = "INVALID_ENUM"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["INVALID_VALUE"] = 1281] = "INVALID_VALUE"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["INVALID_OPERATION"] = 1282] = "INVALID_OPERATION"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["OUT_OF_MEMORY"] = 1285] = "OUT_OF_MEMORY"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["CONTEXT_LOST_WEBGL"] = 37442] = "CONTEXT_LOST_WEBGL"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["CW"] = 2304] = "CW"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["CCW"] = 2305] = "CCW"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["DONT_CARE"] = 4352] = "DONT_CARE"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["FASTEST"] = 4353] = "FASTEST"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["NICEST"] = 4354] = "NICEST"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["GENERATE_MIPMAP_HINT"] = 33170] = "GENERATE_MIPMAP_HINT"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["BYTE"] = 5120] = "BYTE"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["UNSIGNED_BYTE"] = 5121] = "UNSIGNED_BYTE"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["SHORT"] = 5122] = "SHORT"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["UNSIGNED_SHORT"] = 5123] = "UNSIGNED_SHORT"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["INT"] = 5124] = "INT"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["UNSIGNED_INT"] = 5125] = "UNSIGNED_INT"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["FLOAT"] = 5126] = "FLOAT"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["DOUBLE"] = 5130] = "DOUBLE"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["DEPTH_COMPONENT"] = 6402] = "DEPTH_COMPONENT"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["ALPHA"] = 6406] = "ALPHA"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["RGB"] = 6407] = "RGB"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["RGBA"] = 6408] = "RGBA"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["LUMINANCE"] = 6409] = "LUMINANCE"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["LUMINANCE_ALPHA"] = 6410] = "LUMINANCE_ALPHA"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4"] = 32819] = "UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1"] = 32820] = "UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5"] = 33635] = "UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["FRAGMENT_SHADER"] = 35632] = "FRAGMENT_SHADER"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["VERTEX_SHADER"] = 35633] = "VERTEX_SHADER"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["COMPILE_STATUS"] = 35713] = "COMPILE_STATUS"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["DELETE_STATUS"] = 35712] = "DELETE_STATUS"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["LINK_STATUS"] = 35714] = "LINK_STATUS"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["VALIDATE_STATUS"] = 35715] = "VALIDATE_STATUS"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["ATTACHED_SHADERS"] = 35717] = "ATTACHED_SHADERS"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES"] = 35721] = "ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["ACTIVE_UNIFORMS"] = 35718] = "ACTIVE_UNIFORMS"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS"] = 34921] = "MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_VECTORS"] = 36347] = "MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_VECTORS"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["MAX_VARYING_VECTORS"] = 36348] = "MAX_VARYING_VECTORS"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS"] = 35661] = "MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS"] = 35660] = "MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS"] = 34930] = "MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_VECTORS"] = 36349] = "MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_VECTORS"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["SHADER_TYPE"] = 35663] = "SHADER_TYPE"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION"] = 35724] = "SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["CURRENT_PROGRAM"] = 35725] = "CURRENT_PROGRAM"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["NEVER"] = 512] = "NEVER"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["LESS"] = 513] = "LESS"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["EQUAL"] = 514] = "EQUAL"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["LEQUAL"] = 515] = "LEQUAL"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["GREATER"] = 516] = "GREATER"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["NOTEQUAL"] = 517] = "NOTEQUAL"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["GEQUAL"] = 518] = "GEQUAL"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["ALWAYS"] = 519] = "ALWAYS"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["KEEP"] = 7680] = "KEEP"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["REPLACE"] = 7681] = "REPLACE"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["INCR"] = 7682] = "INCR"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["DECR"] = 7683] = "DECR"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["INVERT"] = 5386] = "INVERT"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["INCR_WRAP"] = 34055] = "INCR_WRAP"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["DECR_WRAP"] = 34056] = "DECR_WRAP"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["NEAREST"] = 9728] = "NEAREST"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["LINEAR"] = 9729] = "LINEAR"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST"] = 9984] = "NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST"] = 9985] = "LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR"] = 9986] = "NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR"] = 9987] = "LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER"] = 10240] = "TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER"] = 10241] = "TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["TEXTURE_WRAP_S"] = 10242] = "TEXTURE_WRAP_S"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["TEXTURE_WRAP_T"] = 10243] = "TEXTURE_WRAP_T"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["TEXTURE_2D"] = 3553] = "TEXTURE_2D"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["TEXTURE"] = 5890] = "TEXTURE"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP"] = 34067] = "TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["TEXTURE_BINDING_CUBE_MAP"] = 34068] = "TEXTURE_BINDING_CUBE_MAP"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X"] = 34069] = "TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X"] = 34070] = "TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y"] = 34071] = "TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y"] = 34072] = "TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z"] = 34073] = "TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z"] = 34074] = "TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["MAX_CUBE_MAP_TEXTURE_SIZE"] = 34076] = "MAX_CUBE_MAP_TEXTURE_SIZE"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["TEXTURE0"] = 33984] = "TEXTURE0"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["ACTIVE_TEXTURE"] = 34016] = "ACTIVE_TEXTURE"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["REPEAT"] = 10497] = "REPEAT"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["CLAMP_TO_EDGE"] = 33071] = "CLAMP_TO_EDGE"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["MIRRORED_REPEAT"] = 33648] = "MIRRORED_REPEAT"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["TEXTURE_WIDTH"] = 4096] = "TEXTURE_WIDTH"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["TEXTURE_HEIGHT"] = 4097] = "TEXTURE_HEIGHT"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["FLOAT_VEC2"] = 35664] = "FLOAT_VEC2"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["FLOAT_VEC3"] = 35665] = "FLOAT_VEC3"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["FLOAT_VEC4"] = 35666] = "FLOAT_VEC4"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["INT_VEC2"] = 35667] = "INT_VEC2"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["INT_VEC3"] = 35668] = "INT_VEC3"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["INT_VEC4"] = 35669] = "INT_VEC4"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["BOOL"] = 35670] = "BOOL"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["BOOL_VEC2"] = 35671] = "BOOL_VEC2"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["BOOL_VEC3"] = 35672] = "BOOL_VEC3"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["BOOL_VEC4"] = 35673] = "BOOL_VEC4"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["FLOAT_MAT2"] = 35674] = "FLOAT_MAT2"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["FLOAT_MAT3"] = 35675] = "FLOAT_MAT3"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["FLOAT_MAT4"] = 35676] = "FLOAT_MAT4"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["SAMPLER_2D"] = 35678] = "SAMPLER_2D"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["SAMPLER_CUBE"] = 35680] = "SAMPLER_CUBE"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["LOW_FLOAT"] = 36336] = "LOW_FLOAT"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["MEDIUM_FLOAT"] = 36337] = "MEDIUM_FLOAT"; 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GLEnum2[GLEnum2["LAST_VERTEX_CONVENTION_WEBGL"] = 36430] = "LAST_VERTEX_CONVENTION_WEBGL"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["PROVOKING_VERTEX_WEBL"] = 36431] = "PROVOKING_VERTEX_WEBL"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["POLYGON_MODE_WEBGL"] = 2880] = "POLYGON_MODE_WEBGL"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["POLYGON_OFFSET_LINE_WEBGL"] = 10754] = "POLYGON_OFFSET_LINE_WEBGL"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["LINE_WEBGL"] = 6913] = "LINE_WEBGL"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["FILL_WEBGL"] = 6914] = "FILL_WEBGL"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["MAX_CLIP_DISTANCES_WEBGL"] = 3378] = "MAX_CLIP_DISTANCES_WEBGL"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["MAX_CULL_DISTANCES_WEBGL"] = 33529] = "MAX_CULL_DISTANCES_WEBGL"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["MAX_COMBINED_CLIP_AND_CULL_DISTANCES_WEBGL"] = 33530] = "MAX_COMBINED_CLIP_AND_CULL_DISTANCES_WEBGL"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["CLIP_DISTANCE0_WEBGL"] = 12288] = "CLIP_DISTANCE0_WEBGL"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["CLIP_DISTANCE1_WEBGL"] = 12289] = "CLIP_DISTANCE1_WEBGL"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["CLIP_DISTANCE2_WEBGL"] = 12290] = "CLIP_DISTANCE2_WEBGL"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["CLIP_DISTANCE3_WEBGL"] = 12291] = "CLIP_DISTANCE3_WEBGL"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["CLIP_DISTANCE4_WEBGL"] = 12292] = "CLIP_DISTANCE4_WEBGL"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["CLIP_DISTANCE5_WEBGL"] = 12293] = "CLIP_DISTANCE5_WEBGL"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["CLIP_DISTANCE6_WEBGL"] = 12294] = "CLIP_DISTANCE6_WEBGL"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["CLIP_DISTANCE7_WEBGL"] = 12295] = "CLIP_DISTANCE7_WEBGL"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["POLYGON_OFFSET_CLAMP_EXT"] = 36379] = "POLYGON_OFFSET_CLAMP_EXT"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["LOWER_LEFT_EXT"] = 36001] = "LOWER_LEFT_EXT"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["UPPER_LEFT_EXT"] = 36002] = "UPPER_LEFT_EXT"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["NEGATIVE_ONE_TO_ONE_EXT"] = 37726] = "NEGATIVE_ONE_TO_ONE_EXT"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["ZERO_TO_ONE_EXT"] = 37727] = "ZERO_TO_ONE_EXT"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["CLIP_ORIGIN_EXT"] = 37724] = "CLIP_ORIGIN_EXT"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["CLIP_DEPTH_MODE_EXT"] = 37725] = "CLIP_DEPTH_MODE_EXT"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["SRC1_COLOR_WEBGL"] = 35065] = "SRC1_COLOR_WEBGL"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["SRC1_ALPHA_WEBGL"] = 34185] = "SRC1_ALPHA_WEBGL"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["ONE_MINUS_SRC1_COLOR_WEBGL"] = 35066] = "ONE_MINUS_SRC1_COLOR_WEBGL"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["ONE_MINUS_SRC1_ALPHA_WEBGL"] = 35067] = "ONE_MINUS_SRC1_ALPHA_WEBGL"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["MAX_DUAL_SOURCE_DRAW_BUFFERS_WEBGL"] = 35068] = "MAX_DUAL_SOURCE_DRAW_BUFFERS_WEBGL"; GLEnum2[GLEnum2["MIRROR_CLAMP_TO_EDGE_EXT"] = 34627] = "MIRROR_CLAMP_TO_EDGE_EXT"; return GLEnum2; })(GLEnum || {}); // src/context/parameters/webgl-parameter-tables.ts var GL_PARAMETER_DEFAULTS = { [3042 /* BLEND */]: false, [32773 /* BLEND_COLOR */]: new Float32Array([0, 0, 0, 0]), [32777 /* BLEND_EQUATION_RGB */]: 32774 /* FUNC_ADD */, [34877 /* BLEND_EQUATION_ALPHA */]: 32774 /* FUNC_ADD */, [32969 /* BLEND_SRC_RGB */]: 1 /* ONE */, [32968 /* BLEND_DST_RGB */]: 0 /* ZERO */, [32971 /* BLEND_SRC_ALPHA */]: 1 /* ONE */, [32970 /* BLEND_DST_ALPHA */]: 0 /* ZERO */, [3106 /* COLOR_CLEAR_VALUE */]: new Float32Array([0, 0, 0, 0]), // TBD [3107 /* COLOR_WRITEMASK */]: [true, true, true, true], [2884 /* CULL_FACE */]: false, [2885 /* CULL_FACE_MODE */]: 1029 /* BACK */, [2929 /* DEPTH_TEST */]: false, [2931 /* DEPTH_CLEAR_VALUE */]: 1, [2932 /* DEPTH_FUNC */]: 513 /* LESS */, [2928 /* DEPTH_RANGE */]: new Float32Array([0, 1]), // TBD [2930 /* DEPTH_WRITEMASK */]: true, [3024 /* DITHER */]: true, [35725 /* CURRENT_PROGRAM */]: null, // FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING and DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING(WebGL2) refer same state. [36006 /* FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING */]: null, [36007 /* RENDERBUFFER_BINDING */]: null, [34229 /* VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING */]: null, [34964 /* ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING */]: null, [2886 /* FRONT_FACE */]: 2305 /* CCW */, [33170 /* GENERATE_MIPMAP_HINT */]: 4352 /* DONT_CARE */, [2849 /* LINE_WIDTH */]: 1, [32823 /* POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL */]: false, [32824 /* POLYGON_OFFSET_FACTOR */]: 0, [10752 /* POLYGON_OFFSET_UNITS */]: 0, [32926 /* SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE */]: false, [32928 /* SAMPLE_COVERAGE */]: false, [32938 /* SAMPLE_COVERAGE_VALUE */]: 1, [32939 /* SAMPLE_COVERAGE_INVERT */]: false, [3089 /* SCISSOR_TEST */]: false, // Note: Dynamic value. If scissor test enabled we expect users to set correct scissor box [3088 /* SCISSOR_BOX */]: new Int32Array([0, 0, 1024, 1024]), [2960 /* STENCIL_TEST */]: false, [2961 /* STENCIL_CLEAR_VALUE */]: 0, [2968 /* STENCIL_WRITEMASK */]: 4294967295, [36005 /* STENCIL_BACK_WRITEMASK */]: 4294967295, [2962 /* STENCIL_FUNC */]: 519 /* ALWAYS */, [2967 /* STENCIL_REF */]: 0, [2963 /* STENCIL_VALUE_MASK */]: 4294967295, [34816 /* STENCIL_BACK_FUNC */]: 519 /* ALWAYS */, [36003 /* STENCIL_BACK_REF */]: 0, [36004 /* STENCIL_BACK_VALUE_MASK */]: 4294967295, [2964 /* STENCIL_FAIL */]: 7680 /* KEEP */, [2965 /* STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL */]: 7680 /* KEEP */, [2966 /* STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_PASS */]: 7680 /* KEEP */, [34817 /* STENCIL_BACK_FAIL */]: 7680 /* KEEP */, [34818 /* STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL */]: 7680 /* KEEP */, [34819 /* STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_PASS */]: 7680 /* KEEP */, // Dynamic value: We use [0, 0, 1024, 1024] as default, but usually this is updated in each frame. [2978 /* VIEWPORT */]: [0, 0, 1024, 1024], [36389 /* TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BINDING */]: null, [36662 /* COPY_READ_BUFFER_BINDING */]: null, [36663 /* COPY_WRITE_BUFFER_BINDING */]: null, [35053 /* PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER_BINDING */]: null, [35055 /* PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_BINDING */]: null, [35723 /* FRAGMENT_SHADER_DERIVATIVE_HINT */]: 4352 /* DONT_CARE */, [36010 /* READ_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING */]: null, [35977 /* RASTERIZER_DISCARD */]: false, [3333 /* PACK_ALIGNMENT */]: 4, [3317 /* UNPACK_ALIGNMENT */]: 4, [37440 /* UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL */]: false, [37441 /* UNPACK_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA_WEBGL */]: false, [37443 /* UNPACK_COLORSPACE_CONVERSION_WEBGL */]: 37444 /* BROWSER_DEFAULT_WEBGL */, [3330 /* PACK_ROW_LENGTH */]: 0, [3332 /* PACK_SKIP_PIXELS */]: 0, [3331 /* PACK_SKIP_ROWS */]: 0, [3314 /* UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH */]: 0, [32878 /* UNPACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT */]: 0, [3316 /* UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS */]: 0, [3315 /* UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS */]: 0, [32877 /* UNPACK_SKIP_IMAGES */]: 0 }; var enable = (gl, value, key) => value ? gl.enable(key) : gl.disable(key); var hint = (gl, value, key) => gl.hint(key, value); var pixelStorei = (gl, value, key) => gl.pixelStorei(key, value); var bindFramebuffer = (gl, value, key) => { const target = key === 36006 /* FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING */ ? 36009 /* DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER */ : 36008 /* READ_FRAMEBUFFER */; return gl.bindFramebuffer(target, value); }; var bindBuffer = (gl, value, key) => { const bindingMap = { [34964 /* ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING */]: 34962 /* ARRAY_BUFFER */, [36662 /* COPY_READ_BUFFER_BINDING */]: 36662 /* COPY_READ_BUFFER */, [36663 /* COPY_WRITE_BUFFER_BINDING */]: 36663 /* COPY_WRITE_BUFFER */, [35053 /* PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER_BINDING */]: 35051 /* PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER */, [35055 /* PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_BINDING */]: 35052 /* PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER */ }; const glTarget = bindingMap[key]; gl.bindBuffer(glTarget, value); }; function isArray(array) { return Array.isArray(array) || ArrayBuffer.isView(array) && !(array instanceof DataView); } var GL_PARAMETER_SETTERS = { [3042 /* BLEND */]: enable, [32773 /* BLEND_COLOR */]: (gl, value) => gl.blendColor(...value), [32777 /* BLEND_EQUATION_RGB */]: "blendEquation", [34877 /* BLEND_EQUATION_ALPHA */]: "blendEquation", [32969 /* BLEND_SRC_RGB */]: "blendFunc", [32968 /* BLEND_DST_RGB */]: "blendFunc", [32971 /* BLEND_SRC_ALPHA */]: "blendFunc", [32970 /* BLEND_DST_ALPHA */]: "blendFunc", [3106 /* COLOR_CLEAR_VALUE */]: (gl, value) => gl.clearColor(...value), [3107 /* COLOR_WRITEMASK */]: (gl, value) => gl.colorMask(...value), [2884 /* CULL_FACE */]: enable, [2885 /* CULL_FACE_MODE */]: (gl, value) => gl.cullFace(value), [2929 /* DEPTH_TEST */]: enable, [2931 /* DEPTH_CLEAR_VALUE */]: (gl, value) => gl.clearDepth(value), [2932 /* DEPTH_FUNC */]: (gl, value) => gl.depthFunc(value), [2928 /* DEPTH_RANGE */]: (gl, value) => gl.depthRange(...value), [2930 /* DEPTH_WRITEMASK */]: (gl, value) => gl.depthMask(value), [3024 /* DITHER */]: enable, [35723 /* FRAGMENT_SHADER_DERIVATIVE_HINT */]: hint, [35725 /* CURRENT_PROGRAM */]: (gl, value) => gl.useProgram(value), [36007 /* RENDERBUFFER_BINDING */]: (gl, value) => gl.bindRenderbuffer(36161 /* RENDERBUFFER */, value), [36389 /* TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BINDING */]: (gl, value) => gl.bindTransformFeedback?.(36386 /* TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK */, value), [34229 /* VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING */]: (gl, value) => gl.bindVertexArray(value), // NOTE: FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING and DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING(WebGL2) refer same state. [36006 /* FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING */]: bindFramebuffer, [36010 /* READ_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING */]: bindFramebuffer, // Buffers [34964 /* ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING */]: bindBuffer, [36662 /* COPY_READ_BUFFER_BINDING */]: bindBuffer, [36663 /* COPY_WRITE_BUFFER_BINDING */]: bindBuffer, [35053 /* PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER_BINDING */]: bindBuffer, [35055 /* PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_BINDING */]: bindBuffer, [2886 /* FRONT_FACE */]: (gl, value) => gl.frontFace(value), [33170 /* GENERATE_MIPMAP_HINT */]: hint, [2849 /* LINE_WIDTH */]: (gl, value) => gl.lineWidth(value), [32823 /* POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL */]: enable, [32824 /* POLYGON_OFFSET_FACTOR */]: "polygonOffset", [10752 /* POLYGON_OFFSET_UNITS */]: "polygonOffset", [35977 /* RASTERIZER_DISCARD */]: enable, [32926 /* SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE */]: enable, [32928 /* SAMPLE_COVERAGE */]: enable, [32938 /* SAMPLE_COVERAGE_VALUE */]: "sampleCoverage", [32939 /* SAMPLE_COVERAGE_INVERT */]: "sampleCoverage", [3089 /* SCISSOR_TEST */]: enable, [3088 /* SCISSOR_BOX */]: (gl, value) => gl.scissor(...value), [2960 /* STENCIL_TEST */]: enable, [2961 /* STENCIL_CLEAR_VALUE */]: (gl, value) => gl.clearStencil(value), [2968 /* STENCIL_WRITEMASK */]: (gl, value) => gl.stencilMaskSeparate(1028 /* FRONT */, value), [36005 /* STENCIL_BACK_WRITEMASK */]: (gl, value) => gl.stencilMaskSeparate(1029 /* BACK */, value), [2962 /* STENCIL_FUNC */]: "stencilFuncFront", [2967 /* STENCIL_REF */]: "stencilFuncFront", [2963 /* STENCIL_VALUE_MASK */]: "stencilFuncFront", [34816 /* STENCIL_BACK_FUNC */]: "stencilFuncBack", [36003 /* STENCIL_BACK_REF */]: "stencilFuncBack", [36004 /* STENCIL_BACK_VALUE_MASK */]: "stencilFuncBack", [2964 /* STENCIL_FAIL */]: "stencilOpFront", [2965 /* STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL */]: "stencilOpFront", [2966 /* STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_PASS */]: "stencilOpFront", [34817 /* STENCIL_BACK_FAIL */]: "stencilOpBack", [34818 /* STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL */]: "stencilOpBack", [34819 /* STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_PASS */]: "stencilOpBack", [2978 /* VIEWPORT */]: (gl, value) => gl.viewport(...value), // WEBGL2 EXTENSIONS // EXT_depth_clamp https://registry.khronos.org/webgl/extensions/EXT_depth_clamp/ [34383 /* DEPTH_CLAMP_EXT */]: enable, // WEBGL_provoking_vertex https://registry.khronos.org/webgl/extensions/WEBGL_provoking_vertex/ // [GL.PROVOKING_VERTEX_WEBL]: TODO - extension function needed // WEBGL_polygon_mode https://registry.khronos.org/webgl/extensions/WEBGL_polygon_mode/ // POLYGON_MODE_WEBGL TODO - extension function needed [10754 /* POLYGON_OFFSET_LINE_WEBGL */]: enable, // WEBGL_clip_cull_distance https://registry.khronos.org/webgl/extensions/WEBGL_clip_cull_distance/ [12288 /* CLIP_DISTANCE0_WEBGL */]: enable, [12289 /* CLIP_DISTANCE1_WEBGL */]: enable, [12290 /* CLIP_DISTANCE2_WEBGL */]: enable, [12291 /* CLIP_DISTANCE3_WEBGL */]: enable, [12292 /* CLIP_DISTANCE4_WEBGL */]: enable, [12293 /* CLIP_DISTANCE5_WEBGL */]: enable, [12294 /* CLIP_DISTANCE6_WEBGL */]: enable, [12295 /* CLIP_DISTANCE7_WEBGL */]: enable, // PIXEL PACK/UNPACK MODES [3333 /* PACK_ALIGNMENT */]: pixelStorei, [3317 /* UNPACK_ALIGNMENT */]: pixelStorei, [37440 /* UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL */]: pixelStorei, [37441 /* UNPACK_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA_WEBGL */]: pixelStorei, [37443 /* UNPACK_COLORSPACE_CONVERSION_WEBGL */]: pixelStorei, [3330 /* PACK_ROW_LENGTH */]: pixelStorei, [3332 /* PACK_SKIP_PIXELS */]: pixelStorei, [3331 /* PACK_SKIP_ROWS */]: pixelStorei, [3314 /* UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH */]: pixelStorei, [32878 /* UNPACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT */]: pixelStorei, [3316 /* UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS */]: pixelStorei, [3315 /* UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS */]: pixelStorei, [32877 /* UNPACK_SKIP_IMAGES */]: pixelStorei, // Function-style setters framebuffer: (gl, framebuffer) => { const handle = framebuffer && "handle" in framebuffer ? framebuffer.handle : framebuffer; return gl.bindFramebuffer(36160 /* FRAMEBUFFER */, handle); }, blend: (gl, value) => value ? gl.enable(3042 /* BLEND */) : gl.disable(3042 /* BLEND */), blendColor: (gl, value) => gl.blendColor(...value), blendEquation: (gl, args) => { const separateModes = typeof args === "number" ? [args, args] : args; gl.blendEquationSeparate(...separateModes); }, blendFunc: (gl, args) => { const separateFuncs = args?.length === 2 ? [...args, ...args] : args; gl.blendFuncSeparate(...separateFuncs); }, clearColor: (gl, value) => gl.clearColor(...value), clearDepth: (gl, value) => gl.clearDepth(value), clearStencil: (gl, value) => gl.clearStencil(value), colorMask: (gl, value) => gl.colorMask(...value), cull: (gl, value) => value ? gl.enable(2884 /* CULL_FACE */) : gl.disable(2884 /* CULL_FACE */), cullFace: (gl, value) => gl.cullFace(value), depthTest: (gl, value) => value ? gl.enable(2929 /* DEPTH_TEST */) : gl.disable(2929 /* DEPTH_TEST */), depthFunc: (gl, value) => gl.depthFunc(value), depthMask: (gl, value) => gl.depthMask(value), depthRange: (gl, value) => gl.depthRange(...value), dither: (gl, value) => value ? gl.enable(3024 /* DITHER */) : gl.disable(3024 /* DITHER */), derivativeHint: (gl, value) => { gl.hint(35723 /* FRAGMENT_SHADER_DERIVATIVE_HINT */, value); }, frontFace: (gl, value) => gl.frontFace(value), mipmapHint: (gl, value) => gl.hint(33170 /* GENERATE_MIPMAP_HINT */, value), lineWidth: (gl, value) => gl.lineWidth(value), polygonOffsetFill: (gl, value) => value ? gl.enable(32823 /* POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL */) : gl.disable(32823 /* POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL */), polygonOffset: (gl, value) => gl.polygonOffset(...value), sampleCoverage: (gl, value) => gl.sampleCoverage(...value), scissorTest: (gl, value) => value ? gl.enable(3089 /* SCISSOR_TEST */) : gl.disable(3089 /* SCISSOR_TEST */), scissor: (gl, value) => gl.scissor(...value), stencilTest: (gl, value) => value ? gl.enable(2960 /* STENCIL_TEST */) : gl.disable(2960 /* STENCIL_TEST */), stencilMask: (gl, value) => { value = isArray(value) ? value : [value, value]; const [mask, backMask] = value; gl.stencilMaskSeparate(1028 /* FRONT */, mask); gl.stencilMaskSeparate(1029 /* BACK */, backMask); }, stencilFunc: (gl, args) => { args = isArray(args) && args.length === 3 ? [...args, ...args] : args; const [func, ref, mask, backFunc, backRef, backMask] = args; gl.stencilFuncSeparate(1028 /* FRONT */, func, ref, mask); gl.stencilFuncSeparate(1029 /* BACK */, backFunc, backRef, backMask); }, stencilOp: (gl, args) => { args = isArray(args) && args.length === 3 ? [...args, ...args] : args; const [sfail, dpfail, dppass, backSfail, backDpfail, backDppass] = args; gl.stencilOpSeparate(1028 /* FRONT */, sfail, dpfail, dppass); gl.stencilOpSeparate(1029 /* BACK */, backSfail, backDpfail, backDppass); }, viewport: (gl, value) => gl.viewport(...value) }; function getValue(glEnum, values, cache) { return values[glEnum] !