// luma.gl // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // Copyright (c) vis.gl contributors import { Buffer, Texture, TextureView, Sampler, RenderPipeline, UniformStore, log, getTypedArrayFromDataType, getAttributeInfosFromLayouts, _BufferLayoutHelper } from '@luma.gl/core'; import { ShaderAssembler, getShaderLayoutFromWGSL } from '@luma.gl/shadertools'; import { makeGPUGeometry } from "../geometry/gpu-geometry.js"; import { PipelineFactory } from "../factories/pipeline-factory.js"; import { ShaderFactory } from "../factories/shader-factory.js"; import { getDebugTableForShaderLayout } from "../debug/debug-shader-layout.js"; import { debugFramebuffer } from "../debug/debug-framebuffer.js"; import { deepEqual } from "../utils/deep-equal.js"; import { uid } from "../utils/uid.js"; import { ShaderInputs } from "../shader-inputs.js"; // import type {AsyncTextureProps} from '../async-texture/async-texture'; import { AsyncTexture } from "../async-texture/async-texture.js"; import { splitUniformsAndBindings } from "./split-uniforms-and-bindings.js"; const LOG_DRAW_PRIORITY = 2; const LOG_DRAW_TIMEOUT = 10000; /** * v9 Model API * A model * - automatically reuses pipelines (programs) when possible * - automatically rebuilds pipelines if necessary to accommodate changed settings * shadertools integration * - accepts modules and performs shader transpilation */ export class Model { static defaultProps = { ...RenderPipeline.defaultProps, source: undefined, vs: null, fs: null, id: 'unnamed', handle: undefined, userData: {}, defines: {}, modules: [], moduleSettings: undefined, geometry: null, indexBuffer: null, attributes: {}, constantAttributes: {}, varyings: [], isInstanced: undefined, instanceCount: 0, vertexCount: 0, shaderInputs: undefined, pipelineFactory: undefined, shaderFactory: undefined, transformFeedback: undefined, shaderAssembler: ShaderAssembler.getDefaultShaderAssembler(), debugShaders: undefined, disableWarnings: undefined }; device; id; // @ts-expect-error assigned in function called from constructor source; // @ts-expect-error assigned in function called from constructor vs; // @ts-expect-error assigned in function called from constructor fs; pipelineFactory; shaderFactory; userData = {}; // Fixed properties (change can trigger pipeline rebuild) /** The render pipeline GPU parameters, depth testing etc */ parameters; /** The primitive topology */ topology; /** Buffer layout */ bufferLayout; // Dynamic properties /** Use instanced rendering */ isInstanced = undefined; /** instance count. `undefined` means not instanced */ instanceCount = 0; /** Vertex count */ vertexCount; /** Index buffer */ indexBuffer = null; /** Buffer-valued attributes */ bufferAttributes = {}; /** Constant-valued attributes */ constantAttributes = {}; /** Bindings (textures, samplers, uniform buffers) */ bindings = {}; /** Sets uniforms @deprecated Use uniform buffers and setBindings() for portability*/ uniforms = {}; /** * VertexArray * @note not implemented: if bufferLayout is updated, vertex array has to be rebuilt! * @todo - allow application to define multiple vertex arrays? * */ vertexArray; /** TransformFeedback, WebGL 2 only. */ transformFeedback = null; /** The underlying GPU "program". @note May be recreated if parameters change */ pipeline; /** ShaderInputs instance */ // @ts-expect-error Assigned in function called by constructor shaderInputs; // @ts-expect-error Assigned in function called by constructor _uniformStore; _attributeInfos = {}; _gpuGeometry = null; _getModuleUniforms; props; _pipelineNeedsUpdate = 'newly created'; _needsRedraw = 'initializing'; _destroyed = false; /** "Time" of last draw. Monotonically increasing timestamp */ _lastDrawTimestamp = -1; get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { return 'Model'; } toString() { return `Model(${this.id})`; } constructor(device, props) { this.props = { ...Model.defaultProps, ...props }; props = this.props; this.id = props.id || uid('model'); this.device = device; Object.assign(this.userData, props.userData); // Setup shader module inputs const moduleMap = Object.fromEntries(this.props.modules?.map(module => [module.name, module]) || []); const shaderInputs = props.shaderInputs || new ShaderInputs(moduleMap, { disableWarnings: this.props.disableWarnings }); // @ts-ignore this.setShaderInputs(shaderInputs); // Setup shader assembler const platformInfo = getPlatformInfo(device); // Extract modules from shader inputs if not supplied const modules = // @ts-ignore shaderInputs is assigned in setShaderInputs above. (this.props.modules?.length > 0 ? this.props.modules : this.shaderInputs?.getModules()) || []; const isWebGPU = this.device.type === 'webgpu'; // WebGPU // TODO - hack to support unified WGSL shader // TODO - this is wrong, compile a single shader if (isWebGPU && this.props.source) { // WGSL this.props.shaderLayout ||= getShaderLayoutFromWGSL(this.props.source); const { source, getUniforms } = this.props.shaderAssembler.assembleWGSLShader({ platformInfo, ...this.props, modules }); this.source = source; // @ts-expect-error this._getModuleUniforms = getUniforms; } else { // GLSL const { vs, fs, getUniforms } = this.props.shaderAssembler.assembleGLSLShaderPair({ platformInfo, ...this.props, modules }); this.vs = vs; this.fs = fs; // @ts-expect-error this._getModuleUniforms = getUniforms; } this.vertexCount = this.props.vertexCount; this.instanceCount = this.props.instanceCount; this.topology = this.props.topology; this.bufferLayout = this.props.bufferLayout; this.parameters = this.props.parameters; // Geometry, if provided, sets topology and vertex cound if (props.geometry) { this.setGeometry(props.geometry); } this.pipelineFactory = props.pipelineFactory || PipelineFactory.getDefaultPipelineFactory(this.device); this.shaderFactory = props.shaderFactory || ShaderFactory.getDefaultShaderFactory(this.device); // Create the pipeline // @note order is important this.pipeline = this._updatePipeline(); this.vertexArray = device.createVertexArray({ renderPipeline: this.pipeline }); // Now we can apply geometry attributes if (this._gpuGeometry) { this._setGeometryAttributes(this._gpuGeometry); } // Apply any dynamic settings that will not trigger pipeline change if ('isInstanced' in props) { this.isInstanced = props.isInstanced; } if (props.instanceCount) { this.setInstanceCount(props.instanceCount); } if (props.vertexCount) { this.setVertexCount(props.vertexCount); } if (props.indexBuffer) { this.setIndexBuffer(props.indexBuffer); } if (props.attributes) { this.setAttributes(props.attributes); } if (props.constantAttributes) { this.setConstantAttributes(props.constantAttributes); } if (props.bindings) { this.setBindings(props.bindings); } if (props.uniforms) { this.setUniformsWebGL(props.uniforms); } if (props.moduleSettings) { // log.warn('Model.props.moduleSettings is deprecated. Use Model.shaderInputs.setProps()')(); this.updateModuleSettingsWebGL(props.moduleSettings); } if (props.transformFeedback) { this.transformFeedback = props.transformFeedback; } // Catch any access to non-standard props Object.seal(this); } destroy() { if (this._destroyed) return; this.pipelineFactory.release(this.pipeline); this.shaderFactory.release(this.pipeline.vs); if (this.pipeline.fs) { this.shaderFactory.release(this.pipeline.fs); } this._uniformStore.destroy(); // TODO - mark resource as managed and destroyIfManaged() ? this._gpuGeometry?.destroy(); this._destroyed = true; } // Draw call /** Query redraw status. Clears the status. */ needsRedraw() { // Catch any writes to already bound resources if (this._getBindingsUpdateTimestamp() > this._lastDrawTimestamp) { this.setNeedsRedraw('contents of bound textures or buffers updated'); } const needsRedraw = this._needsRedraw; this._needsRedraw = false; return needsRedraw; } /** Mark the model as needing a redraw */ setNeedsRedraw(reason) { this._needsRedraw ||= reason; } predraw() { // Update uniform buffers if needed this.updateShaderInputs(); // Check if the pipeline is invalidated this.pipeline = this._updatePipeline(); } draw(renderPass) { const loadingBinding = this._areBindingsLoading(); if (loadingBinding) { log.info(LOG_DRAW_PRIORITY, `>>> DRAWING ABORTED ${this.id}: ${loadingBinding} not loaded`)(); return false; } try { renderPass.pushDebugGroup(`${this}.predraw(${renderPass})`); this.predraw(); } finally { renderPass.popDebugGroup(); } let drawSuccess; try { renderPass.pushDebugGroup(`${this}.draw(${renderPass})`); this._logDrawCallStart(); // Update the pipeline if invalidated // TODO - inside RenderPass is likely the worst place to do this from performance perspective. // Application can call Model.predraw() to avoid this. this.pipeline = this._updatePipeline(); // Set pipeline state, we may be sharing a pipeline so we need to set all state on every draw // Any caching needs to be done inside the pipeline functions // TODO this is a busy initialized check for all bindings every frame const syncBindings = this._getBindings(); this.pipeline.setBindings(syncBindings, { disableWarnings: this.props.disableWarnings }); if (!isObjectEmpty(this.uniforms)) { this.pipeline.setUniformsWebGL(this.uniforms); } const { indexBuffer } = this.vertexArray; const indexCount = indexBuffer ? indexBuffer.byteLength / (indexBuffer.indexType === 'uint32' ? 4 : 2) : undefined; drawSuccess = this.pipeline.draw({ renderPass, vertexArray: this.vertexArray, isInstanced: this.isInstanced, vertexCount: this.vertexCount, instanceCount: this.instanceCount, indexCount, transformFeedback: this.transformFeedback || undefined, // WebGL shares underlying cached pipelines even for models that have different parameters and topology, // so we must provide our unique parameters to each draw // (In WebGPU most parameters are encoded in the pipeline and cannot be changed per draw call) parameters: this.parameters, topology: this.topology }); } finally { renderPass.popDebugGroup(); this._logDrawCallEnd(); } this._logFramebuffer(renderPass); // Update needsRedraw flag if (drawSuccess) { this._lastDrawTimestamp = this.device.timestamp; this._needsRedraw = false; } else { this._needsRedraw = 'waiting for resource initialization'; } return drawSuccess; } // Update fixed fields (can trigger pipeline rebuild) /** * Updates the optional geometry * Geometry, set topology and bufferLayout * @note Can trigger a pipeline rebuild / pipeline cache fetch on WebGPU */ setGeometry(geometry) { this._gpuGeometry?.destroy(); const gpuGeometry = geometry && makeGPUGeometry(this.device, geometry); if (gpuGeometry) { this.setTopology(gpuGeometry.topology || 'triangle-list'); const bufferLayoutHelper = new _BufferLayoutHelper(this.bufferLayout); this.bufferLayout = bufferLayoutHelper.mergeBufferLayouts(gpuGeometry.bufferLayout, this.bufferLayout); if (this.vertexArray) { this._setGeometryAttributes(gpuGeometry); } } this._gpuGeometry = gpuGeometry; } /** * Updates the primitive topology ('triangle-list', 'triangle-strip' etc). * @note Triggers a pipeline rebuild / pipeline cache fetch on WebGPU */ setTopology(topology) { if (topology !== this.topology) { this.topology = topology; this._setPipelineNeedsUpdate('topology'); } } /** * Updates the buffer layout. * @note Triggers a pipeline rebuild / pipeline cache fetch */ setBufferLayout(bufferLayout) { const bufferLayoutHelper = new _BufferLayoutHelper(this.bufferLayout); this.bufferLayout = this._gpuGeometry ? bufferLayoutHelper.mergeBufferLayouts(bufferLayout, this._gpuGeometry.bufferLayout) : bufferLayout; this._setPipelineNeedsUpdate('bufferLayout'); // Recreate the pipeline this.pipeline = this._updatePipeline(); // vertex array needs to be updated if we update buffer layout, // but not if we update parameters this.vertexArray = this.device.createVertexArray({ renderPipeline: this.pipeline }); // Reapply geometry attributes to the new vertex array if (this._gpuGeometry) { this._setGeometryAttributes(this._gpuGeometry); } } /** * Set GPU parameters. * @note Can trigger a pipeline rebuild / pipeline cache fetch. * @param parameters */ setParameters(parameters) { if (!deepEqual(parameters, this.parameters, 2)) { this.parameters = parameters; this._setPipelineNeedsUpdate('parameters'); } } // Update dynamic fields /** * Updates the instance count (used in draw calls) * @note Any attributes with stepMode=instance