import type { TypedArray } from ''; import type { DeviceProps, DeviceInfo, DeviceTextureFormatCapabilities, CanvasContextProps, Buffer, Texture, Framebuffer, VertexArray, VertexArrayProps, BufferProps, ShaderProps, SamplerProps, TextureProps, ExternalTexture, ExternalTextureProps, FramebufferProps, RenderPipelineProps, ComputePipeline, ComputePipelineProps, RenderPassProps, ComputePass, ComputePassProps, CommandEncoderProps, TransformFeedbackProps, QuerySetProps } from ''; import { Device, CanvasContext } from ''; import type { GLExtensions } from ''; import { WebGLDeviceFeatures } from "./device-helpers/webgl-device-features.js"; import { WebGLDeviceLimits } from "./device-helpers/webgl-device-limits.js"; import { WebGLCanvasContext } from "./webgl-canvas-context.js"; import type { Spector } from "../context/debug/spector-types.js"; import { WEBGLBuffer } from "./resources/webgl-buffer.js"; import { WEBGLShader } from "./resources/webgl-shader.js"; import { WEBGLSampler } from "./resources/webgl-sampler.js"; import { WEBGLTexture } from "./resources/webgl-texture.js"; import { WEBGLFramebuffer } from "./resources/webgl-framebuffer.js"; import { WEBGLRenderPass } from "./resources/webgl-render-pass.js"; import { WEBGLRenderPipeline } from "./resources/webgl-render-pipeline.js"; import { WEBGLCommandEncoder } from "./resources/webgl-command-encoder.js"; import { WEBGLTransformFeedback } from "./resources/webgl-transform-feedback.js"; import { WEBGLQuerySet } from "./resources/webgl-query-set.js"; /** WebGPU style Device API for a WebGL context */ export declare class WebGLDevice extends Device { /** type of this device */ readonly type = "webgl"; /** The underlying WebGL context */ readonly handle: WebGL2RenderingContext; features: WebGLDeviceFeatures; limits: WebGLDeviceLimits; readonly info: DeviceInfo; readonly canvasContext: WebGLCanvasContext; readonly lost: Promise<{ reason: 'destroyed'; message: string; }>; private _resolveContextLost?; /** WebGL2 context. */ readonly gl: WebGL2RenderingContext; readonly debug: boolean; /** State used by classes: TODO - move to canvasContext*/ readonly _canvasSizeInfo: { clientWidth: number; clientHeight: number; devicePixelRatio: number; }; /** State used by classes - TODO - not used? */ readonly _extensions: GLExtensions; _polyfilled: boolean; /** Instance of Spector.js (if initialized) */ spectorJS: Spector; constructor(props: DeviceProps); /** * Destroys the context * @note Has no effect for WebGL browser contexts, there is no browser API for destroying contexts */ destroy(): void; get isLost(): boolean; createCanvasContext(props?: CanvasContextProps): CanvasContext; createBuffer(props: BufferProps | ArrayBuffer | ArrayBufferView): WEBGLBuffer; createTexture(props: TextureProps): WEBGLTexture; createExternalTexture(props: ExternalTextureProps): ExternalTexture; createSampler(props: SamplerProps): WEBGLSampler; createShader(props: ShaderProps): WEBGLShader; createFramebuffer(props: FramebufferProps): WEBGLFramebuffer; createVertexArray(props: VertexArrayProps): VertexArray; createTransformFeedback(props: TransformFeedbackProps): WEBGLTransformFeedback; createQuerySet(props: QuerySetProps): WEBGLQuerySet; createRenderPipeline(props: RenderPipelineProps): WEBGLRenderPipeline; beginRenderPass(props: RenderPassProps): WEBGLRenderPass; createComputePipeline(props?: ComputePipelineProps): ComputePipeline; beginComputePass(props: ComputePassProps): ComputePass; private renderPass; createCommandEncoder(props?: CommandEncoderProps): WEBGLCommandEncoder; /** * Offscreen Canvas Support: Commit the frame * * Chrome's offscreen canvas does not require gl.commit */ submit(): void; /** @deprecated - should use command encoder */ readPixelsToArrayWebGL(source: Framebuffer | Texture, options?: { sourceX?: number; sourceY?: number; sourceFormat?: number; sourceAttachment?: number; target?: Uint8Array | Uint16Array | Float32Array; sourceWidth?: number; sourceHeight?: number; sourceType?: number; }): Uint8Array | Uint16Array | Float32Array; /** @deprecated - should use command encoder */ readPixelsToBufferWebGL(source: Framebuffer | Texture, options?: { sourceX?: number; sourceY?: number; sourceFormat?: number; target?: Buffer; targetByteOffset?: number; sourceWidth?: number; sourceHeight?: number; sourceType?: number; }): Buffer; setParametersWebGL(parameters: any): void; getParametersWebGL(parameters: any): any; withParametersWebGL(parameters: any, func: any): any; resetWebGL(): void; _getDeviceSpecificTextureFormatCapabilities(capabilities: DeviceTextureFormatCapabilities): DeviceTextureFormatCapabilities; /** * Triggers device (or WebGL context) loss. * @note primarily intended for testing how application reacts to device loss */ loseDevice(): boolean; /** Save current WebGL context state onto an internal stack */ pushState(): void; /** Restores previously saved context state */ popState(): void; /** * Storing data on a special field on WebGLObjects makes that data visible in SPECTOR chrome debug extension * ids and props can be inspected */ setSpectorMetadata(handle: unknown, props: Record): void; /** * Returns the GL. constant that corresponds to a numeric value of a GL constant * Be aware that there are some duplicates especially for constants that are 0, * so this isn't guaranteed to return the right key in all cases. */ getGLKey(value: unknown, options?: { emptyIfUnknown?: boolean; }): string; /** * Returns a map with any GL. constants mapped to strings, both for keys and values */ getGLKeys(glParameters: Record): Record; /** Store constants */ _constants: (TypedArray | null)[]; /** * Set a constant value for a location. Disabled attributes at that location will read from this value * @note WebGL constants are stored globally on the WebGL context, not the VertexArray * so they need to be updated before every render * @todo - remember/cache values to avoid setting them unnecessarily? */ setConstantAttributeWebGL(location: number, constant: TypedArray): void; /** Ensure extensions are only requested once */ getExtension(name: keyof GLExtensions): GLExtensions; } //#