== void 0 ? values[glEnum] : cache[glEnum]; } var GL_COMPOSITE_PARAMETER_SETTERS = { blendEquation: (gl, values, cache) => gl.blendEquationSeparate( getValue(32777 /* BLEND_EQUATION_RGB */, values, cache), getValue(34877 /* BLEND_EQUATION_ALPHA */, values, cache) ), blendFunc: (gl, values, cache) => gl.blendFuncSeparate( getValue(32969 /* BLEND_SRC_RGB */, values, cache), getValue(32968 /* BLEND_DST_RGB */, values, cache), getValue(32971 /* BLEND_SRC_ALPHA */, values, cache), getValue(32970 /* BLEND_DST_ALPHA */, values, cache) ), polygonOffset: (gl, values, cache) => gl.polygonOffset( getValue(32824 /* POLYGON_OFFSET_FACTOR */, values, cache), getValue(10752 /* POLYGON_OFFSET_UNITS */, values, cache) ), sampleCoverage: (gl, values, cache) => gl.sampleCoverage( getValue(32938 /* SAMPLE_COVERAGE_VALUE */, values, cache), getValue(32939 /* SAMPLE_COVERAGE_INVERT */, values, cache) ), stencilFuncFront: (gl, values, cache) => gl.stencilFuncSeparate( 1028 /* FRONT */, getValue(2962 /* STENCIL_FUNC */, values, cache), getValue(2967 /* STENCIL_REF */, values, cache), getValue(2963 /* STENCIL_VALUE_MASK */, values, cache) ), stencilFuncBack: (gl, values, cache) => gl.stencilFuncSeparate( 1029 /* BACK */, getValue(34816 /* STENCIL_BACK_FUNC */, values, cache), getValue(36003 /* STENCIL_BACK_REF */, values, cache), getValue(36004 /* STENCIL_BACK_VALUE_MASK */, values, cache) ), stencilOpFront: (gl, values, cache) => gl.stencilOpSeparate( 1028 /* FRONT */, getValue(2964 /* STENCIL_FAIL */, values, cache), getValue(2965 /* STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL */, values, cache), getValue(2966 /* STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_PASS */, values, cache) ), stencilOpBack: (gl, values, cache) => gl.stencilOpSeparate( 1029 /* BACK */, getValue(34817 /* STENCIL_BACK_FAIL */, values, cache), getValue(34818 /* STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL */, values, cache), getValue(34819 /* STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_PASS */, values, cache) ) }; var GL_HOOKED_SETTERS = { // GENERIC SETTERS enable: (update, capability) => update({ [capability]: true }), disable: (update, capability) => update({ [capability]: false }), pixelStorei: (update, pname, value) => update({ [pname]: value }), hint: (update, pname, hint2) => update({ [pname]: hint2 }), // SPECIFIC SETTERS useProgram: (update, value) => update({ [35725 /* CURRENT_PROGRAM */]: value }), bindRenderbuffer: (update, target, value) => update({ [36007 /* RENDERBUFFER_BINDING */]: value }), bindTransformFeedback: (update, target, value) => update({ [36389 /* TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BINDING */]: value }), bindVertexArray: (update, value) => update({ [34229 /* VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING */]: value }), bindFramebuffer: (update, target, framebuffer) => { switch (target) { case 36160 /* FRAMEBUFFER */: return update({ [36006 /* DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING */]: framebuffer, [36010 /* READ_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING */]: framebuffer }); case 36009 /* DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER */: return update({ [36006 /* DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING */]: framebuffer }); case 36008 /* READ_FRAMEBUFFER */: return update({ [36010 /* READ_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING */]: framebuffer }); default: return null; } }, bindBuffer: (update, target, buffer) => { const pname = { [34962 /* ARRAY_BUFFER */]: [34964 /* ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING */], [36662 /* COPY_READ_BUFFER */]: [36662 /* COPY_READ_BUFFER_BINDING */], [36663 /* COPY_WRITE_BUFFER */]: [36663 /* COPY_WRITE_BUFFER_BINDING */], [35051 /* PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER */]: [35053 /* PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER_BINDING */], [35052 /* PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER */]: [35055 /* PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_BINDING */] }[target]; if (pname) { return update({ [pname]: buffer }); } return { valueChanged: true }; }, blendColor: (update, r, g, b, a) => update({ [32773 /* BLEND_COLOR */]: new Float32Array([r, g, b, a]) }), blendEquation: (update, mode) => update({ [32777 /* BLEND_EQUATION_RGB */]: mode, [34877 /* BLEND_EQUATION_ALPHA */]: mode }), blendEquationSeparate: (update, modeRGB, modeAlpha) => update({ [32777 /* BLEND_EQUATION_RGB */]: modeRGB, [34877 /* BLEND_EQUATION_ALPHA */]: modeAlpha }), blendFunc: (update, src, dst) => update({ [32969 /* BLEND_SRC_RGB */]: src, [32968 /* BLEND_DST_RGB */]: dst, [32971 /* BLEND_SRC_ALPHA */]: src, [32970 /* BLEND_DST_ALPHA */]: dst }), blendFuncSeparate: (update, srcRGB, dstRGB, srcAlpha, dstAlpha) => update({ [32969 /* BLEND_SRC_RGB */]: srcRGB, [32968 /* BLEND_DST_RGB */]: dstRGB, [32971 /* BLEND_SRC_ALPHA */]: srcAlpha, [32970 /* BLEND_DST_ALPHA */]: dstAlpha }), clearColor: (update, r, g, b, a) => update({ [3106 /* COLOR_CLEAR_VALUE */]: new Float32Array([r, g, b, a]) }), clearDepth: (update, depth) => update({ [2931 /* DEPTH_CLEAR_VALUE */]: depth }), clearStencil: (update, s) => update({ [2961 /* STENCIL_CLEAR_VALUE */]: s }), colorMask: (update, r, g, b, a) => update({ [3107 /* COLOR_WRITEMASK */]: [r, g, b, a] }), cullFace: (update, mode) => update({ [2885 /* CULL_FACE_MODE */]: mode }), depthFunc: (update, func) => update({ [2932 /* DEPTH_FUNC */]: func }), depthRange: (update, zNear, zFar) => update({ [2928 /* DEPTH_RANGE */]: new Float32Array([zNear, zFar]) }), depthMask: (update, mask) => update({ [2930 /* DEPTH_WRITEMASK */]: mask }), frontFace: (update, face) => update({ [2886 /* FRONT_FACE */]: face }), lineWidth: (update, width) => update({ [2849 /* LINE_WIDTH */]: width }), polygonOffset: (update, factor, units) => update({ [32824 /* POLYGON_OFFSET_FACTOR */]: factor, [10752 /* POLYGON_OFFSET_UNITS */]: units }), sampleCoverage: (update, value, invert) => update({ [32938 /* SAMPLE_COVERAGE_VALUE */]: value, [32939 /* SAMPLE_COVERAGE_INVERT */]: invert }), scissor: (update, x, y, width, height) => update({ [3088 /* SCISSOR_BOX */]: new Int32Array([x, y, width, height]) }), stencilMask: (update, mask) => update({ [2968 /* STENCIL_WRITEMASK */]: mask, [36005 /* STENCIL_BACK_WRITEMASK */]: mask }), stencilMaskSeparate: (update, face, mask) => update({ [face === 1028 /* FRONT */ ? 2968 /* STENCIL_WRITEMASK */ : 36005 /* STENCIL_BACK_WRITEMASK */]: mask }), stencilFunc: (update, func, ref, mask) => update({ [2962 /* STENCIL_FUNC */]: func, [2967 /* STENCIL_REF */]: ref, [2963 /* STENCIL_VALUE_MASK */]: mask, [34816 /* STENCIL_BACK_FUNC */]: func, [36003 /* STENCIL_BACK_REF */]: ref, [36004 /* STENCIL_BACK_VALUE_MASK */]: mask }), stencilFuncSeparate: (update, face, func, ref, mask) => update({ [face === 1028 /* FRONT */ ? 2962 /* STENCIL_FUNC */ : 34816 /* STENCIL_BACK_FUNC */]: func, [face === 1028 /* FRONT */ ? 2967 /* STENCIL_REF */ : 36003 /* STENCIL_BACK_REF */]: ref, [face === 1028 /* FRONT */ ? 2963 /* STENCIL_VALUE_MASK */ : 36004 /* STENCIL_BACK_VALUE_MASK */]: mask }), stencilOp: (update, fail, zfail, zpass) => update({ [2964 /* STENCIL_FAIL */]: fail, [2965 /* STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL */]: zfail, [2966 /* STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_PASS */]: zpass, [34817 /* STENCIL_BACK_FAIL */]: fail, [34818 /* STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL */]: zfail, [34819 /* STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_PASS */]: zpass }), stencilOpSeparate: (update, face, fail, zfail, zpass) => update({ [face === 1028 /* FRONT */ ? 2964 /* STENCIL_FAIL */ : 34817 /* STENCIL_BACK_FAIL */]: fail, [face === 1028 /* FRONT */ ? 2965 /* STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL */ : 34818 /* STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL */]: zfail, [face === 1028 /* FRONT */ ? 2966 /* STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_PASS */ : 34819 /* STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_PASS */]: zpass }), viewport: (update, x, y, width, height) => update({ [2978 /* VIEWPORT */]: [x, y, width, height] }) }; var isEnabled = (gl, key) => gl.isEnabled(key); var GL_PARAMETER_GETTERS = { [3042 /* BLEND */]: isEnabled, [2884 /* CULL_FACE */]: isEnabled, [2929 /* DEPTH_TEST */]: isEnabled, [3024 /* DITHER */]: isEnabled, [32823 /* POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL */]: isEnabled, [32926 /* SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE */]: isEnabled, [32928 /* SAMPLE_COVERAGE */]: isEnabled, [3089 /* SCISSOR_TEST */]: isEnabled, [2960 /* STENCIL_TEST */]: isEnabled, [35977 /* RASTERIZER_DISCARD */]: isEnabled }; var NON_CACHE_PARAMETERS = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([ // setter not intercepted 34016 /* ACTIVE_TEXTURE */, 36388 /* TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_ACTIVE */, 36387 /* TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_PAUSED */, // setters bindBufferRange/bindBufferBase cannot be pruned based on cache 35983 /* TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_BINDING */, 35368 /* UNIFORM_BUFFER_BINDING */, // states depending on VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING 34965 /* ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING */, // states depending on READ_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING 35739 /* IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_FORMAT */, 35738 /* IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_TYPE */, // states depending on FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING 3074 /* READ_BUFFER */, 34853 /* DRAW_BUFFER0 */, 34854 /* DRAW_BUFFER1 */, 34855 /* DRAW_BUFFER2 */, 34856 /* DRAW_BUFFER3 */, 34857 /* DRAW_BUFFER4 */, 34858 /* DRAW_BUFFER5 */, 34859 /* DRAW_BUFFER6 */, 34860 /* DRAW_BUFFER7 */, 34861 /* DRAW_BUFFER8 */, 34862 /* DRAW_BUFFER9 */, 34863 /* DRAW_BUFFER10 */, 34864 /* DRAW_BUFFER11 */, 34865 /* DRAW_BUFFER12 */, 34866 /* DRAW_BUFFER13 */, 34867 /* DRAW_BUFFER14 */, 34868 /* DRAW_BUFFER15 */, // states depending on ACTIVE_TEXTURE 35097 /* SAMPLER_BINDING */, 32873 /* TEXTURE_BINDING_2D */, 35869 /* TEXTURE_BINDING_2D_ARRAY */, 32874 /* TEXTURE_BINDING_3D */, 34068 /* TEXTURE_BINDING_CUBE_MAP */ ]); // src/context/parameters/unified-parameter-api.ts function setGLParameters(gl, parameters) { if (isObjectEmpty(parameters)) { return; } const compositeSetters = {}; for (const key in parameters) { const glConstant = Number(key); const setter = GL_PARAMETER_SETTERS[key]; if (setter) { if (typeof setter === "string") { compositeSetters[setter] = true; } else { setter(gl, parameters[key], glConstant); } } } const cache = gl.state && gl.state.cache; if (cache) { for (const key in compositeSetters) { const compositeSetter = GL_COMPOSITE_PARAMETER_SETTERS[key]; compositeSetter(gl, parameters, cache); } } } function getGLParameters(gl, parameters = GL_PARAMETER_DEFAULTS) { if (typeof parameters === "number") { const key = parameters; const getter = GL_PARAMETER_GETTERS[key]; return getter ? getter(gl, key) : gl.getParameter(key); } const parameterKeys = Array.isArray(parameters) ? parameters : Object.keys(parameters); const state = {}; for (const key of parameterKeys) { const getter = GL_PARAMETER_GETTERS[key]; state[key] = getter ? getter(gl, Number(key)) : gl.getParameter(Number(key)); } return state; } function resetGLParameters(gl) { setGLParameters(gl, GL_PARAMETER_DEFAULTS); } function isObjectEmpty(object) { for (const key in object) { return false; } return true; } // src/context/state-tracker/deep-array-equal.ts function deepArrayEqual(x, y) { if (x === y) { return true; } const isArrayX = Array.isArray(x) || ArrayBuffer.isView(x); const isArrayY = Array.isArray(y) || ArrayBuffer.isView(y); if (isArrayX && isArrayY && x.length === y.length) { for (let i = 0; i < x.length; ++i) { if (x[i] !== y[i]) { return false; } } return true; } return false; } // src/context/state-tracker/track-context-state.ts var GLState = class { gl; program = null; stateStack = []; enable = true; cache; log; constructor(gl, { copyState = false, // Copy cache from params (slow) or initialize from WebGL defaults (fast) log: log9 = () => { } // Logging function, called when gl parameter change calls are actually issued } = {}) { this.gl = gl; this.cache = copyState ? getGLParameters(gl) : Object.assign({}, GL_PARAMETER_DEFAULTS); this.log = log9; this._updateCache = this._updateCache.bind(this); Object.seal(this); } push(values = {}) { this.stateStack.push({}); } pop() { (0, import_core.assert)(this.stateStack.length > 0); const oldValues = this.stateStack[this.stateStack.length - 1]; setGLParameters(this.gl, oldValues); this.stateStack.pop(); } /** // interceptor for context set functions - update our cache and our stack // values (Object) - the key values for this setter * @param values * @returns */ _updateCache(values) { let valueChanged = false; let oldValue; const oldValues = this.stateStack.length > 0 ? this.stateStack[this.stateStack.length - 1] : null; for (const key in values) { (0, import_core.assert)(key !== void 0); const value = values[key]; const cached = this.cache[key]; if (!deepArrayEqual(value, cached)) { valueChanged = true; oldValue = cached; if (oldValues && !(key in oldValues)) { oldValues[key] = cached; } this.cache[key] = value; } } return { valueChanged, oldValue }; } }; function getContextState(gl) { return gl.state; } function trackContextState(gl, options) { const { enable: enable2 = true, copyState } = options; (0, import_core.assert)(copyState !== void 0); if (!gl.state) { gl.state = new GLState(gl, { copyState }); installProgramSpy(gl); for (const key in GL_HOOKED_SETTERS) { const setter = GL_HOOKED_SETTERS[key]; installSetterSpy(gl, key, setter); } installGetterOverride(gl, "getParameter"); installGetterOverride(gl, "isEnabled"); } const glState = getContextState(gl); glState.enable = enable2; return gl; } function pushContextState(gl) { let glState = getContextState(gl); if (!glState) { trackContextState(gl, { copyState: false }); glState = getContextState(gl); } glState.push(); } function popContextState(gl) { const glState = getContextState(gl); (0, import_core.assert)(glState); glState.pop(); } function installGetterOverride(gl, functionName) { const originalGetterFunc = gl[functionName].bind(gl); gl[functionName] = function get(pname) { if (pname === void 0 || NON_CACHE_PARAMETERS.has(pname)) { return originalGetterFunc(pname); } const glState = getContextState(gl); if (!(pname in glState.cache)) { glState.cache[pname] = originalGetterFunc(pname); } return glState.enable ? ( // Call the getter the params so that it can e.g. serve from a cache glState.cache[pname] ) : ( // Optionally call the original function to do a "hard" query from the WebGL2RenderingContext originalGetterFunc(pname) ); }; Object.defineProperty(gl[functionName], "name", { value: `${functionName}-from-cache`, configurable: false }); } function installSetterSpy(gl, functionName, setter) { if (!gl[functionName]) { return; } const originalSetterFunc = gl[functionName].bind(gl); gl[functionName] = function set(...params) { const glState = getContextState(gl); const { valueChanged, oldValue } = setter(glState._updateCache, ...params); if (valueChanged) { originalSetterFunc(...params); } return oldValue; }; Object.defineProperty(gl[functionName], "name", { value: `${functionName}-to-cache`, configurable: false }); } function installProgramSpy(gl) { const originalUseProgram = gl.useProgram.bind(gl); gl.useProgram = function useProgramLuma(handle) { const glState = getContextState(gl); if (glState.program !== handle) { originalUseProgram(handle); glState.program = handle; } }; } // src/context/helpers/create-browser-context.ts var DEFAULT_CONTEXT_PROPS = { powerPreference: "high-performance", // After all, most apps are using WebGL for performance reasons // eslint-disable-next-line no-console onContextLost: () => console.error("WebGL context lost"), // eslint-disable-next-line no-console onContextRestored: () => console.info("WebGL context restored") }; function createBrowserContext(canvas, props) { props = { ...DEFAULT_CONTEXT_PROPS, ...props }; let errorMessage = null; const onCreateError = (error) => errorMessage = error.statusMessage || errorMessage; canvas.addEventListener("webglcontextcreationerror", onCreateError, false); let gl = null; gl ||= canvas.getContext("webgl2", props); canvas.removeEventListener("webglcontextcreationerror", onCreateError, false); if (!gl) { throw new Error(`Failed to create WebGL context: ${errorMessage || "Unknown error"}`); } if (props.onContextLost) { const { onContextLost } = props; canvas.addEventListener("webglcontextlost", (event) => onContextLost(event), false); } if (props.onContextRestored) { const { onContextRestored } = props; canvas.addEventListener( "webglcontextrestored", (event) => onContextRestored(event), false ); } return gl; } // src/context/helpers/webgl-extensions.ts function getWebGLExtension(gl, name, extensions) { if (extensions[name] === void 0) { extensions[name] = gl.getExtension(name) || null; } return extensions[name]; } // src/adapter/device-helpers/webgl-device-info.ts function getDeviceInfo(gl, extensions) { const vendorMasked = gl.getParameter(7936 /* VENDOR */); const rendererMasked = gl.getParameter(7937 /* RENDERER */); getWebGLExtension(gl, "WEBGL_debug_renderer_info", extensions); const ext = extensions.WEBGL_debug_renderer_info; const vendorUnmasked = gl.getParameter(ext ? ext.UNMASKED_VENDOR_WEBGL : 7936 /* VENDOR */); const rendererUnmasked = gl.getParameter(ext ? ext.UNMASKED_RENDERER_WEBGL : 7937 /* RENDERER */); const vendor = vendorUnmasked || vendorMasked; const renderer = rendererUnmasked || rendererMasked; const version = gl.getParameter(7938 /* VERSION */); const gpu = identifyGPUVendor(vendor, renderer); const gpuBackend = identifyGPUBackend(vendor, renderer); const gpuType = identifyGPUType(vendor, renderer); const shadingLanguage = "glsl"; const shadingLanguageVersion = 300; return { type: "webgl", gpu, gpuType, gpuBackend, vendor, renderer, version, shadingLanguage, shadingLanguageVersion }; } function identifyGPUVendor(vendor, renderer) { if (/NVIDIA/i.exec(vendor) || /NVIDIA/i.exec(renderer)) { return "nvidia"; } if (/INTEL/i.exec(vendor) || /INTEL/i.exec(renderer)) { return "intel"; } if (/Apple/i.exec(vendor) || /Apple/i.exec(renderer)) { return "apple"; } if (/AMD/i.exec(vendor) || /AMD/i.exec(renderer) || /ATI/i.exec(vendor) || /ATI/i.exec(renderer)) { return "amd"; } if (/SwiftShader/i.exec(vendor) || /SwiftShader/i.exec(renderer)) { return "software"; } return "unknown"; } function identifyGPUBackend(vendor, renderer) { if (/Metal/i.exec(vendor) || /Metal/i.exec(renderer)) { return "metal"; } if (/ANGLE/i.exec(vendor) || /ANGLE/i.exec(renderer)) { return "opengl"; } return "unknown"; } function identifyGPUType(vendor, renderer) { if (/SwiftShader/i.exec(vendor) || /SwiftShader/i.exec(renderer)) { return "cpu"; } const gpuVendor = identifyGPUVendor(vendor, renderer); switch (gpuVendor) { case "intel": return "integrated"; case "software": return "cpu"; case "unknown": return "unknown"; default: return "discrete"; } } // src/adapter/device-helpers/webgl-device-features.ts var import_core3 = __toESM(require_core(), 1); // src/adapter/converters/texture-formats.ts var import_core2 = __toESM(require_core(), 1); // src/adapter/converters/vertex-formats.ts function getGLFromVertexType(dataType) { switch (dataType) { case "uint8": return 5121 /* UNSIGNED_BYTE */; case "sint8": return 5120 /* BYTE */; case "unorm8": return 5121 /* UNSIGNED_BYTE */; case "snorm8": return 5120 /* BYTE */; case "uint16": return 5123 /* UNSIGNED_SHORT */; case "sint16": return 5122 /* SHORT */; case "unorm16": return 5123 /* UNSIGNED_SHORT */; case "snorm16": return 5122 /* SHORT */; case "uint32": return 5125 /* UNSIGNED_INT */; case "sint32": return 5124 /* INT */; case "float16": return 5131 /* HALF_FLOAT */; case "float32": return 5126 /* FLOAT */; } throw new Error(String(dataType)); } // src/adapter/converters/texture-formats.ts var texture_compression_bc = "texture-compression-bc"; var texture_compression_astc = "texture-compression-astc"; var texture_compression_etc2 = "texture-compression-etc2"; var texture_compression_etc1_webgl = "texture-compression-etc1-webgl"; var texture_compression_pvrtc_webgl = "texture-compression-pvrtc-webgl"; var texture_compression_atc_webgl = "texture-compression-atc-webgl"; var float32_renderable = "float32-renderable-webgl"; var float16_renderable = "float16-renderable-webgl"; var rgb9e5ufloat_renderable = "rgb9e5ufloat_renderable-webgl"; var snorm8_renderable = "snorm8-renderable-webgl"; var norm16_renderable = "norm16-renderable-webgl"; var snorm16_renderable = "snorm16-renderable-webgl"; var float32_filterable = "float32-filterable"; var float16_filterable = "float16-filterable-webgl"; var X_S3TC = "WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc"; var X_S3TC_SRGB = "WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc_srgb"; var X_RGTC = "EXT_texture_compression_rgtc"; var X_BPTC = "EXT_texture_compression_bptc"; var X_ETC2 = "WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc"; var X_ASTC = "WEBGL_compressed_texture_astc"; var X_ETC1 = "WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc1"; var X_PVRTC = "WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc"; var X_ATC = "WEBGL_compressed_texture_atc"; var EXT_texture_norm16 = "EXT_texture_norm16"; var EXT_render_snorm = "EXT_render_snorm"; var EXT_color_buffer_float = "EXT_color_buffer_float"; var TEXTURE_FEATURES = { "float32-renderable-webgl": ["EXT_color_buffer_float"], "float16-renderable-webgl": ["EXT_color_buffer_half_float"], "rgb9e5ufloat_renderable-webgl": ["WEBGL_render_shared_exponent"], "snorm8-renderable-webgl": [EXT_render_snorm], "norm16-renderable-webgl": [EXT_texture_norm16], "snorm16-renderable-webgl": [EXT_texture_norm16, EXT_render_snorm], "float32-filterable": ["OES_texture_float_linear"], "float16-filterable-webgl": ["OES_texture_half_float_linear"], "texture-filterable-anisotropic-webgl": ["EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic"], "texture-blend-float-webgl": ["EXT_float_blend"], "texture-compression-bc": [X_S3TC, X_S3TC_SRGB, X_RGTC, X_BPTC], // 'texture-compression-bc3-srgb-webgl': [X_S3TC_SRGB], // 'texture-compression-bc3-webgl': [X_S3TC], "texture-compression-bc5-webgl": [X_RGTC], "texture-compression-bc7-webgl": [X_BPTC], "texture-compression-etc2": [X_ETC2], "texture-compression-astc": [X_ASTC], "texture-compression-etc1-webgl": [X_ETC1], "texture-compression-pvrtc-webgl": [X_PVRTC], "texture-compression-atc-webgl": [X_ATC] }; function isTextureFeature(feature) { return feature in TEXTURE_FEATURES; } function checkTextureFeature(gl, feature, extensions) { const textureExtensions = TEXTURE_FEATURES[feature] || []; return textureExtensions.every((extension) => getWebGLExtension(gl, extension, extensions)); } var TEXTURE_FORMATS = { // Unsized formats that leave the precision up to the driver. TODO - Fix bpp constants "rgb8unorm-unsized": { gl: 6407 /* RGB */, b: 4, c: 2, bpp: 4, dataFormat: 6407 /* RGB */, types: [5121 /* UNSIGNED_BYTE */, 33635 /* UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5 */] }, "rgba8unorm-unsized": { gl: 6408 /* RGBA */, b: 4, c: 2, bpp: 4, dataFormat: 6408 /* RGBA */, types: [5121 /* UNSIGNED_BYTE */, 32819 /* UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4 */, 32820 /* UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1 */] }, // 'r8unorm-unsized': {gl: GL.LUMINANCE, b: 4, c: 2, bpp: 4}, // 'rgb8unorm-srgb-unsized': {gl: GL.SRGB_EXT, b: 4, c: 2, bpp: 4, gl1Ext: SRGB}, // 'rgba8unorm-srgb-unsized': {gl: GL.SRGB_ALPHA_EXT, b: 4, c: 2, bpp: 4, gl1Ext: SRGB}, // 8-bit formats "r8unorm": { gl: 33321 /* R8 */, b: 1, c: 1, rb: true }, "r8snorm": { gl: 36756 /* R8_SNORM */, b: 1, c: 1, render: snorm8_renderable }, "r8uint": { gl: 33330 /* R8UI */, b: 1, c: 1, rb: true }, "r8sint": { gl: 33329 /* R8I */, b: 1, c: 1, rb: true }, // 16-bit formats "rg8unorm": { gl: 33323 /* RG8 */, b: 2, c: 2, rb: true }, "rg8snorm": { gl: 36757 /* RG8_SNORM */, b: 2, c: 2, render: snorm8_renderable }, "rg8uint": { gl: 33336 /* RG8UI */, b: 2, c: 2, rb: true }, "rg8sint": { gl: 33335 /* RG8I */, b: 2, c: 2, rb: true }, "r16uint": { gl: 33332 /* R16UI */, b: 2, c: 1, rb: true }, "r16sint": { gl: 33331 /* R16I */, b: 2, c: 1, rb: true }, "r16float": { gl: 33325 /* R16F */, b: 2, c: 1, render: float16_renderable, filter: "float16-filterable-webgl", rb: true }, "r16unorm-webgl": { gl: 33322 /* R16_EXT */, b: 2, c: 1, f: norm16_renderable, rb: true }, "r16snorm-webgl": { gl: 36760 /* R16_SNORM_EXT */, b: 2, c: 1, f: snorm16_renderable }, // Packed 16-bit formats "rgba4unorm-webgl": { gl: 32854 /* RGBA4 */, b: 2, c: 4, wgpu: false, rb: true }, "rgb565unorm-webgl": { gl: 36194 /* RGB565 */, b: 2, c: 4, wgpu: false, rb: true }, "rgb5a1unorm-webgl": { gl: 32855 /* RGB5_A1 */, b: 2, c: 4, wgpu: false, rb: true }, // 24-bit formats "rgb8unorm-webgl": { gl: 32849 /* RGB8 */, b: 3, c: 3, wgpu: false }, "rgb8snorm-webgl": { gl: 36758 /* RGB8_SNORM */, b: 3, c: 3, wgpu: false }, // 32-bit formats "rgba8unorm": { gl: 32856 /* RGBA8 */, b: 4, c: 2, bpp: 4 }, "rgba8unorm-srgb": { gl: 35907 /* SRGB8_ALPHA8 */, b: 4, c: 4, bpp: 4 }, "rgba8snorm": { gl: 36759 /* RGBA8_SNORM */, b: 4, c: 4, render: snorm8_renderable }, "rgba8uint": { gl: 36220 /* RGBA8UI */, b: 4, c: 4, bpp: 4 }, "rgba8sint": { gl: 36238 /* RGBA8I */, b: 4, c: 4, bpp: 4 }, // reverse colors, webgpu only "bgra8unorm": { b: 4, c: 4 }, "bgra8unorm-srgb": { b: 4, c: 4 }, "rg16uint": { gl: 33338 /* RG16UI */, b: 4, c: 1, bpp: 4 }, "rg16sint": { gl: 33337 /* RG16I */, b: 4, c: 2, bpp: 4 }, // When using a WebGL 2 context and the EXT_color_buffer_float WebGL2 extension "rg16float": { gl: 33327 /* RG16F */, bpp: 4, b: 4, c: 2, render: float16_renderable, filter: float16_filterable, rb: true }, "rg16unorm-webgl": { gl: 33324 /* RG16_EXT */, b: 2, c: 2, render: norm16_renderable }, "rg16snorm-webgl": { gl: 36761 /* RG16_SNORM_EXT */, b: 2, c: 2, render: snorm16_renderable }, "r32uint": { gl: 33334 /* R32UI */, b: 4, c: 1, bpp: 4, rb: true }, "r32sint": { gl: 33333 /* R32I */, b: 4, c: 1, bpp: 4, rb: true }, "r32float": { gl: 33326 /* R32F */, bpp: 4, b: 4, c: 1, render: float32_renderable, filter: float32_filterable }, // Packed 32-bit formats "rgb9e5ufloat": { gl: 35901 /* RGB9_E5 */, b: 4, c: 3, p: 1, render: rgb9e5ufloat_renderable }, // , filter: true}, "rg11b10ufloat": { gl: 35898 /* R11F_G11F_B10F */, b: 4, c: 3, p: 1, render: float32_renderable, rb: true }, "rgb10a2unorm": { gl: 32857 /* RGB10_A2 */, b: 4, c: 4, p: 1, rb: true }, "rgb10a2uint-webgl": { b: 4, c: 4, gl: 36975 /* RGB10_A2UI */, p: 1, wgpu: false, bpp: 4, rb: true }, // 48-bit formats "rgb16unorm-webgl": { gl: 32852 /* RGB16_EXT */, b: 2, c: 3, f: norm16_renderable }, // rgb not renderable "rgb16snorm-webgl": { gl: 36762 /* RGB16_SNORM_EXT */, b: 2, c: 3, f: norm16_renderable }, // rgb not renderable // 64-bit formats "rg32uint": { gl: 33340 /* RG32UI */, b: 8, c: 2, rb: true }, "rg32sint": { gl: 33339 /* RG32I */, b: 8, c: 2, rb: true }, "rg32float": { gl: 33328 /* RG32F */, b: 8, c: 2, render: float32_renderable, filter: float32_filterable, rb: true }, "rgba16uint": { gl: 36214 /* RGBA16UI */, b: 8, c: 4, rb: true }, "rgba16sint": { gl: 36232 /* RGBA16I */, b: 8, c: 4, rb: true }, "rgba16float": { gl: 34842 /* RGBA16F */, b: 8, c: 4, render: float16_renderable, filter: float16_filterable }, "rgba16unorm-webgl": { gl: 32859 /* RGBA16_EXT */, b: 2, c: 4, render: norm16_renderable, rb: true }, "rgba16snorm-webgl": { gl: 36763 /* RGBA16_SNORM_EXT */, b: 2, c: 4, render: snorm16_renderable }, // 96-bit formats (deprecated!) "rgb32float-webgl": { gl: 34837 /* RGB32F */, render: float32_renderable, filter: float32_filterable, gl2ext: EXT_color_buffer_float, dataFormat: 6407 /* RGB */, types: [5126 /* FLOAT */] }, // 128-bit formats "rgba32uint": { gl: 36208 /* RGBA32UI */, b: 16, c: 4, rb: true }, "rgba32sint": { gl: 36226 /* RGBA32I */, b: 16, c: 4, rb: true }, "rgba32float": { gl: 34836 /* RGBA32F */, b: 16, c: 4, render: float32_renderable, filter: float32_filterable, rb: true }, // Depth and stencil formats "stencil8": { gl: 36168 /* STENCIL_INDEX8 */, b: 1, c: 1, attachment: 36128 /* STENCIL_ATTACHMENT */, rb: true }, // 8 stencil bits "depth16unorm": { gl: 33189 /* DEPTH_COMPONENT16 */, b: 2, c: 1, attachment: 36096 /* DEPTH_ATTACHMENT */, dataFormat: 6402 /* DEPTH_COMPONENT */, types: [5123 /* UNSIGNED_SHORT */], rb: true }, // 16 depth bits "depth24plus": { gl: 33190 /* DEPTH_COMPONENT24 */, b: 3, c: 1, attachment: 36096 /* DEPTH_ATTACHMENT */, dataFormat: 6402 /* DEPTH_COMPONENT */, types: [5125 /* UNSIGNED_INT */] }, "depth32float": { gl: 36012 /* DEPTH_COMPONENT32F */, b: 4, c: 1, attachment: 36096 /* DEPTH_ATTACHMENT */, dataFormat: 6402 /* DEPTH_COMPONENT */, types: [5126 /* FLOAT */], rb: true }, // The depth component of the "depth24plus" and "depth24plus-stencil8" formats may be implemented as either a 24-bit depth value or a "depth32float" value. "depth24plus-stencil8": { gl: 35056 /* DEPTH24_STENCIL8 */, b: 4, c: 2, p: 1, attachment: 33306 /* DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT */, rb: true, depthTexture: true, dataFormat: 34041 /* DEPTH_STENCIL */, types: [34042 /* UNSIGNED_INT_24_8 */] }, // "depth24unorm-stencil8" feature "depth24unorm-stencil8": { gl: 35056 /* DEPTH24_STENCIL8 */, b: 4, c: 2, p: 1, attachment: 33306 /* DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT */, dataFormat: 34041 /* DEPTH_STENCIL */, types: [34042 /* UNSIGNED_INT_24_8 */], rb: true }, // "depth32float-stencil8" feature - TODO below is render buffer only? "depth32float-stencil8": { gl: 36013 /* DEPTH32F_STENCIL8 */, b: 5, c: 2, p: 1, attachment: 33306 /* DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT */, dataFormat: 34041 /* DEPTH_STENCIL */, types: [36269 /* FLOAT_32_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV */], rb: true }, // BC compressed formats: check device.features.has("texture-compression-bc"); "bc1-rgb-unorm-webgl": { gl: 33776 /* COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT */, x: X_S3TC, f: texture_compression_bc }, "bc1-rgb-unorm-srgb-webgl": { gl: 35916 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT */, x: X_S3TC_SRGB, f: texture_compression_bc }, "bc1-rgba-unorm": { gl: 33777 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT */, x: X_S3TC, f: texture_compression_bc }, "bc1-rgba-unorm-srgb": { gl: 35916 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT */, x: X_S3TC_SRGB, f: texture_compression_bc }, "bc2-rgba-unorm": { gl: 33778 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT */, x: X_S3TC, f: texture_compression_bc }, "bc2-rgba-unorm-srgb": { gl: 35918 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB_ALPHA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT */, x: X_S3TC_SRGB, f: texture_compression_bc }, "bc3-rgba-unorm": { gl: 33779 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT */, x: X_S3TC, f: texture_compression_bc }, "bc3-rgba-unorm-srgb": { gl: 35919 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB_ALPHA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT */, x: X_S3TC_SRGB, f: texture_compression_bc }, "bc4-r-unorm": { gl: 36283 /* COMPRESSED_RED_RGTC1_EXT */, x: X_RGTC, f: texture_compression_bc }, "bc4-r-snorm": { gl: 36284 /* COMPRESSED_SIGNED_RED_RGTC1_EXT */, x: X_RGTC, f: texture_compression_bc }, "bc5-rg-unorm": { gl: 36285 /* COMPRESSED_RED_GREEN_RGTC2_EXT */, x: X_RGTC, f: texture_compression_bc }, "bc5-rg-snorm": { gl: 36286 /* COMPRESSED_SIGNED_RED_GREEN_RGTC2_EXT */, x: X_RGTC, f: texture_compression_bc }, "bc6h-rgb-ufloat": { gl: 36495 /* COMPRESSED_RGB_BPTC_UNSIGNED_FLOAT_EXT */, x: X_BPTC, f: texture_compression_bc }, "bc6h-rgb-float": { gl: 36494 /* COMPRESSED_RGB_BPTC_SIGNED_FLOAT_EXT */, x: X_BPTC, f: texture_compression_bc }, "bc7-rgba-unorm": { gl: 36492 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA_BPTC_UNORM_EXT */, x: X_BPTC, f: texture_compression_bc }, "bc7-rgba-unorm-srgb": { gl: 36493 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB_ALPHA_BPTC_UNORM_EXT */, x: X_BPTC, f: texture_compression_bc }, // WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc: device.features.has("texture-compression-etc2") // Note: Supposedly guaranteed availability compressed formats in WebGL2, but through CPU decompression "etc2-rgb8unorm": { gl: 37492 /* COMPRESSED_RGB8_ETC2 */, f: texture_compression_etc2 }, "etc2-rgb8unorm-srgb": { gl: 37494 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ETC2 */, f: texture_compression_etc2 }, "etc2-rgb8a1unorm": { gl: 37496 /* COMPRESSED_RGB8_PUNCHTHROUGH_ALPHA1_ETC2 */, f: texture_compression_etc2 }, "etc2-rgb8a1unorm-srgb": { gl: 37497 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB8_PUNCHTHROUGH_ALPHA1_ETC2 */, f: texture_compression_etc2 }, "etc2-rgba8unorm": { gl: 37493 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA8_ETC2_EAC */, f: texture_compression_etc2 }, "etc2-rgba8unorm-srgb": { gl: 37495 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ETC2_EAC */, f: texture_compression_etc2 }, "eac-r11unorm": { gl: 37488 /* COMPRESSED_R11_EAC */, f: texture_compression_etc2 }, "eac-r11snorm": { gl: 37489 /* COMPRESSED_SIGNED_R11_EAC */, f: texture_compression_etc2 }, "eac-rg11unorm": { gl: 37490 /* COMPRESSED_RG11_EAC */, f: texture_compression_etc2 }, "eac-rg11snorm": { gl: 37491 /* COMPRESSED_SIGNED_RG11_EAC */, f: texture_compression_etc2 }, // X_ASTC compressed formats: device.features.has("texture-compression-astc") "astc-4x4-unorm": { gl: 37808 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_4x4_KHR */, f: texture_compression_astc }, "astc-4x4-unorm-srgb": { gl: 37840 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_4x4_KHR */, f: texture_compression_astc }, "astc-5x4-unorm": { gl: 37809 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_5x4_KHR */, f: texture_compression_astc }, "astc-5x4-unorm-srgb": { gl: 37841 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_5x4_KHR */, f: texture_compression_astc }, "astc-5x5-unorm": { gl: 37810 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_5x5_KHR */, f: texture_compression_astc }, "astc-5x5-unorm-srgb": { gl: 37842 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_5x5_KHR */, f: texture_compression_astc }, "astc-6x5-unorm": { gl: 37811 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_6x5_KHR */, f: texture_compression_astc }, "astc-6x5-unorm-srgb": { gl: 37843 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_6x5_KHR */, f: texture_compression_astc }, "astc-6x6-unorm": { gl: 37812 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_6x6_KHR */, f: texture_compression_astc }, "astc-6x6-unorm-srgb": { gl: 37844 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_6x6_KHR */, f: texture_compression_astc }, "astc-8x5-unorm": { gl: 37813 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_8x5_KHR */, f: texture_compression_astc }, "astc-8x5-unorm-srgb": { gl: 37845 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_8x5_KHR */, f: texture_compression_astc }, "astc-8x6-unorm": { gl: 37814 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_8x6_KHR */, f: texture_compression_astc }, "astc-8x6-unorm-srgb": { gl: 37846 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_8x6_KHR */, f: texture_compression_astc }, "astc-8x8-unorm": { gl: 37815 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_8x8_KHR */, f: texture_compression_astc }, "astc-8x8-unorm-srgb": { gl: 37847 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_8x8_KHR */, f: texture_compression_astc }, "astc-10x5-unorm": { gl: 37819 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_10x10_KHR */, f: texture_compression_astc }, "astc-10x5-unorm-srgb": { gl: 37851 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x10_KHR */, f: texture_compression_astc }, "astc-10x6-unorm": { gl: 37817 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_10x6_KHR */, f: texture_compression_astc }, "astc-10x6-unorm-srgb": { gl: 37849 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x6_KHR */, f: texture_compression_astc }, "astc-10x8-unorm": { gl: 37818 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_10x8_KHR */, f: texture_compression_astc }, "astc-10x8-unorm-srgb": { gl: 37850 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x8_KHR */, f: texture_compression_astc }, "astc-10x10-unorm": { gl: 37819 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_10x10_KHR */, f: texture_compression_astc }, "astc-10x10-unorm-srgb": { gl: 37851 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x10_KHR */, f: texture_compression_astc }, "astc-12x10-unorm": { gl: 37820 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_12x10_KHR */, f: texture_compression_astc }, "astc-12x10-unorm-srgb": { gl: 37852 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_12x10_KHR */, f: texture_compression_astc }, "astc-12x12-unorm": { gl: 37821 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_12x12_KHR */, f: texture_compression_astc }, "astc-12x12-unorm-srgb": { gl: 37853 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_12x12_KHR */, f: texture_compression_astc }, // WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc "pvrtc-rgb4unorm-webgl": { gl: 35840 /* COMPRESSED_RGB_PVRTC_4BPPV1_IMG */, f: texture_compression_pvrtc_webgl }, "pvrtc-rgba4unorm-webgl": { gl: 35842 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA_PVRTC_4BPPV1_IMG */, f: texture_compression_pvrtc_webgl }, "pvrtc-rbg2unorm-webgl": { gl: 35841 /* COMPRESSED_RGB_PVRTC_2BPPV1_IMG */, f: texture_compression_pvrtc_webgl }, "pvrtc-rgba2unorm-webgl": { gl: 35843 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA_PVRTC_2BPPV1_IMG */, f: texture_compression_pvrtc_webgl }, // WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc1 "etc1-rbg-unorm-webgl": { gl: 36196 /* COMPRESSED_RGB_ETC1_WEBGL */, f: texture_compression_etc1_webgl }, // WEBGL_compressed_texture_atc "atc-rgb-unorm-webgl": { gl: 35986 /* COMPRESSED_RGB_ATC_WEBGL */, f: texture_compression_atc_webgl }, "atc-rgba-unorm-webgl": { gl: 35986 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA_ATC_EXPLICIT_ALPHA_WEBGL */, f: texture_compression_atc_webgl }, "atc-rgbai-unorm-webgl": { gl: 34798 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA_ATC_INTERPOLATED_ALPHA_WEBGL */, f: texture_compression_atc_webgl } }; var DATA_FORMAT_CHANNELS = { [6403 /* RED */]: 1, [36244 /* RED_INTEGER */]: 1, [33319 /* RG */]: 2, [33320 /* RG_INTEGER */]: 2, [6407 /* RGB */]: 3, [36248 /* RGB_INTEGER */]: 3, [6408 /* RGBA */]: 4, [36249 /* RGBA_INTEGER */]: 4, [6402 /* DEPTH_COMPONENT */]: 1, [34041 /* DEPTH_STENCIL */]: 1, [6406 /* ALPHA */]: 1, [6409 /* LUMINANCE */]: 1, [6410 /* LUMINANCE_ALPHA */]: 2 }; var TYPE_SIZES = { [5126 /* FLOAT */]: 4, [5125 /* UNSIGNED_INT */]: 4, [5124 /* INT */]: 4, [5123 /* UNSIGNED_SHORT */]: 2, [5122 /* SHORT */]: 2, [5131 /* HALF_FLOAT */]: 2, [5120 /* BYTE */]: 1, [5121 /* UNSIGNED_BYTE */]: 1 }; function isTextureFormatSupported(gl, format, extensions) { const info = TEXTURE_FORMATS[format]; if (!info) { return false; } if (info.gl === void 0) { return false; } const extension = info.x || info.gl2ext; if (extension) { return Boolean(getWebGLExtension(gl, extension, extensions)); } return true; } function isRenderbufferFormatSupported(gl, format, extensions) { return isTextureFormatSupported(gl, format, extensions) && TEXTURE_FORMATS[format]?.rb; } function convertGLToTextureFormat(format) { if (typeof format === "string") { return format; } const entry = Object.entries(TEXTURE_FORMATS).find(([, entry2]) => entry2.gl === format); if (!entry) { throw new Error(`Unknown texture format ${format}`); } return entry[0]; } function convertTextureFormatToGL(format) { const formatInfo = TEXTURE_FORMATS[format]; const webglFormat = formatInfo?.gl; if (webglFormat === void 0) { throw new Error(`Unsupported texture format ${format}`); } return webglFormat; } function isTextureFormatFilterable(gl, format, extensions) { if (!isTextureFormatSupported(gl, format, extensions)) { return false; } if (format.startsWith("depth") || format.startsWith("stencil")) { return false; } try { const decoded = (0, import_core2.decodeTextureFormat)(format); if (decoded.signed) { return false; } } catch { return false; } if (format.endsWith("32float")) { return Boolean(getWebGLExtension(gl, "OES_texture_float_linear, extensions", extensions)); } if (format.endsWith("16float")) { return Boolean(getWebGLExtension(gl, "OES_texture_half_float_linear, extensions", extensions)); } return true; } function isTextureFormatRenderable(gl, format, extensions) { if (!isTextureFormatSupported(gl, format, extensions)) { return false; } if (typeof format === "number") { return false; } return true; } function getWebGLTextureParameters(format) { const formatData = TEXTURE_FORMATS[format]; const webglFormat = convertTextureFormatToGL(format); const decoded = (0, import_core2.decodeTextureFormat)(format); return { format: webglFormat, dataFormat: formatData?.dataFormat || getWebGLPixelDataFormat(decoded.format, decoded.integer, decoded.normalized, webglFormat), // depth formats don't have a type type: decoded.dataType ? getGLFromVertexType(decoded.dataType) : formatData?.types?.[0] || 5121 /* UNSIGNED_BYTE */, // @ts-expect-error compressed: decoded.compressed }; } function getDepthStencilAttachmentWebGL(format) { const info = TEXTURE_FORMATS[format]; if (!info?.attachment) { throw new Error(`${format} is not a depth stencil format`); } return info.attachment; } function getTextureFormatBytesPerPixel(format) { const params = getWebGLTextureParameters(format); const channels = DATA_FORMAT_CHANNELS[params.dataFormat] || 4; const channelSize = TYPE_SIZES[params.type] || 1; return channels * channelSize; } function getWebGLPixelDataFormat(dataFormat, integer, normalized, format) { if (format === 6408 /* RGBA */ || format === 6407 /* RGB */) { return format; } switch (dataFormat) { case "r": return integer && !normalized ? 36244 /* RED_INTEGER */ : 6403 /* RED */; case "rg": return integer && !normalized ? 33320 /* RG_INTEGER */ : 33319 /* RG */; case "rgb": return integer && !normalized ? 36248 /* RGB_INTEGER */ : 6407 /* RGB */; case "rgba": return integer && !normalized ? 36249 /* RGBA_INTEGER */ : 6408 /* RGBA */; default: return 6408 /* RGBA */; } } // src/adapter/device-helpers/webgl-device-features.ts var WEBGL_FEATURES = { // optional WebGPU features "depth-clip-control": "EXT_depth_clamp", // TODO these seem subtly different // 'timestamp-query' // GPUQueryType "timestamp-query" // "indirect-first-instance" // Textures are handled by getTextureFeatures() // 'depth24unorm-stencil8' // GPUTextureFormat 'depth24unorm-stencil8' // 'depth32float-stencil8' // GPUTextureFormat 'depth32float-stencil8' // optional WebGL features "timer-query-webgl": "EXT_disjoint_timer_query_webgl2", "compilation-status-async-webgl": "KHR_parallel_shader_compile", "polygon-mode-webgl": "WEBGL_polygon_mode", "provoking-vertex-webgl": "WEBGL_provoking_vertex", "shader-clip-cull-distance-webgl": "WEBGL_clip_cull_distance", "shader-noperspective-interpolation-webgl": "NV_shader_noperspective_interpolation", "shader-conservative-depth-webgl": "EXT_conservative_depth" // Textures are handled by getTextureFeatures() }; var WebGLDeviceFeatures = class extends import_core3.DeviceFeatures { gl; extensions; testedFeatures = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); constructor(gl, extensions, disabledFeatures) { super([], disabledFeatures); this.gl = gl; this.extensions = extensions; getWebGLExtension(gl, "EXT_color_buffer_float", extensions); } *[Symbol.iterator]() { const features = this.getFeatures(); for (const feature of features) { if (this.has(feature)) { yield feature; } } return []; } has(feature) { if (this.disabledFeatures[feature]) { return false; } if (!this.testedFeatures.has(feature)) { this.testedFeatures.add(feature); if (isTextureFeature(feature) && checkTextureFeature(this.gl, feature, this.extensions)) { this.features.add(feature); } if (this.getWebGLFeature(feature)) { this.features.add(feature); } } return this.features.has(feature); } // FOR DEVICE initializeFeatures() { const features = this.getFeatures().filter((feature) => feature !== "polygon-mode-webgl"); for (const feature of features) { this.has(feature); } } // IMPLEMENTATION getFeatures() { return [...Object.keys(WEBGL_FEATURES), ...Object.keys(TEXTURE_FEATURES)]; } /** Extract all WebGL features */ getWebGLFeature(feature) { const featureInfo = WEBGL_FEATURES[feature]; const isSupported = typeof featureInfo === "string" ? Boolean(getWebGLExtension(this.gl, featureInfo, this.extensions)) : Boolean(featureInfo); return isSupported; } }; // src/adapter/device-helpers/webgl-device-limits.ts var import_core4 = __toESM(require_core(), 1); var WebGLDeviceLimits = class extends import_core4.DeviceLimits { get maxTextureDimension1D() { return 0; } // WebGL does not support 1D textures get maxTextureDimension2D() { return this.getParameter(3379 /* MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE */); } get maxTextureDimension3D() { return this.getParameter(32883 /* MAX_3D_TEXTURE_SIZE */); } get maxTextureArrayLayers() { return this.getParameter(35071 /* MAX_ARRAY_TEXTURE_LAYERS */); } get maxBindGroups() { return 0; } get maxDynamicUniformBuffersPerPipelineLayout() { return 0; } // TBD get maxDynamicStorageBuffersPerPipelineLayout() { return 0; } // TBD get maxSampledTexturesPerShaderStage() { return this.getParameter(35660 /* MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS */); } // ) TBD get maxSamplersPerShaderStage() { return this.getParameter(35661 /* MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS */); } get maxStorageBuffersPerShaderStage() { return 0; } // TBD get maxStorageTexturesPerShaderStage() { return 0; } // TBD get maxUniformBuffersPerShaderStage() { return this.getParameter(35375 /* MAX_UNIFORM_BUFFER_BINDINGS */); } get maxUniformBufferBindingSize() { return this.getParameter(35376 /* MAX_UNIFORM_BLOCK_SIZE */); } get maxStorageBufferBindingSize() { return 0; } get minUniformBufferOffsetAlignment() { return this.getParameter(35380 /* UNIFORM_BUFFER_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT */); } get minStorageBufferOffsetAlignment() { return 0; } get maxVertexBuffers() { return 16; } // WebGL 2 supports 16 buffers, see https://github.com/gpuweb/gpuweb/issues/4284 get maxVertexAttributes() { return this.getParameter(34921 /* MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS */); } get maxVertexBufferArrayStride() { return 2048; } // TBD, this is just the default value from WebGPU get maxInterStageShaderComponents() { return this.getParameter(35659 /* MAX_VARYING_COMPONENTS */); } get maxComputeWorkgroupStorageSize() { return 0; } // WebGL does not support compute shaders get maxComputeInvocationsPerWorkgroup() { return 0; } // WebGL does not support compute shaders get maxComputeWorkgroupSizeX() { return 0; } // WebGL does not support compute shaders get maxComputeWorkgroupSizeY() { return 0; } // WebGL does not support compute shaders get maxComputeWorkgroupSizeZ() { return 0; } // WebGL does not support compute shaders get maxComputeWorkgroupsPerDimension() { return 0; } // WebGL does not support compute shaders // PRIVATE gl; limits = {}; constructor(gl) { super(); this.gl = gl; } getParameter(parameter) { if (this.limits[parameter] === void 0) { this.limits[parameter] = this.gl.getParameter(parameter); } return this.limits[parameter]; } }; // src/adapter/webgl-canvas-context.ts var import_core11 = __toESM(require_core(), 1); // src/adapter/resources/webgl-framebuffer.ts var import_core10 = __toESM(require_core(), 1); // src/adapter/resources/webgl-texture.ts var import_core9 = __toESM(require_core(), 1); // src/context/state-tracker/with-parameters.ts function withGLParameters(gl, parameters, func) { if (isObjectEmpty2(parameters)) { return func(gl); } const { nocatch = true } = parameters; pushContextState(gl); setGLParameters(gl, parameters); let value; if (nocatch) { value = func(gl); popContextState(gl); } else { try { value = func(gl); } finally { popContextState(gl); } } return value; } function isObjectEmpty2(object) { for (const key in object) { return false; } return true; } // src/adapter/converters/device-parameters.ts var import_core5 = __toESM(require_core(), 1); function withDeviceAndGLParameters(device, parameters, glParameters, func) { if ((0, import_core5.isObjectEmpty)(parameters)) { return func(device); } const webglDevice = device; pushContextState(webglDevice.gl); try { setDeviceParameters(device, parameters); setGLParameters(webglDevice.gl, glParameters); return func(device); } finally { popContextState(webglDevice.gl); } } function withDeviceParameters(device, parameters, func) { if ((0, import_core5.isObjectEmpty)(parameters)) { return func(device); } pushContextState(device.gl); try { setDeviceParameters(device, parameters); return func(device); } finally { popContextState(device.gl); } } function setDeviceParameters(device, parameters) { const webglDevice = device; const { gl } = webglDevice; if (parameters.cullMode) { switch (parameters.cullMode) { case "none": gl.disable(2884 /* CULL_FACE */); break; case "front": gl.enable(2884 /* CULL_FACE */); gl.cullFace(1028 /* FRONT */); break; case "back": gl.enable(2884 /* CULL_FACE */); gl.cullFace(1029 /* BACK */); break; } } if (parameters.frontFace) { gl.frontFace( map("frontFace", parameters.frontFace, { ccw: 2305 /* CCW */, cw: 2304 /* CW */ }) ); } if (parameters.unclippedDepth) { if (device.features.has("depth-clip-control")) { gl.enable(34383 /* DEPTH_CLAMP_EXT */); } } if (parameters.depthBias !