need to be at least this big */ setInstanceCount(instanceCount) { this.instanceCount = instanceCount; // luma.gl examples don't set props.isInstanced and rely on auto-detection // but deck.gl sets instanceCount even for models that are not instanced. if (this.isInstanced === undefined && instanceCount > 0) { this.isInstanced = true; } this.setNeedsRedraw('instanceCount'); } /** * Updates the vertex count (used in draw calls) * @note Any attributes with stepMode=vertex need to be at least this big */ setVertexCount(vertexCount) { this.vertexCount = vertexCount; this.setNeedsRedraw('vertexCount'); } /** Set the shader inputs */ setShaderInputs(shaderInputs) { this.shaderInputs = shaderInputs; this._uniformStore = new UniformStore(this.shaderInputs.modules); // Create uniform buffer bindings for all modules that actually have uniforms for (const [moduleName, module] of Object.entries(this.shaderInputs.modules)) { if (shaderModuleHasUniforms(module)) { const uniformBuffer = this._uniformStore.getManagedUniformBuffer(this.device, moduleName); this.bindings[`${moduleName}Uniforms`] = uniformBuffer; } } this.setNeedsRedraw('shaderInputs'); } /** Update uniform buffers from the model's shader inputs */ updateShaderInputs() { this._uniformStore.setUniforms(this.shaderInputs.getUniformValues()); this.setBindings(this.shaderInputs.getBindingValues()); // TODO - this is already tracked through buffer/texture update times? this.setNeedsRedraw('shaderInputs'); } /** * Sets bindings (textures, samplers, uniform buffers) */ setBindings(bindings) { Object.assign(this.bindings, bindings); this.setNeedsRedraw('bindings'); } /** * Updates optional transform feedback. WebGL only. */ setTransformFeedback(transformFeedback) { this.transformFeedback = transformFeedback; this.setNeedsRedraw('transformFeedback'); } /** * Sets the index buffer * @todo - how to unset it if we change geometry? */ setIndexBuffer(indexBuffer) { this.vertexArray.setIndexBuffer(indexBuffer); this.setNeedsRedraw('indexBuffer'); } /** * Sets attributes (buffers) * @note Overrides any attributes previously set with the same name */ setAttributes(buffers, options) { const disableWarnings = options?.disableWarnings ?? this.props.disableWarnings; if (buffers.indices) { log.warn(`Model:${this.id} setAttributes() - indexBuffer should be set using setIndexBuffer()`)(); } const bufferLayoutHelper = new _BufferLayoutHelper(this.bufferLayout); // Check if all buffers have a layout for (const [bufferName, buffer] of Object.entries(buffers)) { const bufferLayout = bufferLayoutHelper.getBufferLayout(bufferName); if (!bufferLayout) { if (!disableWarnings) { log.warn(`Model(${this.id}): Missing layout for buffer "${bufferName}".`)(); } continue; // eslint-disable-line no-continue } // For an interleaved attribute we may need to set multiple attributes const attributeNames = bufferLayoutHelper.getAttributeNamesForBuffer(bufferLayout); let set = false; for (const attributeName of attributeNames) { const attributeInfo = this._attributeInfos[attributeName]; if (attributeInfo) { this.vertexArray.setBuffer(attributeInfo.location, buffer); set = true; } } if (!set && !disableWarnings) { log.warn(`Model(${this.id}): Ignoring buffer "${buffer.id}" for unknown attribute "${bufferName}"`)(); } } this.setNeedsRedraw('attributes'); } /** * Sets constant attributes * @note Overrides any attributes previously set with the same name * Constant attributes are only supported in WebGL, not in WebGPU * Any attribute that is disabled in the current vertex array object * is read from the context's global constant value for that attribute location. * @param constantAttributes */ setConstantAttributes(attributes, options) { for (const [attributeName, value] of Object.entries(attributes)) { const attributeInfo = this._attributeInfos[attributeName]; if (attributeInfo) { this.vertexArray.setConstantWebGL(attributeInfo.location, value); } else if (!