== void 0) { gl.enable(32823 /* POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL */); gl.polygonOffset(parameters.depthBias, parameters.depthBiasSlopeScale || 0); } if (parameters.provokingVertex) { if (device.features.has("provoking-vertex-webgl")) { const extensions = webglDevice.getExtension("WEBGL_provoking_vertex"); const ext = extensions.WEBGL_provoking_vertex; const vertex = map( "provokingVertex", parameters.provokingVertex, { first: 36429 /* FIRST_VERTEX_CONVENTION_WEBGL */, last: 36430 /* LAST_VERTEX_CONVENTION_WEBGL */ } ); ext?.provokingVertexWEBGL(vertex); } } if (parameters.polygonMode || parameters.polygonOffsetLine) { if (device.features.has("polygon-mode-webgl")) { if (parameters.polygonMode) { const extensions = webglDevice.getExtension("WEBGL_polygon_mode"); const ext = extensions.WEBGL_polygon_mode; const mode = map("polygonMode", parameters.polygonMode, { fill: 6914 /* FILL_WEBGL */, line: 6913 /* LINE_WEBGL */ }); ext?.polygonModeWEBGL(1028 /* FRONT */, mode); ext?.polygonModeWEBGL(1029 /* BACK */, mode); } if (parameters.polygonOffsetLine) { gl.enable(10754 /* POLYGON_OFFSET_LINE_WEBGL */); } } } if (device.features.has("shader-clip-cull-distance-webgl")) { if (parameters.clipDistance0) { gl.enable(12288 /* CLIP_DISTANCE0_WEBGL */); } if (parameters.clipDistance1) { gl.enable(12289 /* CLIP_DISTANCE1_WEBGL */); } if (parameters.clipDistance2) { gl.enable(12290 /* CLIP_DISTANCE2_WEBGL */); } if (parameters.clipDistance3) { gl.enable(12291 /* CLIP_DISTANCE3_WEBGL */); } if (parameters.clipDistance4) { gl.enable(12292 /* CLIP_DISTANCE4_WEBGL */); } if (parameters.clipDistance5) { gl.enable(12293 /* CLIP_DISTANCE5_WEBGL */); } if (parameters.clipDistance6) { gl.enable(12294 /* CLIP_DISTANCE6_WEBGL */); } if (parameters.clipDistance7) { gl.enable(12295 /* CLIP_DISTANCE7_WEBGL */); } } if (parameters.depthWriteEnabled !== void 0) { gl.depthMask(mapBoolean("depthWriteEnabled", parameters.depthWriteEnabled)); } if (parameters.depthCompare) { parameters.depthCompare !== "always" ? gl.enable(2929 /* DEPTH_TEST */) : gl.disable(2929 /* DEPTH_TEST */); gl.depthFunc(convertCompareFunction("depthCompare", parameters.depthCompare)); } if (parameters.stencilWriteMask) { const mask = parameters.stencilWriteMask; gl.stencilMaskSeparate(1028 /* FRONT */, mask); gl.stencilMaskSeparate(1029 /* BACK */, mask); } if (parameters.stencilReadMask) { import_core5.log.warn("stencilReadMask not supported under WebGL"); } if (parameters.stencilCompare) { const mask = parameters.stencilReadMask || 4294967295; const glValue = convertCompareFunction("depthCompare", parameters.stencilCompare); parameters.stencilCompare !== "always" ? gl.enable(2960 /* STENCIL_TEST */) : gl.disable(2960 /* STENCIL_TEST */); gl.stencilFuncSeparate(1028 /* FRONT */, glValue, 0, mask); gl.stencilFuncSeparate(1029 /* BACK */, glValue, 0, mask); } if (parameters.stencilPassOperation && parameters.stencilFailOperation && parameters.stencilDepthFailOperation) { const dppass = convertStencilOperation("stencilPassOperation", parameters.stencilPassOperation); const sfail = convertStencilOperation("stencilFailOperation", parameters.stencilFailOperation); const dpfail = convertStencilOperation( "stencilDepthFailOperation", parameters.stencilDepthFailOperation ); gl.stencilOpSeparate(1028 /* FRONT */, sfail, dpfail, dppass); gl.stencilOpSeparate(1029 /* BACK */, sfail, dpfail, dppass); } if (parameters.blendColorOperation || parameters.blendAlphaOperation) { gl.enable(3042 /* BLEND */); const colorEquation = convertBlendOperationToEquation( "blendColorOperation", parameters.blendColorOperation || "add" ); const alphaEquation = convertBlendOperationToEquation( "blendAlphaOperation", parameters.blendAlphaOperation || "add" ); gl.blendEquationSeparate(colorEquation, alphaEquation); const colorSrcFactor = convertBlendFactorToFunction( "blendColorSrcFactor", parameters.blendColorSrcFactor || "one" ); const colorDstFactor = convertBlendFactorToFunction( "blendColorDstFactor", parameters.blendColorDstFactor || "zero" ); const alphaSrcFactor = convertBlendFactorToFunction( "blendAlphaSrcFactor", parameters.blendAlphaSrcFactor || "one" ); const alphaDstFactor = convertBlendFactorToFunction( "blendAlphaDstFactor", parameters.blendAlphaDstFactor || "zero" ); gl.blendFuncSeparate(colorSrcFactor, colorDstFactor, alphaSrcFactor, alphaDstFactor); } } function convertCompareFunction(parameter, value) { return map(parameter, value, { never: 512 /* NEVER */, less: 513 /* LESS */, equal: 514 /* EQUAL */, "less-equal": 515 /* LEQUAL */, greater: 516 /* GREATER */, "not-equal": 517 /* NOTEQUAL */, "greater-equal": 518 /* GEQUAL */, always: 519 /* ALWAYS */ }); } function convertStencilOperation(parameter, value) { return map(parameter, value, { keep: 7680 /* KEEP */, zero: 0 /* ZERO */, replace: 7681 /* REPLACE */, invert: 5386 /* INVERT */, "increment-clamp": 7682 /* INCR */, "decrement-clamp": 7683 /* DECR */, "increment-wrap": 34055 /* INCR_WRAP */, "decrement-wrap": 34056 /* DECR_WRAP */ }); } function convertBlendOperationToEquation(parameter, value) { return map(parameter, value, { add: 32774 /* FUNC_ADD */, subtract: 32778 /* FUNC_SUBTRACT */, "reverse-subtract": 32779 /* FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT */, min: 32775 /* MIN */, max: 32776 /* MAX */ }); } function convertBlendFactorToFunction(parameter, value) { return map(parameter, value, { one: 1 /* ONE */, zero: 0 /* ZERO */, "src-color": 768 /* SRC_COLOR */, "one-minus-src-color": 769 /* ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR */, "dst-color": 774 /* DST_COLOR */, "one-minus-dst-color": 775 /* ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR */, "src-alpha": 770 /* SRC_ALPHA */, "one-minus-src-alpha": 771 /* ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA */, "dst-alpha": 772 /* DST_ALPHA */, "one-minus-dst-alpha": 773 /* ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA */, "src-alpha-saturated": 776 /* SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE */, "constant-color": 32769 /* CONSTANT_COLOR */, "one-minus-constant-color": 32770 /* ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR */, "constant-alpha": 32771 /* CONSTANT_ALPHA */, "one-minus-constant-alpha": 32772 /* ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA */ }); } function message(parameter, value) { return `Illegal parameter ${value} for ${parameter}`; } function map(parameter, value, valueMap) { if (!(value in valueMap)) { throw new Error(message(parameter, value)); } return valueMap[value]; } function mapBoolean(parameter, value) { return value; } // src/adapter/converters/sampler-parameters.ts function convertSamplerParametersToWebGL(props) { const params = {}; if (props.addressModeU) { params[10242 /* TEXTURE_WRAP_S */] = convertAddressMode(props.addressModeU); } if (props.addressModeV) { params[10243 /* TEXTURE_WRAP_T */] = convertAddressMode(props.addressModeV); } if (props.addressModeW) { params[32882 /* TEXTURE_WRAP_R */] = convertAddressMode(props.addressModeW); } if (props.magFilter) { params[10240 /* TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER */] = convertMaxFilterMode(props.magFilter); } if (props.minFilter || props.mipmapFilter) { params[10241 /* TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER */] = convertMinFilterMode( props.minFilter || "linear", props.mipmapFilter ); } if (props.lodMinClamp !== void 0) { params[33082 /* TEXTURE_MIN_LOD */] = props.lodMinClamp; } if (props.lodMaxClamp !== void 0) { params[33083 /* TEXTURE_MAX_LOD */] = props.lodMaxClamp; } if (props.type === "comparison-sampler") { params[34892 /* TEXTURE_COMPARE_MODE */] = 34894 /* COMPARE_REF_TO_TEXTURE */; } if (props.compare) { params[34893 /* TEXTURE_COMPARE_FUNC */] = convertCompareFunction("compare", props.compare); } if (props.maxAnisotropy) { params[34046 /* TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT */] = props.maxAnisotropy; } return params; } function convertAddressMode(addressMode) { switch (addressMode) { case "clamp-to-edge": return 33071 /* CLAMP_TO_EDGE */; case "repeat": return 10497 /* REPEAT */; case "mirror-repeat": return 33648 /* MIRRORED_REPEAT */; } } function convertMaxFilterMode(maxFilter) { switch (maxFilter) { case "nearest": return 9728 /* NEAREST */; case "linear": return 9729 /* LINEAR */; } } function convertMinFilterMode(minFilter, mipmapFilter) { if (!mipmapFilter) { return convertMaxFilterMode(minFilter); } switch (minFilter) { case "nearest": return mipmapFilter === "nearest" ? 9984 /* NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST */ : 9986 /* NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR */; case "linear": return mipmapFilter === "nearest" ? 9985 /* LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST */ : 9987 /* LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR */; } } // src/adapter/resources/webgl-buffer.ts var import_core6 = __toESM(require_core(), 1); var WEBGLBuffer = class extends import_core6.Buffer { device; gl; handle; /** Target in OpenGL defines the type of buffer */ glTarget; /** Usage is a hint on how frequently the buffer will be updates */ glUsage; /** Index type is needed when issuing draw calls, so we pre-compute it */ glIndexType = 5123 /* UNSIGNED_SHORT */; /** Number of bytes allocated on the GPU for this buffer */ byteLength; /** Number of bytes used */ bytesUsed; constructor(device, props = {}) { super(device, props); this.device = device; this.gl = this.device.gl; const handle = typeof props === "object" ? props.handle : void 0; this.handle = handle || this.gl.createBuffer(); device.setSpectorMetadata(this.handle, { ...this.props, data: typeof this.props.data }); this.glTarget = getWebGLTarget(this.props.usage); this.glUsage = getWebGLUsage(this.props.usage); this.glIndexType = this.props.indexType === "uint32" ? 5125 /* UNSIGNED_INT */ : 5123 /* UNSIGNED_SHORT */; if (props.data) { this._initWithData(props.data, props.byteOffset, props.byteLength); } else { this._initWithByteLength(props.byteLength || 0); } } // PRIVATE METHODS /** Allocate a new buffer and initialize to contents of typed array */ _initWithData(data, byteOffset = 0, byteLength = data.byteLength + byteOffset) { const glTarget = this.glTarget; this.gl.bindBuffer(glTarget, this.handle); this.gl.bufferData(glTarget, byteLength, this.glUsage); this.gl.bufferSubData(glTarget, byteOffset, data); this.gl.bindBuffer(glTarget, null); this.bytesUsed = byteLength; this.byteLength = byteLength; this._setDebugData(data, byteOffset, byteLength); this.trackAllocatedMemory(byteLength); } // Allocate a GPU buffer of specified size. _initWithByteLength(byteLength) { (0, import_core6.assert)(byteLength >= 0); let data = byteLength; if (byteLength === 0) { data = new Float32Array(0); } const glTarget = this.glTarget; this.gl.bindBuffer(glTarget, this.handle); this.gl.bufferData(glTarget, data, this.glUsage); this.gl.bindBuffer(glTarget, null); this.bytesUsed = byteLength; this.byteLength = byteLength; this._setDebugData(null, 0, byteLength); this.trackAllocatedMemory(byteLength); return this; } destroy() { if (!this.destroyed && this.handle) { this.removeStats(); this.trackDeallocatedMemory(); this.gl.deleteBuffer(this.handle); this.destroyed = true; this.handle = null; } } write(data, byteOffset = 0) { const srcOffset = 0; const byteLength = void 0; const glTarget = 36663 /* COPY_WRITE_BUFFER */; this.gl.bindBuffer(glTarget, this.handle); if (srcOffset !== 0 || byteLength !== void 0) { this.gl.bufferSubData(glTarget, byteOffset, data, srcOffset, byteLength); } else { this.gl.bufferSubData(glTarget, byteOffset, data); } this.gl.bindBuffer(glTarget, null); this._setDebugData(data, byteOffset, data.byteLength); } /** Asynchronously read data from the buffer */ async readAsync(byteOffset = 0, byteLength) { return this.readSyncWebGL(byteOffset, byteLength); } /** Synchronously read data from the buffer. WebGL only. */ readSyncWebGL(byteOffset = 0, byteLength) { byteLength = byteLength ?? this.byteLength - byteOffset; const data = new Uint8Array(byteLength); const dstOffset = 0; this.gl.bindBuffer(36662 /* COPY_READ_BUFFER */, this.handle); this.gl.getBufferSubData(36662 /* COPY_READ_BUFFER */, byteOffset, data, dstOffset, byteLength); this.gl.bindBuffer(36662 /* COPY_READ_BUFFER */, null); this._setDebugData(data, byteOffset, byteLength); return data; } }; function getWebGLTarget(usage) { if (usage & import_core6.Buffer.INDEX) { return 34963 /* ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER */; } if (usage & import_core6.Buffer.VERTEX) { return 34962 /* ARRAY_BUFFER */; } if (usage & import_core6.Buffer.UNIFORM) { return 35345 /* UNIFORM_BUFFER */; } return 34962 /* ARRAY_BUFFER */; } function getWebGLUsage(usage) { if (usage & import_core6.Buffer.INDEX) { return 35044 /* STATIC_DRAW */; } if (usage & import_core6.Buffer.VERTEX) { return 35044 /* STATIC_DRAW */; } if (usage & import_core6.Buffer.UNIFORM) { return 35048 /* DYNAMIC_DRAW */; } return 35044 /* STATIC_DRAW */; } // src/adapter/resources/webgl-sampler.ts var import_core7 = __toESM(require_core(), 1); var WEBGLSampler = class extends import_core7.Sampler { device; handle; parameters; constructor(device, props) { super(device, props); this.device = device; this.parameters = convertSamplerParametersToWebGL(props); this.handle = this.handle || this.device.gl.createSampler(); this._setSamplerParameters(this.parameters); } destroy() { if (this.handle) { this.device.gl.deleteSampler(this.handle); this.handle = void 0; } } toString() { return `Sampler(${this.id},${JSON.stringify(this.props)})`; } /** Set sampler parameters on the sampler */ _setSamplerParameters(parameters) { for (const [pname, value] of Object.entries(parameters)) { const param = Number(pname); switch (param) { case 33082 /* TEXTURE_MIN_LOD */: case 33083 /* TEXTURE_MAX_LOD */: this.device.gl.samplerParameterf(this.handle, param, value); break; default: this.device.gl.samplerParameteri(this.handle, param, value); break; } } } }; // src/adapter/resources/webgl-texture-view.ts var import_core8 = __toESM(require_core(), 1); var WEBGLTextureView = class extends import_core8.TextureView { device; gl; handle; texture; constructor(device, props) { super(device, { ...import_core8.Texture.defaultProps, ...props }); this.device = device; this.gl = this.device.gl; this.handle = null; this.texture = props.texture; } }; // src/adapter/resources/webgl-texture.ts var DEFAULT_WEBGL_TEXTURE_PROPS = { // deprecated parameters: {}, pixelStore: {}, pixels: null, border: 0, dataFormat: void 0, textureUnit: void 0, target: void 0 }; var _WEBGLTexture = class extends import_core9.Texture { MAX_ATTRIBUTES; device; gl; handle; // (TODO - currently unused in WebGL, but WebGL 2 does support sampler objects) */ sampler = void 0; view = void 0; // data; glFormat = void 0; type = void 0; dataFormat = void 0; mipmaps = void 0; /** * @note `target` cannot be modified by bind: * textures are special because when you first bind them to a target, * they get special information. When you first bind a texture as a * GL_TEXTURE_2D, you are saying that this texture is a 2D texture. * And it will always be a 2D texture; this state cannot be changed ever. * A texture that was first bound as a GL_TEXTURE_2D, must always be bound as a GL_TEXTURE_2D; * attempting to bind it as GL_TEXTURE_3D will give rise to a run-time error * */ target; textureUnit = void 0; /** * Program.draw() checks the loaded flag of all textures to avoid * Textures that are still loading from promises * Set to true as soon as texture has been initialized with valid data */ loaded = false; _video; constructor(device, props) { super(device, { ...DEFAULT_WEBGL_TEXTURE_PROPS, format: "rgba8unorm", ...props }); this.device = device; this.gl = this.device.gl; this.handle = this.props.handle || this.gl.createTexture(); this.device.setSpectorMetadata(this.handle, { ...this.props, data: typeof this.props.data }); this.glFormat = 6408 /* RGBA */; this.target = getWebGLTextureTarget(this.props); this.loaded = false; if (typeof this.props?.data === "string") { Object.assign(this.props, { data: (0, import_core9.loadImage)(this.props.data) }); } this.initialize(this.props); Object.seal(this); } destroy() { if (this.handle) { this.gl.deleteTexture(this.handle); this.removeStats(); this.trackDeallocatedMemory("Texture"); this.destroyed = true; } } toString() { return `Texture(${this.id},${this.width}x${this.height})`; } createView(props) { return new WEBGLTextureView(this.device, { ...props, texture: this }); } // eslint-disable-next-line max-statements initialize(props = {}) { if (this.props.dimension === "cube") { return this.initializeCube(props); } let data = props.data; if (data instanceof Promise) { data.then( (resolvedImageData) => this.initialize( Object.assign({}, props, { pixels: resolvedImageData, data: resolvedImageData }) ) ); return this; } const isVideo = typeof HTMLVideoElement !== "undefined" && data instanceof HTMLVideoElement; if (isVideo && data.readyState < HTMLVideoElement.HAVE_METADATA) { this._video = null; data.addEventListener("loadeddata", () => this.initialize(props)); return this; } const { parameters = {} } = props; const { pixels = null, pixelStore = {}, textureUnit = void 0, mipmaps = true } = props; if (!data) { data = pixels; } let { width, height, dataFormat, type, compressed = false } = props; const { depth = 0 } = props; const glFormat = convertTextureFormatToGL(props.format); ({ width, height, compressed, dataFormat, type } = this._deduceParameters({ format: props.format, type, dataFormat, compressed, data, width, height })); this.width = width; this.height = height; this.glFormat = glFormat; this.type = type; this.dataFormat = dataFormat; this.textureUnit = textureUnit; if (Number.isFinite(this.textureUnit)) { this.gl.activeTexture(33984 /* TEXTURE0 */ + this.textureUnit); this.gl.bindTexture(this.target, this.handle); } this.mipmaps = mipmaps; this.setImageData({ data, width, height, depth, format: props.format, type, dataFormat, // @ts-expect-error parameters: pixelStore, compressed }); this.setSampler(props.sampler); this._setSamplerParameters(parameters); this.view = this.createView({ ...this.props, mipLevelCount: 1, arrayLayerCount: 1 }); if (mipmaps && this.device.isTextureFormatFilterable(props.format)) { this.generateMipmap(); } if (isVideo) { this._video = { video: data, parameters, // @ts-expect-error lastTime: data.readyState >= HTMLVideoElement.HAVE_CURRENT_DATA ? data.currentTime : -1 }; } return this; } initializeCube(props) { const { mipmaps = true, parameters = {} } = props; this.setCubeMapImageData(props).then(() => { this.loaded = true; if (mipmaps) { this.generateMipmap(props); } this.setSampler(props.sampler); this._setSamplerParameters(parameters); }); return this; } setSampler(sampler = {}) { let samplerProps; if (sampler instanceof WEBGLSampler) { this.sampler = sampler; samplerProps = sampler.props; } else { this.sampler = new WEBGLSampler(this.device, sampler); samplerProps = sampler; } const parameters = convertSamplerParametersToWebGL(samplerProps); this._setSamplerParameters(parameters); return this; } /** * If size has changed, reinitializes with current format * @note note clears image and mipmaps */ resize(options) { const { height, width, mipmaps = false } = options; if (width !== this.width || height !== this.height) { return this.initialize({ width, height, format: this.format, type: this.type, dataFormat: this.dataFormat, mipmaps }); } return this; } /** Update external texture (video frame) */ update() { if (this._video) { const { video, parameters, lastTime } = this._video; if (lastTime === video.currentTime || video.readyState < HTMLVideoElement.HAVE_CURRENT_DATA) { return; } this.setSubImageData({ data: video, parameters }); if (this.mipmaps) { this.generateMipmap(); } this._video.lastTime = video.currentTime; } } // Call to regenerate mipmaps after modifying texture(s) generateMipmap(params = {}) { this.mipmaps = true; this.gl.bindTexture(this.target, this.handle); withGLParameters(this.gl, params, () => { this.gl.generateMipmap(this.target); }); this.gl.bindTexture(this.target, null); return this; } /* * Allocates storage * @param {*} pixels - * null - create empty texture of specified format * Typed array - init from image data in typed array * Buffer|WebGLBuffer - (WEBGL2) init from image data in WebGLBuffer * HTMLImageElement|Image - Inits with content of image. Auto width/height * HTMLCanvasElement - Inits with contents of canvas. Auto width/height * HTMLVideoElement - Creates video texture. Auto width/height * * @param width - * @param height - * @param mipMapLevel - * @param {GLenum} format - format of image data. * @param {GLenum} type * - format of array (autodetect from type) or * - (WEBGL2) format of buffer * @param {Number} offset - (WEBGL2) offset from start of buffer * @parameters - temporary settings to be applied, can be used to supply pixel store settings. */ // eslint-disable-next-line max-statements, complexity setImageData(options) { if (this.props.dimension === "3d" || this.props.dimension === "2d-array") { return this.setImageData3D(options); } this.trackDeallocatedMemory("Texture"); const { target = this.target, pixels = null, level = 0, glFormat = this.glFormat, offset = 0, parameters = {} } = options; let { data = null, type = this.type, width = this.width, height = this.height, dataFormat = this.dataFormat, compressed = false } = options; if (!data) { data = pixels; } ({ type, dataFormat, compressed, width, height } = this._deduceParameters({ format: this.props.format, type, dataFormat, compressed, data, width, height })); const { gl } = this; gl.bindTexture(this.target, this.handle); let dataType = null; ({ data, dataType } = this._getDataType({ data, compressed })); withGLParameters(this.gl, parameters, () => { switch (dataType) { case "null": gl.texImage2D( target, level, glFormat, width, height, 0, dataFormat, type, data ); break; case "typed-array": gl.texImage2D( target, level, glFormat, width, height, 0, // border (must be 0) dataFormat, type, data, offset ); break; case "buffer": this.device.gl.bindBuffer(35052 /* PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER */, data.handle || data); this.device.gl.texImage2D( target, level, glFormat, width, height, 0, dataFormat, type, offset ); this.device.gl.bindBuffer(35052 /* PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER */, null); break; case "browser-object": gl.texImage2D( target, level, glFormat, width, height, 0, dataFormat, type, data ); break; case "compressed": for (const [levelIndex, levelData] of data.entries()) { gl.compressedTexImage2D( target, levelIndex, levelData.format, levelData.width, levelData.height, 0, levelData.data ); } break; default: (0, import_core9.assert)(false, "Unknown image data type"); } }); if (data && data.byteLength) { this.trackAllocatedMemory(data.byteLength, "Texture"); } else { const bytesPerPixel = getTextureFormatBytesPerPixel(this.props.format); this.trackAllocatedMemory(this.width * this.height * bytesPerPixel, "Texture"); } this.loaded = true; return this; } /** * Redefines an area of an existing texture * Note: does not allocate storage * Redefines an area of an existing texture */ setSubImageData({ target = this.target, pixels = null, data = null, x = 0, y = 0, width = this.width, height = this.height, level = 0, glFormat = this.glFormat, type = this.type, dataFormat = this.dataFormat, compressed = false, offset = 0, parameters = {} }) { ({ type, dataFormat, compressed, width, height } = this._deduceParameters({ format: this.props.format, type, dataFormat, compressed, data, width, height })); (0, import_core9.assert)(this.depth === 1, "texSubImage not supported for 3D textures"); if (!data) { data = pixels; } if (data && data.data) { const ndarray = data; data = ndarray.data; width = ndarray.shape[0]; height = ndarray.shape[1]; } if (data instanceof WEBGLBuffer) { data = data.handle; } this.gl.bindTexture(this.target, this.handle); withGLParameters(this.gl, parameters, () => { if (compressed) { this.gl.compressedTexSubImage2D(target, level, x, y, width, height, glFormat, data); } else if (data === null) { this.gl.texSubImage2D(target, level, x, y, width, height, dataFormat, type, null); } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(data)) { this.gl.texSubImage2D(target, level, x, y, width, height, dataFormat, type, data, offset); } else if (typeof WebGLBuffer !== "undefined" && data instanceof WebGLBuffer) { this.device.gl.bindBuffer(35052 /* PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER */, data); this.device.gl.texSubImage2D(target, level, x, y, width, height, dataFormat, type, offset); this.device.gl.bindBuffer(35052 /* PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER */, null); } else { this.device.gl.texSubImage2D(target, level, x, y, width, height, dataFormat, type, data); } }); this.gl.bindTexture(this.target, null); } /** * Defines a two-dimensional texture image or cube-map texture image with * pixels from the current framebuffer (rather than from client memory). * (gl.copyTexImage2D wrapper) * * Note that binding a texture into a Framebuffer's color buffer and * rendering can be faster. */ copyFramebuffer(opts = {}) { import_core9.log.error( "Texture.copyFramebuffer({...}) is no logner supported, use copyToTexture(source, target, opts})" )(); return null; } getActiveUnit() { return this.gl.getParameter(34016 /* ACTIVE_TEXTURE */) - 33984 /* TEXTURE0 */; } bind(textureUnit = this.textureUnit) { const { gl } = this; if (textureUnit !== void 0) { this.textureUnit = textureUnit; gl.activeTexture(gl.TEXTURE0 + textureUnit); } gl.bindTexture(this.target, this.handle); return textureUnit; } unbind(textureUnit = this.textureUnit) { const { gl } = this; if (textureUnit !== void 0) { this.textureUnit = textureUnit; gl.activeTexture(gl.TEXTURE0 + textureUnit); } gl.bindTexture(this.target, null); return textureUnit; } // PRIVATE METHODS _getDataType({ data, compressed = false }) { if (compressed) { return { data, dataType: "compressed" }; } if (data === null) { return { data, dataType: "null" }; } if (ArrayBuffer.isView(data)) { return { data, dataType: "typed-array" }; } if (data instanceof WEBGLBuffer) { return { data: data.handle, dataType: "buffer" }; } if (typeof WebGLBuffer !== "undefined" && data instanceof WebGLBuffer) { return { data, dataType: "buffer" }; } return { data, dataType: "browser-object" }; } // HELPER METHODS _deduceParameters(opts) { const { format, data } = opts; let { width, height, dataFormat, type, compressed } = opts; const parameters = getWebGLTextureParameters(format); dataFormat = dataFormat || parameters.dataFormat; type = type || parameters.type; compressed = compressed || parameters.compressed; ({ width, height } = this._deduceImageSize(data, width, height)); return { dataFormat, type, compressed, width, height, format, data }; } // eslint-disable-next-line complexity _deduceImageSize(data, width, height) { let size; if (typeof ImageData !== "undefined" && data instanceof ImageData) { size = { width: data.width, height: data.height }; } else if (typeof HTMLImageElement !== "undefined" && data instanceof HTMLImageElement) { size = { width: data.naturalWidth, height: data.naturalHeight }; } else if (typeof HTMLCanvasElement !== "undefined" && data instanceof HTMLCanvasElement) { size = { width: data.width, height: data.height }; } else if (typeof ImageBitmap !== "undefined" && data instanceof ImageBitmap) { size = { width: data.width, height: data.height }; } else if (typeof HTMLVideoElement !== "undefined" && data instanceof HTMLVideoElement) { size = { width: data.videoWidth, height: data.videoHeight }; } else if (!data) { size = { width: width >= 0 ? width : 1, height: height >= 0 ? height : 1 }; } else { size = { width, height }; } (0, import_core9.assert)(size, "Could not deduced texture size"); (0, import_core9.assert)( width === void 0 || size.width === width, "Deduced texture width does not match supplied width" ); (0, import_core9.assert)( height === void 0 || size.height === height, "Deduced texture height does not match supplied height" ); return size; } // CUBE MAP METHODS /* eslint-disable max-statements, max-len */ async setCubeMapImageData(options) { const { gl } = this; const { width, height, pixels, data, format = 6408 /* RGBA */, type = 5121 /* UNSIGNED_BYTE */ } = options; const imageDataMap = pixels || data; const resolvedFaces = await Promise.all( _WEBGLTexture.FACES.map((face) => { const facePixels = imageDataMap[face]; return Promise.all(Array.isArray(facePixels) ? facePixels : [facePixels]); }) ); this.bind(); _WEBGLTexture.FACES.forEach((face, index) => { if (resolvedFaces[index].length > 1 && this.props.mipmaps !== false) { import_core9.log.warn(`${this.id} has mipmap and multiple LODs.`)(); } resolvedFaces[index].forEach((image, lodLevel) => { if (width && height) { gl.texImage2D(face, lodLevel, format, width, height, 0, format, type, image); } else { gl.texImage2D(face, lodLevel, format, format, type, image); } }); }); this.unbind(); } /** @todo update this method to accept LODs */ setImageDataForFace(options) { const { face, width, height, pixels, data, format = 6408 /* RGBA */, type = 5121 /* UNSIGNED_BYTE */ // generateMipmap = false // TODO } = options; const { gl } = this; const imageData = pixels || data; this.bind(); if (imageData instanceof Promise) { imageData.then( (resolvedImageData) => this.setImageDataForFace( Object.assign({}, options, { face, data: resolvedImageData, pixels: resolvedImageData }) ) ); } else if (this.width || this.height) { gl.texImage2D(face, 0, format, width, height, 0, format, type, imageData); } else { gl.texImage2D(face, 0, format, format, type, imageData); } return this; } /** Image 3D copies from Typed Array or WebGLBuffer */ setImageData3D(options) { const { level = 0, dataFormat, format, type, // = GL.UNSIGNED_BYTE, width, height, depth = 1, offset = 0, data, parameters = {} } = options; this.trackDeallocatedMemory("Texture"); this.gl.bindTexture(this.target, this.handle); const webglTextureFormat = getWebGLTextureParameters(format); withGLParameters(this.gl, parameters, () => { if (ArrayBuffer.isView(data)) { this.gl.texImage3D( this.target, level, webglTextureFormat.format, width, height, depth, 0, webglTextureFormat.dataFormat, webglTextureFormat.type, // dataType: getWebGL, data ); } if (data instanceof WEBGLBuffer) { this.gl.bindBuffer(35052 /* PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER */, data.handle); this.gl.texImage3D( this.target, level, dataFormat, width, height, depth, 0, format, type, offset ); } }); if (data && data.byteLength) { this.trackAllocatedMemory(data.byteLength, "Texture"); } else { const bytesPerPixel = getTextureFormatBytesPerPixel(this.props.format); this.trackAllocatedMemory(this.width * this.height * this.depth * bytesPerPixel, "Texture"); } this.loaded = true; return this; } // RESOURCE METHODS /** * Sets sampler parameters on texture */ _setSamplerParameters(parameters) { if ((0, import_core9.isObjectEmpty)(parameters)) { return; } logParameters(parameters); this.gl.bindTexture(this.target, this.handle); for (const [pname, pvalue] of Object.entries(parameters)) { const param = Number(pname); const value = pvalue; switch (param) { case 33082 /* TEXTURE_MIN_LOD */: case 33083 /* TEXTURE_MAX_LOD */: this.gl.texParameterf(this.target, param, value); break; default: this.gl.texParameteri(this.target, param, value); break; } } this.gl.bindTexture(this.target, null); return; } }; var WEBGLTexture = _WEBGLTexture; // TODO - remove? __publicField(WEBGLTexture, "FACES", [ 34069 /* TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X */, 34070 /* TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X */, 34071 /* TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y */, 34072 /* TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y */, 34073 /* TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z */, 34074 /* TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z */ ]); function getWebGLTextureTarget(props) { switch (props.dimension) { case "2d": return 3553 /* TEXTURE_2D */; case "cube": return 34067 /* TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP */; case "2d-array": return 35866 /* TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY */; case "3d": return 32879 /* TEXTURE_3D */; case "1d": case "cube-array": default: throw new Error(props.dimension); } } function logParameters(parameters) { import_core9.log.log(1, "texture sampler parameters", parameters)(); } // src/adapter/resources/webgl-framebuffer.ts var WEBGLFramebuffer = class extends import_core10.Framebuffer { device; gl; handle; get texture() { return this.colorAttachments[0]; } constructor(device, props) { super(device, props); const isDefaultFramebuffer = props.handle === null; this.device = device; this.gl = device.gl; this.handle = this.props.handle || isDefaultFramebuffer ? this.props.handle : this.gl.createFramebuffer(); if (!isDefaultFramebuffer) { device.setSpectorMetadata(this.handle, { id: this.props.id, props: this.props }); this.autoCreateAttachmentTextures(); const prevHandle = this.gl.bindFramebuffer( 36160 /* FRAMEBUFFER */, this.handle ); for (let i = 0; i < this.colorAttachments.length; ++i) { const attachment = this.colorAttachments[i]; const attachmentPoint = 36064 /* COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 */ + i; if (attachment) { this._attachOne(attachmentPoint, attachment); } } if (this.depthStencilAttachment) { this._attachOne( getDepthStencilAttachmentWebGL(this.depthStencilAttachment.props.format), this.depthStencilAttachment ); } if (props.check !== false) { const status = this.gl.checkFramebufferStatus(36160 /* FRAMEBUFFER */); if (status !== 36053 /* FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE */) { throw new Error(`Framebuffer ${_getFrameBufferStatus(status)}`); } } this.gl.bindFramebuffer(36160 /* FRAMEBUFFER */, prevHandle); } } /** destroys any auto created resources etc. */ destroy() { super.destroy(); if (!this.destroyed && this.handle !== null) { this.gl.deleteFramebuffer(this.handle); } } // PRIVATE /** In WebGL we must use renderbuffers for depth/stencil attachments (unless we have extensions) */ createDepthStencilTexture(format) { return new WEBGLTexture(this.device, { id: `${this.id}-depth-stencil`, format, width: this.width, height: this.height, mipmaps: false }); } /** * Attachment resize is expected to be a noop if size is same */ resizeAttachments(width, height) { if (this.handle === null) { this.width = this.gl.drawingBufferWidth; this.height = this.gl.drawingBufferHeight; return this; } if (width === void 0) { width = this.gl.drawingBufferWidth; } if (height === void 0) { height = this.gl.drawingBufferHeight; } for (const colorAttachment of this.colorAttachments) { colorAttachment.texture.resize({ width, height }); } if (this.depthStencilAttachment) { this.depthStencilAttachment.texture.resize({ width, height }); } return this; } /** Attach one attachment */ _attachOne(attachmentPoint, attachment) { if (Array.isArray(attachment)) { const [texture, layer = 0, level = 0] = attachment; this._attachTexture(attachmentPoint, texture, layer, level); return texture; } if (attachment instanceof WEBGLTexture) { this._attachTexture(attachmentPoint, attachment, 0, 0); return attachment; } if (attachment instanceof WEBGLTextureView) { const textureView = attachment; this._attachTexture( attachmentPoint, textureView.texture, textureView.props.baseMipLevel, textureView.props.baseArrayLayer ); return attachment.texture; } throw new Error("attach"); } // TODO - we do not seem to need render buffers in WebGL 2 // protected _attachWEBGLRenderbuffer(attachment: GL, renderbuffer: WEBGLRenderbuffer): void { // this.gl.framebufferRenderbuffer( // GL.FRAMEBUFFER, // attachment, // GL.RENDERBUFFER, // renderbuffer.handle // ); // } /** * @param attachment * @param texture * @param layer = 0 - index into WEBGLTextureArray and Texture3D or face for `TextureCubeMap` * @param level = 0 - mipmapLevel */ _attachTexture(attachment, texture, layer, level) { const { gl } = this.device; gl.bindTexture(texture.target, texture.handle); switch (texture.target) { case 35866 /* TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY */: case 32879 /* TEXTURE_3D */: gl.framebufferTextureLayer(36160 /* FRAMEBUFFER */, attachment, texture.target, level, layer); break; case 34067 /* TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP */: const face = mapIndexToCubeMapFace(layer); gl.framebufferTexture2D(36160 /* FRAMEBUFFER */, attachment, face, texture.handle, level); break; case 3553 /* TEXTURE_2D */: gl.framebufferTexture2D(36160 /* FRAMEBUFFER */, attachment, 3553 /* TEXTURE_2D */, texture.handle, level); break; default: (0, import_core10.assert)(false, "Illegal texture type"); } gl.bindTexture(texture.target, null); } }; function mapIndexToCubeMapFace(layer) { return layer < 34069 /* TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X */ ? layer + 34069 /* TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X */ : layer; } function _getFrameBufferStatus(status) { switch (status) { case 36053 /* FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE */: return "success"; case 36054 /* FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT */: return "Mismatched attachments"; case 36055 /* FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MISSING_ATTACHMENT */: return "No attachments"; case 36057 /* FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_DIMENSIONS */: return "Height/width mismatch"; case 36061 /* FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED */: return "Unsupported or split attachments"; case 36182 /* FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MULTISAMPLE */: return "Samples mismatch"; default: return `${status}`; } } // src/adapter/webgl-canvas-context.ts var WebGLCanvasContext = class extends import_core11.CanvasContext { device; presentationSize; _framebuffer = null; constructor(device, props) { super(props); this.device = device; this.presentationSize = [-1, -1]; this._setAutoCreatedCanvasId(`${this.device.id}-canvas`); this.update(); } getCurrentFramebuffer() { this.update(); this._framebuffer = this._framebuffer || new WEBGLFramebuffer(this.device, { handle: null }); return this._framebuffer; } /** Resizes and updates render targets if necessary */ update() { const size = this.getPixelSize(); const sizeChanged = size[0] !== this.presentationSize[0] || size[1] !== this.presentationSize[1]; if (sizeChanged) { this.presentationSize = size; this.resize(); } } /** * Resize the canvas' drawing buffer. * * Can match the canvas CSS size, and optionally also consider devicePixelRatio * Can be called every frame * * Regardless of size, the drawing buffer will always be scaled to the viewport, but * for best visual results, usually set to either: * canvas CSS width x canvas CSS height * canvas CSS width * devicePixelRatio x canvas CSS height * devicePixelRatio * See http://webgl2fundamentals.org/webgl/lessons/webgl-resizing-the-canvas.html */ resize(options) { if (!this.device.gl) return; if (this.canvas) { const devicePixelRatio = this.getDevicePixelRatio(options?.useDevicePixels); this.setDevicePixelRatio(devicePixelRatio, options); return; } } commit() { } }; // src/context/debug/spector.ts var import_core12 = __toESM(require_core(), 1); var DEFAULT_SPECTOR_PROPS = { spector: import_core12.log.get("spector") || import_core12.log.get("spectorjs") }; var SPECTOR_CDN_URL = "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/spectorjs@0.9.30/dist/spector.bundle.js"; var LOG_LEVEL = 1; var spector = null; var initialized = false; async function loadSpectorJS(props) { if (!globalThis.SPECTOR) { try { await (0, import_core12.loadScript)(SPECTOR_CDN_URL); } catch (error) { import_core12.log.warn(String(error)); } } } function initializeSpectorJS(props) { props = { ...DEFAULT_SPECTOR_PROPS, ...props }; if (!props?.spector) { return null; } if (!spector && globalThis.SPECTOR) { import_core12.log.probe(LOG_LEVEL, "SPECTOR found and initialized")(); spector = new globalThis.SPECTOR.Spector(); if (globalThis.luma) { globalThis.luma.spector = spector; } } if (!spector) { return null; } if (!initialized) { initialized = true; spector.spyCanvases(); spector?.onCaptureStarted.add( (capture) => import_core12.log.info("Spector capture started:", capture)() ); spector?.onCapture.add((capture) => { import_core12.log.info("Spector capture complete:", capture)(); spector?.getResultUI(); spector?.resultView.display(); spector?.resultView.addCapture(capture); }); } if (props?.canvas) { if (typeof props.spector === "string" && props.spector !== props.canvas.id) { return spector; } spector?.startCapture(props?.canvas, 500); new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 2e3)).then((_) => { import_core12.log.info("Spector capture stopped after 2 seconds")(); spector?.stopCapture(); }); } return spector; } // src/context/debug/webgl-developer-tools.ts var import_core13 = __toESM(require_core(), 1); // ../../node_modules/@probe.gl/env/dist/lib/globals.js var document_ = globalThis.document || {}; var process_ = globalThis.process || {}; var console_ = globalThis.console; var navigator_ = globalThis.navigator || {}; // ../../node_modules/@probe.gl/env/dist/lib/is-electron.js function isElectron(mockUserAgent) { if (typeof window !== "undefined" && window.process?.type === "renderer") { return true; } if (typeof process !== "undefined" && Boolean(process.versions?.["electron"])) { return true; } const realUserAgent = typeof navigator !== "undefined" && navigator.userAgent; const userAgent = mockUserAgent || realUserAgent; return Boolean(userAgent && userAgent.indexOf("Electron") >= 0); } // ../../node_modules/@probe.gl/env/dist/lib/is-browser.js function isBrowser() { const isNode = ( // @ts-expect-error typeof process === "object" && String(process) === "[object process]" && !process?.browser ); return !isNode || isElectron(); } // ../../node_modules/@probe.gl/env/dist/lib/get-browser.js function getBrowser(mockUserAgent) { if (!mockUserAgent && !isBrowser()) { return "Node"; } if (isElectron(mockUserAgent)) { return "Electron"; } const userAgent = mockUserAgent || navigator_.userAgent || ""; if (userAgent.indexOf("Edge") > -1) { return "Edge"; } if (globalThis.chrome) { return "Chrome"; } if (globalThis.safari) { return "Safari"; } if (globalThis.mozInnerScreenX) { return "Firefox"; } return "Unknown"; } // src/context/debug/webgl-developer-tools.ts var WEBGL_DEBUG_CDN_URL = "https://unpkg.com/webgl-debug@2.0.1/index.js"; function getWebGLContextData(gl) { gl.luma = gl.luma || {}; return gl.luma; } async function loadWebGLDeveloperTools() { if (isBrowser() && !globalThis.WebGLDebugUtils) { globalThis.global = globalThis.global || globalThis; globalThis.global.module = {}; await (0, import_core13.loadScript)(WEBGL_DEBUG_CDN_URL); } } function makeDebugContext(gl, props = {}) { if (!gl) { return null; } return props.debug ? getDebugContext(gl, props) : getRealContext(gl); } function getRealContext(gl) { const data = getWebGLContextData(gl); return data.realContext ? data.realContext : gl; } function getDebugContext(gl, props) { if (!globalThis.WebGLDebugUtils) { import_core13.log.warn("webgl-debug not loaded")(); return gl; } const data = getWebGLContextData(gl); if (data.debugContext) { return data.debugContext; } globalThis.WebGLDebugUtils.init({ ...GLEnum, ...gl }); const glDebug = globalThis.WebGLDebugUtils.makeDebugContext( gl, onGLError.bind(null, props), onValidateGLFunc.bind(null, props) ); for (const key in GLEnum) { if (!(key in glDebug) && typeof GLEnum[key] === "number") { glDebug[key] = GLEnum[key]; } } class WebGLDebugContext { } Object.setPrototypeOf(glDebug, Object.getPrototypeOf(gl)); Object.setPrototypeOf(WebGLDebugContext, glDebug); const debugContext = Object.create(WebGLDebugContext); data.realContext = gl; data.debugContext = debugContext; debugContext.debug = true; return debugContext; } function getFunctionString(functionName, functionArgs) { functionArgs = Array.from(functionArgs).map((arg) => arg === void 0 ? "undefined" : arg); let args = globalThis.WebGLDebugUtils.glFunctionArgsToString(functionName, functionArgs); args = `${args.slice(0, 100)}${args.length > 100 ? "..." : ""}`; return `gl.${functionName}(${args})`; } function onGLError(props, err, functionName, args) { args = Array.from(args).map((arg) => arg === void 0 ? "undefined" : arg); const errorMessage = globalThis.WebGLDebugUtils.glEnumToString(err); const functionArgs = globalThis.WebGLDebugUtils.glFunctionArgsToString(functionName, args); const message2 = `${errorMessage} in gl.${functionName}(${functionArgs})`; import_core13.log.error(message2)(); debugger; if (props.throwOnError) { throw new Error(message2); } } function onValidateGLFunc(props, functionName, functionArgs) { let functionString = ""; if (import_core13.log.level >= 1) { functionString = getFunctionString(functionName, functionArgs); import_core13.log.log(1, functionString)(); } if (props.break && props.break.length > 0) { functionString = functionString || getFunctionString(functionName, functionArgs); const isBreakpoint = props.break.every( (breakOn) => functionString.indexOf(breakOn) !== -1 ); if (isBreakpoint) { debugger; } } for (const arg of functionArgs) { if (arg === void 0) { functionString = functionString || getFunctionString(functionName, functionArgs); if (props.throwOnError) { throw new Error(`Undefined argument: ${functionString}`); } else { import_core13.log.error(`Undefined argument: ${functionString}`)(); debugger; } } } } // src/adapter/resources/webgl-shader.ts var import_core14 = __toESM(require_core(), 1); // src/adapter/helpers/parse-shader-compiler-log.ts function parseShaderCompilerLog(errLog) { const lines = errLog.split(/\r?\n/); const messages = []; for (const line of lines) { if (line.length <= 1) { continue; } const segments = line.split(":"); if (segments.length === 2) { const [messageType2, message2] = segments; messages.push({ message: message2.trim(), type: getMessageType(messageType2), lineNum: 0, linePos: 0 }); continue; } const [messageType, linePosition, lineNumber, ...rest] = segments; let lineNum = parseInt(lineNumber, 10); if (isNaN(lineNum)) { lineNum = 0; } let linePos = parseInt(linePosition, 10); if (isNaN(linePos)) { linePos = 0; } messages.push({ message: rest.join(":").trim(), type: getMessageType(messageType), lineNum, linePos // TODO }); } return messages; } function getMessageType(messageType) { const MESSAGE_TYPES = ["warning", "error", "info"]; const lowerCaseType = messageType.toLowerCase(); return MESSAGE_TYPES.includes(lowerCaseType) ? lowerCaseType : "info"; } // src/adapter/resources/webgl-shader.ts var WEBGLShader = class extends import_core14.Shader { device; handle; constructor(device, props) { super(device, props); this.device = device; switch (this.props.stage) { case "vertex": this.handle = this.props.handle || this.device.gl.createShader(35633 /* VERTEX_SHADER */); break; case "fragment": this.handle = this.props.handle || this.device.gl.createShader(35632 /* FRAGMENT_SHADER */); break; default: throw new Error(this.props.stage); } this._compile(this.source); } destroy() { if (this.handle) { this.removeStats(); this.device.gl.deleteShader(this.handle); this.destroyed = true; } } async getCompilationInfo() { await this._waitForCompilationComplete(); return this.getCompilationInfoSync(); } getCompilationInfoSync() { const log9 = this.device.gl.getShaderInfoLog(this.handle); return parseShaderCompilerLog(log9); } getTranslatedSource() { const extensions = this.device.getExtension("WEBGL_debug_shaders"); const ext = extensions.WEBGL_debug_shaders; return ext?.getTranslatedShaderSource(this.handle); } // PRIVATE METHODS /** Compile a shader and get compilation status */ async _compile(source) { const addGLSLVersion = (source2) => source2.startsWith("#version ") ? source2 : `#version 100 ${source2}`; source = addGLSLVersion(source); const { gl } = this.device; gl.shaderSource(this.handle, source); gl.compileShader(this.handle); if (import_core14.log.level === 0) { this.compilationStatus = "pending"; return; } if (!this.device.features.has("compilation-status-async-webgl")) { this._getCompilationStatus(); this.debugShader(); if (this.compilationStatus === "error") { throw new Error(`GLSL compilation errors in ${this.props.stage} shader ${this.props.id}`); } return; } import_core14.log.once(1, "Shader compilation is asynchronous")(); await this._waitForCompilationComplete(); import_core14.log.info(2, `Shader ${this.id} - async compilation complete: ${this.compilationStatus}`)(); this._getCompilationStatus(); this.debugShader(); } /** Use KHR_parallel_shader_compile extension if available */ async _waitForCompilationComplete() { const waitMs = async (ms) => await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); const DELAY_MS = 10; if (!this.device.features.has("compilation-status-async-webgl")) { await waitMs(DELAY_MS); return; } const { gl } = this.device; for (; ; ) { const complete = gl.getShaderParameter(this.handle, 37297 /* COMPLETION_STATUS_KHR */); if (complete) { return; } await waitMs(DELAY_MS); } } /** * Get the shader compilation status * TODO - Load log even when no error reported, to catch warnings? * https://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/30429/how-to-detect-glsl-warnings */ _getCompilationStatus() { this.compilationStatus = this.device.gl.getShaderParameter(this.handle, 35713 /* COMPILE_STATUS */) ? "success" : "error"; } }; // src/adapter/resources/webgl-render-pass.ts var import_core15 = __toESM(require_core(), 1); var GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT = 256; var GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT = 1024; var GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT = 16384; var GL_COLOR = 6144; var COLOR_CHANNELS = [1, 2, 4, 8]; var WEBGLRenderPass = class extends import_core15.RenderPass { device; /** Parameters that should be applied before each draw call */ glParameters; constructor(device, props) { super(device, props); this.device = device; pushContextState(this.device.gl); this.setParameters(this.props.parameters); this.clear(); } end() { popContextState(this.device.gl); } pushDebugGroup(groupLabel) { } popDebugGroup() { } insertDebugMarker(markerLabel) { } // beginOcclusionQuery(queryIndex: number): void; // endOcclusionQuery(): void; // executeBundles(bundles: Iterable): void; /** * Maps RenderPass parameters to GL parameters */ setParameters(parameters = {}) { const glParameters = { ...this.glParameters }; if (this.props.framebuffer) { glParameters.framebuffer = this.props.framebuffer; } if (this.props.depthReadOnly) { glParameters.depthMask = !this.props.depthReadOnly; } glParameters.stencilMask = this.props.stencilReadOnly ? 