(options?.disableWarnings ?? this.props.disableWarnings)) { log.warn(`Model "${this.id}: Ignoring constant supplied for unknown attribute "${attributeName}"`)(); } } this.setNeedsRedraw('constants'); } // DEPRECATED METHODS /** * Sets individual uniforms * @deprecated WebGL only, use uniform buffers for portability * @param uniforms */ setUniforms(uniforms) { this.setUniformsWebGL(uniforms); } /** * Sets individual uniforms * @deprecated WebGL only, use uniform buffers for portability * @param uniforms */ setUniformsWebGL(uniforms) { if (!isObjectEmpty(uniforms)) { this.pipeline.setUniformsWebGL(uniforms); Object.assign(this.uniforms, uniforms); } this.setNeedsRedraw('uniforms'); } /** * @deprecated Updates shader module settings (which results in uniforms being set) */ updateModuleSettingsWebGL(props) { // log.warn('Model.updateModuleSettings is deprecated. Use Model.shaderInputs.setProps()')(); const { bindings, uniforms } = splitUniformsAndBindings(this._getModuleUniforms(props)); Object.assign(this.bindings, bindings); Object.assign(this.uniforms, uniforms); this.setNeedsRedraw('moduleSettings'); } // Internal methods /** Check that bindings are loaded. Returns id of first binding that is still loading. */ _areBindingsLoading() { for (const binding of Object.values(this.bindings)) { if (binding instanceof AsyncTexture && !binding.isReady) { return binding.id; } } return false; } /** Extracts texture view from loaded async textures. Returns null if any textures have not yet been loaded. */ _getBindings() { const validBindings = {}; for (const [name, binding] of Object.entries(this.bindings)) { if (binding instanceof AsyncTexture) { // Check that async textures are loaded if (binding.isReady) { validBindings[name] = binding.texture; } } else { validBindings[name] = binding; } } return validBindings; } /** Get the timestamp of the latest updated bound GPU memory resource (buffer/texture). */ _getBindingsUpdateTimestamp() { let timestamp = 0; for (const binding of Object.values(this.bindings)) { if (binding instanceof TextureView) { timestamp = Math.max(timestamp, binding.texture.updateTimestamp); } else if (binding instanceof Buffer || binding instanceof Texture) { timestamp = Math.max(timestamp, binding.updateTimestamp); } else if (binding instanceof AsyncTexture) { timestamp = binding.texture ? Math.max(timestamp, binding.texture.updateTimestamp) : // The texture will become available in the future Infinity; } else if (!(binding instanceof Sampler)) { timestamp = Math.max(timestamp, binding.buffer.updateTimestamp); } } return timestamp; } /** * Updates the optional geometry attributes * Geometry, sets several attributes, indexBuffer, and also vertex count * @note Can trigger a pipeline rebuild / pipeline cache fetch on WebGPU */ _setGeometryAttributes(gpuGeometry) { // Filter geometry attribute so that we don't issue warnings for unused attributes const attributes = { ...gpuGeometry.attributes }; for (const [attributeName] of Object.entries(attributes)) { if (!this.pipeline.shaderLayout.attributes.find(layout => layout.name === attributeName) && attributeName !== 'positions') { delete attributes[attributeName]; } } // TODO - delete previous geometry? this.vertexCount = gpuGeometry.vertexCount; this.setIndexBuffer(gpuGeometry.indices || null); this.setAttributes(gpuGeometry.attributes, { disableWarnings: true }); this.setAttributes(attributes, { disableWarnings: this.props.disableWarnings }); this.setNeedsRedraw('geometry attributes'); } /** Mark pipeline as needing update */ _setPipelineNeedsUpdate(reason) { this._pipelineNeedsUpdate ||= reason; this.setNeedsRedraw(reason); } /** Update pipeline if needed */ _updatePipeline() { if (this._pipelineNeedsUpdate) { let prevShaderVs = null; let prevShaderFs = null; if (this.pipeline) { log.log(1, `Model ${this.id}: Recreating pipeline because "${this._pipelineNeedsUpdate}".