0 : 1; glParameters[35977 /* RASTERIZER_DISCARD */] = this.props.discard; if (parameters.viewport) { if (parameters.viewport.length >= 6) { glParameters.viewport = parameters.viewport.slice(0, 4); glParameters.depthRange = [parameters.viewport[4], parameters.viewport[5]]; } else { glParameters.viewport = parameters.viewport; } } if (parameters.scissorRect) { glParameters.scissorTest = true; glParameters.scissor = parameters.scissorRect; } if (parameters.blendConstant) { glParameters.blendColor = parameters.blendConstant; } if (parameters.stencilReference) { console.warn("RenderPassParameters.stencilReference not yet implemented in WebGL"); parameters[2967 /* STENCIL_REF */] = parameters.stencilReference; } if (parameters.colorMask) { glParameters.colorMask = COLOR_CHANNELS.map( (channel) => Boolean(channel & parameters.colorMask) ); } this.glParameters = glParameters; setGLParameters(this.device.gl, glParameters); } beginOcclusionQuery(queryIndex) { const webglQuerySet = this.props.occlusionQuerySet; webglQuerySet?.beginOcclusionQuery(); } endOcclusionQuery() { const webglQuerySet = this.props.occlusionQuerySet; webglQuerySet?.endOcclusionQuery(); } // PRIVATE /** * Optionally clears depth, color and stencil buffers based on parameters */ clear() { const glParameters = { ...this.glParameters }; let clearMask = 0; if (this.props.clearColor !== false) { clearMask |= GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT; glParameters.clearColor = this.props.clearColor; } if (this.props.clearDepth !== false) { clearMask |= GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT; glParameters.clearDepth = this.props.clearDepth; } if (this.props.clearStencil !== false) { clearMask |= GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT; glParameters.clearStencil = this.props.clearStencil; } if (clearMask !== 0) { withGLParameters(this.device.gl, glParameters, () => { this.device.gl.clear(clearMask); }); } } /** * WebGL2 - clear a specific color buffer */ clearColorBuffer(drawBuffer = 0, value = [0, 0, 0, 0]) { withGLParameters(this.device.gl, { framebuffer: this.props.framebuffer }, () => { switch (value.constructor) { case Int32Array: this.device.gl.clearBufferiv(GL_COLOR, drawBuffer, value); break; case Uint32Array: this.device.gl.clearBufferuiv(GL_COLOR, drawBuffer, value); break; case Float32Array: default: this.device.gl.clearBufferfv(GL_COLOR, drawBuffer, value); break; } }); } // clearDepthStencil() { // const GL_DEPTH = 0x1801; // const GL_STENCIL = 0x1802; // const GL_DEPTH_STENCIL = 0x84f9; // case GL_DEPTH: // this.device.gl.clearBufferfv(GL_DEPTH, 0, [value]); // break; // case GL_STENCIL: // this.device.gl.clearBufferiv(GL_STENCIL, 0, [value]); // break; // case GL_DEPTH_STENCIL: // const [depth, stencil] = value; // this.device.gl.clearBufferfi(GL_DEPTH_STENCIL, 0, depth, stencil); // break; // default: // assert(false, ERR_ARGUMENTS); // } // }); }; // src/adapter/resources/webgl-render-pipeline.ts var import_core17 = __toESM(require_core(), 1); var import_core18 = __toESM(require_core(), 1); // src/classic/accessor.ts var import_core16 = __toESM(require_core(), 1); // src/classic/typed-array-utils.ts var ERR_TYPE_DEDUCTION = "Failed to deduce GL constant from typed array"; function getGLTypeFromTypedArray(arrayOrType) { const type = ArrayBuffer.isView(arrayOrType) ? arrayOrType.constructor : arrayOrType; switch (type) { case Float32Array: return 5126 /* FLOAT */; case Uint16Array: return 5123 /* UNSIGNED_SHORT */; case Uint32Array: return 5125 /* UNSIGNED_INT */; case Uint8Array: return 5121 /* UNSIGNED_BYTE */; case Uint8ClampedArray: return 5121 /* UNSIGNED_BYTE */; case Int8Array: return 5120 /* BYTE */; case Int16Array: return 5122 /* SHORT */; case Int32Array: return 5124 /* INT */; default: throw new Error(ERR_TYPE_DEDUCTION); } } function getTypedArrayFromGLType(glType, options) { const { clamped = true } = options || {}; switch (glType) { case 5126 /* FLOAT */: return Float32Array; case 5123 /* UNSIGNED_SHORT */: case 33635 /* UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5 */: case 32819 /* UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4 */: case 32820 /* UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1 */: return Uint16Array; case 5125 /* UNSIGNED_INT */: return Uint32Array; case 5121 /* UNSIGNED_BYTE */: return clamped ? Uint8ClampedArray : Uint8Array; case 5120 /* BYTE */: return Int8Array; case 5122 /* SHORT */: return Int16Array; case 5124 /* INT */: return Int32Array; default: throw new Error("Failed to deduce typed array type from GL constant"); } } // src/classic/accessor.ts var DEFAULT_ACCESSOR_VALUES = { offset: 0, stride: 0, type: 5126 /* FLOAT */, size: 1, divisor: 0, normalized: false, integer: false }; var PROP_CHECKS = { deprecatedProps: { instanced: "divisor", isInstanced: "divisor" } }; var Accessor = class { offset; stride; type; size; divisor; normalized; integer; buffer; index; static getBytesPerElement(accessor) { const ArrayType = getTypedArrayFromGLType(accessor.type || 5126 /* FLOAT */); return ArrayType.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT; } static getBytesPerVertex(accessor) { (0, import_core16.assert)(accessor.size); const ArrayType = getTypedArrayFromGLType(accessor.type || 5126 /* FLOAT */); return ArrayType.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT * accessor.size; } // Combines (merges) a list of accessors. On top of default values // Usually [programAccessor, bufferAccessor, appAccessor] // All props will be set in the returned object. // TODO check for conflicts between values in the supplied accessors static resolve(...accessors) { return new Accessor(...[DEFAULT_ACCESSOR_VALUES, ...accessors]); } constructor(...accessors) { accessors.forEach((accessor) => this._assign(accessor)); Object.freeze(this); } toString() { return JSON.stringify(this); } // ACCESSORS // TODO - remove> get BYTES_PER_ELEMENT() { return Accessor.getBytesPerElement(this); } get BYTES_PER_VERTEX() { return Accessor.getBytesPerVertex(this); } // PRIVATE // eslint-disable-next-line complexity, max-statements _assign(props = {}) { props = (0, import_core16.checkProps)("Accessor", props, PROP_CHECKS); if (props.type !== void 0) { this.type = props.type; if (props.type === 5124 /* INT */ || props.type === 5125 /* UNSIGNED_INT */) { this.integer = true; } } if (props.size !== void 0) { this.size = props.size; } if (props.offset !== void 0) { this.offset = props.offset; } if (props.stride !== void 0) { this.stride = props.stride; } if (props.normalize !== void 0) { this.normalized = props.normalize; } if (props.normalized !== void 0) { this.normalized = props.normalized; } if (props.integer !== void 0) { this.integer = props.integer; } if (props.divisor !== void 0) { this.divisor = props.divisor; } if (props.buffer !== void 0) { this.buffer = props.buffer; } if (props.index !== void 0) { if (typeof props.index === "boolean") { this.index = props.index ? 1 : 0; } else { this.index = props.index; } } if (props.instanced !== void 0) { this.divisor = props.instanced ? 1 : 0; } if (props.isInstanced !== void 0) { this.divisor = props.isInstanced ? 1 : 0; } if (this.offset === void 0) delete this.offset; if (this.stride === void 0) delete this.stride; if (this.type === void 0) delete this.type; if (this.size === void 0) delete this.size; if (this.divisor === void 0) delete this.divisor; if (this.normalized === void 0) delete this.normalized; if (this.integer === void 0) delete this.integer; if (this.buffer === void 0) delete this.buffer; if (this.index === void 0) delete this.index; return this; } }; // src/adapter/helpers/decode-webgl-types.ts function isSamplerUniform(type) { return SAMPLER_TYPES.includes(type); } var SAMPLER_TYPES = [ 35678 /* SAMPLER_2D */, 35680 /* SAMPLER_CUBE */, 35679 /* SAMPLER_3D */, 35682 /* SAMPLER_2D_SHADOW */, 36289 /* SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY */, 36292 /* SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY_SHADOW */, 36293 /* SAMPLER_CUBE_SHADOW */, 36298 /* INT_SAMPLER_2D */, 36299 /* INT_SAMPLER_3D */, 36300 /* INT_SAMPLER_CUBE */, 36303 /* INT_SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY */, 36306 /* UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_2D */, 36307 /* UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_3D */, 36308 /* UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_CUBE */, 36311 /* UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY */ ]; var COMPOSITE_GL_TYPES = { [5126 /* FLOAT */]: [5126 /* FLOAT */, 1, "float", "f32", "float32"], [35664 /* FLOAT_VEC2 */]: [5126 /* FLOAT */, 2, "vec2", "vec2", "float32x2"], [35665 /* FLOAT_VEC3 */]: [5126 /* FLOAT */, 3, "vec3", "vec3", "float32x3"], [35666 /* FLOAT_VEC4 */]: [5126 /* FLOAT */, 4, "vec4", "vec4", "float32x4"], [5124 /* INT */]: [5124 /* INT */, 1, "int", "i32", "sint32"], [35667 /* INT_VEC2 */]: [5124 /* INT */, 2, "ivec2", "vec2", "sint32x2"], [35668 /* INT_VEC3 */]: [5124 /* INT */, 3, "ivec3", "vec3", "sint32x3"], [35669 /* INT_VEC4 */]: [5124 /* INT */, 4, "ivec4", "vec4", "sint32x4"], [5125 /* UNSIGNED_INT */]: [5125 /* UNSIGNED_INT */, 1, "uint", "u32", "uint32"], [36294 /* UNSIGNED_INT_VEC2 */]: [5125 /* UNSIGNED_INT */, 2, "uvec2", "vec2", "uint32x2"], [36295 /* UNSIGNED_INT_VEC3 */]: [5125 /* UNSIGNED_INT */, 3, "uvec3", "vec3", "uint32x3"], [36296 /* UNSIGNED_INT_VEC4 */]: [5125 /* UNSIGNED_INT */, 4, "uvec4", "vec4", "uint32x4"], [35670 /* BOOL */]: [5126 /* FLOAT */, 1, "bool", "f32", "float32"], [35671 /* BOOL_VEC2 */]: [5126 /* FLOAT */, 2, "bvec2", "vec2", "float32x2"], [35672 /* BOOL_VEC3 */]: [5126 /* FLOAT */, 3, "bvec3", "vec3", "float32x3"], [35673 /* BOOL_VEC4 */]: [5126 /* FLOAT */, 4, "bvec4", "vec4", "float32x4"], // TODO - are sizes/components below correct? [35674 /* FLOAT_MAT2 */]: [5126 /* FLOAT */, 8, "mat2", "mat2x2"], // 4 [35685 /* FLOAT_MAT2x3 */]: [5126 /* FLOAT */, 8, "mat2x3", "mat2x3"], // 6 [35686 /* FLOAT_MAT2x4 */]: [5126 /* FLOAT */, 8, "mat2x4", "mat2x4"], // 8 [35687 /* FLOAT_MAT3x2 */]: [5126 /* FLOAT */, 12, "mat3x2", "mat3x2"], // 6 [35675 /* FLOAT_MAT3 */]: [5126 /* FLOAT */, 12, "mat3", "mat3x3"], // 9 [35688 /* FLOAT_MAT3x4 */]: [5126 /* FLOAT */, 12, "mat3x4", "mat3x4"], // 12 [35689 /* FLOAT_MAT4x2 */]: [5126 /* FLOAT */, 16, "mat4x2", "mat4x2"], // 8 [35690 /* FLOAT_MAT4x3 */]: [5126 /* FLOAT */, 16, "mat4x3", "mat4x3"], // 12 [35676 /* FLOAT_MAT4 */]: [5126 /* FLOAT */, 16, "mat4", "mat4x4"] // 16 }; function decodeGLUniformType(glUniformType) { const typeAndSize = COMPOSITE_GL_TYPES[glUniformType]; if (!typeAndSize) { throw new Error("uniform"); } const [glType, components, , format] = typeAndSize; return { format, components, glType }; } function decodeGLAttributeType(glAttributeType) { const typeAndSize = COMPOSITE_GL_TYPES[glAttributeType]; if (!typeAndSize) { throw new Error("attribute"); } const [, components, , shaderType, vertexFormat] = typeAndSize; const attributeType = shaderType; return { attributeType, vertexFormat, components }; } // src/adapter/helpers/get-shader-layout.ts function getShaderLayout(gl, program) { const shaderLayout = { attributes: [], bindings: [] }; shaderLayout.attributes = readAttributeDeclarations(gl, program); const uniformBlocks = readUniformBlocks(gl, program); for (const uniformBlock of uniformBlocks) { const uniforms2 = uniformBlock.uniforms.map((uniform) => ({ name: uniform.name, format: uniform.format, byteOffset: uniform.byteOffset, byteStride: uniform.byteStride, arrayLength: uniform.arrayLength })); shaderLayout.bindings.push({ type: "uniform", name: uniformBlock.name, location: uniformBlock.location, visibility: (uniformBlock.vertex ? 1 : 0) & (uniformBlock.fragment ? 2 : 0), minBindingSize: uniformBlock.byteLength, uniforms: uniforms2 }); } const uniforms = readUniformBindings(gl, program); let textureUnit = 0; for (const uniform of uniforms) { if (isSamplerUniform(uniform.type)) { const { viewDimension, sampleType } = getSamplerInfo(uniform.type); shaderLayout.bindings.push({ type: "texture", name: uniform.name, location: textureUnit, viewDimension, sampleType }); uniform.textureUnit = textureUnit; textureUnit += 1; } } if (uniforms.length) { shaderLayout.uniforms = uniforms; } const varyings = readVaryings(gl, program); if (varyings?.length) { shaderLayout.varyings = varyings; } return shaderLayout; } function readAttributeDeclarations(gl, program) { const attributes = []; const count = gl.getProgramParameter(program, gl.ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES); for (let index = 0; index < count; index++) { const activeInfo = gl.getActiveAttrib(program, index); if (!activeInfo) { throw new Error("activeInfo"); } const { name, type: compositeType /* , size*/ } = activeInfo; const location = gl.getAttribLocation(program, name); if (location >= 0) { const { attributeType } = decodeGLAttributeType(compositeType); const stepMode = /instance/i.test(name) ? "instance" : "vertex"; attributes.push({ name, location, stepMode, type: attributeType // size - for arrays, size is the number of elements in the array }); } } attributes.sort((a, b) => a.location - b.location); return attributes; } function readVaryings(gl, program) { const varyings = []; const count = gl.getProgramParameter(program, 35971 /* TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_VARYINGS */); for (let location = 0; location < count; location++) { const activeInfo = gl.getTransformFeedbackVarying(program, location); if (!activeInfo) { throw new Error("activeInfo"); } const { name, type: compositeType, size } = activeInfo; const { glType, components } = decodeGLUniformType(compositeType); const accessor = new Accessor({ type: glType, size: size * components }); const varying = { location, name, accessor }; varyings.push(varying); } varyings.sort((a, b) => a.location - b.location); return varyings; } function readUniformBindings(gl, program) { const uniforms = []; const uniformCount = gl.getProgramParameter(program, 35718 /* ACTIVE_UNIFORMS */); for (let i = 0; i < uniformCount; i++) { const activeInfo = gl.getActiveUniform(program, i); if (!activeInfo) { throw new Error("activeInfo"); } const { name: rawName, size, type } = activeInfo; const { name, isArray: isArray2 } = parseUniformName(rawName); let webglLocation = gl.getUniformLocation(program, name); const uniformInfo = { // WebGL locations are uniquely typed but just numbers location: webglLocation, name, size, type, isArray: isArray2 }; uniforms.push(uniformInfo); if (uniformInfo.size > 1) { for (let j = 0; j < uniformInfo.size; j++) { const elementName = `${name}[${j}]`; webglLocation = gl.getUniformLocation(program, elementName); const arrayElementUniformInfo = { ...uniformInfo, name: elementName, location: webglLocation }; uniforms.push(arrayElementUniformInfo); } } } return uniforms; } function readUniformBlocks(gl, program) { const getBlockParameter = (blockIndex, pname) => gl.getActiveUniformBlockParameter(program, blockIndex, pname); const uniformBlocks = []; const blockCount = gl.getProgramParameter(program, 35382 /* ACTIVE_UNIFORM_BLOCKS */); for (let blockIndex = 0; blockIndex < blockCount; blockIndex++) { const blockInfo = { name: gl.getActiveUniformBlockName(program, blockIndex) || "", location: getBlockParameter(blockIndex, 35391 /* UNIFORM_BLOCK_BINDING */), byteLength: getBlockParameter(blockIndex, 35392 /* UNIFORM_BLOCK_DATA_SIZE */), vertex: getBlockParameter(blockIndex, 35396 /* UNIFORM_BLOCK_REFERENCED_BY_VERTEX_SHADER */), fragment: getBlockParameter(blockIndex, 35398 /* UNIFORM_BLOCK_REFERENCED_BY_FRAGMENT_SHADER */), uniformCount: getBlockParameter(blockIndex, 35394 /* UNIFORM_BLOCK_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS */), uniforms: [] }; const uniformIndices = getBlockParameter(blockIndex, 35395 /* UNIFORM_BLOCK_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_INDICES */) || []; const uniformType = gl.getActiveUniforms(program, uniformIndices, 35383 /* UNIFORM_TYPE */); const uniformArrayLength = gl.getActiveUniforms(program, uniformIndices, 35384 /* UNIFORM_SIZE */); const uniformOffset = gl.getActiveUniforms(program, uniformIndices, 35387 /* UNIFORM_OFFSET */); const uniformStride = gl.getActiveUniforms(program, uniformIndices, 35388 /* UNIFORM_ARRAY_STRIDE */); for (let i = 0; i < blockInfo.uniformCount; ++i) { const activeInfo = gl.getActiveUniform(program, uniformIndices[i]); if (!activeInfo) { throw new Error("activeInfo"); } blockInfo.uniforms.push({ name: activeInfo.name, format: decodeGLUniformType(uniformType[i]).format, type: uniformType[i], arrayLength: uniformArrayLength[i], byteOffset: uniformOffset[i], byteStride: uniformStride[i] // matrixStride: uniformStride[i], // rowMajor: uniformRowMajor[i] }); } uniformBlocks.push(blockInfo); } uniformBlocks.sort((a, b) => a.location - b.location); return uniformBlocks; } var SAMPLER_UNIFORMS_GL_TO_GPU = { [35678 /* SAMPLER_2D */]: ["2d", "float"], [35680 /* SAMPLER_CUBE */]: ["cube", "float"], [35679 /* SAMPLER_3D */]: ["3d", "float"], [35682 /* SAMPLER_2D_SHADOW */]: ["3d", "depth"], [36289 /* SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY */]: ["2d-array", "float"], [36292 /* SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY_SHADOW */]: ["2d-array", "depth"], [36293 /* SAMPLER_CUBE_SHADOW */]: ["cube", "float"], [36298 /* INT_SAMPLER_2D */]: ["2d", "sint"], [36299 /* INT_SAMPLER_3D */]: ["3d", "sint"], [36300 /* INT_SAMPLER_CUBE */]: ["cube", "sint"], [36303 /* INT_SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY */]: ["2d-array", "uint"], [36306 /* UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_2D */]: ["2d", "uint"], [36307 /* UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_3D */]: ["3d", "uint"], [36308 /* UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_CUBE */]: ["cube", "uint"], [36311 /* UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY */]: ["2d-array", "uint"] }; function getSamplerInfo(type) { const sampler = SAMPLER_UNIFORMS_GL_TO_GPU[type]; if (!sampler) { throw new Error("sampler"); } const [viewDimension, sampleType] = sampler; return { viewDimension, sampleType }; } function parseUniformName(name) { if (name[name.length - 1] !== "]") { return { name, length: 1, isArray: false }; } const UNIFORM_NAME_REGEXP = /([^[]*)(\[[0-9]+\])?/; const matches = UNIFORM_NAME_REGEXP.exec(name); if (!matches || matches.length < 2) { throw new Error(`Failed to parse GLSL uniform name ${name}`); } return { name: matches[1], length: matches[2] ? 1 : 0, isArray: Boolean(matches[2]) }; } // src/adapter/helpers/set-uniform.ts function setUniform(gl, location, type, value) { const gl2 = gl; let uniformValue = value; if (uniformValue === true) { uniformValue = 1; } if (uniformValue === false) { uniformValue = 0; } const arrayValue = typeof uniformValue === "number" ? [uniformValue] : uniformValue; switch (type) { case 35678 /* SAMPLER_2D */: case 35680 /* SAMPLER_CUBE */: case 35679 /* SAMPLER_3D */: case 35682 /* SAMPLER_2D_SHADOW */: case 36289 /* SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY */: case 36292 /* SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY_SHADOW */: case 36293 /* SAMPLER_CUBE_SHADOW */: case 36298 /* INT_SAMPLER_2D */: case 36299 /* INT_SAMPLER_3D */: case 36300 /* INT_SAMPLER_CUBE */: case 36303 /* INT_SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY */: case 36306 /* UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_2D */: case 36307 /* UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_3D */: case 36308 /* UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_CUBE */: case 36311 /* UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY */: if (typeof value !== "number") { throw new Error("samplers must be set to integers"); } return gl.uniform1i(location, value); case 5126 /* FLOAT */: return gl.uniform1fv(location, arrayValue); case 35664 /* FLOAT_VEC2 */: return gl.uniform2fv(location, arrayValue); case 35665 /* FLOAT_VEC3 */: return gl.uniform3fv(location, arrayValue); case 35666 /* FLOAT_VEC4 */: return gl.uniform4fv(location, arrayValue); case 5124 /* INT */: return gl.uniform1iv(location, arrayValue); case 35667 /* INT_VEC2 */: return gl.uniform2iv(location, arrayValue); case 35668 /* INT_VEC3 */: return gl.uniform3iv(location, arrayValue); case 35669 /* INT_VEC4 */: return gl.uniform4iv(location, arrayValue); case 35670 /* BOOL */: return gl.uniform1iv(location, arrayValue); case 35671 /* BOOL_VEC2 */: return gl.uniform2iv(location, arrayValue); case 35672 /* BOOL_VEC3 */: return gl.uniform3iv(location, arrayValue); case 35673 /* BOOL_VEC4 */: return gl.uniform4iv(location, arrayValue); case 5125 /* UNSIGNED_INT */: return gl2.uniform1uiv(location, arrayValue, 1); case 36294 /* UNSIGNED_INT_VEC2 */: return gl2.uniform2uiv(location, arrayValue, 2); case 36295 /* UNSIGNED_INT_VEC3 */: return gl2.uniform3uiv(location, arrayValue, 3); case 36296 /* UNSIGNED_INT_VEC4 */: return gl2.uniform4uiv(location, arrayValue, 4); case 35674 /* FLOAT_MAT2 */: return gl.uniformMatrix2fv(location, false, arrayValue); case 35675 /* FLOAT_MAT3 */: return gl.uniformMatrix3fv(location, false, arrayValue); case 35676 /* FLOAT_MAT4 */: return gl.uniformMatrix4fv(location, false, arrayValue); case 35685 /* FLOAT_MAT2x3 */: return gl2.uniformMatrix2x3fv(location, false, arrayValue); case 35686 /* FLOAT_MAT2x4 */: return gl2.uniformMatrix2x4fv(location, false, arrayValue); case 35687 /* FLOAT_MAT3x2 */: return gl2.uniformMatrix3x2fv(location, false, arrayValue); case 35688 /* FLOAT_MAT3x4 */: return gl2.uniformMatrix3x4fv(location, false, arrayValue); case 35689 /* FLOAT_MAT4x2 */: return gl2.uniformMatrix4x2fv(location, false, arrayValue); case 35690 /* FLOAT_MAT4x3 */: return gl2.uniformMatrix4x3fv(location, false, arrayValue); } throw new Error("Illegal uniform"); } // src/adapter/helpers/webgl-topology-utils.ts function getGLDrawMode(topology) { switch (topology) { case "point-list": return 0 /* POINTS */; case "line-list": return 1 /* LINES */; case "line-strip": return 3 /* LINE_STRIP */; case "line-loop-webgl": return 2 /* LINE_LOOP */; case "triangle-list": return 4 /* TRIANGLES */; case "triangle-strip": return 5 /* TRIANGLE_STRIP */; case "triangle-fan-webgl": return 6 /* TRIANGLE_FAN */; default: throw new Error(topology); } } function getGLPrimitive(topology) { switch (topology) { case "point-list": return 0 /* POINTS */; case "line-list": return 1 /* LINES */; case "line-strip": return 1 /* LINES */; case "line-loop-webgl": return 1 /* LINES */; case "triangle-list": return 4 /* TRIANGLES */; case "triangle-strip": return 4 /* TRIANGLES */; case "triangle-fan-webgl": return 4 /* TRIANGLES */; default: throw new Error(topology); } } // src/adapter/resources/webgl-render-pipeline.ts var LOG_PROGRAM_PERF_PRIORITY = 4; var WEBGLRenderPipeline = class extends import_core17.RenderPipeline { /** The WebGL device that created this render pipeline */ device; /** Handle to underlying WebGL program */ handle; /** vertex shader */ vs; /** fragment shader */ fs; /** The layout extracted from shader by WebGL introspection APIs */ introspectedLayout; /** Uniforms set on this model */ uniforms = {}; /** Bindings set on this model */ bindings = {}; /** WebGL varyings */ varyings = null; _uniformCount = 0; _uniformSetters = {}; // TODO are these used? constructor(device, props) { super(device, props); this.device = device; this.handle = this.props.handle || this.device.gl.createProgram(); this.device.setSpectorMetadata(this.handle, { id: this.props.id }); this.vs = (0, import_core17.cast)(props.vs); this.fs = (0, import_core17.cast)(props.fs); const { varyings, bufferMode = 35981 /* SEPARATE_ATTRIBS */ } = props; if (varyings && varyings.length > 0) { this.varyings = varyings; this.device.gl.transformFeedbackVaryings(this.handle, varyings, bufferMode); } this._linkShaders(); import_core17.log.time(1, `RenderPipeline ${this.id} - shaderLayout introspection`)(); this.introspectedLayout = getShaderLayout(this.device.gl, this.handle); import_core17.log.timeEnd(1, `RenderPipeline ${this.id} - shaderLayout introspection`)(); this.shaderLayout = (0, import_core18.mergeShaderLayout)(this.introspectedLayout, props.shaderLayout); switch (this.props.topology) { case "triangle-fan-webgl": case "line-loop-webgl": import_core17.log.warn( `Primitive topology ${this.props.topology} is deprecated and will be removed in v9.1` ); break; default: } } destroy() { if (this.handle) { this.device.gl.deleteProgram(this.handle); this.destroyed = true; } } /** * Bindings include: textures, samplers and uniform buffers * @todo needed for portable model */ setBindings(bindings, options) { for (const [name, value] of Object.entries(bindings)) { const binding = this.shaderLayout.bindings.find((binding2) => binding2.name === name) || this.shaderLayout.bindings.find((binding2) => binding2.name === `${name}Uniforms`); if (!binding) { const validBindings = this.shaderLayout.bindings.map((binding2) => `"${binding2.name}"`).join(", "); if (!options?.disableWarnings) { import_core17.log.warn( `Unknown binding "${name}" in render pipeline "${this.id}", expected one of ${validBindings}` )(); } continue; } if (!value) { import_core17.log.warn(`Unsetting binding "${name}" in render pipeline "${this.id}"`)(); } switch (binding.type) { case "uniform": if (!(value instanceof WEBGLBuffer) && !(value.buffer instanceof WEBGLBuffer)) { throw new Error("buffer value"); } break; case "texture": if (!(value instanceof WEBGLTextureView || value instanceof WEBGLTexture || value instanceof WEBGLFramebuffer)) { throw new Error("texture value"); } break; case "sampler": import_core17.log.warn(`Ignoring sampler ${name}`)(); break; default: throw new Error(binding.type); } this.bindings[name] = value; } } /** @todo needed for portable model * @note The WebGL API is offers many ways to draw things * This function unifies those ways into a single call using common parameters with sane defaults */ draw(options) { const { renderPass, parameters = this.props.parameters, topology = this.props.topology, vertexArray, vertexCount, // indexCount, instanceCount, isInstanced = false, firstVertex = 0, // firstIndex, // firstInstance, // baseVertex, transformFeedback } = options; const glDrawMode = getGLDrawMode(topology); const isIndexed = Boolean(vertexArray.indexBuffer); const glIndexType = vertexArray.indexBuffer?.glIndexType; if (this.linkStatus !== "success") { import_core17.log.info(2, `RenderPipeline:${this.id}.draw() aborted - waiting for shader linking`)(); return false; } if (!this._areTexturesRenderable() || vertexCount === 0) { import_core17.log.info(2, `RenderPipeline:${this.id}.draw() aborted - textures not yet loaded`)(); return false; } if (vertexCount === 0) { import_core17.log.info(2, `RenderPipeline:${this.id}.draw() aborted - no vertices to draw`)(); return true; } this.device.gl.useProgram(this.handle); vertexArray.bindBeforeRender(renderPass); if (transformFeedback) { transformFeedback.begin(this.props.topology); } this._applyBindings(); this._applyUniforms(); const webglRenderPass = renderPass; withDeviceAndGLParameters(this.device, parameters, webglRenderPass.glParameters, () => { if (isIndexed && isInstanced) { this.device.gl.drawElementsInstanced( glDrawMode, vertexCount || 0, // indexCount? glIndexType, firstVertex, instanceCount || 0 ); } else if (isIndexed) { this.device.gl.drawElements(glDrawMode, vertexCount || 0, glIndexType, firstVertex); } else if (isInstanced) { this.device.gl.drawArraysInstanced( glDrawMode, firstVertex, vertexCount || 0, instanceCount || 0 ); } else { this.device.gl.drawArrays(glDrawMode, firstVertex, vertexCount || 0); } if (transformFeedback) { transformFeedback.end(); } }); vertexArray.unbindAfterRender(renderPass); return true; } // DEPRECATED METHODS setUniformsWebGL(uniforms) { const { bindings } = (0, import_core17.splitUniformsAndBindings)(uniforms); Object.keys(bindings).forEach((name) => { import_core17.log.warn( `Unsupported value "${JSON.stringify( bindings[name] )}" used in setUniforms() for key ${name}. Use setBindings() instead?` )(); }); Object.assign(this.uniforms, uniforms); } // PRIVATE METHODS // setAttributes(attributes: Record): void {} // setBindings(bindings: Record): void {} async _linkShaders() { const { gl } = this.device; gl.attachShader(this.handle, this.vs.handle); gl.attachShader(this.handle, this.fs.handle); import_core17.log.time(LOG_PROGRAM_PERF_PRIORITY, `linkProgram for ${this.id}`)(); gl.linkProgram(this.handle); import_core17.log.timeEnd(LOG_PROGRAM_PERF_PRIORITY, `linkProgram for ${this.id}`)(); if (import_core17.log.level === 0) { } if (!this.device.features.has("compilation-status-async-webgl")) { const status2 = this._getLinkStatus(); this._reportLinkStatus(status2); return; } import_core17.log.once(1, "RenderPipeline linking is asynchronous")(); await this._waitForLinkComplete(); import_core17.log.info(2, `RenderPipeline ${this.id} - async linking complete: ${this.linkStatus}`)(); const status = this._getLinkStatus(); this._reportLinkStatus(status); } /** Report link status. First, check for shader compilation failures if linking fails */ _reportLinkStatus(status) { switch (status) { case "success": return; default: if (this.vs.compilationStatus === "error") { this.vs.debugShader(); throw new Error(`Error during compilation of shader ${this.vs.id}`); } if (this.fs?.compilationStatus === "error") { this.fs.debugShader(); throw new Error(`Error during compilation of shader ${this.fs.id}`); } throw new Error(`Error during ${status}: ${this.device.gl.getProgramInfoLog(this.handle)}`); } } /** * Get the shader compilation status * TODO - Load log even when no error reported, to catch warnings? * https://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/30429/how-to-detect-glsl-warnings */ _getLinkStatus() { const { gl } = this.device; const linked = gl.getProgramParameter(this.handle, gl.LINK_STATUS); if (!linked) { this.linkStatus = "error"; return "linking"; } gl.validateProgram(this.handle); const validated = gl.getProgramParameter(this.handle, gl.VALIDATE_STATUS); if (!validated) { this.linkStatus = "error"; return "validation"; } this.linkStatus = "success"; return "success"; } /** Use KHR_parallel_shader_compile extension if available */ async _waitForLinkComplete() { const waitMs = async (ms) => await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); const DELAY_MS = 10; if (!this.device.features.has("compilation-status-async-webgl")) { await waitMs(DELAY_MS); return; } const { gl } = this.device; for (; ; ) { const complete = gl.getProgramParameter(this.handle, 37297 /* COMPLETION_STATUS_KHR */); if (complete) { return; } await waitMs(DELAY_MS); } } /** * Checks if all texture-values uniforms are renderable (i.e. loaded) * Update a texture if needed (e.g. from video) * Note: This is currently done before every draw call */ _areTexturesRenderable() { let texturesRenderable = true; for (const [, texture] of Object.entries(this.bindings)) { if (texture instanceof WEBGLTexture) { texture.update(); texturesRenderable = texturesRenderable && texture.loaded; } } return texturesRenderable; } /** Apply any bindings (before each draw call) */ _applyBindings() { if (this.linkStatus !== "success") { return; } const { gl } = this.device; gl.useProgram(this.handle); let textureUnit = 0; let uniformBufferIndex = 0; for (const binding of this.shaderLayout.bindings) { const value = this.bindings[binding.name] || this.bindings[binding.name.replace(/Uniforms$/, "")]; if (!value) { throw new Error(`No value for binding ${binding.name} in ${this.id}`); } switch (binding.type) { case "uniform": const { name } = binding; const location = gl.getUniformBlockIndex(this.handle, name); if (location === 4294967295 /* INVALID_INDEX */) { throw new Error(`Invalid uniform block name ${name}`); } gl.uniformBlockBinding(this.handle, uniformBufferIndex, location); if (value instanceof WEBGLBuffer) { gl.bindBufferBase(35345 /* UNIFORM_BUFFER */, uniformBufferIndex, value.handle); } else { gl.bindBufferRange( 35345 /* UNIFORM_BUFFER */, uniformBufferIndex, // @ts-expect-error value.buffer.handle, // @ts-expect-error value.offset || 0, // @ts-expect-error value.size || value.buffer.byteLength - value.offset ); } uniformBufferIndex += 1; break; case "texture": if (!(value instanceof WEBGLTextureView || value instanceof WEBGLTexture || value instanceof WEBGLFramebuffer)) { throw new Error("texture"); } let texture; if (value instanceof WEBGLTextureView) { texture = value.texture; } else if (value instanceof WEBGLTexture) { texture = value; } else if (value instanceof WEBGLFramebuffer && value.colorAttachments[0] instanceof WEBGLTextureView) { import_core17.log.warn( "Passing framebuffer in texture binding may be deprecated. Use fbo.colorAttachments[0] instead" )(); texture = value.colorAttachments[0].texture; } else { throw new Error("No texture"); } gl.activeTexture(33984 /* TEXTURE0 */ + textureUnit); gl.bindTexture(texture.target, texture.handle); textureUnit += 1; break; case "sampler": break; case "storage": case "read-only-storage": throw new Error(`binding type '${binding.type}' not supported in WebGL`); } } } /** * Due to program sharing, uniforms need to be reset before every draw call * (though caching will avoid redundant WebGL calls) */ _applyUniforms() { for (const uniformLayout of this.shaderLayout.uniforms || []) { const { name, location, type, textureUnit } = uniformLayout; const value = this.uniforms[name] ?? textureUnit; if (value !== void 0) { setUniform(this.device.gl, location, type, value); } } } }; // src/adapter/resources/webgl-command-encoder.ts var import_core20 = __toESM(require_core(), 1); // src/adapter/resources/webgl-command-buffer.ts var import_core19 = __toESM(require_core(), 1); function cast2(value) { return value; } var WEBGLCommandBuffer = class extends import_core19.CommandBuffer { device; commands = []; constructor(device) { super(device, {}); this.device = device; } submitCommands(commands = this.commands) { for (const command of commands) { switch (command.name) { case "copy-buffer-to-buffer": _copyBufferToBuffer(this.device, command.options); break; case "copy-buffer-to-texture": _copyBufferToTexture(this.device, command.options); break; case "copy-texture-to-buffer": _copyTextureToBuffer(this.device, command.options); break; case "copy-texture-to-texture": _copyTextureToTexture(this.device, command.options); break; } } } }; function _copyBufferToBuffer(device, options) { const source = cast2(options.source); const destination = cast2(options.destination); device.gl.bindBuffer(36662 /* COPY_READ_BUFFER */, source.handle); device.gl.bindBuffer(36663 /* COPY_WRITE_BUFFER */, destination.handle); device.gl.copyBufferSubData( 36662 /* COPY_READ_BUFFER */, 36663 /* COPY_WRITE_BUFFER */, options.sourceOffset ?? 0, options.destinationOffset ?? 0, options.size ); device.gl.bindBuffer(36662 /* COPY_READ_BUFFER */, null); device.gl.bindBuffer(36663 /* COPY_WRITE_BUFFER */, null); } function _copyBufferToTexture(device, options) { throw new Error("Not implemented"); } function _copyTextureToBuffer(device, options) { const { /** Texture to copy to/from. */ source, /** Mip-map level of the texture to copy to/from. (Default 0) */ mipLevel = 0, /** Defines which aspects of the texture to copy to/from. */ aspect = "all", /** Width to copy */ width = options.source.width, /** Height to copy */ height = options.source.height, depthOrArrayLayers = 0, /** Defines the origin of the copy - the minimum corner of the texture sub-region to copy to/from. */ origin = [0, 0], /** Destination buffer */ destination, /** Offset, in bytes, from the beginning of the buffer to the start of the image data (default 0) */ byteOffset = 0, /** * The stride, in bytes, between the beginning of each block row and the subsequent block row. * Required if there are multiple block rows (i.e. the copy height or depth is more than one block). */ bytesPerRow, /** * Number of block rows per single image of the texture. * rowsPerImage × bytesPerRow is the stride, in bytes, between the beginning of each image of data and the subsequent image. * Required if there are multiple images (i.e. the copy depth is more than one). */ rowsPerImage } = options; if (aspect !== "all") { throw new Error("not supported"); } if (mipLevel !== 0 || depthOrArrayLayers !== 0 || bytesPerRow || rowsPerImage) { throw new Error("not implemented"); } const { framebuffer, destroyFramebuffer } = getFramebuffer(source); let prevHandle; try { const webglBuffer = destination; const sourceWidth = width || framebuffer.width; const sourceHeight = height || framebuffer.height; const sourceParams = getWebGLTextureParameters(framebuffer.texture.props.format); const sourceFormat = sourceParams.dataFormat; const sourceType = sourceParams.type; device.gl.bindBuffer(35051 /* PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER */, webglBuffer.handle); prevHandle = device.gl.bindFramebuffer(36160 /* FRAMEBUFFER */, framebuffer.handle); device.gl.readPixels( origin[0], origin[1], sourceWidth, sourceHeight, sourceFormat, sourceType, byteOffset ); } finally { device.gl.bindBuffer(35051 /* PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER */, null); if (prevHandle !== void 0) { device.gl.bindFramebuffer(36160 /* FRAMEBUFFER */, prevHandle); } if (destroyFramebuffer) { framebuffer.destroy(); } } } function _copyTextureToTexture(device, options) { const { /** Texture to copy to/from. */ source, /** Mip-map level of the texture to copy to (Default 0) */ destinationMipLevel = 0, /** Defines which aspects of the texture to copy to/from. */ // aspect = 'all', /** Defines the origin of the copy - the minimum corner of the texture sub-region to copy from. */ origin = [0, 0], /** Defines the origin of the copy - the minimum corner of the texture sub-region to copy to. */ destinationOrigin = [0, 0], /** Texture to copy to/from. */ destination /** Mip-map level of the texture to copy to/from. (Default 0) */ // destinationMipLevel = options.mipLevel, /** Defines the origin of the copy - the minimum corner of the texture sub-region to copy to/from. */ // destinationOrigin = [0, 0], /** Defines which aspects of the texture to copy to/from. */ // destinationAspect = options.aspect, } = options; let { width = options.destination.width, height = options.destination.height // depthOrArrayLayers = 0 } = options; const { framebuffer, destroyFramebuffer } = getFramebuffer(source); const [sourceX, sourceY] = origin; const [destinationX, destinationY, destinationZ] = destinationOrigin; const prevHandle = device.gl.bindFramebuffer( 36160 /* FRAMEBUFFER */, framebuffer.handle ); let texture = null; let textureTarget; if (destination instanceof WEBGLTexture) { texture = destination; width = Number.isFinite(width) ? width : texture.width; height = Number.isFinite(height) ? height : texture.height; texture.bind(0); textureTarget = texture.target; } else { throw new Error("invalid destination"); } switch (textureTarget) { case 3553 /* TEXTURE_2D */: case 34067 /* TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP */: device.gl.copyTexSubImage2D( textureTarget, destinationMipLevel, destinationX, destinationY, sourceX, sourceY, width, height ); break; case 35866 /* TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY */: case 32879 /* TEXTURE_3D */: device.gl.copyTexSubImage3D( textureTarget, destinationMipLevel, destinationX, destinationY, destinationZ, sourceX, sourceY, width, height ); break; default: } if (texture) { texture.unbind(); } device.gl.bindFramebuffer(36160 /* FRAMEBUFFER */, prevHandle); if (destroyFramebuffer) { framebuffer.destroy(); } } function getFramebuffer(source) { if (source instanceof import_core19.Texture) { const { width, height, id } = source; const framebuffer = source.device.createFramebuffer({ id: `framebuffer-for-${id}`, width, height, colorAttachments: [source] }); return { framebuffer, destroyFramebuffer: true }; } return { framebuffer: source, destroyFramebuffer: false }; } // src/adapter/resources/webgl-command-encoder.ts var WEBGLCommandEncoder = class extends import_core20.CommandEncoder { device; commandBuffer; constructor(device, props) { super(device, props); this.device = device; this.commandBuffer = new WEBGLCommandBuffer(device); } destroy() { } finish() { this.commandBuffer.submitCommands(); } // beginRenderPass(GPURenderPassDescriptor descriptor): GPURenderPassEncoder; // beginComputePass(optional GPUComputePassDescriptor descriptor = {}): GPUComputePassEncoder; // finish(options?: {id?: string}): GPUCommandBuffer; copyBufferToBuffer(options) { this.commandBuffer.commands.push({ name: "copy-buffer-to-buffer", options }); } copyBufferToTexture(options) { this.commandBuffer.commands.push({ name: "copy-buffer-to-texture", options }); } copyTextureToBuffer(options) { this.commandBuffer.commands.push({ name: "copy-texture-to-buffer", options }); } copyTextureToTexture(options) { this.commandBuffer.commands.push({ name: "copy-texture-to-texture", options }); } pushDebugGroup(groupLabel) { } popDebugGroup() { } insertDebugMarker(markerLabel) { } resolveQuerySet(querySet, destination, options) { } }; // src/adapter/resources/webgl-vertex-array.ts var import_core21 = __toESM(require_core(), 1); var WEBGLVertexArray = class extends import_core21.VertexArray { get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { return "VertexArray"; } device; handle; /** Attribute 0 buffer constant */ buffer = null; bufferValue = null; /** * Attribute 0 can not be disable on most desktop OpenGL based browsers */ static isConstantAttributeZeroSupported(device) { return getBrowser() === "Chrome"; } // Create a VertexArray constructor(device, props) { super(device, props); this.device = device; this.handle = this.device.gl.createVertexArray(); } destroy() { super.destroy(); if (this.buffer) { this.buffer?.destroy(); } if (this.handle) { this.device.gl.deleteVertexArray(this.handle); this.handle = void 0; } } /** // Set (bind/unbind) an elements buffer, for indexed rendering. // Must be a Buffer bound to GL.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER or null. Constants not supported * * @param elementBuffer */ setIndexBuffer(indexBuffer) { const buffer = indexBuffer; if (buffer && buffer.glTarget !== 34963 /* ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER */) { throw new Error("Use .setBuffer()"); } this.device.gl.bindVertexArray(this.handle); this.device.gl.bindBuffer(34963 /* ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER */, buffer ? buffer.handle : null); this.indexBuffer = buffer; this.device.gl.bindVertexArray(null); } /** Set a location in vertex attributes array to a buffer, enables the location, sets divisor */ setBuffer(location, attributeBuffer) { const buffer = attributeBuffer; if (buffer.glTarget === 34963 /* ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER */) { throw new Error("Use .setIndexBuffer()"); } const { size, type, stride, offset, normalized, integer, divisor } = this._getAccessor(location); this.device.gl.bindVertexArray(this.handle); this.device.gl.bindBuffer(34962 /* ARRAY_BUFFER */, buffer.handle); if (integer) { this.device.gl.vertexAttribIPointer(location, size, type, stride, offset); } else { this.device.gl.vertexAttribPointer(location, size, type, normalized, stride, offset); } this.device.gl.bindBuffer(34962 /* ARRAY_BUFFER */, null); this.device.gl.enableVertexAttribArray(location); this.device.gl.vertexAttribDivisor(location, divisor || 0); this.attributes[location] = buffer; this.device.gl.bindVertexArray(null); } /** Set a location in vertex attributes array to a constant value, disables the location */ setConstantWebGL(location, value) { this._enable(location, false); this.attributes[location] = value; } bindBeforeRender() { this.device.gl.bindVertexArray(this.handle); this._applyConstantAttributes(); } unbindAfterRender() { this.device.gl.bindVertexArray(null); } // Internal methods /** * Constant attributes need to be reset before every draw call * Any attribute that is disabled in the current vertex array object * is read from the context's global constant value for that attribute location. * @note Constant attributes are only supported in WebGL, not in WebGPU */ _applyConstantAttributes() { for (let location = 0; location < this.maxVertexAttributes; ++location) { const constant = this.attributes[location]; if (ArrayBuffer.isView(constant)) { this.device.setConstantAttributeWebGL(location, constant); } } } /** * Set a location in vertex attributes array to a buffer, enables the location, sets divisor * @note requires vertex array to be bound */ // protected _setAttributeLayout(location: number): void { // const {size, type, stride, offset, normalized, integer, divisor} = this._getAccessor(location); // // WebGL2 supports *integer* data formats, i.e. GPU will see integer values // if (integer) { // this.device.gl.vertexAttribIPointer(location, size, type, stride, offset); // } else { // // Attaches ARRAY_BUFFER with specified buffer format to location // this.device.gl.vertexAttribPointer(location, size, type, normalized, stride, offset); // } // this.device.gl.vertexAttribDivisor(location, divisor || 0); // } /** Get an accessor from the */ _getAccessor(location) { const attributeInfo = this.attributeInfos[location]; if (!attributeInfo) { throw new Error(`Unknown attribute location ${location}`); } const glType = getGLFromVertexType(attributeInfo.bufferDataType); return { size: attributeInfo.bufferComponents, type: glType, stride: attributeInfo.byteStride, offset: attributeInfo.byteOffset, normalized: attributeInfo.normalized, // it is the shader attribute declaration, not the vertex memory format, // that determines if the data in the buffer will be treated as integers. // // Also note that WebGL supports assigning non-normalized integer data to floating point attributes, // but as far as we can tell, WebGPU does not. integer: attributeInfo.integer, divisor: attributeInfo.stepMode === "instance" ? 1 : 0 }; } /** * Enabling an attribute location makes it reference the currently bound buffer * Disabling an attribute location makes it reference the global constant value * TODO - handle single values for size 1 attributes? * TODO - convert classic arrays based on known type? */ _enable(location, enable2 = true) { const canDisableAttributeZero = WEBGLVertexArray.isConstantAttributeZeroSupported(this.device); const canDisableAttribute = canDisableAttributeZero || location !== 0; if (enable2 || canDisableAttribute) { location = Number(location); this.device.gl.bindVertexArray(this.handle); if (enable2) { this.device.gl.enableVertexAttribArray(location); } else { this.device.gl.disableVertexAttribArray(location); } this.device.gl.bindVertexArray(null); } } /** * Provide a means to create a buffer that is equivalent to a constant. * NOTE: Desktop OpenGL cannot disable attribute 0. * https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20305231/webgl-warning-attribute-0-is-disabled- * this-has-significant-performance-penalty */ getConstantBuffer(elementCount, value) { const constantValue = normalizeConstantArrayValue(value); const byteLength = constantValue.byteLength * elementCount; const length = constantValue.length * elementCount; if (this.buffer && byteLength !== this.buffer.byteLength) { throw new Error( `Buffer size is immutable, byte length ${byteLength} !== ${this.buffer.byteLength}.` ); } let updateNeeded = !this.buffer; this.buffer = this.buffer || this.device.createBuffer({ byteLength }); updateNeeded = updateNeeded || !compareConstantArrayValues(constantValue, this.bufferValue); if (updateNeeded) { const typedArray = (0, import_core21.getScratchArray)(value.constructor, length); (0, import_core21.fillArray)({ target: typedArray, source: constantValue, start: 0, count: length }); this.buffer.write(typedArray); this.bufferValue = value; } return this.buffer; } }; function normalizeConstantArrayValue(arrayValue) { if (Array.isArray(arrayValue)) { return new Float32Array(arrayValue); } return arrayValue; } function compareConstantArrayValues(v1, v2) { if (!v1 || !v2 || v1.length !== v2.length || v1.constructor !== v2.constructor) { return false; } for (let i = 0; i < v1.length; ++i) { if (v1[i] !== v2[i]) { return false; } } return true; } // src/adapter/resources/webgl-transform-feedback.ts var import_core22 = __toESM(require_core(), 1); var WEBGLTransformFeedback = class extends import_core22.TransformFeedback { device; gl; handle; /** * NOTE: The Model already has this information while drawing, but * TransformFeedback currently needs it internally, to look up * varying information outside of a draw() call. */ layout; buffers = {}; unusedBuffers = {}; /** * Allows us to avoid a Chrome bug where a buffer that is already bound to a * different target cannot be bound to 'TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER' target. * This a major workaround, see: https://github.com/KhronosGroup/WebGL/issues/2346 */ bindOnUse = true; _bound = false; constructor(device, props) { super(device, props); this.device = device; this.gl = device.gl; this.handle = this.props.handle || this.gl.createTransformFeedback(); this.layout = this.props.layout; if (props.buffers) { this.setBuffers(props.buffers); } Object.seal(this); } destroy() { this.gl.deleteTransformFeedback(this.handle); super.destroy(); } begin(topology = "point-list") { this.gl.bindTransformFeedback(36386 /* TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK */, this.handle); if (this.bindOnUse) { this._bindBuffers(); } this.gl.beginTransformFeedback(getGLPrimitive(topology)); } end() { this.gl.endTransformFeedback(); if (this.bindOnUse) { this._unbindBuffers(); } this.gl.bindTransformFeedback(36386 /* TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK */, null); } // SUBCLASS setBuffers(buffers) { this.buffers = {}; this.unusedBuffers = {}; this.bind(() => { for (const bufferName in buffers) { this.setBuffer(bufferName, buffers[bufferName]); } }); } setBuffer(locationOrName, bufferOrRange) { const location = this._getVaryingIndex(locationOrName); const { buffer, byteLength, byteOffset } = this._getBufferRange(bufferOrRange); if (location < 0) { this.unusedBuffers[locationOrName] = buffer; import_core22.log.warn(`${this.id} unusedBuffers varying buffer ${locationOrName}`)(); return; } this.buffers[location] = { buffer, byteLength, byteOffset }; if (!this.bindOnUse) { this._bindBuffer(location, buffer, byteOffset, byteLength); } } getBuffer(locationOrName) { if (isIndex(locationOrName)) { return this.buffers[locationOrName] || null; } const location = this._getVaryingIndex(locationOrName); return location >= 0 ? this.buffers[location] : null; } bind(funcOrHandle = this.handle) { if (typeof funcOrHandle !