`)(); prevShaderVs = this.pipeline.vs; prevShaderFs = this.pipeline.fs; } this._pipelineNeedsUpdate = false; const vs = this.shaderFactory.createShader({ id: `${this.id}-vertex`, stage: 'vertex', source: this.source || this.vs, debugShaders: this.props.debugShaders }); let fs = null; if (this.source) { fs = vs; } else if (this.fs) { fs = this.shaderFactory.createShader({ id: `${this.id}-fragment`, stage: 'fragment', source: this.source || this.fs, debugShaders: this.props.debugShaders }); } this.pipeline = this.pipelineFactory.createRenderPipeline({ ...this.props, bufferLayout: this.bufferLayout, topology: this.topology, parameters: this.parameters, // TODO - why set bindings here when we reset them every frame? // Should we expose a BindGroup abstraction? bindings: this._getBindings(), vs, fs }); this._attributeInfos = getAttributeInfosFromLayouts(this.pipeline.shaderLayout, this.bufferLayout); if (prevShaderVs) this.shaderFactory.release(prevShaderVs); if (prevShaderFs) this.shaderFactory.release(prevShaderFs); } return this.pipeline; } /** Throttle draw call logging */ _lastLogTime = 0; _logOpen = false; _logDrawCallStart() { // IF level is 4 or higher, log every frame. const logDrawTimeout = log.level > 3 ? 0 : LOG_DRAW_TIMEOUT; if (log.level < 2 || Date.now() - this._lastLogTime < logDrawTimeout) { return; } this._lastLogTime = Date.now(); this._logOpen = true; log.group(LOG_DRAW_PRIORITY, `>>> DRAWING MODEL ${this.id}`, { collapsed: log.level <= 2 })(); } _logDrawCallEnd() { if (this._logOpen) { const shaderLayoutTable = getDebugTableForShaderLayout(this.pipeline.shaderLayout, this.id); // log.table(logLevel, attributeTable)(); // log.table(logLevel, uniformTable)(); log.table(LOG_DRAW_PRIORITY, shaderLayoutTable)(); const uniformTable = this.shaderInputs.getDebugTable(); // Add any global uniforms for (const [name, value] of Object.entries(this.uniforms)) { uniformTable[name] = { value }; } log.table(LOG_DRAW_PRIORITY, uniformTable)(); const attributeTable = this._getAttributeDebugTable(); log.table(LOG_DRAW_PRIORITY, this._attributeInfos)(); log.table(LOG_DRAW_PRIORITY, attributeTable)(); log.groupEnd(LOG_DRAW_PRIORITY)(); this._logOpen = false; } } _drawCount = 0; _logFramebuffer(renderPass) { const debugFramebuffers = this.device.props.debugFramebuffers; this._drawCount++; // Update first 3 frames and then every 60 frames if (!debugFramebuffers) { // } || (this._drawCount++ > 3 && this._drawCount % 60)) { return; } // TODO - display framebuffer output in debug window const framebuffer = renderPass.props.framebuffer; if (framebuffer) { debugFramebuffer(framebuffer, { id: framebuffer.id, minimap: true }); // log.image({logLevel: LOG_DRAW_PRIORITY, message: `${framebuffer.id} %c sup?`, image})(); } } _getAttributeDebugTable() { const table = {}; for (const [name, attributeInfo] of Object.entries(this._attributeInfos)) { const values = this.vertexArray.attributes[attributeInfo.location]; table[attributeInfo.location] = { name, type: attributeInfo.shaderType, values: values ? this._getBufferOrConstantValues(values, attributeInfo.bufferDataType) : 'null' }; } if (this.vertexArray.indexBuffer) { const { indexBuffer } = this.vertexArray; const values = indexBuffer.indexType === 'uint32' ? new Uint32Array(indexBuffer.debugData) : new Uint16Array(indexBuffer.debugData); table.indices = { name: 'indices', type: indexBuffer.indexType, values: values.toString() }; } return table; } // TODO - fix typing of luma data types _getBufferOrConstantValues(attribute, dataType) { const TypedArrayConstructor = getTypedArrayFromDataType(dataType); const typedArray = attribute instanceof Buffer ? new TypedArrayConstructor(attribute.debugData) : attribute; return typedArray.toString(); } } function shaderModuleHasUniforms(module) { return Boolean(module.uniformTypes && !isObjectEmpty(module.uniformTypes)); } // HELPERS /** Create a shadertools platform info from the Device */ export function getPlatformInfo(device) { return { type: device.type, shaderLanguage: device.info.shadingLanguage, shaderLanguageVersion: device.info.shadingLanguageVersion, gpu: device.info.gpu, // HACK - we pretend that the DeviceFeatures is a Set, it has a similar API features: device.features }; } /** Returns true if given object is empty, false otherwise. */ function isObjectEmpty(obj) { // @ts-ignore key is unused // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars for (const key in obj) { return false; } return true; } //# sourceMappingURL=model.js.map