== "function") { this.gl.bindTransformFeedback(36386 /* TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK */, funcOrHandle); return this; } let value; if (!this._bound) { this.gl.bindTransformFeedback(36386 /* TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK */, this.handle); this._bound = true; value = funcOrHandle(); this._bound = false; this.gl.bindTransformFeedback(36386 /* TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK */, null); } else { value = funcOrHandle(); } return value; } unbind() { this.bind(null); } // PRIVATE METHODS /** Extract offsets for bindBufferRange */ _getBufferRange(bufferOrRange) { if (bufferOrRange instanceof WEBGLBuffer) { return { buffer: bufferOrRange, byteOffset: 0, byteLength: bufferOrRange.byteLength }; } const { buffer, byteOffset = 0, byteLength = bufferOrRange.buffer.byteLength } = bufferOrRange; return { buffer, byteOffset, byteLength }; } _getVaryingIndex(locationOrName) { if (isIndex(locationOrName)) { return Number(locationOrName); } for (const varying of this.layout.varyings) { if (locationOrName === varying.name) { return varying.location; } } return -1; } /** * Need to avoid chrome bug where buffer that is already bound to a different target * cannot be bound to 'TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER' target. */ _bindBuffers() { for (const bufferIndex in this.buffers) { const { buffer, byteLength, byteOffset } = this._getBufferRange(this.buffers[bufferIndex]); this._bindBuffer(Number(bufferIndex), buffer, byteOffset, byteLength); } } _unbindBuffers() { for (const bufferIndex in this.buffers) { this.gl.bindBufferBase(35982 /* TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER */, Number(bufferIndex), null); } } _bindBuffer(index, buffer, byteOffset = 0, byteLength) { const handle = buffer && buffer.handle; if (!handle || byteLength === void 0) { this.gl.bindBufferBase(35982 /* TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER */, index, handle); } else { this.gl.bindBufferRange(35982 /* TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER */, index, handle, byteOffset, byteLength); } } }; function isIndex(value) { if (typeof value === "number") { return Number.isInteger(value); } return /^\d+$/.test(value); } // src/adapter/resources/webgl-query-set.ts var import_core23 = __toESM(require_core(), 1); var WEBGLQuerySet = class extends import_core23.QuerySet { device; handle; target = null; _queryPending = false; _pollingPromise = null; get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { return "Query"; } // Create a query class constructor(device, props) { super(device, props); this.device = device; if (props.count > 1) { throw new Error("WebGL QuerySet can only have one value"); } this.handle = this.device.gl.createQuery(); Object.seal(this); } destroy() { this.device.gl.deleteQuery(this.handle); } // FOR RENDER PASS AND COMMAND ENCODER /** * Shortcut for timer query (dependent on extension in both WebGL1 and 2) * Measures GPU time delta between this call and a matching `end` call in the * GPU instruction stream. */ beginTimestampQuery() { return this._begin(35007 /* TIME_ELAPSED_EXT */); } endTimestampQuery() { this._end(); } // Shortcut for occlusion queries beginOcclusionQuery(options) { return this._begin( options?.conservative ? 36202 /* ANY_SAMPLES_PASSED_CONSERVATIVE */ : 35887 /* ANY_SAMPLES_PASSED */ ); } endOcclusionQuery() { this._end(); } // Shortcut for transformFeedbackQuery beginTransformFeedbackQuery() { return this._begin(35976 /* TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_PRIMITIVES_WRITTEN */); } endTransformFeedbackQuery() { this._end(); } async resolveQuery() { const value = await this.pollQuery(); return [value]; } // PRIVATE METHODS /** * Due to OpenGL API limitations, after calling `begin()` on one Query * instance, `end()` must be called on that same instance before * calling `begin()` on another query. While there can be multiple * outstanding queries representing disjoint `begin()`/`end()` intervals. * It is not possible to interleave or overlap `begin` and `end` calls. */ _begin(target) { if (this._queryPending) { return; } this.target = target; this.device.gl.beginQuery(this.target, this.handle); return; } // ends the current query _end() { if (this._queryPending) { return; } if (this.target) { this.device.gl.endQuery(this.target); this.target = null; this._queryPending = true; } return; } // Returns true if the query result is available isResultAvailable() { if (!this._queryPending) { return false; } const resultAvailable = this.device.gl.getQueryParameter( this.handle, 34919 /* QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE */ ); if (resultAvailable) { this._queryPending = false; } return resultAvailable; } // Timing query is disjoint, i.e. results are invalid isTimerDisjoint() { return this.device.gl.getParameter(36795 /* GPU_DISJOINT_EXT */); } // Returns query result. getResult() { return this.device.gl.getQueryParameter(this.handle, 34918 /* QUERY_RESULT */); } // Returns the query result, converted to milliseconds to match JavaScript conventions. getTimerMilliseconds() { return this.getResult() / 1e6; } // Polls the query pollQuery(limit = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) { if (this._pollingPromise) { return this._pollingPromise; } let counter = 0; this._pollingPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const poll = () => { if (this.isResultAvailable()) { resolve(this.getResult()); this._pollingPromise = null; } else if (counter++ > limit) { reject("Timed out"); this._pollingPromise = null; } else { requestAnimationFrame(poll); } }; requestAnimationFrame(poll); }); return this._pollingPromise; } }; // src/classic/copy-and-blit.ts var import_core25 = __toESM(require_core(), 1); // src/classic/format-utils.ts var import_core24 = __toESM(require_core(), 1); function glFormatToComponents(format) { switch (format) { case 6406 /* ALPHA */: case 33326 /* R32F */: case 6403 /* RED */: return 1; case 33328 /* RG32F */: case 33319 /* RG */: return 2; case 6407 /* RGB */: case 34837 /* RGB32F */: return 3; case 6408 /* RGBA */: case 34836 /* RGBA32F */: return 4; default: (0, import_core24.assert)(false); return 0; } } function glTypeToBytes(type) { switch (type) { case 5121 /* UNSIGNED_BYTE */: return 1; case 33635 /* UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5 */: case 32819 /* UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4 */: case 32820 /* UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1 */: return 2; case 5126 /* FLOAT */: return 4; default: (0, import_core24.assert)(false); return 0; } } // src/classic/copy-and-blit.ts function readPixelsToArray(source, options) { const { sourceX = 0, sourceY = 0, sourceFormat = 6408 /* RGBA */, sourceAttachment = 36064 /* COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 */ // TODO - support gl.readBuffer } = options || {}; let { target = null, // following parameters are auto deduced if not provided sourceWidth, sourceHeight, sourceType } = options || {}; const { framebuffer, deleteFramebuffer } = getFramebuffer2(source); (0, import_core25.assert)(framebuffer); const { gl, handle } = framebuffer; sourceWidth = sourceWidth || framebuffer.width; sourceHeight = sourceHeight || framebuffer.height; const attachment = sourceAttachment - 36064 /* COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 */; sourceType = sourceType || framebuffer.colorAttachments[attachment]?.texture?.type || 5121 /* UNSIGNED_BYTE */; target = getPixelArray(target, sourceType, sourceFormat, sourceWidth, sourceHeight); sourceType = sourceType || getGLTypeFromTypedArray(target); const prevHandle = gl.bindFramebuffer(36160 /* FRAMEBUFFER */, handle); gl.readPixels(sourceX, sourceY, sourceWidth, sourceHeight, sourceFormat, sourceType, target); gl.bindFramebuffer(36160 /* FRAMEBUFFER */, prevHandle || null); if (deleteFramebuffer) { framebuffer.destroy(); } return target; } function readPixelsToBuffer(source, options) { const { target, sourceX = 0, sourceY = 0, sourceFormat = 6408 /* RGBA */, targetByteOffset = 0 } = options || {}; let { sourceWidth, sourceHeight, sourceType } = options || {}; const { framebuffer, deleteFramebuffer } = getFramebuffer2(source); (0, import_core25.assert)(framebuffer); sourceWidth = sourceWidth || framebuffer.width; sourceHeight = sourceHeight || framebuffer.height; const webglFramebuffer = framebuffer; sourceType = sourceType || 5121 /* UNSIGNED_BYTE */; let webglBufferTarget = target; if (!webglBufferTarget) { const components = glFormatToComponents(sourceFormat); const byteCount = glTypeToBytes(sourceType); const byteLength = targetByteOffset + sourceWidth * sourceHeight * components * byteCount; webglBufferTarget = webglFramebuffer.device.createBuffer({ byteLength }); } const commandEncoder = source.device.createCommandEncoder(); commandEncoder.copyTextureToBuffer({ source, width: sourceWidth, height: sourceHeight, origin: [sourceX, sourceY], destination: webglBufferTarget, byteOffset: targetByteOffset }); commandEncoder.destroy(); if (deleteFramebuffer) { framebuffer.destroy(); } return webglBufferTarget; } function getFramebuffer2(source) { if (!(source instanceof import_core25.Framebuffer)) { return { framebuffer: toFramebuffer(source), deleteFramebuffer: true }; } return { framebuffer: source, deleteFramebuffer: false }; } function toFramebuffer(texture, props) { const { device, width, height, id } = texture; const framebuffer = device.createFramebuffer({ ...props, id: `framebuffer-for-${id}`, width, height, colorAttachments: [texture] }); return framebuffer; } function getPixelArray(pixelArray, type, format, width, height) { if (pixelArray) { return pixelArray; } type = type || 5121 /* UNSIGNED_BYTE */; const ArrayType = getTypedArrayFromGLType(type, { clamped: false }); const components = glFormatToComponents(format); return new ArrayType(width * height * components); } // src/classic/clear.ts var import_core26 = __toESM(require_core(), 1); var GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT2 = 256; var GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT2 = 1024; var GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT2 = 16384; var ERR_ARGUMENTS = "clear: bad arguments"; function clear(device, options) { const { framebuffer = null, color = null, depth = null, stencil = null } = options || {}; const parameters = {}; if (framebuffer) { parameters.framebuffer = framebuffer; } let clearFlags = 0; if (color) { clearFlags |= GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT2; if (color !== true) { parameters.clearColor = color; } } if (depth) { clearFlags |= GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT2; if (depth !== true) { parameters.clearDepth = depth; } } if (stencil) { clearFlags |= GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT2; if (depth !== true) { parameters.clearStencil = depth; } } (0, import_core26.assert)(clearFlags !== 0, ERR_ARGUMENTS); const gl = device.gl; withGLParameters(gl, parameters, () => { gl.clear(clearFlags); }); } // src/adapter/webgl-device.ts var LOG_LEVEL2 = 1; var _WebGLDevice = class extends import_core27.Device { /** type of this device */ type = "webgl"; /** The underlying WebGL context */ handle; features; limits; info; canvasContext; lost; _resolveContextLost; // // Static methods, expected to be present by `luma.createDevice()` // /** Check if WebGL 2 is available */ static isSupported() { return typeof WebGL2RenderingContext !== "undefined"; } /** * Get a device instance from a GL context * Creates and instruments the device if not already created * @param gl * @returns */ static attach(gl) { if (gl instanceof _WebGLDevice) { return gl; } if (gl?.device instanceof import_core27.Device) { return gl.device; } if (!isWebGL(gl)) { throw new Error("Invalid WebGL2RenderingContext"); } return new _WebGLDevice({ gl }); } static async create(props = {}) { import_core27.log.groupCollapsed(LOG_LEVEL2, "WebGLDevice created")(); const promises = []; if (props.debug) { promises.push(loadWebGLDeveloperTools()); } if (props.spector) { promises.push(loadSpectorJS()); } if (typeof props.canvas === "string") { promises.push(import_core27.CanvasContext.pageLoaded); } const results = await Promise.allSettled(promises); for (const result of results) { if (result.status === "rejected") { import_core27.log.error(`Failed to initialize debug libraries ${result.reason}`)(); } } import_core27.log.probe(LOG_LEVEL2 + 1, "DOM is loaded")(); if (props.gl?.device) { import_core27.log.warn("reattaching existing device")(); return _WebGLDevice.attach(props.gl); } const device = new _WebGLDevice(props); const message2 = `Created ${device.type}${device.debug ? " debug" : ""} context: ${device.info.vendor}, ${device.info.renderer} for canvas: ${device.canvasContext.id}`; import_core27.log.probe(LOG_LEVEL2, message2)(); import_core27.log.table(LOG_LEVEL2, device.info)(); import_core27.log.groupEnd(LOG_LEVEL2)(); return device; } // // Public API // constructor(props) { super({ ...props, id: props.id || (0, import_core27.uid)("webgl-device") }); const device = props.gl?.device; if (device) { throw new Error(`WebGL context already attached to device ${device.id}`); } const canvas = props.gl?.canvas || props.canvas; this.canvasContext = new WebGLCanvasContext(this, { ...props, canvas }); this.lost = new Promise((resolve) => { this._resolveContextLost = resolve; }); let gl = props.gl || null; gl ||= createBrowserContext(this.canvasContext.canvas, { ...props, onContextLost: (event) => this._resolveContextLost?.({ reason: "destroyed", message: "Entered sleep mode, or too many apps or browser tabs are using the GPU." }) }); if (!gl) { throw new Error("WebGL context creation failed"); } this.handle = gl; this.gl = gl; this.gl.device = this; this.gl._version = 2; if (props.spector) { this.spectorJS = initializeSpectorJS({ ...this.props, canvas: this.handle.canvas }); } this.info = getDeviceInfo(this.gl, this._extensions); this.limits = new WebGLDeviceLimits(this.gl); this.features = new WebGLDeviceFeatures(this.gl, this._extensions, this.props.disabledFeatures); if (this.props.initalizeFeatures) { this.features.initializeFeatures(); } this.canvasContext.resize(); const { enable: enable2 = true, copyState = false } = props; trackContextState(this.gl, { enable: enable2, copyState, log: (...args) => import_core27.log.log(1, ...args)() }); if (props.debug) { this.gl = makeDebugContext(this.gl, { ...props, throwOnError: true }); this.debug = true; import_core27.log.level = Math.max(import_core27.log.level, 1); import_core27.log.warn("WebGL debug mode activated. Performance reduced.")(); } } /** * Destroys the context * @note Has no effect for WebGL browser contexts, there is no browser API for destroying contexts */ destroy() { } get isLost() { return this.gl.isContextLost(); } getSize() { return [this.gl.drawingBufferWidth, this.gl.drawingBufferHeight]; } isTextureFormatSupported(format) { return isTextureFormatSupported(this.gl, format, this._extensions); } isTextureFormatFilterable(format) { return isTextureFormatFilterable(this.gl, format, this._extensions); } isTextureFormatRenderable(format) { return isTextureFormatRenderable(this.gl, format, this._extensions); } // IMPLEMENTATION OF ABSTRACT DEVICE createCanvasContext(props) { throw new Error("WebGL only supports a single canvas"); } createBuffer(props) { const newProps = this._getBufferProps(props); return new WEBGLBuffer(this, newProps); } _createTexture(props) { return new WEBGLTexture(this, props); } createExternalTexture(props) { throw new Error("createExternalTexture() not implemented"); } createSampler(props) { return new WEBGLSampler(this, props); } createShader(props) { return new WEBGLShader(this, props); } createFramebuffer(props) { return new WEBGLFramebuffer(this, props); } createVertexArray(props) { return new WEBGLVertexArray(this, props); } createTransformFeedback(props) { return new WEBGLTransformFeedback(this, props); } createQuerySet(props) { return new WEBGLQuerySet(this, props); } createRenderPipeline(props) { return new WEBGLRenderPipeline(this, props); } beginRenderPass(props) { return new WEBGLRenderPass(this, props); } createComputePipeline(props) { throw new Error("ComputePipeline not supported in WebGL"); } beginComputePass(props) { throw new Error("ComputePass not supported in WebGL"); } renderPass = null; createCommandEncoder(props) { return new WEBGLCommandEncoder(this, props); } /** * Offscreen Canvas Support: Commit the frame * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebGL2RenderingContext/commit * Chrome's offscreen canvas does not require gl.commit */ submit() { this.renderPass?.end(); this.renderPass = null; } // // TEMPORARY HACKS - will be removed in v9.1 // /** @deprecated - should use command encoder */ readPixelsToArrayWebGL(source, options) { return readPixelsToArray(source, options); } /** @deprecated - should use command encoder */ readPixelsToBufferWebGL(source, options) { return readPixelsToBuffer(source, options); } setParametersWebGL(parameters) { setGLParameters(this.gl, parameters); } getParametersWebGL(parameters) { return getGLParameters(this.gl, parameters); } withParametersWebGL(parameters, func) { return withGLParameters(this.gl, parameters, func); } clearWebGL(options) { clear(this, options); } resetWebGL() { import_core27.log.warn("WebGLDevice.resetWebGL is deprecated, use only for debugging")(); resetGLParameters(this.gl); } // // WebGL-only API (not part of `Device` API) // /** WebGL2 context. */ gl; debug = false; /** State used by luma.gl classes: TODO - move to canvasContext*/ _canvasSizeInfo = { clientWidth: 0, clientHeight: 0, devicePixelRatio: 1 }; /** State used by luma.gl classes - TODO - not used? */ _extensions = {}; _polyfilled = false; /** Instance of Spector.js (if initialized) */ spectorJS; /** * Triggers device (or WebGL context) loss. * @note primarily intended for testing how application reacts to device loss */ loseDevice() { let deviceLossTriggered = false; const extensions = this.getExtension("WEBGL_lose_context"); const ext = extensions.WEBGL_lose_context; if (ext) { deviceLossTriggered = true; ext.loseContext(); } this._resolveContextLost?.({ reason: "destroyed", message: "Application triggered context loss" }); return deviceLossTriggered; } /** Save current WebGL context state onto an internal stack */ pushState() { pushContextState(this.gl); } /** Restores previously saved context state */ popState() { popContextState(this.gl); } /** * Storing data on a special field on WebGLObjects makes that data visible in SPECTOR chrome debug extension * luma.gl ids and props can be inspected */ setSpectorMetadata(handle, props) { handle.__SPECTOR_Metadata = props; } /** * Returns the GL. constant that corresponds to a numeric value of a GL constant * Be aware that there are some duplicates especially for constants that are 0, * so this isn't guaranteed to return the right key in all cases. */ getGLKey(value, gl) { gl = gl || this.gl2 || this.gl; const number = Number(value); for (const key in gl) { if (gl[key] === number) { return `GL.${key}`; } } return String(value); } /** Store constants */ _constants; /** * Set a constant value for a location. Disabled attributes at that location will read from this value * @note WebGL constants are stored globally on the WebGL context, not the VertexArray * so they need to be updated before every render * @todo - remember/cache values to avoid setting them unnecessarily? */ setConstantAttributeWebGL(location, constant) { const maxVertexAttributes = this.limits.maxVertexAttributes; this._constants = this._constants || new Array(maxVertexAttributes).fill(null); const currentConstant = this._constants[location]; if (currentConstant && compareConstantArrayValues2(currentConstant, constant)) { import_core27.log.info( 1, `setConstantAttributeWebGL(${location}) could have been skipped, value unchanged` )(); } this._constants[location] = constant; switch (constant.constructor) { case Float32Array: setConstantFloatArray(this, location, constant); break; case Int32Array: setConstantIntArray(this, location, constant); break; case Uint32Array: setConstantUintArray(this, location, constant); break; default: (0, import_core27.assert)(false); } } /** Ensure extensions are only requested once */ getExtension(name) { getWebGLExtension(this.gl, name, this._extensions); return this._extensions; } }; var WebGLDevice = _WebGLDevice; // // Public `Device` API // /** type of this device */ __publicField(WebGLDevice, "type", "webgl"); function isWebGL(gl) { if (typeof WebGL2RenderingContext !== "undefined" && gl instanceof WebGL2RenderingContext) { return true; } return Boolean(gl && Number.isFinite(gl._version)); } function setConstantFloatArray(device, location, array) { switch (array.length) { case 1: device.gl.vertexAttrib1fv(location, array); break; case 2: device.gl.vertexAttrib2fv(location, array); break; case 3: device.gl.vertexAttrib3fv(location, array); break; case 4: device.gl.vertexAttrib4fv(location, array); break; default: (0, import_core27.assert)(false); } } function setConstantIntArray(device, location, array) { device.gl.vertexAttribI4iv(location, array); } function setConstantUintArray(device, location, array) { device.gl.vertexAttribI4uiv(location, array); } function compareConstantArrayValues2(v1, v2) { if (!v1 || !v2 || v1.length !== v2.length || v1.constructor !== v2.constructor) { return false; } for (let i = 0; i < v1.length; ++i) { if (v1[i] !== v2[i]) { return false; } } return true; } // src/adapter/objects/webgl-resource.ts var import_core28 = __toESM(require_core(), 1); var ERR_RESOURCE_METHOD_UNDEFINED = "Resource subclass must define virtual methods"; var WebGLResource = class extends import_core28.Resource { device; gl; gl2; _handle; _bound = false; // Only meaningful for resources that allocate GPU memory byteLength = 0; constructor(device, props, defaultProps) { super(device, props, defaultProps); this.device = device; const gl = this.device.gl; const { id } = props || {}; this.gl = gl; this.gl2 = gl; this.id = id || (0, import_core28.uid)(this.constructor.name); this._handle = props?.handle; if (this._handle === void 0) { this._handle = this._createHandle(); } this.byteLength = 0; } toString() { return `${this.constructor.name}(${this.id})`; } get handle() { return this._handle; } delete({ deleteChildren = false } = {}) { const children = this._handle && this._deleteHandle(this._handle); if (this._handle) { this.removeStats(); } this._handle = null; if (children && deleteChildren) { children.filter(Boolean).forEach((child) => child.destroy()); } return this; } bind(funcOrHandle = this.handle) { if (typeof funcOrHandle !== "function") { this._bindHandle(funcOrHandle); return this; } let value; if (!this._bound) { this._bindHandle(this.handle); this._bound = true; value = funcOrHandle(); this._bound = false; this._bindHandle(null); } else { value = funcOrHandle(); } return value; } unbind() { this.bind(null); } // Install stubs for removed methods stubRemovedMethods(className, version, methodNames) { return (0, import_core28.stubRemovedMethods)(this, className, version, methodNames); } // PUBLIC VIRTUAL METHODS initialize(props) { } // PROTECTED METHODS - These must be overridden by subclass _createHandle() { throw new Error(ERR_RESOURCE_METHOD_UNDEFINED); } _deleteHandle() { throw new Error(ERR_RESOURCE_METHOD_UNDEFINED); } _bindHandle(handle) { throw new Error(ERR_RESOURCE_METHOD_UNDEFINED); } _getOptsFromHandle() { throw new Error(ERR_RESOURCE_METHOD_UNDEFINED); } _getParameter(pname, props) { throw new Error(ERR_RESOURCE_METHOD_UNDEFINED); } _setParameter(pname, value) { throw new Error(ERR_RESOURCE_METHOD_UNDEFINED); } // PRIVATE METHODS /* _addStats() { const name = this.constructor.name; const stats = lumaStats.get('Resource Counts'); stats.get('Resources Created').incrementCount(); stats.get(`${name}s Created`).incrementCount(); stats.get(`${name}s Active`).incrementCount(); } _removeStats() { const name = this.constructor.name; const stats = lumaStats.get('Resource Counts'); stats.get(`${name}s Active`).decrementCount(); } trackAllocatedMemory(bytes, name = this.constructor.name) { const stats = lumaStats.get('Memory Usage'); stats.get('GPU Memory').addCount(bytes); stats.get(`${name} Memory`).addCount(bytes); this.byteLength = bytes; } trackDeallocatedMemory(name = this.constructor.name) { const stats = lumaStats.get('Memory Usage'); stats.get('GPU Memory').subtractCount(this.byteLength); stats.get(`${name} Memory`).subtractCount(this.byteLength); this.byteLength = 0; } */ }; // src/adapter/objects/webgl-renderbuffer.ts var import_core29 = __toESM(require_core(), 1); var _WEBGLRenderbuffer = class extends WebGLResource { get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { return "Renderbuffer"; } get width() { return this.props.width; } get height() { return this.props.height; } get format() { return this.props.format; } get samples() { return this.props.samples; } get attachment() { return; } /** WebGL format constant */ glFormat; static isTextureFormatSupported(device, format) { return isRenderbufferFormatSupported(device.gl, format, device._extensions); } constructor(device, props) { if (typeof props.format === "number") { throw new Error("Renderbuffer"); } super(device, props, _WEBGLRenderbuffer.defaultProps); this.glFormat = convertTextureFormatToGL(this.props.format); this._initialize(this.props); } resize(size) { if (size.width !== this.width || size.height !== this.height) { Object.assign(this.props, { ...size, format: this.format, samples: this.samples }); this._initialize(this.props); } } // PRIVATE METHODS /** Creates and initializes a renderbuffer object's data store */ _initialize(props) { const { format, width, height, samples } = props; (0, import_core29.assert)(format, "Needs format"); this.trackDeallocatedMemory(); this.gl.bindRenderbuffer(36161 /* RENDERBUFFER */, this.handle); if (samples !== 0) { this.gl.renderbufferStorageMultisample( 36161 /* RENDERBUFFER */, samples, this.glFormat, width, height ); } else { this.gl.renderbufferStorage(36161 /* RENDERBUFFER */, this.glFormat, width, height); } this.gl.bindRenderbuffer(36161 /* RENDERBUFFER */, null); this.trackAllocatedMemory( width * height * (samples || 1) * getTextureFormatBytesPerPixel(this.format) ); } // RESOURCE IMPLEMENTATION _createHandle() { return this.gl.createRenderbuffer(); } _deleteHandle() { this.gl.deleteRenderbuffer(this.handle); this.trackDeallocatedMemory(); } _bindHandle(handle) { this.gl.bindRenderbuffer(36161 /* RENDERBUFFER */, handle); } }; var WEBGLRenderbuffer = _WEBGLRenderbuffer; __publicField(WEBGLRenderbuffer, "defaultProps", { id: void 0, handle: void 0, userData: void 0, format: void 0, // 'depth16unorm' width: 1, height: 1, samples: 0 }); return __toCommonJS(bundle_exports); })(); return __exports__; });